Minute Book: July 1701

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 16, 1700-1701. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1938.

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'Minute Book: July 1701', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 16, 1700-1701, ed. William A Shaw (London, 1938), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol16/pp83-95 [accessed 9 February 2025].

'Minute Book: July 1701', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 16, 1700-1701. Edited by William A Shaw (London, 1938), British History Online, accessed February 9, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol16/pp83-95.

"Minute Book: July 1701". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 16, 1700-1701. Ed. William A Shaw (London, 1938), British History Online. Web. 9 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol16/pp83-95.


July 1701

July 1,
Tuesday forenoon. Cockpit, Treasury Chambers.
Present: Sir Stephen Fox; Chancellor Boyle; Mr. Hill; Mr. Pelham.
[Write] to the Commissioners of Customs or Excise to attend to-morrow.
The Agents for Taxes are called in. They think the Cobs will run further in debt if they be kept in [as Receivers]: and say that Mason [Receiver] of Oxfordshire has been slow in his payments. Mr. Austen is to be [put in as Receiver] in the place of Cob.
They say Kent is a good Receiver and therefore my Lords will continue him.
Tho. Lloyd is to be Receiver of Cheshire and North Wales.
They say that Mr. St. Johns is not fit to be entrusted as a Receiver.
[Order for the issue to William Lowndes of] 1,000l. for Secret Service.
[Write] to the Wine Licence Commissioners to be here to-morrow.
The 8,500l. and interest due to Bouchier is to be repaid out of the 40,000l. mentioned in the late Act [12 and 13 William III, c. XI Clause 26] for debts and arrears of the year ended at Xmas 1700. Ibid., p. 7.
July 2,
Present: Lord Godolphin; Chancellor Boyle; Mr. Hill; Mr. Pelham.
Prepare a warrant for the deficiency due to the Bank.
Issue 10,000l. to the Ordnance in part of 25,000l. for land service. Let these issues be made in Exchequer Bills out of the public funds of this year.
Issue 10,000l. to Mr. Herne in money out of the loans on one third Land Tax to purchase those [the above Exchequer] Bills at the same time they are issued [to enable them] to be cancelled pursuant to the Act.
The Earl of Rochester comes in.
Several matters concerning Ireland are considered and minutes are [endorsed in accordance with the decisions] taken on the papers.
Robert, Earl of Roscommon [is] to have 100l. a year out of the revenue of Ireland pursuant to the King's pleasure signified to the Earl of Rochester, as from midsummer last, until some other provision is made for him. Prepare a sign manual.
Mr. Thomas Keightley [is] to have a pension of 400l. a year from midsummer last out of the revenue of Ireland being the same pension which he formerly enjoyed there: and his daughter Dame Ruth Keightley [is to have] 200l. a year out of the same revenue for the same time in lieu of the like sum which she hath before this time received in England. Place these upon the Civil List as during pleasure.
Lord Rochester having intimated to my Lords the King's pleasure that Brigadier de Belcastel should have a patent for 500l. a year in Ireland for 21 years my Lords will represent to the King that the granting of pensions for terms of years is very inconvenient and there are very few precedents and the making of this may be of ill consequence, the more because this gentleman is now actually in a for [? foreign] service.
And [his Lordship similarly represents] for a pension of 200l. a year to Monsieur Montaudie for his life [my Lords will similarly represent] that it may be an ill precedent to begin now to make grants for life, which [grants] have been for several years avoided: he has 6s. a day half pay.
Monsieur de Louvigny when there is a vacancy of a pension among the French Protestants in Ireland is to be considered.
[Order for] 400l. a year to Madame Puissar from [the day of] her husband's death: to be payable out of the revenue of Ireland and [thereon] 400l. is to be now paid her. Receive the King's pleasure whether this 400l. shall be paid out of the Pr[ivy] Purse (as usual) or what other way.
Prepare a sign manual for 730l. a year to be paid by quarterly payments to Major General William Stuart in consideration of his good services [to be paid as] from 1st January last and to be placed on the Military List [of Ireland] during pleasure.
The Earl of Rochester desires that the Military Contingencies now [set] at 1,000l. a year be increased to 2,000l. a year and the Concordatums from 4,000l. to 5,000l. a year in the new [Irish] Establishment.
The Heralds, Kettledrums and Trumpets belonging to the State in Ireland having received their liveries formerly from the Wardrobe and being now in want of them desire to be supplied. Speak with the Earl of Montagu.
The Earl of Rochester goes out.
Sir Robert Harrison is to be Receiver of the Land Tax in Oxfordshire.
[Order for] 100l. to be issued to the Office of the Works to be paid over to Mr. Davids upon account of his services as a statuary.
[Write] to the Commissioners of the Navy and of the Victualling to be here next Friday week about Lord Orford's account. Write Sir Thomas Littleton to be here then.
[Order for the following] issues to the Earl of Ranelagh in Exchequer Bills out of the funds of this year: viz.,
£ s. d.
for clearings 14261 4
for Garrisons 2319 8
for Staff Officers 1086 9 11
for subsistence 28899 8 8
the Bills to be changed for money by Mr. Herne ut supra p. 83.
[Order for the issue of] 100l. out of secret service to Sir Phillip Coote to carry him to Ireland. Treasury Minute Book XIII, pp. 8–9.
July 2,
Present: Lord Godolphin; Sir Stephen Fox; Chancellor Boyle; Mr. Pelham.
A letter [of direction to the Exchequer] for 24l. 5s. 0d. for Mr. Teal is read and approved.
[Order for the issue to William Lowndes of] 300l. more for Secret Service.
The Customs Commissioners [attend]. Their papers are read and [my Lords' decisions or] answers [are endorsed] upon them. My Lords give them power to agree with the wine merchants now under prosecution for the complement to the French Wine Duties on the wines brought from St. Sebastian [viz.] at 4l. a ton and to give them time for payment thereof until the first day of Easter term next.
On Friday week my Lords will consider the matters concerning the Searchers' offices. Send notice to the Customs Commissioners, the searchers and the under searchers. Ibid., p. 10.
July 4,
Friday forenoon
Present: Lord Godolphin; Chancellor Boyle; Mr. Hill; Mr. Pelham.
Mr. Pauncefort to attend this afternoon at 5 p.m.
The doors to be shut.
Sir Henry Dutton Colt to be here this day week.
The Auditors of Imprests to be here next Friday about Lord Orford's accounts.
Lord Montagu comes in. My Lords acquaint him that they will look over the scheme of payments intended to be made to his Lordship within this year as soon as conveniently they can and make them to him in the best manner as may be: and as to his salary he must take it out of the money that shall be imprested to him according to the said scheme.
Lord Cuts and Major General Stewart come in and desire that the latter part of the Minutes of the 28th of May last relating to the clothing of the 10,000 men to be sent to Holland may be altered, to wit that instead of these words "then the offreckonings shalbe continued till they shall be sufficient for that purpose not exceeding 2 years" the following words may be added "then the like payments shall be continued as the offreckonings would have amounted to if the said Regiments had not been disbanded not exceeding 2 years": and that this Minute shall extend to Major General Stewart's Regiment as much as if the same had been sent to Holland. In the Minute Book XII, p. 278, under the date 28 May, 1701 supra pp. 69– 70, this amending resolution is accordingly inserted in the margin of the Minute as a definite Treasury Minute as follows: ordered, that instead of the words "then the offreckonings shall be continued till they shall be sufficient for that purpose not exceeding two years" that the following words be added to the Minute, to wit
then the like payments shall be continued as the offreckonings would have amounted to if the said Regiments had not been disbanded, not exceeding two years: and that this Minute shall extend to General Stewart's Regiment as much as if the same had been sent to Holland.
Mr. Knap [is] called in. He proposes to make discoveries of several considerable sums that his Majesty is like to be defrauded of in Ireland and prays a reward thereout. My Lords tell him they can't promise any certain sum for a reward until such time as they know the nature of the discovery and whether it be a real one or not; and desire him to give an account thereof. He says he is going to Ireland and shall be better able to do it from thence and prays a letter to Sir Thomas Southwell to give him some countenance in his proceedings to the said discoveries. My Lords direct a letter to be writ accordingly and that he send an account thereof to Mr. Lowndes from time to time.
[Order for] 18452l. to be issued to the Navy Treasurer in Exchequer Bills (to be changed into money by Mr. Herne) for paying off the men in the ships Namur, Somerset, Cornwall, Cumberland, Cambridge, Dorsetshire, Russell, Lancaster, Expedition, Nassau, Burford, Ipswich, and Mary, who are to be turned over into other ships.
Capt. De la Val [is] called in and acquaints my Lords that he shall be speedily sent to Morocco about the Redemption of the captives there and desires my Lords to order him some money for that expedition. My Lords direct him to put his demands in writing.
Mr. Staples' petition to be looked out against this afternoon.
Mr. Eleazor Mint an engineer [his petition is read and] referred to the Earl of Ranelagh.
Mr. Burdet [his petition is read and] referred to the Customs Commissioners.
Lord Fairfax brings two warrants one signed by the Lords Justices 1700 August 26 to authorise the Earl of Ranelagh to pay him 138l. 1s. 6d. in compensation of his grant of quit rents and other profits in Virginia from 1698–9 Jan. 1 to 1699 March 25; and another signed by the King 1701 June 4 for payment of 600l. for one year of his allowance for the said quit rents viz. to 1700 March 26, the first [warrant] countersigned by Mr. George Clarke, the other by William Blathwayt. My Lords order that the Earl of Ranelagh do certify how far the said pension has been satisfied by him and how long it hath continuance and then they will receive the King's pleasure what part thereof shall be now paid.
Acquaint my Lords what the charge of prosecuting the business relating to the owners, in the Houses of Parliament, amounted to. Treasury Minute Book XIII, pp. 11–12.
July 4,
Present: Lord Godolphin; Chancellor Boyle; Mr. Hill; Mr. Pelham.
Ordered that Mr. Borret do state Mr. Randolph's account of the expense relating to a bill which was depending in Parliament the last Session for appointing Commanders in Chief of the Plantations.
Mr. Pauncefort [attends and] a memorial of Lord Cuts relating to the levy money for the Forces now raising is read. [Write a] letter to Mr. Blathwayt to lay the same before the King and to acquaint his Majesty that each Regiment has been already paid 400l. and that he will signify to my Lords his pleasure whether the said Regiments are to be allowed full subsistence from 1st July last.
Lord Coningsbys' memorial [is read] amounting to 1109l. 0s. 10¼d. for arrears to several officers of the 3 late French Regiments of Foot who have personally appeared with their accounts stated by his lordship. My Lords direct that such money as shall come into the Exchequer [Ireland] for aids granted for the late war which are now [unappropriated or] at liberty shall be reserved towards satisfying the said sum.
Mr. Edward Howard to have his 50l. at the end of 4 months from his last payment.
[Order for] a sign manual for 200l. [royal] bounty to the Earl of Oxford.
Mr. Low's memorial [is read] for leave to go into the country for a month or 5 weeks for his health. Agreed to.
Several petitions are read. The answers are written upon 'em. Ibid., p. 13.
July 8,
Tuesday forenoon.
Present: ut supra.
The Postmasters [General are] called in. My Lords take notice of the Votes of the House of Commons relating to the Postmaster of Totnes and direct that he be displaced.
[Order for] 500l. for Dr. Aglionby, Agent in the Spanish Court.
2,000l. for the Earl of Marlborough, Plenipotentiary in Holland.
500l. for Lord Raby [who is] sent to compliment the King of Prussia.
75l. for a quarter to Col. Gifford.
[Order for] 10,057l. 6s. 10d. to be issued to the Earl of Ranelagh in Exchequer Bills (to be changed into money by Mr. Herne) upon account for half pay from the 30th Sept. 1700 to the 24th Decr. following.
[Write] a letter to Mr. Blathwayt to report to the King that the charge of the out pensioners of Chelsea Hospital if paid would amount to 3l. 10s. 0d. a day and that some of them are supposed not to be duly qualified to be pensioners according to the Rules of the Hospital; and to receive his Majesty's pleasure whether Commissary Crawford may not be directed to examine strictly into their qualifications and to discharge such as are not within the said rules.
Warrant [ordered] for the Earl of Rochester's equipage as Lord Lieutenant of Ireland.
Warrant [ordered] to authorise the Earl of Ranelagh to pay over so much of the offreckonings growing due to the 12 Battalions sent from Ireland to Holland from the time of their coming on the English Establishment as shall suffice to satisfy the money due to the clothiers of the said Battalions, not exceeding 8,813l. 16s. 7d. according to a report made by Mr. Robinson, Deputy Paymaster of Ireland, in that behalf. Ibid., p. 14.
July 11,
Friday forenoon.
Present: ut supra.
My Lords have not authority from the King to pay more than one year's pension to the Duchess of Southampton within this year: but write to Mr. Bl[athwayt] that they understand the King's pleasure to be such as aforesaid but upon her importunity her letter is transmitted for the King's other direction thereupon, if any.
[Order for the issue to the Navy Treasurer of] 10,000l. for wages and 3,000l. more for same: to be issued in Exchequer Bills (which are to be changed for money by Mr. Herne).
Direct the Exchequer to pay the Master of the Horse forthwith 1,200l. for the allowance of 400l. a week for the three next weekly payments, taking care that the weekly payments for those three weeks be not issued, so as to avoid double payment.
Mr. Lionel Herne is sworn as first clerk to Sir John Standly one of the four Tellers.
[Order for] 582l. 13s. 3d. to the Earl of Bath.
Make a scheme for the distribution of all the public funds of this year.
[Order for] 100l. due to the Duke of Shrewsbury and for the last quarter due to the two Secretaries of State.
A letter [of direction to the Exchequer for the issue] of 40,000l. to the Navy Treasurer for wages is read and approved.
The order for 5,100l. to Henry Ferne dated the 3rd inst. is to be paid by 1,000l. a month for 4 months and 1,100l. the fifth month, the first payment to be made the 1st of this month.
The 10,200l. on his order of the same date is to be paid by 300l. a week from the same time.
The draft royal warrant for 400l. a year to Mrs. Puissar is read and approved and ordered to be sent to the King [for his signature].
Likewise a warrant for 500l. for transporting horses from Ireland to Holland.
[Order for] 200l. to Capt. Delaval on Mr. Vernon's letter.
The [royal] warrant for 3,000l. equipage to Lord Rochester is read and approved and ordered to be sent to the King [for his signature].
Likewise the following warrants
for 100l. a year to Lord Roscommon.
for 400l. a year to Mr. Keightly and 200l. a year to his daughter.
for 730l. a year to Major General Stuart.
for 1,168l. 7s. 0d. for a train, carriages &c. in Ireland.
for 1,000l. and 1,230l. on account for sending Selwyn's Regiment to Jamaica.
for 200l. to the Earl of Oxford.
for 469l. each to Rob. Rochfort and Allan Broderick and 524l. to Serjeant Neve.
for a new privy seal for [issues to] the Navy.
for a discharge to Nicholas Green.
for granting administration de bonis non &c. of Sir John Wildman.
The letter of direction for 5,233l. 18s. 8d. to the Earl of Bath et al is read and approved.
[Order for] 1,029l. 7s. 6d. to the Master of the Hawks.
The subsistence of the 4 Companies at New York [is ordered] to be paid to Mr. Champante upon security to be given by him for the due application thereof; till further order. Treasury Minute Book XIII, pp. 15–16.
July 11,
Present: Lord Godolphin; Mr. Hill; Mr. Pelham.
My Lords decide that — Annesley be Controller of Malt Lottery Tickets in the room of Mr. Wiseman deceased.
The Customs Commissioners are called in, and also the gentlemen concerned for the hoymen of Kent. The officers of London port are called in. Their paper against the accommodation is read. My Lords advise them to an accommodation.
Mr. Boyle (Chancellor of the Exchequer) comes in.
The matters &c. concerning the Searchers' duty is debated between them and the [Customs] Commissioners.
[Order for] 3,000l. to the Earl of Ranelagh in part of 8,813l. 16s. 7d. for the clothing in Ireland. Ibid., p. 16.
July 14,
Monday forenoon.
Present: Lord Godolphin; Chancellor Boyle; Mr. Hill; Mr. Pelham.
[Order for] 400l. extra to be issued to the Privy Purse for the Earl of Ranelagh. In the margin: altered postea.
[Write] to the Governor and Directors of the Bank to be here tomorrow morning.
[Write] to the Officers of Works to attend on Wednesday morning about the weekly payments. [Order for the issue of] 100l. presently and 100l. on the first day of the three succeeding months (to make 400l.) to the Works for Monsieur Verrio for painting: 75l. a week (part of the 100l. a week in the scheme [payable] after Mr. Wise is paid the debt of 1,443l. 3s. 6d.) is to be applied to pay the charge of the alterations now directed in the Privy Garden at Hampton Court estimated at about 1,400l. and now under the care of the said Mr. Wise.
Make an account of all the money paid for the Works and Gardens at Kensington since the Revolution annually.
[Order for] 25l. a week (remainder of the above 100l. a week) to be paid to Mr. Aldersey to defray the expense of bringing the water more plentifully to H[ampton] Court viz. until 400l. is paid.
[Order for] 100l. to the Works for Monsieur Le gard in part of 360l. for nine pictures of Andrew Mantegna.
The Earl of Rochester comes in.
The petition of Edward Proger (Progers) for 400l. a year in Ireland for 14 years in lieu of 2 pensions therein mentioned is read. The Earl of Rochester will consider it as soon as he comes into Ireland and will report thereon.
Edward Corker's petition [is read and] referred to the Earl of Rochester.
The said Earl acquaints the Board with a letter from Mr. Blathwayt for remounting the 2 Regiments of Dragoons in Ireland and adding two troops more to that of Cunningham [in the margin 4,489l. 10s. 0d.] and that the King approves that the 38 men in a Company going to the West Indies be increased to 60. Prepare a sign manual to order the Lords Justices in Ireland to issue 6l. a man for remounting the 2 Regiments of Dragoons of Col. Ecklin and Col. Conningham and 6l. a man to add two Troops to that of Conningham [to be paid] out of any the King's money in Ireland including the money resting in the hands of the Paymaster arisen by the sale of the horses of the said Regiments when they were unmounted [in the margin 8,030l.].
Prepare a sign manual to the Lords Justices of Ireland to issue any sum not exceeding 155l. 10s. 0d. for medicaments for the Regiments gone or going to the West Indies.
Make a list of all the French pensioners in Ireland.
[Write] to Mr. Lucy forthwith to attend the Board with an account of the money received by him for the Temporalities of the bishopric of St. Davids. Ibid., pp. 17–18.
July 15,
Tuesday forenoon.
Present: ut supra.
On Friday morning [my Lords will sit] on accounts. The doors to be shut.
Order Mr. Clayton and Mr. Herne to be here this afternoon with an account how many Exchequer Bills are cancelled or are in their hands to be cancelled.
Mr. Borret to pay the rest of Mr. Randolph's bill.
A letter [of direction] for 2,274l. to Secretary Vernon et al is read and approved.
Likewise a letter for 5,100l. and 10,200l. for Mr. Ferne.
Likewise a letter for advancing 1,200l. to the Master of the Horse.
Likewise a [royal] letter for a kettledrum for the Earl of Oxford's Regiment.
The draft of a sign manual for any sum not exceeding 155l. 10s. 0d. for medicaments for the Regiments to the West Indies is read and approved.
[Likewise the draft of] a sign manual for 6l. a man for remounting the two Regiments of Ecklin and Conningham.
The Commissioners of the Navy and the [Principal Officers of the] Ordnance will attend to-morrow.
Write to the Governor and Directors of the Bank that the public service doth require that the money of the last part of the credit on the 3,700l. a week be furnished by 40,000l. a month or 10,000l. a week beginning next Monday and my Lords desire they will come to a resolution to and furnish so much as is not lent already [publicly into the Exchequer] of the 420,000l. viz. by such monthly or weekly proportions as aforesaid.
[Order for] 400l. to be issued to the Earl of Ranelagh for secret service. Ibid., p. 19.
Eodem die afternoon. Present: ut supra.
The Library Keeper at St. James's to be paid 200l.
Mr. Herne and Mr. Clayton are called in. They are to give my Lords an account every Monday morning of the progress in cancelling Exchequer Bills.
The Customs Commissioners are called in. My Lords recommend Mr. John Smallman to be deputy to Mr. Tallman, king's waiter.
Appoint Mr. Bretton (the Customer of Dover port) to be here this day week.
My Lords recommend the Commissioners to consider and report the best methods they can to help the defects in the searchers' offices in reference to certificate[d] goods.
Charles Roche to have 50l. [as royal] bounty out of secret service. Treasury Minute Book XIII, p. 10.
July 16,
Wednesday forenoon.
Present: Lord Godolphin; Mr. Hill; Mr. Pelham.
Write to the Earl of Ranelagh forthwith to send my Lords an account of all the moneys he has received for half pay and how much thereof issued by him and to whom and how much is remaining in his hands. Desire him also to send the list of all the half pay officers by which he pays.
Send to Mr. Jodrell for a copy of the lists of half pay which were reported in the House [of Commons] and copies of all the Votes about half pay in the several sessions since the Peace.
Several sums amounting to 1,534,705l. 14s. 3¾d. being set in super on several persons in the accounts of Charles Fox and Lord Coningsby [my Lords direct] a warrant to be prepared directing the officers of the Exchequer to issue process from time to time to bring the said persons to account for the said supers.
[My Lords further direct that] out of the ipsum of 1221l. 17s. 10¼d. due on that account, the list of 1,109l. 0s. 10¼d. due to the French broken officers in Ireland is to be satisfied.
Send to Mr. William Tailor for a state of the account of the Receiver of the Duchy of Cornwall and direct him to express particularly what sums are now due to the King on account of that revenue and when they were incurred.
The Navy Commissioners [attend]. Signify to them that one year's pension due at Lady day 1700 will be paid to the Chest at Chatham on the 18th of August next. Order for the issue of 13,000l. to the Navy Treasurer out of loans on the two thirds Land Tax [12 and 13 William III, c. 10] or out of any other the public moneys in the Exchequer: to be issued on the head of wages: to pay the said year to the Chest.
[Order for the issue of] 9,223l. 2s. 8d. due to the four Marine Regiments. My Lords order Mr. Dodington to send a particular of all the remains in the hands of the Earl of Orford.
The [Principal] Commissioners of Prizes are called in. The Navy Board says since the year 1693, when the Act passed, they have paid for their prizes: before that Act they were not obliged to pay for them. Write to Mr. Burchet to desire the Admiralty Lords to cause a valuation to be made of all such prizes as are not yet appraised which were taken in the last war and were delivered to the Commissioners or Officers of the Navy for the King's service.
[Order for] 524l. 19s. 4d. to be issued to the Ordnance out of the funds of this year to satisfy bills due for works performed at Chester Castle.
Order for the issue of 3,200l. to the Judges for last term. Ibid., pp. 20–21.
July 18,
Friday forenoon.
Present: ut supra.
[Write] to the searchers to be here on Tuesday.
Write to Mr. Vanburgh to prepare a list for distribution of the Bill money [of the Messengers of the Chamber].
[Order for] 27,000l. out of the public money to be issued to the Navy for paying the Anglesea, Hastings, Lizard, Katherine fireship and the men on board the Suffolk hagboat.
My Lords order that the 2,047l. 17s. 4d. and 2,796l. 17s. 7¾d: (making 4,844l. 14s. 11¾d. in all) in tallies and tickets remaining in the Earl of Orford's hands with all the interest due thereupon (to be reckoned towards the principal) and so much more of the money that is or shall be in the hands of Sir Thomas Littleton for wages as will [with the above] make up the full sum of 9,223l. 2s. 8d. due to the four Marine Regiments are to be applied to clear what is due to them and their creditors. (In the margin, and struck through: "Write to my Lord Orford to pay over this 4,844l. 14s. 11¾d. to Sir Tho. Littleton.)
[Write] to Mr. Madox to be here on Tuesday morning about Sir Edward Seymour's account. The Navy Commissioners to be here then about the same.
Speak with the Navy Commissioners to propose proper Commissioners to inquire into the Victualling.
The Gentlemen of the Bank [attend: they] say the Court of Directors are unanimously resolved to comply with my Lords' desires as far as they can and will begin on the first 200,000l. of the last 420,000l. (except the 7,000l. already lent by others).
[Write] to the Earl of Ranelagh and Auditors of Imprests to be here on Wednesday. Ibid., p. 22.
eodem die afternoon. Present: Lord Godolphin; Mr. Hill.
My Lords will hear the private traders to the East Indies when the Customs Commissioners are here.
Order for the issue of 7,224l. 13s. 2d. for 2 weeks' subsistence of the Forces to the 29th inst.
Order for 500l. to Mr. Prior. Ibid., p. 23.
July 22,
Tuesday forenoon.
Present: Lord Godolphin, Sir Stephen Fox, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Hill, Mr. Pelham.
In case there be no material objection against Mr. Sampson late Deputy Steward of Kirton my Lords are of opinion he should be restored.
[The draft] letter "concerning Mr. Molyneux and other resolutions" is read and approved.
My Lords will be ready to wait on [to receive here at the Treasury] my Lord Rochester to-morrow.
Order for the issue to the Earl of Ranelagh of 10,000l. upon account of Subsistence for the Forces in Holland making in all 27,000l.: to be issued out of the public funds of this year.
Write the letter [of direction to the Exchequer] for 1,372l. 10s. 0d. for the Master of the Hawks, and for 500l. more to the Paymaster of the Band of Pensioners, to be paid over to the Duke of St. Albans.
My Lords order as follows out of the remainder of the 20,000l. granted anno 1699 for the Sick and Wounded: to wit
£ s. d.
for the West Indies debt 878 4
for the Mediterranean debt 1269 7
Hospitals and trusses 1112 2 11¾
transport of prisoners 1011 1
stationary wares, &c. 130 17 10
office rent and incidents 164 15 0
£4566 9 9
Mr. Povey will deliver in all his accounts within three weeks at farthest.
The Navy Commissioners are called in: Mr. Madocks, junr. will carry in [to the Auditors] all the receipts forthwith which relate to Sir Edw. Seymour's account of the defalcations within a week and will speedily adjust the account of those defalcations.
Order for 5,000l. to be issued to the Navy for Nath and John Gold for their 5th payment upon their contract for importing hemp:
and 76,275l. for half a year's wages due at Xmas last to the Yards: to be issued out of any of the funds of this year for the public service and if the issues be in Exchequer Bills Mr. Herne is to change them [into money].
The Navy Commissioners desire that the 20,000l. for Sick and Wounded may be taken out of the three heads [Wages, Wear and Tear, Victuals] proportionally. Treasury Minute Book XIII, p. 24.
July 22,
Present: Sir Stephen Fox, Chancellor Boyle, Mr. Hill, Mr. Pelham.
[Write] to the Farmers of the Lottery to attend to-morrow morning with a state of their payments.
[Write] to the Commissioners for Glass Duties to be here on Friday.
The Customs Commissioners are called in. Mr. Bretton and the patent officers of London port are called in. They insist upon their fees. The patent undersearchers are called in. My Lords recommend it to them to consider and offer to the Customs Commissioners some methods for preventing of frauds in Certificate goods. They will do what lies in their power. Ibid., p. 25.
July 23,
Wednesday forenoon.
Present: Lord Godolphin, Sir Stephen Fox, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Hill, Mr. Pelham.
The letter [of direction to the Exchequer] for 9,692l. 17s. 0d. to foreign ministers is read and approved.
The Earl of Rochester comes in.
Send the draft of the Irish Establishment to Mr. Blathwayt [and write him] that my Lords have advised with the Earl of Rochester pursuant to the King's command and have prepared this draft [Establishment] which they desire him to lay before the King for signature.
[Write] to the Earl of Ranelagh to bring with him on Friday a state of the account of the four Companies at New York.
As to Mr. Stanyan my Lords do not think fit to make any alteration in or addition to their former minutes upon the last hearing concerning his pretensions: but as to a place my Lords intend to recommend him on a vacancy.
Prepare warrants for the Exchequer fees of the Officers of the Ordnance.
The Duke of Bolton having applied to be restored upon Mr. Nicholas' list my Lords acquainted his Grace that they did not understand it was the King's intention he should be re-continued in that list; but he having apprehended that the King might have given some direction to my Lords to that purpose before his going away they can do no less at his instance than desire Mr. Blathwayt to lay this matter before the King.
Order for 4,000l. more to be issued to Mr. Stratford.
Sign manuals as follows are read, approved and ordered to be sent to Mr. Blathwayt for the King's signature viz. for William Pope: for Reginald Chevery; for the Earl of Jersey's plate: for the Earl of Pembroke's plate. Ibid., p. 26.
July 25,
Present: all the five Lords.
[Order for the issue of] 500l. to Mr. Fairfax in further part.
[Write] to the Earl of Rochester that my Lords will be ready at 11 o'clock.
The doorkeepers of the House of Lords to be paid.
[Ordered that] 5,000l. and the interest thereon since Xmas last be issued out of the public funds of this year to pay for the purchase of the Hartshorne Brewhouse.
Order for the issue of 18,650l. 10s. 4d. to the Earl of Ranelagh out of the money of this year's funds viz. 1,479l. 7s. 1d. to clear the two Regiments of Horse, one of Dragoons, and three Companies of Fusiliers removed or broken in 1700 viz., from 25 April 1700 to the times of their being removed or broken: and 17,171l. 3s. 3d. to clear the offreckonings of the several Troops and Regiments to Dec. 24 last: the said total of 18,650l. 10s. 4d. to be in further part of the sum not exceeding 40,000l. for arrears and debts of the year 1700.
The Earl of Rochester comes in.
Write to the Earl of Ranelagh and the [Principal] Officers of the Works to be here on Wednesday morning.
Write to Mr. Blathwayt that my Lords having considered with the Earl of Ranelagh, pursuant to the King's command, whether one year upon his (Blathwayt's) allowance of 1,000l. per an. payable out of the poundage [money of the Army] can now be paid out of that fund, are informed by his Lordship that the King allows 12,000l. per an. to the Hospital and the remainder is not sufficient to pay his lordship's own salary with the Exchequer fees and the charge of his Office, so there will be no room to place Mr. Blathwayt on that fund unless the King be pleased to direct the particulars of the 12,000l. per an. to be examined and laid before him in order to the placing this pension within the same.
Refer the accounts of Hawkers and Pedlars to the Auditors of Imprests. Ibid., p. 27.
eodem die afternoon. Present: all the five Lords.
The [draft of the royal] letter for the barracks in Ireland is read and approved and ordered to be sent to Holland [for the King's signature].
Order for 200l. to Mr. Borret on account [for Crown Law costs]. Ibid., p. 28.
July 29,
Present: all the five Lords.
Send to Mr. Blathwayt the new list of French pensioners, making 4l. a day, which the King ordered should be added to the Irish Establishment: and desire him to prepare a warrant for the King's signature [to authorise the said list: to] commence 1st August 1701. Prepare a sign manual for paying to them here 730l. and insert a further clause that no further payment be made to any of them upon any pensions formerly payable by the Earl of Ranelagh as Paymaster of the Forces. (In the margin. Additional Establishment of French pensioners to be paid in Irelnad and to be paid no more in the Earl of Ranelagh's Office.)
The clothiers of Brudenel's Regiment [are] to state their case and attend the Attorney General therewith, and desire the Attorney General to attend my Lords next Friday.
[Order] for 250l. to the Lord Chief Justice of Common Pleas. Treasury Minute Book XIII, p. 29.
July 29,
Present: Lord Godolphin; Sir Stephen Fox; Chancellor of the Exchequer; Mr. Hill; Mr. Pelham.
Ordered that 5,088l. 4s. 3½d. (less what may be paid in to-morrow) is to be issued out of the public funds of this year to complete the 66th payment on the Malt tickets.
Mr. Edward Howard [order for the issue to him of] 50l.
Let the conveyances of the Hartshorne Brewhouse be executed and the 5,000l. be paid to Mr. Hallet the goldsmith, with the interest since Xmas last, in lieu of the rent.
Write to Mr. Vanburgh to be here on Friday morning.
The 20l. addition to the Doorkeepers and Messengers of the House of Commons is intended as being only 10l. a piece for the Doorkeepers.
[Write] to the Postmasters General to respite the 11l. 14s. 6d. for bringing the King's letters; there being a Court Post.
Hasten the Customs Commissioners to recover and bring into the Exchequer the arrears of the Subsidy which ended at Xmas 1699.
[The draft royal] warrant for half a year to the French pensioners which are to be put on the Irish Establishment is read and ordered to be sent to Mr. Blathwayt [for him to present it for the King's signature]. Ibid., p. 30.
July 30,
Wednesday forenoon.
Present: all my Lords.
[Order for] 30l. to be paid to Mr. Phillip Howard out of Secret Service.
Upon Mr. Clerk's report Capt. William Berry is to be added to the list of half pay [officers as] from Decr. 25 last. Write so to Mr. Clerk.
Capt. Pitman (though he has 2s. 6d. a day at Hurst Castle) is to be continued in half pay at 4s. 8d. a day from Decr. 25 last.
[Write] to my Lord Ranelagh to send my Lords an account how much the half pay for the last Lady day quarter amounts to.
Memorandum: to represent to the King the condition of the Independent Company in the Leeward Islands from Col. Codrington's letter; and that when a Regiment arrives there this Company may be broken into that Regiment if there be any serviceable men in it.
Desire my Lord Ranelagh to send to Col. Codrington the copies of the Muster Rolls as desired.
[Ordered that] 675l. 16s. 7d. out of loans on the Low Wine Act is to be issued to the Earl of Ranelagh for clearing from Dec. 25 [last] to 1701 April 24 for the four Companies at New York, computed according to the Establishment and the Muster Rolls. And send over to Mr. Blathwaite [in Holland] the copy of the Earl of Ranelagh's memorial for the said four Companies and acquaint him with this direction of 675l. 16s. 7d.: but as to the other two articles [of the said memorial] desire the King not to sign any warrant for the payment of them till the Muster Rolls wanting are produced.
[Ordered that] 7,224l. 13s. 2d. out of the loans on Low Wines is to be issued to the Earl of Ranelagh for subsistence from the 30th inst. to Aug. 12 next.
[Write] to the [Principal] Officers of the Works that the King is to be at no further charge about any repairs at Audley End. Also request them to state the accounts of Monsieur Verrio for works done by him.
The [draft of the] King's warrant for 730l. for French pensioners is amended and approved.
[Order for] 10,000l. to the Earl of Ranelagh for half pay, upon account in further part of 41,000l.: out of loans on the Low Wine Act. Ibid., p. 31.