Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 16, 1700-1701. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1938.
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'Index of Subjects: P', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 16, 1700-1701, ed. William A Shaw (London, 1938), British History Online [accessed 8 February 2025].
'Index of Subjects: P', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 16, 1700-1701. Edited by William A Shaw (London, 1938), British History Online, accessed February 8, 2025,
"Index of Subjects: P". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 16, 1700-1701. Ed. William A Shaw (London, 1938), British History Online. Web. 8 February 2025.
Pacquet boats, See Post Office.
Painter and Illuminator. See Royer,
-, King's Painter. See Kneller,
Sir Godfrey.
Painting. See Verrio, Signor; Hampton Court; Windsor; and see King's Pictures.
Paper and Parchment, schedule of prices for Stamp Duties. See Stamp Duties (Schedule).
Paper Duty (as by 8/9 William III c. 7,
granting a Duty on paper, pasteboard, vellum and parchment for
2 years from March 1st, 1696–7,
to encourage bringing plate to the
-, accounts of, 138.
-, issue to unsatisfied lenders on,
Paper Office. See Whitehall, Paper Office; Keeper of, 414; and see Williamson, Sir Joseph.
Papists. See Penal Statutes; Roman Catholics.
Parks royal. See Royal Gardens.
PARLIAMENT, England, 67.
-, account for, of revenues appropriated for the Civil List, 121.
-, Acts of, printing of, 140, 143,
159, 175, 237, 332; and see
King's Printers.
-, Appropriations in supply, method
of accounts. See Appropriations.
-, Bills, depending in, 86, 280, 316.
-, Books for, 117.
-, estimates laid before (departmental debts), 29, 211.
-, Houses, 86; and see Commons;
-, items of demand (for Sick and
Wounded) laid before, 96.
-, Journals, transcribing, 120.
-, Sessions, 7.
-, witnesses attending, 295.
-, Ireland. See Ireland.
Parliamentary Survey, 372; and see Crown Lands.
Peace. See Treaty.
-, Justices of, several Commissioners of in England and
Wales, 349.
Pearl knives, export of, 338.
Pedlars. See Hawkers and Pedlars.
Peers, House of. See Lords.
Penal Statutes, King's fines on information grounded upon, 12, 149.
Pennecook Indians of Mounthope. See Philip, King or Sachem.
Penny Post. See Post Office.
Pensioners, Band of Gentlemen. See Gentlemen Band of.
PENSIONS, Annuities or Perpetuities
(as distinct from Royal Bounty
grants for which see Royal Bounty).
-, Army Establishment, civil pensions on. See Pensions Lists
-, Half Pay. See Army (Half
-, Ireland. See Pensions
Lists (Ireland).
-, arrears, 53.
-, Bankers' annuities. See Bankers' Debit.
-, Chelsea Hospital Outpensioners.
See Army (Chelsea).
-, Exchequer or Civil List pensions.
See Pensions Lists (Exchequer)
-, Excise pensions. See Pensions
Lists (Excise).
-, French pensioners or Huguenot
pensioners. See Pensions Lists
(Ireland, Civil and Military).
-, granted by Charles II, 71, 80,
307, 342, 356, 386, 410.
-, Irish Establishment pensions,
54, 83, 84, 168–9, 337, 395,
396, 433–445; and see Pensions
Lists (Ireland, Civil and
-, on Irish Establishment sent
back to Ireland, 100.
-, payable by Henry Baker, 51.
-, —, Edward Nicholas. See
Pensions Lists (Queen Mary).
-, —, out of fee farm rents. See
Norwich (Dean and Chapter).
-, petitions for, refused, 54, 83.
-, Post Office pensions. See Pensions Lists (Post Office).
-, Prizage and Butlerage of wines.
See Pensions Lists (Prizage).
-, Queen Mary's pensions. See
Pensions Lists (Queen Mary).
-, Royal Oak pensioners. See
Pensions Lists (Royal Oak).
-, taxes on, 110, 393.
-, transfers from the English Establishment to the Irish Establishment, 83, 88, 335–6, 343.
on the Army Establishment,
civil pensions charged on.
-, Fairfax, Lord.
-, Legge, William.
-, pensions to widows. See Army
-, French pensioners on the
English Army Establishment,
-, removed to the Irish Establishment, 335–6, 337, 345,
-, for French pensioners and Half
pay on the Irish Army Establishment: see Pensions,
-, on or payable OUT OF THE
EXCHEQUER (representing
Civil List pensions generally).
-, Bath, Earl of.
-, Berwick town.
-, Bray, Lodowick.
-, Browning, Jane.
-, Cambridge University:
-, for a Divinity Lecturer.
-, for a preacher.
-, for the Professor of
Civil Law.
-, for the Professor of
-, Emmanuel College.
-, Charles I's Hospital in Westminster.
-, Christchurch School King's
mathematical boys.
-, Cotton, Sir John.
-, Culpeper, Lord.
-, Dartmouth Corporation,
Henry VII's perpetuity.
-, Delamer, Major Walter.
-, Eton Provost and Fellows.
-, Fairfax, Charles, heirs of.
-, French Ministers in the
-, Garter, Order of.
-, Gifford, Charles.
-, Goulding, Ann.
-, Grafton, Duchess of.
-, Grandison, Visct.
-, Granville, Sir Bevil.
-, Hampton Churchwardens.
-, Hext, Annias.
-, Hext, Juliana.
-, Howard, Mrs.
-, Hubblethorne, Charles.
-, Hyde, Elizabeth.
-, Hyde, Thomas.
-, Keightley, Dame Ruth.
-, Keightley, Thomas.
-, Killegrew, Sir Robert.
-, Kinnoull, Earl.
-, Lady Margaret Divinity
Lecturer, Oxford.
-, Lane, Thomas.
-, Lichfield, Dean and Chapter
Vicars Choral.
-, Lyme Regis.
-, Lynn Regis.
-, Macclesfield town preacher.
-, Man, Isle of, four ministers.
-, Northumberland, Duke of.
-, Oxford, Earl of.
-, Oxford University.
-, Civil Law professor.
-, Lady Margaret Divinity lecturer.
-, Divinity lecturer.
-, Physic professor.
-, Progers, Edward.
-, Rogers, Ann.
-, —, John.
-, Rotier, John.
-, —, Joseph.
-, —, Phillip.
-, St. James's (Parish).
-, St. John Baptist, Walbrook.
-, St. Magnus.
-, St. Margaret's, Westminster.
-, St. Martin's in the Fields.
-, St. Michael's Cornhill.
-, Southampton, Duke and
Duchess of.
-, Southwell schoolmaster.
-, Tower, vicar of.
-, Westminster, Dean and
-, Whitgrave, Thomas.
-, Willoughby, Elizabeth.
-, —, Francis.
-, Windsor, New, church.
-, Wyndham, Frances.
-, —, Sir Francis.
-, —, Rachel.
-, Young, William.
-, Yates, Nicholas, heirs of.
-, EXCISE, civil pensions charged
-, Bankers.
-, Grafton, Duke and Duchess.
-, Monmouth, Duchess of.
-, Northumberland, Duke.
-, Princess Ann.
-, Queen Dowager.
-, Southampton, Duke.
-, St. Albans, Duke.
-, IRELAND, Civil Establishment
-, Abalt, —.
-, Abbadie, —.
-, Addée, Daniel.
-, Aigle, — De l'.
-, Alby, — D'.
-, Aldebert, —.
-, Allisieux, —.
-, Allerac, Jacques D'.
-, Amatis, —.
-, Arabin, —.
-, Archbishop of Dublin.
-, Arseliers, Marquis d'.
-, Aubin, —.
-, Aurelle, Pierre.
-, Badez, —.
-, Baffignac, —.
-, Balandrie, —.
-, Balme, —, La.
-, Bancons, —.
-, Baracus, Pierre.
-, Barbant, —.
-, Bernard, —.
-, Barnatre, —.
-, Basoche, — La.
-, Bastide, Barbant, La.
-, —, —, La.
-, Bastide de Lous, —, La.
-, Bauve, —, La.
-, Bay, — Du.
-, Baysse, —.
-, Beauchamp, Jean.
-, Beaucour, —.
-, Beaufort, —.
-, Beaujou, —.
-, Beaulieu, —.
-, Bedorat, —.
-, beissade, —, La.
-, Belcastel, Brigadier de.
-, Bellegard, David.
-, Bellet, —.
-, Belorient, —.
-, Beraud, —.
-, Bermere, — La.
-, Bernard, Antoine.
-, Bernay, —.
-, Bernardon, —.
-, Bernonville, —.
-, Bessieres, Jean.
-, Bigneux, —.
-, Bigos, —.
-, Billiere, — La.
-, Bishop of Meath.
-, Blanc, — La.
-, Blosset, —.
-, Bochet, — Du.
-, Boirond, Samuel du.
-, Boisbelland. —.
-, Boisribeau.
-, Boissiere, — La.
-, Boistaquette, —.
-, Bonnabel, —.
-, Bonneval, Mathieu.
-, Bonniface, —.
-, Bordenave, Pet.
-, Borsonade, — La.
-, Bortoux [Boitoux], —.
-, Bose, Petit.
-, Bouchiere, Jean.
-, Bouchetiere, — La.
-, Bouhereau, Elias, D La.
-, Boulay, — La, l'aine.
-, —, —, —, cadet.
-, Bourdigues, —.
-, Bourdon, —.
-, Bourzolles, François de.
-, Boyer, —.
-, Brassard, —.
-, Brasselay, —.
-, Brazart, —.
-, Bremont, —.
-, Briant, —.
-, Briante, —.
-, Bridges, George Rodney.
-, Brisac. —.
-, Brissac, —.
-, Brissoniere, — La.
-, Brosse Fortin, — La.
-, Brousse, — La.
-, Brugieres, —.
-, Brugnier, —.
-, Brun, — La.
-, Bruneval, —.
-, Bruneville, —.
-, Bruniguel, Abraham.
-, Bruleray, Jaques la.
-, Brunel, —.
-, Cabrol, —.
-, Cailhot, Jean.
-, Cailtiere, — La, junior.
-, —, —, —, senior.
-, Calvairac, —.
-, Cambes, —.
-, Campagne, —.
-, Cariez, —.
-, Castelfranc, Abel de.
-, Castelfranc, Gideon de.
-, Caudiere, Jean la.
-, Causse, —, Du.
-, Celeriez, —, junior.
-, Cereler, —.
-, Chabert, —.
-, Chabrières, —.
-, Chabrolle, —.
-, Chalomel, Pierre.
-, Chamard, —.
-, Champfleury, Jean.
-, Chamlorier, —.
-, Chancellerie, — La.
-, Changuion, —.
-, Chantor of Christ Church,
-, Chapel, —.
-, Chapelle, — La.
-, Charrier, —.
-, Chating, —, junior.
-, —, —, senior.
-, Chelar, —.
-, Cherrois, La, junior.
-, Cherroy, — La.
-, Chesne, — Du, junior.
-, Chipre, —.
-, Claussade, Jean.
-, Clavier, —.
-, —, Pierre.
-, Cleraliere, — La.
-, Clervaux, —.
-, Clide, — La.
-, Cocq, — La.
-, Collombier, —, Lieut.
-, Comarques, —.
-, Combebrune, —.
-, Combecroze, —.
-, Commerie, — La.
-, Constantin, —, junior.
-, —, —, senior.
-, Conte, — La.
-, Corbettes, —.
-, Coste, — La.
-, Coudriere, — La.
-, Coulon, —.
-, Coulonbier, —.
-, Coulonbine, — La.
-, Courcel, —.
-, Court, —, De la.
-, Courteil, —.
-, Couteaud, Charles.
-, Cramaché, —.
-, Cresseron, —.
-, Crozat, —.
-, Dagos, —, Capt.
-, Dalbenas, —, junior.
-, —, —, senior.
-, Dalbene, —.
-, Dalbon, —.
-, Dallons, —.
-, Dalmas, —.
-, Dambois, —.
-, Dampier, —.
-, D'Angilbaud, —.
-, Danroches, —.
-, Danteville, —.
-, Depilly, —.
-, Darbonne, —.
-, Darques, —.
-, Dassas, —.
-, Daubusarques, —.
-, Daugier, —.
-, Daunix, —.
-, Daussy, —.
-, Davessein, Jos.
-, Dean and Chapter of Christ
Church, Dublin.
-, Debette, —.
-, Debruze, Pierre.
-, Dejoye, —.
-, Deleux, —.
-, Delisle, —.
-, Deloches, —.
-, Delorme, —.
-, Delpy, —.
-, Denie, Charles.
-, Denys, Peter.
-, Deppe, —.
-, Desalbie, —.
-, Desbrosses, —.
-, Desherbiers, —.
-, Desert, —.
-, Descury, —.
-, Desclaux, —.
-, Desemblars, —.
-, Desloires, —.
-, Desmarettes, —.
-, Desmarets, Esaye.
-, Desodes, —.
-, Despré, —.
-, Dhours, —.
-, Dollon, —.
-, Dornergue, —.
-, Dortoux, —.
-, Douglas, —.
-, Drulhon, —.
-, Dubarry, —.
-, Dubuc, —, Lieut.
-, Duchesne, Jean.
-, Dufaux, Samuel.
-, Dufie, —.
-, Duhomet, —.
-, Dumarest, —.
-, Dumas, —, (Du Mas).
-, —, Peter.
-, Dumeny, —.
-, —, Fred.
-, Dupre, —.
-, Dupuy, —.
-, Durban, —.
-, Dusoul, Samuel.
-, Dutoral, —.
-, Duval, —.
-, —, Philip.
-, Enfant, — L'.
-, Escourre, — L'.
-, Esperendieu, —, D'.
-, Establere, — L'.
-, Estaunier, Isaac.
-, Estrille, — L'.
-, Fabre, —.
-, Fabregue, — La.
-, Faij, — Du.
-, Falaquier, Isaac.
-, Falquerolle, Jane.
-, Falaise, —.
-, Farangue, —.
-, Farinel, Baltazer.
-, Farjou, —.
-, Fauche, Jean.
-, Fauranac, —.
-, Faure, —.
-, Fausille, — La.
-, Faux, —, Du.
-, Fay St. Ixoudun, Josue du.
-, Fellow of Trinity College,
-, Feron, — Le.
-, Ferrand, —.
-, Fevorouillet, —.
-, Figuier, Francois du.
-, Fitte, — La.
-, Fitzgerald, George.
-, Foissac, —.
-, Fonde, — La.
-, Fontalba.
-, Fontanne, —.
-, Fontannier, —.
-, Fontannier, —.
-, Fontjuliane, —, junior.
-, —, —, senior.
-, Fortelle, — La.
-, Fossatt, Pierre de.
-, Fourneaux, — Des.
-, Fouronce, —.
-, Fraissinet, —.
-, Gailheur, — De.
-, Galician, Charles.
-, Gally, —.
-, —, —, senior.
-, Garapuy, —.
-, Garde, — La.
-, Gassaud, Antoine de.
-, Gatine, — De.
-, Gaubert, —.
-, Geneste, —.
-, Genevran, Abraham.
-, Giberne, —.
-, Girard, —.
-, Glatigny, —.
-, Goulain, —.
-, Goulin, —.
-, Gout, Jean.
-, Grance, —.
-, Grandry, —.
-, Grave, Jean de.
-, Grenier, Jaques.
-, Grindor, Peter.
-, Groye, — La.
-, Guarison, —.
-, Guerin, —.
-, Guilhon, Estienne.
-, Guillermin, —.
-, Guizot, Jacques.
-, Guy, —.
-, Guyon, —.
-, Guyraudet, —.
-, Hamilton, James.
-, Hanns, — D'.
-, Hauteville, — La.
-, Heurard, —.
-, Hubblethorn, Capt. Chas.
-, Hubert, —.
-, Hughes, Thomas.
-, Humphrys, Mrs. Anne.
-, Isarne, —.
-, Isles, — Des.
-, Jalaquière, —.
-, Jervaise, Davies and wife.
-, Jervaisotte, —, Lieut.
-, Jones, Mrs. Ann.
-, Keightley, Dame Ruth.
-, —, Thomas.
-, Labattie, —.
-, Lainè, —.
-, Lamécourt, —.
-, Lamothe, —.
-, Lande, — La, Lieut.
-, Landes, — Des.
-, Langè, —.
-, Langlade, David.
-, Langons, —.
-, Lasserre, —.
-, Laussac, —.
-, Lautalle, —.
-, Lauze, — La.
-, Laymerie, —.
-, Leger, —.
-, Lentilbac, —.
-, Lestangnette, Jaques.
-, Lifford, Earl of.
-, Liger, —.
-, Limarest, Jacques.
-, Lisle de Roy, —.
-, Lloyd, —.
-, Loches, — De.
-, Lon, — La Bastide de.
-, Longchamp, —.
-, Longpré, — De.
-, Lorth, — De.
-, Louvigny, de —.
-, Lubieres, —.
-, Lugandy, —.
-, Lyverne, —.
-, Machenville, —.
-, Magnan, —.
-, Magny, Constantin de.
-, Magny, Theophile de.
-, Mainauduc, —.
-, Maison Neuve, —.
-, Maleray, —.
-, Malherbe, Oliv[ier].
-, Malli´, —.
-, Malquière, — La.
-, Manival, François.
-, Marc, Jaques.
-, Marchais, —.
-, Marconay, —.
-, Marechal, —.
-, Maria, — La.
-, —, Anthoine la.
-, Mas. See Dumas.
-, Masse, —.
-, Massilos, —.
-, Massot, Pierre.
-, Maugere, —, La.
-, Maupas, —.
-, Mauze, — La.
-, May, — Du.
-, Mazeres, —.
-, Mazuel, David.
-, Melonière, — La, junior.
-, —, Isaac la.
-, Mercier, —.
-, Merie, — La.
-, Meserac, Marc Antoine de.
-, Meslier, —.
-, Mestre, —.
-, Meuse, Comte la.
-, Michel, Jacques.
-, Millerie, —.
-, —, —, La, junior.
-, —, —, —, senior.
-, Mimet, —.
-, Minister of the French
-, Miremont, Armand de.
-, Molié, —, junior.
-, —, —, senior.
-, Molieu, —.
-, Molier, — La.
-, Moncal, —.
-, Moncornet, —.
-, Monginot, Dr.
-, Montaud, Silvie Anne de.
-, [Montandre], Marquis de
-, Montaudie, Monsieur.
-, Montault, —.
-, Montfort, Pierre.
-, Montgaud, —.
-, Montigny, —.
-, Montledier, —.
-, Montroy, —.
-, Mothe, — La.
-, —, Jaques, La.
-, —, Josine de la.
-, —, Grindor, — La.
-, Mottebelleau, — La.
-, Motte Brocas, — La.
-, Moulin, — La.
-, My, — La.
-, Nalve, — La.
-, Navez, —.
-, Negrerie, — La.
-, Nicholas, —.
-, Nissole, —.
-, Odat, Jean.
-, Oseville, Madame d'.
-, Pagez, —.
-, Pajon, Gaspar.
-, Palisse, — La.
-, Papin, —.
-, Papot, —.
-, Parc, — Du.
-, Paris, —.
-, Pascal, —.
-, Passy, —.
-, —, Ann Albertine du.
-, Pastourel, —.
-, Pelat, —.
-, —, Pierre.
-, Pellisier, —.
-, Pepin, —.
-, Perce, —, Du.
-, Peré, — De.
-, Perinnett, Etienne.
-, Petit, — Le.
-, Pettitot, Etienne.
-, Pinchinat, —.
-, Pinneau, —.
-, Pinsun, —.
-, Piozet, —.
-, Plafaye, —.
-, Plessis, — Du.
-, Poncet, — Du.
-, Pontbisson, Jacques.
-, Pontereau, François de.
-, Pontieu, —.
-, Portall, —.
-, Porte, — La.
-, Prat, — Du.
-, Presbyterian Ministers.
-, Pressac, —.
-, Primauday, — La.
-, Prou, —.
-, Provost of Trinity College,
-, Puissar, Madame.
-, Pujor, Louis.
-, Puy, — Du.
-, —, Pierre du.
-, Puychenin, —.
-, Quinsac, Charles.
-, Quinson, —.
-, Ranelagh, Earl of.
-, Reaurau, —.
-, Ribot, Pierre.
-, Rientor, —.
-, Rigaudie, —.
-, —, Marc.
-, Rimbliere, —.
-, Riory, —.
-, Rise, —, La.
-, Risole falentin, — La.
-, Rivalière, — La.
-, Rivals, —.
-, Rocheblave, Louis de.
-, Rochemont, —.
-, Roque, Ant. La.
-, —, Jean La.
-, Roscommon, Earl of.
-, Rosseliere, — La.
-, Rossett, —.
-, Rossieres, Jean de.
-, Rossillon, —.
-, Rousse, —.
-, Rouviere, —.
-, —, Jean.
-, —, —, La.
-, Roux, —.
-, Royal, —.
-, Ruinat, —.
-, Sailly, —.
-, Salle, — La.
-, —, Isaac La.
-, Salles, —.
-, Salvaire, —.
-, St. Agnan, —.
-, St. Albans, Duke of.
-, St. Christoll, —.
-, St. Cyre, —.
-, St. Etienne, —.
-, St. Fauste, —.
-, St. Feriole de la Touche, —.
-, St. Gabriel, —.
-, St. Gemme, —.
-, St. German, —.
-, St. Hypolite, —.
-, St. Jour, — La Coste de.
-, St. Leger, Joseph.
-, St. Loup, Louis.
-, St. Maison, —.
-, St. Martel, —.
-, St. Martin, —.
-, St. Maurice, —.
-, St. Meard, —.
-, St. Mesmin, —.
-, St. Morice, —.
-, St. Pau, —.
-, St. Phelin, —.
-, St. Philibert, —.
-, St. Puy, —.
-, St. Saubergue, —, Lieut.
-, St. Sauveur, —.
-, Saurin, —.
-, Sautel, —.
-, Sautière, — La.
-, Sauvagie, — La.
-, Savary, Jean.
-, Savonnet, —.
-, Senegas, Pierre de.
-, Sequeville, —.
-, Serville, —.
-, Seve, —.
-, Sibourg, —.
-, Sigonèire, —.
-, Sijol, —.
-, Simon, —.
-, Soustelles Dallez, —.
-, Taviere, —.
-, Tenisse, —.
-, Ternac, —.
-, Terrot, —.
-, Terrasse, —.
-, Terson, —.
-, Theremin, —.
-, Therond, —.
-, Thomas, Suzar.
-, Touch, — La.
-, Tour, — La.
-, Trapeau, —.
-, Valada, —.
-, Valeery, —.
-, Valle, —, La.
-, Valogne, —.
-, Valotte, Louis.
-, Vandière, —.
-, Vaury, —.
-, Verangle, —.
-, Verazel, Daniel De.
-, Verdelle, —.
-, Verdier, Pierre.
-, Verdun Castel, —.
-, Vernede, — La.
-, Vernon, —.
-, Vestieu, —.
-, Vialas, John.
-, —, Jean.
-, Vicause, —.
-, Vignaud, —.
-, Vigneul, —.
-, Vignoles, —.
-, Vignolles, —.
-, Villemissin, —, junior.
-, —, —, senior.
-, Villeneuve, —.
-, Vimare, —.
-, Virazell, —, Baron de.
-, Vivarie, — La.
-, Vivas, — Du.
-, Vote, — La.
-, Waller, Capt. James.
-, Wynne, Mrs. Katherine.
-, IRELAND Military Establishment (Half-Pay List).
-, Abbott, Gilbert, lieutenant.
-, Acheson, Alexander, Capt.
-, Aldridge, Tho., Quartermaster.
-, Alexander, Francis, Captain.
-, Allingworth, Robert, Capt.
-, Alnutt, Tho., Capt.
-, Angell, Oliver, Lieut.
-, Antragues, Baron de.
-, Arbuffnett, Richard, lieut.
-, Archer, Samuell, lieut.
-, Ardees, John, Ensign.
-, Armstrong, John, lieut.
-, —, John, Ensign.
-, Ashfield, Charles, Ensign.
-, Ashley, —, Capt.
-, Ashton, Willoughby, Capt.
-, Auchmoty, John, Capt.
-, Aungier, Ambrose, Major.
-, Bagnall, John, Ensign.
-, Baily, John, Capt.
-, Baines, Henry, Ensign.
-, Baker, Thomas, Ensign.
-, Baldock, Rutland, Ensign.
-, Balkham, Richard, Lieut.
-, Ballard, John, Ensign.
-, Bamber, James, Lieut.
-, Bancor, —.
-, Barnes, Thomas, Lieut.
-, Barry, Simon, Lieut.
-, Barton, Noel, Ensign.
-, Baume, — De la.
-, Baxter, Warren, Cornet.
-, Begat, —.
-, Bellasyse, Tho., Lieut.
-, Bellew, Tho., Capt.
-, Bennett, Tho., Lieut.
-, Bentley, Williain, Lieut.
-, Bernard, Tho., Lieut.
-, Berry, Cha., Capt.
-, —, William, Lieut. Col.
-, —, — Cornet.
-, Bethell, Ralph, Lieut.
-, —, Slingsby, Capt.
-, Bickerstaff, Richard, Capt.
-, Blackford, William, Capt.
-, Blair, James, Capt.
-, Blaydon, Martin, Ensign.
-, Blayney, Lord.
-, Blount, Geo., Ensign.
-, Bolleroy, —.
-, Bonneval, —.
-, Booth, Humphry, Capt.
-, Boycott, John, Quartermaster.
-, Boyd, Francis, Capt.
-, Boyer, John, Lieut.
-, Brewer, Richard, Lieut.
-, Bristow, Peter, Lieut.-Col.
-, Brook, Dockwra, Lieut.
-, —, George, Capt.
-, Brooks, Rich., Capt.
-, Brown, William, Lieut.
-, Browning, James, Capt.
-, —, John, Ensign.
-, —, William, Capt.
-, Buchanan, Maurice, Ensign.
-, Buckeridge, Tho., Capt.
-, Burch, Thomas, Lieut.
-, Burgh, Thomas, Lieut.
-, —, William, Capt.
-, Burleigh, Henry, Capt.
-, Bush, Henry, Lieut.
-, Bushell, John, Lieut.
-, Byrom, Henry, Ensign.
-, Cade, William, Lieut.
-, Cadroy, Noah, Lieut.
-, Cairns, John, Lieut.
-, —, Tho., Ensign.
-, Caissie, Cha. du, Lieut.
-, Campbell, Hugh, Ensign.
-, —, Josias, Capt.
-, —, William, Capt.
-, Campsey, Henry, Lieut.
-, Carlton, Edward, Lieut.
-, —, Geo., Capt.
-, —, Guy, Lieut.
-, —, Lancelot, Cornet.
-, Carther, Richard, Ensign.
-, Carthey, Richard, Lieut.
-, Cashell, Geo., Lieut.
-, Cathcart, James, Cornet.
-, Caulfield, John, Lieut.-Col.
-, —. Toby, Lieut.-Col.
-, Caylon, Anthony, Lieut.
-, Chalenor, Rupert, Ensign.
-, Chalmers, David, Captain.
-, Chambers, Matthew, Ensign.
-, Charlemont, Viscount Col.
-, Cherryholme, Tho., Ensign.
-, Chichester, Cha., Capt.
-, Church, George, Lieut.
-, Clavier, —.
-, Clements, John, Ensign.
-, Clerk, —, Adjutant.
-, Cobley, Rudley, Ensign.
-, Cole, Michael, Capt.
-, Connock, William, Ensign.
-, Cooke, Robert, Lieut.
-, Cookman, Henry, Capt.
-, Coons, Richard, Ensign.
-, Cooper, John, Ensign.
-, Cope, Downham, Capt.
-, —, Walter, Ensign.
-, Cormack, William, Lieut.
-, Corneille, Rodolph, Capt.
-, Cornwall, William, Ensign.
-, Cosby, Henry, Ensign.
-, Cotton, Breresford, Capt.
-, Coward, William, Capt.
-, Cox, William, Capt.
-, Creighton, Abraham, Col.
-, —, David, Capt.
-, —, John, Ensign.
-, Crofton, Henry, Ensign.
-, —, John, Ensign.
-, —, Richard, Capt.
-, —, —, Lieut.
-, Croix, —, Le, Ensign.
-, Cruce, Vincent, Lieut.
-, Cuffe, Gerard, Lieut.
-, Cunningham, Michael, Capt.
-, —, Murtogh, Capt.
-, Currey, Geo., Lieut.
-, Cushion, John, Quartermaster.
-, Daillow, —, Ensign.
-, Dancer, Sir Tho., Capt.
-, Davis, Arthur, Capt.
-, —, Dudley, Ensign.
-, —, John, Capt.
-, —, Luke, Lieut.
-, Dean, John, Lieut.
-, Delawney, Joseph, Lieut.
-, Denny, Tho., Lieut.
-, Dentilly, John, Capt.
-, Despieres, Lieut.
-, Devett, James, Lieut.
-, Dixey, Edward, Capt.
-, Dixon, Henry, Quartermaster.
-, Dodkins, Tho., Lieut.
-, Dodson, Tho., Ensign.
-, Dolland (D'Holland,
D'Ollone), —.
-, Dolman, Jacob, Ensign.
-, Donegal, Earl of, Colonel.
-, Donnally, James, Ensign.
-, Donnellan, John, Lieut.
-, Dore, James, Capt.
-, Dornant, Samuel, Lieut.
-, Douglas, James, Capt.
-, Draper, Matthew, Ensign.
-, Drobus, Jacob, Lieut.
-, Drogheda, Earl of.
-, Droyer, Richard, Ensign.
-, Drysdell, Tho., Ensign.
-, Dunbar, Andrew, Lieut.
-, —, David, Ensign.
-, —, Joseph, Capt.
-, —. Philip, Capt.
-, Dymond, Philip, Capt.
-, Edgworth, Fra., Ensign.
-, —, —, Lieut. Col.
-, Edward, Robert, Ensign.
-, Embree, Joseph, Capt.
-, Espois, Augustus de L',
-, Eyres, William, Ensign.
-, Faunt, Geo., Cornet
-, Feilding, Henry, Lieut.
-, —, William, Lieut.
-, Felts, Jeremy, Lieut.
-, Fennings, Richard, Capt.,
-, Ferguson, Samuell, Lieut.
-, Ferrague, Stephen, Ensign.
-, Fetherston, Tho., Cornet.
-, Fitzhugh, Robert, Capt.
-, Fitz Maurice, William, Capt.
-, Fitz Symons, James,
-, —, Tho., Ensign.
-, Flaherty, Robert, Cornet.
-, Flemming, John, Lieut.
-, Fletcher, Joseph, Capt.
-, —, Philip, Capt.
-, —, Robert, Capt.
-, Flood, Fra., Capt.
-, Flower, William, Capt.
-, —, —, Lieut.
-, Folier, Francis, Capt.
-, Forbes, James, Lieut.
-, Foresith, John, Ensign.
-, Forth, Samuell, Capt. Lieut.
-, Foulkes, Robert, Capt.
-, —, Roger, Capt.
-, Fox, Patrick, Lieut.
-, —, Peyton, Lieut.
-, Franckfort, Pierce de, Lieut.
-, Fulford, John, Ensign.
-, Fulton, Alexander, Lieut.
-, Gardiner, John, Capt.
-, Gardjole, — De la.
-, Garvan, William, Lieut.
-, Gillespy, Daniel, Ensign.
-, Goodrick, Geo., Capt.
-, Gore, Arthur, Capt.
-, —, Henry, Ensign.
-, Gore, Humphry, Capt.
-, Graham, Francis, Lieut.
-, —, Geo., Lieut.
-, Graves, William, Ensign.
-, Green, Fra., Lieut.
-, —, John, Lieut.
-, Gregory, Geo., Capt.
-, Griffith, James, Lieut.
-, Gunter, William, Lieut.
-, Gwynn, Rowland, Lieut.
-, Gyfford, William, Lieut.
-, Hamil, Hugh, Capt.
-, Hamilton, Andrew, Ensign.
-, —, Archibald, Major.
-, —, Fred, Capt.
-, —, John, Lieut. Col.
-, —, Ma[l]colm, Major.
-, —, Richard, Lieut.
-, —, William, Capt.
-, —, —, Ensign.
-, —, —, Major.
-, Hammersley, John, Ensign.
-, Harford, Daniell, Cornet.
-, Harper, William, Ensign.
-, Harris, Geo., Capt.
-, Harrison, James, Ensign.
-, —, Michael, Capt.
-, —, Thomas, Lieut.
-, Hartgrave, William, Ensign.
-, Harwood, Richard, Lieut.
-, Hawkins, Jerome, Capt.
-, Haynes, John, Capt.
-, Hedges, Richard, Capt.
-, Hemming, James, Ensign.
-, —, Robert, Lieut.
-, Hencourt, Marquis de.
-, Henderson, John, Ensign.
-, Heney, John, Lieut.
-, Henry, Benjamin, Ensign.
-, Hodges, Joseph, Ensign.
-, Hodgkinson, Hen., Ensign.
-, Hodson, John, Capt.
-, Holland, Roger, Lieut.
-, Holmes, Geo., Lieut.
-, —, Michael, Ensign.
-, Houston, Geo., Lieut.
-, Hovenden, Anthony, Capt.
-, Humphreys, Jas., Quartermaster.
-, Hunnington, —, Ensign.
-, Hunt, Thos. Le, Ensign.
-, Hyde, William, Capt.
-, Illingworth, Robert, Ensign.
-, Ingoldsby, Fra., Capt. Lieut.
-, Irwyn, Jerrard, Quartermaster.
-, —, Samuell, Lieut.
-, Jackson, —, Ensign.
-, Jeffs, John, Lieut.
-, Johnson, Cha., Ensign.
-, —, Geo., Lieut.
-, —, James, Lieut.
-, —, John, junior, Ensign.
-, —, —, Senior, Ensign.
-, Johnston, Robert, Lieut.
-, —, Tho., Capt.
-, —, —, Lieut.
-, Jones, Samuell, Ensign.
-, Keele, Frederick, Lieut.
-, Kerr, John, Ensign.
-, King, Robert, Lieut.
-, —, William, Ensign.
-, Lac, — Du.
-, Lainge, James, Ensign.
-, Lambeth, George, Lieut.
-, Lambert, Lord, Capt.
-, —, Meni.
-, Lambton, Robert, Ensign.
-, Lane, Nathaniel, Lieut.
-, Lathom, John, Ensign.
-, Law, Fra., Lieut.
-, Leech, William, Ensign.
-, Legg, Richard, Lieut.
-, Lewis, Henry Jenkin,
-, —, Richard, Capt.
-, Little, Tho., Quartermaster.
-, Lloyd, John, Ensign.
-, —, —, Lieut.
-, Loftus, Edward, cornet.
-, Lovell, Matthew, Ensign.
-, Lovels, Samuell, Capt.
-, Lowther, Robert, Ensign.
-, Luther, Richard, Capt.
-, Mabott, John, Lieut.
-, Mac Cuistian, John, Ensign.
-, Mace, Conway, Ensign.
-, Mackormick, James, Capt.
-, Mac Neale, Daniell, Capt.
-, Maghlin, John Capt.
-, —, Robert, Capt. Lieut.
-, Malherbe, Thomas.
-, Manson, James, Capt.
-, Markham, Joshua, Lieut.
-, Marriott, Fra., Lieut.
-, Martin, Henry, Ensign.
-, —, Miles, Lieut.
-, —, Peter, Ensign.
-, Massey, John, Capt.
-, Maud, Anthony, Ensign.
-, Mauser, George, Lieut.
-, Maynard, Ephraim, Ensign.
-, —, Fra., Ensign.
-, Mead, Joslyn, Capt.
-, —, Robert, Capt. Lieut.
-, Meheux, Fr., Lieut.
-, —, John, Ensign.
-, Membray, —, Lieut.
-, Milbourn, Richard, Capt.
-, Mildmay, Tho., Lieut.
-, Miller, Isaac, Ensign.
-, —, John, Lieut.
-, —, Stephen, Capt.
-, Mitchelbourn, John Col.
-, Montant, —, Lieut. Col.
-, Montgomery, Hamilton,
-, —, John, Ensign.
-, —, Robert, Lieut.
-, Montpisson, —.
-, Moody, John, Ensign.
-, Moore, Arthur, Capt.
-, —, Sam, Lieut.
-, Morgan, Tho., Capt.
-, Mortimer, Samuel, Lieut.
-, —, William, Lieut.
-, Mosely, Arthur, Ensign.
-, Mosway, Martin, Lieut.
-, Motte, — De la.
-, Mountford, Robert, Ensign.
-, Mountjoy, Viscount Col.
-, Moyle, John, Capt.
-, Munday, Robert, Capt.
-, Murray, Adam, Lieut. Col.
-, —, John, Capt.
-, —, Patrick, Lieut.
-, Napper, Edward, Ensign.
-, —, Francis, Capt.
-, Neale, Roger, Ensign.
-, Neire, Tho., Lieut.
-, Nesbit, John, Quartermaster.
-, —, William, Cornet.
-, Neuville, — De.
-, Nicholson, Cha., Capt.
-, Noble, Arthur, Major.
-, Norton, Owen, Capt.
-, Obry, Davis, Lieut.
-, Ogle, Tho., Capt.
-, Oldy, Alexander, Capt.
-, Ollone. See Dollon.
-, Orban, John, Capt. Lieut.
-, Owen, Hugh, Ensign.
-, —, Michael, Ensign.
-, Pacy, John, Lieut.
-, Palfrey, Henry, Lieut.
-, Pallisor, Peter, Lieut. Col.
-, Parr, William, Quartermaster.
-, Peck, Henry, Ensign.
-, Pellen, Benjamin, Ensign.
-, Percivall, Cha., Lieut.
-, Peters, John, Lieut.
-, Peyton, Sir John, Capt.
-, Philips, Tho., Capt.
-, Philpott, John, Adjutant.
-, Phinny, Philip, Ensign.
-, Pickin, Ralph, Lieut.
-, Pierce, John, Lieut.
-, Pilot, Josna, Lieut.
-, Pine, Nicholas, Lieut.
-, Pinnet, —.
-, Pinnot, —.
-, Plaigne, — De la.
-, Pontelle, Cha. Le, Lieut.
-, Poole, Matthew, Lieut.
-, Porte, — De la.
-, Prat, Laine.
-, Price, Herbert, Adjutant.
-, —, John, Ensign.
-, —, Nicholas, Lieut. Col.
-, —, Thomas, Major.
-, Proby, William Capt. Lieut.
-, Puy, — Du.
-, Pyle, Fra., Ensign.
-, Rabautee, George, Lieut.
-, Read, Gabriel, Ensign.
-, Renières, Cha., Capt.
-, Reynolds, John, Lieut.
-, Roach, Hen., Ensign.
-, Road, James, Ensign.
-, Roberts, William, Ensign.
-, Rogers, Edward, Lieut.
-, Rowan, Robert, Lieut.
-, Rowney, Nehemiah, Lieut.
-, St. George, Sir George, Col.
-, —, Richard, Lieut. Col.
-, St. Jean, Philip, Lieut.
-, St. John, Stephen, Ensign.
-, —, Thomas, Col.
-, Sampson, William, Capt.
-, Sandys, Peter, Cornet.
-, Saunders, Abraham, Ensign.
-, —, Joseph, Lieut.
-, Saunderson, Fra., Ensign.
-, Saville, Robert, Lieut.
-, Saywell, Robert, Capt.
-, Serriers, — De.
-, Sewell, Robert, Capt.
-, Shallcrosse, Samuel, Lieut.
-, Shamberg, Anthony, Major.
-, Shelburg, John, Lieut.
-, Sheppardson, John, Lieut.
-, Sherrard, Daniel, Capt.
-, Shore, Gabriel, Lieut.
-, Singleton, Andrew, Ensign.
-, Smith, Mark, Lieut.
-, —, Thomas, Capt.
-, —, William, Lieut.
-, Snead, William, Lieut.
-, Soulignee, — De.
-, South, Henry, Lieut.
-, Sovardiere, —, De la.
-, Spragg, Edward, Capt.
-, Starling, Henry, Ensign.
-, Starling, James, Capt.
-, Stedman, Edward, Ensign.
-, Steuart, Alexander, Lieut.
-, —, Arthur, Capt.
-, —, Cha., Capt.
-, —, —, Ensign.
-, —, Henry, Ensign.
-, —, James, Capt., Lieut.
-, —, Lewis, Lieut.
-, —, Robert, Capt.
-, —, William, Capt.
-, —, —, Lieut.
-, Stevens, Jeffry, Lieut.
-, Stevenson, Hans, Capt.
-, Stirk, Julius, Lieut.
-, Stockman, Fra., Ensign.
-, Stringer, Tho., Major.
-, Supple, Roger, Ensign.
-, Sutton, David, Lieut.
-, Symons, Fra., Ensign.
-, Taylor, John, Lieut.
-, —, William, Lieut.
-, Thickpenny, Leonard, Lieut.
-, Thompson, Geo., Lieut.
-, Thornbury, Tho., Quartermaster.
-, Thurlsby, James, Ensign.
-, Tobyn, John, Lieut.
-, Touche, David de la, Lieut.
-, Tracey, William, Ensign.
-, Travecy, —, D'.
-, Travilian, Walter, Lieut.
-, Trailboy, James, Capt.
-, Tucker, William, Capt.
-, Uniack, —, Lieut.
-, Use, Theodor, Ensign.
-, Vague, —.
-, Val, — De la.
-, Vansisterfleet, Henry, Lieut.
-, Vasselot, —.
-, Villeneuve, —.
-, Villiers, George, Col.
-, Vincent, Tho., Ensign.
-, Viner, Bernard, Ensign.
-, Waldron, Mich., Quartermaster.
-, Walker, Robert, Quartermaster.
-, Waller, James, Capt.
-, Wallis, Chas., Capt.
-, —, James, Lieut.
-, Walsh, John, Lieut.
-, Wansbrough, William, Capt.
-, Wardlow, Gideon, Quartermaster.
-, Warren, Theobald, Lieut.
-, Welsh, Hunt, Ensign.
-, White, Griffith, Ensign.
-, White, Nicholas, Lieut.
-, —, Tho., Capt.
-, —, —, Lieut.
-, Whitney, Tho., Major.
-, Wilkins, Benja[min], Lieut.
-, Willoughby, —, Quartermaster.
-, Wilson, Robert, Adjutant.
-, Wingfield, Tho., Quartermaster.
-, Wolseley, Richard, Capt.
-, Wood, Henry, Capt.
-, Woodward, John, Capt.
-, Wreckham, John, Ensign.
-, Wright, Samuell, Ensign.
-, Wrightson, Albert, Quartermaster.
-, Wybrants, William, Capt.
-, Wynne, James, Ensign.
-, Civil Pensions charged on:
-, Bath, Earl of.
-, Cleveland, Duchess.
-, Dockwra, William.
-, Osborne, Charles.
-, On the Prizage and Butlerage of
Wines; Civil pension on:
-, Northumberland, Duke of.
-, QUEEN MARY'S PRIVATE PENSIONERS, including her officers
and servants, pensioned by
William III after her death.
-, Abell, Mrs. Frances.
-, Abernethy, Mrs.
-, Acere, Mrs.
-, Aisnee, Mrs. L'.
-, Alix, Mesdames de.
-, Antwine, Alice.
-, Archer, Simon.
-, Arnaud, —.
-, Ashton, Mary.
-, Astrey, Robert.
-, Atkins, Jobe.
-, Auverquer, Madame.
-, Banister, Mrs.
-, Barker, Margret.
-, Barnes, Bernardine.
-, Barnier, Madame de.
-, Barr, Madame de la.
-, Barrow, Frances.
-, Barry, Mrs. Susan.
-, Bastin, Martha.
-, Bawkham, William.
-, Bedford, Eliza[beth].
-, Bee, —, for three ladies at
-, Belford, Mrs.
-, Benson, Susanna.
-, Berkeley, Mrs. Mary.
-, Bertheau, —, Monsieur.
-, Bertie, Philip.
-, Bint, Charles.
-, Bishop of London.
-, —, for Minister in New
-, —, of Salisbury.
-, Bobin, Isaac.
-, Bocock, Mary.
-, Bolton, Duke of.
-, Booth, Benja[min].
-, Bophin, Lord, two sons of.
-, Boshoff, Wesell.
-, Bott, Mlle Du.
-, Bourcour, Gabriel.
-, Bowes, Robert.
-, Bradley, Richard.
-, Brassley, —, Monsieur,
children of.
-, Brewner, Heyman.
-, Bridgeman, Mrs. Sarah.
-, Brincknall, Mary.
-, Brock, Rowland.
-, Brockhuisen, —.
-, Browne, Sarah.
-, Bulstrode, Henry.
-, Bunce, Williamina.
-, Burges, Margret, exor. of.
-, Burgh, Lady Dorothy,
-, —, Mrs. Dorothy.
-, Carbonnell, Martin.
-, Carlisle, Ellen.
-, Cason, Dorothy.
-, Casson, Antho.
-, Catchlove, John.
-, Cawthorn, —, minister of
Hampton Court.
-, Chail, Madame de.
-, Chamberlaine, Thomas.
-, Champigny, Madame de.
-, Chardin, Sir John.
-, Church, Ursula.
-, Churchill, Eliz[abeth].
-, Civill, Hester D'.
-, Clark, Edward.
-, —, Eliza[beth].
-, —, Mrs. Mary.
-, —, Mathew.
-, —, Robert.
-, —, Samuel.
-, —, Susanna.
-, Chirton, Mary.
-, Connyers, William.
-, Conway, John.
-, Cotton, Benj[amin].
-, Cowlyn, Richard.
-, Crevemore, Jaques.
-, Cripps, Edward.
-, Crosit, Monsieur D' la.
-, Cunningham, —, widow,
-, —, Mrs. Magdalen.
-, Dagley, Anthony.
-, Dalen, Lambert Van.
-, Dartiquenave, Mrs.
-, David, —.
-, Disney, Ann.
-, Dives, Mrs. Kath[erine].
-, Donnavant, Ann.
-, Douglas, Lady.
-, —, —, daughter of.
-, —, Simm
-, Doule, Jane.
-, Doyley, Mrs. Mary, alias
-, Duke, Eliza[beth].
-, Duncan, Mrs.
-, Dutch Church in London.
-, Dyke, Ann.
-, Eden, Ann.
-, Elphinston, —.
-, —, Charles.
-, —, La[dy].
-, English Church at the
-, Estoll, Nicholas.
-, Eyre, Cha. Nicholas.
-, Fawne, Osweld.
-, Fitzharris, Ann.
-, Fountain, — La, for Harman's children.
-, Frances, Martha.
-, Franckland, William.
-, Franklin, Mrs. Ann.
-, —, Mrs. Eleanor.
-, French Church in London.
-, —, Gentlemen, Society of,
at the Hague.
-, —, minister of Greenwich.
-, —, Officers' widows, orphans and refugees.
-, Frye, Thomas.
-, Gaffarelli, —.
-, Gardie, Henry.
-, Gates, Bernard.
-, —, Mary, for the Turkish
-, Gennine, Gregory.
-, Gilbert, —.
-, Gillins, Isabella.
-, Godfrey, Edward.
-, Golstein, Charles.
-, Goodman, Ann.
-, Gough, Bevis.
-, Gourney, Ann.
-, Graffart, Isaac.
-, Greeting, Mrs. Joyce.
-, Gummins, Thomas.
-, Haley, John.
-, Hamilton, Lady.
-, Hampton Court Ministers.
-, Harell, Christopher.
-, Harlackenden, Kath[arine].
-, Harman, —.
-, —, children of.
-, Harris, David, child of.
-, —, Margret.
-, —, Peter.
-, Hartman, —, son of.
-, Hartwell, Ann.
-, Haughton, Mrs., son of.
-, —, Tabith.
-, Havard, David.
-, Head, Ann.
-, Herbert, Thomas.
-, Heremmer, Sarija.
-, Heron, Edward.
-, Heywood, Mrs.
-, Hill, Christopher.
-, Hilsley, Mrs. Johanna.
-, Holder, George.
-, Hospitall, Monsieur and
Madame D'.
-, Hounsterdyke [Hounslerdijck], Geertie de.
-, Howard, Mrs.
-, —, Mrs. Steward Walbur.
-, Howe, Robert.
-, Hunt, Arabella.
-, Hussey, Mrs. Sarah.
-, Ireland, Frances.
-, —, Mrs. Dorothy.
-, Ironmonger, Katherine.
-, Jacqueline, —, a Frenchwoman.
-, James, William.
-, Jennings, —, widow.
-, Johnson, Mary.
-, Joliffe, Margret.
-, Joyce, Jacob.
-, Justell —, Madame.
-, Keightley, Mrs.
-, Kemp, Abraham.
-, —, William.
-, Kensington, Ministers.
-, —, poor of.
-, Keydall, John.
-, Keyers, Mrs.
-, Killigrew, Mrs.
-, —, Henry.
-, King, Alice.
-, —, Charles, Major,
children of.
-, King. John.
-, —, Thomas.
-, Kirke, Hamlet.
-, Laney, Edward.
-, Langford, Mrs., Exor.
-, Languereque, Mademoiselle
-, Lany, —.
-, Largère, Mrs.
-, Launce, Joance.
-, Lauze, John.
-, Leach, Mary.
-, Lee, John.
-, —, Mrs. Mary.
-, Lennep, Eliza[beth].
-, Lenthall, Dame Eliza[beth].
-, Leslie, Monsier D'.
-, —, Madame, —.
-, Lewin, Peter Van.
-, —, Thomas.
-, Lister, Thomas.
-, Littlehales, Richard.
-, Lloyd, Edward.
-, Lockhart, Mrs. Martha
-, Loots, Peter.
-, Lord Almoner.
-, Lord, Eliza[beth].
-, Loup, Eliz[abeth].
-, Louvigny, —, Monsieur.
-, Lunsford, Dame.
-, MacCracken, Eliz[abeth].
-, Macdonnell, —, widow.
-, Mace, Oliver D' la.
-, Mackenzie, Frances.
-, Madge, Sarah.
-, Manning, Mrs. Hannah.
-, Marancie, Mes Dames
[Mesdames] de.
-, Marmande, Mesdames.
-, Marot, Daniel.
-, Marriot, Mrs. Ann.
-, Marsh, John.
-, Marshall, Margaret.
-, —, Mrs. Mary.
-, May, Charles.
-, Michell, Mary.
-, Mullard —, for children of
Mons. Brassley.
-, Miller, Sarah.
-, Milett, Thomas.
-, Mills, Joan.
-, Ministers in New England.
-, Mohun, Mrs. Eliza[beth].
-, Montgomery, Madame de.
-, Montigney, John Reni.
-, Moody, Ann.
-, Mordant, Henry.
-, Mordington, Lord.
-, Moreau, Daniel.
-, Morrison, Margret.
-, Muce, —, Marquis de la.
-, Nanny, Mrs.
-, Nevill, — Mr.
-, —, Mary.
-, —, Sophia.
-, Nevilt, —.
-, Newcomen, Dame Sarah.
-, Nicholas, Edward.
-, Oakover, Sarah.
-, Offenbach, School of.
-, Old, Beatrix.
-, Olds, William.
-, Osborne, Sir John.
-, Palmer, Thomas.
-, Paltock, Thomas.
-, Paradaillon, Mlle D'.
-, Paul, —, widow.
-, Pauncefort, Edward.
-, Peirce, Rowland.
-, Pendrill, Eleanor.
-, Perigret, Eliza[beth].
-, Perry, Thomas.
-, Petit, Susanne.
-, Pigott, Jane.
-, Plunket, Frances.
-, Poulce, Daniel.
-, Prestwich, Lady.
-, Ralegh, Walter.
-, Ramsey, Benja[min].
-, Renvelle, Madame de.
-, Reynolds, Elizabeth.
-, Richards, Eliza[beth].
-, Richbell, Ann.
-, Roberts, Katherine.
-, Roche, Mrs. Frances.
-, Roleston, Mrs. Deborah.
-, Rookesby, Lady.
-, Ross, Eleanor.
-, —, Sarah.
-, Rouch, Christo[pher].
-, Russell, —.
-, Monsieur.
-, Dame Francis
-, Mrs. Katherine.
-, St. Helen, —, widow.
-, Sayers, George, ViceChamberlain.
-, Schouten, Mary.
-, Seigler, Mrs. Katha[rine].
-, —, Mrs. Ursula.
-, Sherman, —.
-, Silver, Ann.
-, Simpson, Martha.
-, Simpson, Mary.
-, Slingsby, Lady.
-, Smallbone, James.
-, Smith, John.
-, —, Thomas.
-, Smithsby, Rabsey.
-, Snellart, Leonard.
-, Sparrow, —, daughter of.
-, Standley, —, Dr.
-, Stedman, Mary.
-, Stephens, John.
-, —, Margret.
-, Steward, Mrs.
-, —, Richard.
-, Stirum, Mes Dames de
-, Tessin, Katharine.
-, Thomas, Magdalen.
-, Torway, Mrs.
-, Touch, Peter de la.
-, Tranter, John.
-, Trumbull, Sir William.
-, Turkish children.
-, — woman.
-, Twenty four Watermen.
-, Vansull, Harman.
-, —, John.
-, Vassur, — Monsier La.
-, Vaudois Ministers.
-, Veil, Maddle. de.
-, Venevallas, Madame de.
-, Venneville, Madame de.
-, Verangeville, Madame de.
-, Verbron, Mrs.
-, Verkuylen, Joost.
-, Vickers, John.
-, Villeneuve, —, Monsieur de.
-, Vinck, Jacob.
-, Vittenvale, Mademoiselle de.
-, Walter, Hester.
-, Waller. See Doyley, Mrs.
-, Warcup, Mrs.
-, Watermen.
-, Watson, George.
-, —, Mary.
-, Webster, Mary.
-, Whalley, —, widow.
-, Whittle, Margaret.
-, Wile, Eliza[beth].
-, Willoughby, —.
-, Wilkins, Barbara.
-, Willens, John.
-, Windham, Mrs. Rachell.
-, Witzhuysen, Matchen.
-, Wolfe, —, Lieut., widow of.
-, Wood, Margaret.
-, Woodward, Susanna.
-, Worsup, Eliza[beth].
-, Worthington, Mrs.
-, —, William.
-, Wostein, Jacob van.
-, Yates, Richard.
-, Young, Antho. D'.
-, Civil pensions charged on.
-, Armstrong, Katharine.
-, —, Mary.
-, Ashbury, Ann.
-, Baker, Capt.
-, Berkeley, Jane.
-, Buss, Widow.
-, Collins, Ann.
-, Duke, Ann and her children.
-, —, Edward.
-, Fanshaw, William.
-, Kettleby, Capt., grandchildren.
-, Leighton, Susanna.
-, Needham, alias Smith,
-, Richards, Capt. John.
-, Ross, Mrs. and her three
-, Slingsby, Elizabeth
-, Vaughan, Helen.
-, —, Col. John.
-, Civil pensions charged on
Cornwallis, C.
Pepper, Drawback on, 319, 337.
Perpetuities. See Pensions.
Petty Chapmen. See Hawkers and Pedlars.
Picture of the King, Royal present to Ambassador from France. See King's Pictures.
Pictures and Painting. See King's Pictures.
Pints. See Measures.
Pipe, Clerk of. See Exchequer Court, (Pipe).
Piracy, Act for suppressing (as by 11 12 William III c. 7), 175, 237.
Pirate Ship, Reward for attacking, 179.
Pirates, Commission for trial of, 16, 170.
-, goods, 27.
-, trial of, 13.
Pistoles, French and Spanish, Proclamations concerning, 38, 42, 196.
-, seizure of on export, 304.
Pix. See Mint (Trial of Pyx).
PLANTATIONS, America, 79, 362, 423:
and see:—
-, Antigua, Barbados, Bermudas,
Carolina, Hudson's Bay,
Jamaica, Leeward, Caribee,
Maryland, Massachusetts,
Montserrat, New Hampshire,
New Jersey, East and West,
New York, Pennsylvania,
Rhode Island, Virginia.
-, Act for preventing frauds in (as
by 7–8 William III c. 22), 133.
-, suppressing piracy (as by
11–12 William III c. 7),
170, 175.
-, Assemblies, 362.
-, Auditor of. See Blathwayt,
William. Deputy Auditors to
Blathwayt see Spofforth, S.;
Peyster, A. de.
-, Bill for appointing Commanders
in Chief, 86.
-, pending in Parliament for
re-uniting several Colonies
to the Crown, 258, 280,
-, clerks, schoolmasters, and clergy
going as Chaplains to, 123,
133, 134, 163, 179, 182, 195,
209, 213, 220, 225, 229, 253,
262, 290, 300, 307.
-, Commission for trying pirates
in, 170.
-, currency, exchange rates for
remittances to the, 96.
-, See Jamaica, Leeward Islands,
New York.
-, Duties (as by 25 Car. II c. 7),
362, 370.
-, further act of (7–8 William
III c. 22), 133.
-, issues out of, 108, 307.
-, Naval officers returns of
ships clearings, 371.
-, officers giving security, 133.
-, surveyor of. See Quarry,
-, Governor's moiety of salary
during absence, 15.
-, Libraries in, 170.
-, Pirates in. See Pirates.
-, Proprietory Colonies and Proprietors in Carolina, Hudson's
Bay, Jersey, East and West,
Lower Counties, Mounthope,
Newcastle, Pennsylvania,
-, profits and acknowledgements due to the King in,
-, Provinces, 357–362.
-, revenue in, 304, 357–362.
-, service in, 79,
-, Shipping Duties in. See Virginia.
-, Surveyor and Auditor of
revenues arising in, 256. See
Blathwaythe, Wm.
-, Deputy to. See Depeyster,
-, tobacco taken on board in, 413.
-, Treasurers not holding themselves accountable to any
other than Assemblies, 362.
Plantations, Trade and Plantations, Board etc. of, See Trade.
Plate out of the Jewel Office. See Jewel Office.
Pleas in the Exchequer, clerk of, Marriott,
Thomas. See Exchequer (Court
-, Fines and Amerciaments of,
Comptroller of in North Wales,
see Mostyn, Sir R.
Plumbers money. See Mint.
Poet Laureate. See Tate, Nahum.
Poll Tax. See Assessments (Poll and Quarterly Poll).
Polls and Estates assessments on. See Massachusetts Bay.
Poor. See London; St. James's; St. Martin's; St. Michael's Cornhill.
Poor at the Gate. See King's Daily Alms.
Portage Wines. See Wine (Portage).
Portland stone, duty on, 18.
Post. See Court Post.
-, Cross Post. See Post Office.
-, Fines (Pre and Post Fines), at
Ludlow, clerk of, 146; farmers of, 62, 205, 252, 416.
-, answered direct to the
Crown by the sheriffs,
tallies struck for, 205,
-, in Denbigh and Montgomery, 322, 416, 430.
POST OFFICE (General), 171.
-, charge for carrying King's
letters, 13; and see Court
-, entering accounts of in the
Exchequer, 13.
-, Court Post. See Court Post.
-, Cross Post between Bristol and
Chester, 385.
-, farm of, for Counties of Lancashire and Westmorland, 246,
-, incidents Bill, 13, 43, 149, 157,
201, 264, 317, 413.
-, losses on, 157, 427.
-, lamps for convex lights, 317.
-, new road from Exeter and
Chester, 246.
-, officers of, 378.
-, pacquet boat service, Falmouth
[to Portugal], 345.
-, Penny Post, Officers of, 378;
refund of taxes on salaries
on, 345.
-, pensions and annuities on, 20,
25, 65, 259, 273, 292, 315,
375; and see Pensions, Lists
of names.
-, Post Master General, 13, 43,
78, 86, 94, 119, 157, 169, 175,
201, 246, 259, 315, 317, 345,
375, 376, 378, 385, 395; and
see Wildman, Sir John.
-, Deputy Postmaster, 175,
-, Receiver of, 24, 108.
-, weekly certificates of, 24;
and see Lilly, Stephen.
-, payments into the Exchequer, 382; to pensioners, 65.
-, Renters. See Post Office, Scotland.
-, revenue, 136.
-, Roads, 385.
-, ships letters, payments for, 13,
149, 157, 201, 317, 413.
Post Office, Scotland, Cross road post
between Berwick and Edinburgh,
-, Farm rent of, 119.
-, Post Renters, 395.
-, Scotch letters, 78.
Pre Fines, new lease of Denbigh and Montgomery. See Post Fines.
Prerogative Court. See Canterbury.
Presbyterian Ministers, pensions to on Irish Establishment, 433.
Presence Chamber. See Dublin Castle.
Presents. See King's Presents.
President of Privy Council. See Privy Council.
Press gang money, issues for. See Navy
-, Messengers of the Printing Press,
184; and see Stephens, Robert.
Prices of hemp, 212.
-, pipes, 215.
Prince of Orange. See William III.
Prisons. See Newgate; North Gate, Chester; Norwich Gaol; Poultry Compter; The Fleet; York gaol.
Prisoners. See Camerets, Chamber Messengers, Sick and Wounded.
-, keeping of, in Dover Castle, 289.
-, of State, 180.
-, in the Tower, 151, 342.
Privateers (French), 285.
Privy Council, 382.
-, Chamber, 305.
-, Keepers of. See Cocks (Cox),
John, Colinge, Benjamin,
and Colinge, Richard.
-, necessities for, 192.
-, servant to, 305; and see
Cocks (Cox), John.
-, Clerks of, 286, 324, 351; and see
Blaythwaite, William; Nicholas, Sir J.; Povey, John;
Southwell, Edw.
-, salaries of for attending
Commissioners of Trade,
146, 183, 324.
-, Committees of, 305.
-, necessaries for, 192.
-, Orders of, 27, 28, 32, 33, 35, 49,
50, 191, 196, 215, 217.
-, President of, 66, 183, 382, 414;
and see Leeds, Duke of; Pembroke, Earl of.
-, underclerks of, 240.
Privy Garden, Whitehall, keeper of, issue to, 81.
Privy Purse, issues to, 30, 57, 88, 174,
182, 218, 233, 312, 395, 420. See
Henning, C. F.
-, payments out of, 84.
Privy Seal, Commissioners of, 300 and see
Musgrave, Christopher; Southwell,
Edward; Vernon, James (junior).
-, Lord or Keeper of, 183, 185, 186,
300; and see Lowther, Viscount; Pembroke, Lord;
Tankerville, Earl of.
Prizage and Butlerage of England,
annuity charged on, for Duke of
Northumberland, 271.
-, lessee and assignee of. See
Paul, William; Waller, Sir W.
Prizes, accounts of, 2, 25, 31, 34, 41, 43,
48, 115,
-, arrears of, 27.
-, Commissioners of, 1, 31, 41, 43,
90, 174, 201, 348. See Pascall,
-, estimates of prizes taken in late
war, 90, 174, 201, 316.
-, office, 201.
-, ships and goods taken as, 201.
-, embezzling goods out of,
348, 378.
-, purchased for the Navy,
69, 90, 332.
Proclaiming King and Queen, fees on. See Heralds College.
Proclamations, 38.
-, concerning French and Spanish
pistoles, 38, 42, 196.
-, drawing and copying, 279.
-, for deserters from French Army,
49, 215.
-, for preventing frauds by collectors of Duties on Marriages,
-, for rewards for arrests, 174,
179, 333, 348.
Procurator General, King's. See Smith, Thomas.
Professors of, Civil Law and Physics. See Cambridge University, Oxford University.
Prohibited East India goods (as by 9–10 William III c. 44). See Customs (prohibited); Customs (prohibition); Customs (seizures).
Proprietary Colonies or Government. See Plantations (Proprietary).
Protestant minister residing within Province of Pennsylvania, 370.
Provinces. See Plantations (Provinces in).
Provost and Engineer of the Corporation of Moneyers at the Mint. See Briant, J.
Provost Marshal in Holland see Army.
Public Debt. See Debt (Public).
Pyx. See Mint (Trial of Pyx).