Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 16, 1700-1701. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1938.
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'Index of persons and Places: G', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 16, 1700-1701, ed. William A Shaw (London, 1938), British History Online [accessed 9 February 2025].
'Index of persons and Places: G', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 16, 1700-1701. Edited by William A Shaw (London, 1938), British History Online, accessed February 9, 2025,
"Index of persons and Places: G". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 16, 1700-1701. Ed. William A Shaw (London, 1938), British History Online. Web. 9 February 2025.
Gaffarelle, —, Queen Mary's charity to, 402.
Gailhem, — De, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 436.
Galician, Charles, pensioner on Irish Establishment, 169, 436.
Gally, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 435.
-, —, senior, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 437.
Galmoy, co. Kilkenny, 283.
Galway, co. Galway; Articles of surrender; claimants under, 318.
-, -, citadel in, 419.
Galway, Earl of. See Ruvigny, H de, Massue de.
Gamelis, Daniel, evidence in wine frauds, 18.
Gamell, Daniell, petition of, for reward for discovering frauds by merchants, 277.
Gandy, John, noontender Bristol port, 155.
Ganvales, Jacques, merchant illegally importing wine from St. Sebastian, 399.
Gape, John, Receiver of Duty on Houses for Co. Herts., 127.
Garan. See Garranamanagh, co. Kilkenny.
Garapuy, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 435.
Gard, — Le, Monsieur, issue to for nine pictures of A. Mantegna, 88, 314.
Garde, — La, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 436, 437.
Gardie, Henry, bottleman in Queen Mary's Household, 401.
Gardiner, (Gardner), —, 185.
-, Daniell, Sergeant at Arms, 135, 268.
-, Edward, outlaw, 270.
-, John, Captain, half pay on Irish Establishment, 442.
-, -, secretary to New East India Co., 209; petition on prosecution of, by Customs Commissioners, 61, 246.
-, Thomas, Keeper of the Small Arms in Ordnance, 333.
-, -, Surgeon to the Royal Household, attending King to Holland, 447; payment to for medicines, 346, 447.
-, William, petition for landcarriageman's place, 259.
Gardiole, — De la, pension on Irish Establishment, 337.
Garranamanagh (Grangecleran alias Grangeleran and Garan), co. Kilkenny, tithes of, 283.
Garrard, Allen (Allin), prisoner in the Poultry Compter, petition of, 5, 133, 140.
Garret, Cha., interest in Braywood, Windsor Forest, 136.
Garvan, William, Lieut., half pay on Irish Establishment, 445.
Gassaud, Antoine de, French pensioner on Irish Civil Establishment, 434.
Gastigny, James, Monsieur de, Master of the Buckhounds, 17, 137; payment and pension, 144, 184, 384, 415.
Gates, Bernard, a Page of the Presence to Queen Mary, payment to, 400.
-, Mary, Queen Mary's charity to, for the Turkish children, 403.
Gatine, — De, Major of Belcastle's Regiment, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 436.
Gaubert, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 434, 436.
Gauden, Benjamin, landwaiter London port, 327.
-, Sir Dennis, 16.
Gauntlet, —, payment to for Privy Council necessaries, 192.
Gaysham Farm, messuage, in Westerham, co. Kent, lease of, to the Earl of Jersey, 232.
Gedney, co. Lincoln, vicar of. See Fish, Augustine.
Geldermalsen (Geldermansell), Herr Van. See Borcelan, A. Van.
Gellibrand (Gillibrand), John, reward for discovering libels against the Government, 348, 373; payment to Lord Montgomery's outlawry, 373.
Geneste, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 435.
Genevrau, Abraham, pension on Irish Establishment, 168.
Gennine, Gregory, Queen Mary's charity to, 405.
George, Robert. Comptroller of Bridgwater Port, 21, 165, 199.
George, William, waiter and searcher at Newlyn, Penzance, 202.
Gerard (Gerrard), Charles, 2nd Earl of Macclesfield, carrying Garter and George to Elector of Brunswick Luneburg, 299, 335; regiment of, respits on, 80; transported from England to Ireland, 372.
-, Christopher, underclerk in Lord Fitzharding's office, 201, 266; petition, 66.
Germany, Emperor of, Envoy Extraordinary to. See Stepney, George.
Gerrish, William, collector of 4½ per cent. Duty at Montserrat, 381.
Ghent (Ghaunt), magistrates and citizens of, 140.
Gibbon, John, Bluemantle Pursuivant, 146.
Gibbons, —, Custom House officer, 227.
-, —, payment to, by Treasury Solicitor, 373.
Gibbs, Henry, Master of Ship Providence, 217.
-, Joseph, Keeper of Salsey Forest, 206.
Giberne, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 437.
Gibraltar Straits, 48, 337; bringing statue of marble from for the King, 158.
Gibson, John, lieutenant Colonel in Colonel Hamilton's regiment, 11, 174; petition of, 1, 10, 27; regiment of, in Newfoundland, 10. 138, 174, 217.
-, Richard, Receiver General of Duties on Marriages and Houses for Kent, 175.
Gifford, and see Gyfford, Charles, pension to, 310, 342.
-, Col., 86.
Gilbert, —, rent of house of, paid by Queen Mary's Charity, 403.
Gilby, Col., 68.
Giles, John, tidesman, Bristol port, 290.
Gillespy, Daniel, Ensign, half pay, 439.
Gilliard (Gillard), Stephen, landwaiter at Looe, co. Cornwall, 202; preventive officer and waiter and searcher at Newlyn, co. Cornwall, 130, 201.
Gillibrand. See Gellibrand.
Gillingham, co. Dorset, Royal Forest of, 311.
Gillins, Isabella, poor pensioner of Queen Mary, 405.
Gilliver, Robert, Receiver General of Crown Revenues for co. Derby, 305, 324.
Gilmore, Patrick, lands and tenements extended for debt, 197.
Ginkell, —, Lieut. General, 237.
Girard, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 436.
Glamorgan, county of, Receivers General of Assessments and Duties on Houses and Marriages. See Howells, George and Maurice.
-, second Judge of, 270.
Glanville (Glanvill) (and see Granville), William, Commissioner in Alienation Office, 200, 205, 349; deputy to William Lowndes, 399; Receiver General of First Fruits, 209.
Glashare, co. Kilkenny, tithe corn and hay of, 283.
Glatigny, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 435.
Gloucester, City and County of, Receiver of Assessments for, 293.
-, county, Custodiam lease of lands in, 270.
-, -, Excise collectors of. See Jennings, John and Jennings, William.
-, Duke of, Prince William, son of Princess Anne, interment of, 99, 212, 340.
Glover, Farmer, payment to, 275.
Goddard, John, Lieutenant Governor of the Bermudas, 236.
Godden, John, of co. Kent, concerned in illicit wool export, 176.
Godfrey, —, Colonel, an executor of Talmarsh (Tollemache), proceedings against, 101.
-, Charles, Master of Jewel House, 130, 154, 214.
-, Edward, payment to of fees to the Teller of the Exchequer, 248.
-, -, Treasurer's Clerk in Queen Mary's Household, 401.
Godolphin, Charles, a Customs Commissioner, 5, 68, 351, 410.
-, Sidney, Lord Godolphin, First Lord of the Treasury, 1–112 passim, salary as, 178, 239, 300, 371, 419; Gentleman of the Robes, accounts as, 323; house of in St. James's Park, 294.
Gold (Gould), John, contractor for hemp to the Navy, 55, 92, 107, 229, 321, 380.
-, -, or Nathaniel, 54; payment for, for hemp for the Navy, 100, 102, 354, 368.
-, Nathaniel, contractor for hemp for the Navy, 92, 107, 229, 321, 380.
Golden, Rt., redeemed slave received into Chelsea Hospital, 427.
Goldham, Thomas, tidesman inferior list, London port, 364.
Gollop, George, lease of Rectory of Poolstock and West Milton, co. Dorset, to, 270.
Golstein, Charles, Equerry to Queen Mary, 401.
Gondes, Isaac, Lieutenant in Lord Lifford's regiment, 212.
Goodaker, (Goodacker), Oliver, petition as to money due for Army clothing, 172, 190, 234.
Goodall, Thomas, a Commissioner of Wine Licences, 118, 425.
Good-Alnutt, George, Captain, half pay on Irish Establishment, 439.
Goodenough, Smart, sheriff of Somerset, 204.
Goodman, Ann, poor pensioner of Queen Mary, 405.
-, Charles, Collector Perth Amboy, East New Jersey, 353.
Goodricke, Sir Henry, Lieutenant General of the Ordnance, 333; account of money paid for King William on first landing in England, 162.
Goodwin, John, petition of, 129.
-, -, waiter and searcher at Peignton (Paynton), Dartmouth port, 220.
Gordon, John, styled Lord Strathnaver, afterwards 16th Earl of Sutherland, regiment of, 189.
Gore, Arthur, Captain, half pay on Irish Establishment, 441.
-, Henry, Ensign, half pay on Irish Establishment, 445.
-, Humphry, Captain, half pay on Irish Establishment, 439.
-, Lieut. Col., petition of, 57, 63, 234.
-, Sir William, surplusage as sheriff of London, 303.
Gorges, Col., 351.
Gorter, Giel Pieterson, Master of ship White Swan of Dantzic, 202.
Gosdales. See Pointon Cow Pastures, co. Lincoln,
Gosport. See Sick and Wounded.
Gospright, —, merchant, 337.
Gostrett, Michael, tidesman Rye port, 176.
Gough, Bevis, poor pensioner of Queen Mary, 406.
Goulain, —, French pensioner on Irish Civil Establishment, 434.
Goulding —, executors of, 415.
-, Ann, pension to, 394.
Goulin, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 437.
Gourdon, William, passage money as chaplain, going to Barbados, 179.
Gourney, Ann, Queen Mary's charity to, 403.
Gout, Jean, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 436.
Gower, Philip, petition of, for landwaiter's place at Faversham, 378.
Grabham, George, merchant illegally importing wines from St. Sebastian, 399.
Gracedieu, Sir Bartholomew, 95, 96; payment to, 18, 183.
Graffart, Isaac, a footman in Queen Mary's Household, 401.
Grafton, Charles, 2nd Duke of. See FitzRoy, Charles.
-, Elizabeth, Dowager Duchess of. See FitzRoy, Elizabeth.
-, Isabella. See FitzRoy, Isabella.
-, Henry, 1st Duke of. See Fitz Roy, H.
Graham, Francis, Lieut., half pay on Irish Establishment, 443.
-, Geo. (Lieut.), half pay on Irish Establishment, 440.
-, James, healing medals for James II, 124, 125.
-, Richard, 1st Viscount Preston, 227.
-, Robert, Army clothier, 56, 57, 58, 206, 238.
-, -, tidesman at Fowey, 244.
Grance, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 436.
Grandison, Viscount (4th). See Villiers, George.
-, -, (5th). See FitzGerald, John.
Grandry, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 436.
Grangecleran & Garan. See Garranamanagh, co. Kilkenny.
Grangederan. See Garranamanagh, co. Kilkenny.
Grangelegen. See Legan, co. Kilkenny.
Grant, Demetrius, Surveyor of Duties on Houses and Marriages, 237.
Granville (Granvill and see Glanville), Bernard, 17, 20, 45, 75, 195; petition of, 32, 36, 76, 207; Royal Bounty, 76.
-, -, Bevill, Sir, petition, 80; regiment on Military Establishment in Ireland, 231; in Holland, 276; balance of clothing owing to on embarcation for Holland, 430; half pay to Officers of, 445; royal bounty to, 82.
-, -, John, Earl of Bath, Chief Ranger and Keeper of St. James's Park, 196; salary as, 310; Housekeeper at St. James's, 145, 183; salary as, 190, 384; plate to be returned into the Jewel House, 162, 189; pension to, 20, 25, 87, 88; split tally in favour of, 209.
Grascombe, —, prosecution of, 17, 159.
Gratwick, —, petition, 79; wife of, debt due to as executrix to Sir Philip Warwick, 79.
Grave, Jean la, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 436.
Graves, Rachel, debt due to from Charles II, 51.
-, William, Ensign, half pay on Irish Establishment, 441.
Gravesend, co. Kent, Garrison allowances to, 424.
-, -, fort in parish of Milton near, 365; lease of Blockhouse Field, near, 197, 315, 365.
-, -, Searcher at, 342.
-, -, Sick and Wounded Quarters. See Sick and Wounded.
Gray, and see Grey, Albion, work done at Chester Castle, 49.
Grays Inn, Assessment Commissioners, arrears of, 329.
Great Burgage. See Borresmore, co. Kilkenny.
Great Coppice, Westerham, co. Kent, lease of, to Earl of Jersey, 231, 232.
Great Yarmouth. See Yarmouth.
Green, —, undertenant, 232.
-, Abraham, Captain, half pay on Irish Establishment, 440.
-, Fra. Lieut., half pay on Irish Establishment, 440.
-, George, waterman, 168.
-, John, waterman, 289.
-, -, Lieut., half pay on Irish Establishment, 438.
-, Joshua, Surveyor of Newcastle port, 129, 130.
-, Nicholas, fine for illicit export, 79, 88, 310, 318.
-, William, 23, 57, 58, 59; caveat against grant of lands to, 163; Receiver General of Assessments and House Duty for co. Stafford, 127, 266, 429; petition of, 154, 206.
-, -, tidesman, Whitehaven port, 176.
Greenall, —. See Greenhill.
Greenham, Capt., petition, 20.
Greenhill, Greenall, —, taking money from the Mint, 3, 5, 6, 9.
-, Henry, petition on his account for transport, 429; stay of process against, 409.
-, William, of Abbotts Langley, Indenture of Sale, 192.
Greenhill yacht. See Greenhithe, Customs yacht at.
Greenhithe, Customs yacht at, 155.
Greenway, Richard, King's locksmith, 346.
Greenwich [town], co. Kent, 24, 168.
-, East manor, 193, 263.
-, French minister of Queen Mary's Church, pension to, 405.
-, Hospital and Palace, 28, 33, 35, 110, 269.
-, -, -, Commissioners of, 27, 281.
-, -, houses bought by Charles II presented to, 269; question of grant of Navy fines to, 27, 28,
-, Manor of Old Court in, 193.
-, Royal Stables at, 193, 263; mewskeeper at. See Joiner, Thos., Morgrage, Henry and Pechey, Thomas.
-, Housekeeper at, 17, 81. See Yardley, William.
Greenwood, Nicho., surveyor of Duties on Houses for co. Kent, 186.
Greeting, Joyce, Queen Mary's charity to, 403.
Gregg, Benjamin, Sergeant at Arms, 143, 268.
-, Hugh, Resident at the Court of Denmark, extraordinaries to, 309; Resident at Court of Sweden, extraordinaries to, 391.
Gregory, George, Captain, half pay on Irish Establishment, 439.
Gregson, —, 11.
-, Richard, Civil List payment to, 137.
Grenier, Jaques, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 436.
Grenville, Bernard. See Granville.
Grey (and see Gray), Ford, Baron Grey of Werke, Earl of Tankerville, a Commissioner of Trade and Plantations, 188; a Treasury Lord, 5–112 passim, salary, 123; Lord Privy Seal, 155, 300.
-, Thomas, 2nd Earl of Stamford, a Commissioner of Trade and Plantations, 188, 308.
Gribble, Thomas, fine for Customs frauds, 301.
Grice, Samuel, Groom Porter's servant and messenger of the Chamber attending King into Holland, 285, 447; Closet Keeper at Hampton Court, bedding for, 421.
-, -, King's waiter at London port, 12, 141, 175.
Griffin, Edw., Lieut., 25.
-, -, widow of, petition of, 25.
-, Edward, 1st Lord Griffin, outlaw, forfeited estate of, 17, 135, 154, 166, 399.
-, Essex, Lady, wife of 1st Lord Griffin, 135; petition of, 17, 121.
Griffith, Henry, default in passing Royal Stables accounts, 125, 332.
-, James, Lieut., half pay on Irish Establishment, 441.
-, John, tidesman, inferior list, London port, 369.
-, Sarah, army officer's widow, petition, 187; royal bounty to, 208.
Grimston, Fra., tidesman Yarmouth port, 381.
Grindall, Francis, master of ship Love's Encrease, 139, 202, 415.
Grindor, Peter, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 436.
Grocer, John, a cheesemonger, 197.
Gross, Samuell, crown lease to, 239, 261, 365.
Grove, Mrs. Elizabeth, petition of, 78.
-, Helen, clothier of Marine Regt. under Col. Edw. Dutton Colt, 380.
Groye, — La, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 436.
Grymes, Egidia, officer's widow, royal bounty to, 207.
Gually (Gualy), Paul de, Lieut., payment to, 336; petition of, 48, 133.
Guarison, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 437.
Gubbins, Charles, Proclamation reward to, 174, 179.
Guerin, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 434.
Guernsey, island of. See Sick and Wounded.
-, -, Garrison, allowances to, 424.
-, -, regiment of Fuziliers in, 303,
Guibert, Monsieur, payment to for bed made for King's service, 115.
Guichard, Gabriell, wines illegally imported by, 379, 412.
Guilhon, Estienne, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 434.
Guillermin, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 437.
Guizot, Jaques, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 436.
Gullet Walk. See Whittlewood Forest.
Gummins, Thomas, poor pensioner of Queen Mary, 406.
Gunter, Richard, tidesman at Swansea, 312.
Gunter, William, Lieut., half pay on Irish Establishment, 439.
Guy, —, 22.
-, -, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 437.
Guynor, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 437.
-, Ann, officer's widow, royal bounty to, 208.
Guyraudet, —, French pensioner on Irish Civil Establishment, 434.
Gwernhayled (?Gwernfield) co. Flint, 349.
Gwillim, (Guillim), Thomas, Receiver General and Surveyor of Duties on Houses and Marriages for cos. Carnarvon and Monmouth, 254, 255, 344.
Gwynn (Gwyn), —, 106.
-, -, Francis, executor of, secretary to Lord Chamberlain of the Household, 139, 268.
-, -, John, remitter of Excise moneys, 180.
-, -, Sir Richard, Treasurer of the Chamber, 332.
-, Rowland, Lieut., half pay on Irish Establishment, 442.
Gyfford (and see Gifford), William, Lieut., half pay on Irish Establishment, 445.