Volume 1: January 11, 1556-December 23, 1684

Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 1, 1556-1696. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1868.

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'Volume 1: January 11, 1556-December 23, 1684', in Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 1, 1556-1696, ed. Joseph Redington (London, 1868), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-papers/vol1/pp1-15 [accessed 13 February 2025].

'Volume 1: January 11, 1556-December 23, 1684', in Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 1, 1556-1696. Edited by Joseph Redington (London, 1868), British History Online, accessed February 13, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-papers/vol1/pp1-15.

"Volume 1: January 11, 1556-December 23, 1684". Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 1, 1556-1696. Ed. Joseph Redington (London, 1868), British History Online. Web. 13 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-papers/vol1/pp1-15.


January 11, 1556–December 23, 1684

Jan. 11.
1. Copy of a “supplication” of John Dee, gentleman, addressed to Queen Mary, setting forth that “lamentable displeasures” had happened by the subversion of religious houses, and by the destruction of so many notable libraries; wherein lay the treasures of all antiquity and the everlasting seeds of continual excellency; but notwithstanding many precious jewels and ancient monuments had perished (as at Canterbury the work “Cicero de Republica”) yet the remainder, which were scattered, might be saved: praying that such order might be taken as the suppliant had devised, for the recovery and preservation of the said monuments.
Accompanied by:—“Articles concerning the recovery and preservation of the antient monuments and old excellent writers; and also concerning the erecting of a library, without any charges to ye Queens Matie; or doing injury to any of the Queens Highness subjects: according to the tenor and intent of a supplication to the Queens Grace in this behalf, exhibited by John Dee, gentleman, anno 1556, the xj. day of January.” His scheme was to borrow such works as were valuable and have them copied. It extended to the Vatican and other places on the continent.
The documents of which these are copies are preserved among the Cottonian MSS. in the British Museum, Vitellius, C. VII., p. 310: they are both somewhat injured and there is a trifling variation in the date. They were printed in 1726 by Hearne in his Johannis Glastoniensis Chronica, App. Num. III., p. 490, and by Kippis in 1793 in his Biographia Britannica, Vol. V., p. 33 note.
4 pages.
Nov. 7.
2. Letter of Robert Browne, one of the messengers of the Queen's Chamber, addressed to the Mayor of Bristol, the Vice-Admiral, the customers, controllers, and searchers of the port of Bristol; announcing to them that he had repaired to the western parts, with a warrant of the Lords of the Privy Council, for the present stay of ships and mariners in the ports of Southampton, Dorset, Somerset, Devon, and Cornwall, a copy of which he sent with this letter, ratified by the Mayor, &c. of Weymouth. He states that the reason of his taking this course is, that the business is of importance, to be performed with speed; and if he should first ride to the Mount and then return by Bridgwater and Bristol, his business might well be compared to old fish, which oftentimes is unsavoury. He further states that there is one clause in the warrant, binding him to bring with him at his speedy return a note under the hands of the officers of “the ports of this charge,” and the Queen's commandment by him delivered, and of the time when, and the number of vessels and mariners so stayed; the form of which certificate he encloses by the bearer, who is to attend his Worship and the rest; that the writer may receive it from him on his return from the west. Dated 7 Nov. 1596.
Also the warrant referred to, dated the last of October 1596.
2 pages.
Dec. 2. 3. Letter signed by the Lords of the Council, addressed to the Mayor of Bristol, stating that whereas directions had been given that 750 soldiers, levied in the county of Gloucester and in South Wales, should be sent to Bristol by the 8th of November, to be embarked for Ireland (which soldiers had arrived as they understood, and were detained by the wind); Her Majesty then thought it good that so many as had not been shipped should not embark at all, but that the Mayor should discharge the shipping, and receive the armour, weapons, and coats of the soldiers, and cause them to be taken care of, until it be thought meet again to address them thither. Enjoining on the Mayor to charge the lieutenants of the several companies which he should dismiss, to repair to the several counties where they were levied; that every soldier might repair to his home, and commit no disorder in the way homeward; and to give notice of their arrival to the lieutenants or deputy-lieutenants, that they might be in readiness for future service. Instructing him to pay to the lieutenants of every band 3s. a day, for as many days as the soldiers would require to return; and 8d. a day to the soldiers for the like time.
With a postscript requiring him to cause the armour of every county to be laid up apart, and a note taken thereof. Dated 2 Dec. 1596.
1 page.
May 31.
4. Letter, signed C. Howard, with the address torn away, but enough remains to show that it was to the Mayor of Bristol; requiring him, in the Queen's name, to aid the bearer Robert Bridgman, described as the writer's servant, in pressing mariners and seamen dwelling there, he being appointed to impress in that city and places adjoining 120 able mariners, whom he was to charge to appear at Chatham, on the 13th of June then next following. Dated 31 May 1597.
1 page.
June 15. 5. Letter of the Lord Treasurer Howard, also signed by other Lords of the Treasury, addressed to William Yate, Mayor of Bristol, highly commending and thanking him for his account, sent to the Lord Treasurer, of the victualling of 800 soldiers shipped into Ireland and assuring him that the way both to get credit to himself and procure the good of the city is rather by performance of such honest and faithful service than either by careless wasting of Her Majesty's treasure or making private advantage of it, as they find many times used elsewhere upon such occasions; commissioning him to undertake a further service of the same kind, praying him to use the same care and diligence as he had already showed; instructing him to obtain the assistance of John Andrews, the customer of the port, and to demand 200l. of him, towards making the said provision, which 200l. had then lately been forwarded to the said customer for that purpose. Further authorizing him to require the assistance of the Justices of the Peace of the country thereabouts, in carrying out this service. Dated 15 June 1597.
1 page.
July 15. 6. Letter signed “Jul. Cæsar,” addressed to the Mayor of Bristol, stating that Her Majesty's pleasure is, that he take notice of a former letter, sent by the Lords of the Council, in favour of the bearer James Welsh; for whom nothing had been done, and that he proceed therein for the poor man, as is required in that letter, or certify how the case stands. Dated 15 July 1597.
½ page.
Jan. 17.
7. Copy of the King's grant of 5 per cent. (which had been reserved on the customs payable at London,) to the merchants of London; to the end that they should pay to Lionel Cranfield, the Surveyor General of Customs, such fees as were thereunder mentioned. Dated 17 Jan. 1615.
Headed:—“A Table of Fees in the 12th year of King James the First, for the port of London.”
There is, however, no table of fees; but one was ordered to be set up in the Custom House.
4 pages.
May 19.
8. Copy of Royal Commission to Edward Lord George, and Theobald George, Knight, and others, giving them power to survey and divide the forest of Braden, in the co. of Wilts. Dated 19 Mar. 2 Charles.
Articles of instructions for the same survey.
15 pages.
1636. 9. Warrant signed by the Lords of the Council, without address; setting forth, that complaint had been made to them, by His Majesty's patentee for the sole retailing of tobacco, that divers vagrant pedlars, and some interloping persons, carry tobacco up and down in their packs, and sell it, to the detriment of the patentee: authorizing the said patentee and his deputies to make stay of and search the packs and fardels of all such wandering persons, and to seize the tobacco for the King's use, and carry the said persons before a magistrate, to be punished as rogues and vagabonds. Dated at Whitehall, day and month blank, 1636.
1 page.
Aug. 26.
10. Copy of a proclamation of the Lords Justices and Council, respecting a licence for the transportation of wool from Ireland to England, and the customs to be paid thereon. Dated at Dublin Castle, 26 Aug. 1641.
3 pages.
[? About
11. “An accompt of rents rec[eive]d of Mr. Lawrence Blomley for the fee-farme rents purchased of the trustees of Worcesterhouse to the use of the poor almes-people of the Long Woolstaple and Lady-ally in Westminster.”
The items of the account extend from 1651 to 1659.
Indorsed:—“Churchwardens of St. Margarett's, Westmr., Memll.” Without date, but the last entry 1659.
1 page.
Dec. 21.
12. Draft or copy of letters patent, reciting that Arthur Hill, of Hillsborough, in the county of Down, in Ireland, Esq., for the encouragement of an English plantation and security of the country, had built a place of considerable strength, commonly called Hillsborough; declaring the King's pleasure that it shall be called Hillsborough fort, and that there shall be an office of constable and twenty warders there: granting the office of constable to the said Arthur, and settling the amount of pay, &c. Dated at Westminster, 21 Dec. 12 Charles II.
2 pages.
July 25.
13. Copy of “An Act of State in the time of Sr Maurice Eustace, Lord Chancellor, Earl of Orrery, and Earl of Montrath, Lords Justices, about wool lycences,” viz., for the exportation of wool from various ports in Ireland.
“Given at the Council Chamber in Dublin, the 25th day of July 1661.”
Jan. 22.
14. Copy of an Order by the House of Lords, that John Keating, Esq., Deputy Clerk of the House, should receive 300l. beyond what was allowed to Sir George Lane, their clerk, in consideration of his care and diligence, and also, “for his great diligence and expedition in bringing over the commission for the government of this kingdom and continuance of the Parliament.” Dated 22 Jan. 1661.
½ page.
Aug. 6.
15. Copy of a proclamation of the Duke of Ormond Lord Lieutenant and Council, touching the transportation of wools, flocks, and other commodities, from ports in Ireland. Dated 6 August 1662.
Also, another paper containing:—“The case of the wool licences in Ireland,” drawn up with the view of submitting the same for counsel's opinion.
Feb. 4.
16. “Orders which our pleasure is shall be observed by the officers of our works, for our better service in that office; the same to begin from the 1st day of January last past, 1662.”
Viz., as to their duties, their pay, the presentation to offices, &c. divided into 26 different items. Accompanied by another paper, containing:—
“Allowances of fees, which our pleasure is, shall be allowed to Sir John Denham, Knt of the Bath, now Surveyor-General” [and to other officers].
Also further allowances.
Dated Whitehall, Feb. 4, 1662.
[The writing is in a very faded state, and the paper decaying.]
6 pages (brief size).
Also a fair copy of the same. Docquetted:—“Copy of Establishmt of the Office of Works by King Charles the 2d, anno 1662.”
21 pages (brief size.)
March 31.
17. Copy of letters patent, reciting that the King had granted the office of clerk of the Great Wardrobe to William Rumbold, gent., for term of life, and the reversion to Thomas Townshend; and that the said Rumbold and Townshend had by deed surrendered the office; reappointing the said Rumbold, with the reversion to Thomas Townshend, junior. Dated 31 March. 17 Charles II. 4¼ pages.
Feb. 21.
18. Copy of Order in Council held 21st February 1665, reciting that the bills for provisions supplied to the navy were not paid, whereby the credit of the Navy Office was diminished; making arrangements for the payment of the same, or in the event of their remaining unpaid, allowing 6 per cent. interest on them.
1667. 19. Copy of King Charles II.'s instructions for the office of the Great Wardrobe, showing the various officers and their duties.
Dated 6 December 1667.
March 16.
20. A copy of the reductions ordered to be made in the office of Treasurer of the Chamber, by command of the King. Addressed to Sir Edward Griffin, Knight, Treasurer of the Chamber. Dated at Whitehall, 16 March, 20 year, 1668 [1667–8].
April 4.
21. Scheme for allowances to Ambassadors and Ministers employed abroad, framed by the Lords of the Committee for Foreign Affairs, and allowed by the King, who commanded his Principal Secretaries of State to declare his pleasure thereon, and transmit it to the Lords of the Treasury, to remain as the rule for the future, of all allowances of this kind. Dated at Whitehall, 4 April 1669.
In the Minute Book from 4th January 1668–9 to 17th August 1670, p. 66, under 2nd April 1669, is:—“Foreign ministers. The Secretaryes of State to be spoken to about a settlement of presents to Foreign Ministers at their departure.”
2 pages.
[? After May
22. A paper commencing “In the Books of ye Signet Office,” containing memoranda of the allowance made, or to be made in August 1661, to Sir Richard Fanshaw, as Envoy Extraordinary, viz.: 1,000l. for equipage and 4l. a day, or if Ambassador Extraordinary 6l. per day; also in January 1665 to the Earl of Sandwich, Ambassador Extraordinary to the King of Spain, viz., 6,000l. for transporting himself and train to Madrid. The embassy ended May 1669.
¼ page.
1667 and
23. “Duke of Richmond's memoriall,” for a thousand pounds, to be given to him, “according to his Majts gracious intencions” to him “intimated, by my Lord Albemarle.” Very brief.
Undated, but “my Lord Albemarle” would most likely be the First Lord of the Treasury, who died 1670.
¼ page.
Sept. 25.
24. “A copy of his Royal Highness the Duke of York, Lord High Admirall, his letter to the Navy Board; transmitting the instructions for the Treasurer of ye Navy, established by Order of Councill of the 6 Sept 1671: as also a copy of the 9th article of the sd instructions, touching the prohibition of allowance of poundage to the Treasurer of the Navy.”
The letter dated St. James's, 25 Sept. 1671.
3 pages.
Nov. 11.]
25. A petition docquetted thus:—“Petition of David de Grange, yor Majties limner in Scotland; to whom 76li, due for several pieces of work by him there done, and delivered to sundry persons of quality, by yor Majties own hands or express order; nothing since recd by ye petr but 40s. sent him by yor Majty, when he lay ill at St. Johnstons, and 4li afterward, of Sr Daniel Carmichel, yor Deputy Treasurer: prays some gracious order for payment of the residue, to relieve ye pressing necessities of himself and miserable children; his sight and labour failing him in his old age; whereby he is enforced to rely on ye charity of well disposed persons.”
Also a schedule of the pictures delivered in 1651 during the royal abode at St. Johnstons, in Scotland.
Referred to the Lords of the Treasury 11 Nov. 1671.
Nov. 17.
26. “An estimate of the charge of makeing a wharfe 600 foot long and 150 foot broad, into the sea; for the service of the Office of Ordnance, at their Mats guarrison of Portsmouth: together with cranes, storehouses, and dwelling houses, necessary for the storekeeper and labourers, to live upon the place.”
Dated on the dorse, 17 Nov. 1673.
5 pages.
1674. 27. “An act of gratitude to his Excellency Charles Calvert, Esqre., Captain Genneral of Maryland:” ratifying a former Act passed in the General Assembly, held at the city of St. Marys, the 27th of March 1671, granting to him 2s. a hogshead on all tobacco, &c., during his life.
At the head:—“Anno 1674.”
3 pages.
Nov. 13.
28. Copy of the letters patent constituting Henry Fanshaw, Esq., and others, successively Remembrancers of the Exchequer, after the death of Henry Ayloffe who then enjoyed the same. (Latin.) Together with a report of the nature of the said grant. The latter dated 13 Nov. 1675, signed Fra. Winnington.
24 pages.
29. Copy of Royal Warrant, reciting that the King had granted the office of Treasurer of the Navy to Thos. Earl of Danby, with 2,000l. per annum, in lieu of 3d. in the pound, heretofore taken by the Treasurers of the Navy, &c., authorizing the reception by him of various sums, from the revenues of that office; and the allowance of them on his account.
Dated at the head, February 1676–7.
10¼ pages.
July 24.
30. Order of Council to Thomas Earl of Danby, Lord High Treasurer of England, to prepare and pass a privy seal, for 557,104l. to the Treasurer of the Navy; for the building of 30 ships of war. Given at the Court at Whitehall, 6 July 1677.
Further order of 24 July 1677, superseding the above, (as in that no provision was made for guns and gunners' stores,) to the said Earl of Danby, instructing him to give directions for the preparing and passing two privy seals, for 305,029l. 9s. to the Treasurer of the Navy and Ordnance, on account of the first 15 ships, &c.
[1678. After
March 25.]
31. “Incident charges to be allowed the Acctant for journeys bills, and other occasional expenses, layd out from ye 8th of March 1671–2, to the 25th of March 1678, for the service of the sick and wounded and prisoners at warr, &c.”
4 pages.
[? 1678.] 32. Copy of the Royal Warrant, addressed to Thos. Earl of Danby Lord Treasurer, Sir John Ernle, Knt., Chancellor and Under Treasurer of the Exchequer, &c., authorizing the payment of 30l. per annum to the Bishop of Exeter, to be by him paid to the incumbent of the borough of Lostwithiel, in the county of Cornwall, the said allowance to be made out of the revenues of the duchy.
There are memoranda that it is enrolled in three offices in 1678 and 1679.
1 page.
Feb. 17.
33. Letter signed Chas. Harison, addressed to William Lounds, Esq., inclosing certain orders for payments of “upwards of five pounds” towards enlisting men; which orders had been received by the brother of the writer; seeking for payment thereof.
Dated 17 Feb. 1678.
½ page.
April 19.
34. Petition of the Royal African Company of England, showing that they had enjoyed the privilege of shipping provisions, &c., for the relief of the garrisons on the coast of Guinea, and for their negro slaves, as appears by warrant of the late Lord Treasurer, dated 1678; and that now the officers of customs desire their Lordships' commands with respect to the shipments about to be made; praying a confirmation of the privilege. Accompanied by two copies of the warrant referred to, and an order made in confirmation of their privilege. Dated 19 April 1679.
6 pages.
Oct. 30.
35. Petition of George Earl of Kinnoul, by Katherine Countess Dowager of Kinnoul, his mother and guardian, and sister to the Earl of Salisbury; praying payment of 500l. for one half-year's pension due at Michaelmas 1678; and that the other arrears, being 1,000l. due at Michaelmas 1679, might be put into some way of being paid.
Minuted:—“30 Octobr 1679. The E. of Danbys warrts to be laid before their Lopps on Saturday for the 500 li. prayed.
“13o Nor 1679.
“Their Lopps intend to assigne this pension upon the Barbadoes farme, but their Lopps are not yet Mrs of the state of that accot.”
1 page.
[? About
36. Petition of Greenville Collins, captain of His Majesty's yacht the Mary, to the King; praying the grant of a lease, for 31 years, of the manors of Shepton Mallet, Curry Mallet, and Meer, with the reversion of the manor of Inglecomb, in the county of Somerset.
Undated; but Grenville Collins is described under the year 1679 in Schomberg's Naval Chronology, vol. v., p. 282, in a list of captains, “as an able navigator, and published many useful charts.”
1 page.
1680 37. “Observations concerning the revenue and expence.” Under the following heads:—
(1.) Customs: How granted? What the produce? How applied? How charged?
(2.) The like of excise.
(3.) Observations concerning the King's expense.
The observations would appear to be brought down to the last of September 1680, and the paper contains a good deal of information.
3 large pages.
[? About
38. “An abstract of the late farme of the excise to George Dashwood and others.”
The excise was let to them for three years, in consideration of 270,000l. to be advanced by them. From the entries it appears to be likely to belong to 1680. See also Reference Book, 1679–82, pp. 3 and 58.
[Perhaps about the same time.]
“An accot of what offrs ought to be kept att the Kings charges att the Excise Office, in case the revenue of excise be farmed.”
3 pages.
39. An acknowledgment of the receipt of 7l. 14s. 2d., being the single duty on 925 gallons of “aqua vitæ,” paid by John Freeman, distiller of London, whose goods had lately been seized for the double duty, under the authority of the Comrs of Excise, he having distilled the same “aqua vitæ“ between 23 Feb. and 24 Mar. 1680.
1 page.
[? Perhaps
40. A list of certificates given by the Comrs for disbanding the forces raised since the 29th of September 1677; consisting of names of persons, and sums paid them in 1679, and [one] in 1680.
[It is perhaps a copy made later.]
19 pages.
Jan. 13 and
Feb 3.
41. Four affidavits as to the felling of timber in the New Forest. Sworn 13 Jan. and 3 Feb., 1680–1.
1 page and 3 half pages.
Nov. 1.
42. “The state of Mr. Francis Babe's accompt, as collector of ye inland excise, in ye cittie of Dublin: beginning ye 25th of March 1681, and endg ye 27th of June, following.” (A copy.) Sworn 1 Nov. 1681.
2 large pages.
Feb. 28.
43. Certificate, showing that there was due to the widow and executrix of Mr. Thomas Lisle, one of His late Majesty's barbers, for disbursements and necessaries, 830l. Dated 28 Feb. 1681.
¼ page.
July 3.
44. “Copy of warrant to Willm Blathwayt, Esq. [Auditor-General of His Majesty's revenue in America], for making up ye accounts of the farmers of the 4½ per cent. in Barbados, for seven years ended 1677.”
Showing that the King had granted to Robert Spencer and others, the duty of 4½ per cent. on produce of the island of Barbadoes for seven years, at a rent of 7,000l.; and authorizing certain allowances to be made them on their account. Dated 3 July 1682.
At the end is this memorandum:—
“After the signing of this warrant, the Lords of the Treasury ordered 100li more to be allowed auditor Aldworth, for the first four years accot.”
[This is no doubt an enclosure. It is numbered 2.]
Jan. 8.
45. A report to the Lords of the Treasury, made by Richard Graham, on the petitions of John Savage and Samuel Button, gent, Samuel Otes, gent. and Titus Otes, Dr. of Divinity; as to the discoveries made by them, of property belonging to the Jesuits; more particularly in Queen Street, London. Dated 8 Jan. 1682–3.
Titus Otes' petition sets out:—
“That your petr did, on the 28th of September 1678, discover to His Maties most honble Privy Councell, that ye priests and Jesuits of the Church of Rome had ingrossed to themselves an estate of 70,000l. per annum; and that the Jesuits had 100,000li in ready cash; and that they had severall leases of houses and ground-rents in and about London, particularly in Queen Street, London: that Richard Langhorne of the Temple, lately executed for high treason, was trustee for most of their estates, and did act for them in their concernes: of wch yor petr did informe ye Councell, in the moneths of Septr and Octobr, and the Houses of Parliamt which met the 21th of October 1678; and upon yor petrs evidence in refference, Langhorne's writings and papers were secured, after the Councell had searched for papers which might have relation to the plott: that Mr Savage and Button never did appeare discoverers till the yeare 1680, and then had information from yor petr as to Langhorne's concernes,” &c. It has his signature.
May 4.
46. Letter of Titus Otes (signed), addressed to the Hon. Henry Guy, Esq., stating that he had attended, by the order of the Lords Comrs, before Mr. Graham, concerning a report to be made by him, as to the first discoverer of Sir Thomas Preston's estate; and that Mr. Graham declined to act without an order from their Lordships: praying that he will procure an order, so that he “may not alwayes be oppressed by unrighteous dealings of falce pretenders.” Dated May 4, 83.
½ page.
Nov. 14.
47. Memorial of Sir John Osborn, Baronet, to the Lords of the Treasury for payment of 386l. 1s. 10½d., due to him in surplusage, upon his account, for sick and wounded seamen, soldiers, and prisoners-at-war, in the last war against the Dutch. Dated, on the dorse, 14 Nov. 1683.
Minuted:—“21o April, 84, to have a little longer patience.”
1 page.
[1683.] 48. Petition of John Salkeld, Clerk, that he may be discharged from the fine of 100l. assessed upon him in Quarter Sessions at Bury St. Edmunds, 8 Oct., 35 Car. II.; for preaching contrary to the usages of the Church of England.
Also the estreat (on parchment) of the said fine.
2 pages.
Feb. 16.
49. Proposals of the Comrs of the Mint, in relation to the coinage of farthings and halfpence, “upon His Majestys own accompt.”
Accompanied by another paper, entitled:—
“Considerations humbly offered by the Comrs of the Mint, in order to the makeing farthings and halfpence of tin, and not of copper.” In favour of making the said farthings and halfpence. Signed by three officers of the Mint. Dated 16 Feb. 1683–4.
Also a duplicate copy, with some passages struck out.
Sept. 2.
50. “Extract of the Lords of the Treasury's instructions to the Commissrs of the Customs, relating to the 4½ per cent. ariseing in the Leeward Islands, dated 2d of Sept. 1684.”
The instructions were, that the Comrs and other receivers were to transmit their accounts half-yearly or once a year, and duplicates thereof to Wm. Blathwayt, Esq., Surveyor and Auditor-General of Revenue in America, &c.
[This is probably an enclosure. It is marked No. 3.]
1 page.
Sept. 23. 51. “Excise Comrs presentment relateing to tallyes for 5,000l. levyed on the excise, 23 Sept. 1684.”
The following note, also indorsed:—
“Mr Atturney and Mr Sollicitr to give their opinion on this matter.”
1 page.
Sept. 23. 52. Report of some of the principal officers of the Navy office, as to the account exhibited by Sir Denis Gauden, Knt., Surveyor-General of His Majesty's marine victuals and three contractors, for victualling the garrison of Tangier, between 1 Oct. 1677 and 30 Sept. 1678; in favour of it being allowed. Dated 23 Sept. 1684.
6 pages, brief size.
Dec. 23. 53. Copy of a Royal Order, giving authority to the Comrs of the Treasury and Under Treasurer of the Exchequer, to issue out of the receipt of the Exchequer to John Knight, any sum not exceeding 16,000l. by way of imprest, to be by him applied for goods, wares, and provisions [apparently in connection with the Great Wardrobe]: further directing 120l. per annum to be allowed him and his clerk, and other allowances. Dated at Westminster, 23 Dec., 36 Charles II.
Dec. 54. A lengthy paper indorsed:—“December 1684.
“Report touching the Earl of Carlisle's creditors and the Earl of Kenoule, &c.
“By the Committee of Trade and Plantations.”
The report was made on the petition of Thomas Henshaw, Esq., on behalf of himself and the rest of the creditors of James, late Earl of Carlisle, and upon the petition of the Countess of Kinnoul. It states that in 1627 Lord Hay, Earl of Carlisle, obtained a patent granting him the Caribbee Islands; that his son James was, on account of the debts of his father, obliged to make over his property to trustees, and the said islands were decreed in Chancery on 7th June 1645 to the creditors in payment of 37,074l. 4s. 6d.; that the Earl thereupon, on 26th Feb. 1647, appointed Francis, late Lord Willoughby of Parham, his lieut.-general over those islands for 21 years, and by another deed demised those islands to him for 21 years, burthened with the debts to the creditors, &c.; that the King on 30 Oct. 1662 granted to the said Lord Willoughby one moiety of the revenue of those islands for seven years, reserving the other moiety to himself, and afterwards, on 13 June 1663, the King in Council heard the pretensions of the Earl of Kinnoul, heir to the late Earl of Carlisle, the Lord Willoughby, and all others claiming an interest in those islands, and declared he would cause satisfaction to be made to the creditors, and that the annual profits arising to the Crown should be divided, one moiety to Lord Francis Willoughby for the remainder of his lease, and after that the said moiety of the customs to go to the support of the government of those islands, &c.; and of the other moiety, 500l. per annum to the Earl of Marlborough for life, and after to William Ley, Esq., his uncle, during life; 500l. per ann. to the Earl of Kinnoul, until the creditors of the Earl of Carlisle were paid, and after their debts were paid, 1,000l. per annum to the Earl of Kinnoul and his heirs for ever.
Further, that the creditors of the Earl of Carlisle had voluntarily abated one third of the principal debt, which amounted to 37,074l. 9s. 6d., whereupon it was ordered that the other two parts, amounting to 24,716l. 6s. 4d. should be paid to them in goods upon the said islands; the said second moiety of the customs of the Caribbee Islands, after satisfaction to the creditors, to revert to the Crown, excepting the 1,000l. per annum to the Earl of Kinnoul; that Francis Lord Willoughby arriving soon after in Barbadoes, passed an Act whereby the duty of 4½ per cent. upon all dead commodities of the produce of those islands, and exported from thence, became payable to the King, and the management thereof was left to the Lord Willoughby as chief Governor, after whose death, William, Lord Willoughby, his brother, succeeded, pursuant to a commission dated 3 Jan. 1666, on which the said creditors complained that the revenues ordered for their satisfaction had been wholly withheld, but by a letter in Council certain agents were nominated on behalf of the creditors to receive such part of the profits as, by the order of 1663, should be due, and to act as controllers of the revenue. On the 26th of February following the King signified to William Lord Willoughby that he had appointed a regiment of foot to be sent to Barbadoes under Sir Tobias Bridges, and that he should pay them and other forces for the defence of those islands out of the King's moiety of the duty of 4½ per cent.
On the 10th of Jan. 1667 the said creditors complained that they had received no part of their debt, nor was their agent admitted to act on their behalf, the answer given by Lord Willoughby being, that the necessary charges of the government upon emergent occasions were intended to be first deducted, that his Lordship had been at great expense in his voyage, carrying on the King's service, repairing forts, expedition of St. Lucia, the public debts by the war, victualling fleets, &c., and they ought not then to expect payment.
On 31 July 1668 a letter was directed from the Council Board to the Lord William Willoughby, signifying that the said regiment should be continued and paid out of the duty of 4½ per cent., designed for the support of the Government, and the residue disposed of for the necessary charges of the Government, and for the debts for the public service.
By an Order in Council of 22 Dec 1669, the King directed the Lords of the Treasury that the farm of the duty of 4½ per cent. in the Caribbee Islands, should be applied to the support of the militia, and for losses in ships and goods sustained in the late war.
On 9 Sept. 1670 the duty of 4½ per cent. in Barbadoes was by letters patent farmed to the Right Hon. Robert Spencer, Esq., Sir Charles Wheler, Col. John Strode, and others for seven years at a rent of 7,000l. per annum, and on 25 April 1670 that revenue in the Leeward Islands was farmed to Col. Strode for the same term, under the yearly rent of 700l.
On the 22nd of Dec. following an order passed in the Treasury Chamber for the recall of the above regiment, and for the payment, with interest, out of the said 4½ per cent.
On the surrender, by William Earl of Kinnoul, of all his interest in the Caribbee Islands, the King by patent of 24 May 1672, granted to him an annuity of 600l. for five years, and at the expiration of that term an annuity of 1,000l. out of the said 4½ per cent., notwithstanding any other charges thereon, and in default out of other the King's treasure.
On 11 June 1673, a privy seal passed for the payment of 4,750l. to the said Earl, in satisfaction of the arrears of the annuity of 500l., payable from Midsummer 1663 to Michaelmas 1671, part of which had only been paid, viz., to Michaelmas 1678.
On the petition of the Countess Dowager of Kinnoul the King, on 13 Oct. 1680, referred the same to the Lords of the Treasury. The Countess claimed 9,250l., with interest.
During the late war with the French a debt for the freight of ships, ammunition, wages of seamen, &c., amounting to 11,355l. 8s. 7d. was incurred by the Governor of the Caribbee Islands, of which 6,666l. 6s. 1d. remained unpaid.
There were other similar pretensions amounting to 12,740l.
The King granted one moiety of the profits arising in the Caribbee Islands to Francis Lord Willoughby: at his death Richard, then Lord Viscount Ranelagh, and William Lord Brereton, petitioned the King for 8,397l. 2s.d., expended for the King's use by Lord Willoughby, which sum was due to them in right of their wives, as his daughters and co-heirs. It was ordered to be paid by privy seal of 7 July 1673, and 2,758l. 11s.d. remained unsatisfied.
By letters patent dated 18 Dec. 1665, 500l. per annum was granted to Sir Geo. Carteret, Knt. and Bart., deceased, for the lives of the late Earl of Marlborough and James Carteret, Esq., and the arrears amounted to 8,000l.
1,492l. 5s. 7d. were due to the soldiers and officers of Sir Tobias Bridges' regiment.
The rent payable from Barbadoes by the farmers for seven years amounted to 49,000l., and from the Leeward Islands 4,900l., but by the war, plague, &c., the farmers had only answered for 20,975l. 19s. 8d. from Barbadoes, and 350l. from the other islands, and they stood yet charged for their farm in Barbadoes with 7,652l. 8s. 6d., and to the Leeward Islands 2,829l. 6s.d., whereof the farmers craved 4,800l. for themselves.
By letters patent of 25 April 1678, the King had demised the duties payable in the Caribbee Islands to Robert Spencer, Col. John Strode, Charles Tucker, and others, for seven years, at a rent of 5,300l. per annum, on which they alleged they had paid in tallies 22,148l. 3s. 10d., there being other tallies unpaid to the sum of 3,820l. 4s. 7d.
So that there appeared due to the various claimants out of this revenue 70,193l. 13s.d., besides the expense of the governments in the Caribbee Islands, for the pay of the Governors and two foot companies at St. Christopher's, 4,678l. 10s. 8d.; for the discharge whereof there was the yearly duty of 4½ per cent., viz., 5,300l., which for the year 1684 was anticipated.
19 pages.
Copy of a large portion of the above report.
7 pages.
Jan. 22.
55. Petition of George, Earl of Kinnoul, to the Lords of the Treasury, stating that he was an infant, and that his father surrendered to the King in 1672, his whole interest in the Barbadoes and Caribbee Islands, in consideration of 600l. per annum for five years, from Michaelmas 1671, and 1,000l. per annum for ever after, to be paid out of the revenue there or elsewhere, praying that his friends and guardians might be heard in his behalf.
Accompanied by:
(1.) The case, as represented by his guardians.
Reasons why the said arrears, together with the growing annuities, ought to be paid.
Proposals for clearing the arrears of the said pension and settling the payments for the future; and
Further proposals on behalf of the said Earl.
Dated on the dorse 22 Jan. 1684.
(2.) A letter of Wm. Griffith (without date) to Laurence, Earl of Rochester, Lord Treasurer, begging him to cast a favourable eye on the (above) petition, and also to afford him a spare minute (when the King was at Windsor that vacation) to acquaint him (the Treasurer) with the unmannerly reflections made on him and his cotrustees, in the case of the advowson of North Perrot, by the defendants, &c., and at the same time to intimate the discovery of several concealed lands, and further, to be mindful of the poor secondary and clerks in his own Remembrancer's Office. And
(3.) The petition of Mervin, Earl of Castlehaven, Richard Allibond, Esq., and the rest of the guardians of George, Earl of Kinnoul, during his nonage, addressed to the said Lord Treasurer, stating that their pupil's estate was chiefly dependent on the Crown, and the settlement of it was referred to his Lordship, and that he was in great distress at Paris, and in debt for the sustenance of himself, his brother, and two sisters; praying the expediting the report to the King, and for his intercession with the King for the supply of his necessities, and to enable him to return to pay his homage to His Majesty.
5 pages.