Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 6 Part 1, 1538-1542. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1890.
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'Index: G', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 6 Part 1, 1538-1542, ed. Pascual de Gayangos( London, 1890), British History Online [accessed 9 September 2024].
'Index: G', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 6 Part 1, 1538-1542. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos( London, 1890), British History Online, accessed September 9, 2024,
"Index: G". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 6 Part 1, 1538-1542. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos(London, 1890), , British History Online. Web. 9 September 2024.
Gacino, cap.; news of Barbarossa (Jan. 1540), 222.
Gaddi, card.; his pension on Naples stopped, 13.
-, his property sequestered, 251.
-, -, orders sent to Naples for its release, ibid.
Gaeta, in Naples, 138.
-, abp. of, v. Lunel.
Gachard (Mons.), quoted, 527.
Galapago, a term of fortification, 230 n.
Galeon, that of the Emp., sailing from Genoa to Messina (Aug. 1538), 14.
Galeota, name generally given to a large Turkish galley, 228, 230 n., 245, 279.
Galeote, a galley-slave, 171.
Galicia, kingdom of, in Spain; Portugese vessels wrecked on the coast of, 293.
Gallego (Juan, Master Joan), purveyor to the Imp. fleet (1538–41); his interview with Barbarossa, 211, 221,229, 234–5.
-, appointed governor of San Salvador, 235.
Galleys, English. K. Henry sending to Italy for experienced shipwrights to build (July 1541), 342–3.
-, -, -, on a model of which he himself is the inventor, 343.
-, French, under St. Brancars, 91.
-, -, four that took q. M. to Scotland getting ready to proceed to the Levant (Sept. 1538), 14.
-, Genoese, 89, 372, 414.
-, Imperial, 215, 245, 276, 377, 425.
-, -, report of the Council on the, 89.
-, one sailing for Carthagena with the Emp.'s jewels, 373.
-, of Naples, 372.
-, Papal, in bad order and scantily provided, 14, 89, 137, 291.
-, Sicilian, under Gonzaga, 88, 414.
-, Turkish, 162, 279, 355.
-, -, eighteen fustees infesting the coast of Puglia (Aug. 1541), 527.
-, -, 80 under Barbarossa sailing for Negroponte (Nov. 1541), 404.
-, -, -, believed to be bound for Algiers (Nov. 1541), 396.
-, Venetian, 171.
Gallipoli, strait of, 230.
-, a strong tower to be erected by Barbarossa at the point called Our Lady of, ibid.
Gamage (Margaret), wife of lord William Howard, 412, 484.
-, sent to the Tower as implicated in Catharine Howard's case, 412.
Gambara (Prothonotary Uberto di), bp. of Tortona and card., 207, 228, Add. and Cor. 536.
Gams (Pius Boniface), his Series episcoporum, &c., quoted, 140 n., 175 n., 419 n., Add. and Cor. 550.
Gand (Ghent), 279, 449.
Gandavi, Latin name of Ghent, q. v.
-, lets. dated from, 137.
Gandia, du. of, v. Borja.
Gante, v. Ghent.
Garauce (grain), the exportation of, from the Low Countries to be forbidden, 325.
Garard, Garrard, Dr., v. Garret.
Garaud, Garraud, v. Carew (Sir Nicholas).
Gardiner (Stephen), bp. of Winchester, amb. to France, 12 n., 295, 297.
-, -, to the Emp. in Flanders (Jan. 1541), 304, 507–8, 492, 494.
-, -, returns (Oct. 1541), 368.
-, is well received by k. Henry, 376.
-, -, in the Privy Council, 393–4, 410, 444.
-, his house in town, 384.
-, the first, according to, to propose the above alliance, 498.
-, his conference with Granvelle, 491–3.
Garret (Dr. Thomas), theologian, executed (June 1541), 542.
Garter, Order of the, conferred by Henry on four English noblemen, 324.
Gascons, French infantry mostly composed of, 381.
Gascony, a merchant from, Marillac's familiar friend, assures Chapuys that the interview of Henry and Francis at Calais is a settled thing (Dec. 1541), 435.
Gasto, marquis del., v. Davalos d'Aquino and Vasto.
-, his mission to Venice, 137, 205, 217.
-, -, to go thither with Hannebault, 205.
Gaul, Gallia, or ancient France, 440.
-, Gellimard (Guillaume de), sieur de Chasteauneuf, admiral Brion-Chabot's sec.; v. Chasteauneuf.
Gendarmerie, Gendarmes, men-at-arms, French, a body of, under the command of Marshall Hannebault, sent to Piedmont (Aug. 1541), 345.
Genealogies Historiques, quoted, 529.
Geneste (Margaret), Int. xx.
Geneva, in Switzerland, 204, 355, 376.
-, bp. of., v. La Baume.
Gennes, v. Genoa.
Gennevra, Ginebra, v. Geneva.
Genoa, the Signory or Republic of, 525.
-, Imp. amb. to, v. Suarez de Figueroa.
-, city of, 1, 100, 112, 116, 197, 204, 355, 369, 418, 423, 482.
-, the Emp.'s departure from (July 1538), 34, 36, 46.
-, to be included in the treaty of Aigues-Mortes, 100.
-, to enjoy all the privileges of the truce, ibid.
-, the Emp.'s interview with the Pope at, alluded, 143.
-, Doria expected at, with his galleys (Dec. 1541), 414.
-, news from, sent by the Imp. agent, v. Suarez de Figueroa.
-, great precautions to be taken about, considering that the French insist upon taking possession of it, 524–525.
-, advices from (June 1539), 69.
Genoese. All safe-conducts and trade licenses granted to the, revoked in France owing to the excessive price of silk, 100.
-, very sorry at the failure of the Algiers expedition, 423.
-, fickle and inconstant, 525.
-, sending ambs. to k. Francis (Jan. 1542), who grants them pensions, 167.
-, some, the late Fragoso's relatives and friends, apply to k. Francis for permission to trade freely with France (Nov. 1541), 381.
-, -, if granted (they say), possession of Genoa may easily be obtained by some of the gates or towers in the walls, ibid.
-, -, their petition granted, ibid.
George, the Hungarian friar, 419.
Georgians, join the Persians and Tartars against the Turk, 9.
Germany, 17, 36, 157, 209, 371, 385, 389.
-, k. Francis' ministers in, having done little or no good with the Separatists, 159.
-, affairs of, discussed at Rome and in Spain between the Emp. and card. Farnese, 141, 168.
-, the Catholic league of, to be helped with money, 186.
-, 50,000 duc. to be sent to, by the Pope, ibid.
-, -, bills to that amount said to have been deposited at Fuggers' bank in Augsburg, 209.
-, a rumour afloat that k. Francis is trying to procure bills on, for a sum of 600,000 duc., 280.
-, -, no foundation whatever for it (writes Granvelle from Rome, Oct. 1540), ibid.
-, the Emp.'s purpose to visit (Nov. 1540), 293.
-, the protectorate of, at Rome to be conferred on card. Farnese (Sept. 1541), 364.
-, a force to be raised in, against the Turk (1541,371.
-, diets in, 402, 404, v. under Francfort, Regensberg, Spires, and Worms.
-, state of politics in (1542), 416.
-, news from, 420.
-, French intrigues in, 421.
-, card, protector of, at Rome, v. Manrique (Francisco).
-, doctors in Divinity from; eight come to London to attend the meetings of Parliament (April 1539), 13, 150.
-, -, said to be chiefly from Saxony and Lubeck, 151.
-, -, -, and to bare publicly preached their Lutheran doctrines in German, 13.
-, lanskennets of; thousands of, recruited by Francis in, 427.
-, -, the Emp. making levies of, in, 523.
-, -, the Emp. going to Italy at the head of 8,000 of them, 345.
-, -, levies of, in Sept. 1541, said to be intended exclusively for the defence of Christendom against the Turk, 523.
-, prelates of; proposed reformation of the, 389, 399.
-, -, will attend a General Council out of their own country, 389.
-, -, the Pope is sure of their coming to Italy for that purpose, 398.
-, -, -, whilst the princes and electors will not, 36, 103, 393.
-, -, -, which opinion Granvelle does not share; neither the Catholics, nor the Lutherans will have the Council out of, 398.
-, -, to be induced to pay two-thirds of the expenses of the Catholic League, so that the Pope may only contribute with a sixth, 403.
-, prince electors of; French gentleman en a mission to the prince electors of, suspected of having worked against the Emp.'s interests, 102–3.
-, -, -, and of being in treaty with co. Wilhelm von Fustenberg and other German noblemen, 180.
-, -, convoked for the diet of Spires, 400.
-, -, k, Francis' intrigues with the, 460, 480.
-, Paul's legates and Nuncios in, 516–8.
Ghelders (Geldern, Gueldres), duchy of, 74–5, Int. ii.
-, the du. of Clèves takes possession of the, 18, 62, 105.
-, -, though it belongs to the Empire, 35.
-, Eng. ambs. at Brussels depart for (March 1539), 126, 130.
-, league for the defence of, against the Emp., 276.
-, the du. of Lorraine's pretensions to part of the, 333.
-, cession of, to k. Francis, ibid.
-, du. of, v. Egmond.
Ghent, in Belgium; in Latin "Gandavi," 579.
-, the castle of, to be fortified in haste (July 1540), 243.
-, Granvelle's departure from (Oct. 1540), 279.
-, a fresh revolt against the Emp. much feared, 449.
-, -, suppressed by force, 515, Int. ix.
-, the Emp.'s manifesto and sentence against the people of (30 April 1540), 254.
Ghinucci (Girolamo), bp. of Worcester and card. (1539), 144.
Giberti (Gian or Giovan Matheo), bp. of Verona, 280, 286.
-, his appointment to the Diet of Worms revoked, 280.
Gibraltar, damage done by the Turks at (1540), 279, 291.
Gie, Giez (Mr. de), of Francis' chamber; amb. at Rome (1539), to explain to the Pope the motives of the Emp.'s journey to Belgium through France, 203.
-, -, as well as the result of the negociations about the League, 206.
Gilberte, Giliberte (Commander Gilbert?) succeeds Andalot in the office of lord chamberlain to Margaret, 304.
-, death of (Nov. 1541), 385.
Gioachino (Giovan), a Genoese; his ciphered lets. from Venice intercepted, 138; v. Jocquin.
Giocchi (Giovan Maria), card., afterwards Pope, 550; v. Julius III.
Giron (Commander), inspector (veedor), to the Spanish fleet, 113, 116, 118, 131, 140, 153, 276.
-, (D. Juan Tellez), fourth co. de Ureña, 271–2.
-, (D. Pedro), third co. de Ureña (d. 1531), ibid.
Girona (Gironda r.), 145.
Girondo (La), riv. and dop. in France; cord. Pole's arrival at, 145.
Giusticia, capitano di, chief magistrate in Milan, 337, 424.
-, -,-, in Siena, 416.
Glasgow; four French galleys take the q. of Scotland to, 14.
Glastonbury, in Somersetshire, abbot of, v. Whiting (Richard).
Goderfinguer (Joachim), of Nürenberg, agent of the Palatine Philip, arrives in London (April 1541), 324, 424.
Gold from New Spain, 110.
Golden Fleece, Order of the, 515.
Goleta (La), near Tunis, menaced, 167, 175, 221, 251, 275.
-, gov. of, v. Tobar.
Gomez (Alvar), naval commander; re-called, 275–6.
Gonzaga (Ferrant, Ferrante, Fernando), co. de Guastalla; du. de Molfetta; viceroy of Sicily, 13, 37, 87, 89, 90, 140, 170, 173, 209–11, 216–7, 221, 230, 234, 274–5, 291,293, 414.
-, (Francesco I.), fourth marq. of Mantua (1484–1519), 13 n.
-, (Francesco III.), du. of Mantua (1540–50), 514 n.
-, -, marries Catharine, daughter of the k. of the Romans (1549), ibid.
-, (Frederico, Frederigo), marq. and first du. of Mantua (d. 1540), 87 n., 401.
-, (Guglielmo), du. of Mantua (1550–88), 514 n.
-, (Luigi), 13 n., 530.
-, -, lets. to the Emp., 5, 6,.
-, (another), co. de Rethel; du. of Nevers (d. 1595), 13 n.
-, (Hercole or Ercole), abp. of Mantua, brother of du. Frederic, 401.
-, canon in Venice, offers his services to the Emp. (Feb. 1539), 119.
Gracia (Doña), wife of sec. Idiaquez, 267.
Gramont, Grammont (Antoine de), bp. of Tarbes, (1534 9), French amb. in England till April 1538, 37 n.
Granada, Inquisition of, 241.
-, abpric. of, pension on the, 543.
Grand Seigneur (le), title first given to Solyman, the Turk, by the French, 295.
Grandvelle, Grantvelle, Granvelle (Mr. de), the Emp.'s Privy Seal (Guardasellos), v. Perrenot (Nicolas).
Gratia, Port of (Hâvre de Grace), in Normandy, 254.
Gravelinges (Gravelines), in Flanders, 136–7.
Greece, the begler-bey of, at Sophia (July 3, 1539), 167.
-, -, to sail with 4 sangiacs, or regiments, for Castilnovo, ibid.
Green Turbans or caps, the Khan or prince of the, v. Tatars.
Greenwich, the Court at, 16, 39, 314, 331, 346, 379, 396, 420–1, 429–31, 497, Int. xii-iii.
Gregory XIV., Pope (1590–1), 551; v. Sfondrato (Nicolao).
Grey (Elizabeth), viscountess of Lisle, Add. and Cor. 468, 552, Int. xiii.
-, -, another (Christina?), dau. of Thomas, V. marq. of Dorset, and wife of lord Audeley, 334.
-, (Henry), the young marq. of Dorset, in the Privy Council, 19.
-, (Sir Leonard), executed (June 1541), 334.
Grignan, co. de, v. Adhemar de Monteil (Louis).
Grimaldo (Amaldo), banking house in Rome and Genoa, 144, 168.
Grimano (Marco), commander of the Papal galleys, 107.
Griñan, v. Grignan.
Gritti (Andrea), doge of Venice, 38, 117,120.
-, (Lorenzo), bastard son of Andrea the Doge, obtains permission from Doge Lando to go to Constantinople for the purpose of recovering the property left by his two brothers (Feb. 1539), 117.
-, -, -, or, as publicly said in Venice, to avoid criminal prosecution, owing to his own wife having been found hung in a room of his palace, ibid.
-, -, -, whilst others maintain that he is going thither to treat of peace with the Turk, 117, 120.
-, -, -, the fact denied by the Venetian amb. in Rome, 120.
-, -, his journey to Constantinople considered by Aguilar a further proof of Venice being in treaty with the Turk, 138, 140, 145, 162, 166–7.
-, -, he himself owning that he has at last concluded peace between Solyman and the Venetians, 145, 162, 166–7, 172, 176, 178, 180.
-, (Giorgio), 117.
-, (Luigi), son of Andrea, the Doge, ibid.
Gröenland, island of the Arctic regions, 326.
Grotta (Nostra Signora della), in Sicily, 231.
Guastalla, co. de, v. Gonzaga (Ferrante).
Guast, Guasto, marq. del, v. under Vasto and Davalos d'Aquino.
Guennebet, 464; v. Kennebet and Knyvet.
Guerra (D. Pedro de la), 276,278–9; v. Cueva.
Guiche (Claude de la), bp. of Agde, in France; French amb. to Portugal, sent on a mission to k. Joaõ III., to promote the marriage of the du. of Orleans to the Infanta of Portugal (Dec. 1541), 433 n.
Guidichon (Guidiccione), Bartholomeo, Vicar of Rome (1539), made cardinal, 207, Add and Cor. 536.
Guienne, duchy of, in France, claimed by k. Henry, 441.
Guiennes, Guyenes, a corruption for Guisnes or Guînes, q. v.
Guignones (Dez), v. Quiñones.
Guillaume, Milort, v. Howard (Lord William).
Guînes, v. under Guisnes.
Guipusque (Guipuzcoa), one of the Basque provinces of Spain, 366.
-, gov. of, ordered to prepare against an attack of the French, 278.
-, the inhabitants of Biscay and, apply to Prince Philip, the Emp.'s son, for the revalidation of their ordinances in matters of navigation and trade (Sept. 1541), 386.
Guise (Mr. de), v. Lorraine (Claude de).
-, du. de, v. Lorraine (Claude de).
-, (Jean de), v. Lorraine (card. Jean de).
-, (Marie de), dau. of the du. Claude and q. of Scotland, Int. xxv.
Guisnes, county of, in Picardy; account books of, Int. xix.
-, Guînes ou Guignes (dep. Pas de Calais), 135.
-, -, some dispute likely to arise between the English garrison of, and that of Ardres, 323, 407.
-, -, Span, despatches for Chapuys forwarded by way of, and the Low Countries, 480–1.
-, -, gov. of, v. Camberlen and Sandys.
-, -, the towns and castles of Flanders bordering on, and Calais fortified by the Emp.'s order, 407.
Gurk (Mathew), abp. of Saltzburg; death of, recorded, 243.
Gustav Vasa, k. of Sweden (1523–60); his agreement with the du. of Holstein, 435–6.
Guzman (Da. Juana), of the house of Medina-Sidonia, 270.
-, (Da. Mariana), her dau., 271.
Guzman (D. Pedro de), first co. de Olivares, 272.
-, "El Bueno" (D. Juan de), tenth du. de Medina-Sidonia, 272.