Index: N

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 27, 1643-1647. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1926.

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'Index: N', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 27, 1643-1647, ed. Allen B Hinds( London, 1926), British History Online [accessed 27 July 2024].

'Index: N', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 27, 1643-1647. Edited by Allen B Hinds( London, 1926), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024,

"Index: N". Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 27, 1643-1647. Ed. Allen B Hinds(London, 1926), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024.


Nani, Giovanni Battista, Venetian Ambassador in France :

despatches to the Senate, 127, 134, 139, 143, 148, 150, 152, 158, 163, 168, 174-7, 184, 187, 188, 192, 194, 196, 197, 200, 201, 203-8, 210, 212-4, 216, 218-20, 222, 223, 225-7, 229, 231, 233, 234, 237-45, 247-52, 254-64, 266, 267, 269, 271, 272, 274-281, 283, 284, 286, 288-304, 306-12, 314-20.

visits Queen Henrietta, 152
-, she asks for news, 158
-, offer for English ships through, 222.

agreement with Atkins, 235, 236.

Nantwich, co. Cheshire :

Byron takes, 65
-, victory of Brereton near, 71, 73, 75.

Naples [Prov. Napoli, Italy], 215.

Naseby, co. Northampton :

battle of, 196, 197
-, trophies brought to London, 198.

-, effect in France, 196.

Nassau, Henry Frederick of, prince of Orange :

unpopularity, 5, 10
-, encourages severity against Catholics, 28.

sacrifices for Charles, 5
-, efforts about English embassy, 26, 35
-, sends Dohna to king, 36, 51.

inactivity of, 10, 15, 18
-, spurred by French, 12
-, returns to Hague, reasons, 22, 25
-, goes to country house, 28.

Newburg wants help from, 25
-, Goring goes to confer with, 30
-, object of Goring's mission to, 39.

States want to diminish authority over admiralty, 38
-, overcomes opposition to embassy, 62
-, sends engineers to help Charles, 79.

Dutch ambassadors partisans of, 84
-, sends layette to queen, 111
-, Palatine takes leave of, 130
-, Palatine unwilling to be dependent on, 142.

Palatine Edward returned to, 187
-, idea of marrying daughter to prince of Wales, 218
-, may help Charles jointly with France, 229
-, death of, 311, 315.

daughter of. See Louise Henrietta.

Nassau, William of, prince of Orange, 5 :

marriage of, 26
-, princess of age for, 43
-, expected at Paris to visit Queen Henrietta, 163.

-, William the Silent of, prince of Orange, Fairfax imitating, 321.

-, count William of, objections to as plenipotentiary, 12, 15.

Natumberlan. See Northumberland.

Navy, the fleet, parliament ships, Warwick's fleet :

French occupation of Dunkirk disadvantageous to, 4
-, losses at Exeter, 6
-, royal fleet to oppose, 9.

brings in Danish ship, 7, 21
-, drives Piccolomini's ship into Portsmouth, 95.

prisoners confined in ships of, 9
-, brought into Downs, 25, 139.

Warwick demands pay for, 25
-, promised, 27
-, financial drain of, 29.

danger of mutiny if not paid, 34
-, money voted for equipment, 57.

captain of, detained at Brielle, 84
-, Warwick thinks of using privateers in, 90.

squadron sent to Irish sea, 92
-, drown captured Irish, 101.

captures Rotterdam ship, 105
-, captures Irish commissioners, 174.

Tromp to fight if helps Gravelines, 117
-, Dutch orders for dealing with, 171.

squadron provided to guard Channel, 126
-, French respect for, 143
-, proposed operation with Sweden against Sound, 171.

powerful force preparing for defence against France, 301
-, four ships sent to prevent rescue of king, 302.

strength, kept off Irish coast, 308
-, watch to prevent queen crossing, 309.

captures Swedish ships bought for France, 316
-, captures men crossing from Ireland to serve France, 319.

Rear Admiral of. See Batten
-, Owen.

Vice Admiral. See Rich, Robert, earl of Warwick.

Netherlands, Dutch, High Mightinesses, Holland, States, United Provinces, 79 :

Palatine Edward pensioned by, 185
-, levies raised in, 214
-, Lesley's service in, 266.

1643 :

strong feelings against Orange, 5
-, French complain of inaction, 18
-, troops withdrawn, 22, 25.

Boswell presses for help, 5
-, parliament tries for recognition from, 26.

representatives at peace congress, 5, 10, 12, 22, 25, 28.

French alliance renewed, 18
-, supposed designs on Juliers, 25.

renew decrees against Catholics, 25, 28
-, proposed peace mission from, 26, 28, 31, 33, 35, 43, 51, 54
-, acceptable to parliament, 37.

Agostini to send news of, 33, 40
-, permit establishment of insurance co., 38.

to preserve neutrality in England, 36
-, advantages to from civil war, 36, 43.

chief aims of, 38
-, Charles wants English and Scottish troops from, 39
-, preachers of speak against Charles, 51.

Strickland to suggest alliance to, 42
-, Denmark transmits money for Charles to, 45
-, letters for, opened, 58.

1644 :

embassy to England, 59, 61
-, parliament hopes for alliance with, 70.

value of herring fishery to, 80
-, may object to imposing covenant on merchants, 85.

parliament has more confidence in people than in government, 85.

princess Palatine asks for loan, 87
-, warships escort queen, 123.

English privateers pursue prey into ports, 90
-, lie in wait for Piccolomini off Dunkirk, 95, 97.

threatened seizure of goods in England, 97
-, resent English interference with shipping, 117.

parliament desires cordial relations with, 101
-, recognition of parliament, 113, 122.

arrangements with French for coming campaign, 105, 109.

effect of Marst on Moor on, 120, 122
-, injured by English dissensions, 122.

strained relations with English, 130
-, naval precautions against, 156.

search English ships and take money, 130, 132
-, laws forbid exportation of money, 133.

provide ships to take Palatine, 130, 132
-, Palatine unwilling to be dependent on, 142.

Charles supplied with coal, 152
-, ships of paid off by Sweden, 165.

proposed assimilation of religious principles of, 155.

plans with France against Dunkirk, 163
-, England and Sweden would invite to join alliance, 168.

1645 :

orders for dealing with parliament ships, 171
-, strained relations with England, 184
-, refuse audience to parliament envoy, 206.

Palatine Edward returning to, 187
-, supposed design to carry prince to, 218.

English try to foment disagreements in, 207
-, king expects succour from, 223.

fleet of ships arming in, for Charles, 219, 229, 233, 259.

stream of English refugees to, 233
-, Waller wants same terms as, 237.

1646 :

stop equipment of ships by France for Charles, 247, 255
-, draw closer to parliament, 247
-, English do not want to have Dunkirk, 254
-, not whole hearted in campaign, 272.

Maurice reported in, 271
-, Spaniards try to alarm at French progress, 284
-, Dunkirk petitions for free trade with, 289.

1647 :

Spaniards want to make peace with, 297
-, French fear understanding with parliament, 300.

consequences of disbanding forces, 300
-, embassy to, to arrange common interests, French perturbed, 311
-, peace with Spain sets free their forces, 314.

ambassadors to England, 190 :

object of mission, 61
-, Orange overcomes opposition to, 62.

arrival at Gravesend, 66
-, enter London, 67
-, Harcourt tarries to watch, 69, 72.

ask king for passport, 67, 69
-, visit king at Oxford, 74, 76, 77, 80, 97, 99, 101, 103, 105
-, compared with Harcourt, 89.

cautious reserve, 70, 72
-, Agostini to observe, 73, 96
-, Agostini visits, 81.

unlikely to advance peace, 77
-, ask king to grant herring fisheries, 80.

back in London, disgusted, 81
-, make no progress, 83.

letter to Speaker, 85
-, ask for reply, 88, 90
-, thanked by parliament, 101.

hold out hopes of success, 87
-, resentment at treatment, 91, 94.

complain of English privateers, 90
-, oppose mission to Zealand, 97.

departure will leave issue doubtful, 98
-, want to rouse jealousy, 103.

ask leave to export lead, 99
-, granted, 101.

negotiations fruitless, 105
-, fresh effort for peace, 108, 113, 114, 119, 121, 126, 127.

agree to recognise parliament, cold reception, 111
-, suspicion cast on, 113.

manner of reception, 114, 116, 121
-, formal audiences of Houses, 121.

remonstrate about seizure of ships, 122, 130, 132.

present paper for peace mediation, 121, 122
-, reply to, 124, 126, 129, 130
-, slighted, 134, 137.

Sabran invites to banquet, 127
-, Sabran claims parity with, 132
-, Palatine's reception of, 136.

get concession about trade, 136, 138
-, busy with trade affairs, 138, 141, 148, 150.

at standstill over mediation, 138
-, leave with angry protests, 141.

get no satisfaction, 152
-, complain of treatment in matters of trade, 165.

fresh offer of mediation, 155
-, reply to, a refusal, 165.

ordered to leave, 171
-, efforts to help king, 172
-, return empty handed, 184
-, parliament asks for punishment, 207.

- See Boreel, William
-, Joachimi, Albert
-, Reede, John de.

Assembly of, 10n :

deputies not to divulge proceedings, 13
-, powers restricted, 15
-, Strickland finds admission to difficult, 78.

levies. See levies, Dutch.

merchants. See merchants, Flemish.

ships. See ships, Dutch, and Flemish.

Neuburg, duke of. See Wolfgang William.

Nevers, Nivers [Nivre, France], Queen Henrietta goes to, 143.

-, duke of. See Gonzaga, Charles I.

-, princess of. See Gonzaga, Anna and Maria.

New England, N. America, proposal to plant currants in, 82.

Newark, Niuvarch, Niuvarc, co. Nottingham, 34, 73.

men of, lay siege to Gainsborough, 3
-, take it, 6
-, Gainsborough a check on, 60.

Gressy meets queen at, 4
-, an obstacle for the Scots, 77
-, Meldrum invests, 80
-, successful sally, 86.

victory of Rupert at, 87-9
-, Rupert goes to for Newcastle's horse, 100, 103.

Newcastle's cavalry moves to, 100
-, Manchester means to besiege, 104.

Rupert cut off from, 123
-, king proceeds to, 218
-, king leaves, 220, 225
-, king still at, 222, 224.

Scots recalled to besiege, 218
-, offer to Scots to besiege, 221
-, Scots advance against, 225, 227, 228.

Digby has governor removed, 224
-, Scots want to storm, English to starve, 229.

parliament sends commissioners to, 231, 233
-, not allowed to review troops, 240.

Scots invest, 234, 238, 244, 246, 248, 257
-, reinforcements sent to, 240
-, sorties from, 242, 252.

Scots waiting for reinforcements at, 241
-, strength of Scots at, 244
-, king may hand to Scots, 261.

king goes to from Oxford, 260
-, surrendered to parliament commissioners, 262.

governor of. See Bellasis.

Newbury, co. Berks, 151 :

first battle of, 24-27, 29, 33
-, parliament forces at, 154.

second battle of, 151.

Newcastle, earl and marquis of. See Cavendish, William.

Newcastle-on-Tyne :

Ark Christian, sailing to, 8n
-, London deprived of coal, 30
-, well provided against Scots, 54, 65
-, measures for defence, 69, 77, 86.

Scots reported in, 66
-, Scots advance on, 75, 77, 79, 83, 96.

ships for Scots captured in river at, 87
-, Scots offer force to besiege, 114, 116.

garrison raids Sunderland, 106
-, practically safe, 146.

siege of, 123, 125, 128, 132, 133, 136, 138, 140, 142, 145
-, capitulates, 150, 152, 153.

Scots intent on securing prize, 160
-, measures to prevent Scots advancing from, 165.

Scots' hold on, 202
-, English want to get Scots out of, 213, 263
-, evacuation of, 279, 280.

Scots remove king to, 261
-, king's entry to, 263
-, king closely guarded at, 263, 265, 268, 278, 283
-, people flock to, 277.

Hudson captured at, 267n
-, Montreuil sails from, 277
-, sent back to, 280.

Bellievre sees king at, 276
-, Montreuil granted pass to, 286
-, Montreuil at, 289.

parliament deputies at, 276, 277, king still at, 291.

English will take over, 296
-, arrangements for king's removal from, 300
-, precautions at, 302.

great influx of visitors at, 296
-, plot to take duke of York to, 298.

proposals made to king at, 300, 314.

king leaves, 303, 306
-, Scottish garrison leaves, 303, 304.

governor of. See Glemham, Sir Thomas
-, Marley, Sir John
-, Skippon, Philip.

Newport Pagnell, co. Bucks :

royalists capture, 32
-, recaptured, 38, 41
-, parliament army at, 48
-, Essex looks after, 60.

source of London food supply, 32, 36.

Nicholas, Nicolas, Nicoloni, Sir Edward, secretary of state :

letters of Agostini to, 23, 51, 72
-, letters to Agostini, 22, 23, 51, 99, 119, 120.

efforts to promote currant trade with Bristol, 43, 63
-, letters to Goring intercepted, 49, 58
-, letters of Goring to intercepted, 65.

sends permit to Dutch ambassadors, 72
-, sends to Talbot by Agostini, 92, 98.

letter to governor of Portland intercepted, 115
-, intercepts letter of Wilmot to Essex, 133
-, countersigns king's letter, 180.

Nieuport [W. Flanders, Belgium] :

Piccolomini crosses to, 97.

Niuvarc, Niuvarch. See Newark.

Nivers. See Nevers.

nobility, lords, peers, English :

Gressy advises to make peace with king, 4
-, six decide to go over to king, 11
-, reception, 14, 19
-, four seek reconciliation with parliament, 61
-, protest against queen's favourites, 63.

king creates five new, 146
-, parliament creations, 229.

Cromwell talks of destroying, 162
-, in danger if peace not made soon, 168
-, people stirred against, 169.

wishes to preserve royal name, 264
-, fresh creations by king, 284.

Nogaret, Bernard de, due d'Epernon :

sends arms to king, 37
-, offers force to serve Charles, 145
-, Charles reported to have given garter to and made general, 156.

Norfolk, county, Manchester enlisting in, 19.

Normandy, France :

Queen Henrietta reported going to, 154
-, queen sends arms and money from to king, 174.

Northampton co. Northampton, 196.

Northumberland, county of :

Scots fear rising in, 21
-, preparations in to resist Scots, 32
-, Scots' manifesto read to gentry of, 71n
-, troops from raid Scotland, 98.

-, earl of. See Percy, Algernon.

Northumberland, Natumberlan, of London, at Leghorn, 177.

Nottingham, county of :

Newcastle's force in, 52.

Nye, , Independent minister :

promotes petition for toleration, 78
-, Scots silence, 79.