Index: A

Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 3, 1702-1707. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1874.

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'Index: A', in Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 3, 1702-1707, ed. Joseph Redington (London, 1874), British History Online [accessed 11 February 2025].

'Index: A', in Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 3, 1702-1707. Edited by Joseph Redington (London, 1874), British History Online, accessed February 11, 2025,

"Index: A". Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 3, 1702-1707. Ed. Joseph Redington (London, 1874), British History Online. Web. 11 February 2025.



*** The reference is to the Volume and Number of the Paper, except in a few very lengthy abstracts, where the page is also given.

“A.B.,” complaints as to the Victualling Office; Vol. xciv., No. 109.

Abbott, Robert, for office of serjeant painter; lxxxiv. 31.

-, Sarah, relict of Mordecai, late Receiver General of Customs, petition; lxxxiv. 135.

Abercorn, or Abercorne, the Earl of, lighthouses in Ireland; xcii. 58; xciii. 57.

-, -, James, on behalf of himself and Countess Elizabeth, &c., lighthouses in Ireland, xci. 71 (p. 285); xciv. 75.

Aberdeen; ci. 97.

-, brought under survey; cii. 75.

-, excise officers at; cii. 84.

Abergwilly, bishop's palace at, repairs of; lxxxvi. 84; c. 7.

-, dilapidations at; ci. 25.

Acadia [Nova Scotia]; ciii. 61 (p. 550).

Accounts, Commissioners of; lxxx. 11, 98; lxxxi. 74; lxxxvii. 110; lxxxix. 49; xci. 37. See also Public Accounts.

-, -, notices to exhibit accounts; lxxxv. 33.

-, -, affairs of; lxxxviii. 66.

-, -, answers to reports of; lxxxix. 46, 53.

-, passing of, processes issued as to, &c. &c.; xcviii. 39.

-, Public, the Committee of. See Public Accounts.

Accountant or Accomptant General; xcvi. 108; cii. 56.

-, -, office of, irregularities in accounts, &c.; xci. 13.

-, -, -, [Irish revenue]; xcii. 85; xcvi. 98; xcix. 23.

-, -, (Ireland), cash in collectors' hands; lxxxvii. 66.

Actions upon seizure of coin, &c.; lxxxiv. 16.

Adams, Mr., petition for an appointment; lxxxi. 101.

Addison, Thomas, a commissioner for sick and wounded seamen, &c., petiiton; xciv. 32.

Additional troops. See Troops.

Administration, letters of, repealed; xcv. 36.

-, of justice, proposal for some regulation of the; lxxxiii. 116.

Admiral, an, certification of prizes taken under the flag of; lxxxv. 165.

-, the Lord High; lxxix. 67, 69; lxxxii. 36, 64; lxxxv. 105, 126; lxxxvi. 87; xcviii. 50, 53, 77.

-, -, application for convoy to be made to; lxxxv. 96.

-, -, appointment at disposal of; xc. 95.

-, -, bound to provide coastguard ships; lxxxvi. 25.

-, -, council of; lxxxvii. 65; c. 35.

-, -, -, their certificate sufficient authority to pay prize money; lxxxv. 165.

-, -, jurisdiction of; lxxxi. 97.

-, -, marines under; lxxix. 121.

-, -, perquisites of, agent in Ireland for receipt of; xciii. 85.

-, -, -, a lading of wine seized; xcvi. 49.

-, -, -, salary to be paid out of; xcvi. 53.

-, -, -, warrant to recover certain; cii. 128.

-, -, secretaries of; lxxxix. 23.

-, -, wrecked goods belonging to; lxxxiv. 98.

-, of the fleet, secretary to; lxxx. 48.

Admiralty, the; lxxxi. 48; lxxxvi. 111; lxxxix. 125, 133; xc. 17.

-, council for the affairs of the; lxxxi. 89 lxxxiv. 46.

-, Court of, or High Court of; lxxxi. 97; lxxxv. 66; lxxxix. 114.

-, -, warrant for payment of bills for; lxxxvii. 50.

-, -, claims of certain merchants in, lxxxv. 132.

-, -, how empowered to try prizes; xcvi. 31.

-, -, judge of, sentence of; lxxxv. 158.

-, -, judge and officers of, payment of fees to; lxxxvii. 22.

-, -, proceedings in, Capt. Kidd's effects; xciv. 110.

-, -, seals made for the, xcii. 47.

-, -, Antigua; xc. 97.

-, -, Jamaica; lxxxix. 90.

-, jurisdiction of the, prosecutions to support; ci. 57.

-, Office, dated; lxxxv. 45, 50; xc. 21; xcii. 5; xciii. 114; xciv. 23, 55; xcvi. 49.

-, order to pay bills; ci. 88.

-, rights and perquisites or droits of; lxxxiv. 47; xcii. 36.

-, -, agents and storekeepers for; xcix. 88.

-, -, allowance out of; lxxxvi. 30.

-, -, bills to be paid out of; lxxxvii. 50.

-, -, charge for getting in; cii. 16.

-, -, Controller of; lxxxv. 152.

-, -, recovery of, as to; lxxxvii. 65, 75.

-, -, -, officers for, as to their officer in North America; cii. 128.

-, -, at Dover, &c., services about; xciii. 122.

-, salaries, remission of taxes on; lxxxv. 18.

-, salvage money and other droits of, receiver of; xcii. 39.

-, solicitor of the; ci. 57; cii. 16.

Adventure, H.M.S.,; lxxxix. 30.

Advice, the, frigate; lxxxiii. 75.

-, H.M.S., Lady Bellomont's flight by; xci. 24.

Advocate, Lord High, Scotland; ciii. 16, 53.

-, the [Lord], ill of the gout; cii. 134.

-, Queen's, demand of flag officers upon prizes; lxxxv. 137.

Advocates, Her Majesty's, one of, and salary; ci. 43.

African Company, the, sum paid to, &c.; cii. 121, 134.

Agents' report as to an overpayment; lxxxi. 92.

-, vouchers wanting in a Sick and wounded account; lxxxvii. 44.

“Agio in Holland”; lxxxi. 6, 21.

Aglish, in co. of Kerry, as to lands in; xcvi. 120.

Aid, 3s., 1701, brief state of; lxxxv. 161.

-, third 3s., 1699, for co. of Somerset and city of Bristol; lxxxv. 38.

-, the fourth 3s., arrears; lxxxv. 161.

-, in co. of Southampton; lxxxv. 10.

“Aights” adjoining Queen's meadows; lxxxv. 89.

Airs, Mr., survey of Excise Office; lxxxv. 64.

Albany; lxxxii. 46 (p. 74); ciii. 61 (p. 549)

-, forts at, state of; lxxxv. 43.

-, garrison at, sum defrayed to; xcvii. 45.

-, Indians at, &c.; cii. 39 (p. 512).

Albemarle, Duke of, burial of; ciii. 104.

-, -, manor, &c. of; xcix. 45.

-, Earl of, lodgings of, works done at; xciii. 131.

-, -, Master of the Robes, accounts lxxxv. 78.

-, -, -, to K. William III., accounts; xcviii. 106.

-, Street; lxxxiv. 37.

Alcaid Aly, Viceroy of the Emperor of Morocco, presents sent to, to break the measures of the French and Spanish; xcvii. 7.

Alcantara, the prisoners at; xcix. 103.

Aldgate, curacy of, possession of, how obtained; lxxxvii. 111.

-, living of, Her Majesty's right to, tried, expenses, and by whom supplied; xcvii. 71.

Aldworth, Mr. Auditor; lxxxiv. 123.

-, Charles, Esq., for stay of proceedings against heirs, &c. of his late father; xciv. 101; xcv. 56.

-, Richard, Esq., fishing granted to; xciv. 117 (p. 356).

Ale and beer, persons retailing, contrary to the Act, acquitted; ci. 87.

-, brewed in Scotland; cii. 71 (p. 521).

-, measure for Scotland; ciii. 35, 91.

Aleyn, Charles, Esq., for a queen's waiter's place; xcix. 37.

-, Sir Thomas, Bart., Lord Mayor of London at K. Charles's restoration, grandson of, xcix. 37.

Algerines, a slave to the; lxxxvii, 140.

Algier or Algiers, consul at; cii. 88.

-, -, posture of affairs there, &c.; xc. 11.

-, -, necessary expenditure of, &c.; xci. 85.

-, -, chaplain to reside with, and salary to, &c.; xcviii. 61, 89.

-, governments of, presents to; lxxxiv. 90.

-, peace with Holland; lxxxiv. 34.

-, Turks belonging to, as to; lxxxv. 8, 80.

-, see also Argiers.

Alicante; ciii. 13.

Alice-Holt and Wilmer, forests of; lxxxiv. 146.

Alicera; cii. 87.

Alien enemy to the Queen, an; xcix. 117.

Aliens, goods of, entered in the name of English merchants; xciii. 65.

-, encouraged to purchase certain interests; xcv. 36.

Alienation Office, accounts of, detained; lxxxiii. 13.

-, -, clerk of indorsements in; lxxx. 13.

-, -, Commissioners of, renewal of “constitutions”; lxxx. 32.

-, -, Commissioners and Receiver-General of, for repairs of office; xc. 108.

-, -, revenue, lxxxii. 48.

Alienations, commissioners for, rent-charge xciii. 58.

Alingham, Mr., computations of [revenue]; xcii. 105.

All Saints Church, Oxford, repairs, grant, &c. See Oxford.

Allanson, Joseph, gent., contrivance to prevent imitations of the public seals; xcv. 5.

Allen, one, pretention of; lxxxiii. 9.

-, David [? Daniel], merchant, proposal as to copper coinage; ciii. 88.

-, Mr. John, late cashier for the Bank of Charity for excise officers, fraud of; lxxxv. 111.

-, Richard, to go with Major Peirs; xciv. 2.

Allford, William, application for a tidesman's place; xcii. 87.

Allies, 2,000 men sent into the service of the; lxxxvii. 138.

-, 40,000 men acting with, charge of establishment of; lxxxiv. 91.

-, account of money issued for; lxxxviii. 63, 87.

-, forces acting with, account of subsistence and payments for; xciv. 131; civ. 19.

-, subsidies payable to; xcii. 36.

-, -, on account of the late war; xcv. 107.

-, -, Her Majesty's proportion of; civ. 16.

Allnut, Col. Thomas, memorial as to his regiment; ciii. 111.

Allowances, customary and extraordinary, list of; xciii. 24.

Almanza, battle and defeat at; cii. 10, 87; ciii. 23.

-, -, letter of credit for prisoners taken in; cii. 10.

Almoner, Lord; lxxxi. 57.

-, the, money paid to, for the charity roll; civ. 17.

Almonry account; lxxxiii. 29.

Almshouses in parish of St. Benedict's, Glaston; lxxxviii. 35.

Altea Bay, express from; xcv. 99.

Ambassador, an, favour allowed to, by mistake; xcvii. 19.

Ambassadors, allowances to; lxxxv. 121.

-, expenses of entertainment of; lxxix. 98; xcviii. 40.

-, first lodgings of, furnishing of; lxxxiv. 139.

-, goods of, as to certain duties on; c. 44.

-, wine brought for the use of, whether free of duty; xciv. 78.

Ambrose, Edward, for a new patent for coining copper money; xciv. 39.

America; c. 31; ci. 2.

-, colonies in, revenues payable to the crown in; lxxxv. 22; xciii. 35.

-, continent of, production of rice on; xcii. 62.

-, -, postal communication with, as to; cii. 120.

-, fees for commissions for trying pirates in; xci. 120.

-, French in, disbursements against; xcvii. 108.

-, plantation islands in, the packet boats running to; xcix. 57.

-, plantations in, settlement of the value of coins in the; xc. 79.

-, -, Auditor General of; ciii. 95.

-, H.M. Woods in, Surveyor General of; xcviii. 50.

-, North, Admiralty perquisites, &c. in, person appointed for recovery of; cii. 128.

-, -, French in, proceedings of; ciii. 61.

Amsterdam; lxxix. 39; xcix. 7, 44.

-, merchants at; xcii. 109.

Anderson, Mr.; c. 43.

-, Anthony, deputy clerk of the Pipe, cert.; xcv. 52; xcviii. 47.

-, Mr. Arthur, of London, citizen and haberdasher, who had erected salt works; xcvii. 68.

-, Francis, petition of; lxxxv. 150.

Andoras, bay of, English prisoners taken in; xciv. 108.

Andrews, George, a suit for recovering encroachments; lxxxvii. 12.

-, John, Esq., receiver general of co. of Warwick and city of Coventry, petition; xci. 96.

-, Henry, Esq., for patent to resign a place to; xci. 93.

-, -, late sheriff of the co. of Bucks, reward paid by; xcviii. 47.

Anglesea, co. of, profits of original seal and pre-fines of fines and recoveries of; lxxx. 36.

-, receiver general of divers taxes in; xcv. 118.

Anna, the ship, certain goods “run” out of; xcvii. 96.

Annaghgeile, otherwise Annagh, in co. of Kerry, lands in; xcvi. 120.

Annesley, Capt. Charles; ciii. 73.

-, Mrs. Margaret, widow, petition; ciii. 73.

Annuity, an, to be sold, showing at what rate; xcvi. 23.

-, Act, 1703, interest due under; xciii. 33.

-, Office, proposal to manage; lxxxv. 71.

-, -, deficiency in; lxxxvii. 63.

-, -, at the Exchequer, additional accommodation for; xcix. 122.

-, -, -, proper persons to perform the work at; xcix. 127.

-, -, bankers', fees for, and accounts of; xcvii. 88.

-, -, reversionary, as to sale of; xci. 26.

Annuities; xci. 107.

-, funds for the; civ. 28, 42.

-, method for paying certain; lxxxiv. 148.

-, persons who advanced money on, payment of 5 per cent. to; xciii. 64.

-, state of deficiencies on; xciii. 104.

-, bankers', fees received for; xcvi. 52.

-, granted in 1704 and 1705; xcix. 107.

-, and loans in the Tally Court; xciii. 13.

-, see Pensions and Bankers.

Anstis, John, Esq., or Mr., and others, warrant to, to inspect the records in Cæsar's chapel; xc. 64.

-, -, report as to the records; xci. 117.

-, -, receiver general of moneys arising by the sale of H.M. tin; xciv. 102.

Antigua, spelt various ways; lxxxvii. 28; ciii. 68.

-, Admiralty Court at, prizes condemned in; xc. 97.

-, exports and imports; cii. 60; ciii. 20.

-, commission officer of the 4½ per cent. custom at, petition for place of; xc. 20.

-, one of the Leeward Islands, lieutenant-governor of, and his salary; xcv. 1.

Antwerp, lxxxv. 102 (p. 208); lxxxvii. 142 (p. 208); xcix. 44; ciii. 43.

-, person at, to manage remittances to; xcix. 126.

Apollo, a statue, price of; lxxxvi. 76.

Apothecaries' Company, the; xcviii. 100, 107.

-, -, demand for medicines supplied, c. 80.

Appeals, Lords of, claim before; xci. 116.

-, for prizes, Court of, fees to the registrar and officers of; lxxxvii. 22.

Appleby, justices of the peace and mayor of, certif.; ci. 14.

Aptaloghi, John and George, two Greek youths under care of Dr. Woodroffe, in Oxford, decoyed from England; lxxxvii. 142.

Arbour Hill, Dublin, a kennel an annoyance to the inhabitants of; xcvi. 73.

Archangel, naval stores imported from; lxxxiii. 46.

Areskin, Major, and other officers of Col. Macartney's regiment, as to memorial of; xciv. 14.

“Argiers,” treaty with; lxxxv. 125.

Argill [ ], widow and relict of Capt. Argill, late of Earl of Barrymore's regiment,; xci. 94.

“Argire” war, the, service in; lxxxix. 30.

Argyle, Duke of; cii. 143.

Arkelgarthdale, forest of, otherwise New Forest in, in co. of York, petition for grant of; xciii. 127.

Arkingarthdale, forest or chase of, a grant of lease of; xciv. 103.

Arlington, Earl of; lxxxi. 69.

-, -, Henry, office granted to; xcviii. 58.

Armagh, Narcissus, Archbishop of, the deplorable circumstances of; lxxxvi. 107 (p. 175).

Armenian merchants, claim by, to Capt. Kidd's effects; xciv. 110.

Arms, &c. exported, as to remission of duties on; lxxxvii. 144; xcvi. 58.

Armstrong, Mr.; lxxxv. 154.

-, Mr. Thomas; lxxxiv. 93.

Army, clothiers of the; lxxxix. 116; xc. 7, 61; xcv. 43; xcvi. 25, 119; xcviii. 96; cii. 78.

-, Commissioners for the; xcv. 54.

-, -, for stating the accounts of the, a case for; lxxxv. 16.

-, or accounts or affairs of the, controllers of the, reports, &c.; lxxxvii. 104; lxxxviii. 79; lxxxix. 60; xci. 38, 40, 50, 119; xcii. 48; xciii. 42, 51, 129; xciv. 13, 14, 15, 30, 119, 138, 140; xcv. 4, 46, 70, 90, 96, 97; xcvi. 3, 8, 19, 25, 77; xcvii. 34, 47, 61, 97, 100, 102, 118; xcviii. 15, 46, 96; xcix. 39, 116; ci. 28, 34; cii. 3; ciii. 46.

-, -, expense and duties of the office; lxxxviii. 62.

-, -, as to renewal of patent; lxxxviii. 58.

-, -, account of their proceedings; xcv. 115.

-, controller general of accounts relating to the, instructions; lxxxv. 104.

-, -, secretary to; xcv. 33.

-, establishments, estimated savings upon; c. 111; cii. 8.

-, grant for 1703; lxxxviii. 81.

-, movements of the; lxxxvii. 2.

-, officers in the, memoranda as to certain; c. 74.

-, paymaster of the; lxxxix. 19; ci. 21.

-, -, money issued to; xc. 88.

-, -, Exchequer notes refused by; ciii. 54.

-, -, late; xc. 115; xcv. 23.

-, -, general, late; xciv. 10.

-, receipts and payments in connexion with the; lxxxvii. 68; ciii. 32.

-, transportation of, commissioners for; xcii. 22.

-, -, scheme of instructions for; xc. 24.

-, treaties and conventions relating to the; xciii. 32.

-, in Holland. See Holland, forces of.

-, in Ireland and in Scotland. See Ireland and Scotland.

-, and transport debentures, proprietors of, for interest due; xcvi. 37.

-, and for transport service, late commissioners to take, determine, and examine debts due to the, proceedings of; xciii. 67.

Arnold, Capt., J.P. for Middlesex and Westminster; lxxxix. 36.

-, Major, M.P. for Westminster, one of the jury for trial of the bishops, a Commissioner of Excise; lxxxix. 36.

-, Mrs., allowances to; xciv. 73.

-, Mr. John, employed in late King William's service for some secret affair at Calais; xciv. 73.

-, Mr. N.; xciv. 73.

-, Nehemiah, for an appointment; lxxxix. 36.

-, Susanna, for bounty for her father's services; xciv. 73.

Arragon, kingdom of; cii. 112.

Arran, Earl of, regiment of; ci. 76.

-, -, -, captain of a troop in; xcv. 39.

-, -, Charles, petitions; xcvi. 32; xcvii. 100.

-, -, Richard, patent for lighthouses granted to, in trust; xci. 71 (p. 285).

Arrears of 1701, payment out of; lxxxiv. 154.

-, in the late King's time, no money for; xciv. 70.

Arris, Capt. Robert; lxxxix. 65.

Arschot, camp at, dated; xcv. 68.

Arthur, Mr., to attend at Kirkaldy on the business of the Customs; cii. 1.

Arthurett and Randallington, reserved rent on manor of; xci. 64.

Artificers, necessities of; lxxxi. 53.

Artillery train commissaries, instructions for; xciv. 35.

Arundel, in co. of Sussex; lxxxv. 79.

-, collector of, seizure made by; xc. 27.

-, Mr., under commissioners for victualling the navy, bills drawn on; xcvi. 51.

Arzeliers, the Marquis D', crossed the sea with King William III.; joined Mr. Coxe in Switzerland; afterwards went to Genoa; lxxix. 37.

Asgill, Mr., expulsion of, from Irish House of Commons; lxxxvii. 77.

Ashe, Mr., Controller of the port of Plymouth, fees; xcii. 6.

-, Edward, Controller of the Customs at Plymouth, petition; xcv. 18.

Ashurst, Sir Henry, Bart., report on naval stores from New England, &c.; lxxxvi. 145; xc. 124.

Assassination plot in 1695, discoverers of; lxxxi. 100; cii. 48.

Assay master to the Queen; cii. 50.

Astly, Sir John, rent-charge purchased by; xciii. 58.

Aston, Francis, and Rymer's Fœdera; xcix. 71; ci. 24.

-, John, of London, Esq., petition for grant of a forest; xciii. 127.

Astry, Sir Samuel, office of coroner and attorney in Queen's Bench; lxxxv. 136.

Athlone, Earl of, forfeited estate granted to, and sold by; xc. 10; xcvii. 108.

Athol, Duke of; xcii. 113.

Atkinson, Capt. [transport service]; lxxix. 64.

-, -, agent for prizes in the port of London; lxxxvii. 137.

-, Catharine, widow of Lieut. Edward, petition; xcix. 38.

-, Mrs. Elizabeth, laundress to her Majesty's person, petition; xciii. 23.

-, Samuel; cii. 5.

-, -, Esq., or Sir Samuel, one of the late Commissioners of Transports; lxxxi. 67; lxxxii. 1, 29; xcvi. 117.

-, -, -, affairs of; lxxxvii. 10; xcii. 22.

-, -, and others, chosen for carrying on sale of prize ships, &c. in absence of some of the Board; xciv. 48.

Atterbury, Thomas; lxxix. 113.

Attorney, Mr., or Attorney General, opinions, reports, &c.; lxxix. 40; lxxx. 34, 124; lxxxii. 60, 73; lxxxiv. 113; lxxxv. 146; lxxxvi. 86; lxxxvii. 21, 113, 147, 150; lxxxviii. 13, 22, 40; lxxxix. 15, 21, 55, 77, 99, 111; xc. 71, 81, 85, 116, 129; xci. 31, 62, 71, 91, 107, 112, 136, 138; xcii. 14; xciii. 69, 120, 132; xciv. 61, 110, 117, 124; xcv. 44, 89, 101, 120; xcvi. 9, 17, 18, 47, 61; xcvii. 79, 80, 85, 101; xcviii. 46, 58, 94; xcix. 53, 63, 64, 66, 82, 98, 117, 128; c. 3; ci. 16, 19, 23, 98, 99, 100; cii. 20, 24, 46, 105, 119; ciii. 7, 9, 17, 18, 21, 54, 89, 103, 106.

-, -, to indict bad roads and prosecute parishes, suggestion for; lxxxvii. 71, 143.

-, -, payment to, for opinions; xc. 87.

-, -, proposal for consent of, to a supersedeas of a writ; xcii. 100.

-, -, necessary instruments for securing the succession to a certain estate; xciv. 25.

-, -, for Ireland; xcvi. 73, 91.

-, -, [of New York]; xci. 24.

-, and Solicitor General; lxxxvi. 5, 105; xciii. 59; ci. 21; cii. 99, 101.

-, -, -, proceedings against Lord Mohun before; lxxxvi. 44.

-, -, -, See also Solicitor General.

Attorneys of the courts of law at Westminster, and frauds on the stamp duties, petition, &c.; ciii. 9.

Atwood, Mr., a chief justice; lxxxii. 46.

-, W., or William, Esq., petitions for salary and arrears; lxxxv. 59; xc. 67; ci. 17.

-, -, Chief Justice of province of New York, for arrears of salary, &c.; lxxxiii. 36.

-, -, -, suspended, petitions for salary; lxxxiv. 141; lxxxvi. 97; xci. 7; xcv. 15; xcvi. 41.

-, -, -, son of, taken prisoner at St. Maloes; lxxxiv. 141.

Aubery, Samuel, coach, &c. for coronation; lxxix. 123.

Audit Office, search at the; lxxxvi. 75.

Auditor, the, allowance to, for passing an account; xciii. 55.

-, office of clerk of; lxxx. 135.

-, General; xci. 105.

“Auditor of the out-ports collectors,” exception taken to the title; cii. 11.

Auditors, the; lxxxviii. 5; xc. 49; xci. 41; xcv. 123; xcvi. 46; xcvii. 21, 39, 50; xcviii. 106; xcix. 77, 84, 99; ci. 46, 53, 54; cii. 26.

-, -, See Imprest.

Audley, or Audly, Mr., fraudulent concealment of malt by; lxxxv. 98; lxxxvi. 92.

Augmentation, troops or men of. See Troops of augmentation.

Aulkbrough, manor of (Lincolnshire), claim of the lord and tenants of, to derelict land; xcvii. 79.

Austen, or Austin, Thomas, Esq., receiver-general for Chester and North Wales, and afterwards for the co. of Southampton; lxxix. 13; cii. 124.

Autumn, a statue, price of; lxxxvi. 76.

Auverquerque (variously spelt), Mons.; lxxxiv. 56.

-, Mons. D', or Lord, Master of the Horse; lxxix. 30; lxxxiv. 109.

-, -, accounts and salary of; lxxxvii. 81.

-, Frances D', her husband's accounts; lxxix. 30.

-, Lord, annuity to, amount, whereon charged, &c., ci. 58.

-, -, claim of, for arrears of annuity; cii. 31.

Avignon; lxxxvii. 142 (p. 208).

Axminster, in co. of Devon; lxxxix. 5.

Aylmer, Admiral, arrival of, at Whitehall, with the capitulation; xc. 11.

-, M., process as to Dover pier; xci. 142.

-, Matthew, Esq., as to Dover harbour; xcix. 82.

Aynsworth, Mr., pay of invalids; lxxxv. 55.

-, John, petition touching certain prize wines; xcvii. 29.

Ayr, provost and late customs' collector of; cii. 143.