Minute Book: October 1700

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 16, 1700-1701. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1938.

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'Minute Book: October 1700', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 16, 1700-1701, ed. William A Shaw (London, 1938), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol16/pp1-13 [accessed 9 February 2025].

'Minute Book: October 1700', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 16, 1700-1701. Edited by William A Shaw (London, 1938), British History Online, accessed February 9, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol16/pp1-13.

"Minute Book: October 1700". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 16, 1700-1701. Ed. William A Shaw (London, 1938), British History Online. Web. 9 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol16/pp1-13.


October 1700.

Oct. 1,
Present: Sir Stephen Fox; Chancellor of the Exchequer [Mr. John Smith].
Put off the Commissioners of Customs and Excise till next Tuesday.
[Write] to the Earl of Ranelagh to attend on Friday on a petition of Col. Gibson transmitted to my Lords by the King's command from Mr. Bl[athwait]. Direct Col. Gibson to attend then.
Mr. Molyneux may produce affidavits at the hearing; and Mr. Mason is to have a copy of his [Molyneux's] answer.
Mr. Woodson is admonished not to stop the public business under pretence of fees. He [promises he] will take no fees for Establishments [passing the Signet Office] for the future.
[Order for] 505l. 13s. 5d. to be issued to Mr. Nicholas on his warrant.
Write to the Navy Commissioners to be here on Wednesday morning.
[Order for the issue to William Lowndes of] 1500l. for secret service.
[Order for] 371l. 1s. 3d. to be issued upon the warrant for the officers of Windsor Forest.
[Order for] 167l. 5s. 10d. to be issued to Mr. Symes upon his warrant.
[Write] to the Agents [for Taxes] to be here on Friday.
My Lords can do nothing further for Mr. Killegrew without the King's positive command. Treasury Minute Book XII, p. 122.
Oct. 2,
Present: Sir Stephen Fox; Chancellor of the Exchequer; Mr. Hill.
Write to the late Commissioners of Prizes and [Commissioners] of the Glass [Duties] Office to be here.
The Navy Commissioners [are] called in. They demand as follows as resting due to the Navy out of this year's funds:
£ s. d.
for the ordinary [of the Navy] 61504 19
for wear and tear 32349 0 0
for extraordinary repairs 14724 0 0
£108577 19
The late Commissioners of Sick and Wounded being called in do offer an account of 60,479l. 1s. 4¾d. due for the service of the Sick and Wounded. My Lords resolve (1) that no part of the 20,000l. be applied towards the 3200l. demanded for accounts, or towards the 3033l. 4s. 10d. for transporting and subsisting prisoners at war [underlined]: (2) that the 20,000l. so far as it will extend shall be issued in proportions to [or with] all the other articles of the said account and shall be applied to the particular debts as they stand in priority of time upon the several quarters [statements] wherein they were incurred: that this money be paid over by the Navy [Treasurer] to Mr. Povey: that the Commissioners of Sick and Wounded do present to my Lords an account of the proportion for [the quarters of the sick &c. in] each port as they shall need the money and my Lords will thereupon give direction: he [Povey] is to observe the orders of the Commissioners. Mr. Povey is to attend the pay in every port and one or more of the Commissioners with him who is to keep a counterpart to control the payment and [the said counterpart is] to be the voucher to his account. The paying a proportion for salaries is not to be extended beyond midsummer 1698.
Ordered [that there be issued to the Navy Treasurer] 47,073l. out of the purchase money of annuities and out of the 25 per cent. on French goods viz. 32,349l. on the head of wear and tear, for the Yards and 14,724l. on the head of extraordinary repairs, for the Yards: which together with 12,233l. 7s. 8d. out of the money to come in by the 15 per cent. is to be applied to pay half-a-year [wages] to the Yards due at Xmas last: and the rest of the 59,306l. 7s. 8d. which was ordered for the Yards upon the head of the Ordinary is to be applied to the Course of the Navy. Treasury Minute Book XII, p. 123.
Oct. 3,
Present: Sir Stephen Fox; Chancellor of the Exchequer; Mr. Boyle; Mr. Hill.
The letter for 12,046l. 14s. 11d. for the [King's] for[eign] Min[isters] is read and approved.
[Ordered that the] 240l. 9s. 10d. due to the officers of Capt. Sydenham's Company is to be paid out of the money in Mr. Dodington's hands.
Mr. Paschal [is] called in. He is directed to proceed in the accounts [of prizes].
The late Commissioners of Glass Duties [are called in]. They will bring in their accounts by this day week. My Lords will allow the salaries of those Commissioners as long as the Duties continued; and when they see their accounts and the service they have performed they will give them a reward in gross suitable to their pains and trouble.
The remaining 300l. to the Vice Chamberlain [of the Household] is to be paid. Ibid., p. 124.
Oct. 4,
Present: Sir Stephen Fox; Chancellor of the Exchequer; Mr. Hill.
[Order for] 100l. to be issued to the Stables to pay 2½ years' rent for the water for the Mews.
The Agents [for Taxes] are called in.
The wine merchants [are called in]. Their petition is read and referred to the Customs Commissioners.
Write to Mr. Dodington to attend on Tuesday. Ibid., p. 125.
Oct. 8,
Present: Sir Stephen Fox; Chancellor of the Exchequer; Mr. Boyle; Mr. Hill.
[Write] to Mr. Young and Mr. Ryley to be here on Friday.
[Write] to Mr. Travers to be here tomorrow.
Mr. Newton, Sir John Stanley, Mr. Mason and Mr. Molyneux [are] called in. Mr. Berisford is called in.
Mr. Molyneux says he did not sign the rolls because some of the hammered money was not entered in the books on the day; but on enquiry he is better satisfied since.
Mr. Newton says the number, weight and assay of the ingots were entered but a blank was left for the fond which was afterwards filled up.
Berisford says in [the] case of the country [Mint bullion] Receivers the ounces were not entered at first but it was done in 48 hours and there are the receipts of the parties to vouch it.
Fauquier called in says the Receivers that brought the hammered money to be coined [in exchange] for Exchequer Bills at first would not declare the bond.
Berisford says he has examined mony [many] of the receipts.
Mr. Molyneux and Mr. Mason are ordered to examine these receipts in seven days' time and if they find any objections against signing the Comptrollment Roll that they do lay the same before my Lords this day week. If not, then in the same time they are to sign and swear to the said Roll so that the accounts be no longer delayed.
Mr. Mason's letter of 22 June 1700 is read detecting corruptions in one of the Comptrollers [of the Coinage].
The report of the chief officers [of the Mint] not signed is read.
The answer of Mr. Molyneux is read.
Upon the first article the question is whether Molyneux was privy to Greenhill's taking money from the artificers of the Mint.
Molyneux says he told Mris. Main that he believed Greenhill had got 60l. which Curtis might have got if he had tarried with him: and he meant those usual profits which he might lawfully have had in 1½ year's time.
The affidavit of John Holding is read that Greenal stopt 50 guineas out of the late Plumbers money.
Jane Holding's deposition to the same purpose is read.
The deposition of Tho. Lindsey [is read] that Mr. Molyneux made slight of the matter when he acquainted him with it.
Also the deposition of Susannah Kent to the same effect with Holding's.
John Mason's affidavit to the same purpose is read.
Mr. Fouquier says he paid the money to Holding himself who gave the receipt but part of it was then applied to satisfy two creditors, and by Holding's direction a young man carried away the rest. After[wards] Holding told him that young man carried it to Greenhill who stopt 50 guineas from him.
Mr. Molyneux says upon Lindsey's coming to him he examined Greenhill and he denied the receiving the 50 guineas but after[wards] owned to Molyneux that he had two guineas from Holding.
Mr. Mason says Lindsey will swear that Mr. Molyneux (when Greenhill denied the taking the money) led him into that answer. Mason says the young man's name is John Cooper; he lives in Fenchurch Street at an undertaker's for funerals.
Mr. Molyneux says the bills were signed before.
Memorandum: to send for Lindsey and Cooper.
Upon the second Article concerning a watch given to Molyneux's wife: the article and answer are read again.
The affidavit of Mris. Brand is read.
The affidavit of P. Jarron, watchmaker, is read.
Mr. Molyneux owns he knew that Mr. Brand presented his wife with a watch but says it was for a great deal of pains he had taken in examining and correcting his bills; and he told the watchmaker [that] Brand might pay what he would for it and he (Molyneux) would pay the rest: that Brand had received the tallies from the Mint long before he made the present, but Brand did not pay for the watch till he received the money upon the tallies. Molyneux saved a great deal of money to the King by reducing the bills but there were several entries in them to Brand's prejudice which Mr. Molyneux found out and for that this present was made.
The affidavit of Hannah Brand is read tending to prove that the watch was not given for signing the bills but for the trouble given to Mr. Molyneux in finding out the errors in her husband's bills.
Mris. Molyneux's affidavit is read.
Mr. Molyneux says the reason why the watch was delivered back was because it was not liked and in order to have another.
Upon the third Article concerning bribes taken by Rigby, who is someway related to Mr. Molyneux, the affidavit of John Keeling is read concerning 20 guineas paid to Rigby.
Anthony Redhead's letter concerning money and notes given to Rigby is read.
Sir John [Stanley] says Mr. Molyneux was pressing for Redhead.
Mr. Berisford says he enquired into Redhead's security; found it insufficient; he was not desired or tampered with to make a favourable report, but Mr. Molyneux said to him (as he took it, jestingly) I believe you might have a good pair of gloves to make a good report: that he does not remember Mr. M[olyneux] named a sum but his wife (Mris. Berisford who was by) saith he spoke of a sum, 30l. or 40l. or 50l.: he says when Molyneux spoke to him he did not take it as an offer by which he might at all avail himself.
Mr. Molyneux is asked how Rigby came by the bill.
He cannot tell.
Rigby's letter to Mr. Molyneux is read owning that Mr. Molyneux knew nothing of the money he received.
Anth. Redhead's letter is read.
The information of Antho. Ivatt is read of money extorted from him by Greenall and concerning an horse.
The affidavit of Thomas Furnival is read.
All parties will attend again to-morrow morning. Give Mr. Mason the summons for John Cooper and Tho. Lindsey. Treasury Minute Book XII, pp. 126–8.
Oct. 8,
Present: Sir Stephen Fox, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Boyle, Mr. Hill.
[Write] to Sir Christopher Wren to be here to-morrow.
The Customs Commissioners are called in with Sir Tho. Cook and Mr. Hewer.
It is desired on behalf of the old East India Company that two persons may be accepted as security for their Customs, the Customs Commissioners having required four from them because the new East India Company give four, that is two for the old Duties and two for the New Duties.
Sir Thomas says they will deposit money in specie instead of giving two more sureties for the 15 per cent.
Mr. Godolphin says they [the Customs Commissioners] have made a minute for this and thinks there is no difficulty in it.
My Lords agree with the Customs Commissioners in the directions they have given.
The Excise Commissioners [are] called in.
Mr. Phillip Shales is called in. "My Lords are satisfied that the suggestion against him in Allen Garrard's petition are false."
Sir Thomas Cook is called in with Mr. Geo. Wilcockes. They pray favour to Garrard. Ibid., p. 129.
Oct. 9,
Present: Earl of Tankerville, Sir Stephen Fox, Mr. Boyle, Mr. Hill.
[Issues as follows to the Earl of Ranelagh are] ordered out of the funds of this year
£ s. d.
to clear the Troops and Regiments in England and the Fusiliers from 25 June to Aug. 24 last 9813 0
for pay of the Garrisons for the same time 2336 17
for 14 days' subsistence to the 23rd inst. [to the Forces, England] 7446 10 6
£19596 8
My Lords tell Sir Christopher Wren he must proceed no further on the King's account upon the Lord Keeper's house until my Lords have received the King's pleasure and signified same to the Office [of Works].
The Navy Commissioners [are] called in.
There having been on the 23 July last 71,100l. orderd on the Ordinary of the Navy for the Yards (out of the 15 per cent. Duties on silks and muslins) of which 11,793l. 12s. 4d. is since paid and 59,306l. 7s. 8d. remains unpaid; it is now ordered at the instance of the Navy Commissioners that tallies be levied for this 59,306l. 7s. 8d. on the said revenue, with interest at 6 per cent., viz. 12,233l. 7s. 8d. thereof on the head of Ordinary for the Yards and the remaining 47,073l. to be applied to the head of Wear and Tear (struck through) Ordinary for the Course of the Navy.
The letter to the Agents [for Taxes] for improvement of the Duties on Births &c. is read and approved.
Sir John Standly, Mr. Newton, Mr. Molyneux and Mr. Mason [are called in].
John Cooper [is] called in. He says he received the money at the [Mint] Office for Baskerville; two creditors received part and he carried the rest viz. 50 guineas and about 35l. to the Czar's Head. Mr. Greenall took the 50 guineas and Holding took the 35l.: Greenall said somebody was to have a part of the 50 guineas but he named nobody to him: Cooper says I said 50 guineas was easily got: he said 'I am not to have it all myself.' I carried it because Greenall would not trust Holding. He saw two affidavits drawn up, one by Molyneux (as Greenall said) and Mr. Green, an attorney, (as Greenhall said) drew the other: they imported to discharge Mol[yneux] that he had no part. Greenhall said he could swear to another [sic for the one] that he drew himself but not to the other. One was general, that no person whatsoever received any part but himself, which he swear to; the other had words "directly or indirectly" in it. He [Cooper] says he has no more to say in this matter.
Richard Morley [is] called in. He says he is acquainted with Greenhall who told him he had got money from an exec[utor] of a plumber but he would not have his master know it for never so much; that he had misfortunes by gaming which run him in debt and he hoped by such means to clear himself.
Mr. Thomas Lindsey called in says [that] Holding sent him to Mol[yneux] to acquaint Molyneux of the 50 guineas taken by his man. He refers to his affidavit which is read again. He says he has no reason to suspect that anybody had any part of the 50 guineas but Greenall himself.
Mr. Mason says Molyneux denied to the Officers of the Mint that he knew of any money that his man Greenhall had received, notwithstanding the information by Lindsey.
Sir John [Stanley] says Mr. Molyneux at first said he knew nothing of the watch or his man's taking this 50 guineas.
Mr. Molyneux says he declared then as to the watch. He would justify it.
Mr. Newton says Mr. Molyneux disowned his knowledge of anything of the watch and he thinks offered his oath.
Mr. Molyneux says he was unwilling to speak about the watch till he had spoken with his wife about it.
Antho. Ivat [is] called in. He is joiner [to the Mint]. He had two bills for work [done for the Mint]: says Mr. Molyneux told me he had an horse to sell; the price 20l.; I must get him off or take him myself: so I gave 20l. for him: Mr. M[olyneux's] man, Greenhall, said if I did not take the horse the bills would never be passed. I kept him about two months and sold him for five guineas. Mr. Molyneux said to me why wont you take the horse yourself; it was forced on me; then his man came and said 'Come you must take the horse.' After I had paid the 20l. Greenal said to me you shall not have the money yet unless you give me 15l.: so I gave him 8l. more. So out of 338l. I was abated 38l. for the King's benefit, I paid for the horse and gave Greenal 8l. I gave Greenal 30l. in silver and a guinea for former bills. Mr. Molyneux never talked to him [Ivat] of less than 20l. for the horse and he spoke to him twice to take the horse.
Mris. Beresford called in says: Mr. Molyneux told her husband if he would give a favourable report concerning Redhead's security it might be a good pair of gloves to him: it might be spoke in jest: Mr. Molyneux as he was going out of door said it might be a pair of gloves of 40l. or 50l.: it was as he went down stairs and [she] thinks her husband could not hear that: her husband answered he could not do that, to the words about the pair of gloves.
To the fourth Article, concerning altering the estimate for repairs, the article and answer are read again.
Ryall's declaration is read.
Sir John Standley says that a report was made by the Officers [of the Works] that the [Mint] Comptroller's house needed repair and would cost above 300l.; that the officers of the Mint found it needed no repair: that the [King's Master-]bricklayer confessed that Mr. Molyneux brought him the report ready drawn to which he put his hand thinking it was the order of the Board [of Works].
Mr. Molyneux says when the workmen were to bring in estimates for repairs he acquainted Mr. Newton he would come and live in the Mint. The workmen were directed to view and give their opinions: afterwards estimates were ordered and all was transacted in the open office: then Mr. Molyneux, Mr. Beresford and Dr. Fauquier sat down to draw a report consonant to the workmen's thoughts, because they [the workmen] did not understand drawing a report.
Dr. Fauquier says he was there.
Mr. Molyneux reads the report which the workmen signed.
Mr. Newton says, the bricklayer said afterwards the house would stand but it was faulty and if it were his own he would rebuild it; but the officers of the Works said it might stand 50 years: these never saw the house ript.
Mr. Mason says he offered Mr. Molyneux 25l. a year for his part of it; and Greenall put locks on the doors to keep Mason out when he would have put up a bed there.
Mr. Molyneux says Mason would not pay him any rent for it. As to his making it a warehouse he only put in some cedar for some time.
He says at first he told Mason he would have nothing to do with him, (knowing his actions). Mason said "Come, why do we dispute? We may get 1200l. a year by it." Afterwards Mason made a price for his share, 1000l., either to give or take. I told him there was a difference in our education. Then he would give 1200l. or take 1000l. I refused, because Mr. Montagu at first told him [Molyneux] 'we expect the duty of this office from you Mr. Molyneux' and I knew his [Mason's] insufficiency: besides I heard he had mortgaged his share. In the last Session [of Parliament] Mason told me in the House [of Commons] I had taken presents and he ought to have half or he would tell. This was when they both were in the House of Commons. It is not worth above 500l. or 600l. but I would have given 700l. to have been rid of him. That Mr. Mason personated Molyneux in several places. That Mason threatened to leave no stone unturned to get Molyneux out. Then I followed him in all the places that I could.
Hen. Yaxley's affidavit is read.
The affidavit of William Greenall No. 3 is read; and his letter to Mr. Molyneux.
The paper No. 12 concerning the watch is read: that the watch was returned to have another and not out of consciousness of guilt.
Mr. Molyneux says he and Mr. Niel signed Kieling's bill with an abatement of 67l.
John Brandreth's affidavit is read. Treasury Minute Book XII, pp. 130–2.
Oct. 10,
Present: Earl of Tankerville; Mr. Boyle; Mr. Hill.
[Write] to Mr. Dodington to be here this day week on the affairs of the Marines.
[Order for] 25l. to be paid to Tho. Shorter and John Turner according to Mr. Yard's letter.
The Attorney General recommends Mr. — Borret (Borrett) to succeed Mr. H. Baker. Treasury Minute Book XII, p. 133.
Oct. 11,
Present: Earl of Tankerville; Sir Stephen Fox; Mr. Hill.
[Order for] 2000l. for the [Treasury] Lords' salary.
Sir Christopher Wren will bring in another estimate of what is absolutely necessary at the Lord Keeper's house and in the mean time he may proceed upon what is absolutely necessary.
[Write] to Mr. Townsend and Mr. Bulstrode to come to W. L[owndes] this evening.
[Write] to the Customs Commissioners to give direction to Cornelius Smith, who commands the Dover [Customs] sloop, to observe such orders as he shall receive from Mr. Henry Baker for his Majesty's special service, so as such orders to not employ him longer than one month.
[Write] to Mr. Mason and Mr. Molyneux to attend next Wednesday morning upon the accusation of Molyneux against Mason concerning his actions at Chester Mint.
My Lords approve of Mr. Wise's proceedings in the works at Hampton Court, estimated at 1244l. 16s. 2d.
Prepare a report upon the hearing concerning Mote Park. Ibid., p. 134.
Oct. 15,
Present: Earl of Tankerville; Sir Stephen Fox; Mr. Boyle; Mr. Hill.
[Write] to the Commissioners of Customs and of Excise to be here to-morrow.
[Order for a] letter [of direction to the Receipt] for issuing 600l. to the Speaker [of the House of Commons].
Write to the [Navy] Commissioners and Navy Treasurer to cause 6459l. 16s. 7½d. (out of the 20,000l. for Sick and Wounded) to be paid to Richard Povey, Receiver for that service: to be by him applied for quarters and cure of Sick and Wounded as follows viz. 533l. 1s. 9½d. at Deptford; 146l. 11s. 3½d. at Gravesend; 3407l. 11s. 6½d. at Rochester; 2372l. 12s. 0d. at Deal and districts: observing [therein] the directions of the 2nd Oct. [supra p. 2.] Ibid., p. 135.
Oct. 16,
Present: All the five Lords.
Mr. Mason's hearing [resumed].
David Davis is called in. He is told my Lords will transmit his information against Mr. Mason to Lord Chief Justice Holt and my Lords desire him to attend the Lord Chief Justice this afternoon. He says he will attend.
Send his information to the Lord Chief Justice.
Sir John Standley, Mr. Newton, Mr. Mason and Mr. Molyneux [are] called in.
Mr. Mason says endeavours are used to asperse him about clipping. What he did in that matter was by advice of a noble peer and he desires a day for that peer to attend. He is told that matter must be heard before the Lord Chief Justice.
The narrative given in by Mr. Molyneux concerning Mr. Mason's transactions in Chester Mint is read.
Mr. Mason relates by word of mouth all his proceedings when he was at Chester Mint alleging his own integrity.
The copy of a letter of Mr. Molyneux of 6 Nov. 1697 to Mr. Greenal is read asking several questions about Chester Mint; which Mr. Mason says created the quarrels in that Mint.
The Article marked A is read.
Mr. Halley says a gentleman calling himself Mr. Mason['s] brother in law, called Cha. Hanmer, brought him the congratulatory letter with this message that I would exchange the silver he brought [? wrote] about; which was done: he thinks himself paid the twopences: it was about 10s. and he was willing to oblige him in so small a matter, though he had never seen him.
The Clause marked B is read.
Mr. Halley says Hanmer said he came by Mr. Mason's order; but thinking when he came for 126l. he would make a trade of it they refused him: he would needs have them go to drink: Hanmer was quarrelsome and picked quarrels. Mr. Halley came to town upon this understanding that the Comptrollers [of the Mints] had signed a deputation to another man, and he was restored by this [the Treasury] Board. He thinks Mason was willing to serve his friend and to remove him [Halley] first: that Mason dedicated himself wholly to the party of those that were their adversaries.
Mr. Mason denies that.
[Halley continues] that Mr. Mason with his own mouth told him that he ordered Hanmer to prosecute Weddall and desired him to act passively in the matter.
Robt. Weddal says Hanmer produced the congratulatory letter when he came to get about 30l. changed. About a month after, Hanmer came again with others; invited them to drink; Hanmer and the rest were captious, therefore Halley (by advise) left them: Hanmer said if we refused to change his money his own bro[ther in law] Mason should turn them out of the Mint: Hanmer after[wards] paid it in as bullion: Lewis some time after threw a great leaden standish at him; Lewis after disowned his fault in private but would not do it openly. In July following, Mason come to town; who approved what Lewis had done and said if he had beat out his brains twas well done. Then Hanmer made the affidavit of treasonable words and after retracted it; but he is satisfied Mason was the principal instrument in carry[ing] on that prosecution: that Hanmer owned Mason and Williams put him on.
Mr. Mason says he did not know of the affidavit.
John Cooper's letter to Mr. Mason of 15 Oct. 1700 is read.
Sir John Standly and Mr. Newton say Ivatt is a man of a very indifferent character.
Order Mr. Berisford to be here on Friday morning.
My Lords tell them that they expect that the remaining Comptrolment Roll for the London Mint and all the Comptrolment Rolls for the Country Mints be examined so that they be signed and sworn to in six weeks time [from the present].
[Letter of direction for] 750l. to be paid to Secretary Vernon on his order.
Mr. L[owndes] is to take an account what the Excise produced last year; and an estimate of the produce in the last quarter; and the year's account of the Salt Duties:
[likewise] an account of the Duties on [Stamped] Paper and Parchment:
[likewise an account] of the Post office [revenue]. Treasury Minute Book XII, pp. 136–7.
Oct. 16,
Present: All the five Lords.
The Customs Commissioners are called in.
Resolved that for all [Customs] bonds hereafter to grow due for any Duties at the Custom House in London and the outports, in case the payments be not actually made at the days specified in such bonds, the Customs Commissioners are to give such orders that such bonds be forthwith from time to time put in suit; and that not only the principal upon such bonds but the interest from the dates of the bonds shall be recovered to the King's use.
The wine merchants are called in.
Resolved that interest as well as principal shall be sued for and recovered on all bonds for any Duties at the Customs House in London and the outports which became due (by the last days of payment as in the said bonds) before the 25th of March 1699 unless the said bonds be satisfied or otherwise lawfully discharged before the 1st day of December next: and upon those which became due on or after the 25th March 1699 and before this [present] day unless the bonds last mentioned be satisfied or discharged before the first day of Hilary term next. Ibid., p. 137–8.
Oct. 18,
Present: Earl of Tankerville, Sir Stephen Fox, Mr. Boyle, Mr. Hill.
My Lords will allow the charge of a man to watch every night on the top of the houses about the Exchequer to prevent fire; and the charge of some buckets and an engine. (In the margin: Exchequer of a night to be watched.)
Write to the Customs Commissioners and the searcher to attend on Wednesday next.
Capt. Spicer [is] called in. The petition of Col. John Gibson and Mr. Blathwait's letter are read. Upon reading the 6th article in Col. Gibson's instructions signed by the King when he [Gibson] went for Newfoundland, my Lords (being informed that Col. Gibson pursuant to his Majesty's instructions had paid the Regiment at their disbanding full subsistence for the time of their expedition to Newfoundland, as well for the time they were on shore as aboard ship without making any deduction from the private man) my Lords are pleased to direct that the Paymaster [of the Forces] in making up the account of the said Regiment shall charge nothing to the Regiment on account of provisions notwithstanding any order to the contrary. Signify this to the Earl of Ranelagh.
[Order for] 4l. 10s. 0d. a week to be allowed for the rent of the house [for the lodging] of the Morocco Agents, [to wit] from 22 May last.
[Order for the issue to the Earl of Ranelagh of] 8158l. 16s. 0d. to complete 41,000l. for Half Pay: to be issued out of such money as is in or shall come into the Exchequer of the funds of this year. Ibid., p. 139.
Oct. 19,
Present: Chancellor of the Exchequer; Mr. Hill.
[Order for the issue of] 700l. to Hen. Baker for [Crown] law charges.
The letter to the Earl of Ranelagh for Col. Gibson's Regiment is read and approved.
The letter for 175l. for Gregson et al is read and approved. Ibid., p. 140.
Oct. 23,
Present: Earl of Tankerville, Sir Stephen Fox, Mr. Boyle, Mr. Hill.
Order for 6451l. 7s. 11d. to be paid to the Treasurer of the Chamber according to Mr. Vanbrugh's memorial.
Mr. Yard, by his Majesty's order, is to be paid his usual allowance for attending the Lords Justices.
[Write] to Mr. Dirley to be here next Friday morning about the money to be raised on the [Navy] Victuallers' tallies.
[My Lords order] 538l. 18s. 7d. to be paid as follows out of the money in the hands of the Earl of Orford for wages: viz.
£ s. d.
to Capt. Finche's Company 85 5 0
to Col. Killigrew's Company 212 13 9
to Capt. Sidenham's Company 240 9 10
£538 8 7
The former letter concerning Capt. Finche's Company and Col. Killigrew's Company is to be taken up [cancelled].
[My Lords order] 20l. 13s. 0d., for Mr. Aylmer's fees, to be paid out of secret service [money in Mr. Lowndes's hands].
[Order for the issue to William Lowndes of] 1000l. for secret service.
The letter for 6187l. 2s. 3d. to be paid out of the money in the hands of the Treasurer of the Chamber is read and approved.
[Order for] 750l. to Secretary Vernon.
[Write] to Mr. Madox to be here on Friday next about Sir Edw. Seymour's account [as former Treasurer of the Navy]. Ibid., p. 141.
eodem die, afternoon. Present: ut supra.
The Customs Commissioners are called in. The undersearchers [London port] are called in.
The draft of the warrant concerning the Searcher's office [London port] is read.
The answer of Mr. Williamson, head searcher, is read.
The answer of the five undersearchers is read, with their proposal to prevent frauds. Give the Customs Commissioners a copy of the proposal and of the answers.
Mr. Clerk says the searchers certify the shipping upon which several 100,000l. is drawn back: the searchers should see the shipping and have a competent number [attending] for that purpose: that the [Customs] Commissioners do not mean to prejudice them in their office.
Mr. Williamson says the deputation searchers are checks upon the patent searchers: he hath no power in law to ship goods, but stands by, sees what the patent searcher does, signs with him and keeps a book as a checque.
The undersearchers withdraw.
The Excise Commissioners [are] called in. Direct the [King's] printers to prepare the abstracts of the Acts for Births, Burials &c. Treasury Minute Book XII, p. 141.
Oct. 25,
Present: Earl of Tankerville, Sir Stephen Fox, Mr. Boyle, Mr. Hill.
[Letter of direction for] 3750l. to Sir B. Bathurst on his order.
Mr. Madox says he and the clerks will have gone through the accounts of Lord Orford and Sir Thomas Littleton [as respectively formerly Treasurer of the Navy] by Xmas next and that then he and the Navy Board will soon adjust Sir Edward Seymour's [like] account in the new methods in which that Board hath insisted upon.
My Lords do explain that Mr. Povey in paying the money ordered into his hands is to pay the salaries of the physicians and chirurgeons employed in curing Sick and Wounded and the agents employed in finding their quarters; but no other salaries; and that he do pay the debts of entire quarters of a year as they stand in priority of time; and [that he] acquaint my Lords what broken remains shall be in his hands not sufficient to extend to another quarter of a year. Ibid., p. 142.
Oct. 29,
Present: Earl of Tankerville; Chancellor of the Exchequer; Mr. Boyle; Mr. Hill.
The letter to the Auditor about Sir George Wharton's account [as former Treasurer of the Ordnance] is read and approved.
Mr. Grice is to be [a] king's waiter [London port] loco Mr. Tyrrel.
[Order for the issue to the Earl of Ranelagh of] 7224l. 17s. 2d. for subsistence from the 24th inst. to Nov. 2 next: to be paid by tallies in course on the overplus of the Civil List funds.
Direct Sir Cloudesley Shovel and Sir David Mitchel to be here on Friday morning. Ibid., p. 143.
Oct. 30.
Hampton Court.
Present: All the five Treasury Lords.
Ordered that Mr. Borret (Borrett) do attend in the Exchequer Court constantly and take care not only of the particular causes in his charge but of such other matters as may occasionally happen there [touching the King's revenue] and especially of the Kings' part upon all informations grounded upon penal statutes, except those which concern the Customs and Excise, for which there are [already] particular solicitors [for those respective branches of the revenue.]
The King comes in.
Revive the order that no works be proceeded in (except ordinary repairs) without order from the Treasury; and that under the head of ordinary repairs is not meant the fitting of apartments or lodgings with conveniences wholly new.
The King will allow Mr. Atwood only 300l. a year and to Mr. Broughton 150l. a year.
My Lords are to agree with Mr. Larkin for his whole service by the great [in the lump or gross, regarding the trial of pirates].
[Order for the issue to William Lowndes of] 1000l. for secret service. Ibid.