Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 1, 1534-1535. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1886.
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'Index: G', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 1, 1534-1535, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1886), British History Online [accessed 11 February 2025].
'Index: G', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 1, 1534-1535. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1886), British History Online, accessed February 11, 2025,
"Index: G". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 5 Part 1, 1534-1535. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1886), British History Online. Web. 11 February 2025.
Gaddi (card. Thadeo), abp. of Cosenza, in Naples, 259.
Gaeta, abpc. of, 242, 408.
Gaetano Il., card. San Sixto, 81, 90, 102; v. Vio.
Gage (Sir John), vice-chancellor and privy councillor; resigns his office and takes the frock, 4.
Gairdner (James), quoted, 91, 615, 618, 625 note.
Galleys (galleons, galleaces, &c.), Genoese, under Doria, 49, 107, 113, 230, 325.
-, -, two, and some "fustecs," sack a town on the coast of Sardinia (?), 279–80.
-, Papal, 113, 231.
-, -, money for the, ready at Rome, 107, 230, 235.
-, of Naples and Sicily, 113.
-, Spanish, 482.
-, of Rhodes or Malta (Order of St. John), 271, 280.
-, French, 30 being armed (March 1534), 98.
-, -, in combination with those of Barbarossa, ibid.
-, -, not to join those of the Pope under Doria, 388, 403.
-, -, few and badly armed, 403.
-, -, not to be under Doria's command, ibid.
-, -, Spaniards serving as slaves in, 150, 391–2.
-, -, set free according to the treaty of Cambray (Sept. 1535), 548.
-, English, Henry boasts of having one built with 100 tiers of oars, 482.
-, -, of a form and shape unknown to Doria, ibid.
-, -, v. Ships.
-, Turkish, 97, 357, 361, 536.
-, Venetian, 98.
Gambara, Gambaro, card. bp. of Tortona, 52, 195, 213, 514.
Gams, 215 note.
-, -, sent to France as ambassador, 25, 132–5, 296.
-, -, servant of, indirectly in communication with Chapuys, 25.
-, -, writes a book, 530, 589.
-, -, again to France, 550, 552, 555, 589, 594.
-, -, Chapuys endeavours to ascertain the object of his mission, 561–2, 564.
-, -, -, but all in vain; Cromwell will not tell him, 587.
-, -, reports from France, 592.
-, -, supposed object of his mission, 594.
Garnese (Guernsey), island of, heavy ordnance sent to, for fear of a French attack (June 1535), 504.
Gavinana in Tuscany, v. Favignana.
Garter, Order of the, conferred on Francis, 132, 135.
-, -, on the Grand Master of France (Montmorency), 132, 135.
-, -, sent by Henry to James of Scotland, 430.
-, -, chapel of, at Windsor, 332, 453, 534, 622.
Gayaço, co.; her daughter to be married to Gian Paolo da Ceri, 450.
Geneva, in Switzerland, the people of, become Lutherans, 137.
-, bp. of, v. La Baume.
Genoa, 15, 81, 306, 341, 396–8.
-, to be attacked by the French, 113, 119, 362.
-, -, and by Barbarossa, 396, 445.
-, ambassador from, at Rome, 187.
-, French claims on, 350.
-, Imperial amb. in, v. Suarez de Figueroa.
-, advices from, 462.
-, excuses of, for not contributing to the expenses of the League, 461.
-, old rivalry of, with Venice, 461.
George, Flemish courier, 382.
Genoulhac (Mr. de), Master of the Horse to Francis I., French commissioner at Calais (May 1535), 472.
George, du. of Saxony (1500–39), a Lutheran, 19.
Geraci, marq. de, v. Ventimiglia.
German doctors, disputing in London,
-, -, will not allow the General Council to meet, 529.
-, princes; no reliance to be placed in them (writes Francis to Henry), Jan. 1534, 25.
-, lanskenets, secretly enlisted by French agents (March 1534), 99, 310, 340, 384.
-, captains and soldiers from Lubeck quitting London in haste, (1535), 520.
-, soldiers in Italy, doing incredible damage (Nov. 1535), 584.
-, people most unfavourably treated throughout France, 403.
-, worse than Turks, ibid.
-, the prisons of Paris actually crammed with them, ibid.
-, said to have agreed as to the convocation and meeting of the Council, 581.
Germany, news from, 34, 185, p. 99.
-, Henry wishing to stir the Lutheran princes and cities of, against the Pope, 3, 99.
-, -, sends a mission thither for the purpose, which Chapuys qualifies as quite unfit (Jan. 1534), 29.
-, -, some Imp. cities of, though their inhabitants have embraced Lutheranism, offer to help Ferdinand against the landgrave of Hesse, 183.
-, money sent by Henry and Francis to, 346.
-, enlistment of troops for the French in, to be prevented, 350.
-, Imp. cities of, 353.
-, French intrigues in, 390–1, 478.
-, prince electors and free cities of, 372, 391, 498, 555.
-, Henry's ambassadors to, v. Fox, Heath.
Gervaise (Dr.), French ambassador to Germany (1534–5), 353.
Gervasio, v. Gervaise.
Ghelders, Gheldres (Gueldres), duchy of, the restoration of the, to its legitimate owner, to be taken into consideration by the diet of Augsburg, 6.
-, -, and to be made the apparent base of negotiations in Jan. 1535; 368, 370, 396.
-, du. of, v. Egmont (Charles).
Gherardi (Luigi) at Constantinople, letter to, from pope Clement, 7.
Ghinucci (Girolamo), auditor of the Papal Chamber, bp. of Worcester, and card., 93, 213, 215, 260, 382, 472–3.
-, appointed cardinal by Paul III., 475, 493.
-, -, Henry displeased at it, 493.
Giberti (Giovan Matheo), bp. of Verona, to be promoted to the cardinalate by Clement VII., 195.
-, -, arrives at Rome (Sept. 1534), 212, 266.
Gioachino (Giovan), da Passano, lord of Vaux, Francis' man, a Genoese by birth; retires to Venice, 98, 121.
-, -, marries the sister of Domenico Sauli, 98.
-, -, in London, on a secret mission of Francis, 470.
Giron (D. Pedro), co. de Ureña; summoned to deliver the castle of Peñafiel in Castille to D. Maurique de Lara, 495.
Godescalco, Godescalcus, Godeskalk (Eric); sent by Charles on a mission to Ireland and Scotland (1534).
-, -, residing in Ireland since June 1534; 128–9, 204–5, 613–14.
-, -, leaves for Scotland, 295, 311–3, 339, 392.
-, -, his letters taken from him at the English frontier (Jan. 1535), 355.
-, -, embarks for Flanders, 355.
-, -, returns to Spain (Jan. 1535), 374.
Golden Fleece, Order of the, 151.
-, -, sent by Charles to James of Scotland, 430.
-, -, Henry, out of revenge, will not wear the badge of the, 339.
Goleta (La), or fort of Tunis, invested, 497.
-, taken by storm (14 July 1535), 523, 526, 531, 533, 537, 615.
-, said to have been retaken by Barbarossa, 564.
Gomez (Ruy), on a message from the Emp. to the Empress (June 1535), 494.
-, -, has audience of Henry at Hampton Court (Feb.), 411.
-, -, leaves England (5 March), 413.
-, -, returns to France, 417–18, 428, 438.
Gonzaga' (Frederigo), du. of Mantua (1519–40), 98, 113, 306, 385.
-, (Giulia), widow of Vespasiano Colonna, 98.
-, (Hercole), card. of Mantua, brother of the preceding, 81, 102, 480.
-, -, at Rome, to promote the affair of Montferrato, 262.
-, (Hernando), brother of the du. of Mantua (Frederico), in command of a division of the Imp. army in Italy, (1534), 232.
Gonzalez Davila (Gil), ecclesiastical historian, quoted, 615.
Goodrich (Dr. Thomas), bp. of Ely (Apr. 1534), 170, 232 note, 457.
Gorrevod (Ludovic), card. bp. of Maurienne (1499–1535), 137.
Goscarke-Etricq, v. Godskalke.
Grain, corn, &c., the Scots ask to be allowed to import, as the harvest has been bad (1534), 296.
Gramont (Charles de), bp. of Conserans in Gascony, 625.
-, (?), baron de, 551, 625.
-, (Gabriel de), bp. of Tarbes (1524–9), of Bordeaux (1529), card. (1530), (d. 1534), 505, 521, 624.
-, (Guillaume de), bp. of Aux (1529–30), 625.
-, (Philibert de), co. of Guiche, 625.
Gramont de la Guiche, family in Basse Navarre, 625.
Grammont, v. Gramont.
-, de Bourgognc, French family, 625.
Granada, abp. of, v. Davalos.
Granado (Granaro?), arrested at Genoa (Feb. 1534), 77.
Grandvelle, Granvelle (Antoine), letter to, from Chapuys, 115.
-, (Nicolas), sieur de, 296, 322, 432–3; v. also Perrenin and Perrenot.
Grasse, bp. of, v. Grimaldo.
Grassi (Giovan Pietro), bp. of Viterbo (1533–8), 318 note.
-, -, edicts announcing Henry's excommunication fixed at, 49.
-, -, an attack to be made on the side of, 363, 411.
-, -, report of an attack on, by the English, proves false, 606–7.
Greece, the inhabitants of, refuse to pay taxes to the Grand Turk, 460, 481.
-, might easily be conquered, 461, 492.
-, afraid of the Imp. fleet, 516.
-, invaded, 536.
Greenwich, the Court at, 96, 128, 300, 302, 329, 429, 454, 537, 595–6.
Grey (Henry) marq. of Dorset (Thomas), 13, 65, 279.
-, (lord Leonard), brother of the marq. of Dorset, brings Fitzgerald to London, 543, 552, 625–6, Int. xiv.
-, -, sent back to Ireland with 400 hackbutiers, 563.
-, (Thomas), marq. of Dorset; to be sent in command of a force against the rebels of Ireland, 432.
Grimaldi (Ottaviano de), 78.
Grimaldo (Agostino), Genoese banker, 496.
-, (Gasparo), 16, 496.
Grimano (card. Marino), 343.
Gritti (Aloys or Luigi), 121.
-, -, death of, reported, 240, 261, 269, 272–3, 276, 278, 292.
-, -, -, confirmed, 276, 333, 335, 347.
-, -, his two sons, 273.
-, (Andrea), doge of Venice, 6.
-, -, his two sons at Constantinople, 7, 26, 45, 271, 274, 276, 461.
-, -, (Georgio), 275–6, 278.
-, -, (Lorenzo), 277.
Guasco (Ottaviano), bp. of Alessandria della Paglia (1534), 105, 184.
Gueldres, du. and duchy of, v. Ghelders.
Guicciardini, discourse on Roman affairs, 250.
-, -, arrives in London (May 1534), 173.
-, -, comes alone, though expected to have in his company two or three gentlemen of higher rank, 173.
-, -, brings Francis' resolution about the Calais interview, 173.
-, -, leaves next day, 174.
-, -, in England again (?), 302 note, 625.
Guilford (Sir Anthony), grand squire of Henry, in communication with Chapuys, 344, 618.
Guillaume co., v. Furstenberg? and Bavaria.
-, -, corregidor of, 495.
Guise, Mr. de (Claude de Lorraine, du. de), 394, 539.
-, -, duchess of, v. Bourbon (Antoinette de).
-, -, English gunners to leave (Feb. 1534), 59.
-, -, the fortifications of, to be carefully inspected (July 1535), 511.
-, -, capn. lieut. governor of, v. Sandes.
Gurk (Mathew) card. abp. of Saltzburg, expected at Rome for the Papal election (1534), 257, 264, 268, 276, 288, 293.
Gustavus Vasa, k. of Sweden (1523–60), 279, 528, 540.
-, -, fleet of, captures several English merchantmen returning from Dantzig (Sept. 1535), 541.
Guyche, v. Guiche.
Guyenne (Guienne), ancient prov. of France, 479, 576, 598.
-, -, on a mission to Lucca (1534), 265, 270, 340.
-, (Lope de), 139.
-, (Tello de), Sylva's sec. at Rome, 136, 139, 147, 180, 318, 327, 341, 372, 499.
-, -, instructions to, 116.