Treasury Books and Papers: April 1730

Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 1, 1729-1730. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1897.

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'Treasury Books and Papers: April 1730', in Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 1, 1729-1730, ed. William A Shaw (London, 1897), British History Online [accessed 18 February 2025].

'Treasury Books and Papers: April 1730', in Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 1, 1729-1730. Edited by William A Shaw (London, 1897), British History Online, accessed February 18, 2025,

"Treasury Books and Papers: April 1730". Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 1, 1729-1730. Ed. William A Shaw (London, 1897), British History Online. Web. 18 February 2025.


April 1730

April 3. 162. Same to same transmitting from the Lords of the Treasury a letter from the Count D'Osorio touching his baggage, on which their Lordships desire all civility and despatch go as to oblige the Count as far as the law will admit.
April 3. 163. Warrant under the royal sign manual to the Attorney or Solicitor-General for preparation of a bill to pass the Great Seal to revoke the letters patent constituting Alexander Wedderburn, since deceased, Gilbert Burnet, Henry Robinson, Thomas Broughton, since deceased, and George Ross, Commissioners of Excise for Scotland, and to constitute in their place, as commissioners, Gilbert Burnet, Henry Robinson, George Ross, Richard Dowdeswell, and Thomas Cockran. With salaries of 400l. each.
[North Britain Book IX. pp. 417–8.]
April 4. 164. A list of all the ships from the East Indies, China, and other places within the limits of the charter granted to the East India Company, with the names of the respective masters and the particular times when such masters made their reports at the Custom House, London, of the unrated goods upon which the arrears of duties due to the Crown from the East India Company, mentioned in the accounts laid before the House of Commons, March 20 last, became due since 1703, March 8. The list includes (1) ships importing unrated goods belonging to the old East India Company, 1704, May 31–1708, March 29; (2) ships importing unrated goods belonging to the new East India Company, 1704, May 9–1707–8, March 23; (3) ships importing unrated goods belonging to the United East India Company, 1705, November 28–1713, September 7. Custom House, London, April 4. 4 pages.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIII. No. 38.]
165. Same of all ships entered at the Custom House, London, for the East Indies, from Christmas, 1720, to Christmas, 1727, with names and tonnage of each ship. Certified by Thomas Day, Collector, and Thomas Causton, Deputy Comptroller. (See April 22.) Custom House, April 4. 3 pages. [Ibid, No. 39.]
166. Same of the names of all ships from the East Indies, with the tonnage thereof respectively, the masters' names, and the times when they made their reports at the Custom House, from Christmas 1722 to Christmas 1729. Certified by Rob. Paul, Collector, Tho. Causton, D. Compt., Customs House, London. 3 pages. [Ibid, No. 40.]
167. Three formal letters from Edmund Bishop of London to the Lords of the Treasury requesting the ordering of His Majesty's bounty of 20l. each to pay for the passage of the following ministers:—Mr. Richard C. Charlton, B.A., appointed a minister in the Leeward Islands; Mr. Hugh Kemp, M.A. appointed a minister in the Island of Jamaica; Mr. John Fulton, M.A. appointed a minister in South Carolina. 3 pages. [Ibid, 41 a–c.]
April 6. 168. Report of the Commissioners for Licensing Hawkers and Pedlars to the Lords of the Treasury on the state of the case of Mr. Thos. Meysey, late a Riding Surveyor in the Hawker's Office, traversing the reasons stated in his petition about his discharge, and containing a statement of the real nature of his malpractices. 6 pages.
—(a.) A paper of reasons of Mr. Meysey's discharge on 1729–30, February 5. 2 pages.
(b.) The petition of Thomas Meysey to the Lords of the Treasury, together with a statement of the advantage the revenue has received by his services. 2 pages. Addressed to Crew Offley, Esq. at his house in St. James's Place, London. 2 pages.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIII. No. 42.]
April 6. 169. Warrant under the royal sign manual to the Barons of the Exchequer, Scotland, to issue to Hugh Earl of Loudoun 1,000l. for his charges and expenses as Commissioner to the General Assembly of the Church to be held in Scotland this summer. [North Britain Book IX. p. 419.]
April 7. 170. The Surveyor General's report on the petition of the Duke of Chandos for renewing a Crown lease of the wharf and buildings in Scotland Yard, read and referred to the Attorney and Solicitor General to advise on the malpractices mentioned in the report with respect to the first lease of the premises which passed in the names of Wm. Aislabie and John Child.
Order for 55l. to Stephen Whatley as royal bounty.
The Treasurer of the Navy's memorial of March 26 last for 33,892l. 10s. read and ordered out of the loans on land tax, anno 1730. [Treasury Minute Book XXVI. p. 294.]
April 7. 171. Statement or return, signed by Alexander Chocke and addressed to the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses in Parliament, “of the Exchequer bills and loans on land and malt taxes which were standing out at Christmas, 1727, and what bills have been since issued, and loans made, and how discharged, with the interest which has been paid, or out of what funds, and how much is now outstanding” (to 1730, March 23). 6 pages.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXIII. No. 43.]
April 7. 172. J. Scrope to the Commissioners of Customs transmitting from the Lords of the Treasury a letter from the Marchioness Dowager of Annandale, desiring that all the effects and papers which belonged to the late Marquis of Annandale, and are soon expected, with his corpse, may not be opened until they come to the Custom House here. Their Lordships direct that orders be given to the proper officers on the landing of the body to seal up the effects and send them to the Custom House here.
[Letter Book XVIII. p. 431.]
April 7. 173. Warrant from the Lords of the Treasury to the Commissioners of Customs authorising the like relief as in other cases to Thos. Freke and Company, of Bristol, merchants, and John Hancock, mariner, for the tare of currants imported in the “Corsley” galley, “and that for the future you cause the usual allowance [of 16 lb. per cwt.] to be made for the tare of currants upon the importation thereof into the said port if it shall appear to the officers there that no designed fraud was intended in the packing.” [Customs Book XIII. p. 54.]
April 7. 174. Petition [to the Lords of the Treasury] from Richard Earl of Burlington for an extension of his interest in a piece of ground, part of the Royal garden, granted to the late Lord Carleton by Queen Anne, referred to the Surveyor General.
[[Crown Lease Book II. p. 22.]
April 8. 175. J. Scrope to Mr. Baskett conveying the directions of the Lords of the Treasury for the delivery into the Office of the Secretary at War of 400 copies of the new Articles of War, and the like of the Act against mutiny and desertion.
[Letter Book XVIII. p. 432.]
April 8. 176. Order from the Lords of the Treasury for the execution of a warrant, dated March 19, from the Duke of Grafton to the Master of the Great Wardrobe for the delivery to Jonathan Belcher, Esq. Governor of New England, of the following, for the use of His Majesty's chapel there: one large Bible; two large and 12 small Common Prayer Books, two cushions for the reading desk, a cushion and cloth for the pulpit, a carpet for the altar, all of crimson damask with silk fringe, two linen cloths for the altar, and two surplices.
Memorandum:—The particulars of this warrant will come to 110l. or thereabouts, 1730, March 28. Thos. Dummer. John Halls, Comptroller. [Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. 321.]
April 8. 177. Warrant from the Lords of the Treasury allowing the quarterly salary bill for the Civil List for the quarter ending 1730, March 25.
Prefixing:—The list in detail with names and amounts (total, 9,044l. 8s.d.) [North Britain Book IX. pp. 420–3.]
178. Same from same confirming same for the salt duty for same quarter.
Prefixing:—List as before (total, 956l. 5s.). [Ibid, pp. 424–7.]
179. Same from same confirming same for the Customs for same quarter.
Prefixing:—List as before (total, 5,930l. 5s.).
[Ibid, pp. 428–441.]
April 8. 180. Same from same to the Auditor of the Receipt to draw an order for paying to Jonathan Forward, of London, merchant, 530l. for transporting 106 persons sentenced for transportation and taken out of Newgate gaol and shipped March 17 last on board the “Patapscoe merchant,” Darby Lux, commander, for Maryland.
Appending:—The names of the 106 convicts with certificates by Darby Lux, 1729–30, March 17, of the shipping of the convicts; by Matthew Tanner, deputy of Thomas Jackson, clerk of the peace for the city of London, dated 1729–30, March 24, of security given by Jonathan Forward for the effectual transportation of 50 convicts; and by John Matthews, clerk of the gaol delivery, Middlesex, dated 1730, March 25 of similar security by Forward for the effectual transportation of the remaining 56 convicts.
[Money Book XXXV. pp. 174–5.]
April 8. 181. Warrant from the Lords of the Treasury to the Clerk of the Pipe or his deputy to prepare a lease to pass the Exchequer Seal of a messuage, yard, “terrasse,” &c. within the precincts of the Palace of Whitehall, abutting south-east on a terrace in the tenure of the Countess of Portland, south-west on a passage leading from the Privy Garden to the said terrace, and north-east on ground now or late in the possession of the Duchess of Leeds, and John Hanbury, Esq. and north-west on the Privy Garden; to Henry Herbert, Esq. commonly called Henry Lord Herbert, for 50 years at a rent of 12l. per annum, subject to resumption on the contingency of the rebuilding the Palace of Whitehall.
Appending:—(a.) Constat of the premises, certified by Charles Gibbon, Deputy Surveyor General, 1730, March 26.
(b.) Entry of the release in Latin.
[Crown Lease Book II. pp. 24–5.]
182. Letters patent from the Lords of the Treasury ratifying the purchase of 49a. 0r. 25p. in Cabeca Terre quarter by John Lynch, planter, of the island of St. Christopher.
Appending:—Articles of agreement indicated, &c. between King George II. and Lynch for same. [Ibid, pp. 26–9.]
April 9. 183. J. Scrope to the Auditor and Solicitor General transmitting from the Lords of the Treasury, for statement of opinion, a copy of a report and papers made by the Surveyor General of His Majesty's lands on the petition of the Duke of Chandos for renewing a Crown lease of a wharf and buildings in Scotland Yard. [Letter Book XVIII. p. 431b.]
184. Same to A. Cracherode transmitting, from the Lords of the Treasury, petitions of William Prescott and Henry Turner Broom, persons who had interest in the Auction Room and Coffee Room, formerly part of the Court of Wards, and who claim as being dispossessed 326l. and 750l. respectively; for report thereon, after advice with the Attorney General as to the assurances proper to be executed for the security to the Crown of their titles.
April 10. 185. Report by Anthony Cracherode to the Lords of the Treasury on the petition of James Rossi and Henry Bernier, setting forth the circumstances of the separation between Mary Louisa Pitt, daughter-in-law of Rossi and sister to Bernier, who was forcibly abducted from London by her husband, George Pitt, and others, and kept locked up at a seat of Pitt's at Melcombe, in Dorset, and these ill-used petitioners have since been obliged to abscond to avoid malicious prosecutions from Pitt's servants. The assertions of the petition are supported by affidavit. Advises the granting a warrant to the Attorney General for causing a noli prosequi to be entered upon the two several indictments found against petitioners. 6 page.
—(a.) The petition of Rossi and Bernier to the Lords of the Treasury. 2 pages.
—With minute of reference, of date 1729–30, March 18, from the Lords of the Treasury to Cracherode.
(b.) Affidavit of Mary Louisa Pitt as to facts as above, dated 1729–30, March 23. 1 page.
(c.) Affidavits of Maria Rossi and Jane Assié as above, of same date. 2 pages.
(d.) Affidavit of James Rossi, gentleman, as above, of same date. 1 page. [Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIII. No. 44.]
April 10. 186. Commission from the Lords of the Treasury appointing Thomas Jones keeper of the Lottery Office at Whitehall, and all the books and papers there, to attend diligently at fixed times there, to the end that all persons having occasion to resort there may be answered or receive information and direction suitable to their business; at a yearly salary of 100l. payable by the Paymaster of the Lotteries out of the fund of the lotteries.
[Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 240.]
April 11. 187. J. Scrope to the Commissioners of Hackney Coaches and Chairs conveying the directions of the Lords of the Treasury for stay of proceedings against William Thompson, coachman to Robert Jacomb, Esq. fined for taking up some persons in his master's coach and carrying them to the inn or stable where he puts up. [Letter Book XVIII. p. 432.]
[April 11.
188. Petition of Nathaniel Booth, surveyor of the revenue of Greenwax, to the Lords of the Treasury. His yearly salary of 250l. is in arrear from Christmas 1711, except 22l. 8s. 7d. paid in part of Lady Day quarter, 1712, “Which great arrear is partly occasioned by the sheriffs applying the said revenue to satisfy such disbursements as they in their respective counties have made for His Majesty's service and allowed to them on their accounts by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and partly by the collectors of the said revenue in the principality of Wales, paying several sums, part of the said revenue, into the Exchequer, as also by the post fines, a considerable branch of the said revenue of Greenwax, being farmed out to Thomas Earl of Strafford.” Begs payment of arrear.
Appending:—(a.) Certificate as to the arrears as above, dated 1730, April 11, and attested by Robert Gardner, Deputy Clerk of the Pipe. 1 page.
(b.) Warrants of the Lords of the Treasury for payments of similar past arrears, dated 1698, October 15; 1700, July 17; 1701, July 11; 1703–4, February 14, and 1705, August 27. 3 pages. [Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIII. No. 45.]
April 13. 189. Royal sign manual directed to the Attorney and Solicitor General for the preparation of a bill to pass the Great Seal for a grant to Thomas Earl of Macclesfield of an annuity of 1,200l. Given at the Court at St. James's.
[King's Warrant Book XXIX. p. 479.]
April 13. 190. Royal sign manual directed to the Lords of the Treasury for the issue of 2,500l. to the executors or administrators of Henry Portman, of Orchard Portman, in Somerset, in full consideration of the King's resuming the messuage or lodge in or near Hyde Park, with the outhouses, gardens, &c. belonging thereto, granted by William III. to Edward late Earl of Jersey, and by mesne assignment vested in Henry Portman. Given at the Court at St. James's. [Ibid, p. 480.]
April 14. 191. J. Scrope to Mr. Auditor Jett, Auditor of Land Revenues, conveying the desire of the Lords of the Treasury for a state of the accounts of Edward Younge for the time he continued in the office of Surveyor General of His late Majesty's Woods. [Letter Book XVIII. p. 432.]
192. Same to the Auditor of Receipt conveying the desire of the Lords of the Treasury for the adapting of the plate used for Exchequer bills on the Malt Act, 1729, for the Malt Act, 1730, and the printing off the said bills with expedition, the public service requiring new Exchequer bills to be printed off for the service of the current year so as to be in readiness to be numbered and dated as soon as the Act for granting the duty on malt, 1730, passes Parliament. [Ibid, p. 431b.]
April 15. 193. The Duke of Newcastle to the Lords of the Treasury transmitting, by His Majesty's command, a copy of a letter received from the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland with a memorial enclosed from the Company of Merchants and Traders of Dublin setting forth that, by reason of the strict prohibition of importing any sort of goods from the Plantations to Ireland, the merchants in that kingdom are obliged to trade with the French Plantations and those of other nations, which is a great loss to Ireland and to the British Plantations. They apprehend it would be no detriment to the commerce of Great Britain if a trade were allowed for goods not enumerated, and desire an Act of Parliament to that effect. His Majesty desires the opinion of the Lords of the Treasury thereupon. Whitehall, April 15. 2pages.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIII. No. 46.]
194. Charles Lord Cornwallis, Warden, Chief Justice and Justice in Eyre of all His Majesty's Forests, Chaces, Parks and Warrens south of the Trent, to the Lords of the Treasury, transmitting a certificate of the Verderers and Deputy Wardens of Dean Forest, of the case of George James, one of the underkeepers of said forest, who shot one Glassenburg, a deer stealer. James was tried by law and acquitted. Desires their Lordships to pay James's law expenses, 13l. 12s. 6d. and to give him a further reward of 20l. as desired by the Verderers and Deputy Wardens. 1 page.
—(a.) Affidavit of George James, of the payment of 13l. 12s. 6d. charges on his trial. 1 page.
(b.) Certificate to Lord Cornwallis from Thos. Pyrke, Roy Jones, Richard Hackett, Verderers and Deputy Wardens of Dean Forest, and Maynd Colchester and Wm. James, Deputy Wardens of the same, as above, as to the case of James. 1 sheet.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIII. No. 47.]
April 15. 195. Order of a Committee of the Privy Council, at the Council Chamber, Whitehall, referring to the Lords of the Treasury the petition of Raymundo Canter, of Port Mahon, in the island of Minorca, praying payment of moneys due to persons employed in carrying on the fortifications at St. Philip's Castle, in Minorca. 1 page.
—Canter's petition, setting forth that he was employed by the engineers, Brigadiers Petit and Durand, directors of the Fortifications at St. Philip's Castle, in carrying on that work. Petit and Durand died, and their creditors empowered Canter to come to England to solicit payment. Has been in attendance here four years in fruitless solicitation for same. 3 pages. [Ibid, No. 48.]
April 15. 196. Warrant from the Lords of the Treasury to the Auditor of the Receipt to draw an order for paying to Nathaniel Blackerby 3,500l. by way of imprest and upon account for the Commissioners for Building 50 New Churches in and about the City of London and Westminster, to be applied according to warrants from the said Commissioners.
Prefixing:—Memorial signed by Edmund Bishop of London, John Bishop of Bath and Wells, John Bishop of Carlisle, Richard Bishop of St. David's, John Philips, Wm. Ogborne, John Ellis, and Edward Pack, Commissioners for Building 50 new Churches in London and Westminster, requesting the issue to Blackerby, their treasurer, of 3,500l for endowing the church of St. Mary, of Stratford-le-Bow. [Money Book XXXV. p. 176.]
April 17. 197. Order for 122l. 10s. to Mr. Arnall to be paid by Mr. Lowther out of the King's money in his hand for papers called the “Free Briton,” delivered at the Post Office from 1729, December 4, to 1730, April 16.
Order for the preparation of a warrant for a quarter's pension (to Lady Day) to Lord Byron.
The like for Lord Sutherland.
The memorial of the Surveyor of the Woods for raising 561l. 5s. and 247l. 3s. 5d. by sale of wood in Dean Forest, read and agreed to.
The Earl of Chesterfield's letter of March 26 last for paying the pension due to Queen Mary's Society, in Holland, read and ordered.
Mr. Lowther to pay 51l. to Mr. John Dean to reimburse expenses for His Majesty's service at Ostend.
Cracherode's memorial of 1729, November 28, for 75l. being Mr. Bell's expenses in procuring and laying before him for perusal all the newspapers published in England (beyond the extent of the bills of mortality), as well as those published in North Britain and Ireland during three years ended at Michaelmas last, read and agreed to. [Treasury Minute Book XXVI. p. 295.]
April 17. 198. J. Scrope to the Commissioners of Excise transmitting from the Lords of the Treasury the memorial of George Lord Carpenter, desiring that the regiment of dragoons under his command now quartered in Yorkshire may be supplied with their subsistence by the officers of Excise in those parts. “Their Lordships direct you to give orders to your officers there to supply the said regiment with their subsistence accordingly, upon the commanding officer or paymaster's drawing bills on the Paymaster General of the forces or the agent of the said regiment, provided the said bills be punctually paid.” [Letter Book XVIII. p. 432.]
199. Same to the Governor of the Bank of England. “I received from Sir Gilbert Heathcote and Mr. Morrice a copy of the clause in the Act of the first year of His present Majesty relating to the 500,000l. Exchequer bills created for payment of seamen's wages which were thereby charged on the Sinking Fund in case of no supplies being granted in time by Parliament. The Gent: informed me that you desired that the 500,000l. Exchequer bills now to be created might be charged thereon in like manner. But this can't and was not intended to be done in the case of those Exchequer bills, nor is the reason the same for doing it in this case as was in the other. The seamen's bills had no other fund to charge them on, but only a vote in Parliament that they should be discharged out of the first supplies to be granted in the next sessions, but if that should not be done in time, then they were to be charged on the Sinking Fund. But in the case of the present Exchequer bills besides the engagement to make them good out of the next aids, they have in the meantime and in the case of failure of such supply charged them on a sure fund of 40,000l. per annum in perpetuity. So there was no pretence for taking the Sinking Fund in aid.” [Ibid, p. 433.]
April 18. 200. Same to A. Cracherode conveying the assent of the Lords of the Treasury to the paying 75l. to Joseph Bell, Comptroller of the General Post Office, for expenses in procuring for perusal all newspapers published in England beyond the extent of the bills of mortality, and in North Britain and Ireland.
April 20. 201. Warrant from the Lords of the Treasury to the Auditor of the Receipt, the Clerk of the Pells, the Tellers and all other officers of the Receipt of the Exchequer for the payment out of the Sinking Fund in the Exchequer, of the annuity remaining due on an original order assigned to William Mason, for a banker's annuity of 4l. 7s. 6d. per annum redeemable on payment of 72l. 18s. 6d. from the time it was last paid, 1715, June 27, to 1717, feast of St. John Baptist, in accordance with the Act 3 George I. for redeeming certain duties and revenues. The payment to be taken as part of the sum of 10,725l. 5s.d. remaining in the Exchequer to satisfy demands on the debt called the Bankers' Debt.
[Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 239.]
April 20. 202. Warrant from the Lords of the Treasury to the Commissioners of Excise authorising their empowering the importers of brandy and rum above proof to reduce same to proof or make a post entry so as the duty for single brandy and rum may be paid for the whole, as has been the practice in like cases.
Prefacing:—Report from the Commissioners of Excise to the Lords of the Treasury, dated 1729–30, March 16, on the petition of George Newport and others importers of brandy for the above liberty. [Ibid, pp. 250–1.]
April 20. 203. Letters patent from the Lords of the Treasury confirming articles of agreement between the King and George Watley, planter, of the island of St. Christopher, for the purchase of 30 acres in Basse Terre quarter.
Appending:—The articles of agreement.
[Crown Lease Book II. pp. 32–36.]
April 21. 204. J. Scrope to the Commissioners of Customs enclosing a letter from M. de Reichenbach concerning his equipage stopped at the Custom House. Their Lordships desire the necessary orders to be given for passing same with all the civility used to Ministers of his character. [Letter Book XVIII. p. 434.]
April 21. 205. Order by the Lords of the Treasury for the execution of a warrant from the Duke of Grafton to the master of the Jewel Office for the delivery to his Excellency Jonathan Belcher, Governor of New England, two flagons, one chalice, a paten and a receiver to take the offerings in; not exceeding the value of 80l.
[Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. p. 322.]
April 21. 206. Warrant under the royal sign manual to the Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland for the issue of their warrant to the Receiver General and Paymaster of the Revenues to pay 1,000l. as royal bounty for the fifth year to such persons as shall be nominated by the General Assembly of the Church in Scotland to be distributed in aid of itinerant preachers and catechists and ministers in the Highlands for the enlightening of the people seduced by the practices of many Popish priests.
[North Britain Book IX. pp. 442–3.]
207. J. Scrope to the Commissioners of Excise in Scotland requesting explanation as to several points in the abbreviated account of the Excise for the quarter ended 1730, March 25.
[Ibid, p. 443.]
April 22. 208. An account of the money paid by the East India Company for customs on goods imported to the port of London, from Christmas, 1722, to Christmas, 1728, with a statement of the sums drawn back on re-exportation. See April 4. 1 page.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIII. No. 49.]
209. An account showing the amount of the value of the goods, merchandise, and bullion exported by the East India Company from the port of London, from Christmas, 1720, to Christmas, 1727, and of the goods and merchandise imported to London by same from Christmas, 1722, to Christmas, 1729. 1 page.
Exports. Imports.
£ s. d. £ s. d.
1720–1 740,643 17 10 1722–3 968,570 14 6
1721–2 - - 805,954 7 9 1723–4- 1,165,203 1 4
1722–3 689,462 18 10 1724–5 759,778 12 3
1723–4 - 553,396 14 3 1725–6 914,122 13 7
1724–5- 658,221 2 1 1726–7 1,125,829 14 4
1725–6 - - 547,757 7 9 1727–8- 869,474 16 9
1726–7- 641,148 2 11 1728–9 972,033 16 11
[Ibid, No. 50.]
April 23. 210. The memorial of the Treasurer of the Navy, of the 23rd instant, for 4,000l. for imprests and bills of exchange and 10,000l. to pay ships and vessels in sea pay at home to 1729, December 31, read and ordered out of the supplies, anno 1730.
The memorial of the Paymaster of the Forces of the 2nd instant, for 169,679l. 14s. 8d. for subsistence to guard, garrison and land forces to 1730 June 24, and for subsidies to Wolfenbëttel and Hesse Cassel, read and ordered out of the supplies, anno 1730.
Order for 20l. 11s. to Mr. Thomas Mann, for a stove grate for the Treasury Office.
Order for 30l. to Mrs. Mary Smart, as royal bounty, to be paid by Mr. Lowther.
Mr. Lowther to pay out of the King's money in his hands the fees on the receiving 2,500l. paid by His Majesty to the executors of the late Henry Portman, Esq. on the resumption of the lodge in Hyde Park. [Treasury Minute Book XXVI. p. 296.]
April 23. 211. John Scrope to A. Cracherode conveying the assent of the Lords.of the Treasury to the payment of 13l. 10s. 1d. to Samuel Gray, Messenger of the Press, for marking pamphlets in London by Lord Townshend's orders, 1729, December 18, to 1729–30, March 12. [Letter Book XVIII. p. 433.]
April 23. 212. Warrant from the Lords of the Treasury allowing the quarterly bill of incidents, Excise, for Edinburgh and precincts for the quarter ended March 25.
Prefixing:—Bill in detail, with names and amounts (total, 436l. 8s.d.). [North Britain Book IX. pp. 447–8.]
213. Same from same allowing the quarterly bill of salaries for the same quarter for Excise, Edinburgh and precincts.
Prefixing:—Bill as before (total, 1,583l. 6s.d.).
[Ibid, pp. 445–6.]
April 23. 214. Royal sign manual to the Clerk of the Signet attending to prepare a bill to pass the Privy Seal, authorising the Lords of the Treasury to issue forth Commissions to Receivers General for the respective counties for the land tax, 1730.
Appending:—List of Receivers General for the various counties with dates of petitions and reference thereupon, and names of sureties. [Affairs of Taxes III. pp. 306–12.]
April 23. 215. Order by the Lords of the Treasury for the execution of a warrant, dated 1728–9, February 14, from the Duke of Grafton to the Duke of Montagu, for the delivery of 18 colours for His Majesty's Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards, under the Earl of Scarborough, he having announced that his regiment has had no colours for several years past, and is in great want of them.
Memorandum:—This warrant will amount unto 162l. or thereabouts, 1729–30, January 3. Tho. Dummer. John Halls, Comptroller. [Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. p. 322.]
216. Same from same confirming same, of date 1728–9, February 10, for the similar provision of 28 colours to His Majesty's First Regiment of Foot Guards, under General Wills, they having had no colours for seven years past.
Memorandum:—This warrant will amount to 282l. or thereabouts, 1729–30, January 3. Tho. Dummer. John Halls, Comptroller. [Ibid.]
April 25. 217. Royal sign manual, directed to the Lords of the Treasury, for the issue of 2,000l. to John Hedges for the use of Frederick Prince of Wales. Given at the Court at St. James's.
Memorandum:—Warrant signed by the Lords of the Treasury, April 27. [King's Warrant Book XXIX. p. 483.]
April 27. 218. Warrant from the Lords of the Treasury to the Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland for the issue of their warrant to the Receiver General to pay 10,438l. 1s. 4d. out of moneys arisen out of the forfeited estates, to the late Commissioners and Trustees for Forfeited Estates, being 7,500l. to the Commissioners in discharge of salaries, and 2,938l. 1s. 4d. to Wm. Kennedy, late accomptant to the said late Commissioners and Trustees on account of clerks, officers, and incidents.
Prefixing:—Memorial of the late Commissioners and Trustees for the Forfeited Estates, who have acted for Scotland, to the Lords of the Treasury, praying payments as above.
Appending:—Accounts of the salaries and incident charges due at Lady Day, 1727. [North Britain Book IX. pp. 455–9.]
April 28. 219. J. Scrope to the Commissioners of Excise transmitting the memorial of Francis Bolton, agent to Major General Grove's regiment of foot, concerning the difficulty the regiment will be under at Cirencester and other places of Gloucestershire for their subsistence money; their Lordships direct the necessary orders to the Collectors of Excise for furnishing the regiment with money on the commanding officer giving bills on the Paymaster General.
[Letter Book XVIII. p. 434.]
April 28. 220. Letters patent in Latin appointing Sir James Reynolds Chief Baron of the Exchequer, England.
[King's Warrant Book XXIX. pp. 506–7.]
221. Royal sign manual directed to the Paymaster General for the issue to Lieutenant General Wade, Commander in Chief of the Forces in North Britain, of 3,000l. in advance and upon account of the charge of carrying on and finishing a new road for wheel carriages from Crieff in Perthshire northward as far as the river Garry, of about 40 measured miles in length, and there to join to the great road from Dunkeld to Inverness, and for stone bridges where necessary, and to complete 10 miles of the road from Dunkeld to Inverness. Given at the Court of St. James's. [Ibid, p. 484.]
April 29. 222. Letters patent by writ of the Privy Seal granting to Thomas Earl of Macclesfield an annuity of 1,200l. to commence from Christmas last past. [Ibid, p. 486–7.]
April 29. 223. J. Scrope to A. Cracherode, Esq. conveying the directions of the Lords of the Treasury to inspect the titles of divers pieces of land in old Windsor lying intermixed with His Majesty's walk called Old Windsor Walk in Windsor Forest as specified in a particular of Charles Wither, of date 1730, April 23, and to enter into articles of agreement with the owners for the purchase thereof.
Prefacing:—The “particular” referred to (six parcels of land specified, total purchase money, 709l.).
[Letter Book XVIII. p. 435.]
224. Same to the Commissioners of Customs transmitting from the Lords of the Treasury, for report, memorials forwarded by the Duke of Newcastle and Mr. Delafaye, secretary to the said Duke, from Joseph Chevretel, James Brethelot, and Peter Live, complaining of injustice done them by the officers of the Customs. Also transmitting another letter from Mr. Delafaye concerning the Marquis de Gouffin's baggage arrived at Dover from France.
[Letter Book XVIII p. 436.]
April 30. 225. The Commissioners for the land tax within the palaces of Whitehall and St. James's to the Lords of the Treasury. Have already in a letter of 1728–9, January 13, represented the impossibility of raising the taxes for 1726 charged upon the palaces of Whitehall and St. James's, owing to the great arrear due to His late Majesty's servants, unless payment of those arrears be ordered out of the money due to His late Majesty in the Exchequer. The said arrear of 6,025l. remains still unsatisfied. Commissioners therefore repeat their application as they are under apprehension of process issuing against them. St. James's, April 30.
Minuted:—With minute verbatim as under date May 20, infra. 1 page.
—Previous letter referred to above. 1 page.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIII. No. 51.]
226. Report of the Commissioners of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury on the petition of Samuel Mead, commander of His Majesty's ship, the “Deal Castle,” praying a grant of the King's portion of the fine on 790 half anchors of brandy and 185l. of British coin, which he obtained by seizing four French shallops, taken off the coast of Yorkshire, where he was cruising for prevention of clandestine trade, which ships he sent into Shields on the 30th August last. The brandy has been sold for 731l. 3s. 10d. The officers' share thereof, being one-third, amounts to 243l. 14s.d. “And pursuant to a regulation made by your Lordships' warrant 1723, June 6, the seizures brought in by commanders of Admiralty vessels are to be divided between the captains and the officers, which in this case amount to ] 21l. 17s.d. for the captain's part of the brandy, and likewise to the further sum of 6l. 5s. being one half of a moiety of a reward given for seizing the vessel, which was condemned, making together 128l. 2s.d. which we have ordered to be paid him. And he is likewise entitled to the further sum of 45l. 1s.d. being one half of the officers' moiety of the money.” 3 pages.
—Mead's petition to the Lords of the Treasury, with order of reference dated 1729–30, February 2, from the Lords of the Treasury to the Commissioners of Customs. 2 pages.
[Ibid, No. 52.]
227. Same from same to same on the memorial of John Barber and Sir John Williams, sheriffs of London, concerning the escape of George Pilborow, a smuggler from Wood Street Compter, and praying stay of proceedings against them for same. Find that memorialists were in no way concerned in Pilborow's escape, but that one of their turnkeys, for whom they are answerable, connived therein and thereby subjected memorialists to the payment of the debt due to the Crown, amounting to upwards of 12,000l. How far they may entitled to favour in being relieved as to the payment of that sum, or the several issues which may be laid upon them by the Court for not producing Pilborow, is submitted to their Lordships. 6 pages.
—(a). and (b.) Petition and memorial of Barber and Sir John Williams to the Lords of the Treasury praying a noli prosequi to all proceedings against them on the above. 4 pages.
—With order of reference, dated 1729–30, March 4, from the Lords of the Treasury to the Commissioners of Customs.
(c.) Affidavit of Barber and Sir John Williams, dated 1730 March 26, of their non-complicity in the escape. 1 page.
(d.) Affidavit of Thomas Rigby, keeper of the Wood Street Compter, dated 1730, March 26, concerning the escape. 1½ pages.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIII. No. 53.]