Venice: December 1604

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 10, 1603-1607. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1900.

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'Venice: December 1604', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 10, 1603-1607, ed. Horatio F Brown (London, 1900), British History Online [accessed 10 February 2025].

'Venice: December 1604', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 10, 1603-1607. Edited by Horatio F Brown (London, 1900), British History Online, accessed February 10, 2025,

"Venice: December 1604". Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 10, 1603-1607. Ed. Horatio F Brown (London, 1900), British History Online. Web. 10 February 2025.

December 1604

Dec. 1.Minutes of the Council of Ten. Venetian Archives. 299. That for important public reasons Anthony Sherley (Sciarles), Englishman, be summoned to appear to-morrow morning before our Tribunal, and that he be solemnly enjoined to leave our City within two days, and our dominions within four, under pain of death, never to return.
This resolution to be communicated to the Rectors in Padua, to our Ambassadors in Rome, the Imperial Court, France, Spain, and England; to the Savii of the Collegio; to the Rectors of
Vicenza. Candia.
Verona. Zante.
Brescia. Cephalonia.
Bergamo. Corfu.
Crema. Zara.
Treviso. Governors in Dalmatia.
Udine. Governor of Palma.
Ayes 15.
Noes 0.
Neutrals 0.
Dec. 1. Original Despatch, Venatian Archives. 300. Nicolo Molin, Venetian Ambassador in England, to the Doge and Senate.
About three months ago some English merchants wished to complain to Council of the treatment of an English ship—on board which was the Secretary to the English Ambassador in Constantinople—by a Venetian ship. I asked for full information, but they either could not or would not give it me. The matter remained in abeyance; but ten or twelve days ago some of the crew of the ship arrived in England and laid full information. This resulted in a petition to Council. They say that they fell in with the galleys of Venice and, according to custom, they shortened sail and sent the Captain on board. The Commander of the galleys enquired who they were; they replied “English for Constantinople.” He said he did not believe a word, for he knew very well that all the English were pirates; and that he must see the ship's books and the letters from the King of England to the Grand Signor. He sent to tell the master to come on board. Answer was returned that Englishmen were not accustomed to leave their ship for so slight a cause. Then the Commander of the galleys lost his temper and gave orders to engage. The English were not panic-stricken, though they were one against nine galleys, but they fought valiantly for a long while, and slew a number of the Venetians, and stove in the stern of the Commander's galley. He sent back the men and the boat and sheered off. These English boast that a vessel of only two hundred and fifty tons had the pluck to engage nine galleys and to beat them off. The English now claim damages; and besides the petition to Council they have moved the King. He asked if they had spoken to me; they said “no.” The King told them to do so or to leave a memorandum with him, and he would speak to me, I have heard nothing more, but expect the Council to address me on the matter shortly. I am not fully advised by your Serenity how the matter really stands.
London, the first of December, 1604.
Dec. 1. Original Despatch, Venetian Archives. 301. Nicolo Molin, Venetian Ambassador in England, to the Doge and Senate.
The Duke of Holstein (fn. 1) arrived in London last Monday week, the 22nd of November. He went straight to Court, and after a few words of compliment he said, “Sire, your Majesty has committed a great mistake in concluding peace with Spain, and you will soon find it out” He said much the same to the Queen, his sister. He is a young Prince of twenty-four without much knowledge of the world, who speaks and acts with great freedom. The Ambassadors have been to visit him; he ignored all etiquette, and did not even accompany them a single step; for this reason or because of his remarks to the King, the Spanish Ambassador informed the Duke that he must consider the visit as the visit not of his Catholic Majesty's representative but of a private gentleman. The Duke was rather surprised, but when the Ambassador was taking his leave, he said in French, “I should be delighted to please you if I could;” the Spanish Ambassador, who knows very little French, supposed that the Duke had offered his services to the King, and replied, “I will not fail to inform my master of your Highness' good will and desire to serve him,” but the Duke broke in, “I never said that; I have no intention of serving your master.”
The King has settled at last to send the High Admiral as his Ambassador to Spain to receive the oath to the treaty of peace. The Earl of Arundel, one of the greatest nobles, for wealth and birth, will accompany him, along with many other peers, for they intend that this Embassy shall be in no way inferior to the Embassy of the Constable. But the presents will be nowhere near as rich. A lieger is to accompany the Extraordinary Embassy, but he is not named yet. He is to leave in February.
During the last few days papers have been found fixed up in various places; they contained attacks upon the King. The Mayor took one of these to his Majesty. They accuse the King of attending to nothing but his pleasures, especially to the chase, and of leaving all government entirely in the hands of his ministers, as though he had come to the throne for nothing else than to go a-hunting; warning him, too, that unless he changes he will bring himself and the kingdom as well down to the ground. The King flew into a passion, and ordered the Mayor to use all diligence to arrest the culprits; he declared that he was ready to spend fifty thousand crowns for the purpose; but there are no results as yet. As the King came to this Crown by inheritance he desires to extinguish the names “English” and “Scottish,” and that all should be called “Britons.” The French Ambassador is of opinion that the treaty which ran between his master and the “King of Scots” would thereby be annulled. This was M. de Rosny's view as well. This alliance was offensive and defensive, only if France went to war she was to pay the troops furnished by Scotland, if Scotland went to war France was to pay the troops she furnished. This condition was agreed to on account of the Scottish King's poverty; but now that he has succeeded to a rich and flourishing kingdom the French Ambassador wishes the alliance to be renewed on an absolute equality of terms. The King, who is not very willing to renew the alliance, because the Spanish are almost sure to hear of it and to grow suspicious, is glad that innovations on the old treaty are suggested, as this will give him a pretext for withdrawing from the promises made to M. de Rosny.
The Dutch pursue all shipping that touches the coast of Flanders, without any regard as to whether it be French, Spanish or English. Recently they seized two Englishmen with cargoes of cloth to the value of fifty and sixty thousand crowns. The owners cry out, and have petitioned the Council, hut get nothing save words and promises that when the Dutch Commissioners come the question will be raised, and advice that, meantime, they had better abandon the trade to Flanders.
London, the first of December, 1604.
[Italian; the part in italics deciphered.]
Dec. 4. Original Despatch, Venetian Archives. 302. Maffio Michiel, Governor in Zante, to the Doge and Senate.
Three days ago the berton “Moresini,” which sailed from here on the 19th November, returned to this port. She had been plundered by a pirate just outside the channel. I am the largest sufferer, for these robbers have ruined or stolen the greater part of my household goods and those of my Chancellor and officer. As it was the end of my time of service we had put most of our personal effects on board, thinking that the “Moresini” was a good, sound, well-armed ship. But unluckily she fell in with these assassins. The master, as he was on board the pirate during the plundering, cannot give ocular testimony, but the passengers assure me that the larger number of the pirates are English, and that they fell on my goods like mad dogs, though they left the other merchandize of value alone. What they did not want, such as majolica and earthenware, they broke to bits in glee and also some boxes belonging to my family; but the greatest proof of their cruelty is that they killed some doves that my womenfolk were sending home for their particular delight. The birds were kept in a cage over the ship's side, and the pirates killed them all and threw them into the sea. This they did, I take it, to wreak vengeance on me for having hung a Captain and three English sailors. I do not complain, for I am ready to lay down my own and my children's life in service of your Serenity.
Zante, 4th December, 1604. O.S.
Enclosed in preceding Despatch. 303. Deposition of Marco, son of Zuanne of Venice, master of the berton “Moresini;” called the “Santa Maria.”
We sailed on the 19th November. When off Prevesa a pirate bore down on us. I challenged her and the answer came in English, which I don't understand. Then as they still came on our English Captain cried, “I am Captain Abraham Las,” and immediately the whole crew of the pirate uncovered. We exchanged salutes, and then the master of the corsair came alongside in a skiff, and with him the Captain, some soldiers and sailors. We made them welcome; and after eating and drinking they all went back to their own ship except the Captain. With them went two of our crew, Englishmen, the gunner and a sailor. After a bit we saw them haul in their boat; and I took it for a bad sign. I hailed them to come and fetch their Captain and to send back our two men. They answered that in getting the boat aboard they had stove her in; and asked me to send ours. I consulted with the Captain, and expressed doubts as to our safety. He assured me that it was all right, and that he knew his countrymen. I, seeing that we could not anyway withstand them, as they had twenty-eight guns and a hundred men, resolved to go in person. This I did next morning; the corsair cruising round us all night. I took some of my crew with me, though they were very unwilling, and an English passenger called Rimondo went with me, and my supercargo, also English. No sooner were we on board than they all began to chatter together, and presently commenced to put on their swords. Then about thirty of them got into the boat and came aboard this ship. I was taken below to a cabin, where they gave me food. When night came I saw the boat come back from our ships full of things, which they had taken, after breaking open all the boxes and trunks, though their chief officer made us understand that if any of us saw anything belonging to himself he was to point it out, and it would be restored; and under cover of this they did give back a few things, but most they hid away. A question then arose among them. Some wanted to carry off the ship, others to give her back to us. They came to blows, and one badly wounded. Our English Captain came on board and succeeded in pacifying them, and he succeeded in obtaining our ship for us. We were all sent back, and the pirate went off. I found the whole ship pillaged. The Englishman was about four hundred tons. The crew were all young and beardless, and among them were four or five Captains; one was called Bully (Pule).
Dec. 8. Collegio, Secrete. Esposizioni Principe. Venetian Archives. 304. The English Ambassador renews his petition in favour of English merchants and of Antonio Dotto. Justifies his master's action as regards peace with Spain. Defends himself from a rumour that Italians had attended service in his house; says the rumour may have been spread by some of his own household; promises to maintain such quiet and order in his house as are due to the Republic.
The King instructed his Ambassador at Constantinople to maintain perfect accord with the Ambassador in Venice and to take his policy from him. The Ambassador in Venice offers his services at Constantinople. Doge replied that the questions of the English merchants and of Antonio Dotto were under discussion. As to the peace the actions of great Kings are always criticised. “Feriunt altos fulmina montes.” He is sure that the Ambassador will not admit to service in his house any but his own suite. Thanks for offers about Constantinople.
The Ambassador again asks that the young Scotchman's (Seget) case be tried at once.
Dec.9. Consiglio Dieci. Processi Crim. Venetian Archives. 305. Motion that sentence be pronounced on Thomaso Segetto, a Scot.
Ayes 12.
Noes 3.
Sentence moved that he be banished.
Ayes 5.
Sentence that he be imprisoned for three years, and then banished.
Ayes 10.
Dec. 15. Original Despatch, Venetian Archives. 306. Nicolo Molin, Venetian Ambassador in England, to the Doge and Senate.
I have lately seen Cecil. He told me that the Council had instructed Secretary Harpur (Harput) to come to me and to complain of the treatment which an English vessel had suffered at the hands of the Venetians; as the case touched the honour of the King and of the kingdom. I said “I knew nothing about it except what I heard here, and I could not believe that. If anything has happened it will be found to be due to the fault of the English Captain.”
The Levant merchants are in doubt what to do. They have lost the revenue of the customs on currants, out of which they used to maintain the Ambassador at Constantinople and the Consuls in the Levant. The Chamberlain draws the revenue now. Some of the members have come to terms with those to whom Cecil has sublet the customs. His gain is six thousand pounds; some have rented the new import on currants from the Chamberlain, at a profit to him of two thousand pounds. The company will soon be dissolved.
London, 15th December, 1604.
Dec. 16. Original Despatch, Venetian Archives. 307. Nicolo Molin, Venetian Ambassador in England, to the Doge and Senate.
The Commissioners for the Union have finally, though after great difficulties, settled all the important points. In substance their decision is as follows:
The abolition of all laws and statutes indicative of hostility between the two countries.
The King and his ministers are to discover before February next some method of arranging all the border claims for damages inflicted since 1597. If they do not succeed the Parliaments of both countries are to assume the duty, so that not merely hostile legislation but all memory of hostile acts may be wiped out.
Free traffic and trade between the kingdoms; free and equal contracts; free hiring of ships. Only wool not made up (messe in opera) and hides shall not be exported from England to Scotland; animals and linen not made up shall not be exported from Scotland to England. All subjects born in either kingdom after the death of Elizabeth (the “postnati”) shall without distinction be equally eligible for honours, dignities, offices, benefices, equally capable of holding lands or succeeding thereto. The same shall hold good for all born before the Queen's death, except in case of Court or judicial appointments or seats in Parliament; this, however, without injury to the royal prerogative.
Steps to be taken to secure that the criminals of one kingdom do not escape by flying to the other; for the judicatures of both kingdoms shall remain separate.
These are the terms agreed on, but some of the Commissioners are unwilling to sign. When the King heard this he resolved to come to London yesterday evening to carry through the subscribing of the articles. These will be submitted to the English and the Scottish Parliaments.
The Queen was to have gone to Greenwich, but put off her journey, and probably will not go now. She is with child. She would not admit it till a few days ago. Her doctors advise her to go to Greenwich, as there is smallpox at Court, and a very favourite maid-of-honour is ill with it; her Majesty cannot refrain from visiting her, so great is their love, and the doctors fear she may contract the disease.
News arrived yesterday that the Spanish in the West Indies have captured two English vessels. They cut off the hands, feet, noses and ears of the crews and smeared them with honey and tied them to trees to be tortured by flies and other beasts. The Spanish here plead that they were pirates, not merchants, and did not know of the peace. But the barbarity makes people here cry out.
M. de Caron is at Middleburg, waiting to cross. He comes alone. The Spanish Ambassador thereupon went to the King, and urged him to insist upon the presence of the Dutch Commissioners, otherwise his reputation would suffer. The King said he did not see it in that. light, and that four months sooner or later was of no great moment. When the Commissioners do come the King says that in fulfilment of his obligations he will propose the peace with Spain; but that he would never force it on them, nor indeed be at pains to persuade them to it, an answer which disgusted the Spanish Ambassador. He is losing hope of accomplishing the peace through the King of England. Troops pass over to Holland every day; among others the third son of Cecil's brother. (fn. 2)
London, 16th December, 1604.
[Italian; the part in italics deciphered.]
Dec. 21. Original Despatch, Venetian Archives. 308. Anzolo Badoer, Venetian Ambassador in France, to the Doge and Senate.
In the case of the Marquise de Verneuil, it is thought that the Englishman will be put to death.
Paris, 21st December, 1604.
Dec. 23. Callegio Secreta. Esposizioni Principe. Venetian Archives. 309. The English Ambassador again recommends the Paduan Dotto. He presents a letter written by a younger Antonio Dotto, declaring that the King of England and the Ambassador must be in ignorance or they would never protect the elder Dotto. Ambassador complains of this letter.
Doge replies that the crimes are so enormous that they must refuse. Crimes read out. Ambassador says he will drop the matter.
He then read a note in favour of Roland Coymort of London, master of the ship “Lucky Elizabeth” (Elisabeth felice), which he sold to Gerome Grimani for five thousand ducats, to be paid four thousand in cash and one thousand in purple broad cloth (panni otto parvonazzi), as appears from the deed of sale. The ship was consigned to Grimani, who, however, keeps on delaying payment.
Doge, replied that of course Grimani must pay, and that he would be called to-morrow morning to the Cabinet and urged to do so.
The Ambassador said that he thought Grimani failed to pay because others had failed to pay him.
He then opened another memorandum:—The petition of Captain John Pontois, master of the ship the “Marita,” for payment of freights, which have been seized by the Five Savii alla Mercantia, on the petition of Angelo and Giovanni Battista Zaguri, who declare that she had stolen a cargo which ought to have come on board the Zaguri's ship at Tripoli in Syria.
The Doge suggested sending for the Savii alla Mercantia to hear how the matter stood. The Ambassador took leave.
As the Ambassador had carried off the letter written from Padua, I, the Secretary, was sent after him to ask for it; he gave it me, and said he did not intend to trouble himself because the Dotto affair had taken a bad turn for the present as nondum abreviata est manus domini.
Dec. 24. Original Despatch, Venetian Archives. 310. Francesco Priuli and Simon Contarini, Venetian Ambassadors in Spain, to the Doge and Senate.
On the 11th of this month the Constable of Castille arrived from England. He has been very well received. The Marquis Spinola arrived the day following.
Valladolid, 24th December, 1604.
Dec. 28. Original Despatch, Venetian Archives. 311. Maffio Michiel, Governor in Zante, to the Doge and Senate.
I enclose the depositions of the crew of a ship which was wrecked on Strivali. They with another ship of sixteen banks in consort with three Neapolitan bertoni captured an English ship which had been committing piracy for the last seven years.
Zante, 28th December, 1604. O.S.
Dec. 29. Original Despatch, Venetian Archives. 312. Nicolo Molin, Venetian Ambassador in England, to the Doge and Senate.
No sooner had the King arrived in London than the articles of Union were subscribed by the Commissioners, and his Majesty returned at once to the country. He came back to London on Saturday, and will not leave again till the middle of February. Meantime the Ambassadors appointed to various courts are getting ready The Duke of Lennox goes to France; he will leave in three or four days. Baron (?) (Sulz) and Sir Thomas Edmondes (Edmont), Clerk of the Council, who has served in France, will leave for Flanders in the middle of January; the first as Ambassador Extraordinary to receive the oath of the Archdukes; the second will stay on as lieger. The High Admiral will leave for in at the end of February, and a lieger will accompany him, though he is not named yet. The King has given the Admiral ten thousand pounds and a post (fn. 3) held by Sir Walter Rayleigh, one of the conspirators who was condemned to death last year, but pardoned. The Admiral sold his grant for one hundred thousand crowns. He wishes this Embassy to appear in Spain with all splendour. They are preparing magnificent caparisons, wrought in gold and pearls for twelve mules; six of these will be given to the King and six to the Queen.
The owners of that ship which the Dutch recently seized have made such a row that the King and Council have resolved to write to Count Maurice. It is believed that everything will be restored to the rightful owners. The Council have, however, issued a warning that all who trade with Flanders for the future do so at their own risk. For until the Commissioners arrive, which will be in February, as M. de Caron, who returned four days ago declares, they wish to do nothing to hamper the States.
Here they are preparing to keep Christmas (Crisme) with great solemnity and an unwonted splendour. The Queen's brother, the Duke of Holstein, is here. Her Majesty is preparing a masque, (fn. 4) which will cost twenty-five thousand crowns. At Court they are studying how the Ambassadors can be present at the festival. But as the King declines to make any decision as to precedence between France and Spain, it is held certain that no Ambassador will be invited, and if anyone is curious to see the sight he must go privately. When the festivities are over, which will be about Candlemass, the Queen will retire to Greenwich, nor will she leave it till her confinement.
The Bishop of London has recently taken possession of the Archbishopric of Canterbury, with the usual ceremonies. He is Primate of England, and they say he will be made Primate of Great Britain, but that would offend the Scottish, so the subject is postponed.
His Majesty has given orders that seventy of the most learned subjects of this Crown, in imitation of the Septuagint, are to be chosen to revise the Scriptures, both in the Vulgate and the English Bibles, which are suspected to be full of error. Many are already named, and the matter is being pressed forward. The whole subject gives rise to various remarks, for it is generally held to be the suggestion of some devilish spirit for the sowing of fresh discord in the Church and among the Christian flock.
M. de Caron had an audience of his Majesty, and excused his masters for not having sent Commissioners. The reason alleged was the necessity they were in for raising money at once to meet next year's war. He promised that they would without fail be here in February or March.
The King replied that he willingly accepted their excuses, and was quite satisfied that they should give precedence to their more important business; but he added that he would also suggest a peace with Spain. De Caron answered that the Dutch would always listen to all his Majesty might be pleased to say, but that in his judgment success would be difficult if not impossible unless Spain would recognise the complete and absolute independence of Holland. To this the King made no reply.
M. de Caron has gained in reputation. When the Commissioners arrive he will be raised to the rank of Ambassador; his salary is 1,600 crowns larger, and so he now receives 400 a month. (fn. 5)
London, 29th December, 1604.
[Italian; the part in italics deciphered.]
Dec. 30. Original Despatch, Venetian Archives. 313. Nicolo Molin, Venetian Ambassador in England, to the Doge and Senate.
As I informed your Serenity, the King published an order against all Puritan ministers, who within the space of two months should not make submission to their Ordinary. If they declined they were to be deprived of their benefices, and expelled as disturbers of public peace. The limit of two months is now passed, and a few days ago two hundred Puritans and more went to his Majesty at Royston, begging him not to put in execution his order against their ministers, (fn. 6) for all were resolved to lose livings, country, life itself in defence of their creed. If the Edict were carried out the petitioners would be left without a ministry. These ideas were set forth in terms partly supplicatory, partly minatory. His Majesty took it to be almost an act of rebellion. He, however, made use of friendly words in reply, and told them to send some of their number to the Council, whom he would instruct to give them honest satisfaction. The orders he did give to the Council were that when the petitioners appeared they or the principal among them were to be arrested. This was done, and on examination it was found that this is sedition with roots spreading far wider than was supposed. The number of Puritans is great, and the sect includes some distinguished persons. The King and Council are very anxious, for his Majesty neither can nor ought to tolerate the presence in his kingdom of a number of persons, who refuse to recognise authority, be it spiritual or temporal. This has brought his Majesty in haste to London, otherwise he would have stayed in the country. Meantime they are doing all they can to discover the leaders of the sedition; and every day some one is arrested. The King is afraid lest they should appeal to Parliament, which is to meet in February, and numbers many Puritans and members bold enough to maintain that the King cannot reasonably veto legislation, and that if he does they will cut off supplies. The King is afraid lest if the leaders of the party appealed to Parliament on this incident something troublesome might turn up, and so he has resolved to prorogue the session till May, in order to have time to deal with Nonconformist members, and to secure that they shall do nothing in favour of their sect. If he does not succeed in this he will summon Parliament only to dissolve it, and thus avoid the possibility of some act which would give encouragement to this cursed sect; for he is convinced that such an issue would be injurious to the nation and even more injurious to himself.
The Ambassador of the Archdukes, who will be a son of President Eichardot, is expected here; some say as Ambassador Extraordinary till d'Aremberg's son-in-law shall arrive. Any way there is a rumour that the Archduke has opinions concerning Flanders very different from those of Spain, and that he finds he must keep his own Envoy at this Court to look after his interests; all the more so as rumour is rife that there will be a match between the Prince of Wales and the Infanta, who will bring the Low Countries as her dower. Although I am informed that the Spanish Ambassador has not broached the subject yet to his Majesty, it is none he less true that he is not displeased at the currency given to the report; he even cunningly encourages it. The rumour has reached the ears of the Archduke, who naturally is annoyed at any suggestion of touching the Provinces during his lifetime.
A large quantity of powder is being exported to Italy, for the use of the Grand Duke. I have forwarded the sample of saltpetre.
London, 30th December, 1604.
[Italian; the part in italics deciphered.]
Dec. 30. Minutes of the Senate, Venetian Archives. 314. Motion that the English Ambassador be invited to attend before the Cabinet (Collgio); and that the following be read to him: My Lord Ambassador, although the ordinary Courts of Justice would certainly have disposed of the case pending between Captain Roland Caitmort of London and our Geronimo Grimani, son of the late Giacomo Grimani, about the sale of Captain Roland's ship; none the less, to satisfy your Lordship, we have assumed the case to ourselves and given such orders as will secure the prompt payment of Captain Roland. In the case of the Englishman Pontois against the Zaguri for freight we have given orders for the expeditious settlement of the suit.
As long as the English pay the customs they shall receive all good treatment from us.
As to the other four points, they affect the whole question of commerce. If England will place our subjects upon the same footing as themselves we will enter on a discussion with a view to establishing mutual free trade.
Ayes 169.
Noes 1.
Neutrals 14.
Dec. 30. Minutes of the Senate. Venetian Archives. 315. To Ambassador Molin, in England.
We have received letters from the King of England warmly recommending Antonio Dotto for freedom from his outlawry or at least a safe conduct for three years. This, as you know, is an affair belonging to the Council of X., and they have found various difficulties in the way of acceding to the King's request on account of the many serious crimes of the said Dotto. We are sorry that we cannot oblige his Majesty, and to justify our refusal we have shown his Ambassador a list of Dotto's misdeeds. You are to convey this refusal in suitable terms and to explain the nature of our judicial system to his Majesty.
We send you copy of letter from our Admiral apropos to that English ship. You will explain that although the English out here are continually doing damage to our subjects, yet they decline to be searched. It is a lie that this vessel has done any damage whatever to any of our ships, and the English Secretary in Constantinople says not a word about that to our Ambassador. The temerity of a private merchantman in refusing to acknowledge the Admiral's flag of a friendly power ought to be repressed.
Ayes 169.
Noes 1.
Neutrals 14.
Dec. 30. Minutes of the Senate. Venetian Archives. 316. To the King Of England.
Declining to grant a grace to Antonio Doto; and expressing sorrow for their inability to gratify the King in this matter.
Ayes 169.
Noes 1.
Neutrals 14.
Dec. 31. Original Despatch, Venetian Archives. 317. Francesco Priuli, Venetian Ambassador in Spain, to the Doge and Senate.
The Dutch, in order to show that they are quite able to carry on the war alone, are making great efforts for next year's campaign.
Valladolid, 31st December, 1604.


  • 1. Duke Ulric. Cal. S.P. Dom. 1604, p. 186.
  • 2. Sir Edward Cecil, afterwards Viscount Wimbledon.
  • 3. “Grant to treat with persons holding taverns for fines and licences, etc.” Cal, S.P., Dom. 8 Dec, 1604.
  • 4. Cal. S.P., Dom. Jan. 10, 1605.
  • 5. That is £1 200 per an.
  • 6. For the whole subject of the Enforcement of Conformity see Gardiner I., 197, 198, though he takes no notice of this Royston petition, and refers only to the Northampton petition of February 9th, 1605.