Venice: July 1529

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 4, 1527-1533. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1871.

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'Venice: July 1529', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 4, 1527-1533, ed. Rawdon Brown( London, 1871), British History Online [accessed 27 July 2024].

'Venice: July 1529', in Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 4, 1527-1533. Edited by Rawdon Brown( London, 1871), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024,

"Venice: July 1529". Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 4, 1527-1533. Ed. Rawdon Brown(London, 1871), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024.

July 1529

July 1. Sanuto Diaries, v. li. p. 105. 484. Sebastian Giustinian to the Signory.
His most Christian Majesty, having been there at St. Quentin in close conversation with the English ambassador, the Duke of Suffolk, then turned towards him (Giustinian) and the Milanese ambassador, saying, “Mons. de St. Pol has been routed and taken on account of you Venetians.” He (Giustinian) and the Milanese ambassador defended the Signory. The King retracted, and said he would at any rate enter Italy in force, if the Emperor went thither.
St. Quentin, 1st July. Registered by Sanuto, 23rd July.
July 6. Original Letter Book, Letter no. 189, St. Mark's Library. 485. Gasparo Contarini to the Signory.
Sentence given concerning the bishopric of Cividal di Belluno in favour of the Prothonotary Casal, against the Reverend Dom. Francesco (sic) Barozi.
Sir Gregory Casal, who really in this business has comported himself with great moderation towards the aforesaid Zuan (sic) Barozi, now that sentence has been passed in the Prothonotary's favour, requests possession for his brother. They are all (fn. 1) excellent gentlemen (bonissimi gentilhomini) and have always done the State good service.
Today the ambassadors from England (fn. 2) were called before the Pope, who hinted to them (fn. 3) that he purposed advokingi the suit for their King's divorce from the two Legates [Wolsey and Campeggio], and placing it here in the Court. This the Pope did at the instigation of the Imperialists, which these English ambassadors resent greatly.
The Emperor's ambassadors have advices from Germany that the [Free?] Towns and the chief Lutherans have assembled a Diet amongst themselves, and determined to give assistance to such Swiss cantons as profess Lutheranism.
Some bulls of Pope Leo's which I thought might be of use to your noblemen and subjects have come into my hands. They were taken at the sack of Rome; I purchased them for a crown and half, and send them to your Highness accordingly. (fn. 4)
Rome, 6th July 1529.
July 10. Original Letter Book, Letter no. 190, St Mark's Library. 486. Gaspaeo Contarini to the Signory.
Letters received from the Court of France dated the 27th. The negotiation for the peace had rather cooled than otherwise; (fn. 5) according to report, the King of England was the chief cause of this, which agrees with the French newsletters, sent with my last. (fn. 6)
A bishop has arrived at Rome as ambassador from the Duke of Savoy. He informed the Pope and the Cardinals that in many cities in the Duke's territory the Lutheran sect makes great progress, that Geneva had become entirely Lutheran, and that at Lucerne and Aosta many parishes had risen several times against their bishops, so that unless farther steps be taken, the country is in great peril.
Rome, 10th July 1529.
[Italian 2 pages.]
July 10. Sanuto Diaries, v. li. p. 120. 487. Sebastian Giustinian to the Signory.
Madame the Regent went to Cambrai in great state, being clad in black velvet, with four ladies' litters, and with her daughter the Queen of Navarre, and ladies on horseback. The Lord Chancellor preceded her, and the ambassadors followed, but the Duke of Suffolk was not there, having returned to England; the English King having sent thither two others, viz., the Bishop of London and . . . . . The Lady Margaret had already arrived, accompanied by the Cardinal of Liege. On the 6th, the two Madames (le do Madame) had an interview. Went to visit Madame Margaret; she was in bed, dressed, having a slight pain in her leg. Assured her exuberantly of the Signory's observance towards the Emperor and herself, requesting her to favour the State in these negotiations. She replied graciously and lovingly, offering to do everything for the Signory.
His visit to Madame Margaret was by order of the Lords of the Council. Having spoken several times with the Lord Chancellor and the Lord Steward about these negotiations, they did not answer to the point, saying it would be well to acquaint him with any difficulty, that he may write to the State. The Lord Chancellor told him they would act according to the former negotiations with regard to the Signory's giving money to the Emperor, and in case of any difference, it might be compromised after the arrival of the most Christian King at Lyons. Touching the duchy of Milan, the Duke's ambassador, Taverna, was also present. The Chancellor said that those in possession were to hold what they had, until it was known whether the Duke had committed an act of felony. Taverna rejoined that it was unfair to commence by despoiling any one, and that everything should be placed in its original state preparatory to judgment. In this matter, he (Giustinian) favoured Taverna, saying that the whole war had been waged for the purpose of maintaining the Duke of Milan in his duchy; to which the Chancellor replied, “The King will have good care for his allies.” It is thus seen that they do not explain their intentions; but the Lady Margaret is indisposed, and therefore they cannot negotiate together. Madame the Regent writes that the Cardinal Legate Salviati has not arrived [in Paris], and it seems that neither the members of the French Privy Council, nor yet the Imperialists, approve of the Papal Nuncio, the Archbishop of Capua [Schomberg], who is coming to Cambrai. The French privy councillors say it is quite certain that immediately on the Emperor's coming to Italy, the most Christian King will go to Lyons and from thence to Italy, and speedily. The Lord Chancellor says he hopes peace will be made, but the others [his colleagues?] do not say so.
Cambrai, 5th, 8th, 9th, and 10th July. Registered by Sanuto 25th July.
July 12. Sanuto Diaries, v. li. p 68. 488. — to the Marquis of Mantua.
In a letter dated the 5th instant the Prince of Orange writes to the Imperial ambassador that to show the Pope how much the Emperor wishes him to receive due obedience from the subjects of the Church, he, the Prince, is about to march upon Perugia, with the Marquis del Guasto and a considerable body of troops.
Concerning the rest of the Imperial forces, there remain in the kingdom of Naples 7,000 infantry, and the light horse of the Marquis's brother, Don Feiramlo [Ferrante], who is elected Lieutenant General of the kingdom in Naples, with the same authority as he, the Prince (of Orange), himself.
Tomorrow the Pope gives his signature (fa signatura) on which occasion they will discuss the appeal for'transfer to Rome of the English divorce case; which appeal the Pope is expected to sanction, although the English ambassadors at Rome strongly urge him to delay for a few days.
According to the last advices from England, the trial of this case will have already commenced, against which the Queen appealed, declaring the judges and the Court under suspicion (suspetti) but the appeal has not hitherto been admitted. The Queen's proctor (procurator) at Rome is the Imperial ambassador.
Rome, 12th July. Registered by Sanuto 17th July.
July 12. Original Letter Book, Letter no. 191, St. Mark's Library. 489. Gasparo Contarini to the Signory.
When talking with the Pope this afternoon about the peace, and the letters from France, which represented it as having somewhat cooled, his Holiness said to me, “I do not draw this inference, though it is true that the King of England, who would wish the sentence of divorce to be given before the stipulation of the pence, goes on delaying it.” He then detailed to me at great length, how the affair of the divorce proceeded, and in what state it was, saying, “These Imperialists urged me to advoke the suit from England hither to the Court, and the news of the negotiation for the peace having arrived, I told them that this advocation at the present moment might disturb the conclusion of the peace, wherefore it was better to leave the matter as it stood until then, and that I would provide against their proceeding farther in England, (fn. 7) to which effect a courier was despatched, and subsequently Dr. Stephen [Gardyner] departed with this decision; and now by letters of the 26th June from England, Dr. Stephen having arrived there on the 23rd, they are carrying on the suit in great haste.” The Pope then described to me a ceremony which had taken place in public in the presence of the two Legates, at which the King and Queen attended; but I will not give a farther account of it, knowing that your Serenity will have heard the particulars from your ambassador, Falier. At length, the Queen replied, and protested to God, that having no other aid in that kingdom, she would not appear, nor allege any of her rights, but merely hoped in God that he would uphold them. She also said that no other husband than the present King had consummated marriage with her, the Pope adding, “And to me the Queen has written the like, swearing that such is the truth.”
The Pope now tells me that since this ceremony, they are carrying on the suit (causa) there in England in despite of the Queen, (fn. 8) who has now sent a power to the Imperial ambassador (fn. 9) concerning this advocation of her suit (cause) here to the Court. “Wherefore (said the Pope) I have ordered Signatara for tomorrow, to prohibit them from proceeding in this fashion.” “Then (said I) tomorrow your Holiness will advoke this suit?” He replied, “I do not know, because I choose to proceed justifiably (justificatamente).” Then in conclusion, the Pope complained much and said much evil of the late Bishop of Sebenico, Staphileo, who was the person who led the King of England this dance. (fn. 10)
Rome, 12th July 1529.
[Italian 4 pages.]
July 16. Original Letter Book, Letter no. 194 St. Mark's Library. 490. Gasparo Contarini to the Signory.
Signatura” was held for the affair of the advocation of the divorce suit from the Cardinals Wolsey and Campeggio hither to the Court, and the Pope took the votes of the referendaries, and of the three Cardinals, namely, Ancona, Santi Quattro, and Cesis, which I understand were almost all for the advocation of the suit. Today they have determined to hold a congregation about this matter, which I believe they will advoke.
Rome, 16th July 1529.
July 20. Original Letter Book, Letter no. 105, St. Mark's Library. 491. The Same to the Same.
On the 16th, when I wrote my letter to your Serenity, the congregation of Cardinals assembled concerning the English divorce, whereupon the Cardinal Sea. Croce (Francesco Quinones) “proposed” the Pope's vote for advoking the suit from the Cardinals Wolsey and Campeggio hither to the Court, and that his Holiness wished also to have the vote (il voto) of their Right Reverend Lordships, who, from what I understand, were of the same opinion, so that the advocation of the suit was decided. I do not know in what mode and form they have written to England.
Rome, 20th July 1520.
July 30. Sanuto Diaries, v. li. p. 250. 492. Lodovico Falier to the Signory.
Cardinal Wolsey wished to proceed with the divorce case, etc., but Cardinal Campeggio did not think fit [to do so], saying it was holiday time when the law courts are up (che sehiva la raxom); so he has prorogued the affair until the kalends of October.
Letters have been received in London from Cambrai, dated the 3rd.
Cardinal Wolsey told him the Emperor is coming into Italy, and that the Signory's towns ought to be well garrisoned, and above all Ravenna and Cervia. (fn. 11)
London, 30th July. Registered by Sanuto 19th August


  • 1. As already mentioned, there were three brothers of the Casal family employed in Italy at this period by Henry VIII.
  • 2. Sir Gregory Casal, Peter Vannes, and Dr. Bennet.
  • 3. “Li ha cignato. “Cignato” for “accenuato.”
  • 4. For the term “advokc” see “State Papers,” vol. vii., part v., pp. 193–217.
  • 5. This paragraph was printed in the preface to vol. ii., “Venetian Calendar,” p. lii. In the original the words are—“Mi sono venule alle mani alcuue bolle di Papa Lion, le qnal “mi ha parso al proposito di vostra Serenità et di sui gentilhomini et suhditj, et furon pres; “al sacco di Roma; le ho recuperate per uno scudo et mezo, et così le mando a vostra “Celsitudine.”
  • 6. “Più presto esser refredita che altramente.”
  • 7. The “advices” or “news-letters” are never transcribed in the letter-books of the Venetian Ambassadors.
  • 8. “Et che provederio che de lì in Anglia non se procederia più oltra.”
  • 9. “In contumatia della Regina.”
  • 10. In letter No. 38, date Viterbo, 12th August 1528, Gasparo Contarini writes that the ambassador then appointed by Charles V. to Clement VII. was a gentleman of Barcelona, one Michiel Maj, who had studied at Padua, and been rector of the University there; so he was probably a good jurist. Gasparo Coutarini had known him in Spain, and considered him a “gentil et dextro gentilhomo.” He succeeded Cesare Musetola, a Neapolitan, and arrived at Rome on the evening of the 24th of January 1529, as stated in letter No. 112, 27th January, in which Contarini writes, “cerlo io lo cognoscho per “gentilhonio da bene.”
  • 11. “Che havea poslo il Sermo Re di Anglia in questo ballo.” (See note about Staphileo, date 2nd January, and the letter of 8th March 1528.)
  • 12. The names of these three Cardinals were l'ietro degli Accolti, Antonio Puccio, and Paolo Cesis; and Accolti, having been Secretary to Pope Julius II., was well acquainted with the history of the dispensation for the marriage of Henry and Katharine.
  • 13. At the close of April, Prothonotary Casal presented a letter from Henry VIII., ordering the Signory to restore Ravenna and Cervia to the Pope. We now find him averse to the surrender, and thus learn that between May and July he had obtained proofs of the Pope's intention not to grant the divorce. See also “State Papers,” vol. vii. p. 164, letter to Henry VIII. from Clement VII., date Rome, 21 April 1529. “He (the Pope) can-“not grant the King's request.”