Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 16, 1700-1701. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1938.
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'Index of persons and Places: P', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 16, 1700-1701, ed. William A Shaw (London, 1938), British History Online [accessed 9 February 2025].
'Index of persons and Places: P', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 16, 1700-1701. Edited by William A Shaw (London, 1938), British History Online, accessed February 9, 2025,
"Index of persons and Places: P". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 16, 1700-1701. Ed. William A Shaw (London, 1938), British History Online. Web. 9 February 2025.
Pacey (Pacy), John, Lieut., half pay on Irish Establishment, 438.
-, Samuel, Receiver General of Assessments, co. Suffolk, 21, 118, 169, 177, 180, 292; process against, 429.
Packer, Philip, Paymaster of the Works, 55; exors of, process against, 229, 331.
Packington, Sir John, 211.
Padstow port, co. Cornwall, Collector at, 130; tidesman at, 191.
Page, Matthew, Postmaster of Warrington, 427.
Paget (Pagett), Henry, petition of, 53, 54; royal bounty to, 231.
Pagez, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 435.
Paggen, Peter, owner of ship Catherine, petition, 421.
Paignton (Peignton), Dartmouth port, waiter and searcher at, 220.
Paine. See Payne.
Painter, William, redeemed slave, received in Chelsea Hospital, 427.
Pajou, Gaspar, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 436.
Palfrey, Henry, Lieut., half pay on Irish Establishment, 441.
Palisee, — La, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 437.
Pallisor, Thos., Major, half pay on Irish Establishment, 439.
Palmer, Barbara, Duchess of Cleveland, 225, 265, 275, 282; annuity or pension to out of the Post Office, 17, 31, 65, 259; petition, 63.
-, Bartho[lomew], merchant, illegally importing wines from St. Sebastian, 399.
-, Clementia, army officer's widow, petition of, 187.
-, George, boatman at Bridlington port, 369.
-, Thomas, a postillion to Queen Mary, 401.
-, -, Comptroller at New York, 259.
Palmes, Guy, Teller of Exchequer Receipt, embezzlement in office of, by his clerk, 353.
Paltock, Ann, petition of, 61.
-, Thomas, quarter master and gentleman Usher to Queen Mary, payment to, 400.
Papillon, —, junior, 111.
-, Philip, Cashier to the Commissioners for Navy Victualling, 36, 98, 107, 108, 331, 343, 394; accounts as cashier to Earl of Orford, Treasurer of the Navy, 379; additional allowance to, 41; issue to, 67; process against, 386.
Papin, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 435.
Papot, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 434.
Par, Fowey port, co. Cornwall, Customs officer at, 176.
Paravicine, —, Mrs., 412.
-, Sir Peter, payment to executors of, 111, 394.
Parc, —. Du, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 437.
Pardaillon, —, Mademoiselle D', Queen Mary's charity to, 403.
Paris (Parris), —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 435.
-, Lewis Rocher, payment to, 336.
-, Lovis de, petition of, 168.
Parker, Ann, 369.
-, George, 369.
-, John, petition of, 20.
-, -, Consul at Corona [Coruña], payment to, 317.
Parkes, Thomas, petition of, 31; royal bounty to, 190.
Parkins (Parkyns). See Perkins, Susanna, Lady.
-, -, -, William, Sir.
Parr, William, Quartermaster, half pay on Irish Establishment, 438.
Parran, John, Receiver General of Assessments and Surveyor of Duties on Houses and Marriages for co. of Oxford, 126, 140, 428.
Parris. See Paris.
Parrott, —, a clerk to the Exchequer Bill Trustees, 284.
Parry, Mary, officer's widow, royal bounty to, 208.
-, Richard, surveyor of the Duties on Houses and Windows for co. Anglesea, 363.
Parsons, —, 97.
-, Anthony, Auditor of Crown Lands and Revenues, 149, 230, 235, 382.
-, Edward, Collector of four and a half per cent duty at Montserrat, 381.
-, John, purchasing moiety of the King's stock in New East India Company, 45.
-, Sir John, a Commissioner for Victualling, 390, 428.
-, Richard, weigher, London port, 176.
-, William, a King's waiter, London port, 121.
Partington, Peter, attending the shipping of horses from Ireland to Holland, 350.
Partis, Francis, merchant, petition to compound debt for Salt Duty, 398.
-, Matthias, merchant, 398.
Partridge, William, deputy Governor of New Hampshire, 371.
Pascal (Pascall, Paschal), —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 437.
-, John, a Commissioner for Prizes, 2, 34, 115, 117, 201.
Passwater, John, taking care of the King's letters at Hampton Court, 201.
Passy, —. French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 436.
-, Ann, Albertine du, on Civil List, Ireland, omission of payment to, 396.
Pastourel, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 436.
Patteson, James, merchant, 202.
Paul, —, widow, Queen Mary's charity to, 403.
-, William, lessee and assignee of Prizage and Butlerage of England, 271.
Pauncefoot, Edward, Deputy and Cashier to the Earl of Ranelagh, 14, 52, 84, 86, 100, 206.
-, -, purveyor to Queen Mary, 402.
Pawley, Stephen, surgeon of the Expedition pacquet boat, 85, 345.
Paxton, James, landwaiter at Looe, co. Cornwall, 201.
Payne (Paine), Thomas, Serjeant at Arms, 135.
-, William, seizure of his brandy in Kent, 105, 106, 290, 305.
Paynton, Shrieve, Receiver of the revenue of North Wales, 354.
Pechey, Thomas, mews and stablekeeper at Greenwich, petition of, 193, 263.
Peck, Henry, Ensign, half pay on Irish Establishment, 442.
Peignton. See Paignton.
Peirce, Rowland, groom of the Great Chamber, 401; and see Pierce.
Peirson, Thomas, tidesman, Whitehaven port, 409.
Pelat, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 435.
-, Pierre, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 436.
Pelham, Henry, Clerk of the Pells, fees and salary as, 232, 240, 248.
-, John, a clerk in Teller's office of the Receipt, 65.
-, Thomas, Treasury Lord, 57, 65, 73, 120; salary as, 300, 371, 430.
Pellen, Benjamin, Ensign, half pay on Irish Establishment, 440.
Pellisier, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 434, 435.
Pembroke, Sick and Wounded Officers. See Sick and Wounded quarters.
Pembroke county, Chief Justice of. See Neave (Neve), Philip, second Judge. See Lloyd, Francis.
-, lands in, rents due on, 399.
-, -, Receiver General of Assessments and duties on Houses and Marriages for, 150, 186, 293.
Pembroke, Earl of. See Herbert, Thomas.
Pendarvis, —, petition of, 21.
-, -, wife of, 21.
Pendennis (Cornwall) garrison, allowance to, 424.
Pendergass, [Thomas], payment for entertainment of, 373.
Pendrill, Eleanor, poor pensioner of Queen Mary, 406.
Penetier, Ann, officer's widow, royal bounty to, 208.
Penn, William, grant to by James, Duke of York, of Pennsylvania, 361, 417; Proprietor of the Province of Pennsylvania in America, covenants of his grant, 235.
Pennsylvania, Province of, and other provinces lying upon the Delaware River, 101, 361, 366.
-, accounts of proceeds of rentals on grant of by James, Duke of York, to William Penn, 235.
-, -, -, Auditor and Surveyor of Revenues in, 256, 360, 361.
-, boundaries of, in grant of by James, Duke of York, to William Penn, 235.
-, covenants of, on grant to William Penn, 235.
-, -, Duty of one penny per pound on tobacco exported from, 366, 370.
-, grant of lands in, to William Penn, by James, Duke of York, 235, 361, 417.
-, -, Protestant ministers and schoolmasters residing within, 370.
-, -, Quit Rents in Lower Counties on the Delaware River, 361.
-, -, Surveyor of Duties under 25 Car. II c. 7. See Quarry, Robert.
Penny, Henry, Capt., 174.
Pennyman, [Thomas], Receiver of the Stamp Duties, 201.
Penryn port, co. Cornwall, landwaiter at, 176.
Penzance port, co. Cornwall, 176, 201, 202; officer of, 369; waiter and searcher at, 130.
Pepin, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 435.
Pepys, Samuel, Treasurer of Tangier, 323, 422.
Perce, —, Du, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 437.
Percivall, Chas., Lieut., half pay on Irish Establishment, 445.
-, Philip, deputy warehousekeeper, London port, 334, 357.
Peré, —, De, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 434.
Pereyra, Francis, 237.
Perigret, Eliza[beth], Queen Mary's charity to, 405.
Perinnett, Etienne, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 436.
Perkins, (Parkins), —, robber, 215.
-, Lady Susanna, 46, 51, 55, 56, 66, 161, 228; grant of two thirds part of manor of Bushey, co. Herts., 224.
-, Sir William, knt., attainted and executed for high treason, lease of portion of escheated estate to widow, 46, 47, 56, 161, 224, 228.
Perry, Thomas, groom of Privy Chamber to Queen Mary, payment to, 400.
-, William, tidesman at Falmouth port, 381.
Perth Amboy, East New Jersey, collector at, 353.
Peter, John, Lieut., half pay on Irish Establishment, 444.
Peter the Great. See Russia, Czar of.
Peterborough, Earl of. See Mordaunt, Chas.
Peters, John, clerk in office of Teller of Exchequer, 353.
-, -, petition for lease of manor and lands, 275, 383.
-, -, tidesman, Inferior List, London port, 381.
-, Robert, Receiver of Duties on Houses for Herts., 294; process against, 429.
Petit, — La, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 437.
-, Susanne, poor pensioner of Queen Mary, 406.
Pettit, Lewis, Capt., payment to, 336.
Pettitot, Etienne, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 434.
Petty, George, 364.
-, Henry, Ranger of Phoenix Park, Ireland, 151.
Peveril, Honor of, cos. Nottinghamshire, and Derby, lease of coal and iron mines and stone quarries in, 176, 177.
Peyffer, (Peyster), See Depeyster, A.
Peyton, Sir John, Captain, half pay on Irish Establishment, 444.
Philadelphia, English church in, 370.
Philip, King or Sachem of the Pennecook Indians of Mounthope, 361.
Phillips, (Phelips), —, 103.
-, Anthony, brewer to the Navy Victualling office, 367.
-, Catherine, lease of lands to, in co. Denbigh, 161.
-, Erasmus, Captain, 13, 142.
-, James, Collector at Llanelly, Carmarthen, 295, 324.
-, John, Auditor of Crown Revenues, 141.
-, -, Collector at Llanelly, Carmarthen, 295, 324.
-, -, Examiner of Customs Officers' securities, 376.
-, Robert, Colonel, royal bounty to, 49, 50, 218, 332, 356.
-, Thomas, Captain, 128, 207; half pay on Irish Establishment, 441.
Philpott, John, Adjutant, half pay on Irish Establishment, 442.
Phinny, Philip, Ensign, half pay on Irish Establishment, 443.
Phoenix Park. See Dublin.
Pickering, [John, surety for C. Mason], 57.
Picking, Ralph, Lieut., half pay on Irish Establishment, 440.
Pierce, John, Lieut., half pay on Irish Establishment, 441; and See Peirce.
Pigott, Jane, poor pensioner of Queen Mary, 406.
Pilcher, Roger, petition of for remission of fine for transporting wool, 375.
Pile of Fowdray. See Foudray.
Pilesworth, Edward, Executor, an officer of Excise, 277.
Pilkington, Freegift, widow of Richard, 242.
-, Richard, postmaster of Ipswich, co. Suffolk, 241.
Pilot, Lieut Josua, half pay on Irish Establishment, 441.
Piloty, John Antoine de, petition, bounty to, 68.
Pinchinat, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 155, 436.
Pine, Nicholas, Lieut., half pay on Irish Establishment, 439.
Pinfold, Sir Thomas, [King's] Advocate General, 27; fee as, 148; payment to, 184.
Pinneau, —, French pensioner on Irish Civil Establishment, 434.
Pinnet, —, pension on Irish Establishment, 337.
Pinnot, —, pension on Irish Establishment, 337.
Pinsent, Jonas, waiter and searcher at Peignton, co. Cornwall, 220.
Pinsum, —, French pensioner on Irish Civil Establishment, 434.
Piozet, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 437.
Piper, Captain Reginald, agent to Romney's regiment, 61, 206.
Pistoll, (Pistile), Thomas, land carriageman, London port, 189, 191.
Pitcairne, —, passage money to Leeward Islands, as schoolmaster, 425.
Pitt, Mary, widow of Moses Pitt, petition of, 235.
-, Moses, 235.
Pitman (Pittman), John, Surveyor of Duties on Houses and Marriages co. Somerset, 390, 397.
-, -, Samuell, Captain, Governor of Hurst Castle, 316; half pay to, 94, 337.
Place, Samuell, tidesman Bristol port, 286.
Plafaye, —, French pensioner on Irish Civil Establishment, 434.
Plaigne, —, De la, pension on Irish Establishment, 337.
Plantamour, Philip, remaining for his Majesty's service at the Court of Berlin, 391; Extraordinaries to, 309.
Plantations and Provinces in America,
names of: See
-, America.
-, Antigua.
-, Barbados.
-, Bermudas.
-, Carolina.
-, Delawar River.
-, Hudson's Bay.
-, Jamiaca.
-, Jersey, New, East and West.
-, Leeward.
-, Maryland.
-, Massachusetts.
-, Montserrat.
-, Mounthope.
-, Nevis.
-, Newcastle County.
-, New York.
-, Pennylvania.
-, Rhode Island.
-, Virginia.
Platt, Thomas, 103.
Plessis, —. Du, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 437.
Plombley (Plomley), John, a King's waiter, Bristol port, 274.
-, -, Joseph, tidesman, Bristol port, 259.
Plot, Thomas, Examiner of Customs Officers' securities, 376.
Plunket, Frances, pensioner of Queen Mary, 402.
Plymouth, co. Devon, 218.
-, -, Dockyard at Hamoaze, officers at, refusing to pay Land Tax, 368.
-, -, garrison, allowances to, 424.
-, -, Navy Yards at, 374; embezzling stores in, 291.
-, -, port Customer of, 141, 195.
-, -, -, tobacco seized at, 423.
-, -, Sick and Wounded, See Sick and Wounded.
Pointon (Poynton), co. Lincoln, lease of fens, called Pointon Cow Pastures, alias Gosdales, 190, 211.
Pointz. See Poyntz.
Pollexfen, George (John), a Commissioner for Trade and Plantations, 188, 308.
Polstead (Polsted), Ezekiel, Surveyor of Duties on Houses and Marriages for co. Yorks, 255; ditto for Surrey, petition of, 256, 355.
Poncet, — Du, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 435.
Pontbisson, Jacques, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 434.
Pontelle, Charles Le, Lieut., half pay on Irish Establishment, 443.
Pontereau, François de, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 436.
Pontieu, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 437.
Poole, co. Dorset, Receiver General of Assessments for, 294.
-, co. Dorset, port, Comptroller at, 268; Customer and Collector at, 163, 164.
Poole, Matthew, Lieut., half pay on Irish Establishment, 442.
Pooley, Robert, Commissioner for Stamps, 157.
Poolstock and West Milton, co. Dorset, 270.
Pope, Michaell, merchant and Alderman of Bristol, 305, 386.
-, Roger, Lieut. Col., troop of in Earl of Arran's Regiment, 285.
-, William, 93, 326.
Popple, William, Secretary to the Commissioners of Trade, 309, 426; issues to, 45, 195, 243, 318.
Portall, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 435.
Porte. — De la, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 337.
-, — La, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 435.
Porter, —, Capt., payment to, on Lord Montgomery's outlawry, 373.
- Sir Charles, a Remembrancer of First Fruits, 125.
-, Ralph, landwaiter at Scarborough, waiter and searcher at Bridlington, 313.
Porthca Prior, parcel of the Duchy of Cornwall, manor of, lease of, 239, 261, 365.
Portland, co. Dorset, garrison, allowances to, 424.
-, -, inhabitants of, petition of, 212.
Portland, Earl of. See Bentinck, William.
Port Royal, Jamaica, transporting officers and soldiers to from Kinsale, co. Cork, Ireland, 421.
Portsmouth, co. Hants., 167, 191, 431.
-, -, embezzling of Navy Stores, 291.
-, -, garrison, allowances to, 424.
-, -, harbour, ships lying in, 306.
-, -, march of Col. Farrington's regiment from Southwark to, 167.
-, Navy Yards at, embezzling at, 291; surveyor of, 376.
-, -, Sick and Wounded. See Sick and Wounded quarters.
Portugal, Envoy Extraordinary to King of. See Methuen, Paul.
Potter, Elisha, tidesman inferior list, London port, 271.
-, George, fine set on, 301.
-, Thomas, landowner, 232.
Pottinger, John, Comptroller of the Pipe in the Exchequer Court, 148, 156, 184, 290, 325.
Poulce, Daniel, a page of the Backstairs to Queen Mary, payment to, 400.
Poulton port, co. Lancs., 202.
Poultry Compter. See London and Westminster, names and places.
Povey, John, a Clerk of the Council, 286, 313, 357, 383, 410, 417.
-, Richard, Treasurer to Sick and Wounded, 2, 12, 40, 61, 92, 113, 344; accounts of, 223, 331, allowance to, 38, 194; issues to, 8, 37, 134, 192, 325, 347, 406.
-, Thomas, royal bounty to, 56, 97, 218, 352, 356; a Commissioner for coining farthings, 125, 331.
Powell, Daniell, boatman at Lymington, Southampton port, 196.
-, Samuell, Serjeant at Arms, allowance as, 143, 268, 325, 389, 415.
Powis, Richard, to execute a lease of improvements in Forest of Gillingham, 311; and See Powys.
Powle, Caleb, receiver General of Assessments for Brecon and Radnor, 294.
Powlett, Charles, 2nd Duke of Bolton, Lord Chamberlain to Queen Mary, 92, 118, 326.
Powys, —, 27; and see Powis.
-, Sir Littleton, a Baron of the Exchequer Court, salary as, 201, 218.
-, Richard, controller of Lynn Regis port, 149.
-, Sir Thomas, a Counsell, 56.
Powys House, the King to be at no further charge in suit of, 17.
Poyke, Richard, Clerk of the Cheque to Messengers of the Chamber, 39, 140, 297.
Poynton Cow Pastures, lease of. See Pointon.
Poyntz (Pointz), Francis, issue to for making tapestries, 125, 332.
Prade, Francis, tidesman superior list, London port, 364.
Prat, — Du, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 436.
Pratt, —, deputy of the Lottery Farmers, 120.
Pressac, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 437.
Prestatyn, co. Flint, Hundred of, lease of mines in, 188.
Preston, John, making proposal for supplying hemp to Admiralty, 219.
-, Viscount. See Graham, Richard.
Prestwich, —, Lady, Queen Mary's charity to, 403.
Prettyman, Sir John, Receiver of First Fruits, 125.
-, William, Remembrancer of First Fruits, 125.
Price, Herbert, Adjutant, half pay on Irish Establishment, 438.
-, John, Ensign, half pay on Irish Establishment, 443.
-, -, Master of Bridgeman sloop, 258.
-, Katherine, army officer's widow, petition of, 187; royal bounty to, 208.
-, Mary, Army officer's widow, royal bounty to, 208.
-, Nicholas, Lieut. Col., half pay on Irish Establishment, 441.
-, Robert, second Judge of Glamorgan, Brecon and Radnor, 270.
-, -, surety for collector of Taxes, 119, 120, 426.
-, Thomas, Major, half pay on Irish Establishment, 438.
-, William, surveyor of Duties on Houses and Marriages for co. Carmarthen, 237, 254; and see Pryce.
Prichard, John, waiter and searcher Swansea port, 209.
-, Rowland, waiter and searcher, Swansea port, 209.
Primauday, — La, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 437.
Prince Charles, of Wurtemberg. See Wurtemberg, Charles, Prince of.
-, Elector of Brunswick Luneburg. See Brunswick Luneburg.
-, of Wales. See Wales, Prince of.
-, William. See Gloucester, Duke of.
Probert, Charles, Receiver General of Duties on Houses and Marriages for Monmouth, 255.
Proby, William, Capt. Lieut., half pay on Irish Establishment, 443.
Progers, Edward, Keeper of Middle Park at Hampton Court, 80; issue for, 303; petition concerning, 135, 170; pension on Irish Establishment, granted by Charles II, 112, 307, 410; petition as to pension, 88, 326.
Prou, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 437.
Provinces of New York, Pennsylvania, etc. See Plantations.
Prussia, King of. See Frederick I, Ambassador to. See Wentworth, Thomas.
Pryce, William, deputy comptroller and searcher at Llanelly, Milford Port, 271; and See Price.
Pryor (Prior), Matthew, Ambassador in France, extraordinaries of, 247; issue to, 91, 121; lease of ground, St. James's Park to, 278, 304, 324; petition of, 78; royal bounty to, 299.
Puissar, Katherine, pension on Irish Establishment, 84, 87, 310, 318.
-, Marquis de, regiment of Foot officers of, half pay, 445.
Pulleyn, Thomas, Master of the Stud, 144, 383, 414.
Pulling, Robert, outlawry debts of, 408.
Pumphouse. See Richmond.
Pujor, Louis, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 436.
Puy, — Du, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 337, 435.
-, Pierre du, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 436.
Puychenin, —, French pensioner on Irish Establishment, 435.
Pyffer (Peyster, de Peyffer), A. See Depeyster, Abraham.
Pyke, Henry, purser, of the King's ship Dover, 378.
Pyle, Edward, woodward of New Forest, 160, 196.
-, Fra., Ensign, half pay on Irish Establishment, 443.