Warrant Books: May 1714, 11-20

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 28, 1714. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1955.

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'Warrant Books: May 1714, 11-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 28, 1714, ed. William A Shaw, F H Slingsby (London, 1955), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol28/pp256-274 [accessed 12 February 2025].

'Warrant Books: May 1714, 11-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 28, 1714. Edited by William A Shaw, F H Slingsby (London, 1955), British History Online, accessed February 12, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol28/pp256-274.

"Warrant Books: May 1714, 11-20". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 28, 1714. Ed. William A Shaw, F H Slingsby (London, 1955), British History Online. Web. 12 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol28/pp256-274.


May 1714, 11-20

May 11. Warrant by Treasurer Oxford to the Receipt to take in loans on the Land Tax anno 1714 to an amount not exceeding 940,000l., including the unsatisfied remain of loans on the Land Tax anno 1711. Money Book XXIII, p. 105.
Christopher Tilson to the Taxes Commissioners returning their representation on Mr. Denham's proposal. He is unwilling to act subservient to Mr. Hooper, but submits to be joined with him in any instrument or authority for levying the debts and arrears that he is capable of discovering. Please reconsider the matter on that foot and attend my Lord thereon on Friday. Out Letters (General) XXI, p. 204.
William Lowndes to the [Principal] Officers of the Ordnance to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of John McAulay, merchant, relating to bills of exchange drawn on you by Mr. Hutchinson, Paymaster to the Company of gunners and matrosses in garrison at Annapolis Royal. Ibid., p. 205.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. John Quaringdon is earnestly recommended to my Lord Treasurer for a tidesman's place in the outports. You are to present him. Ibid., p. 206.
Warrant by Treasurer Oxford to same to swear John Robinson into office as deputy to Richard Younger, a Queen's waiter, London port. Out Letters (Customs) XVI, p. 130.
Treasury reference to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of William Long for a new lease upon surrender of several closes &c., part of the demesnes of the manor of Stratton upon Fosse, Co. Somerset, and parcel of the Duchy of Cornwall, and also of all coal mines in a close called Plummers Close in the said manor. Reference Book IX, p. 172.
Same to same of the petition of Phillip Hooper for extension of lease of a messuage with a courtledge and garden (of which he is in possession by mesne assignments) in the Castle Close of Exeter called Bradninth and a messuage and tenement in the same close in the occupation of John Rooke. Ibid.
May 12. Money warrant for 2,000l. to Thomas, Earl of Kinnoul, in further part of the arrears due to him on a perpetuity of 1,000l.: being to wit for two years 1691 Lady day to 1693 Lady day: to be satisfied out of the Four and a Half per cent. Duty. Money Book XXIII, P. 106.
May 12. Same for 910l. to Charles, Earl of Peterborough and Monmouth, Ambassador Extraordinary to the [Duke of Savoy as] King of Sicily, as likewise Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to all the Princes and States of Italy: being (with 910l. already paid to him by advance) for six months from 1713 Oct. 4 (the day of his departure out of the presence for his said employment) to 1714 April 4. (Money order dated May 19 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated May 21 hereon.) Ibid., p. 106. Order Book VIII, p. 436. Disposition Book XXII, p. 239.
Warrant by Treasurer Oxford to Edward Nicholas to pay 50l. to Dr. John Cockburn, Dr. in Divinity, to be by him paid over to Sarah Cull, relict of William Cull, clerk, late minister of the Episcopal Church at Amsterdam, and to be reckoned as well in full of what incurred on a yearly sum of 100l. payable by the said Nicholas [as Paymaster of the Queen's private pensions and charities] to the said Mr. Cull, as of what her Majesty is further pleased to allow towards his funeral charges. Money Book XXIII, p. 106.
Letter of direction for 250,000l. to Charles Caesar, Treasurer of the Navy: out of loans in the Exchequer on Land Tax anno 1714: and is intended for such uses of the Navy as shall be appointed [by the Lord Treasurer]. Disposition Book XXII, p. 235.
William Lowndes to Lord DelaWarr, Treasurer of the Chamber, to pay as follows out of moneys in your hands for the service of your Office: being for one quarter ended 1713 Sept. 29: viz.
£ s. d.
to the Earl of Cardigan, Master of her Majesty's Buckhounds, on the Establishment of that expense 585 5 0
to the seven gamekeepers at 7l. 10s. 0d. each 52 10 0
to the 24 Musicians and Instrument Keeper at 10l. each 250 0 0
to the Master of the Music 50 0 0
to the Serjeant Trumpeter 25 0 0
to the Ratkiller 12 0 10
to the Court Drummer 6 0 0
to the Joiner of the Privy Chamber 4 17 11
to the Locksmith 4 11 3
to the executors of Thomas Rymer, Historiographer Royal 50 0 0
to the Repairer of Pictures 50 0 0
to the Housekeeper of Whitehall 162 10 0
to the Strewer of Herbs 6 0 0
to the officers of the Removing Wardrobe 225 0 0
to Thomas Hall, Wardrobekeeper of Windsor Castle 40 0 0
to Sir David Hamilton, Second Physician 75 0 0
to Dr. John Shadwell, fourth Physician 50 0 0
to Thomas Archer, Esq., Groom Porter. 137 10 0
to Edward Brown, Underhousekeeper at St. James's 15 0 0
to James Chase, Esq., Apothecary 40 0 0
to Richard Hayward, one of he [Majesty's] Messengers [of the Chamber], for half a year to 1713 Xmas 152 11 6
£1,993 16 6
Disposition Book XXII, p. 235.
May 12. William Lowndes to the Customs Commissioners to send an officer to the house of Lord Bingley in Queen Street, Westminster, to seal his goods in order to their being exported to Spain, whither he is going Ambassador. Out Letters (General) XXI, p. 205.
May 13. Royal warrant dated St. James's to the Attorney and Solicitor General to prepare a Bill containing an indenture whereof one part is to pass the great seal of Great Britain and the other part is to pass the common seal of the South Sea Company for an assignment to the said Company by the Crown of the Asiento, viz. as follows: A Treaty or Contract commonly known by the name of the Asiento was adjusted between her Majesty and the King of Spain bearing date at Madrid 26 March 1713 whereby her Majesty undertook for her nominees that they should oblige and charge themselves with the bringing into the Spanish West Indies in America in the space of 30 years 144,000 such negroes as are therein described at the rate of 4,800 per an., and that the Asientists shall pay to the King of Spain 33⅓ pieces of Eight (Escudos) comprehending therein all manner of Duties for every one of the said negroes; and that such Asientists should advance to the said King 200,000 pieces of Eight in such pro portion and to be reimbursed in such manner as therein prescribed: and it is thereby stipulated that if the Asientists after they shall have imported the said 4,800 negroes yearly find it necessary for the service of the said King and his subjects to import a greater number they shall have liberty so to do during the first 25 years of the said contract with condition that they shall pay no more than 162/3 pieces of Eight for all Duties on each excess negro (Pieza de India): and by the said Contract liberty is allowed to the said Asientists to sell the said negroes and to bring back the produce.
And by the 12th Article of the said Contract his said Majesty is pleased to grant that as soon as the peace shall be proclaimed her Majesty might send two ships of war with factors, officers and others to settle and regulate factories and to provide all things necessary for receiving the vessels that shall go with the negroes; and that for transporting the factors and others belonging to the said Company to Buenos Ayres a vessel of middle burthen should be allowed.
And by the 28th Article of the said Contract it is stipulated that both of their Majesties shall be concerned for one half of the said trade, each of them a quarter part. And it being necessary that his Catholic Majesty (in order to have and enjoy the benefit and gain that may be obtained by this trade) should advance to the said Asientists one million pieces of Eight (Escudos) or a quarter of the sum which they should judge necessary for the putting of this commerce into a good order and method, it is thereby agreed and settled that if his Catholic Majesty shall not think it convenient to advance the said sum the aforesaid Asientists should offer to do it out of their own money and be reimbursed with such interest and by such ways and means as by the said Contract are prescribed.
And by Articles 29 and 30 and 32 accounts are to be rendered every five years and the Asientists are granted the space of three years in which to adjust their accounts.
And by Article 34 in order that the Asientists may (for the support and maintenance of the negroes set on shore in the ports in the West Indies and for all employees) keep magazines of clothing, medicine, provisions and naval stores for furnishing the ships employed in its service, “it was trusted that his Catholic Majesty would allow the Asientists from time to time to bring from Europe or her Britannic Majesty's Colonies in North America directly to the ports and coasts of the Northern Sea of the Spanish West Indies, where there shall be royal officers or their deputies, and likewise to the river of Plata or Buenos Ayres “[such stores of] clothing, medicines, provisions and naval stores for the use only of the Asientists, their negroes, factors &c., and that they may import the same in small vessels of about 150 tons (and not in those wherein the negroes are imported), of which and of their cargoes they are to send an account to the Council of the Indies.
And by the 36th Article leave is granted to the said Asientists to send a ship of 300 tons to the Canary Islands and to carry thence such fruit as is customarily taken on board there for America for one time only during the continuance of the said Asiento.
And by the 37th Article orders were to be despatched for the publication in all parts of [Spanish] America of an Indulto for the negroes unduly imported from the day the said Asiento takes place with free liberty to the factors to lay an Indulto on them at what time and price they shall think fit and that the product of the said Indulto shall be applied to the benefit of the Asientists who should be obliged to pay to his Catholic Majesty the regular Duties of 33⅓ pieces of Eight for each negro.
And the Spanish King by a royal decree of 12 March 1712 has allowed to the Company of this Asiento a ship of 500 tons yearly to trade therewith to the Indies (in which he is to partake a fourth part of the gain as in the Asiento and to receive 5 per cent. of the net gain of the other three parts which belong to England) on condition not to sell the lading of said ships save only at the time of the fair.
And the Spanish King by two several licences or instruments dated Madrid 17 Jan. 1713, countersigned by Don. Joseph Grimaldi, his Secretary of State and Universal Despatch, consented to permit that a voyage might be made to the [Spanish] Indies in the North Seas in two several ships of the burthen of 500 or 600 tons each and their ladings disposed of free of Duty.
And further the Spanish King by instruments dated at Madrid 15 June 1713, similarly countersigned, taking notice that the commerce to the said Indies is absolutely prohibited to all nations and left free and open only to the Spaniards by the treaty between England and Spain, but being notwithstanding resolved that the favour intended by the aforesaid licences or permissions of two ships of 500 or 600 tons each should be effectual and enjoyed, his Majesty hath granted licence and passport for the same to navigate to the Indies and sell their lading free of Duty, but with the express condition of paying to the Spanish King 10 per cent. of the profits or gain made by said lading, the accounts thereof to be adjusted at the return of each ship: the passports to serve only for one voyage.
And the Spanish King has consented that the said Contract and Additional Article may take effect from the 1st May 1714, new style, and that the term of 30 years shall commence from that date upon the same conditions and advantages as in the said Contract and Additional Article were expressed in relation to the said term which was [therein] to commence on the 1st May 1713.
“And it is expected that his Catholic Majesty will consent that the said 200,000 pieces of Eight which by the 3rd article of the said contract were to be advanced to his Majesty at Madrid may be retained and employed by the Asientists as part of his Majesty's proportion of the sum which they should judge necessary for putting the said commerce into a good order and method according to the said 28th article.
Now this indenture witnesseth that the Queen, out of her desire to promote the wealth and prosperity of her subjects and being well satisfied that a vigorous carrying on of the trade intended as above will greatly conduce thereto by employing many ships and vessels and vending great quantities of commodities and more especially by bringing home into Great Britain (after a long and expensive war) great quantities of money, gold, silver and other riches, &c., doth hereby name and appoint the South Sea Company to be the Asiento Company to perform all the above powers, matters and things: and in consideration of the sum of 20s. paid into the Exchequer doth grant, assign and transfer to the said Company all that quarter share belonging to her by the abovesaid 28th Article and all other benefits, &c., from any of the above articles: the said Company yielding yearly at the Receipt of the Exchequer one ounce Troy of gold of the fineness of 22 carats or 4l. sterling by tale in lieu thereof.
The Queen, being minded to encourage the lawful trade in accordance with the said Contract, &c., doth hereby command that none of her subjects do presume to interfere with the said trade of the said South Sea Company by unlawful importation of negroes or merchandizes into the Spanish West Indies or by pretending to bear the proper colours or passes belonging to the said Company.
Further hereby 7½ per cent. of the profits of the whole trade out and home of the said ship of 500 tons allowed to trade yearly and on the negroes and on the “confiscated” negroes and on the tolerated trade of ships of 150 tons and the ship of 300 tons and by prizes (excepting always the two ships of 5–600 tons) is to be assigned by the South Sea Company to Manuel Menasses Gilligan of London.
Further hereby 22½ per cent. gain similarly as above is to be assigned by the South Sea Company to William Lowndes and John Taylour to their own use.
Followed by (1) a schedule containing the draft assignment by the South Sea Company to Manuel Manasses Gilligan on condition and in consideration of his advancing 35,500l. as the Company's proportion of 355,000l. of estimated capital outlay (if the Spanish King leaves in their hands the 200,000l. pieces of Eight) or 40,000l. on the Company's proportion of 400,000l. (if the Spanish King does not so leave in their hands the said pieces of Eight) (towards which it is acknowledged that he has already paid 7,100l.).
(2) a second schedule containing the indenture of assignment by said Company to said Lowndes and Taylour in consideration and on condition of their contributing 106,500l. on the 355,000l. proportion or 120,000l. on the 400,000l. proportion as above (towards which it is hereby acknowledged that they have contributed and paid 21,300l.). [Both Lowndes and Taylor were Treasury officials: but there is no trust clause in this assignment.] Queen's Warrant Book XXVI, pp. 67–80, 82–104.
Followed by: undated and unfinished entry of a royal warrant [to the Attorney or Solicitor General] for a great seal to contain an indenture between the Queen of the one part and the abovesaid William Lowndes and John Taylour of the other part of a declaration of trust as to her Majesty's quarter part of the Asiento. Ibid., p. 118.
May 13. Royal warrant dated St. James's to Treasurer Oxford to pay 200,000l. to Thomas Moor, Receiver and Paymaster of the Land Forces in Minorca, Dunkirk and Gibraltar, as imprest for the said services. (Money warrant dated May 14 hereon.) (Money order dated May 14 hereon.) Ibid., p. 112. Order Book VIII, p. 435.
Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for 1,000,000l. to Charles Cæsar, the Navy Treasurer: as imprest for the Navy and victualling. (Money warrant dated May 20 hereon. This warrant quotes the privy seal as dated May 19.) (Money order dated May 20 hereon.) Queen's Warrant Book XXVI, pp. 112–13. Money Book XXIII, p. 118. Order Book VIII, p. 436.
Same to same for a same for 400,000l. to John Howe, Paymaster General of Guards and Garrisons: as imprest for Guards and Garrisons anno 1714. (Money warrant dated May 20 hereon. This order quotes the privy seal as dated May 19.) (Money order dated May 20 hereon.) Queen's Warrant Book XXVI, p. 113. Money Book XXIII, p. 118. Order Book VIII, p. 436.
Money orders for 75l. each to the Welsh Judges for 1714 Easter term as follows: viz.
John Meyrick as Chief Justice of Merioneth, Carnarvon and Anglesea.
William Jessop as Second Justice of same.
Edmond Brydges as Chief Justice of Pembroke, Carmarthen and Cardigan.
Francis Winington as Second Justice of same.
Charles Cox as Chief Justice of Glamorgan, Brecon and Radnor.
William Brydges as Second Justice of same. and 125l. to Sir Joseph Jekyll as Chief Justice of Chester.
In the margin: a later Treasury confirmation dated 1715 April 27 hereof. Order Book VIII, p. 435.
William Lowndes to Mr. Watkins to report on the enclosed memorial [missing] of Mr. Hallungius relating to the extraordinaries due to the Troops of the Duke of Saxe Gotha. Out Letters (General) XXI, p. 204.
Christopher Tilson to the Taxes Commissioners enclosing the Duke of Buckingham's recommendation [missing] of Matthias Rogers for the place of Receiver of Land Tax for Co. Bucks. Have all due regard thereto when the business of appointing Receivers for this year's Land Tax comes before you. Ibid., p. 206.
May 13. Treasurer Oxford to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. I have considered your letters relating to the debts due for clothing. I think it necessary before I can move the Queen for her directions thereupon that an account should be made up of the sum due for each Regiment's clothing with the dates of the assignments made by the Colonels and by what proportions those assignments have been satisfied.
Please also let me have an estimate of the money which will be wanting (beyond the sums already issued) to finish the Armoury and such other public buildings as are in hand [in Ireland] and which are of absolute necessity to be perfected and what you think necessary to be applied to that service in the ensuing year, “it being her Majesty's intentions that care should be taken of these particulars with preference to the payment of pensions; concerning which her Majesty's pleasure will be signified to your Grace in a very little time.”Out Letters (Ireland) IX, p. 367.
May 14. Royal warrant dated St. James's to Edward Nicholas to pay 1,800l. to Manuel Manasses Gilligan: without account: as in full of what the Queen is pleased to allow him as well for his pains and service as for his expenses and disbursements: the Queen having employed him in Spain and elsewhere about several matters relating to trade and commerce, particularly in the affair of the Asiento Contract. Queen's Warrant Book XXVI, p. 114.
Money warrant for 286l. 19s. 4d. to Sir Richard Oldner, Kt., for the surplusage on his account as Sheriff of Co. Surrey for the year ended 29 Sept. 1713.
Prefixing: certificate by the Deputy Clerk of the Pipe of said surplusage, the same arising by payments for apprehending Jacob Skinner, William Staton alias Mouche, William Manning alias Robinson and Jo[h]n Powell for felony and burglary; and John Blandford, Nicholas Wells, Robert West and John West for robbing on the highway. (Money order dated May 31 hereon with a marginal entry of a later confirmation dated 1714 Nov. 23 hereof by the Treasury Lords.) (Letter of direction dated July 19 hereon.) Money Book XXIII, pp. 107, 108. Order Book VIII, p. 440. Disposition Book XXII, p. 275.
Same for 30l. 12s. 1d. to Jo[h]n Smith for the surplusage on his account as Sheriff of Wilts for the year ended 29 Sept. 1713.
Prefixing: certificate, ut supra, of said surplusage, the same arising by payments for apprehending William Mathews, a robber on the highway. (Money order dated May 31 hereon: together with: a later subscription dated 17 Oct. 1715 for execution thereof: this subscription having the effect of directing satisfaction hereof out of the Civil List moneys of Kings George I.) (Letter of direction dated July 19 hereon.) Money Book XXIII, p. 109. Order Book VIII, p. 438; IX, p. 31. Disposition Book XXII, p. 275.
Letter of direction for the following issues out of Civil List moneys, viz.
to Mr. Smethin in further part of 3,920l. 500
to Mr. Scot to complete 1,370l. 460
to Edward Nicholas 1,920
Disposition Book XXII, p. 235.
May 14. William Lowndes to Edward Nicolas to pay away the abovesaid 1,920l. as follows: viz.
to Mr. Holden 800
to Mr. Arthur 1,000
to Mr. Hughes 10
to two Mrs. Rosses 45
to Mrs. Buss 15
to Dr. Cockburn for Mr. Cull 50
Ibid., p. 236.
Letter of direction for 65,000l. to Charles Caesar, Treasurer of the Navy, out of loans in the Exchequer on Land Tax anno 1714 and is intended to be applied as follows: viz.
on the head of Wages
to pay off ships ordered to be laid up 25,000
on the head of Wear and Tear
for the new course of the Navy 15,000
on the head of Victualling
for the new course of the Victualling 25,000
Ibid., p. 238.
William Lowndes to Mr. Compton to pay (out of the moneys of the 500,000l. for Civil List arrears) 125l. to Mrs. Mary de Lisle for 2½ years to 1713 June 24 on her pension. T 56/34 (Civil List Arrears), p. 151.
Same to the Attorney General. My Lord Treasurer has read the enclosed report [missing] of the Excise Commissioners on the petitions of the gold and silver wiredrawers and the draft of two clauses relating to the exportation of gold and silver lace, thread and fringe. If you have no objection thereto my Lord desires you to move the House of Commons that a Bill or clause may be brought in this session accordingly. Out Letters (General) XXI, p. 202.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. My Lord directs you to consider whether it will not be for the advantage of the Customs revenues that no persons should be appointed officers in the country [county] they live in. Ibid., p. 206.
Same to same to report on the enclosed extract [missing] of a letter from Charles Godolphin, Esq., desiring to be paid his salary as one of the Customs Commissioners to the date of the next commission. My Lord directs you to examine the precedents mentioned in his letter. I am also directed to enclose the warrant [missing] which her Majesty was pleased to sign at his request for discharging him from the commission of the Customs. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Popple to lay before the Commissioners of Trade, for their report thereon, the enclosed petitions [missing] of Stephen Duport and four other French refugees touching their claim to some lands in the French part of St. Christopher. Out Letters (General) XXI, p. 207.
May 14. William Lowndes to the Taxes Commissioners to present Hugh Ethersie for the first vacant place of Surveyor of Window Tax. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Mich. Midlebrooke of Leeds in Yorkshire praying some employment in the Customs. Reference Book IX, p. 173.
Same to Sidney Godolphin, Auditor of Wales, of the petition of Pryce (Devereux), Visct. Hereford, praying a Lord Treasurer's order to the Auditor and to the Receiver of Crown Revenues for South Wales to pay petitioner the salary due to him as steward in Cardigan and Carmarthen of the lordships of Mavon, Mallaen and Talley since the death of the late Earl of Carbery. Ibid.
Same to the Barons of the Exchequer, Scotland, of the petition of Sir Duncan Campbell shewing that he has lately discovered a lead mine in his lands of Sunort and Ardnamurchan in the parish of Ellinfinna, Co. Argyle, but is yet uncertain whether the same be a royal mine or not; and being informed that if there be a denier of silver in each ounce of lead that then the mine is royal and properly belongs to her Majesty, he therefore prays that when the same is [ascertained and] represented to her Majesty a charter may be granted in his favour for digging the said mine. Out Letters (North Britain) III, p. 102.
William Lowndes to the Customs Commissioners, Scotland, to report on the enclosed letter and paper [missing] received by my Lord Treasurer from the Earl of Mar concerning arms and ammunition sent from Holland to Scotland. Ibid., p. 104.
Royal warrant dated St. James's to Archibald Douglas of Cavers, Receiver General of Crown Land Rents and Casualties in Scotland, to pay 1,000l. to John, Lord Balmerino, out of the 5,040l. lately paid to your hands by the representatives of Sir George Home and others: all by reason that in Nov. 1711 the Queen constituted the said Lord Balmerinoch and several others to be Commissioners for executing the office of High Chamberlain of Scotland and the Queen is pleased to allow 1,000l. to said Lord in consideration thereof. Ibid.
The like for 1,000l. to Alexander, Earl of Eglinton, out of the like sum and for the like reason and consideration, as one of the said Commissioners for executing the officer of High Chamberlain of Scotland. Ibid., p. 105.
The like for 1,000l. to David, Earl of Northesk: out of the like sum: as one of the Commissioners for the same. Ibid., p. 106.
May 15. Dormant money warrant for 400l. per an. to Edward Jeffryes, Esq., as one of the Judges of Chester and Flint and also one of the Judges of Cos. Denbigh and Montgomery loco John Ward, being 200l. per an. for each of the said two offices in accordance with the privy seal of 8 July 1703. In the margin: this warrant was cancelled and two dormant warrants [of 1 July and 5 July 1714 respectively] were drawn [by reason of] one of these salaries, viz., that for Chester, being paid by particular privy seal. Money Book XXIII, pp. 107–8.
May 15. Warrant by Treasurer Oxford to Edward Nicholas to pay 20l. to Lady Charlott Duffus as royal bounty. Ibid., p. 109.
Letter of direction for 100,590l. 11s. 6½d. to Thomas Moor, Receiver and Paymaster of the Land Forces Abroad: out of loans in the Exchequer on Land Tax anno 1714: and is intended for such uses of the said Forces as shall be appointed.
In the margin:
£ s. d.
half pay to Michaelmas 26,794 1
Sir John Lambert to redeem S.S.S. [pledged South Sea Stock] 18,000 0 0
Mr. Decker for the like 55,796 10 6
£100,590 11
Disposition Book XXII, p. 237.
Same for 470l. to Edward Nicholas: out of Civil List moneys: and is to be paid over by him to such uses as here Majesty hath directed. Ibid.
William Lowndes to the Commissioners for Sick and Wounded to attend the Lord Treasurer on Monday next with a list of all the books in your Office, the names and numbers thereof and the dates covered by each of them. Out Letters (General) XXI, p. 207.
Same to the Navy Commissioners. Send my Lord forthwith a list of all her Majesty's ships now in pay, the places where they are, what numbers [of men] borne and mustered and what pay is due to them. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Brydges to attend my Lord Treasurer on Tuesday next with “a paper of the reasons of the debt of the Army”. (A like letter on May 18 for him to attend [my Lord Treasurer] on Thursday following at St. James's with the said paper.) Ibid.
Same to same for a state of the offreckonings of the Army [Abroad] become due during the time you were Paymaster thereof.
The like letter to John Howe for the Guards and Garrisons.
The like letter to Mr. Moor [for the Land Forces and Garrisons abroad]. Ibid., p. 208.
Treasury reference to the Commissioners for disbanding Marines of the petition of Lieut. Gen. Holt shewing that the Regiment of Marines late under his command was disbanded last October at Chichester by Commissioners appointed thereto: that pursuant to their instructions the petitioners inquired into the state of the clothing of the Regiment which appeared to have [been] issued to all the men who were then mustered and paid off for ten months from 25 June 1713 (when the last assignment of the offreckonings to the clothiers determined) to the 24th April last, so that the men had nothing to demand on that head; and the offreckonings of the effective men to [the date of their] disbanding amounted to the sum of 701l. 10s. 8d. The Lieut. Gen. hopes it will appear reasonable he should receive the same, since if the men had not been clothed by him for that time they would have been paid in money by the Commissioners: and the Lord Shannon and Lieut. Gen. Wills have both received it for their Regiments, whose case is the same with petitioner's. Reference Book IX, p. 173.
May 17. Money warrant for 600l. to Charles, Earl of Peterborough, for one bill of extraordinaries from 4 Oct. 1713 to 4 April 1714 as Ambassador Extraordinary to the [Duke of Savoy as] King of Sicily and likewise Ambassador Extraordinary to the Republic of Venice and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to all the Princes and States of Italy.
Appending: said bill:
to the Captain of a vessel for carrying over his coach and horses and servants and [for] Custom for his horses and to another Captain for carrying his Lordship over and three or four servants 35
for his journey from Calais to Marseilles and then to Genoa 185
for a vessel to transport him and equipage to Leghorn and to Sicily 150
for postage of letters, pacquets and expresses 125
intelligence of all sorts 50
stationery wares 55
together with: Secretary Bolingbroke's allowance dated Whitehall 11 May hereof. “I do allow this bill as being according to the usual allowance of extraordinaries given by the Regulation to Ambassadors on the same foot with the Earl of Peterborough.” (Money order dated May 24 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated June 19 hereon.) Money Book XXIII, p. 110. Order Book VIII, p. 437. Disposition Book XXII, p. 249.
Allowance by Treasurer Oxford of the incidents bill, detailed, of the Hawkers and Pedlars Office for one year to 1711 June 24: total 613l. 10s. 8½d.: and for the succeeding year to 1713 June 24: total 368l. 1s. 5½d. The like of the salary bills, detailed, of said Office for half a year to 1712 Xmas: and for the succeeding half year to 1713 June 24: total in each case 715l. Money Book XXIII, pp. 111–15.
Warrant by same to Edward Nicholas to pay as follows out of Civil List moneys in your hands:
to John Elphinstone and William Monday, gent., the persons concerned in making schedules of the books and papers belonging to the [Crown Lands] Surveyor General's Office 50
to John Manley for the rent of the room where they [the said books and papers] were kept during the sickness of the said Surveyor 4
to John Cowly, messenger, for his pains and expenses in relation to the putting up and removing the said books from the place where they were kept as aforesaid to the Treasury Chambers 2
to Charles Gymes for an abstract of the Close Rolls of the reign of Edward VI and from the year 1647 to 1654 and also of the Close Rolls from 1670 to 1688 40
Ibid., p. 116.
May 17. Same by same to Henry Ferne, Customs Cashier, to pay 131l. 10s. 10d. to John Smith and George Leslie, Deputy Chamberlains of the Exchequer Court, being 2s. per 1,000l. for joining and entering tallies relating to 1,315,423l. 6s. 8d. of Customs money paid into the Exchequer for the year ended at Xmas 1712.
Prefixing certificate by James Moody and H. Bythell, Deputy Auditors [of Imprests], of said fees so due. Ibid., p. 122.
Same by same to the South Sea Company to permit John How, Paymaster of Guards and Garrisons, to transfer the [South Sea] stock which he stands possessed of for the debentures subscribed by him, in such parts and parcels and to such persons from time to time as he shall think fit: and further to pay to the said How all dividends on the said stock remaining in his name: he being to be surcharged with said stock and to be discharged by the receipts from the persons whose title shall be approved by the Auditors of Imprests pursuant to the Lord Treasurer's warrant of 6 Nov. 1713 [ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXVII, p. 424]. Ibid., p. 122b.
Letter of direction for 1,000l. to John How, Paymaster of Guards and Garrisons: out of money remaining in the Exchequer of the 25l. per ton on French wines: and is for the service of year 1713, being intended for account of clearings of Gen. Wightman's Regiment for the year 1713. Disposition Book XXII, p. 237.
William Lowndes to the Board of Ordnance. My Lord Treasurer desires you will consider what reduction can be made in the annual charge of providing Ordnance stores for Barbados and other her Majesty's Plantations in the West Indies which are proper to be paid for out of the Four and a Half per cent. Duty. Out Letters (General) XXI, p. 210.
Warrant by Treasurer Oxford to the Customs Commissioners to establish an allowance of 20s. a day to Thomas Lambard, Surveyor General of the riding officers for the wool business on the coast of Kent and Sussex, for his travelling charges (as was allowed to Capt. Baker, his predecessor) for so many days only as he shall be actually on his survey; also to establish 40l. a year for him for a clerk.
Prefixing: report by said Commissioners. Mr. Lambard represented to us that it was necessary for the service to appoint a particular person with proper assistants for the better serving process upon the exporters of wool as occasion should offer, in regard the owlers kept together in gangs and were very numerous and desperate, and recommending one Daniel Woodgate to be employed therein. We agreed thereto and directed Mr. Lambard to have a constant inspection into the said Woodgate's proceedings and to keep a check upon him. We think it reasonable to make allowances as above to Mr. Lambard for these matters. Out Letters (Customs) XVI, pp. 132–3.
May 17. Warrant by Treasurer Oxford to the Customs Commissioners to depute Hopefor Bendall as Comptroller of the Customs in the island of Antigua at the salary of 50l. per an. which is to be inserted on the Establishment of the Customs in the Plantations and to be paid out of the Four and a Half per cent. Duty.
Prefixing: presentment by said Commissioners. We are informed by Edward Perrie, Surveyor General of Barbados, the Leeward Isles and Bermudas, that the appointing of Comptrollers of the Customs in the Leeward Islands is of absolute necessity for the better preventing abuses that may happen to the prejudice of the revenue there. He has nominated to us the abovesaid Bendall as a person well qualified for that employment in the island of Antigua. We have agreed thereto and have directed him [Perrie] for the immediate security of the cash and goods in the hands of the collector on the Queen's account, and for the greater despatch in the remitting it home, to put a joint lock thereon agreeable to the practice here, least her Majesty's interest should suffer for want thereof. We therefore pray that Bendall may be established accordingly with salary as above. Ibid., pp. 133–4.
Same by same to Alexander Pendarves for a particular of three tenements in Marybone Street in order to a lease to Robert Georges, ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXVII, p. 153, under date 1712–13 March 13. Warrants not Relating to Money XXII, p. 63.
Treasury reference to the [said Pendarves as] Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of Richard Yoward, gent., for a new lease of divers messuages &c. and in the lordship of Hooton, Co. Yorks, leased by the Master and Perpetual Chaplains of the late dissolved Hospital of the Savoy to Ralph Yeoward of Stockley, Co. Yorks. In the margin: a note of a fresh reference dated 1st July 1715 of same to Hugh Cholmley [the then Surveyor General of Crown Lands]. Reference Book IX, p. 173.
William Lowndes to [the printer of the Gazette] to insert in the Gazette for tomorrow and Saturday next a notice, prefixed in detail, that the Treasurer of the Navy will begin to pay off the respective loans on South Sea Stock amounting to 500,000l. principal money and the interest thereon at the Pay Office in Broad Street on Monday next, to wit from No. 1 to No. 30 in the Books A and B and on Tuesday from No. 30 to No. 70, from which dates the said interest will cease. Notice will be inserted in the Gazettes from time to time of the several numbers that will continue to be paid off each day till the whole be satisfied. Warrants not Relating to Money XXII, p. 188.
Warrant by Treasurer Oxford to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular of the land and coal mines petitioned for, ut supra, p. 256, by William Long.
Prefixing: report by said Surveyor General on said Long's petition. Ibid., pp. 188–9.
May 18. Same by same to Edward Harley, one of the Auditors of Imprests, to allow 221l. 18s. 8d. to Charles Harrison on his account as for attending the Exchequer Court in causes concerning her Majesty's interest; being his charges, &c., in the cause against the executor of Michael Wicks, deceased (181l. 8s. 0d., of which 100l. was to Edward Rutter for his pains therein); and for abstracts of Licenses for Compositions (7l. 18s. 2d.) and for [Exchequer] fees on the receipt of money (32l. 12s. 6d.). Money Book XXIII, p. 117.
Same by same to Edward Nicholas to pay 50l. to William Paterson as royal bounty. Ibid.
Same by same to the South Sea Company to permit Charles Cæsar, Treasurer of the Navy, to transfer 5,000l. of South Sea Stock in such sums and to such persons as shall be specified in a list by said Cæsar: being to pay bills made forth by the Victualling Commissioners on the old Course of the Victualling. Ibid., pp. 118–19.
Money warrant for 5,000l. to Henry Smith, Treasurer to the Commissioners for building 50 new churches: on account of said building [? to be issued out of loans to be raised as provided in the next entry hereto].
Prefixing: precept by said Commissioners to the Lord Treasurer calling for said sum. (Money order dated May 26 hereon.) Ibid., pp. 119–20. Order Book VIII, p. 437.
Warrant by Treasurer Oxford to the Receipt to take in loans not exceeding 10,000l. on the Duties granted for building 50 new churches.
Prefixing: representation by the abovesaid Commissioners desiring the raising of said loans. Money Book XXIII, pp. 120–1.
Letter of direction for 89,718l. 2s. 4¼d. to John How, Paymaster of Guards and Garrisons: out of loans in the Exchequer on Land Tax anno 1714: and is upon account of subsistence to the Guards, Garrisons and Forces from 1713 Dec. 25 to 1714 May 22 and to be taken as part of 386,427l. 17s. 10d. for the service of the Guards and Garrisons anno 1714. Disposition Book XXII, p. 38.
Same for 36,437l. to Charles Cæsar, Treasurer of the Navy: out of loans, ut supra: and is intended (with 25,000l. directed to him on the 14th inst.) to be applied to pay off the following ships at Deptford and Woolwich which are ordered to be laid up: viz.
at Deptford £
the Jolly estimated at 5,261
Hound, sloop 2,868
Newport 9,747
at Woolwich
the Panther 17,115
Lizard 9,484
Maidston 7,590
Flamborough 9,372
May 18. William Lowndes to the Navy Treasurer. My Lord Treasurer has appointed to consider the affairs relating to the Navy and Victualling every Tuesday. He desires you to attend him on that day in every week about 12 of the clock at noon and to bring with you all such letters or memorials of the Navy Commissioners as shall be sent to you for any money that may be wanting for the services thereof respectively. Out Letters (General) XXI, p. 208.
Same to the Secretary at War to report on the enclosed letter [missing] subscribed with the names of Henry Flower, Thomas Tidcombe, Roger Pocklington, Giles Ham, relating to abuses committed in one of the Troops of her Majesty's Royal Regiment of Horse Guards. Ibid., p. 209.
Same to Mr. Burchet enclosing another letter [missing] received by my Lord Treasurer relating to abuses committed on board her Majesty's ship Salisbury, prize. Please lay same before the Admiralty Lords. Ibid.
Same to the [Principal] Officers of the Works to report on the enclosed memorial [missing] of Mrs. Cuts (Cutts) relating to money expended by the late Lord Cuts on the repairs of Carisbrooke Castle. Ibid.
Same to the Duke of Beaufort to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Mrs. Theodosia Kingdon relating to the repairing of her lodge in New Forest and the pound there. Ibid.
Same to the Secretary at War to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of William Squire, Master Apothecary of the English Hospitals in Spain, for an allowance of half pay in consideration of his services and losses in that employment. Ibid.
Same to Sir Roger Mostyn to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of William Squib, Lieutenant in Col. Harry Goring's Regiment, for payment of 31l. 10s. 0d. due to him for the time he lay sick at Dublin. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Moor [Paymaster of the Land Forces Abroad] to give notice to the several remitters who used to make proposals for [bills of exchange on] Port Mahon and Gibraltar to attend [at the Treasury] next Friday morning with proposals for what is now necessary to be remitted for the service of those garrisons. Ibid., p. 210.
Same to Mr. Brydges enclosing a memorial [missing] from the Marquis de Trivie [Francesco Giuseppe, marchese Wicardel di Triviè] relating to an arrear of subsidy alleged to be due to his master, the [Duke of Savoy, now] King of Sicily. Ibid.
Same to William, Lord Berkeley [of Stratton, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster] enclosing a petition [missing] to the Queen from Joseph Taylor for a lease of the Castle of Knaresborough with the offices thereto belonging. My Lord Treasurer has received said petition from the Queen but finds that the premises are part of the Duchy of Lancaster. Ibid., p. 211.
Fresh reference to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of Arthur Kneebone for a fresh lease of a tenement called, Exton in Linkinhorne Co. Cornwall, ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXVII, p. 437, under date 1713 Nov. 18. Reference Book IX, p. 145.
May 18. The like of the petition of John Anstis for fresh terms in North Kingbear and in tenements &c. in Botturnell &c., ut supra, Vol. XXVII, p. 137. Ibid., p. 113.
Warrant by Treasurer Oxford to the Postmasters General to settle a correspondence between Scotland and Ireland by way of Port Patrick and Donaghadee by contracting for the hire of five passage boats and appointing agents and two runners for that service between Port Patrick and Ayr at a charge not exceeding 133l. 6s. 8d. per an. in the whole.
Prefixing: report dated 1713–14 Jan. 20 by said Postmasters General. We agree to the form of surety bond to be given by the masters of the boats for preventing their carrying of prohibited goods or defrauding the Crown of Customs. Everything is now in readiness to commence that correspondence on receipt of your Lordship's warrant for our contracting for said boats.
Appending: (a) previous report dated 1713 April 15 by same. In pursuance of Mr. Lowndes's letter of 15 Sept. 1712 we directed Mr. Manley and Mr. Maine, our chief [Post Office] Deputies of Ireland and North Britain, to meet at Donaghadee in order to agree for the hire of proper vessels and to consult as to the regulations and instructions for that correspondence. They propose five boats, as two will be insufficient. The expense of hiring the boats will not exceed 50l. but there will be salaries to the agent at each port and an additional charge occasioned by settling the post to go a second time every week between Ayr and Port Patrick which is 40 long miles, [in order] that a communication may be thereby maintained twice a week between Edinburgh and Port Patrick, the same having hitherto been no oftener than once a week. This service will require employing two new runners for the conveyance of the mails at 8s. 4d. a week each.
(b) Estimate of the above annual charge: and Heads of Instructions to the Agents at Port Patrick and Donaghadee: (1) The deputies at the said two places shall tax all letters to be sent by said boats with the legal postage specified in the table of rates of the postage of letters: (2) and shall keep just and distinct accounts: (3) and enclose docquets or bills on every mail of the number and value of the port of the letters therein: (4) and duplicates thereof to the General [Post] Offices of Edinburgh and Dublin: (5) and shall sort and make up in distinct bags letters to such post towns as lie situated on the road between the said ports and the General Offices of Edinburgh and Dublin and charge the deputies of the said towns accordingly by a bill in each bag and shall send duplicates as above of such bills: (6) and shall take care to prevent any private collection and clandestine conveyance of letters by seamen or passengers: (7) and shall give orders to the masters to sail and shall sign on the way bill to be sent with each mail the time at which same was put on board.
(c) Heads of Instructions to masters and seamen of the pacquet boats: (to give bond never to make any private collection or conveyance of letters and to submit their cabins and chests to be searched by the [Post Office] Deputy at either port: to carry no prohibited goods nor assist nor consent to the running or defrauding of Duties). Warrants not Relating to Money XXII, pp. 190–3, 196.
May 18
et postea.
Treasury reference to the Commissioners for Taxes of the respective petitions of the persons following to be Receivers General of the fourth 2s. Aid or Land Tax anno 1714 for the respective counties as follows, the said petitions detailing in each case the names of their proposed securities. Normally in each case these petitions and references are followed by (1) the report from the Taxes Commissioners on the sufficiency of said securities, (2) warrant from the Lord Treasurer to the Queen's Remembrancer to take the said securities, (3) Commission from the Lord Treasurer to the said respective Receivers. But in the present instance these later stages were interrupted by Oxford's dismissal from the Lord Treasurership and by the death of the Queen. The subsequent stages of the procedure of appointing Receivers for this year's Land Tax fall under the reign of George I, see infra, Vol. XXIX, under date 1714 Aug. 20. The present entry therefore only contains the petitions and orders of reference as follows:
Sir William Fazakerly for Co. Middlesex, the cities of London and Westminster and Inns of Court and Chancery within the same.
Ambrose Reddall for Co. Beds.
Lawrence Ambrose for Co. Berks.
Bernard Turney for Co. Bucks.
John Grove for Co. Cambridge.
Edward Conway for Cheshire.
Francis Manaton for Co. Cornwall.
Samuel Bradshaw and Antho. Bradshaw for Co. Derby.
George Thorne for part of Co. Devon.
Thomas Mitchell for part of Co. Devon.
Benjamin Derbie for Co. Dorset.
Francis Wyvil for Co. Durham.
John Turner for Co. Essex.
Robert Longden for Co. Gloucester.
Samuel Clarke for Co. Hereford.
Adolph Meetkerke for Co. Herts.
William Jeay and William Dowse for Co. Huntingdon.
Walker Weldon for Co. Kent.
John Thornton for Co. Lancs.
Jervais Bradgate for Co. Leicester.
Langley Banks for part of Co. Lincoln.
John Harneis for part of Co. Lincoln.
James Caswall for Co. Monmouth, &c.
Samuel Lyon for Co. Northants.
Thornagh Gurdon for part of Co. Norfolk.
William Pacey for part of Co. Norfolk.
Sir Robert Harrison for Co. Oxford.
Richard Knight for Co. Salop.
Thomas Burslem for Co. Stafford.
Bernard Hutchins for Co. Somerset.
John Mellish for Co. Southampton.
Philip Bacon and William Trotman for Co. Suffolk.
Henry Fendal for Co. Surrey.
Nathaniel Tredcroft for Co. Sussex.
William Newsham for Warwickshire.
John Sparry for Worcestershire.
John Child for part of Co. Wilts.
Alexander Baxter for part of Co. Wilts.
James Philips for South Wales.
Archibald Douglas for Scotland.
James Taylour for the [Royal] Palaces.
Thomas Brougham for Westmorland and Cumberland.
Caleb Powell for Brecon, Radnor, &c.: date of reference 19 August 1714.
John Bury for Co. Notts.
John and William Dee for Co. Sussex: memorandum a second petition [and reference thereupon] dated 17 Nov. 1714.
Langley Banks for the whole county of Lincoln. Out Letters (Affairs of Taxes) II, pp. 148–52.
May 19. Warrant by Treasurer Oxford to Edward Nicholas to pay 500l. to Richard Stone as royal bounty. Money Book XXIII, p. 122b.
Same by same to same to pay 400l. to Charles Albin as royal bounty. Ibid., p. 123.
William Lowndes to the Commissioners for the Duties on Hides, &c., to order Samuel Acton to be instructed in the said Duties by Tho. Westley in the Third Division in Southwark. Out Letters (General) XXI, p. 210.
Same to the Victualling Commissioners. You will see by the enclosed letters [missing] from my Lord Bolingbroke and the Secretary at War (which I send you by my Lord Treasurer's order) the necessity of sending provisions for the Forces gone for Placentia. You are to take care to hasten same accordingly. Send an account of the charge thereof to Mr. Howe under whose care of pay those Forces are. Ibid., p. 211.
Same to Secretary Bolingbroke. By my Lord Treasurer's order I enclose letters [missing] from the Board of Ordnance relating to a master gunner and 17 gunners now in pay in the island of Barbados, representing that the Duty of Four and a Half per cent., [out] of which the said gunners and ordnance stores were directed to be paid, falls very short of satisfying the same, as appears by the enclosed account [missing] of the debt due to the Office of Ordnance from the said island to March 25 last. My Lord desires you to lay the same before the Queen in Council that her Majesty's pleasure may be known with relation to the further continuance of the said gunners in pay. Ibid.
Warrant by Treasurer Oxford to Philip Herbert and Dr. Richard Adams, Commissioners for Sick and Wounded, to permit Dr. Morley and Henry Lee, late Commissioners for Sick and Wounded, to have recourse to the books in your Office to search for several matters relating to the accounts of Joseph Gyde, deceased, who was employed as agent or undertaker for sick and wounded seamen in the West Indies. Warrants not Relating to Money XXII, p. 195.
May 20. Royal warrant dormant dated St. James's to John Howe, Paymaster of Guards and Garrisons, to pay an allowance of 40l. per an. to George Gordon, gent., who is appointed Agent to the Garrison of Annapolis Royal: as from Dec. 25 last: out of the savings or respits on said Garrison: and is for his care and pains in soliciting the affairs and taking care of keeping the accounts of said Garrison and [of] the Independent Companies there. Queen's Warrant Book XXVI, p. 117.
May 20. Warrant by Treasurer Oxford to Sir Edward Northey, Attorney General, to pursue all the requisites for obtaining an Act of Parliament about Proprietary Governments as follows:
Prefixing: Order of the Queen in Council dated St. James's 21 April 1714. There was this day read the report of March 20 from the Committee of the whole Council in reply to her Majesty's order of Feb. 20 last referring to the Council a representation from the Lords of Trade and Plantations relating to several Acts passed in Pennsylvania and to powers which were granted by Charles II in the Charter to William Penn, Proprietary of that Province, for the making and enacting of laws there, and particularly to a clause therein which allows five years time within which to lay such laws before her Majesty and no more than six months’ time for her Majesty to declare her royal pleasure thereupon; whereby it may happen that so great a number of laws may be transmitted at one time as to render it difficult if not impossible (considering what other business may intervene) to examine the same as they ought to be; and also representing a further ill consequence of the same clause, viz., that temporary laws prejudical to the trade of her Majesty's other subjects may be enacted there so as to expire before the Proprietary may [actually] lay the same before her Majesty; by which means her Majesty's perogative of repealing such laws as may be thought unfit to be confirmed is evaded.
Their Lordships, in pursuance of her Majesty's order [of reference] aforesaid, having this day taken the same into consideration and finding further by a minute at the Treasury Chambers that an agreement there hath been made with Mr. Penn and other Proprietaries of Pennsylvania for surrendering to the Crown their propriety thereof for 12,000l., do offer their opinion to her Majesty that the said agreement be perfected by Act of Parliament by reason of the incapacity of the said Mr. Penn, wherein also provision may be made for the inconveniences complained of.
Her Majesty is hereby pleased to approve of the abovesaid report and orders the Lord Treasurer to proceed in perfecting the said agreement in order to have the same passed into an Act of Parliament as soon as may be. “And it is further ordered by her Majesty in Council that it be referred back to the said Committee of the whole Council to examine and enquire into the powers and authorities by which the rest of her Majesty's Plantations in America do pretend to the making and enacting laws to continue in force for so short a time whereby her Majesty's prerogative of approving such laws is evaded; and to consider of such methods as their Lordships shall judge proper for setting aside the said practices so prejudical to her Majesty's interest and the trade of her subjects; and to present the same to this Board “. Warrants not Relating to Money XXII, pp. 193–4.
[? May 20.] Entry of the Treasury signature of a lease to Patience Ward of tythes in Hooten Pannel, Cleyton, Frickley and Shippons, Co. Yorks, ut supra, p. 86, and Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXIV, p. 322. Ibid., p. 195.
May 20. Treasury reference to Mr. Glanvill, Comptroller of the 1,500,000l. Lottery anno 1711 [9 Anne, c. 6], of the petition of Magdalen Morley for renewal of two lost orders in the said Lottery. Reference Book IX, p. 176.