Venice: August 1615, 16-31

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 13, 1613-1615. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1907.

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'Venice: August 1615, 16-31', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 13, 1613-1615, ed. Allen B Hinds (London, 1907), British History Online [accessed 8 February 2025].

'Venice: August 1615, 16-31', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 13, 1613-1615. Edited by Allen B Hinds (London, 1907), British History Online, accessed February 8, 2025,

"Venice: August 1615, 16-31". Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 13, 1613-1615. Ed. Allen B Hinds (London, 1907), British History Online. Web. 8 February 2025.

August 1615, 16–31

Aug. 18. Senato, Mar. Venetian Archives. 987. To avoid the inconvenience and prejudice caused by certain persons to the harm of the custom newly imposed upon the raisins of Zante, Cephalonia, Ithaca (Theachi) and this city, that custom having lately been much augmented: it is resolved that all ships of every kind which go to Zante, Cephalonia and Ithaca to lade raisins to take them to the west, shall be bound to pay the usual custom thereon until further order of this council.
Ayes 98.
Noes 0.
Neutral 13.
Aug. 20. Senato, Secreta. Dispacci, Inghilterra. Venetian Archives. 988. Antonio Foscarini, Venetian Ambassador in England, to the Doge and Senate.
On Thursday the Marquis of Bonnivet reached Salisbury, and on the same day he had a long interview with the king, and returned late yesterday. He gave His Majesty an account of affairs in France, complaining bitterly of the ill government of the Chancellor and some others. He begged His Majesty, in the name of the duke of Longueville and other malcontent princes, to protect the weal of France by representations to his Most Christian Majesty, and if this did not succeed, to assist the princes who wish the marriages to be put off and the government to be reformed. His offices made an impression, and he received a fairly favourable reply. On the following day the French ambassador arrived. He happened to see the said Marquis, and I am told ordered him to return to London. He replied that the king of Great Britain is the friend of the king of France and interested in the welfare of that kingdom; that a person of his quality is not forbidden to go to England or elsewhere, or to speak with His Majesty or with other princes friendly to their Most Christian Majesties.
On Saturday morning the ambassador of Savoy arrived, and on the same day he dined with the king. So also did the French ambassador, who afterwards had audience of His Majesty. He returned on Monday morning, and afterwards hunted with His Majesty. On Sunday the ambassador of Savoy had audience, and on the following Monday the king was at Cranborne, where he arrived late.
On Sunday letters arrived here sent post by the duke of Savoy. They have been forwarded at once to the ambassador at the court.
The French ambassador in his two audiences with the king and in four interviews with the Secretary has justified the proceedings taken in France. What I know for certain is that the king has written strongly that the departure of their Most Christian Majesties may be postponed for some time, and that the Marshal of Ancre may be removed from Court. I received this information from the duke of Lennox. The said French ambassador was here yesterday evening, and to-day he sent off a courier. The ambassador of Savoy will arrive within a couple of days, and Bonnivet with Boislorée will get here one or two days later. At Cranbourne a fresh decision will be taken, as His Majesty will receive fresh letters from France. Please God I will discover all particulars and immediately forward them to your Excellencies.
On the 6th, the Marshal of Ancre entered the citadel of Amiens, where the garrison has been increased by 500 foot and 300 horses, largely Italians, greatly to the anger of the French.
It is understood that the Marquis Spinola has gone post to Brussels, but the troops continue on the frontiers of Picardy in the numbers I reported.
M. d'Herestan has taken possession of Picquigny (Pegegni) and Pont Remy (Pondormi), places of the Duke of Longueville, who has placed a good garrison at Corbie. He has, to offer resistance, 800 horse and more than 1,200 foot, and his forces are continually increasing. Condé has gone to Sedan and met Bouillon, and Mayenne (Humena) has done the same. Meanwhile M. de Waite went to Hardelot (Argol), a place of the Marquis of Bonnivet. He was there attacked by the garrison of Montreuil, and after losing some men, others being put to flight, he was wounded and taken prisoner. There is also news that at étaples and Hardelot (Argol), the first a sea port and the other a place of considerable strength, both belonging to Bonnivet, troops have entered by order of the Marshal of Ancre, and after taking possession of the places they drove out the wife and children of the Marquis. Thus men's spirits are becoming inflamed by such important beginnings. The resolution taken by the general assembly of those of the religion is not yet known. If they decide to prevent these marriages it is impossible to believe that there will be other than war in France.
London, the 20 August, 1615.
Aug. 20. Inquisitori di Stato. Dispacci, Inghilterra. Venetian Archives. 989. Giovanni Rizzardo, Venetian Secretary in England, to the Inquisitors of State.
I have received the letters of your Excellencies of the 24 July last, informing me of the receipt of my communications of the 25 June and praising my humble efforts. This will spur me to fresh exertion. Your Excellencies seem to desire to have the process and the memorial mentioned in my letters, or other documents concerned. I have to state that I have spoken to the very man who drew up the process upon the affair of the Scotchman, a certain public notary named Giovanni Aurelio. He told me that he drew up the process by the king's order, writing it in the ambassador's own house. He made two exact copies, one which he left sealed with the ambassador and the other is in His Majesty's possession. He had nothing himself, so that to obtain a copy I should have to apply to one of those two or else to Sig. Moscorno, who is said to have the whole or part, which he must have received by the king's order from the copy in His Majesty's possession, as the notary assured me that he had not given him one.
The memorial delivered by the ambassador to His Majesty has not been published in any other way as appears by words spoken by the king to the Spanish ambassador, so that I do not dare to procure anything without the express orders of your Excellencies.
By what the ambassador tells me he does think that he can or ought to leave these parts so soon, and so far as I can see it will not be expedient to receive here the letters sent in reply to these, and if your Excellencies will send me instructions before our departure I will faithfully carry them out.
London, the 20 August, 1615.
[Italian; deciphered.]
Aug. 21. Senato, Secreta. Dispacci, Inghilterra. Venetian Archives. 990. Antonio Foscarini, Venetian Ambassador in England, to the Doge and Senate.
I wrote the preceding with the beginning of a severe cold and of a high fever. I have been obliged to take to my bed with a violent shivering for several hours followed by a high temperature which lasted the whole night, with pains in the head and back. I pray that God will grant me health during the few months which remain to me to serve your Excellencies. After my return may His will be done.
The decision of the States is reported to be to send to each of the provinces the document agreed upon between the king and the archduke, and this being interpreted by His Majesty as a polite refusal, he is much troubled. The secretary of His Majesty has replied to the letter of the ambassador of Brandenburg about this with a few words, concluding that the king will be in London in a few days. The ambassador told me that he well understood His Majesty's dissatisfaction, because in deference to his wishes he had not gone to Holland to negotiate with the States in the service of his master, that they should accept the archduke's document.
The ambassadress of Flanders left four days ago, and the ambassador accompanied her as far as the sea.
The States have drawn the attention of His Majesty to the designs of the Spaniards in a neighbouring country, asserting that they are undoubted. On the other hand the ambassadors of Spain and the archduke continue to say that they are ready to restore the places, and lay all the blame on the Dutch.
News has arrived that an English ship laden with rich merchandise, and notably with 40,000 crowns in specie, has been detained at Seville and the whole confiscated. The master of the ship was warned by some merchants that he had better leave, but he took no heed, and the Alcalde with 300 soldiers came up in two ships. Those in the ship wished to offer resistance, but the Spaniards came on board and captured the ships, killing four and wounding others. This has caused great excitement here because the confiscation has taken place by virtue of laws similar to those in force here, and they see that there is no hope of restitution.
In the neighbourhood of the strait some very rich ships have been taken by pirates, whose numbers are always increasing. I am so weak and tired that I must conclude. If God grant me health I will not fail next week, otherwise your Excellencies must excuse the impossible.
London, the 21 August, 1615.
Aug. 24. Cl. VII. Cod. MXLIX. Bibl. di. S. Marco, Venice. 991. Pietro Contarini, Venetian Ambassador in France, to the Doge and Senate.
The deputies of those of the religion must by now have reached the court. Three were sent to the king and one to the prince. They ask the king to remedy the disorders of the government by reforming his council, request that an enquiry may be made about the death of the late king, and that meanwhile the marriages with Spain may be postponed. They make other demands, but these are the principal. They have greatly increased the reputation of the princes, as it is clear that without them they can effect nothing considerable. If they insist upon their demands, as they seem determined to do, the queen will be in great danger, and civil war is certain, while the exchange of the princesses may not be easily effected; however her Majesty hopes to reach Bordeaux before the Huguenots have time to do anything. She has sent to Spain exhorting them to use all diligence, as she is persuaded that once the marriages are effected and all hope of preventing them has disappeared, general quiet will ensue.
Paris, the 24 August, 1615.
Aug. 24. Senato, Secreta. Dispacci, Candia. Proveditore. Venetian Archives. 992. Piero Bondimio, Proveditore of Candia, to the Doge and Senate.
I send the enclosed as worthy of the attention of your Serenity. In the first days of my charge I wrote to the rectors of this realm and of Cerigo to be vigilant in sanitary matters and to watch carefully all shipping, not allowing any to land from vessels coming from the Archipelago, and I will renew these orders.
Candia, the 24 August, 1615.
Examination of the master of a ship newly arrived at this port from the Archipelago, on 9 August, 1615. Name is Antonio Leva, of Sefantho. On his way from Sefantho was chased by pirate bertons 15 miles from here towards Malta and compelled to go towards Cerigo. There he saw four other bertons, also pirates, which he believes to be of Tunis, manned by Moriscos and English. Afterwards he went to Cerigo and Rettimo. The plague is said to be at Constantinople. The Turkish fleet is said to have left Modon and gone to Rhodes with 39 galleys. Has forgotten the course taken by the pirates whom he said he saw, they were cruising about Cerigo, day and night.
Aug. 25. Senato, Secreta. Dispacci, Grisoni. Venetian Archives. 993. Christoforo Surian, Venetian Secretary to the Swiss and Grisons, to the Doge and Senate.
The mission of the Bernese of their deputies to St. Maurice in the Valais to confer with those of the duke of Savoy with regard to the country of Vaud, resulted in nothing and the matter remains in suspense. From letters of the English Ambassador Carleton, written on leaving Turin, and of the king's agent left behind there, the Bernese simply hear that the duke is only waiting for the settlement of affairs to give them satisfaction. From some of them I understand that they will wait a long time before the promises of that prince are effected, and they would be on their guard as they were not sure of his good disposition towards them.
Zurich, the 25th August, 1615.
Aug. 26. Senato, Secreta. Dispacci, Spagna. Venetian Archives. 994. Francesco Morosini, Venetian Ambassador in Spain, to the Doge and Senate.
The king still remains at Valladolid, and preparations for the journey continue to proceed actively so that they may appear with extraordinary pomp. The Spaniards say that the day may be put off for twenty days more or less, but in any case they will fulfil their promises, and they have notified the nuncio and the ambassador of Florence that the king will be glad to see them at Burgos, to take part in the celebrations. So far they have not sent any information to the English ambassador or to me. I believe that his Majesty has resolved not to ask the rest of us to take this journey.
Madrid, the 26 August, 1615.
Aug. 27. Collegio, Secreta. Esposizioni Principi. Venetian Archives. 995. The Ambassador of England came into the Cabinet and said:
Before I left Piedmont the duke asked me, and since my return letters have reached me, to work for the preservation of the peace which has been made, in which I was a feeble instrument executing my king's commission, as after a great fire some sparks remain which may kindle a new conflagration, especially when the material is inflammable. I think it well to relate what I left at Turin, what happened on my journey and what has come to me since my return. I left the duke of Savoy very satisfied with the peace and well disposed to keep it. He had already partly disarmed his troops, and he is continuing to effect this, so that there is no further danger on that score. In passing through Milan I visited the governor, who gave me a cordial welcome, showing clearly how grateful the peace was to him. In conversation I observed his determination to keep it inviolable, and if matters depend upon him there is no fear of any other opinion. But some ministers, I fancy, have risen against him, blaming all his actions in war and peace to the king. But I can affirm that after he went with the army to the siege no captain could have displayed more courage in war, and no politician could have shown more prudence in peace, because he had a disadvantageous position with a flourishing army and a warlike and valiant prince against him, inconvenient quarters and a gallant resistance. Yet he reached the walls of Asti and made ready to attack. Thus in the midst of so many difficulties no one can blame his resolution in favour of peace. When I came to Mantua I found the prince there as well contented as could be desired. It is true that he complained a little of some things in the treaty at not having the share which had always belonged to him. I pointed out that while the armies remained face to face it was impossible to obtain a suspension of arms, and so he ought to be satisfied with what it was possible to do, although what your Serenity intended has not happened to Montferrat. But I know that prince to be so wise that I am sure this proceeds not from him but from the ministers. It is well known that among individuals the one who first draws his sword, not he who strikes first, is considered the aggressor. So among princes the aggressor is not the one who meets affront by arms, but he who first gave the cause. But I hold to the idea that all the trouble proceeds from interested ministers on the one side, fomented by angry ministers on the other. I think I have found the sore, and I know no remedy but to submit the matter to the prudence of your Serenity to use your influence with the duke of Mantua. I know that a dead man cannot be brought to life; such miracles are not seen nowadays, especially when one has been cut to pieces. But precautions may be taken against the occurence of such things in the future. I know that my king, having been instrumental in securing this peace, will desire to maintain it. I have not neglected to exhort the duke of Savoy to keep it, saying that he has shown great valour in the past wars and he will display great prudence in mastering himself.
In the absence of the doge Sig. Lunardo Mocenigo, the senior councillor, replied: The republic has done its utmost to assist the present affairs and it will do everything to maintain the peace. It desires that all occasions of strife between the dukes of Savoy and Mantua may cease.
The ambassador said: I know this office was not necessary, but I have performed it in order to make public the good intentions of my king. To the same end I have brought here some letters from our ambassador at the court of Spain, who spoke to the king upon this matter. The ambassador wrote a letter to the king of Spain, of which the contents were as follows: that His Majesty had done everything to bring about and secure peace in Italy. He begged the king to carry out the terms of the agreement by disarming his troops and sending them to their posts. The reply of the Catholic king was also read to the effect that he had ordered the suspension of his arms. Dissatisfied with such a curt reply, the ambassador desired something more precise—that the army should be disbanded, This was done and so the Spaniards have promised what was asked in the name of my king. I wished to show these letters to your Serenity that you might see how His Majesty has worked for peace, thinking also how it might be preserved in the future.
The ambassador then added: At my last audience I made a proposal which I am instructed to renew. In times past the republic exercised a neutrality which was most beneficial in public affairs. That is not the case now. Verum Cœsari an Pompeio, whether France or Spain should be favoured, the Aragonese or the Angevins joined. It is not a question of introducing the French or Spaniards into Italy, but whether it is better to adhere to those who seek the mastery or those who seek to preserve their accustomed liberty. In such case neutrality means nullity. Your Serenity will pardon my speaking again upon this, because when I see with what zeal the marriages between Spain and France are forwarded in order to disturb Europe I should consider it a great glory to do something to preserve it by a match between my king and the republic.
Councillor Mocenigo replied that the proposal had already been taken in hand, but so grave and important a matter demanded mature consideration. A reply would be given as soon as possible.
The ambassador made a reverence and departed.
Aug. 28. Senato. Deliberazioni, Secreta. Venetian Archives. 996. That the Ambassador of England be summoned to the Cabinet and the following read to him:
The office made by your Excellency with us since your return from Turin contains two heads, one concerning the past upon the affairs of Savoy, now settled peacefully, the other the proposal of His Majesty, which may in the future conduce to the common welfare. His Majesty displays the generosity of his spirit and his love for the peace of this province, fully proved upon other occasions, to his great glory. We understand even more clearly the disposition of His Majesty, who desires the general peace of Italy, and we are the more touched because His Majesty, mighty in his own realms, has no need to think of this for his own interests, but is simply moved by his magnanimity. For this we are sincerely grateful and may add that the reciprocal intelligence between His Majesty and our republic is perfect. The results have already appeared in the protection of the Duke of Savoy, and the preservation of the liberty of Italy and the general peace. By thus working together our acts are more effective and carry more weight and are more free from suspicion than would be the case with an alliance. We believe nevertheless that the preservation of this friendly understanding and union of souls between His Majesty and our republic is for the general good, and there is no need to think of anything but preserving it in its present condition. The action of His Majesty in the past events in Italy and our own operations for the liberty of this province and its princes show what results can be obtained when occasion requires. We, mindful of what we owe to His Majesty for his demonstrations of friendship, shall always be anxious to show our gratitude. We have directed our ambassador in England to say this to His Majesty, and it will serve as a reply to what your Excellency said at your last office on this subject. We also thank you for what you told us about the new difficulties between Savoy and Mantua and the continued efforts of yourself and His Majesty to maintain the peace. In conformity with your request, we have sent a special mission to Mantua and we shall be most glad if His Majesty will continue his good offices, as his authority will be of the greatest assistance. For our own part we will continue to work for the complete re-establishment of the peace in this province. We have finally to thank your Excellency for what you have said of the work of our republic and our ambassador in the Savoy negotiations, courteously giving us a share in what was the special work of His Majesty and yourself, as we know the great weight of His Majesty's authority and how much the Ambassador Zen has profited by the operations and prudence of your Excellency.
Ayes 153.
Noes 0.
Neutral 4.
Aug. 28. Senato, Deliberazioni, Secreta. Venetian Archives. 997. To the Ambassadors Foscarini and Barbarigo in England.
You will see by the enclosed copy the proposals made by the ambassador of His Majesty at his recent exposition. We also send you a copy of our reply, with instructions to speak to His Majesty to the same effect, presenting our letters and employing the same ideas without enlarging upon them or making any alteration.
With regard to what concerns the affairs of Mantua and Savoy, that is for information only, and so that you may answer in conformity if anything is said about it.
Ayes 153.
Noes 0.
Neutral 4.
Aug. 28. Senato, Secreta. Dispacci, Inghilterra. Venetian Archives. 998. Antonio Foscarini, Venetian Ambassador in England, to the Doge and Senate.
I am still in bed with the fever, enfeebled by the sickness and remedies applied, and I write the present letter sustained by little other force than my devotion to your service.
The ambassador of Savoy and Boislorée have returned, as I said they would. But the Marquis of Bonnivet has returned in haste to the king, with whom he is staying, as he met on the road the lieutenant whom he left at Hardelot (Argolot), and who told him of the loss of that place and of the driving away of his wife and children, while he learned soon afterwards, that the same thing had happened at the town and port of Etaples. There is news however that the castle of étaples is still holding out for the marquis, a captain being there who formerly defended it against the Spaniards, and he has with him a sufficient number of men for the emergency. It is thought that he may hold out for some days, especially if he is not attacked by a greater force. The marquis has related all this to the king, and has received not only the promise to enlist troops for his defence, but encouragement also and a promise of yet more. His Majesty is informed that the deputies of the religion have made great offers to Condé and there are letters from Lesdiguières and from the individual previously sent to their assembly, who bring similar resolutions. If God grant me health, or at least some betterment, your Excellencies shall receive particulars.
His Majesty has written to Longueville to go on to Bouillon after well garrisoning Corbie, and there seems to be some idea of bringing about a reform in the government of France, delaying if possible the passing of the betrothed and preventing the union of France with Spain.
I will add some important particulars to what I wrote about the audience of the French ambassador at Salisbury. He asked for it on the 15th, as I wrote. The king replied that that was a day of rejoicing and therefore he expected to be glad with the others, and the congratulations offered to him for what had happened would allow no time for business. The ambassador answered that his affairs did not admit of delay, and he was so importunate that the king gave him audience, though very unwillingly. He thus began when His Majesty was in a very dissatisfied state of mind. He complained loudly about Bonnivet and the others, and hinted that the malcontents of his kingdom found a refuge and support here. He denied all the things which had taken place in France, even the best authenticated, and made the best case he could, but without any success. The king replied that no one desired the weal of France more than himself, or had a greater interest in the preservation of that crown. He spoke of the perfect intelligence he had had with the late king, and their bond that one should assist the children of the other in case of death. He said that all this obliged him to watch over the interests of the Most Christian King in his tender years. He complained of the conclusion and much more of the precipitation of the marriages with Spain, without a word being said to him about it until after it was published, although he was the ancient ally of France. He complained of the little heed paid to his exhortations to postpone them until a riper and more opportune time; he spoke to the disadvantage of those who govern, and especially of the chancellor, his father in law, and the Marquis of Ancre. The ambassador replied somewhat warmly in their defence, and the king went on to say that he believed him to be honourable, but he could neither say nor think the same of the Government. He afterwards sent orders to the ambassador in France to make the representations to their Majesties which the Duke of Lennox told me of, and if it proved useless to have it printed and published immediately.
The subsequent interviews between the ambassador and His Majesty's secretary and the audience of Monday were upon divers particulars about this. Of all this and possibly of something more the ambassador has sent word to France by two couriers, sent one after the other.
After the reply made to the ambassador of the States in France, that it was not reasonable that the king, at his tender age and when about to receive his bride, should be the first to begin war, but that they ought to apply to the king here, whose example he might possibly follow, they replied in clearer terms to the other requests, that they will not fail to perform every office, and by sending ambassadors to procure an agreement; that they did not intend to take up arms, in order not to give offence to the pope, the king of Spain or the Catholic league. This is found to have come from the offices of the nuncio and of the Spanish ambassador, to the great dissatisfaction of the United Princes and of all the others who are interested, as your Excellencies may easily understand. The high Palatinate has contributed 200,000 crowns to the Elector, and report says that he is going to send forces in aid of the Duke of Bouillon, with the knowledge and consent of the king here. The Marquis of Bonnivet is expected hourly with fresh news and all particulars. The king has cut short his progress, and next week he will set out on his way to this city.
London, the 28 August, 1615.
Aug. 28. Senato, Secreta. Dispacci, Inghilterra. Venetian Archives. 999. Antonio Foscarini, Venetian Ambassador in England, to the Doge and Senate.
The ambassador of Savoy had the letters from the duke when he was on his way back after taking leave of the king. They relate that His Highness has already almost completely disarmed and fully carried out his part of the conditions of the agreement, but that the Spaniards have not yet restored the places or the prisoners and keep their troops under arms without doing anything. Mantua was not fulfilling her obligations, and he was to represent all this to the king, so that in conformity with his promise made both verbally and in writing he should see to it that the Spaniards fulfilled their promises and that Mantua should not disturb the peace. He also enclosed a copy of the letters written to the ambassador in France upon this. The ambassador, knowing the king's disposition, thought he would do sufficient by writing to the Secretary. He adopted this course with good results. When he arrived here he saw the French ambassador and pointed out to him what ought to be done in the matter. He received a reply to the same effect, namely that Spain must carry out the treaty and Mantua must rest quiet, otherwise there would be a breach of public faith, that he would write immediately and felt sure that ere now their Most Christian Majesties will have supplied a remedy and arranged the matter. He also came to see me, and after telling me all about it, he begged me, as he did not visit the Spanish ambassador, to induce him to write to Milan, and wherever else might be necessary, to carry out the agreement. He impressed upon me the interests which your Excellencies have in this affair. I would readily have done what he asked if I had not been prevented by my sickness. I ought to add that I have reconciled the ambassadors of France and Savoy, who had not visited each other for a long time.
The king recognises his obligation towards the duke, sees that he cannot be harassed by others than Spain, and therefore he wishes before all things to obtain the equivalent, without binding himself to more, joining with him in a defensive alliance. For this reason he has recently repeated the orders to the Ambassador Carleton to urge your Serenity to join for the same purpose, as it would be to your advantage, the more so because the duke is nearer and more handy for all steps that the Spaniards may take; and by this beginning your Excellencies might, without binding yourselves to anything further, open a way for all the other princes of Italy to have recourse to you, to unite together and secure the peace and dignity of Italy. With regard to the union with the United Princes and the States of Holland, His Majesty is well aware of the difficulties, and desires no more there than he hopes.
London, the 28 August, 1615.
Postscript.— It is certain that His Majesty's ambassador in France, after the representations which I wrote he was to make with their Most Christian Majesties about delaying the marriages, and against the Marshal of Ancre and others of the Government, not having achieved any success, has predicted disturbances and war, in accordance with his instructions. A gentleman sent by the Prince of Condé has seen the king, and after a long interview with His Majesty has sent off two couriers to France upon these affairs and at the instance of the Marquis of Bonnivet.
[Italian; the part in italics deciphered.]
Aug. 29. Collegio, Secreta. Esposizioni Principi. Venetian Archives. 1,000. The deliberation of the Senate of the 28 inst., having been read to the ambassador of England, he said: Your gracious reply shows me that my proposals have been pleasing. I will add a few words, not in order to change the decision of your Serenity, but to show the reasons which moved His Majesty. He considered the future as well as the past, and that moved him to make the fresh proposal. When a mine has been discovered on one side, the remedy is a counter-mine. In favourable weather sailors prepare for a future storm. Some ministers are striving to spoil the substance of the peace, stirring the Duke of Mantua to raise fresh matter for trouble. The last letters from Milan and Genoa say that a new governor is coming who will have more of the humour of the Count of Fuentes than the present governor, and that the troops, which ought to be dismissed by the agreement, will remain on foot until the arrival of the new governor. This may be called the storm and the mine to be provided against. His Majesty proposed to make a firm league of princes on either side of the Alps, so that the others would have to act more circumspectly, the faculty of doing harm being taken from them. I have said this to show His Majesty's purpose. I cannot sufficiently praise the reply, and I ask leave to see it.
In the absence of the Doge the Senior Councillor Lunardo Mocenigo replied: We are greatly indebted to His Majesty for his singular confidence, and we ask your Excellency to offer our hearty thanks. He may rest assured that we shall meet him with equal confidence.
The ambassador passed to another chamber and made notes of the most essential points, saying that it was necessary to give an exact report to His Majesty. When he reached the passage, referring to himself he said: “I have made notes of the first part upon paper, but the memory of this will be inscribed in my heart,” and departed.
Aug. 29. Inquisitori di Stato. Dispacci, Inghilterra. Venetian Archives. 1,001 Giovanni Rizzardo, Venetian Secretary in England, to the Inquisitors of State.
As I have special instructions from your Excellencies to give you particular information upon the advices written by the ambassador here, I must not omit to point out with regard to the passage in His Excellency's second letter of the 28th instant referring to the proposal for a league with Savoy, that I do not know from whom he has gathered the ideas and intentions of His Majesty upon this. The ambassador is in bed and has not been visited by any one of the court, the king being now in progress, or by any one else who could have told him of it. He could not have learned that new orders had been sent to the Ambassador Carleton to remain with the republic except from the ambassador of Savoy, who desires and possibly works for this league. From the same source His Excellency obtained this information about the audience of the king and the other things written by him. I have thought it my duty to lay all this before your Excellencies, though I do not believe that the ambassador has any other purpose than the public weal.
After writing the above, I have received your Excellencies' letters of the 31st ult. which arrived at the same time as the duplicates. For my own part I humbly return thanks. With regard to the book I will use every effort that your Excellencies may receive satisfaction before our departure from here.
London, the 29 August, 1615.
[Italian; deciphered.]