Index of persons and Places: D

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 16, 1700-1701. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1938.

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'Index of persons and Places: D', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 16, 1700-1701, ed. William A Shaw (London, 1938), British History Online [accessed 9 February 2025].

'Index of persons and Places: D', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 16, 1700-1701. Edited by William A Shaw (London, 1938), British History Online, accessed February 9, 2025,

"Index of persons and Places: D". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 16, 1700-1701. Ed. William A Shaw (London, 1938), British History Online. Web. 9 February 2025.



Daberhams alias Rookesnest, co. Surrey, messuage or tenement lease of, to the Earl of Jersey, 232.

Dagley, Anthony, Groom of the Great Chamber, 401.

Dagos, —, Captain, on Civil List, Ireland, omission of payment to, 396.

Daillon, —, Ensign, half pay on Irish Establishment, 444.

Dalbenas, junior, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 437.

-, senior, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 437.

Dalbene, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 435.

Dalbon, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 435.

D'Alby, See Alby, D'.

Dalen, Lambert Van, Queen Mary's Charity to, 404.

D'Allemagne, Lewis, petition, 76.

Dallons, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 434.

Dally, John, Captain in Col. Farrington's regiment of Grenadiers, 22; petition, 154; respits on, 167.

Dalmas, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 436.

D'Alterac, Jacques. See Alterac, D.'

Dalton, —, desiring conveyance of lands taken by the Crown as equivalent of rents, 267.

Dambois, Damboix, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 437.

-, Francis, a Lieutenant in Col. Du Cambon's Regiment, 154.

Dampier, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 437.

Damsell, William, tidesman, superior list London port, 369.

Danby, Elizabeth, forfeited recognizance of, 220.

Dancer, Sir Thomas, Captain, half pay on Irish Establishment, 441.

D'Angilbaud. See Angilbaud.

Daniell, George, tidesman Whitehaven port, 297.

-, Ingleby, searcher, Hull port, 296.

Danroches, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 437.

Danteville, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 435.

Dantzic (Germany), seizure of ship White Swan of, 202.

Danvers, Mary, officer's widow, royal bounty to, 208.

Dapilly, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 435.

Darbie. See Derby, J.

Darbonne (D'Arbonne), —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 435.

-, Susanna, officer's widow, royal bounty to, 208.

Darley, Mrs., petition, 408.

Darnley, Catherine (Lady Kate), daughter of King James II, wife of James, 5th Earl of Anglesey, 48, 95, 341.

Darques, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 434.

Dartiquenave (Dartequenave), Charles, an Agent for Taxes, 121, 225; salary, 122, 232.

-, Mrs., Queen Mary's Charity to, 402.

Dartmoor, Forest and Chase of, Rider and Master of. See Bodville, C., Earl of Radnor.

Dartmouth, co. Devon. See Sick and Wounded.

-, -, Clifton Dartmouth Hardness, perpetuity and corporation of, granted by Henry VII, 384, 415.

-, -, Port, waiter and searcher at Paignton, 220.

-, Earl of. See Legge, William.

-, Lord. See Legge, George.

D'arzeliers (d'Arseliers), Marquis, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 437.

Dassas, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 435.

Datchin, —, tidesman, inferior list, London port, 364.

Daubusarques, —, French pensioner on Irish Civil Establishment, 433.

Daugier, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 436.

Daunix, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 437.

Daussy, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 437.

Davessein, Jos., French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 434.

Davids, —, sculptor, issue to, 84, 310.

-, -, Queen Mary's Charity to, 402.

-, John James, merchant, illegally importing wines from St. Sebastian, 399.

Davis (Davies), —, Commissioner of Hawkers and Pedlars, 69.

-, Arthur, Captain, half pay on Irish Establishment, 441.

-, David, information as to Mint clipping, 8, 135, 136.

-, Dudley, Ensign, half pay on Irish Establishment, 441.

-, Edward, Surveyor of Duties on Houses and Marriages, 297.

-, George, watchman, London port, 353.

-, John, Captain, half pay on Irish Establishment, 438, 441.

-, -, tidesman, Newcastle port, 295.

-, -, Surveyor at warehouse for Customs Duties 15 per cent on East India silks and muslins, 176.

-, Luke, Lieut., half pay on Irish Establishment, 438.

-, Richard, 275.

-, Thos., messenger of the Chamber, 159; stay of prosecution against, 38.

-, -, Receiver General for Duties on Houses and Marriages for Salop, 254.

-, -, Surveyor of Duties on Houses and Marriages, 236.

Dawkins, Pollicarpus (Polycarpus), surety for William Smith, merchant for duties on Malaga wines, 193; petition of, 408.

Day, Samuel, Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief of the Bermudas, 184, 300.

Deal, co. Kent, boatmen at, Customs officials, 214, 244.

-, Sick and Wounded quarters. See Sick and Wounded.

Dealtry, William, tidesman Hull port, 415.

Dean, Forest of, Conservator of, salary, 170, 173, 265.

-, -, enclosures, 265.

-, -, Keepers of the walks in, salaries of, 71, 170, 173, 265.

-, -, timber and underwood to be felled in, 170, 173.

Dean (Deane), John, Lieut., half pay on Irish Establishment, 438.

-, Marmarduke, Comptroller of Chester port, 338; salary, 413.

-, Thomas, Surveyor of Duties in Houses and Marriages, 237.

-, -, tenant, 232.

-, William, a farmer of Royal Oak Lotteries, 166.

Debette, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 436.

de Bourzolles. See Bourzolles.

Debruze, Pierre, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 435.

de Castelfranc. See Castelfrane.

de Fossatt. See Fossatt.

De Gailhem. See Gailhem.

de Gassaud. See Gassaud.

De Gatine. See Gatine.

Degg, Sir Symon, steward of the Honor of Peveril, co. Notts and Derby, 177.

Dejoye, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 436.

De la Coste. See Coste.

De la Court. See Court.

de la Croix. See Croix.

D' la Croze. See Croze.

De l'Aigle. See Aigle.

Delamar, Walter, Major, petition as to arrears on pension granted by Charles II, 386.

De la Rose. See Rose.

De la Rue. See Rue.

De La Val (Delaval). See Val.

Delaware River, lands lying upon. See Pennsylvania.

Delawney, Joseph, Lieut., half pay on Irish Establishment, 441.

Deleux, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 435.

Delisle, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 434.

De Loches (Deloches). See Loches, —, De.

De Longpré. See Longpré.

de Lons. See Lons, La Bastide de.

Delorme, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 436.

De Lorth. See Lorth, —, De.

Delpy, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 435.

de Magny. See Magny, Constantin de.

-, -, -, Theophile de.

de Matos. See Matos.

de Meserac. See Meserac, Marc Antoine.

de Miremont. See Miremont.

de Montaud, See Montaud, Silvie Anne de.

Demuck, John, Surveyor of Duties on Houses and Marriages for Lanes., 122; salary, 124.

Denbigh county, arrears of Taxes uncollected in, 213.

-, -, Assessment Commissioners, arrears, 159, 329.

-, -, lease of lands in, 161.

-, -, original seal and Pre Fines of lease of, 430.

-, -, Pre and Post Fines, new lease of in., 332; farmer of. See Matthews, J.

-, -, Receiver of Duties on House and Marriages, 213, 254, 270, 294, 397.

-, -, Surveyor of Duties for, 254, 397.

Denie, Charles, pension on Civil Establishment, Ireland, 168.

Denis. See Dennis.

Denmark, Court of, Resident at. See Gregg, H.

-, King of, Envoy Extraordinary from. See Anken (Ancker), Monsieur van.

Dennis (Denis, Denys), Cornelius, merchant, illegally importing wines from St. Sebastian, 77, 399.

-, Peter, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 169, 436.

Denny Lodge and Walk. See New Forest.

Denny, Tho., Lieut., half pay on Irish Establishment, 442.

Dentilly, John, Captain, half pay on Irish Establishment, 441.

Denys. See Dennis, P.

De Peré. See Peré.

Depeyster (De Peyffer), Abraham, Deputy Auditor to Mr. Blathwayte in New York Province, 256, 417.

de Pontereau François. See Pontereau, F. de.

Deppe, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 437.

Deptford, Kent, articles bought in Holland seized at, 162.

-, -, Sick and Wounded quarters, See Sick and Wounded.

Derby county, 176.

-, -, assessment Commissioners' arrears of, 329.

-, -, Auditor of Crown Land Revenues, 155, 305, 324, and see Aldworth, William.

-, -, Collector of Crown Rents, 305, 324.

-, -, Collector of Excise in, 141, 164.

-, -, Receivers General of Assessments and Duties on Houses and Marriages, 127, 140, 150, 241, 293, 429; Receiver of Subsidy 1672, 127.

-, -, Receiver of Hearth Money in, 127.

-, -, Sheriff of, 415; surplusage of, 389.

Derby and Nottingham counties, collector for, 127.

-, -, Receiver of Crown Lands of, 127, 324. See Cutler, Sir J.

-, -, Steward of the Honor of Peveril. See Degg, Sir Seymour.

Derby, Earl of. See Stanley, William George Richard.

Derby (Darbie, Derbie), John, Receiver General of Assessments for co. Dorset and Poole, 151, 294.

Dering, Sir Edward, Receiver of Crown Land revenues for Cambridge and Suffolk, 127; to report on petition of Dean and Chapter of Norwich, 379, 388.

de Rocheblave, Louis. See Rocheblave.

de Rossieres. See Rossieres, Jean de.

Desallie. —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 437.

Desbrosses, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 434.

Desclaux, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 435.

Descury, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 434.

Desemblars, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 435.

de Senegas. See Senegas, Pièrre de.

Desert, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 435.

Des Fourneaux. See Fourneaux.

Desherbiers. —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 437.

Des Isles. See Isles — Des.

Des Landes. See Landes — Des.

Desloires, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 434.

Desmarets Esaye, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 435.

Desmarettes, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 434.

Desmenard, payment of his account when attending King in Flanders, 346.

Desodes, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 436.

D'Esperendieu. See Esperendieu.

Despièrres (Despières) — Lieut., pension on Irish Establishment, 337.

-, -, William Folchier, petition, 53.

Despré, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 437.

Dethick, Henry, Richmond Herald, 146.

De Verazel. See Virazel.

Devenish, Robert, York Herald, 146.

De Vere, Aubrey, Earl of Oxford, issue to, 88, 96, 97; Gentleman of the Bedchamber, 143; petition of, 82; Regiment of, 89, 340; subsistence to, 216; royal bounty to, 86.

-, Diana, Countess of Oxford, 75.

Devett, James, Lieut. half pay on Irish Establishment, 440.

Devile, Aron, merchant illegally importing wines from St. Sebastian, 399.

Devon County, Assessment Commissioners, 368; arrears of, 329; stay of process against, 271.

-, -, lands and tenements in, Crown lease of, 223.

-, -, -, in, Steward of. See Bodville, C., Earl of Radnor.

-, -, Receivers General of Assessments and Duties on Houses and Marriages for, 128, 140, 150, 151, 254, 294.

Devonshire, Duke of. See Cavendish, William.

Dewbery, Martha, widow, Deputy Postmaster for Little Brickhill, Bucks, 376.

-, William, Deputy Postmaster for Little Brickhill, co. Bucks., 376.

Dewet, Isaac, noontender, London port, 188.

Dewey, James, an Agent for Taxes, salary of, 121, 122, 232.

Dey of Algiers. See Algiers.

-, Tripoly. See Tripoly.

Deyman, Aldred, tidesman Cowes port, to be Commander of the Greenhill yatch (Customs Yacht at Greenhithe), 155.

D'Hanus. See Hanus.

D'Hervart, Philibert. See Hervart.

D'Hona, Count. See Dohna, Count Christopher.

Dhours, —, French pensioner in the Irish Civil Establishment, 434.

Dickinson, John, landwaiter Southampton port, 430.

-, Robert, praying a lease of concealed lands, 292.

Dieren, Holland. The Court at, 334, 355, 369, 370.

Digby, —, to attend Treasury, 98.

-, John, Receiver General of Crown Land Revenues for cos. Hereford, Worcester and Stafford, 126, 330.

Digory, George (George), junior, waiter and searcher at Charmouth, co. Dorset, 259.

-, -, senior, waiter and searcher at Charmouth, co. Dorset, 259.

Dillon, Robert, 6th Lord Roscommon, pension for, 83, 87, 310, 318.

Dirley, —, to attend Treasury concerning money to be raised on Navy Victuallers' tallies, 11.

Disney, Ann, poor pensioner of Queen Mary, 406.

Dives, Mrs. Kath[erine], Queen Mary's charity to, 405.

Dixey, Edward, Captain, half pay on Irish Establishment, 442.

Dixon. Henry, Quartermaster, half pay on Irish Establishment, 438.

Dixwell, Sir Basil, Lieutenant of Dover Castle, 21, 22.

Dobbins, Daniel, landwaiter London port, 34, 188.

Dobell, John, Comptroller of Chichester port, 420.

Dobson, John, waterman, London port, 381.

-, Mary, officer's widow, royal bounty, 208.

Dockwra, William, annuity out of Penny Post Office, 27, 375.

Dod. —, [Counsel], in dispute as to tallies in hands of Farmers of Hearthmoney, 19, 56, 58, 59, 73.

Dodington (Doddington, Dodrington), [George], cashier of Navy, 2, 8, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 40, 44, 61, 62, 64, 66, 69, 90, 100, 101, 106, 107, 108, 115, 116, 123, 181, 196, 270, 417.

Dodkins, Thos., Lieut., half pay on Irish Establishment, 443.

Dodson, Tho. Ensign, half pay on Irish Establishment, 442.

Dohna (D'Hona), Count, Christopher von, Envoy Extraordinary from Brandenburg, royal present to, 252.

-, Countess, royal present to, 252.

Doily. See Doyley.

Dolbin, John, fee as Clerk of the Fines at Ludlow, 146.

Doleman, Thomas, petition to be Customer of Newcastle port, 48, 218, 240.

Dollon, —, French pensioner on Irish Civil Establishment, 434.

D'Ollone, —, the father, pension on Irish Establishment, 337.

Dolman, Jacob, Ensign, half pay on Irish Establishment, 443.

Domergue, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 436.

Done, [Edward], Surveyor of Customs at Chester, 136.

-, Thomas, Auditor of Imprests, 45, 47, 61, 62, 95, 106, 122, 128, 162, 172, 205, 207, 219, 211, 212, 213, 222, 238, 271, 272, 285, 311, 325, 352, 408, 416, 418; instructions to and salary of, 388.

Donegal, Earl of. See Chichester, Arthur.

Donjoy, Simon, Collector of Excise for Middlesex, Surrey and Sussex, 374, 376.

Donnally, James, Ensign, half pay on Irish Establishment, 439.

Donnavant, Ann, Queen Mary's charity to, 403.

Donnellan, John, Lieut., half pay on Irish Establishment, 445.

Donover, John, of Essex, smuggling wool, 168, 289.

Donworley. See Dunworly.

Dorchester, Countess of. See Sedley, Catherine.

Dordrecht. See Dort, Holland.

Dore, James, Captain, half pay on Irish Establishment, 441.

Dormer, Charles, Page of Honour, arrears of payment, 77, 288; petition of, 75.

-, John, Assistant to Master of Ceremonies, salary, 145, 183, 343.

Dornant, Samuell, Lieut., half pay on Irish Establishment, 442.

Dorset county, 230, 270, 311.

-, Receiver General of Assessments for Dorset and Poole, 151, 294.

-, Sheriff of, 213.

Dorset, Earl of. See Sackville, Charles.

Dorset, George, a clothier of Marine regiment under Col. Edw. Dutton Colt, 380.

Dort (Dordrecht), Holland, 227.

Dortoux, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 437.

d'Oseville. See Oseville, Madame d'.

Douglas, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 435.

Douglas, Charles, Earl of Selkirk, a Gentleman of the Bedchamber, 236, 363.

-, James, Captain, half pay on Irish Establishment, 439.

-, James, 2nd Duke of Queensberry, Garter Robes for, 80; warrant to, 143, 236, 363.

-, Lady, Queen Mary's charity to, 404.

-, daughter of, Queen Mary's charity to, 404.

-, Simon, Groom of Great Chamber, 401.

Doule, Jane, pensioner of Queen Mary, 402.

Douse. See Dowse.

Douthwaite, William, collector of Stockton, 313.

Dove, Thomas, master and searcher at Saltfleet, Bristol port, 259.

Dover, co. Kent, Castle, Lieutenant of. See Dixwell, Sir B.

-, -, marshall of. See Cruttenden, J.

-, -, damage done at, by French prisoners, 347.

-, garrison, allowances to, 424.

-, port, Customers and riding officers at, 90, 129, 314, 357, 364.

-, -, sloop at, 8, 189; commander of. See Smith, Cornelius.

-, straits of. 209.

-, tapestry belonging to the Duke of Devonshire in a box at, 238.

Dowker, Peter, waiter and searcher at at Huttoft Bank, Boston port, 244.

Downs roadstead, Deal, the, 209.

Dowse (Douse), John, yeoman Robegoer attending King into Holland, 447.

-, William, Receiver General for Assessments and Duties on Houses and Marriages for co. Huntingdon, 150, 293: process against, 429.

Doyley (Doily), Edmund, Receiver of Assessments for Nottingham, 127.

-, alias Waller, Mrs. Mary, Queen Mary's charity to, 403.

-, Thomas, Receiver General of Assessments, Duties on Houses and Marriages and Windows for Surrey, Southwark, 125, 140, 150, 178, 308, 412: for Monmouth, 140, 150, 178, 331, 381, 412.

-, -, title to Mint moneyers' allowance for their tools, 235.

Drake, Benjamin, attending King in Flanders, 346.

Drammen, (Norway), salt entered for, 349.

Draper, Matthew, Ensign, half pay on Irish Establishment, 444.

-, Sir Thomas, Hartshorne Brewhouse, belonging to, 37, 201; conveyance to the King from, 264.

-, William, searcher, Hull port, 413.

Draycott, James, Surveyor and Inspector of Duties on Marriages, co. Herts., 221.

-, William, Surveyor of Duties on Houses and Marriages co. Leicester, 390, 397.

Drobus, Jacob, Lieut., half pay on Irish Establishment, 443.

Drogheda, Earl of. See Hamilton-Moore, Henry.

Droyer, Richard, Ensign, half pay on Irish Establishment, 441.

Drulhon, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 434.

Drysdell, Tho., Ensign, half pay on Irish Establishment, 442.

Dubarry, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 436.

Du Bay. See Bay.

Dublin, co. Dublin. Archbishop of, 283, and see Marsh, Narcissus.

-, -, perpetuity on Irish Establishment, 433.

-, Bishop of, 433.

-, Castle, furniture for dining room and Presence Chamber, 327.

-, -, rent of ground near, 433.

-, Cathedral Church of St. Patrick, Treasurer or Cantor Chancellor of, 70, 283.

-, Christ Church, Cantor of, perpetuity to on Irish Establishment, 433.

-, -, Dean and Chapter of, perpetuity to, on Irish Establishment, 433.

-, export of equipage of, Lord Lieutenant to, free of duty, 330.

-, Library Keeper at. See Bouhereau, E.

-, Marsh Library, 282.

-, monastery of St. John of Jerusalem, proxies out of churches belonging to, 433.

-, monastery of St. Mary's Abbey, proxies out of churches belonging to, 433.

-, monastery of St. Thomas Court, proxies out of churches belonging to, 433.

-, Phoenix Park, Ranger of, 63; salary of officers of, 151; tithe of lands in, 433.

-, Regiments of Foot at, 339.

-, Revenue Commission in, 174.

-, Trinity College, Provost and Fellow of Trinity College, perpetuities to, on Irish Establishment, 433.

Du Bochet. See Bochet.

Du Boirond. See Boirond, S.

Dubuc, —, Lieut., on Civil List, Ireland, omission of payment to, 396.

du Caisse. See Caisse, Cha. du.

Du Cambon. See Cambon.

Du Causse, —. See Causse.

Du Chesne. See Chesne and Duchesne.

Duchesne, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 434.

-, Jean, pension on Irish Establishment, 168.

Ducros, Theodore, petition of, 168.

Du Faij. See Faij.

Du Falgas. See Falgas.

Du Faux. See Faux.

Dufaux, Samuel, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 435; and see Faux, Du S.

du Fay, St. Ixondun. See Fay, St. Ixondon Dufay?

Dufie, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 436.

du Figuier. See Figuier, François du.

Dugdale, Sir John, Norroy King at Arms, 146.

Duggon, James, 276.

Duham. See Durham, William.

Duhomet, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 436.

Duke, Ann, and children, Royal Oak Lottery, pension to, 422.

-, Edward, Royal Oak Lottery, pensioner, 422.

-, Eliz[abeth], Queen Mary's charity to, 403.

Duke of York. See James II.

du Lac. See Lac.

Dumarest, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 434.

Dumas, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 436.

-, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 437.

-, Peter, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 169, 436.

Du May. See May.

Dumeny, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 435.

-, Fred, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 436.

Dunbar, Andrew, Lieut., half pay on Irish Establishment, 439.

-, David. Ensign, half pay on Irish Establishment, 440.

-, Joseph, Captain, half pay on Irish Establishment, 440.

-, Philip, Captain, half pay on Irish Establishment, 440.

Dunbell (Dunbill), co. Kilkenny, 283.

Duncan, George, payment to, 275.

-, Mrs., Queen Mary's charity to, 405.

Duncombe (Duncomb), Sir Charles, Cashier of Excise, 162, 292, 331; on commission for coining farthings, 124, 125; sheriff of London, surplusage on his account, 411.

-, John, Receiver General of Crown Land Revenues of Bedford and Buckingham, 126.

-, Stinn, Capt., company under, 142.

Dungarvon, co. Kilkenny, rectory of, 283.

Dunworly (Donworley) Bay, near Kinsale, co. Cork, 428.

Du Parc. See Parc.

Du Perce. See Perce.

Du Plessis. See Plessis.

Duplin (Dupplin), Lord, See Hay, Thomas.

Duponces, —, Lieut., payment to, 336.

Du Poncet. See Poncet.

Du Prat. See Prat.

Dupre, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 436.

du Puy. See Puy and Dupuy.

Dupuy, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 434.

-, Elias, merchant illegally importing wines from St. Sebastian, 399.

Durban, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 436.

Duras [Durfort], Louis de, Earl of Feversham, 102, 364; issue to, for buying horses, 322.

Durden, Jonathan, Surveyor of Duties on Houses and Marriages for co. Middlesex, 343.

Durfort. See Duras, Earl of Feversham.

-, Elizabeth, Countess de Rey (Roye), sister to the Earl of Feversham, 102, 363; house of, near St. James', 364.

Durham county, Assessments Commissioners' arrears, 329.

-, -, Receiver General of Crown Revenues, 126; and Duties on Marriages, 126, 140, 222, 293.

-, -, Surveyor of Marriage Duties for. 255.

-, (Duham), William, Receiver General for Duties on Mariages for Middlesex, 254, 324.

Dusoul, Samuel, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 434.

Dutoral, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 435.

Duval, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 434.

-, Philip, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 436.

Du Vivas. See Vivas.

Dyke, Ann, pension of, 16.

-, daughter of, 16.

Dymchurch, Dover port, co. Kent, 129, 348, 357.

Dymer, John, of Portsmouth, vintner, petition of, 191.

Dymond, Philip, Captain, half pay on Irish Establishment, 442.

Dysart, Lord. See Tollemache, L.