Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 6 Part 2, 1542-1543. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1895.
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'Index: B', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 6 Part 2, 1542-1543, ed. Pascual de Gayangos( London, 1895), British History Online [accessed 24 January 2025].
'Index: B', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 6 Part 2, 1542-1543. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos( London, 1895), British History Online, accessed January 24, 2025,
"Index: B". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 6 Part 2, 1542-1543. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos(London, 1895), , British History Online. Web. 24 January 2025.
Baçan, Bazan (D. Alvaro), naval commander, Spanish admiral, 475.
-, -, defeats the French fleet on the coast of Galicia (July 1543), 463, 473, 520.
-, (D. Alvaro II.), marq. de Santa Cruz, son of the preceding; adm. of the Western Ocean, 463 n.
-, v. also under Bazan.
Balears, Balearic, Islands in the Mediterranean to be fortified and provisioned against Barbarossa (Jan. 1543), 381.
-, D. Bernaldino de Mendoza to return to the, 38.
Balnavis of Halthil, Scotch amb. in London, 50, 86.
Bankers, English, in London, 460.
-, -, the Staple of Calais, 445, 475.
-, Florentine, v. Guicciardini.
-, Genoese, Imp. jewels pawned to certain, 313–4, 581.
-, German, v. Augsburg, Welzers.
Bapaulme, Bappaulme, Bapaume, town of France (dep. Pas de Calais), Imp. gov. of, 175, 537.
-, besieged by the French (June 1543), 394.
-, siege of, raised (June 1543), 406, 419.
-, -, with the loss of 600 men and two or three captains, ibid.
Bapoma, v. Bapaulme.
Baptosard, Milanese physician in London, v. Guerche.
Bar, town of France (dep. Meuse), v. Bar-le-Duc.
-, du. of, v. Lorraine (François de).
Barbaroja the Corsair, v. Barbarossa.
Barbarossa (Babá Aróx), the Turkish corsair, 352, 381–383, 552.
-, the fleet of, sailing for the coast of Barbary, 196.
-, orders of the Emp. to Prince Doria to guard the Mediterranean coast against, 381, 385.
-, -, his tactics well known to Doria, 385.
-, -, should, sail for La Goleta, Bugia, or any other port of Africa or Spain to take in water and provisions, he is to be attacked forthwith, 386.
-, the Dauphin of France (Henri) going to Aigues-Mortes to visit, 463.
-, sailing for the Levant (1 Aug.), ibid.
-, -, two days after reported to be before Nizza, 464.
-, at Marseilles with part of his fleet (July 1543), 463.
-, -, sails thence for Toulon and Aigues-Mortes, where he takes up 22 pieces of siege ordnance sent to him from Narbonne, ibid.
-, lands at Nizza, and helps in vain the French to take its citadel, 497, Add. and Cor. 599.
-, hearing of the approach of Doria by sea, and Gasto by land, raises the siege and sails away, 497.
-, highly discontented with the French, who, he says, have deceived him, ibid.
-, ordered by Solyman not to attack the dominions of k. Francis (June 1543), 557.
-, capt. pilot of, in negociation with Mendoza, the Imp. amb. at Venice, 196.
Barbary, coast of, 196.
-, Barbarossa's fleet sailing for the, (Jan. 1543), 552.
Barbastro in Aragon (Spain), the bp. of London (Bonner) going from, to Monçon (Sept. 1542), 135.
-, the Emp.'s Court at, 135–6.
Barcelona, cap. town of Catalonia (Spain), 91 n., 131, 136 n., 237, 251, 309, 382, 386 n., 389 n., 437, 549, 577, 583, Int. xvi.
-, Doria's Genoese galleys to sail at once for (Feb. 1543), 262.
-, the Emp. quitting, and sailing for Genoa (May 1543), 251 n., 354, 365 n., 375, 583, Int. xlix.
-, counts of, Roussillon and Cerdagne belonging once to the, 191 n.
-, lets. dat. from, 76, 129.
-, -, received at, 251.
Barker (Sir Christopher), alias "Jarretière," herald of the Order, of the Garter, 336, 340, 387, 389, 399, 415, Int. xvii, xxxix.
-, to Calais for the purpose of taking a challenge to k. Francis (May 1543), 336 n., 366.
-, not allowed by the French gov. of Boulogne to proceed on his mission, 414–5.
-, Chapuys' advice concerning his charge and that of Fallaix, the Imp. herald, 389
Bar-le-Duc, town of Lorraine, du. of, v. Lorraine.
-, (sur Seine), town of Champagne (France, dep. Aube), 412.
Barley, 4,000 quarters of, for brewing beer, already stored in England for the expedition against France (May 1543), 354.
Barpaumes, Baupaumes, in the Artois v. Bapaulme.
Basque provinces of Spain, 115, 202, 262, 398, 481, 499, 502.
-, a number of, or Navarrese soldiers serving under Henri d'Albret, 56.
Basto, v. Vasto, Gasto.
Bavaria, duchy and electorate of, in S. Germany, 332.
-, (Frederick of), du., elector palatine of, his nephew Philip said to be his heir in the palatinate, 355.
-, (Otto Henrich), nephew of the preceding, ibid.
-, (Philip of), brother of Frederick, arrives in London (April 1543), 332, 355.
-, -, offers his services and renews his application for the hand of the Princess, 332.
-, -, k. Henry and his Privy Council very much astonished at his coming to England, ibid.
-, -, -, and at his having remained so long in London without asking for an audience, ibid.
-, -, well received at Court nevertheless, as well as a count he has in his company, ibid.
-, -, pretends to have a promise from the Lutheran League that upon the death of the Palatine Elector he will be preferred to the du. Frederick, ibid.
-, -, leaves England in disgust (June 4, 1543), 368.
-, -, not to be employed as an intermediary between the Emp. and the du. of Clevès.
Bave (Joyes, Joos), sec. in Flanders, 116 n., 353.
Baxpaume, town of Artois, v. Bapaulme.
Bayard, Bayart (Gilles de), k. Francis' sec. (1542–3), 63.
-, lets. countersigned by, 28.
Bayona (Bayonne), in France, hackbutiers and other French soldiers from the garrison of, taken prisoners by D. Alvaro de Bazan en the coast of Galicia.
Bazan (D. Alvaro de), Span, admiral, v. Baçan.
-, (D. Alvaro II.), marq. de Santacruz, 363 n.
Beaugenoy, town of France (dep. Loiret), 372.
-, capt. of (1543), Antibes (?)
Beaunne (Beaune) in Burgundy, 372.
-, gov. of, v. Unfe (sieur de).
Beaurain, sieur de, co. de Rœulx, v. Croy (Adrien de).
Beauvois, in Flanders, the Emp.'s advance upon (Oct. 1543), 504.
Belgians, a victory over the English and, in Flanders (wrote the du. of Orleans to the Landgraf of Hesse) would be less satisfactory to him than his proffered assistance to the du. of Clèves, if he should ask for it (Sept. 1543), 491.
Bellay (Guillaume du), sieur de Langey, 12 n.
-, (Jean du), abp. of Paris, and card., 12 n., 286.
-, (Martin du), sieur de St. Martin, in command of a body of cavalry in Picardy, 286.
-, -, gov. of Turin, in Piedmont, 1516–58.
Belzers, the, bankers of Augsburgh, v. Welzers.
Benarax, Benarex (Beni Arásh), African tribe, 552–3.
Bergenroth (Gustav), his collection of papers from Simancas (1516–58), quoted, 256 n., 341 n., 397 n.
-, his Span. Calendar for the reign of Henry VIII., Int. xlvi n., xlix n.
-, quoted 78 n., 91 n., 337 n., 341 n., 414 n., 530, 537, 553, 577 n.
Berghe (Berg), duchy of, the du. of Clèves trying to incorporate the — to his own (Oct.–Nov., 1538), 62.
Bermeo, a port of Biscay, bp. Thirlby landing at (Aug. 1542), 115.
Bermolis (sieur de), capt. of 50 men-at arms (1543), 374; v. Bernay (?), Verneuil.
Bernal-Diaz, bp. of Calahorra, v. Diaz de Luco.
Bernay (sieur de), capt. of 50 men-at-arms (1543), 374.
Berteaulx (?), bay of, in Brittany, 368.
Berwick castle (Northumberland), 220–2, 228.
-, Lord Dudley at, v. under Dudley (Sir John), and Lisle.
Beton, Betoun (David), abp. of St. Andrews, and card., 222, 231, 239, 242, 291, 332, 543.
-, a thorough Frenchman, and the cause of all the troubles in Scotland (Sept. 1542), 130–1.
-, -, has persuaded k. James to declare war to England, ibid.
-, Pope Paul solicits k. Francis to help him and his party in Scotland, ibid.
-, no one in Scotland likely to thwart Henry's plans, except, 228.
-, -, who is all-powerful, and has hitherto governed that kingdom with great prudence, ibid.
-, -, introducing reforms into the civil and military administration, ibid.
-, ordered raids across the Borders, and captured English vessels at sea, ibid.
-, and gov. Arran order that the sons, brothers, and other relatives of the Scotch prisoners at Solway Moss be arrested and confined to prison (Jan. 1543), 228.
-, -, suspecting that either through disloyalty or treason they allowed themselves to be defeated by an inferior force, ibid.
-, -, that being the principal reason (said the Ro. deputies to Chapuys) of the K. insisting so much on the Ecclesiastical State being particularly named in the art. of the defence, ibid.
-, the French ship in which — returned to Scotland from France, captured at sea by the English, 235.
-, imprisoned at Blackness, 242, 291.
-, -, on the charge of being in intelligence with M. de Guise and the French, 242.
-, the earl of Arran his sworn enemy, 231.
-, -, causes of that enmity, 231–2.
-, confined to prison by order of Arran (Jan.-Feb. 1543), 242–3, 308.
-, -, on the charge of having forged the late K.'s will, and appropriated money coming from France, 279.
-, -, besides having suggested to k. James to put to death upwards of 250 Scotch noblemen suspected of Lutheranism, ibid.
-, Pope Paul's indignation on hearing of the abp.'s imprisonment, 291.
-, liberated from prison (April 1543), 332, 334.
-, trying in vain to communicate with Sir Ralph Saddler, and exculpating himself from the charge of opposing k. Henry's views with regard to Scotland, ibid.
-, rep. of his having formally abandoned French alliance, and embraced k. Henry's party in Scotland (Aug. 1543), 456.
-, -, the Queen herself (Mary of Guise) having done the same, ibid.
-, -, and of his having approved of and ratified the treaty made by the Scotch ambs. in England (Aug. 1543), 459.
-, -, -, though many think the contrary of that (writes Chapuys), ibid.
-, again at the head of the ecclesiastical party in Scotland, 521.
-, finds the means of depriving Arran of the government, and placing it into the hands of the K.'s widow, and into his own (Nov. 1543), 521.
-, retires and crosses over to France (Oct. 1543), 516.
-, said again to be in league with the earl of Arran (Dec. 1543), 543.
Bevres (Beveren?), town of E. Flanders (sieur de), admiral of the Low Countries, v. Bourgogne (Adolph or Maximilian de).
Biez, Byez, Mons. de, v. Oudard de Biez.
Bilbao, town of the Basque provinces, seaport of Spain, 502.
Binche, Bins (Bink), a small and insignificant town in Hainaut, incapable of defence, the French unable to take (July 1543), 456.
-, the Emp. quitting, for Mons (Oct. 1543), 504.
-, let. dat. from, 230, 236, 242.
Biscay (Viscaya), in Spain, the coast of, 115, 202, 262, 398, 481.
-, 3,000 Spaniards from, to march to the defence of Hainaut, invaded by the French, 432.
-, hackbuttiers from, to be sent to Britanny, 371.
-, -, to the Low Countries, 398.
Bishops, English, newly created by Henry VIII., said to have encouraged Anne Boleyn in her excesses by persuading her that there was no need of confession, 121.
-, Irish, 64.
-, Spanish, complain of injuries done to them by the Holy See, 474.
Blackness castle (Linlithgow, Scotland), card. Beton a prisoner in, 245.
Blanc Sablons, on the coast of Britanny, 368.
Blanche Rose, surname of Richard de la Pole, v. Pole.
Blaye (Blaie), town of France (dep. Gironde), 372.
-, gov. of (1543), v. Archiac.
Boabdil, v. Abú Abdillah.
Bodicel, Boduel, co., v. Bothwell (earl of).
Bohemia, 52.
-, k. of, v. Ferdinand.
Bois le Due, in Brabant, v. Hertzogen Busch.
Boissy (—), capt. of Grantville (1543), 372; v. Gouffier de Boissy (?).
Boleyn (Anne), alluded to, 459.
-, she and all her race most abominable and rank Lutherans, 107.
-, dau. of, v. Elizabeth.
Bollonés, v. Boullonais, Boulognais.
Bologna, city and legation of, N. Italy, 212, 266, 275, 400.
-, interview of Clement VII. and the Emp. Charles at, alluded, 400.
-, Pope Paul going to (Feb. 1543), 259.
-, -, asks the Emp. and k. Francis to meet him at, 400.
-, -, -, which invitation the Emp. declines, ibid.
Bolonia, v. Bologna.
Bondicel, Boudicel, co., v. Bothwell.
Boner, Bonner (Edmund), bp. of London, English amb. to the Emp. in Spain 40, 108–11, 135, 160, 163, 306, 401, 578.
-, and Sir Henry Knyvet, his colleague, discuss with Granvelle the preliminaries of the treaty of alliance (May 1542), 1–7.
-, the bp. of Westminster sent to Spain with the draft of the treaty, 37, 39.
-, -, and to assist in obtaining the Emp.'s ratification, 40, 43, 45–6.
-, and Thirlby discuss with Granvelle the Emp.'s principal objections, though without result (Aug. 1543), 92–109.
-, goes from Barbastro to Monçon in Aragon (Sept. 1542), 135.
-, has again audience from the Emp., and speaks of Pope Paul in disparaging terms, 136.
-, said to be sporting four leagues from Madrid, and taking no notice whatever of, or alluding to, the discussion on the treaty going on in London (Jan. 1543), 237–8.
-, witnesses the signature and ratification of the treaty by the Emp. (April 1543), 306–7.
-, guilty of indiscretion at the Emp.'s court, as Henry's privy councillors own (Feb. 1543), 247.
-, -, all desiring his recall from Spain, and willing to do their best to accomplish it, ibid.
-, tells Granvelle (April 1542), that k. Henry is quite ready and willing at any time, when requested, to invade France, 309.
-, -, if so (writes the Emp. to Chapuys), the K. must be requested to enter France by the Calais frontier, ibid.
-, writes home that the Emp. showed little satisfaction at the conclusion of the treaty when the intelligence reached him, and delayed the ratification of it eight or nine days, 385.
-, -, at which all Henry's privy councillors were so much displeased that his separation was resolved upon, ibid.
-, -, would be recalled as soon as the Emp. approached Flanders, 386.
-, -, follows the Emp. thither, 506–8.
-, at Avesnes with Sir Francis Briant (Oct. 1543), 507.
-, recalled (Nov. 1543), 524.
-, to be succeeded by the dean of Canterbury, 525.
-, his chancellor sent to prison for asserting Papal authority in public, 539.
Bonvalot (François), abbot of St. Vincent, in Besançon, brother-in-law of Granvelle, Imp. amb. to France (1540), alluded to, 16 n., 578.
-, (Etiennette), his sister, married to St. Maurice, 578.
-, (Nichole), sister of the preceding wife of Granvelle, ibid.
Books, heretical, printed at Antwerp by Eng. emigrants, to be afterwards introduced and circulated in England, 252.
-, application made to q. Mary of Hungary, ibid.
Bordeaux (Bourdeaux), town of France (dep. Gironde), k. Henry said to have right to the possession of (March 1543), 274.
-, the Emp.'s reputation standing very high there, as in the whole of Guienne, ibid.
-, should the English invade Brit, or Guienne, the Imp. fleet might help and promote a revolution in, ibid.
-, Eng. ships laden with wine from, captured by French and Scotch cruisers on the coast of Brittany, 233.
-, k. Henry has a right to, 274.
-, abp. of, v. Granmont.
Borges, Borgez, v. Bourges.
-, the tower of, 144.
-, -, chancellor Poyet a prisoner in the (1542), ibid.
Borja, family of Valencia, Paul considering himself under obligation to the, 210.
-, (Gaspar Lopez de), bp. of Segorbie (1531–51), to be created cardinal Jan. 1543), 210.
Boscho, II, a place close to Milan, 538.
Bossa (Bussetto?), in the duchy of Parma, N. Italy, the conferences at, between the Papal deputies and the Emp.'s ministers (1543), 558.
-, -, said to have been cordial, ibid.
Bossu (Mr. le co. de), the Emp.'s Master of the Horse, 397; v. Hennon.
Bossut (Nicholas de), sieur de Longueval, v. Longueval.
Bothwell (Patrick, earl of), 223 n., 243, 279.
-, banished from Scotland in 1540, on suspicion of Lutheranism, 223.
-, -, having resided all that time in France or Italy, ibid.
-, arrives in London from the Continent (13 Jan. 1543), ibid.
-, is well received by the K., and will ere long go to Scotland and join the English party there, ibid.
Bougins (Guillaume), his vessel stopped at Flushing (Dec. 1543), 526, 593.
Boullogne, v. Boulogne "sur Mer."
-, in Italy, v. Bologna.
Boulonais, Bouillonois, Boulonois, or the district of Boulogne-sur-Mer, in the pro. of Picardy (France), 344.
-, Du Rœulx' proposition that the, should be laid waste by the allies (May 1543), 352, 358.
-, to be again invaded by Du Rœulx in case of the French penetrating further into the Artois, 407, 455.
Boulogne sur Mer (dept. Pas de Calais, France), 21, 36, 38, 276, 296, 302, 352, 387, 414, 435, 470.
-, demanded by Henry as security for the payment of the French pension to England, 410.
Bourbon (Antoine de), du. de Vendôme, threatening Flanders, 51–2, 56–7, 76, 78, 80, 87, 90, 91 n.
-, -, invades the Artois, 76, 78, 80, 87.
-, -, rumours of his retreat (Sept. 1542), 123, 125, 127.
-, -, at Montreuil with considerable forces (May 1543), 355.
-, -, the Eng. and Du Rœulx about to attack him in Picardy, should he wait for them (Aug. 1543), 455.
-, (Charles de), Constable of France, alluded to, 579.
-, (François de), co. de St. Pol,
-, (François de), co. d'Enghien, commauder of the French fleet (1543), 590.
-, -, takes possession of thertown of Nizza, but cannot take its citadel, 590.
-, -, -, on the arrival of the Imperialists is obliged to abandon it, ibid.
Bourgbourg (Bourbourg) in French Flanders (dep. Nord), 220.
-, interview of Walloc and Du Rœulx at (March 1543), 280.
-, Flemish gov. of, to assist the Eng. of Calais and Guînes (Aug. 1543), 470.
Bourges, town of France (dep. Cher), 114.
-, chancellor Poyet confined in the tower of (1542), ibid.
Bourgogne (Burgundy), county of, v. Franc-Comté.
-, duchy of, v. Burgundy.
-, (Adolphe de), sieur de Bèvres, admiral of the Low Countries, 503 n., 509, Int. xv.
-, ship of, manned by Scotch sailors, detained by Eng. privateers, 254.
-, -, k. Henry, however, promising that after close examination she will be released, and her crew set at liberty, 255.
-, his advice as to the order and rules to be mutually observed at sea by the Eng. and Imp. admirals, 295.
-, in command of the Imp. fleet of the Low Countries (April 1543), 312.
-, ready to sail for Dover or the Downs according to k. Henry's advice, ibid.
-, expected back in Brussels in a day or two, 323.
-, -, will then report on the code of regulations to be observed by the two combined fleets, the Eng. and the Imp., ibid.
Boursault (sieur de), rapt, of 50 men-at-arms, gov. of Montfort in the French Roussillon (1542), 374.
Boutiers (Boutières?), lieutenant-gov. of Piedmont during the absence of marshal d'Annebaut, 374.
Boysy, v. Boissy.
Brabant, duchy of, 289, 353.
-, invaded by Longueval and Van Rossen, 90.
-, -, by the du. of Clèves himself (May 1543), 253, 321, 430.
-, the "sollieux" or custom-houses of, 289.
-, bad reception of the French in (July 1543), 437.
-, chancellor of, v. Schora.
Bradford (Revd. William), his "Itinerary of Charles V." quoted, 76n., 111n., 169n., 237n., 251n., 359n., 437n., 500n., 524n., 580n., 583n., 587n.
Brandenburg (Joachim), marq. and elector of, 317.
-, pays his contribution in money towards the expenses of the war against the Turk (April 1543), 317.
Brandon (Charles), du. of Suffolk, recruiting men for the expedition against Scotland (Sept. 1542), 137.
-, leaves London for the Borders together with the du. of Norfolk, (31 Dec. 1543), 222.
-, wastes Scotland without resistance, but is obliged to retreat owing to bad weather, and to the roads becoming impassable for the artillery, 220.
Bray (sur Somme), town of France, in Picardy (dep. Somme), the Emp. claiming a right on, and other towns of Picardy, 50.
-, -, which rights k. Henry should wish to have in exchange for his own in Guienne and Gascony, ibid.
Breduck (Bredook) to be guarded against an attack of the French, 491–2.
Bremen, in S. Germany, 248, 315.
Brennau, v. Bremen (?), 346, 348.
Bresse (La), ancient district of Burgundy, afterwards incorporated with France (dep. Ain).
-, gov. of (1543), v. Montreuil (co. de).
Brest, cap. town of Bretagne, 369, 370.
-, the abbey of, 368.
-, gov. of (1543), v. Brion-Chabot (Philippe de).
Bretagne (La), in France, duchy of, 233, 271, 274, 284, 287, 591.
-, rising in (Aug. 1542), 114.
-, Lartigue's rep. on the strong places in, 370, 393.
-, inhabitants or people of, v. Bretons.
-, duchy of, La Basse or Lower, 369.
-, (Anne de), second wife of Louis XII., k. of France, 369.
Bretons (Les) or people of Bretagne, ripe for revolt, for fear of their incorporation with the Crown of France (Aug. 1542), 114, 284.
-, or owing to their being over-taxed. 114.
-, -, chancellor Poyet's imprisonment having something to do with it, as Chapuys suspects, ibid.
-, their military regulations, and number of men-at-arms they can raise, 369.
-, not accustomed to bear arras out of their own country, ibid.
-, in case of an expedition to the N. coast of France, ought Jo be employed as pilots, 371.
Briant (Sir Francis), knight and gentleman of the K.'s chamber, vice-admiral of England, amb. to the Imp. Court. On a mission to the Emp. (Oct. 1543), 494, 498, 507–9, 514, 523, 528.
-, the Privy Council's let. and instructions to, 251.
-, witnesses at Valenciennes the du. of Lorraine's conference with the Emp., 523.
-, recalled (Nov. 1543), 524.
Brinon (Jean), sieur de Vilaine d'Humières, chancellor of the duchy of Alençon in France, French amb. to the Diet of Spires, 12, 12 n.
-, said to have talked too long and much out of purpose at the Diet, ibid.
Brion, town of France (sieur de), v. Chabot.
-, Chabot (Philippe de), Charny et Buzauçais, admiral of France, gov. of Burgundy, 9 n., 39, 47–55, 579.
-, -, makes overtures of peace (June 1542), 17.
-, -, leaves Court on pretence of ill-health and retires to his estates, 201.
-, -, let. to amb. Marillac, 22.
-, -, let. to, from chancellor Poyet (Aug. 1542), 39.
-, -, sec. of, v. Gellimard (Guillaume).
Bristol, seaport of England, 60, 134, 138, 578.
-, Fallaix to, to embark for Spain, 134.
-, -, under the protection of the Eng. fleet, ibid.
Britanny (La Bretagne), German lanskennets of Francis in, ordered to go to the frontiers of Flanders (March 1543), 287.
-, the people of, v. Bretons.
-, L'Artigue's plan for the invasion of France by (1543), 368.
Brixen, in the Tyrol, the Emp. at (July 1543), 403 n.
Brosse (Jean de), co. of Pontivy, 373 n.
Brouge (Brouage), town of France (dep. Charente Inférieure), 370 n.
Brown (Sir Anthony), Grand Squire, Master of the Horse to k. Henry, privy councillor, 386 n., 492.
Brunswick, duchy of, in N. Germany, 53.
-, affairs of (April 1543), 317.
-, -, part taken by the Protestant Princes in the, and their excuses to the Emp., ibid.
-, du. of, v. Henrich IV.
Brussels (Bruxelles), 1 n., 149, 177 n., 329, 401–2, 419, 527, 577, 588–9.
-, lets. dated from, 12, 16, 29, 72, 121, 136, 266–9, Int. i
-, Emp. Charles at (Dec. 1543), 527.
Bryand, Bryant (Sir Francis), v. Briant.
Bucentaur, the Venetian States' galley, k. Henry's large ship of war like the, being built, 122.
Buçençois, v. Buzançais.
-, co. de, v. Brion-Chabot (Philippe de).
Bucer (Martin), German reformer, at the Diet of Worms (1521), 197.
-, at Ratisbon (1541), ibid.
-, more favour shown to, and to Melanchton, by the Emp.'s ministers at those two Diets than to the Catholics themselves (said Paul to the bp. of Aquila in Jan. 1543), ibid.
Buda, in Hungary, four thousand Turkish cavalry sallying out of, defeated (June–July 1542), 65.
-, and Pest, should the Turks get again possession of, the Emp.'s patrimonial dominions would be placed in great danger (June 1543), 363.
Bugantson, v. Beaugency.
Bugia, in N.E. Africa, threatened by Barbarossa, 381.
-, to be placed in a state of defence and well provisioned, 385.
Bulls, Papal, of excommunication of k. Henry (Jan. 1536), 25.
-, quite ready when q. Katherine died (1536), 67.
-, and indulgences for Lenten, 448.
-, and breves for the sale of property belonging to the Military Orders of Spain, 574–5.
-, of the vassals of the Church, belonging to monasteries and convents, ibid.
-, for the conversion and instruction of the Valencian Moriscoes, 574.
Buren, co. of, v. Egmont.
Burghe (Edw.), first husband of Katherine Parr, 447 n.
Burgos, capital of Old Castille, 7 n.
-, lets. dated from, 10.
Burgundy (Bourgogne), the duchy of, 12, 273, 287.
-, archives of, at Brussels, 577.
-, k. Francis said to have intelligences in (March 1543), 287.
-, the neutrality of, a serious obstacle to the invasion of France by the allies on that bide of the frontier, 299.
-, ecclesiastical affairs of, and Flanders, at Rome, 571.
-, q. Mary's agent for, v. Antwerp (dean of).
-, gov. of, v. Brion-Chabot.
Busançois, v. Buzançais.
Bussetto in the duchy of Parma (N. Italy), conference of Papal deputies and Imp. mins. held at, 560.
-, interview of Pope Paul and the Emp. at (June 1543), 587–8.
Buzançais, town of France (dep. Indre), co. de, v. Brion-Chabot.
Byez (Mr. de), v. Biez and Oudard de Biez.