Volume 26: January 3-March 6, 1694

Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 1, 1556-1696. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1868.

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'Volume 26: January 3-March 6, 1694', in Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 1, 1556-1696, ed. Joseph Redington( London, 1868), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-papers/vol1/pp338-350 [accessed 27 July 2024].

'Volume 26: January 3-March 6, 1694', in Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 1, 1556-1696. Edited by Joseph Redington( London, 1868), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-papers/vol1/pp338-350.

"Volume 26: January 3-March 6, 1694". Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 1, 1556-1696. Ed. Joseph Redington(London, 1868), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-papers/vol1/pp338-350.


January 3–March 6, 1694

Jan. 3.
1. Petition of Robert Thompson, one of the grooms of the Privy Chamber, to the King; praying for an assignment of so much of the fee farm rents as would pay him 800l., being the remainder of a registered order, which he had on the fee farm rents, for 1,046l. 14s. due to him.
Docquetted:—“Brought in by the King, 3rd Jany '93–4.” 1 page.
Jan. 5. 2. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, concerning the several sums paid to the King's Remembrancer in the Exchequer, amounting to 424l. 1s. 8d.; viz., 45l. 12s. for fees to himself for passing the customers' accounts; 340l. 14s. 4d. for the blank books for the patent officers in the out ports; and 37l. 15s. 4d. for the blank books for the Surveyor-General, in the port of London; finding that these sums had been annually paid, and referring their Lordships for the usefulness of the books to a report of 14 July 1686. Dated 5 Jan. 1693–4.
Accompanied by a copy of the report referred to. 3½ pages.
Jan. 5. 3. Report of the Comrs of Prizes to the Lords of the Treasury, stating that they were under some difficulty, by the late Act for encouraging privateers, in complying with their Lordships' desire, in relation to the payment of the money for ships sold at public sale, and as to the disposal of the “St. Margaret” privateer, of St. Malo; laying before their Lordships the states of the following ships, viz., the “St. Margaret,” “La Fidele” (formerly called the “Talbot,” ketch), and the “Jolly,” privateer, all lying at Plymouth. Dated 5 Jan. 1693–4. 2 pages.
Jan. 5. 4. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, stating that they had laid before their Lordships, a schedule of the bonds for impost on tobacco, due Mich. 1693, framed by Mr. Wicks, receiver of the plantation duties; by which it appeared that 32,000l. were due on those bonds, &c. and in consequence of the confusion in the accounts of Mr. Wicks, they had directed the Controller General to give him a full charge from the beginning of his account in 1685, and to require him to discharge himself as he could. On the balance he remained debtor for bonds on the 14th of Nov. 1693, to the value of 30,075l. 16s. 10d.; they describe their perplexities about his accounts, and that to prevent further enlargement they had dispensed with his attendance at the Custom House, on his receipt of the plantation duties, and state other measures they had taken thereon. Dated 5 Jan. 1693.
Accompanied by a balance sheet of the said Mr. Wicks. 2 pages and 3 halves.
Jan. 5. 5. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on a paper annexed, entitled “Proposals humbly offered to the Rt Honble the Lords Comrs of their Majts Treasury, for encreasing their Majtys revenue, arising out of the duties and new imposts upon tobacco, with advantage to that trade, and an encouragemt to the plantacions, with the consent of the merchants for ye continuation of ye new impost, wch they have petitioned the Parliamt to take off, that expires 1696, and to the abatemt of debenturs.”
Accompanied by the paper,—
Docquetted:—“The paper of proposalls for ye destruction of stalks and damaged tobacco.” The report disapproves of the proposals, and states it would not be desirable to discourage the exportation of tobacco to foreign parts, for many weighty reasons; and further states that they had no particular instances of the frauds charged on the officers of the customs. Dated 5 Jan. 1693.
Also another copy of the proposals, with answers to the same. 8 pages.
Jan. 9. 6. Memorial of the Commissioners for sick and wounded seamen, &c. to the Lords of the Treasury, setting forth as they had done in a previous memorial, the miserable condition of the poor people, to whom the service was indebted at Rochester, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Dartmouth, Deal, &c.; praying them to order a supply. Dated 9 Jan. 1693–4. 1 page.
Jan. 11.]
7. Petition of Ann Goulding, widow of Captain John Goulding, who was killed at sea, in the service of King Charles the Second; stating that at the time her husband was killed, he had taken two men-of-war prize, after a sharp engagement; praying for payment of an arrear of 200l. due on her pension of 120l. per ann., or for tallies on the customs or excise.
Minuted:—“11th Jany '93. Shee is upon the list.” 1 page.
Jan. 12. 8. Report of Mr. Charles Fox to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Thomas Sandiforth, Thos. Cash, and others, inhabitants of Manchester and Stockport, for payment of 186l. 10s. 3d. due from several officers, &c. of the regiment, lately commanded by Col. Byerly and then by Col. Wyndham; in favour of the petitioners. Dated 12 Jan. 1693–4.
Minuted:—“A letter to Mr. Fox to pay this 186l. 10s. 3d., or so much thereof as the Collonell shall not make proofe to bee already paid.” 2 pages.
Jan. 14. 9. Report of S. Travers, Surveyor-General, to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Sir John Wynne and others, and on their Lordships' warrant, for a lease of the nine shops desired by the petitioners to have been passed to John Matthias and Mary his wife, for 31 years; stating that the petitioners in behalf of the county of Denbigh desired a lease of the premises for 61 years, as there was a necessity to rebuild their justice hall at Wrexham, under which these shops were situate; advising that it should be granted, and that they should be obliged, at the new building the hall, to reedify the shops and that the same rent of 4l. should be reserved. Dated 14 Jan. 1693.
Minuted:—“29 Oct. 1694. Agreed to ye report.”
Also the petition. 1¾ pages.
Jan. 15. 10. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of William Smith, merchant, praying to be discharged from imprisonment; suggesting that he should be released from prison, but not from the King's debt, by a supersedeas, in accordance with the report of Mr. Hutchinson, their solicitor. Dated 15 Jan. 1693–4.
Minuted:—“27 Feb. '93–4. Referr'd to Mr. Attorney-Genll.”
Also the petition and report referred to, and another paper on the same subject. 4 pages or parts of pages.
Jan. 20. 11. Report of agents for taxes to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of John Gore gent., receiver-general of the quarterly poll for the co. of Northampton, in favour of allowing him 40l. for his extraordinary charges. Dated 20 Jan. 1693.
Also the petition. 2 pages.
Jan. 20. 12. Similar report of the aame agents, to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of John Child, gent., receiver-general of the 2nd poll, the 1st and 2nd 13 months' aid, and quarterly poll for the county of Wilts; recommending the allowance to him of 140l. Dated 20 Jan, 1693.
Minuted:—“24 July '94. Agreed.”
Also the petition, and the account of his expenses. 4 pages.
Jan. 22. 13. Order in Council, referring the petition of Major David Bourke to the Lords of the Treasury. Dated 22 Jan. 1693.
The petition prays that a report on behalf of the petitioner and eight officers, a serjeant, and a drummer, then before their Lordships, might be expedited, and that he might receive the assignment mentioned in the report, being 100l., which he had disbursed in the King's service.
Minuted:—“22th June '94. Nothing can be done in it.” 1½ pages.
Jan. 23. 14. Letter of the Lords Justices of Ireland to the Lords of the Treasury, transmitting a report of the Comrs of Revenue as to the condition and value of a prize ship brought into Kinsale by the “Dovor” frigate; further putting them in mind of the condition of the revenue, which would not defray the charge of the Government, and so they could not purchase the ship as commanded, &c. Dated 23 Jan. 1693–4.
Also the report, and “An inventory of the ship ‘Beaulieu’ of St. Malos, a French privateer, taken by the ‘Dover’ frigot,” &c. 6 pages.
Jan. 23. 15. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of James Hollidge, of Bristol, merchant; advising the remission of a surcharge of 20s. a ton on certain calamint (lapis calaminaris) which he (as they thought) in all probability bought, exported, and sold according to the old custom, and not the new impositions. Dated 23 Jan. 1693–4.
Minuted:—“It is appropriated to the loanes of mony.”
The petition, a certificate of the collector of Bristol, an opinion of the Attorney-General, and a duplicate of part of the same. 4 pages and 2 halves.
[? About
Jan. 23.]
16. Petition of Greenvile Collins, captain of the King's yacht, the “Mary,” addressed to the King, praying for the grant of a lease of the manor of Reigate, in Surrey, for 99 years.
Minuted:—“23 Jany '93–4. My Lords do not think it for His Maties service to grant a lease of this manor.” [See another similar petition from him (undated), Vol. I., No. 36, which should probably have been placed under this year.] ½ page (quarto).
[? About
Jan. 23.]
17. Petition of Capt. James St. Pierre, of the Royal regiment of Dragoons, commanded by the Hon. Col. Edw. Mathews, praying that a stop might be put on the payment of 50l. to Mrs. Martha Dilling, out of arrears due to the petitioner's troop, until he had been heard by their Lordships.
Minuted:—“23 Jan. '93. To be heard, & a letter to Mr. Fox not to pay the 50l. till further order.”
Also a further petition of the same captain. Parts of 2 pages.
Jan. 25. 18. Report of W. Lowndes to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Sir Thomas Duppa, and on the report made by Mr. Knight certifying that the executors of Dr. Lamplugh, late Bishop of Exeter, and Sir Thomas Duppa (who was his sub-collector of the tenths of that diocese) were indebted to His Majesty 655l. 11s. 8d. for the tenths; that Sir Thomas employed one Mr. Francis Blight as his agent, who, with John Blight of Bodmin, were bound to Sir Thomas in 2,000l. to render true account of what was received, and Francis Blight was also bound in 500l. for the same purpose; further that he failed having 439l. 9s. 2d. of the tenths in his hands. Stating the remedies proposed to supply the deficiency. Dated 25 Jan. 1693.
Minuted:—“Agree with this report.”
The petition, report, and three other papers relating thereto. 5 pages and 2 parts of pages.
Jan. 26. 19. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the seizure of French goods lately made by Mr. Kirby at Rottendean, in Sussex; and on their value, about which there was an information exhibited in the Court of Exchequer for recovery of the goods, which were appraised at 3,322l. 16s.d.; further, laying before their Lordships the account of certain seizures made by custom-house officers, not yet paid into the Pell Office at the Exchequer. Dated 26 Jan. 1693–4.
The petition of Col. John Deane and Henry Pelham, Esq., in connexion with the above, and the appraisement and account to which reference is made, and a paper entitled “A state of the prosecutions at law of the seizures following, and how they now stand.” Dated 26 Jan. 1693–4. 6 pages.
Jan. 26. 20. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the question whether it might be fit to review and make some alterations in the Book of Rates, in connexion with the renewal of the Act of Tonnage and Poundage, and as to what time such review and alterations would require; expressing the opinion that it was inconvenient at present to alter the rates, &c. but they had collected several clauses to be inserted in the Act then passing in Parliament, which would conduce much to the ease of the merchants. Dated 26 Jan. 1693–4.
Enclosing a paper, headed:—“Farther rules and instructions, by way of explanation and supply of such lawes as have been found either obscure or insufficient for preventing abuses and frauds in the exercise of trade and payment of their Majts customes,” &c. 6¼ pages.
Jan. 26. 21. Report of Sir Richard Levinge to the Lords Justices and General Governors of Ireland, on the petition of William Palmer, of the city of Dublin, gent., as to an estate, consisting of houses in Athlone and lands in the counties of Roscommon and Westmeath, demolished or wasted by the late war; and as to the title of George Devinish to the same, who was outlawed for treason, and indebted to the petitioner. Dated 26 Jan. 1693. 1½ pages.
Jan. 30. 22. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of the Mayor and Aldermen of Bristol, praying permission to bring in 5,000 bushels of wheat from Ireland, for the relief of the poor, without duty; stating that if the price was between 53s. 4d. and 4l. a quarter, it was subject to a duty of 8s. a quarter by the act of tillage, and the amount involved would be 250l.; leaving it to their Lordships to decide if it could be done. Dated 31 Jan. 1693–4.
Minuted:—“It cannot be granted, because the customs are appropriated to the money lent on them.” 1 page.
Jan. 31. 23. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Henry Stancomb of Bristol, grocer, who was engaged with another in sending tobacco to Ireland, which was seized and sold, by the loss of which he could not pay his bonds for customs; advising that they should take what he was able to pay. Dated 31 Jan. 1693–4.
The petition, a report of the collector of customs, and a schedule of the bonds. 3½ pages.
Feb. 1. 24. Report of the Comrs of Excise to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of George Tokefeild, stating that they had considered the same, and were of opinion that the loss of the 20l. mentioned in the petition, as paid to Charles Deering, Esq., was a great hardship; and that an arrear of 14l. 19s. 2d. might be allowed to the petitioner. Dated 1 Feb. 1693–4.
Minuted:—“Agreed to.”
The petition and an affidavit. 3 pages.
Feb. 1. 25. Report of the Comrs of Excise to the Lords of the Treasury, recommending the continuance of Mr. Wm. Hall as deputy housekeeper of the excise office, at 50l. a year. Dated 1 Feb. 1693–4.
Minuted:—“Ult. Feb. '93–4. Granted.” 1 page.
Feb. 3. 26. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Joseph Jordan, one of the King's patent waiters in the port of London; praying that Mr. Edw. Buck might be appointed in his place, stating that they had nothing to object thereto. Dated 3 Feb. 1693–4.
Also the petition. Parts of 2 pages.
Feb. 3. 27. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, upon a paper of queries relating to the new impositions on tobacco. There were eight queries, to each of which a separate return is made. Dated 3 Feb. 1693.
Minuted:—“To be read again at a full board.”
Copy of the Virginia merchants' reasons against giving 3/6 months bonds for the duty on tobacco, addressed to the Comrs of Customs. 10 pages and 2 halves.
Feb. 5. 28. Report of Mr. Brook Bridges to the Lords of the Treasury, on the paper annexed, relating to the accounts of the late Comrs for disbanding the army, raised in the year 1677; recommending their Lordships by a warrant to the Treasurer's Remembrancer and Clerk of the Pipe, to direct a stop of further proceedings on any process which might have issued against any persons mentioned at the foot of Sir Thos. Players' account. Dated 5 Feb. 1693.
Minuted:—“The warrant to bee prepared & a copy of all these imprests to bee sent to the Lords.” 2 pages.
Feb. 5. 29. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Charles Tyrrell, of Hanslop, Esq., who desired to transfer his appointment as King's waiter, in the port of London, to his near relation Mr. James Tyrrell; stating they had nothing to object. Dated 5 Feb. 1693–4.
Accompanied by the petition, and a medical certificate as to the health of the petitioner. 2½ pages.
[? About
Feb. 5.]
30. Report of the agents for bringing in taxes, to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of William Whitebread, Esq., receiver general of the 1st aid of 4s. in the pound, for the county of Bedford; recommending the allowance to him of 72l. for his extraordinary charges. Referred 5 Feb. 1693.
The petition and a bill of his disbursements. 3 pages.
Feb. 6. 31. Copy of a report of the Principal Comrs for Prizes, on the petition of Mr. Thomas Pottinger, certifying that they had appointed him on 8 Aug. 1691, as agent for prizes at Belfast without salary, but to be rewarded as he should deserve, as was customary with other agents. By his diligence he had returned 5,929l. 11s. 2d., which he discovered had been formerly embezzled by captains and others out of prizes. As nothing could at present be recovered from the captains they (the Comrs) could not reward him and had only paid him 30l. 5s. 10d. for his charges; but as soon as they obtained anything by the prosecution they were carrying on, they would recommend him to their Lordships for a gratification. Dated 6 Feb. 1693–4.
An account of the particulars and sums making up the 5,929l. 11s. 2d. above named, the copy of the petition and four other documents relating thereto. 6 pages.
6 Feb.]
32. Petition of William Jones, apothecary, addressed to the Lords of the Treasury, setting forth that notwithstanding the grant of the office of apothecary to him, yet one Mr. Soames was admitted contrary to all rules of equity; praying their Lordships to inspect the letters patent and stop the payment of the fees to Mr. Soames.
Minuted:—“6th Feb. '93–4. Referred to Mr. Lowndes to examine the patent.” 1 page.
Feb. 7. 33. A letter without address of Viscount Gallway, written at the earnest entreaty of the Burgomasters and Senate of Zurich, to recommend the interests of Madame d'Oberkan; stating that they had besought the King to order payment of what was due to her husband, and begged the writer to forward the letter; he had received much honour from them, and had found the principles of that canton well intentioned for the King's service. The name of her husband was still venerated there, and his daughter was allied to a family quite in the King's service. [French.] Dated at Zurich, 7–17 Feb., '93–94.
[See her claim for payment of 438l. under 10 Jan. 1692–3.]
Holograph. 3 pages.
Feb. 7. 34. Letter of the Consul and Senate of the city of Zurich to King William the Third, in favour of Elizabeth “de Saint Delys ab Harcourt,” widow of Col. Oberkan, who left France early in 1690 and hastened to the King in Belgium, and having reached Piedmont by great journeys, supported the royal arms as a leader and adviser until he died; recommending the widow for the royal bounty, on account of her losses. Dated 7 Feb. 1694. [Latin.] 2½ pages.
Feb. 8. 35. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on a paper of queries, relating to the duty upon salt, finishing thus:—“If a great duty shall be layd on salt (such as two shillings per bushell), it is fitt there should be a draw back, for all that shall be exported or imployed in the curing or saving of the flesh or fish that shall be exported.” Dated 8 Feb. 1693–4.
Also a separate paper with the queries. 1 page and 2 halves.
Feb. 12. 36. Memorial of Sir Christopher Wren, as to certain fee-farm rents, praying their Lordships to direct Sir John Talbot to seal certain deeds forthwith; enclosing copy of “the tenth instruction from the Privy Seal to the trustees for sale of the fee-farme rents.”
The memorial is dated 12 Feb. 1693–4. 2 half pages.
Feb. 14. 37. Letter from the Lords of the Treasury to the Lords Justices of Ireland, sending a petition of James Roche, representing his miserable circumstances, and praying a grant of the estate of James Everard, in the county of Waterford, set at 37l. a year. Dated 14 Feb. 1693.
The petition is not now with it, but there is a schedule entitled “An account of the ferries humbly desired by James Roch.” There are 20 separate ferries set down. 2 pages.
Feb. 15. 38. Letter of the Duke of Bolton to Mr. Guy, thanking their Lordships that they intend to issue a warrant for 600 trees and 200 loads of knees and standards, and wishing they could find them in the New Forest; the last that were felled were such small sticks that the King lost 50 per cent. by cutting them before they were fuller grown. If the King for his profit pleased to command to destroy the forest, he had nothing to object; but submitted to their Lordships the said destruction, to the King's loss and the spoil of the ships by sap timber; he doubted not but their Lordships' officer would contradict all this, as he had done all the Duke represented, and had the luck to be believed, and desired Sir Robert Smith and others might be joined in the commission, that such trees might be cut as were fit for the Navy. Dated 15 Feb. 1693. 2 pages (quarto).
Feb. 17. 39. A letter signed “Edeth Lutwyche,” addressed to Sir Stephen Fox, one of the Lords of the Treasury, pressing their Lordships forthwith to take into their personal custody certain writings concerning the priests' and Jesuits' estates, which had been delivered to their honours a little before Christmas. Dated 17 Feb. 1693–4. 1 page (decayed).
Feb. 19. 40. “An account of what money is to bee paid this week on account of victualling.” Dated 19 Feb. 1693–4. 1¼ pages.
[? About
Feb. 19.]
41. “The case of Sir Clowdesly Shovell, as also severall of the captains,” showing that in 1690 he commanded a squadron in the Irish Seas, and that Capt. Byng, commander of the “Dovor,” and Capt. Fitzpatrick, commander of the “St. Albans,” each took a French prize, bound to Dublin, on board of which were wines and brandies, which, according to the Act of Parliament, should be destroyed “if brought to England;” but being desired by General Schomberg and several other field officers in Ireland for the soldiers in winter quarters in and about Belfast, they were suffered to be carried into Belfast and paid the duties, a great part was given, and the remainder sold for the nutriment of the soldiers. Also Sir Cloudesly, with some of his officers and marines, at great hazard successfully brought out a ship from the port of Dublin, and gave the officers and mariners 300l. out of his own pocket, which had not been repaid to him. They pray for a pardon, as they were called to account by the Comrs for Prizes.
Minuted:—“19th Feby '93. To the Commissioners of the Prizes to certify how the matter of fact is.” 1 page.
Feb. 20. 42. Memorial of the officers of the Ordnance to the Lords of the Treasury, reminding them of the necessitous condition of the office, more especially as to the land service, they having received 107,076l. 4s. short of what the Parliament allowed them; praying to be informed from what fund they were to receive it, as the artificers would not proceed in their work, and they could not fit out the artillery train for the next campaign; representing the remoteness of the tallies assigned to the office, and the condition of the poor gun-makers; and further hoping their Lordships would not think of giving less than 8s. in every 4l. 5s. as their quota, under the sea service. Dated 20 Feb. 1693–4. 2½ pages.
Feb. 20. 43. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, respecting a complaint against Mr. Francklyn, surveyor of the port of Deal, for being angry with Mr. Waring, the late collector of Deal, for giving him an account of a Sweeds ship that was bound to France, laden with tar and other stores; stating that they had written to the chief boatman, who heard the conversation, to transmit his opinion concerning Francklyn, of his affection or disaffection to the present Government, &c., to which they had received, in answer, an affidavit entirely in his favour; thereupon they made their presentment for removing him from Deal to Milford, believing him innocent of that matter, yet not thinking fit to continue him at Deal for other things charged against him, but not so fully made out as to amount to his dismission; and further, it was agreeable to the methods of this Board, to remove officers from one port to another, upon strong suspicions of their too great familiarity with the merchants, or of undue practices, when there was not direct proof against them, thereby to break their measures and correspondences, without which any ill-practices could hardly be executed. Dated 20 Feb. 1693–4. 1½ pages.
Feb. 20. 44. Report of the [officers] of the Transport Office to the Lords of the Treasury, upon the papers of the Baron de Luttichaw, who had petitioned for two ships of about 200 tons each, victualled and equipped, to carry 200 Protestant families from Germany to Ireland; he computed they would amount to 1,000 persons, besides their goods, and the ships must make two voyages for them to Hamburg and from thence to Ireland. It would require eight months; the ships would each need 40 men and 20 guns, and could not be hired under 200l. per month each, besides which their Majesties would be obliged to insure them against the enemy; for which considerations they advised that it was better to ship the families on board the fleets that come from Hamburg, for England, by 10, 20, or 30 persons on a ship, whom the masters would be glad to bring over at about 20s. a head, they finding their own provisions. Dated 20 Feb. 1693–4.
Accompanied by two petitions of the Baron, and another report on the same subject. Dated 20 Jan. 1693–4.
In one of the petitions he says, he purposed bringing the families from Silesia in Germany, upon three proposals: 1st, that he might be furnished from the prize office with two transport ships; 2nd, that such goods and commodities as these 200 families should bring with them should be customs free; and 3rd, that he should have a grant to him and his heirs of forfeited lands in Ireland to the value of 700li per ann.
In the other he prays to have the two ships which those families would have occasion for, after they were transported, to send to and from Norway for boards, timber, and other necessaries for building their houses and settling themselves. 4 pages.
Feb. 20. 45. Report of Mr. Chas. Fox to the Lords of the Treasury, on the memorial of Brigadier Thomas Erle, and on a warrant for taking several cheques, and granting him other allowances for tents, arms, &c., burnt or redelivered into the stores in Ireland; stating that he did not find any regiment of the army under the like circumstances, unless it were Brigadier Hastings, who, as to certain cheques laid on them, upon their sudden removal from Scotland to Ireland, after the battle with Dundee's forces, had the same pretensions, and if the King should direct the payment of what was due to complete Brigadier Erle's sum, he would want 2,804l. 12s. 11d., &c. Dated 20 Feb. 1693–4.
Minuted:—“My Lords will give an assignment upon some funds when they are given.” 1 page.
Feb. 26. 46. Letter of the Lords Justices of Ireland, addressed to His or Her Majesty, relative to the petition of Ann Eustace praying a discharge of four years' quit rent, payable out of lands referred to in the petition which had been referred to the late Lord Lieutenant, and from him to the Solicitor-General, transmitting his report. Dated 26 Feb. 1693–4.
Also the petition and other papers. 6 pages and 3 halves.
Feb. 27. 47. Report of Mr. Aaron Smith to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petitions of Francis Jones and others, touching the shares in a reward of 500l. to them for furnishing information which led to the conviction of Shadrack Cork, clerk, for forgery. Dated 27 Feb. 1693–4. 2¼ pages.
Feb. 27. 48. Report of Lord Ranelagh to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Nathaniel Carpenter, agent to Col. Tho. Hill, captain of an independent company in the Leeward Islands; praying that the pay of that company might be computed according to the establishment, notwithstanding the want of muster rolls; stating that if their Lordships thought fit to direct the payment he must pray His Majesty's warrant. Dated 27 Feb. 1693.
The petition and three certificates, in which it appears the troops were employed in the islands of St. Martin's, Antigua, and St. Christopher's. 4½ pages.
27 Feb.]
49. Petition of Richard Wayte and others to the Lords of the Treasury, showing that they had furnished accoutrements for Brigadier Villier's regiment of horse; praying to be paid in specie or tallies upon the fag-end of the land-tax.
Minuted:—“27 Feb. '93–4. Referred to my L. Ranelagh.” 1 page.
Feb. 28. 50. Memorial of the Comrs for sick and wounded seamen and prisoners of war to the Lords of the Treasury, showing that the arrears amounted, on 31 Dec. 1693, to 35,552l. 9s.d., for that department; praying them to order an establishment whereby they might give the poor people some encouragement to proceed in the service, which the approaching expedition urgently required. Dated 28 Feb. 1693–4.
A duplicate copy. [The date 1691 in the latter is an error of the scribe.] 2 pages.
[? Feb.
51. Report of Brook Bridges, Esq., Auditor of their Majesties' imprests, addressed to the Lords of the Treasury, on the draught of a warrant for a Privy Seal for passing the accounts of the Master of the Horse, stating that he saw no cause to object to it.
The report is endorsed on the draught, and is undated; but it was referred to him on 1 Feb. 1693–4. 6½ pages (brief size).
Feb. 52. Memorial of two of the officers of Ordnance to the Lords of the Treasury, in favour of Master Maccarell, owner of two ships taken up to transport the train and stores from Belfast to Dublin in 1690. Dated Feb. 1693–4. 1 page.
53. “Copy of Tho. Meech, his remonstrance against diverse Scotch merchants and others trading to Virginia.”
A paper so endorsed, consisting of copies of four papers relating to the trade carried on directly between Scotland and Ireland, and Virginia and Pensylvania, contrary to the Act of Parliament.
The last is dated 3 Feb. 1693–4. 5½ pages.
March 1. 54. Letter of the Comrs of Customs for Ireland, addressed to the Right Hon. Francis Robartes and Thomas Keightley, Esq., respecting the settlement of the accounts of Mr. Boardman, viz., for the discharge of his arrears in connexion with the army bills; stating their belief, that if the Lords of the Treasury would write to the Lords Justices to give the necessary orders required by Her Majesty's letter, the matter would be settled to Mr. Boardman's satisfaction, &c. Dated 1 March 1693–4. 1 page.
March 1. 55. “Petition of ye Judges of ye northern & southern circuits in Wales, praying an augmentac[i]on of their salaries.”
“Referr'd to yor Lo[r]pps by Order of Councill.” Dated 1 March 1693.
Minuted:—“29th Oct. '94. To be laid before ye King.” 1 page and 2 parts of pages.
March 2. 56. Report of Mr. Charles Fox to the Lords of the Treasury on the petition of Ann Savage, widow of Capt. Robt. Savage, late Provost Marshal in Ireland, praying payment of 106l. 6s., due to her husband; objecting to the manner of the account. Dated 2 March 1693.
Minuted:—“10 Mar. '93–4. To speak wt Mr Fox. 26 June '94. To be considered when ye Irish arrears are cleer'd.”
Also the petition and a certificate.
In the Minute Book, Vol. VI., p. 145, is this entry, which may or may not be in relation to this claim:—“Mary Stedman 20li, Anne Savage 10li, but they are to have no more.” 2¼ pages.
March 2. 57. Presentment by the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, respecting advances made by the collectors of customs to the Vice-Admirals, for raising seafaring men for the fleet; praying directions might be given to the Comrs of the Navy to make out bills for the sums mentioned in the schedule annexed, to be paid to the Receiver-General of the Customs on the account of the respective collectors who had advanced those sums. Dated 2 March 1693–4.
Accompanied by the schedule. 4 pages.
March 3. 58. Report of the agents for bringing in taxes, to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition and account of Wm. Greene, one of the receivers general of the last year's 4s. aid for the county of Stafford (Samuel Foden being the other), about some difference between the two receivers in their account. Dated 3 March 1693–4.
Minuted:—“The agents to be here on Tuesday next about ye receivership of Staffordshire.”
Also the petition and account and another petition of William Greene. 5½ pages.
March 5. 59. Report of the victuallers of their Majesties' Navy to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Christopher Godsalve and William Harman, pursers of their Majesties' ships “London” and “Hampton Court”; stating that they had intended to pay the bills of the petitioners in two weeks, if the office had been supplied with 20,000l. a week, as they desired; but they could spare no part of the 10,000l. a week, which was much too short of what was necessary for the present outset of the fleet. Dated 5 March 1693.
The petition and copies of three orders to the Treasurer to pay bills of exchange. 8 parts of pages.
March 6. 60. Letter signed Wm. Steuart, commencing “My Lords,” stating that he brought a letter from their Lordships to the Lords Justices, directing them to give him two years pay on account of his arrears as brigadier; which he so relied on, that he made use of most of the four months' pay which he received at London for his officers; but the said [Lords Justices] positively told him they had not money to answer any part of their Lordships' directions; pressing for their speedy removal of his disappointment. Dated Dublin, 6 March 1693.
Minuted:—“Done.” 2 half pages (quarto).
March 6. 61. Report of Mr. Aaron Smith to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Mrs. Elizabeth Gellott, the daughter of Col. Washington, lately deceased, who, he was informed, hazarded his life and exhausted his fortune in the service of King Charles I., as to the fine of 200 marks set upon Francis West, of which the petitioner prayed the grant; he had made a report when West had petitioned for a remission of the fine owing to his extreme poverty, which had reduced him to the common side of the prison, and the petitioner, Mrs. Gellott, then very much insisted on his extreme poverty, which he could not reconcile with her present petition. Dated 6 March 1693. 1 page and 2 parts.
March 6. 62. Report of the officers of the Ordnance to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of William Romer, who was constituted an engineer in Ireland, at 20s. a day, to whom 271l. 9s. 1d. were due, for the fortifications at Cork, Longford, and Thurles, and 331l. 14s. 6d. for his salary. Dated 6 March 1693–4.
Also his petition, certain accounts, and certificates connected therewith. 21 pages and parts of pages.
March 6. 63. Letter of the Lords Justices of Ireland to the Lords of the Treasury, docquetted “Lds. Justices concerning the custodium of lands to Mr. Tisdale, trustee for Mr. Savage.” The custodium was sought to be obtained for seven years, out of several forfeited lands, mentioned in a schedule, and the letter was written to inform their Lordships of the proceedings of Mr. Savage, prothonotary and clerk of the Crown, who had derived large sums from fees on outlawries, and had been endeavouring to get a further recompence out of the forfeited estates. Dated Dublin Castle, 6 March 1693–4.
A report of the Commissioners of Inspection on the same subject.
Also copy of a report of the Lords Justices, dated 25 July 1694, respecting a custodium to Mr. James Tisdale of the lands in a schedule annexed. 11 pages.