Treasury Warrants: May 1717, 16-20

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1960.

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'Treasury Warrants: May 1717, 16-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717, ed. William A Shaw, F H Slingsby (London, 1960), British History Online [accessed 7 March 2025].

'Treasury Warrants: May 1717, 16-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717. Edited by William A Shaw, F H Slingsby (London, 1960), British History Online, accessed March 7, 2025,

"Treasury Warrants: May 1717, 16-20". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717. Ed. William A Shaw, F H Slingsby (London, 1960), British History Online. Web. 7 March 2025.


May 1717, 16–20

May 16. Treasury confirmation of a money warrant of 1716–17 March 7 for 10l. to Dr. Green, Professor and Reader of Physic in the University of Cambridge, ut supra, p. 175. Money Book XXV, p. 217.
Money warrant for 50l. to the Mayor of Lyme Regis, Dorset, for half a year to 1717 Lady day on the annuity for the repair of the Cobb pier there. (Money order dated May 21 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated May 25 hereon.) Ibid., p. 258. Order Book IX, p. 410. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 291.
Treasury confirmation of the money warrant of 1716 Sept. 12 and 1716 Nov. 23 for payments to Dr. Green, Professor of Physic in the University of Cambridge, ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXX, pp. 465, 558. Money Book XXV, p. 62.
The like of a money warrant of 1715–16 Jan. 3 for 13l. 6s. 8d. to the University of Cambridge for a Divinity Lecture [ut supra, ibid., p. 58]. Ibid. XXIV, p. 241.
C. Stanhope to Mr. Cracherode to advise with King's Counsel upon the following papers [missing] containing some proceedings with respect to one William Comfort, who keeps possession of one of his Majesty's Garden Houses at Hampton Court, viz., report from the Board of Works, and Mr. Lowndes's letter to the said Board. Out Letters (General) XXII, p. 189.
May 16. C. Stanhope to the Commissioners for stating the Army Debts enclosing for their perusal and consideration a petition [missing] of the eight Companies of Invalids commissioned by the late Queen [Anne] 9 June 1711. Ibid.
Same to the Secretary at War to report on the enclosed representation [missing] to the Treasury from the Judge Advocate and the report [missing] from the Paymaster General of the Forces and Comptrollers of Army Accounts on a former memorial of the Judge Advocate's, as also a petition [missing] of Mr. Bealing, Secretary to the said Comptrollers, with a certificate [missing] from the Board of General Officers. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to take new securities from Jervais Bradgate, late Receiver General of Taxes for Co. Leicester, and to cancel or deliver up the old ones.
Prefixing: (a) report by the Commissioners for the Duties on Hides &c. dated Feb. 7 last on said Bradgate's petition. He is indebted 2,302l. 2s.d. to the Crown on the Land Tax anno 1714; and 842l. 15s. 2d. on the old Duties on Houses for the same year; and 403l. 17s. 8d. on the new Duties thereon for the same year; and 707l. 19s.d. on the fifth 2s. Aid anno 1715; and 621l. 19s. 8d. on the old Duties on Houses for the same year; and 392l. 5s. 8d. on the new Duties on same for same year; making in all 5,270l. 19s. 11½d. He desires to clear same by sale of part of his estate but the purchasers refuse to complete so long as any of his bonds to the Crown are standing out. We think his bonds may be given up, on his entering into new bonds (with his former sureties) for 7,000l. conditioned to pay 3,548l. 15s.d. for his debt on the Land Tax and House Duties anno 1714.
(b) Statement of opinion dated March 20 last by Sir Edward Northey, Attorney General, on the abovesaid report. By the delivering up the old bonds and taking new bonds, all incumbrances on the real estate of the securities subsequent to the date of the former bonds will take place before the King's charge [or debt] by virtue of the new bonds, if any such incumbrances have been. Without the Commissioners of Taxes have satisfaction that the estates of the securities [sureties] are in the same or better condition than they were at the taking the old bonds (which they do not mention in their report) it will not be adviseable to change the bonds as proposed. But if the securities shall be made to appear to the Commissioners for Taxes to be as good as at the time of taking the old bonds (as Mr. Bradgate says he is able to do) your Lordships may lawfully direct the changing the bonds as proposed. Out Letters (Affairs of Taxes) II, pp. 253–4.
May 17. Letter of direction for 4,000l. to Casper Frederick Henning: on the unsatisfied order in his name for the Privy Purse. Disposition Book XXIII, p. 289.
C. Stanhope to the Treasurer of the Navy. By their warrant of the 7th inst. the Treasury Lords directed 50,000l. to you in tallies and orders on the Land Tax anno 1717 with intent that they should be immediately paid over to redeem the like sum in tallies and orders on the Land Tax anno 1716 which were deposited as a security for moneys advanced to you for the service of the Navy. My Lords at your motion and request are now pleased to order that you apply only 30,000l. of the said 50,000l. tallies [anno 1717 to the redemption of the said 50,000l. tallies] anno 1716 and to apply the remaining 20,000l. towards paying off and laying up his Majesty's ships Solebay, Shoreham, Rose and Oxford. Ibid.
May 17. Same to the [Principal] Officers of the Ordnance. You are desired by the Treasury Lords to return the order of Council together with the rest of the reports and papers relating to the state of the Leeward Islands which were sent to you Jan. 10 last, supra, p. 92. Out Letters (General) XXII, p. 190.
May 18. Treasury warrant to the Excise Commissioners to pay 200l. to Thomas Herbert for services relating to the Duty on soap as follows.
Prefixing: said Herbert's petition to the Treasury Lords. In 1709 I delivered to Mr. Lowndes a scheme for laying a Duty on soap and in 1711 Mr. Lowndes sent for me and told me if I would make out what I had inserted in my proposal he would make use of it, which I did accordingly and in 1712 Mr. Lowndes laid before the House of Commons that scheme and it was made use of and he gave me a certificate to certify my performing the same. Afterwards I laid before the Lord Treasurer a discovery that I had made of a fraud committed in making hard cake soap and a method to prevent the same, certified under several principal soapboilers' hands. The Lord Treasurer referred it to the Excise Commissioners and I made it appear to their officers at great expense and then I was told they could easily prevent it for the future without further charge to the Government and so I was put by my intended reward. In July 1712 I petitioned for a deputed searcher's place, then vacant, in London port and was promised reward at another opportunity and several other petitions I have delivered. The proposal I delivered to Mr. Lowndes have answered beyond all expectations. After six or seven years' continual attendance in hopes of a reward I am reduced to great extremities and have an aged mother, a wife and five small children.
Hereon the Treasury Lords order payment as above “having received some information to induce us to believe that the petitioner has been serviceable with respect to the Duties on soap”. Money Book XXV, pp. 302–3.
[?] Same to John Hill, Paymaster for the Transport Service, to pay to Thomas Jett, Register and Paymaster of unsatisfied Debentures for Army Debts and Transport Service under Wm. III, the sum of 376l. 8s.d. representing the surplusage on his account: to be paid out of any moneys in your hands for Transport service. Ibid., p. 303.
May 18. Money warrant for 24l. 2s. 10½d. to James Girard, gent., for one quarter and 85 days on his fee or salary of 50l. per an. as chief engraver of his Majesty's signets, seals, stamps and arms: to wit from 1716 July 6 (the date of his patent) to 1716 Xmas. Ibid., p. 305.
C. Stanhope to the Customs Commissioners enclosing a letter [missing] from Mr. Robethon [Jean de Robethon, Hanoverian Secretary of Embassies] about some goods belonging to the Duchess of Munster and himself that are arrived from Hamburg. My Lords desire you to give all imaginable despatch to the clearing the said goods at the Customs House. Out Letters (General) XXII, p. 190.
May 18. Treasury reference to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of Sir Mathew Decker, bart., for a new lease of the grounds he has in Richmond, Co. Surrey, with several small tenements (granted by Wm. III to Sir Charles Hedges); petitioner designing to lay out a considerable sum in making some additional buildings. Reference Book IX, p. 327.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Thomas Barrington shewing that he served as landwaiter in Bristol about two years and was thence removed to be surveyor at the port of Exeter where he continued about five years, from which employment he was dismissed in Sept. last without any charge; that since his being at Exeter he has made seizures to the value of 1,600l. and upwards and by his detecting a fraudulent practice carried on at Exeter he has saved the Government 1,000l. per an. at least and hath always behaved himself with all the zeal imaginable for the Protestant succession and his Majesty's service: therefore praying to be restored. Ibid.
The Treasury Lords to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. Having occasion to be informed of the particulars hereunder mentioned we desire your Grace will please to refer them to such officers in Ireland as you shall judge best able to answer them, and return to us their report with all convenient speed: that is to say
what the Alnage Office in Ireland is, how granted and to whom and for what term;
the benefits or disadvantages of it in relation to England and Ireland;
whether ever complained of in Parliament or out of Parliament as a grievance and by whom;
whether the Crown ever profited one farthing by it.
whether the Crown did not pay too much to the late patentee for the 10 or 11 years remaining of the patent, since [or seeing that] the patentee never made about 300l. per an. [profit out of it];
what motives could induce the Crown to make such a purchase as to give 5,000l. English [currency] for it.
Out Letters (Ireland) X, p. 80.
William Lowndes to the Customs Commissioners in Scotland. The Treasury Lords are informed that Mr. Saffin, Collector of Customs at Montrose, has by your permission been absent on business which required his attendance here [London]. Application has been made to my Lords for two months' longer leave for him. My Lords agree thereto, in case the business of the [said] port be well supplied in his absence. Out Letters (North Britain) IV, p. 82.
May 20. Treasury allowance of the incidents bill of the Country Distributors of Stamps and Collectors [of Stamp Duties] for the year ending 1 August 1715, to wit for their charges [and expenses] in carriage, postage, returns of money &c.
Prefixing: certificate by the Stamps Commissioners giving the detailed list of the said Distributors and Collectors, 38 in all, but without description of their respective districts: total charges 465l. 17s. 10d. Money Book XXV, p. 304.
May 20. Same of the incidents bill of the Country Collectors of the Duties on Apprentices.
Prefixing: certificate by the Stamps Commissioners as above, detailing the list of said collectors (7 in number): total expense 5l. 19s. 10½d. Ibid., p. 305.
C. Stanhope to the Board of Greencloth. The Treasury Lords desire you will please to transmit to me for their Lordships' perusal the present Establishment of his Majesty's Household. Out Letters (General) XXII, p. 190.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Peter Conset, Collector of Stockton, praying that an allowance of 40l. per an. paid to his predecessor by warrant in lieu of 20l. per an. by each of [two] Customers of Newcastle port allowed by the Customs Establishment to the Collector of Stockton, may be continued to him and paid from the commencement of his office. Reference Book IX, p. 329.