Venice: August 1522

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 3, 1520-1526. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1869.

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'Venice: August 1522', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 3, 1520-1526, ed. Rawdon Brown (London, 1869), British History Online [accessed 12 February 2025].

'Venice: August 1522', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 3, 1520-1526. Edited by Rawdon Brown (London, 1869), British History Online, accessed February 12, 2025,

"Venice: August 1522". Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 3, 1520-1526. Ed. Rawdon Brown (London, 1869), British History Online. Web. 12 February 2025.

August 1522

Aug. 1. Sanuto Diaries, v. xxxiii. p. 356. 508. The Proposed Triple League.
In the afternoon the Sages sat in committee to discuss the reply to England, and will make it tomorrow in the Senate.
Aug. 5. Sanuto Diaries, v. xxxiii. p. 361. 509. Embassy from Henry VIII. to Venice.
The English ambassador, Richard Pace, is anxiously expected. He is coming from Rome to Venice with a commission from the King and Cardinal Wolsey, who is “alter rex” to conclude the agreement and bring the articles. He is expected hourly. It has been determined to receive him with great honour, and to lodge him in the house—(in la caza).
Aug. 5. Contarini's Original Letter Book, Letter no. 178, St. Mark's Library. 510. Gasparo Contarini to the Signory.
Has been informed by the Chancellor that the King of France, through the Pope, is requesting the Emperor to make truce and peace with him, on this condition, that during the truce France is to retain the three fortresses now held by her in the Milanese, and on the expiration of the truce the fortresses to be provided with the same amount of troops, victuals, and ammunition as at present.
To obtain peace he was willing to cede the duchy of Milan, to pay the tribute for the kingdom of Naples, and to surrender Fonterabia, but he insisted on the marriage between his daughter and the Emperor taking place.
The Chancellor said he would approve of such a form of peace, could it be made; but consideration must be had for the King of England, the Emperor's confederate, whom it was neither possible nor fitting to desert. On this account the Chancellor came to the conclusion that neither peace or truce would be stipulated.
Palencia, 5th August 1522.
[Italian, 3 pages.]
Aug. 6. Sanuto Diaries, v. xxxiii. p. 361. 511. Defeat of the French by the English.
The Mantuan ambassador came into the College with the Chiefs of the Ten, and held a long conference. It is supposed they discussed some rout which the English had given to the French, for the French ambassador, who also had audience of the Signory, seemed to be very downcast.
Aug. 7. Sanuto Diaries, v. xxxiii. p. 361. 512. Letter to Antonio Surian.
Motion made in the Senate by the Sages, and carried, for a letter to Antonio Surian, the Signory's ambassador in England, of the the following tenor:—
On the arrival at Venice of the English ambassador Richard Pace (who, according to news from Rome, was about to commence his journey), the Signory will negotiate the truce and peace with the Emperor. Request the King to allow the Flanders galleys to depart. With regard to the King of France having broken the truce made in 1418 (sic), (fn. 1) whereby he showed himself the Signory's enemy, Surian is to state that the Republic acts upon the principle of never attacking any one.
Aug. 7. Sanuto Diaries, v. xxxiii. p. 411. 513. Antonio Surian to the Signory.
King Henry and the Cardinal refuse to dismiss the Republic's galleys until they receive the reply from Venice.
Dated 7th August. Registered by Sanuto, 25th September.
Aug. 7. Deliberazioni Senato Secreta, v. xlix. p. 111, tergo. 514. The Doge and Senate to Giovanni Badoer, Venetian Ambassador in France.
Since their last of the 19th ult. have received letters from their ambassador in England, who announces having been told by the King that he had charged his ambassador Pace, resident in Rome, to go to Venice and negotiate an arrangement between the Emperor and the State. The Venetian ambassador at Rome has also written about Pace's coming. Desire him (Badoer) to communicate this to the King of France. Will notify Pace's proposals.
Cardinal Wolsey and the King of England told the ambassadors Surian and Contarini that they chose to accommodate the Emperor for his voyage to Spain with the three Venetian galleys which are in Hampton harbour. For that purpose they caused the galleys to be unladen, and then took their guns, much to the detriment of the “ masters” and merchants, but the Emperor set sail without making use of them. Although the ambassador has earnestly requested their dismissal, the Doge and Senate do not yet know whether it has been conceded. This likewise is to be communicated to King Francis.
[Italian, 26 lines.]
Aug. 7. Senato Mar, v. xx. p. 28. 515. Detention of the Flanders Galleys at Hampton.
Motion made in the Senate,—That as nothing is known about the departure of the Flanders galleys from Hampton, and as there is only sufficient wool in the city to afford work for one month; it is necessary to make opportune provision for the importation of wool, which is well nigh the chief source of livelihood for the population of Venice.
Put to the ballot,—That for the next six months Frankish wools from England may be imported by sea in native or foreign bottoms, or by land from the staple at Calais, on payment to the masters of the Flanders galleys, commanded by Vincenzo Priuli, at the rate of only one half of the freight to which the wools would have been subjected if loaded in the galleys according to the auction contract.
Ayes, 153. Noes, 6. Neutrals, 1.
This decree communicated to the consul in London, and proclaimed from the “Edict Stone” at Rialto.
[Italian, 16 lines.]
Aug. 8. Deliberazioni Senato Secreta, v. xlix. p. 112, tergo. 516. The Doge and Senate to Antonio Surian, Venetian Ambassador in En eland.
Have received his letters dated the 10th and 13th June, giving a full account of his conferences with Cardinal Wolsey and the King. To repeat his congratulations on the successes in Scotland and Britanny, and to execute the commission given him on 17th June with regard to the articles drawn up by the Ambassador Contarini, and revised by the Imperial Chancellor (Gattinara). Have awaited the modification which the Cardinal promised to effect. The Venetian ambassador at Home has just announced that the Reverend Richard Pace who was coming with the King's commission, will depart thence tomorrow for Venice.
Will send their reply to all the proposals which he is to make. To assure the King in the meanwhile that the State is desirous of peace with the Emperor. Have given proofs of their goodwill towards him during the late disturbances. When, on lately evacuating Cremona, the French men-at-arms requested permission to quarter themselves in the Venetian territory, it was denied them.
Peace between Christians is greatly needed. Last year the Great Turk conquered Belgrade, Serimia [Servia?], and a great part of Hungary. During the last few months he has taken the fortresses of Scardona and Tuina (sic) in Croatia. He is now besieging Rhodes in person, with 300 sail and an army of 100,000 men,—a terrible and fearful thing to every nation, however remote, but above all to the Signory, whose neighbour he is. The Republic is compelled to incur excessive expenditure for the defence of her possessions.
The Captain-General is at sea. This was the reason why the State recalled her proveditors-general of the army, broke the infantry and light horse, and sent the Governor with all the men-at-arms into garrison. False therefore are the reports that the Signory's army in Italy is being augmented for the purpose of renewing the war in Italy. To acquaint the King and Cardinal with these facts.
The Imperial ambassador has had audience of the Signory, and read to them the articles of the league between the Emperor and the King of England, wherein place is reserved for the State, on condition that first of all, either by peace or truce, they should come to an agreement with the Emperor.
Request the King and Cardinal to draw up the agreement in an acceptable manner.
[Italian, 81 lines.]
Aug. 8. Deliberazioni Senato Secreta, v. xlix. p. 114. 517. The Doge and Senate to Antonio Surian, Venetian Ambassador in England.
Hope the galleys will be set at liberty, as neither the Pope (fn. 2) nor the Emperor mean to make use of them. Wrote on the 29th ult. to the King and Cardinal. (fn. 3)
Again desire Surian to make urgent suit for the release of the galleys. His Majesty invited the State to send them, and interceded with the Emperor to obtain safeconducts for them.
The “masters,” merchants, and oarsmen will be ruined. As the trade is not less profitable to the subjects of his Majesty than to the Venetians, trust that the release will be effected by the Cardinal [Italian, 35 lines.]
Aug. 8. Deliberazioni Senato Secreta, v. xlix. p. 114. 518. The Doge and Senate to Gasparo Contarini, Venetian Ambassador with the Emperor.
The Emperor's ambassador has recently read to them the articles of the league between the Emperor and the King of England, but gave them no copy of the articles, one of which reserves place for the Signory, provided they first of all make peace or truce with the Emperor.
Are expecting the arrival of an English ambassador, the Reverend Richard Pace. Suppose his mission relates to this matter.
Send a copy of their letter to Surian.
Ayes, 164. Noes, 27. Neutrals,1.
Aug. 9. Misti Consiglio X. v. xlv. p. 70. 519. The Council of Ten and Junta to Francesco Donato, Captain of Padua.
By his letter of the 7th are informed of what he has done with that English “mylord” (fn. 4) about the Rev. Richard Pace. Commend him for making every loving demonstration towards that “mylord”; to let him know that the coming of Pace will be agreeable by reason of his eminent qualities and rare endowments, and because he is known to bear affection to the State, according to the testimony of all Venetian ambassadors who have resided in England, and of the Venetian ambassador in Rome. The Signory is pleased that their affairs are to pass through his hands.
To acquaint Dom. Leonico, (fn. 5) who lectures (leze) to the aforesaid English “mylord,” with the Signory's good disposition towards Pace, so that Leonico may, as of himself, bear witness to it.
To meet Pace on his arrival at Padua and welcome him, declaring how acceptable is his coming to the Signory, and that the State considers him as a native Venetian. To render Pace as well-disposed as possible.
To defray the expenses of Pace and his retinue; but should he lodge in the house of the aforesaid English “mylord,” to furnish him with victuals sufficient for the board of himself and his attendants, and with corn for the horses.
Have heard that D. Leonico was tutor to Pace. Leonico is to accompany Pace as far as Venice, letting it appear that he performs this office spontaneously.
Ayes, 26. Noes, 1. Neutrals, 0.
[Italian, 33 lines.]
Aug. 11. Misti Consiglio X., v. xlv. p. 72, tergo. 520. Reply of the Council of Ten to a proposal made by the Apostolic Legate [Altobello Averoldi, Bishop of Pola] in Venice.
Have heard with pleasure the statement made by him on the 9th in the name of the Cardinal de' Medici.
Have been informed by their ambassador in Rome that the Rev. Richard Pace, ambassador from the King of England and the Cardinal of York, would commence his journey in two or three days.
Ayes, 3.
Proposed amendment:—That this matter be delayed until Pace's arrival.
Ayes, 9. Noes, 12.
[Italian, 34 lines.]
Aug. 11. Misti Consiglio X., v. xlv. p. 73. 521. Reply by the Council of Ten and Junta to the Apostolic Legate on his departure from Venice.
Have been perfectly satisfied with his good proceedings.
Respecting the negotiation with England, inform him they are expecting Pace's arrival from Rome. He will doubtless favour the Republic's interests, according to his wont.
Have always wished for peace with the Emperor.
Ayes, 3. Noes, 1. Neutrals, 0.
[Italian, 22 lines.]
Aug. 12. Sanuto Diaries, v. xxxiii. p. 378. 522. Antonio Surian to the Signory.
The Flanders galleys have not yet been dismissed. It is not allowed even to send merchandise from England to Venice by land until the receipt of the Signory's reply.
Has conversed with Cardinal Wolsey, who wishes to make an adjustment between the Signory and the Emperor, on condition that the Republic should pay 500,000 ducats for the investiture of the towns. Represented to the Cardinal that the sum proposed was too great, as the Signory has incurred and is still incurring vast expenditure for the outfit of galleys, &c.
The English no longer desire war with France, but that affairs should be quieted.
Dated 12th August. Registered by Sanuto, 31st August.
Aug. 14. Contarini's Letter Book, Letter no. 179, St. Mark's Library. 523. Gasparo Contarini to the Signory.
Has heard that the Emperor does not approve of the mission of a Papal Nuncio to France, as the Pope did not inform him of the appointment.
On the evening before last a knight of St. John's of Jerusalem, sent by the Grand Master, arrived here, having performed the journey in 40 days. He announces that Sultan Solyman was come to Rhodes with 200 sail, and had already landed troops and cannon to bombard the city. The Chancellor told him (Contarini) that the Emperor was sorry to hear this, and wrote instantly to Naples, desiring the grant of permission to the Rhodians to export thence provisions, artillery, and whatever else they may require, without payment of duty or gabel; and he will send some ships and barks to assist the besieged.
The Chancellor stated that the Imperial ambassador at Venice had written that the Signory had not given him any reply, saying it was expedient to await the arrival of the English ambassador, Pace. The Chancellor added, “Our ambassador also writes to us that you are good Frenchmen, and the State is sending her fleet, not to succour Rhodes, but to Corfu.” Is apprehensive lest the Emperor should require the State to proceed to greater lengths than desirable against Sultan Solyman.
The Emperor has had several of the leaders of the commons in various places arrested. He has caused several to be beheaded, including Don Pedro—, cousin-german of the Count of Benevente. (fn. 6)
Palencia, 14th August 1522.
[Italian, 2 pages.]
Aug. 17. Sanuto Diaries, v. xxxiii. p. 370. 524. Expected Arrival of Richard Pace in Venice.
Some knights, doctors of laws, and others, members of the Senate, were summoned to go and meet the English ambassador, Dom. Richard Pace, of whose arrival at Ferrara intelligence has been received.
Aug. 18. Deliberazioni Senato Secreta, v. xlix. p. 115, tergo. 525. The Doge and Senate to Alvise Gradenigo, Venetian Ambassador at Rome.
Having received a brief from the Pope dated the 9th August, announcing his embarkation for Italy, the Senate decreed that an embassy extraordinary of sis individuals should be sent to congratulate him on his arrival at Rome.
Ayes, 150.
Proposed amendment to the foregoing letter:—That the election of the ambassadors be suspended until the Pope's arrival at Rome, and until the Senate become acquainted with the proposals of the English ambassador, who is shortly expected at Venice.
Ayes, 29. Noes, 0. Neutrals, 0.
[Italian, 47 lines.]
Aug. 20. Contarini's Original Letter Book, Letter no. 180, St. Mark's Library. 526. Gasparo Contarini to the Signory.
No intelligence has been received from England since our departure thence. Heard an unauthenticated rumour that the English who landed in Britanny had been repulsed by the French. The Emperor is to quit Palencia on Friday next for Valladolid, where he will hold the Cortes.
Delegates from Valencia have arrived at the court to beg pardon of the Emperor for the insurrection of the commons in that city some months ago. At Xativa some disturbance still prevails.
Palencia, 20th August 1522.
P. S., dated the 22nd.—The Papal Nuncio, the Bishop of Astorga, heretofore sent to England to the Emperor and the King by the Pope, has now arrived at Bilboa.
[Italian, 2 pages.]
Aug. 20. Sanuto Diaries, v. xxxiii. p. 372. 527. Richard Pace at Venice.
The ambassador from the King of England, Dom. Richard Pace, arrived today. The noblemen appointed went to meet him as far as the island of Santo Spirito. (fn. 7) He lodged at Cà Dandolo in “Calle delle Rasse,” (fn. 8) heretofore the residence of the Imperial ambassador, who is gone to live at San Severo in Cà Zorzi, for which the Signory pays an annual rental of 150 ducats.
On the 21st this English ambassador came into the College with the noblemen deputed to accompany him, and the Doge moved a few steps towards the edge of the platform to meet him. He was much caressed. He presented his credentials, and spoke in general terms. When the Doge rose, he addressed him by the title of “Veneranda Senectus,” (fn. 9) and they embraced.
Aug. 21. Sanuto Diaries, v. xxxiii. p. 373. 528. Richard Pace at Venice.
The English, ambassador came into the College this morning and presented his King's letter dated—, 22nd June 1522. (fn. 10) It purports that according to the articles of the league the Republic is bound to attack the King of France, as he was the first to violate them. He therefore beseeches the Signory to give him a speedy reply. Pace said, “This is the letter. Your Serenity will answer me concerning the other matters which I have to negotiate. I will come tomorrow and make my statement.”
All the members of the Senate who had accompanied the ambassador were dismissed, and he remained in the College with a few of his own followers.
On the morning of the 22nd, two Sages for the Mainland, Ferigo da Molin and Francesco Contarini, were sent to bring Pace to audience. On entering the College, he said he would read the instructions which he had received from his King, and which were to the following effect:—That Pace was to come to Venice to persuade the Doge and Signory to comply with the articles of the league stipulated in-[London, 1518–1519?], and declare themselves hostile to the King of France for his having been the first to violate it. That the King of England and the Emperor, both by land and sea, intended to attack him, and that the Signory should do the like.
Pace also said that his King has determined to make war on the King of France for eight causes. First, because the King of France seized the kingdom of Navarre and took it from the Emperor, which he was not at liberty to do. Secondly, that he has given assistance to Robert de la Marck against the Emperor, a charge he can not deny, as his letters to that effect have been discovered. Thirdly, that he sent the Duke of Albany into Scotland contrary to agreements. Fourthly, that through the Duke of Albany he made the Scots wage war on the English. Fifthly, that he (the Duke?) sent to France the brother-in-law of the King of England, the Earl of Angus, married to the King's sister, the widow of Scotland, and caused him to be imprisoned there, the Duke of Albany cohabiting with Angus's wife. (fn. 11) Sixthly, that the King of France favours and harbours the rebels of the King of England, including Richard de la Pole, called “White Rose.” Seventhly, that the King of France has taken several English ships. Eighthly, that on these accounts the King of England has determined to be revenged on the King of France. He therefore requests the Signory to declare herself. But as there are disputes between the Emperor and the Republic, and the truce is about to expire, and as the Emperor says it has been violated by the State, the King of England offers his mediation in these disputes, and will make an adjustment.
All this was stated in the King's letter. Pace caused it to be read twice, but would not leave it.
The Doge made answer that the Sages would consult and reply. Pace said he had ever been the servant of the State, and that the Signory would receive constant proof of his good offices.
Aug. 25. Sanuto Diaries, v. xxxiii. p. 376. 529. Letter to Henry VIII.
Motion made in the Senate by the Sages, proposing a reply to the letter sent to the Signory by the King of England.
Aug. 25. Deliberazioni Senato Secreta, v. xxxiii. 116, tergo. 530. Reply by the Senate to the Imperial Ambassador, Don Alfonzo Sanches.
Thank the Emperor for having invited the State to join the league between himself and the King of England.
The English ambassador, Richard Pace, has proposed the mediation of the King of England in all matters of a harsh and difficult nature, and that the Signory should detach herself from France. Replied to Pace that they were willing to accept the King's mediation. Had wished to see the modification of the clauses by Cardinal Wolsey in England; that being impossible, will send powers and instructions for the conclusion of peace to both their ambassadors. With regard to joining the league between the Emperor and England, when the peace is made there will be no difficulty about this.
As to declaring against the King of France, it seems to them a matter for great consideration until they are assured of an adjustment with the Emperor, especially as the Pope, by briefs and through his Legate, has exhorted the State to make a general peace, having sent his envoys to the Emperor and to England and France for that purpose. The formidable forces of the Great Turk have taken Scardona and Tenina [Temisvar?], belonging to the King of Hungary, near the Venetian territory, and are now besieging Rhodes, to the universal peril of all Christians.
Ayes, 157. Noes, 43. Neutrals, 13.
[Italian, 54 lines.]
Aug. 25. Deliberazioni Senato Secreta, v. xlix. p. 117. 531. Reply of the Senate to the Rev. Richard Pace.
Compliment him on his learning and abilities; are grateful for the good offices which he has always rendered to the State.
Thank the King for his proffered mediation. Are desirous of peace with the Emperor.
On the 13th ult. their ambassador in England wrote that the King said he (Pace) would bring with him the modified articles which Cardinal Wolsey promised to draw up. If the articles be fair and reasonable, the Signory will ratify the treaty. But should he (Pace) have no further communication to make, the State will send instructions to the Venetian ambassadors for the stipulation of the peace.
With regard to making a declaration against France, state that they have not assisted the French more than they were bound to do by their alliance with the King of France, but they have always observed their truce with the Emperor. When the French men-at-arms in Cremona lately asked permission to enter the Venetian territory, the State refused it, in order not to offend the Emperor.
To declare themselves the enemies of the King of France appears to them a step requiring great consideration, as they have no certain prospect of an adjustment with the Emperor, and the Pope has exhorted them to make a universal peace, announcing the mission of his nuncios to the Emperor, the King of England, and the King of France.
Sultan Solyman has taken Scardona and Tenina in Hungary, and is now besieging Rhodes. But should peace between the Emperor and Venice be effected by King Henry good results will follow.
Ayes, 195. Noes, 12. Neutrals, 6.
[Italian, 78 lines.]
Aug. 26. Sanuto Diaries, v. xxxiii. p. 376. 532. Richard Pace, Ambassador at Venice.
In the morning he came into the College, and the reply of the Senate was read to him.
Aug. 26. Misti Consiglio X. v. xlv. p. 82. 533. Pace at Venice.
Reply made to the reverend English ambassador, but modified (castigata) in the Council of Ten, for communication to the French ambassador in Venice, and sent to the Venetian ambassador in France, that he may communicate it to King Francis. (fn. 12)
Ayes, 29. Noes, 0. Neutrals, 0.
[Italian, 40 lines.]
Aug 27. Misti Consiglio X. v . xlv. p. 83. 534. The Council of Ten and Junta to Giovanni Badoer, Venetian Ambassador in France.
Inform him that Pace, the English ambassador from Rome, has required them on behalf of his King to desist from succouring France, and to detach themselves from her, offering his King as mediator for a peace between the Emperor and the State. Enclose a copy of their reply, to be communicated to the most Christian King with the greatest secrecy.
Today Pace and the Imperial ambassador entered their presence and repeated the aforesaid proposal. Each of them presented letters patent in the name of his sovereign, purporting that the Signory, being comprised in the league of London between the French and English Kings, should persuade the former to desist from the war against the Emperor and England, to restore the places taken, and to make compensation for damages, as otherwise the Republic is bound to declare against France. To this the Signory has not yet made any reply.
To request King Francis to keep this communication secret.
Ayes, 26. Noes, 2. Neutral, 1.
[Italian, 30 lines.]
Aug. 27. Misti Consiglio X. v xlv. p. 83. 535. The Council of Ten and Junta to Alvise Gradenigo, Venetian Ambassador in Rome.
A long account of their negotiations with the English ambassador Richard Pace, for communication to the Pope.
To detail the Pope's reply.
Ayes, 28. Noes, 1. Neutrals, 0.
[Italian, 56 lines.]
Aug. 27. Sanuto Diaries, v. xxxiii. p. 377. 536. Duchy of Milan.
The Imperial and English ambassadors came into the College together, desiring the Signory to write to the King of France to deliver the fortresses to the Duke of Milan.
Aug. 29. Sanuto Diaries, v. xxxiii. p. 404. 537. Antonio Sueian to the Signory.
Wolsey is anxiously expecting the Signory's reply to Pace, and to Surian's letters. Should it be chosen to make peace, the Republic must restore the estates of the rebels. (fn. 13) The galleys have not yet been dismissed; the reply is awaited. The whole population of England is dissatisfied with this war, because they are made to pay, and do not approve of these affairs (ste cosse).
Dated 29th August. Registered by Sanuto, 20th September.
Aug. 30. Deliberazioni Senato Secreta, v. xlix. p. 118, tergo. 538. Reply of the Senate to the Imperial and English Ambassadors.
Since the reply given to the proposals made by both of them, they have entered the Signory's presence together, and presented letters patent from the Emperor and the King of England, and demanded an answer.
Although the treaty of London was dissolved by the death of its principal, Pope Leo X., Venice still wishes for peace with the Emperor, but a declaration against France would be a matter of great moment, especially as they have no certainty of an adjustment with the Emperor. Will therefore await the resolve to be formed by the Emperor and the King of England, on the receipt of their previous reply.
In answer to Pace's inquiry whether, in the event of the King of France's return into Italy, the State would assist him; they remind him that the Signory lately refused, out of respect for the Emperor, to receive the French men-at-arms in the Venetian territory, when they quitted Cremona.
Ayes, 99–127.
Proposed amendment to the last clause.—With regard to your inquiry whether, if the King of France returned into Italy, we would assist him, we reply that if the Emperor welcomes us with a good peace or truce, we will satisfy his Majesty by not affording any favour to the most Christian King.
Ayes, 34. Noes, 1. Neutrals, 2–2.
Second amendment—That the present matter be delayed until next Monday.
Ayes, 73–71.
[Italian, 28 lines.]
Aug. 31. Deliberazioni Senato Secreta, v. xlix. p. 119. 539. The Doge and Senate to Giovanni Badoer, Venetian Ambassador in France.
Send a copy of their reply to the proposals of the ambassadors from the Emperor and England to be communicated secretly to the King of France.
[Italian, 24 lines.]
Aug. 31. Sanuto Diaries, v. xxxiii. p. 378. 540. Antonio Surian, State Attorney.
In the afternoon the Grand Council assembled and elected as State Attorneys Piero Contarini and Antonio Surian, ambassador in England.
Motion made by the Sages and carried, that Antonio Surian having been elected State Attorney, (he being in the service of the State,) without salary, be allowed time to accept till three days after his arrival in Venice.
Ayes, 1085. (fn. 14) Noes, 103. Neutrals, 3.


  • 1. Query 1518? There is no mention of any truce or of the treaty of London in the “Deliberazioni Senato,” date 7 August, nor yet of the King of France, but possibly both one and the other were mentioned in debate, and Sanuto inferred that the letter was of the same tenor.
  • 2. At the time of his election the Pope was in Spain, and departed thence by sea on the 2nd of August 1522.
  • 3. The registers of these letters have not been discovered.
  • 4. “quel Monsigr. Anglese.” Reginald Pole?
  • 5. Tomeo Nicola Leonico, of Albanian origin, a learned Venetian scholar. He was Greek. Professor at Padua, and a very virtuous man. He died in 1531 at the age of 75. His biographers do not record his intimacy with Reginald Pole and Richard Pace, which is here recorded by the Council of Ten.
  • 6. Robertson, on the contrary, writes that on the Emperor's arrival in Spain “he refused to shed any more blood by the hands of the executioner.”
  • 7. By this it would appear that Pace came down the Po from Ferrara, instead of passing through Padua, to see Reginald Pole, as the Signory had anticipated.
  • 8. Ca Dandolo on the Riva de' Schiavoni. The house is yet standing; it is an inn styled “Albergo Reale.” The Giustinian palace at San Moise, also an inn (the “Europa “on the Grand Canal), was inhabited by the English ambassador, Viscount Fielding, from February 1635 to February 1639. The Molin palace, in which Thomas Killigrew resided as ambassador from Charles II. in 1562, is also an inn, with the name “Victoria,” or “Regina d'Inghilterra.”
  • 9. Antonio Grimani, the reigning Doge, was born in the year 1435, and died in 1523, May 7. (See Cicogna, Inscriptions, vol. i., p. 170.)
  • 10. The original document is among the “Patti Sciolti,” and is dated London, 9th June 1522.
  • 11. “Et esso Duva de Albania se impaza con la moglie.” I do not know whether modern historians have recorded the imprisonment of Angus in France, and the charge of adultery brought by Henry VIII. against his own sister in 1522. In 1523, her “scandalous familiarity” with Henry Stuart was notorious, according to Lingard. These circumstances are mentioned in the King's instructions to Pace, printed in Strype's Memorials, vol. i. app. xiii. See also Mr. Brewer's Calendar, vol. iii. no. 2497.
  • 12. Among others, the passage relating to the French men-at-arms in Cremona is omitted.
  • 13. Viz., of Venetian subjects who had adhered to the Imperialists
  • 14. In the year 1793 the Venetian noblemen eligible to the Grand Council were in number about 1,560; in 1522 they seem to have amounted to 1,660 and upwards, as seen by the “Consegi” in St. Mark's Library.