Warrants, Letters, etc.: 1744, October-December

Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 5, 1742-1745. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1903.

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'Warrants, Letters, etc.: 1744, October-December', in Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 5, 1742-1745, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1903), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books-papers/vol5/pp583-592 [accessed 27 July 2024].

'Warrants, Letters, etc.: 1744, October-December', in Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 5, 1742-1745. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1903), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books-papers/vol5/pp583-592.

"Warrants, Letters, etc.: 1744, October-December". Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 5, 1742-1745. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1903), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books-papers/vol5/pp583-592.


1744, October–December

Oct. 2 Same to the Customs Commissioners. To deliver seized wine and olives to Prince Scherbatow, her Russian Majesty's minister. Customs Book XV. p. 466.
Oct. 3 Same to Lord Walpole [Auditor of the Receipt]. For a certificate of the deficiency of the land tax, 1742, to answer the loans and Exchequer bills charged thereupon. Letter Book XX. p. 153.
Same to Mr. Wood, Secretary of the Customs. For the Customs Commissioners to forward their presentment if there is a vacancy of a land waiter in Poole port. Ibid.
Oct. 4 Treasury warrant to H. Legge Surveyor General of Woods. For works and repairs in New Forest: to an estimate of 2,254l. 19s.d.
—Said Legge's report.
Warrants not relating to Money XXXVII. pp. 267–8.
(a) (b) (c) Separate petitions to the Treasury from, respectively, Edward Lascelles, William Rawlin, and Arthur Upton, of the Island of Barbados. Concerning their dismissal from their posts as, respectively, collector for Bridgetown, Barbados; searcher of Customs, ibid; and Comptroller of Customs, ibid.
:—As under date Oct. 4, supra, p. 523. 1 and 1 and 1 pages.
Treasury Board Papers CCCXV. No. 12.
Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt. To distribute and apply the 1744, Sept. 29 quarter's income of the General Fund.
Appending:—Account of income and liability of said fund for said quarter.
Money Book XLI. pp. 425–6.
Oct. 4 Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt. To distribute and apply the 1744, Sept. 29 quarter's income of the General or Aggregate Fund.
Prefixing:—Account of income and liability of said fund for said quarter.
Money Book XLI. pp. 427–8.
Treasury order for the execution of a Lord Chamberlain's warrant to Lord Abergavenny, of date 1744. July 17. For the provision of gold collars. detailed, for 5 Knights of the Bath, viz., Viscount Fitz William. Sir Thomas Whitmore. Sir Henry Calthorne, Sir William Morden Harbord, Sir Charles Hanbury Williams: to an estimate of 1,000l. Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book II. p. 215.
Oct. 5 J. Scrope to the Customs Commissioners, England. Concerning the three officers (Edward Lascelles, Ant. [sic] Upton. and William Rawlin) in Barbados, suspended by Dinwiddie. Customs Book XV. p. 466.
Same to same - For said Lascelles to hare copies of papers bearing on his case. Ibid, p. 467.
Oct. 10 The Board of Trade to the Treasury dated Whitehall. For payment of the 1743, Sept. 29 quarter's salary and incidents bills of said office.
Together with:—Accounts of said incidents in abstract and in detail.
Endorsed:—1744. Nov. 27, warrant and order signed. 6 pages.
Treasury Board Papers CCCXV. No. 13.
J. Scrope to the Customs Commissioners. Forwarding letters of James Eversfield, informing of James Lish. of Ashington co. Sussex, miller, and other notorious smugglers, for going about armed, &c. Customs Book XV. p. 467.
Oct. 11 Petition to the Treasury from James Henderson. of St. Margaret's. Westminster. Offering sureties on his appointment as Receiver General of First Fruits. Reference Book X. p. 263.
Oct. 16 Treasury warrant to John Sharpe, Solicitor for the affairs of the Treasury. To receive arrears of rents of 2 messuages in Fleet St. and 3 in Falcon Court. and pay same to Thomas Hartwell, and to put Hartwell in possession of said premises.
Prefixing:—Said Sharpe's report.
Warrants not relating to money XXVII. pp. 269–71.
Royal warrant, countersigned by the Treasury Lords, to William Benson and William Aislabie, Auditors of Imprests. To pass Sir Charles Gilmour's account for one year to 1742, Sept. 30, as Paymaster of the Works, notwithstanding its exceeding the limited allowance of 14,400l. by a further sum of 15,601l. 14s.d.
:—State of said account.
King's Warrant Book XXXVI. pp. 21–22.
Petition to the Treasury from William Cowper. For stay of process on his debt to Edward Clarke, late Receiver General for part of Suffolk. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 388.
Thos. Bowen to the Customs Commissioners. Leave of absence to Thomas Cox, a tidesman. London port. Customs Book XV. p. 455.
Oct. 17 Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer in the Exchequer. To take the security of James Henderson as Receiver of First Fruits.
Prefixing:—Certificate by George Arbuthnot in the absence of the King's Remembrancer and his deputy.
Warrants not relating to MoneyXXVII. p. 264.
Memorial to the Treasury from John Sharpe, Solicitor for the affairs of the Treasury. For a further imprest of 1,000l. to carry on Crown law causes.
Endorsed:—Prepare a warrant. 1 page.
Treasury Board Papers CCCXV No. 14.
Oct. 23. Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer in the Exchequer. For stay of process against Henry Flower, late Receiver General for co. Wilts. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 382.
Oct. 23]
Report to the Treasury from H. Kelsall. Concerning the rewards reasonable to be made to the administratrix of Francis Sorell and to James Douglas for getting in the debts in Holland and Flanders due to Samuel Burridge, late Receiver General for part of Devon. 1½ pages.
—(a) Affidavit by James Douglas, dated London, 1744. Oct. 3. 1 page.
(b) Taxes Commissioners' report. dated 1744. June 5, on (c) and (d) infra. 2 pages. (c) Memorial to the Treasury from Elizabeth Sorell with reference, dated 1744, May 9. 1½ pages. (d) Same to same from James Douglas, of London, merchant, with same of date 1744, May 24. 1½ pages.
(e) An accompt of the estate of Samuel Burridge. 2 pages.
Treasury Board Papers CCCXV. No. 16.
Oct. 24 Royal warrant countersigned by the Treasury Lords to Thomas Wilmington, Paymaster General of the Forces. To repay to the Treasurer of the Navy 2,800l. for the detachments at Ruatan and 440l. to Captain Wilson for their clothing.
Appending:— Report and William McKnight's account.
King's Warrant Book XXXVI. pp. 23–6.
Same countersigned by same. and Sir Charles Hanbury Williams, Paymaster of Marine Regiments. To repay to the Paymaster of the Forces, 469l. 3s. 10d. for subsistence of the Marines at Ruatan. Ibid, p. 26.
Oct. 25 J. Scrope to the Auditor of the Receipt. For a certificate of the deficiency at Sept. 29 last of the duty on sweets, 10 Geo. II., to answer the interest or premium payable then to the Bank on 499,600l. residue of 500,000l. in Exchequer bills charged thereupn. Letter Book XX. p. 154.
Petition to the Treasury from Math. Woodford. For 828l. for victualling Placentia and Annapolis, 1744, July 1 to Sept. 30. Reference Book X. p. 263.
Same to same from Peter Burrell and John Bristow. For 755l. 5s. 0d. for victualling Minorca with beef to 1744, August 24. Ibid.
Oct. 26 Same to same from Mary Tull, widow. Concerning the acceptance of a bill now in the hands of the Solicitor of Excise. Ibid, p. 264.
Oct. 31 Royal warrant, counter signed by the Treasury Lords, to William Benson and William Aislabie, Auditors of Imprests. To allow in account to Henry Pelham, late Paymaster of the Forces, 1,138l. 13s. 4d. for 61 days' subsistence, advanced to 730 drafts sent to the West Indies in 1741, from Col. Bragg's and Col. Irwin's regiments in Ireland. King's Warrant Book XXXVI. pp. 28–9.
Petition to the Treasury from Daniel Race Chief Cashier to the Bank of England for transacting the 3 per cent. annuities. For 448l. 4s. 8d. for the incident charges and annual payments on his accounts of said annuities for 4 years to 1743, June 24. Reference Book X. p. 264.
Nov. 1 J. Scrope to the Comptrollers of Army Accounts. Forwarding T. Revell's list of men victualled at Gibraltar, 1744, July 9 to Sept. 2. Letter Book XX. p. 154.
Treasury warrant to the Treasurer s Remembrancer in the Exchequer. To discharge Thomas Speer, of St. Ann's, Westminster, carver, of a forfeited recognizance of 20l.
:—Extract of said recognizance.
Warrants not relating to Money XXVII. p. 274.
J. Scrope to the Customs Commissioners. Leave of absence to Daniel Gybbon, a tidesman in fee, London port. Customs Book XV. p. 468.
Petition to the Treasury from Joseph Caddy, smuggler. Proposing a composition - Reference Book X. p. 264.
Same to same from Daniel Macnamara, of London, merchant. Concerning oils seized on the “Nancy,” sloop from Rotterdam. Ibid, p. 257.
Nov 4 Treasury order for the execution of a Lord Chamberlain's warrant to the Master of the Great Wardrobe. For the provision of liveries and waistcoats for the Children of the Chapel for the year 1744: to an estimate of 264l. Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book. p. 129.
Nov. 6 J. Scrope to the Customs Commissioners. Forwarding for report a memorial from the East India Co. concerning interest on bonds given by them for duties on goods imported. Customs Book XV. p. 468.
The Treasury to the Lord Lieutenant, Ireland. To examine into Luke Gardiner's petition for 13,097l. 17s.d. for Alderman John Macarell for transporting troops to Ostend and Chester. Irish Book IX. p. 436.
Treasury warrant to the Treasurer s Remembrancer in the Exchequer. To discharge Thomas Heath, of Spring Garden of 3 forfeited recognizances.
Prefixing:— Pipe Roll estreat of said recognizances.
Warrants not relating to Money XXVII. p. 275.
Representation to the Treasury from the Commissioners for Taxes. For their salary of 500l. per an. each to be paid as to 400l. of it out of house duties as before, and as to 100l. of it out of land revenues instead of out of the Civil List as hitherto.
Endorsed:—1744, Nov. 8. Ordered. 1 page.
Treasury Board Papers CCCXV No. 18.
Nov. 6 Petition to the Treasury from Oliver Peard. To be appointed Receiver General for 1744 for part of Devon. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 393.
Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe or his deputy. For a lease to Martin Folkes of several messuages in Little Queen Street, Holborn.
Prefixing, &c.:—Particular, memorandum, ratal and demise.
Crown Lease Book VII. pp. 1–3.
Same to same - For same to Samuel Bever of several messuages in and near Holborn.
Prefixing:—Constat, &c.. as above.
Ibid, pp. 4–7.
Nov. 8 Same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands. For a particular of messuages in Jermyn St., Piccadilly, and Rider St., of which Richard Baily prays a reversionary lease,
Prefixing:—Said Surveyor's report on said Baily's petition for same.
Ibid, pp. 8–9.
Petition to the Treasury from Joseph Coles, one of the sureties of Edward Clarke, late Receiver General for part of Suffolk. For stay of process pending the realisation, detailed. of said Clarke's effects. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 388.
Same to same from John Friday, a soldier, now in prison. Concerning his recognizance for the appearance of one Paget, at the Westminster Quarter Sessions. Reference Book X. p. 264.
J. Jefferys to the; Customs Commissioners. Concerning the deposits in their solicitor s hands by persons under protection for running goods. Customs Book XV. p. 468.
Nov. 9 J. Scrope to the Customs and Salt Commissioners, Scotland. Concerning rewarding Henry Crawford for his services to the salt revenue. North Britain Book XIV. p. 125.
Nov. 13 Same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands. Concerning the piece of ground near the Thames, of which the Duke of Portland desires a lease. Crown Lease Book VII. p. 9.
Nov. 15 Royal warrant, countersigned by the Treasury Lords, to the Treasury Lords. For the 100l. part of the salaries of the Taxes Commissioners hitherto paid out of the Civil List to be determined at the Exchequer from 1743. June 24 and to be charged henceforth on the land revenues. King's Warrant Book XXXVI. pp. 33–4.
Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands. For a constat of a messuage, &c., in the Privy Garden, Whitehall, of which the Earl of Pembroke prays a new lease.
Prefixing:—Said Surveyor's report on said Earl's petition for same.
And appending:—Plan of the premises.
Crown Lease Book VII. pp. 13–15.
Treasury warrant to the Taxes Commissioners. For stay pf process against William Cowper on his debt due to Edward Clarke, late Receiver General for part of Suffolk.
Prefixing:—Said Commissioners' report.
Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 404.
Nov. 15 J. Scrope to the Customs Commissioners. Concerning the equipage of Mons. Capello. Ambassador from Venice. Customs Book XV. p. 469.
Same to the Managers for certificating lottery tickets. To consider of the petition of Robert Webster et al., prefixed in extenso, and to take in and certificate their tickets (the number of said tickets being set in the margin, with notes referring to same as late as 1748, Oct. 6). Letter Book XX p. 155.
Nov. 20 Same to the Customs Commissioners. Leave of absence to Charles Walbeoffe, a tidesman, London port. Customs Book XV. p. 405.
Nov. 22 Treasury warrant to the Postmaster General. To discharge of his debt and imprisonment William Axtell, formerly postmaster at Tring.
Prefixing:—Report by Sir John Eyles.
Warrants not relating to Money XXVII. pp. 275–6.
Same to the King's Remembrancer in the Exchequer. For stay of process against the sureties of Edward Clarke, late Receiver General for part of Suffolk. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 405.
Same to the Clerk of the Pipe or his deputy. For a lease to Richard Bailey of messuages in Great Ryder Street, Jermyn Street, &c.
Prefixing, &c.:—Constat, ratal, and demise.
Crown Lease Book VII. pp. 16–18.
Nov. 23 J. Scrope to Mr. Sharpe - Transmitting the report from the Board of Works on the Earl of Dunmore's memorial relating to the stream running from Stanwell to Hampton Court. Letter Book XX. p. 156.
Nov. 27 Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands. For a lease to the Earl of Pembroke of a messuage, &c., in Privy Garden, Whitehall.
Prefixing, &c.:—Constat, ratal, and demise.
Crown Lease Book VII. pp. 18–20.
Petition to the Treasury from Edward Butler. For a lease of the messuage of Aldcliffe. alias Aucliffe Hall, co. Lancaster, and the tythes of Aldcliffe, on his making out the King's title thereto. Ibid, p. 21.
Nov. 29 Report to the Treasury from the Customs Commissioners, London. On the petition of Henry Lascelles, formerly collector of the 4½ per cent. duty, praying a copy of certain papers in view of the opening and impeaching of his accounts passed about 12 years since. 1 page.
:—(a) Said Lascelles' petition.
Minuted:—As under date 1744, Oct. 4, supra, 523. 1 page.
(b) Particulars of said papers of which Lascelles required copies for his defence. 1 page.
Treasury Board Papers CCCXV. No. 22.
J. Scrope to the Customs Commissioners. With a memorandum concerning several ships expected soon from Holland with provisions, ammunition, and necessaries for the Dutch squadron of men of war in the British service: for same to be complied with. Customs Book XV. p. 469.
Nov. 29 Warrants to the Customs Commissioners. To apply 1,094l. 7s. 3d. and 1,306l. 2s. 0d., (being deposits' for penalties of goods run) in the usual way, ut supra, pp. 10–11.
Appending:—Said Commissioners' memorial with 2 lists of the persons prosecuted (1) by the Customs officers under the Treasury regulations of 1736, July 27. and (2) at the King's charge.
Customs Book XV. p. 470–2.
Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands. For a particular of a messuage. &c., in Whitehall, of which the Duke of Portland prays a new lease.
Prefixing:—Said Surveyor's report on said Duke's petition for same.
Crown Lease Book VII. pp. 21–2.
Nov. 30 Hen. Fane to the Auditor of the Receipt. For the copper plates for printing off Exchequer bills on land tax to be adapted to the year 1745. Letter Book XX. p. 156.
Dec. 3 J. Scrope to the Board of Works. To consult with the Comptrollers of Army Accounts about an office for them in lieu of their's destroyed by fire, Oct. 10 last. Ibid.
Dec. 4 Same to the Clerk of the Council in Waiting. Signifying their consent to the passing in the usual manner by the Privy Council of Lord Comwallis's bills for incidents, &c., as Constable of the Tower. Ibid.
Dec. 5 Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer in the Exchequer. To take the securities of Oliver Peard, as Receiver General for house duties for part of Devon. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 338.
Dec. 6 Treasury subscription of a royal warrant of date, 1744, August 22, to Thomas Winnington, Paymaster of the Forces. For the allowance of half pay to the staff officers, detailed, on the late American expedition, from 1743, Dec. 25, viz., David Campbell, Commissary of Stores, James Pitcher, Commissary of Musters, Robert Dalrymple, Physician General, John Cathcart, Director of the Hospital, on the daily allowances of respectively 10s., 5s., 6s. and 10s. King's Warrant Book XXXVI. p. 47.
Royal warrant, countersigned by the Treasury Lords, to William Benson and William Aislabie, Auditors of Imprests. To pass the accounts of the Great Wardrobe for one year to 1741, Sept. 29, notwithstanding its exceeding the limit of 13,000l. (as prescribed by the royal sign manual of date 1718, August 21) by a further 5,913l. 19s.d.
:—State of said account.
Ibid, pp. 47–8.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer in the Exchequer or his deputy. To take the security of Oliver Peard, of Tiverton, merchant, as Receiver General for land tax, 1744, for part of Devon.
Prefixing:—Taxes Commissioners' report.
Affairs of Taxes IV. pp. 405–6.
Petition to the Treasury from John Selwyn, junr. For 119l. 6s. 10d. for fees, &c., on passing his accounts for 1 year to 1743, Xmas, as Paymaster of the salaries, &c., to the late Queen. Reference Book X. p. 265.
Dec. 6 Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners. To permit Joseph Howland. of London, factor, on behalf of Thomas Bryer, of Weymouth, merchant, to make an entry of rum under seizure.,
Prefixing:—Said Commissioners' report.
Customs Book XV. p. 474.
Same to the Treasurer's Remembrancer in the Exchequer. To discharge John Friday, of Sun Tavern Fields, St. Paul. Shadwell, carpenter, of a forfeited recognizance.
Prefixing:—Pipe Roll estreat of the recognizance.
Warrants not relating to Money XXVII. p. 276.
Dec. 11 Same to [the Auditors of Imprests]. To allow in the account of the Clerk or Keeper of the Hanaper in Chancery 40l. for passing his account as such for one year to 1743, Sept. 29.
Prefixing:—Certificate by James Thomas, a Deputy Auditor of Imprests.
Ibid, p. 277.
Same to William Benson and William Aislabie, Auditors of Imprests. To allow in the account of the Cashier of the Bank of England, as Paymaster of the 3 per cent. annuities transferrable at the Bank. 448l. 4s. 8d., his cravings for incidents for 4 years to 1743, June 24.
Prefixing:—Report by the Deputy Auditors of Imprests.
Ibid, pp. 278–9.
Same to the Excise Commissioners. To discharge John Brackenbury. late collector of Excise, Hertford collection, of 100l. to be set in super on Isaac Jones and Thomas Emerson.
Prefixing:—Said Commissioners' report.
Ibid, pp. 279–80.
J. Scrope to the Customs Commissioners. Leave of absence to Daniel Gybbon, a tidesman in fee, London port. Customs Book XV. p. 468
Petition to the Treasury from Samuel Desborow. Concerning his arrest for concealing tea, &c. Reference Book X. p. 265.
Same to same from Alice Dennett, widow. Concerning the drowning of her husband, a tidesman. London port. Ibid, p. 266.
Same to same from Jonas Parker and Fras. Lambrecht. For stay of proceedings against them for altering assessments of land tax for Wandsworth. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 407.
Dec. 12 Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners [England]. To pay into the Exchequer 5.000l., being money arisen by the additional duties on foreign cambrics towards the Sinking Fund (towards the bounty on exported linens (pursuant to the Act of 15 and 16 Geo. II.
Prefixing:—Said Commissioners' report.
Customs Book XV. p. 480.
J. Scrope to the Customs Commissioners. With a petition from Robert Mackmeakin. of Chester, cork cutter. Ibid, p. 478.
Dec. 13 Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners. For several cases of arms, accoutrements. and ammunition now lying in the Tower, to be shipped for Ireland, duty free, on the “Dublin Merchant.” — Thomas, commander. Ibid.
Dec. 13 Treasury warrant to the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland. For the landing, duty free, in Ireland, of 110 swords for Sir John Bruce's regiment. Irish Book IX. p. 438.
Petition to the Treasury from John Fletcher, Receiver General of Cumberland. For the usual allowance of 3d. per £ on his receipt annis 1740 and 1741. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 407.
Dec 17 J. Scrope to the Salt Commissioners. With the Treasury recommendation of John Breux to succeed William Bracey, as assistant to the Assistant Searcher in the Salt Office at Yarmouth. Letter Book XX. p. 157.
Dec. 18 J. Jeffereys to the Customs Commissioners, London. Leave of absence to Thomas Thomas, a tidesman, London port. Customs Book XV. p. 480.
Treasury warrant to William Benson, one of the Auditors of Imprests. To allow in account to John Selwyn, junr., as Paymaster of salaries, &c., to the late Queen, 119l. 6s. 10d. for fees, &c., on his accounts for the year ended 1743, Xmas.
Prefixing:—Report by James Thomas, a Deputy Auditor of Imprests.
Warrants not relating to Money XXVII. p. 281.
Same to the Clerk of the Pipe or his deputy. For a lease to Jane, Countess Dowager of Portland, of a messuage, &c., in the Privy Garden, Whitehall.
Prefixing, &c.:—Constat, ratal, and demise.
Crown Lease Book VII. pp. 22–5.
Same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands. For a particular of a messuage in Glasshouse Street, St. James's bailiwick, of which George Campbell prays a reversionary lease.
Prefixing:—Said Surveyors report on said Campbell's petition for same.
Ibid, pp. 25–6.
Same to same - For same of mines in Yorkshire, of which Hugh Bethell prays a lease.
Prefixing:—As above.
Ibid, pp. 26–7.
Warrant under the royal sign manual, countersigned by the Treasury Lords, to the Attorney or Solicitor General. For preparation of a bill for a grant to trustees for Augustus Schutz, of the inheritance of part of the forest of Shotover and Stow, co. Oxford, in consideration of the sum of 5,650l., to be paid into the Exchequer, “which said premises belong to his Majesty in right of his Crown, and his Majesty is enabled to grant the same as aforesaid by virtue of an Act of Parliament passed in the 17th year of his reign.”
Prefixing:—Particular, memorandum, constat, and ratals.
(“N.B. The docquets of the above intended grant are entered in the Docquet Book.”)
Ibid, p. 28–36.
Dec. 19 J. Scrope to the King's printers. To send to the Secretary at War 500 copies of the Mutiny Act, and of the Articles for the Government of the forces in Great Britain and beyond the sea. Letter Book XX. p. 157.
Dec. 19 J. Scrope to the Comptrollers of Army Accounts. Forwarding T. Revell's list of men victualled at Gibraltar, 1744, Sept. 3 to Oct. 28. Letter Book XX. p. 154.
Dec. 20 Same to the Board of Ordnance. Transmitting for inquiry into same a memorial of Messrs. Masters and Ballard for 2,500l. for 4 bills of exchange drawn from Newfoundland by Capt. Thomas Smith for services for the security of St. John's. Ibid, p. 157.
Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe or his deputy. For a lease of a messuage, &c., in Whitehall to the Duke of Portland.
Prefixing, &c.:—Constat, ratal, and demise.
Crown Lease Book VII. pp 36–8.
Dec. 21 Thomas Bowen (in the absence of the Secretary of the Treasury) to the Customs Commissioners. Forwarding a letter and papers, detailed, concerning the additional forces desired to be sent to the coast of Sussex against smugglers. Customs Book XV. p. 481.
Same to same - Forwarding a petition of Joseph Chitty concerning duty on raisins. Ibid.
Dec. 22 Petition to the Treasury from James Deacon, son of James Deacon, late collector of the coal duty, London port. Concerning the Exchequer proceedings against him for his father's mismanagement. Reference Book X. p. 265.
Dec. 29 J. Scrope to William Corbett For an account of the sums received by him from the executors of Sir Charles Wager (being moneys by him remaining unapplied as Treasurer to the Navy): in pursuance of the Privy Seal of 1743, June 6. Letter Book XX. p. 158.
Memorial to the Customs Commissioners from N. Procter. For reward for the discovery of a large quantity of Spanish wines, since condemned. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCCXV. No. 27.
Same to the Treasury from the Managers of the 1744 lottery. For authorisation to destroy the 2 (copper) plates for the tickets in said lottery which remain in their custody, and are capable of being applied to ill purpose. 1 page. Ibid, No. 29.
Same to same from the Managers and Directors of the lottery for 600,000l., anno 1744. By minute of 1744, April 12, Henry Fane and 7 others were appointed to manage said lottery till Managers should be settled: by commission of May 22 following the other managers and directors were appointed. Have finished said work, and pray reward. 1 page. Ibid, No. 30.