Index: F

Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 3, 1702-1707. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1874.

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'Index: F', in Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 3, 1702-1707, ed. Joseph Redington (London, 1874), British History Online [accessed 15 February 2025].

'Index: F', in Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 3, 1702-1707. Edited by Joseph Redington (London, 1874), British History Online, accessed February 15, 2025,

"Index: F". Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 3, 1702-1707. Ed. Joseph Redington (London, 1874), British History Online. Web. 15 February 2025.



Fabre, Peter, a French refugee, petition; xcvii. 92.

Fahy, in co. of Kerry, lands in; xcvi. 120.

Fairborne, Sir Palmes, governor of Tangier, deceased, petition on behalf of younger children of; lxxxvii. 11.

-, Sir Stafford; lxxxvii. 11.

Fairfax, Lord; lxxxviii. 13.

-, -, grant of certain wrecks renewed to; ci. 16.

Falconbridge, Somersetshire, manor of; lxxxvi. 93.

Falkland, or Faulkland, Lord, accounts of, when treasurer of the navy; xcv. 91.

-, -, Rt. Hon. Anthony, late, ledgers completed for treasurership of; xcv. 101.

-, Lady; xcv. 91.

-, Rebecca, Viscountess, for stay of process as to her late husband's accounts, xcvii. 62.

Falmouth or port of; lxxxiii. 114; lxxxiv. 14; lxxxv. 41; xc. 51; cii. 13.

-, agent for prizes at, lxxxix. 61; xciii. 3; xcvi. 5; xcvii. 65; xcviii. 90.

-, -, as to appointment of; xcii. 95.

-, agent to the packet boats at, removal to [Flushing] recommended; xcvii. 84.

-, arms, &c., designed to be shipped at; xcvi. 81.

-, a sometime collector of the Customs at; xcii. 14.

-, goods from a [packet]-sloop under seizure at; lxxxvi. 8.

-, mayor, &c. of, certificate of character; lxxxix. 84.

-, merchants, &c. of, memorial with complaints as to the packet boats; xcix. 57.

-, packet boats or sloops from; lxxxix. 8, 47, 94; xcvii. 84; xcix. 57.

-, -, victualling of the; ciii. 45.

-, limits of, how and when settled; lxxxvi. 2.

-, controversy in relation to privileges of certain quays and wharfs in; lxxxvii. 121.

-, and Lisbon, estimate of the charge of a packet boat between; lxxxv. 148.

-, -, a saving on new packet boats between; lxxxvii. 19.

-, and W. India islands, receipts and expenses of correspondence between; lxxxvii. 136, 149.

-, Earl of; lxxix. 114.

-, smack, in service of the Customs; lxxxi. 25.

Fane, Sir Henry; lxxxiii. 47.

-, Rodney, Esq., son of Dr. Wm., petition; lxxxiv. 136.

Fanshaw, Sir Richard, sent to Portugal in 1661, allowance to; lxxxv. 121.

-, Sir Thomas, and others, held the last patent for office of coroner and attorney in Queen's Bench; lxxxv. 136.

Fanshawe, W., case of; lxxxvi. 131.

Farley, auditor; cii. 26.

Farmer, Col., late president of the council of Barbadoes, petition of executors of; xcviii. 88.

Farrar, Mr., security for a receiver general, for composition of debt; xc. 123.

Farrington, Brigadier, regiment of, subsistence for officers of; xcix. 22, 41.

-, Col., regiment of, warrant taking off respits on pay of the colonel and quartermaster; lxxxv. 36.

-, -, -, going for Ireland, state and case of; lxxxi. 91.

-, Gurney, Somersetshire, manor of; lxxxvi. 93.

Farthings, &c., coinage of. See Copper coinage.

Fass, Elizabeth, widow and relict of Matthias, lives by a show of waxwork, &c., case of; lxxxix. 115.

Fauconier (spelt different ways), minion of the governor at New York; cii. 39.

-, Mr., or Peter, commissioner to execute the office of controller and receiver general of province of New York; lxxxii. 77; xciv. 111; ciii. 93.

Fazakerley, Wm., chamberlain of the city of London, petition; lxxxiv. 113.

Feathers, Baron of, in Ireland; lxxxi. 80.

Fee-farm rents, trustees for the sale of; xciv. 117.

Fee-trees, payments in lieu of; lxxxv. 169; lxxxix. 72.

Fees payable by his late Majesty, lists of persons and sums; lxxix. 7, 9; lxxx. 62.

-, See Exchequer, &c

Feilding, Major-General, administrator of Viscountess Purbeck, debt claimed by; xci. 112.

-, the Hon. Wm., Esq., and Lady Diana, his wife, case of; xcix. 76.

Felton, John, Esq., high sheriff of Montgomery, penalty for non-return of writ; lxxxii. 81.

“Female head,” a statue, price of; lxxxvi. 76.

Fens, North, West, and East, lands in; lxxx. 50.

Ferguson, Brigadier, pay due to regiment of; lxxxix. 128.

Ferrintosh, exciseable liquors arising from lands of; cii. 92.

Feversham, Earl of; lxxxi. 35.

-, -, case of; xcix. 128.

-, -, Lewis, office granted to; xcviii. 58.

Fife, a troop of horse sent into; cii. 97.

Figueras; cii. 130.

Finch, George, Esq., groves in Waltham Forest intended to be granted to; lxxxix. 93.

-, Lane; lxxxv. 26.

-, Robert, proposal as to the malt duty; xcii. 30.

Fincher, James, clerk, claim of, out of a manor; lxxxiv. 30.

Fines, issues, &c., a controller of, appointment applied for; xcv. 30.

Firebrace, Sir Basil or Bazille; c. 22.

-, -, and others, wine merchants of London, petition; xcvi. 34.

Firme, the, captured French man-of-war; lxxxiv. 96.

First fruits, petitions for indulgence as to payment of; lxxxix. 22, 85; xc. 8.

-, and tenths, as to the Qneen's power to discharge arrears of; xciii. 75.

-, in Ireland proposed to be applied for the augmentation of small livings, value of, &c; ci. 90.

Fish brought in as prize, how to be marked; lxxxi. 103.

-, entered free of Customs; lxxxvii. 54.

Fisher, Dame Jane, deceased, formerly called Jane Lane, annuity; lxxxv. 67.

-, James, gent., charges for trial at Newcastle; xciv. 82.

Fishermen, French and English, a proposition for; lxxxi. 94.

Fishpool, the, in the forest of [Delamere], lease of; xcvii. 107.

Fitch, Mr., the builder; lxxxvi. 51; xcix. 76.

-, Mr. Hamworth, formerly teller and receiver of excise, petition, &c.; c. 32.

Fitzgerald, Robert, Esq., late comptroller of musters in Ireland; lxxxiv. 54.

Fitzharding, Lord; lxxxiv. 18.

-, -, treasurer of the chamber; c. 66.

-, -, John, mall keeper at late King's death; lxxxiii. 81.

Fitz Harreys, Sir Edward, Bart.; lxxxi. 24.

Fitz Harry, Anne; lxxxi. 24.

Fitzmaurice, William, Esq.; xci. 113.

Fitzpatrick, Capt.; lxxxiv. 2.

Fitzwater, Lord; xcviii. 98.

Flag officers, demand of, upon prizes; lxxxv. 137.

-, aggrieved to apply to her Majesty in Council; lxxxv. 165.

Flanders; lxxxvi. 16; xci. 55; xcvi. 13; c. 21; cii. 78; civ. 82.

-, dragoon regiments in, additional levy money for; xcvii. 60.

-, forces or troops in; lxxxvii. 84, 138; xci. 76.

-, general of the army designed for; xc. 10.

-, governor of; lxxxvii. 142 (p. 208).

-, linen from; xcix. 85; ci. 11.

-, palatins and general officers for, as to; ci. 111.

-, ships to carry mails to; lxxxiv. 80.

Flax lands in Ireland, expressions in the linen bill, as to tithes upon, gave great offence; xciii. 113.

-, exempted from tithes; ci. 90.

Fleet, agent for prizes on board the; lxxxvii. 137; xciv. 28.

-, captains of the, complaints of embezzlement against; lxxxvi. 104.

-, great numbers of sick from the; xci. 67.

-, how supplied with powder and stores; cii. 118.

-, methods of manning the, &c.; lxxix. 85; xcviii. 77.

-, prize provisions taken from the service of the, her Majesty's moiety of; lxxxvi. 120.

Fleet prison; lxxix. 94; xcvii. 68.

Fleets, disasters to the; ci. 56.

Fletcher, col.; lxxxii. 46; xciii. 10.

-, -, Benjamin, commanding an independent company at New York; lxxxiii. 8; lxxxv. 16.

-, Rebecca, widow, petition; xcix. 56.

-, Richard; xc. 52; xcii. 87.

-, Capt. Robert, deceased, in Brigadier Brudenell's regiment, &c.; xcix. 56.

-, Sir George, an estate in hands of; lxxxvii. 123.

Flint Castle, constable of, and as such mayor of the town; ci. 99.

-, -, condition of; ciii. 105.

-, co. of, controller of the fines for the &c.; xci. 70.

-, mortgage of lands in; lxxxv. 120.

Flornay, Peter, Esq.; lxxxiv. 42.

Flushing, conveniences at, for the packet boats; xcvii. 84.

-, merchant of; lxxxix. 59.

Foche, Sir John, knight, deceased, executor of; xciv. 64.

“Fœdera,” the 5th vol. of; ciii. 60.

Foley, Mr.; xcvii. 6.

-, Mr. T., number of forges owned by; xcvii. 52.

-, -, or Thomas, son of Mr. Paul, contract for cord wood from the Forest of Dean; xcvi. 60, 89; xcvii. 32, 52.

Foljambe, Capt. John, late commander of H.M.S. “Kinsale,” prizes taken by, and their prices; xcii. 76.

Folkstone, late mayor of; xciii. 14.

Folliott, Ensign John, of the Coldstream Guards, relates his services, &c.; xcviii. 17.

Fonnereau, Claude, order and tally fraudulently transferred from; xci. 92.

Fooe, Daniel, reward for discoverer of; lxxxv. 154. See also Defoe.

Foord, Daniel, book-keeper for entries of ships coming into port of London; lxxxi. 16.

Foot, Mr. Samuel, an appointment promised to; xcviii. 90.

-, guards, a pensioner in the; xci. 55.

-, -, H.M. 1st regiment of, difference of pay of, at home and abroad; xcii. 89.

Foots Cray, lands in; lxxxviii. 83.

Forbes, Mr. John, of Culloden, pretension to exemption from excise duties, and case of; cii. 92, 119; ciii. 18, 54.

Forces. See Army.

Ford, John; lxxxvi. 63; lxxxviii. 3.

-, -, Custom House officer; lxxix. 3.

-, Mr. Peter, mariner, petition as to a prize sold to him; xcvi. 47.

Foreign corn, payments on importation of; lxxxiv. 66.

-, fish and oil, high duties on; lxxxiv. 13.

-, forces or troops; lxxxiv. 12, 66; lxxvi. 45; lxxxvii. 47; lxxxix. 10.

-, -, clamours for want of money; lxxxvii. 26.

-, -, in her Majesty's pay, account of levy money for; xcvi. 103.

-, goods brought from Scotland; ci. 103.

-, markets, exports to, a gratification for assisting to stop; xciv. 46.

-, ministers, payments out of Civil List to; lxxxv. 32.

-, Office, number of letters from; lxxxi. 102.

-, rolls, as to the; xci. 117.

-, ships, surrender of tonnage of; xciv. 75.

Foreigners in amity, whether comprehended in an order of the Lord Treasurer; lxxxv. 160.

Forester, W., certificate; lxxxvii. 128.

Forests, parks, &c., improvement of; xcix. 35.

Forfeited estates in Ireland. See Ireland.

Forfeitures, papers relating to; ciii. 38, 51, 55.

Forlesse, Dr. Richard, physician to St. Thomas's Hospital, clandestine application by; xc. 55.

Fornes, the chevalier; ciii; 99.

Forrest, Thomas, for discharge of an imprest on account of certain information; xcvii. 40.

Forster, Joshua, fishmonger of London; lxxxiv. 74.

Fort, Alexander, master joiner by patent; lxxxix. 92.

Fortescue, Hugh, Esq., proposed to be set up as member for Barnstaple; xciii. 62.

Forthington manor, Dorsetshire, in duchy of Cornwall, claim out of; lxxxiv. 30.

Fortifications, money expended for; civ. 18.

-, Workmaster General of H.M.; xc. 13; xciii. 39.

Forty, Mr. Henry, to go with Major Peirs as interpreter; xciv. 2.

Forty thousand men, the, declared for 1704, as to; lxxxix. 20.

-, establishment of, allowance on, for recruits, forage, &c.; xcii. 112.

Fotherby, Mr., charges of, for Danish officers; xci. 4.

-, Mr. John, deputy collector of customs at Whitehaven; lxxx. 45.

Four and a half per cent., payments to be made out of the; ci. 73, 82.

Four Courts, marshal of the; lxxx. 89.

Fowey, fraud practised at; lxxix. 16.

-, prize agent for, appointment of; xcii. 95.

Fowkes, Col.; xcix. 110.

Fowle, Robert Goldsmith, for benefit of a mortgage; lxxxix. 54.

Fowler, Mr., qualifications of, for the graver's place; xci. 143.

-, Thomas, information as to French sloops; lxxxii. 91.

-, Sir William, of Harnage Grange, in co. of Salop, Bart., debt of; xcii. 97.

Fowls in St. James's Park, allowance for keeping the; lxxxviii. 44.

Fownes, Mr. William, agent to Col. Rosse's dragoons, claims for clearings; lxxix. 97.

-, William, Esq., office held during the life of; xci. 113.

Fox, Col. marine regiment, of; lxxx. 22; lxxxv. 109; lxxxix. 91; xciv. 92.

-, Mr.; lxxxiii. 88; lxxxiv. 150; lxxxvi. 139; lxxxvii. 57, 138, 151; lxxxviii. 86; xcii. 42, 67; xciii. 83; xciv. 6; xcv. 25, 114; xcvi. 23, 96; xcix. 12.

-, -, accounts of; xci. 76; xciii. 51.

-, -, committed to Newgate for high treason, xc. 36.

-, Charles, Hon., Esq., or Mr.; lxxxiv. 66; lxxxvii. 74; lxxxviii. 12; xcvi. 43; xcviii. 99, 109.

-, -, annuity to; ci. 27.

-, -, paymaster of the forces; lxxxvii. 46; lxxxviii. 62; xcix. 116; ci. 21.

-, -, joint paymaster of Ireland, fees, lxxxv. 101.

-, John, Esq.; lxxx. 39.

-, Sir Stephen, Knt.; lxxx. 39; lxxxi. 9, 31; lxxxiii. 26; xciv. 31; xcix. 99.

-, -, memorial for restoration of a bakehouse lent to the court; xcix. 95.

-, -, -, a commissioner for executing the office of Master of the Horse; lxxx. 100.

Frampton, Thomas, &c., petition as to certain fish, customs free; lxxxvii. 54.

France; lxxxiv. 80, 114, 124; lxxxviii. 18; xciv. 2, 22, 126; xcvi. 40, 51; xcvii. 14; xcviii. 17; xcix. 27, 124; c. 27, 39.

-, ambassador to; lxxix. 90.

-, British subjects in, hard usage of, resented; lxxxvii. 135.

-, conspirators conveyed to; lxxxviii. 3.

-, dangerous correspondence with; lxxxiii. 107.

-, designs of, papers relating to; xcii. 113.

-, descent upon; xcix. 40.

-, no English prisoners in, to exchange; lxxxvii. 97.

-, an English prisoner brought from; lxxxviii. 18.

-, her Majesty's enemies in, moneys owing to, &c.; xcvi. 17.

-, illegal trade from Ireland to; xcii. 84.

-, an Irish regiment in; xc. 10.

-, gold lowered in; lxxx. 105 (p. 39).

-, letters going privately to, person employed to interrupt; civ. 46.

-, mail boats to, contract for, lxxxiv. 145.

-, old, forces expected from, to attack Jamaica; xciv. 108.

-, persons come out of, contrary to the Act, or without a licence; xc. 72; xciii. 14.

-, -, who could not be convicted; lxxxvii. 21.

-, refugees from, xciii. 123; xcvii. 92.

-, seizure of ships for trading to; lxxxix. 117; xcii. 70; xciii. 19.

-, ships from, designing to run goods, commission for seizure of; ciii. 96.

“-, short and sure way to reduce”; xcii. 113.

-, supplied with provisions for the army from Ireland; cii. 48.

-, trading with, in time of war, how far a correspondence with H.M. enemies; xcv. 89.

-, war with; lxxxi. 108; lxxxv. 61; lxxxvii. 41.

-, -, provision for the sick during; xc. 55.

-, wool exported to, from Ireland, illicit practices; lxxxvii. 79; lxxxix. 110.

Francis, Martha, widow, only child of Sir Andrew Cogan, petition; lxxx. 49.

Franckland, (postmaster general); lxxx. 59.

-, Sir Thomas; lxxx. 33; lxxxii. 30; lxxxv. 168; xcv. 39.

Franklin, Lawrence, cost of keeping H.M. hawks &c.; xciv. 86.

Fransum, Richard, servant to the groom porter, petition; xciv. 59.

Frazier, Sir Alexander, a house built by, in Green Cloth Yard; xcvi. 66.

Freak, Lieut.-Col., &c., memorial; xciv. 51.

Frechville, Anne Charlotte, Lady, arrears of grant; lxxx. 118.

-, Lord John, manor granted to; lxxx. 118.

Frederick III., King of Denmark; lxxx. 25.

-, Mr. or Thomas, Esq., premises leased of, for the Excise officers; lxxxv. 113; lxxxvi, 17, 47; lxxxviii. 74.

Free, Samuel, safe arrival of the tin; xcix. 7.

Freeman, Lord Chancellor, of Ireland, charge of equipage of; cii. 73.

-, P., Lord Chief Baron in the Irish Court of Exchequer; xcix. 36.

“Freezland;” c. 11.

Freke, Col. George, major of brigade, allowance to; xcviii. 21.

Fremington, lands of, in co. of York, mines in; lxxxix. 100.

-, lead mines, offer for the; xc. 1.

Freights, payments for, from 1702 to 1704; xcii. 19.

French, the; lxxxix. 15; xci. 37, 146; xcvi. 67; ci. 73.

-, accessories to piracies escaping by being taken by the; xciii. 89.

-, alien, a, grant of the estate of; xcvi. 25.

-, Ambassador, allowance for mourning; lxxxiv. 142.

-, church of the Savoy, certificate of the ministers of; c. 39.

-, -, at Wapping, state of the; xcvii. 111.

-, colony for carrying on the linen manufacture; cii. 83.

-, a company taken by the; xciv. 13.

-, consul in Algiers, allowance of; xc. 11.

-, consuls and friars who went with a great present to the Moorish Emperor, sent away; xcvii. 7.

-, East India ship, prize; lxxxv. 149.

-, fleet, the, part of a regiment captured by; xciii. 129.

-, goods, duties on, particulars of; lxxxii. 10.

-, -, ships importing; ciii. 21.

-, -, smuggling of, how encouraged; lxxxiv. 10.

-, in America, disbursements against the; xcvii. 108.

-, islands, failure of Her Majesty's arms against the; lxxxvii. 28.

-, Indians, desire to live peaceably with ours, notwithstanding any rupture in Europe; cii. 39 (p. 512).

-, king, arts of the, in Algiers; xci. 85.

-, land officers, prisoners of war, to be conducted to Nottingham, &c.; xciii. 56.

-, language, the old, clerks conversant with; xci. 117.

-, men-of-war taken; lxxxiv. 152.

-, northern provinces how to be put out of danger from; xcvii. 10.

-, pensioner in Ireland, a; xcviii. 48.

-, pensioners of the degree of captain pay of; lxxxvi. 148.

-, plantations, fish, oil, and muscovado sugar from, prize goods, duties on; lxxxii. 17.

-, presents to the Indians, barriers against the; xciv. 7.

-, prisoners of war, charges of, &c.; lxxxv. 76; lxxxvii. 135; xci. 10; xcii. 17; xciii. 56; xciv. 126.

-, privateer, convoy to North Britain ships; ciii. 78, 86.

-, privateers, a ship sent to clear the coast of; xcv. 71.

-, -, on the Scotch coast, as to; cii. 134.

-, prize taken by the, re-captured by its crew; lxxxvii. 133.

-, -, taken by the Zealanders, flax on board; xcv. 53.

-, prizes, estimate for repairing; lxxxvi. 33.

-, progress of the, with the Indians; cii. 39.

-, Protestants, a regiment consisting of, to be raised; lxxxvi. 137.

-, Protestant churches in London, ministers, elders, &c. of, certificate; xcv. 36.

-, refugees; xcii. 113; xcix. 117; ciii. 15.

-, -, Protestant, annual grant to, &c.; lxxxiii. 11.

-, regiments of foot or dragoons; xcviii. 81; xcix. 22, 28.

-, -, qualifications and pretensions of officers of the; lxxx. 82.

-, -, reduced; xcix. 78; ci. 48; cii. 3.

-, salt, fraud in entry of; lxxxii. 85.

-, settlements and forces in North America, description of; ciii. 61.

-, shallop, a, which landed the men who shot some officers, account of; xcv. 24.

-, shallops or sloops; lxxxi. 94; xci. 2; xciv. 108; c. 29.

-, -, off the coast; lxxxii. 91; lxxxiv. 5, 10; xli. 2.

-, war against the, in New England; xciii. 22, 90; ciii. 61.

-, wine; lxxxvi. 59.

-, -, clandestine trade in, how carried on; lxxxiii. 69; lxxxiv. 39.

-, -, seized; xcix. 48.

-, wines imported by an envoy. seized; xciv. 78.

-, and Dutch chapel, establishment of ministers of the; lxxix. 32.

-, Nathaniel, proposes to remit money; lxxix. 39.

Frenchmen employed in the Customs, as to; xciii. 49.

Fricker, Mr.; ci. 41.

Frisby, parish of, an estate in; xcix. 98.

Frognall, manor of; lxxxviii. 83.

Froud, Lieut.-Col. William, memorial; xciv. 93.

Froude, P. or Peter, deputy clerk of the pipe, certificates as to rewards paid; lxxx. 71; lxxxiii. 25; lxxxvi. 133.

“Fryers,” the, a tenement in Richmond, lease of; cii. 82.

Fryth, Mr. Charles, collector of excise, county of Chester, suspended; lxxxvi. 135.

Fuen Calada, Count of, subsidy to his Catholic Majesty; cii. 112.

Fulham; xcviii. 61.

-, private roads to, allowance on the household establishment for; xc. 57.

Fuller, George, an owler in the late war; lxxxiv. 10.

-, John, a distiller of standing, convicted for illegal practices; xcvi. 84; xcvii. 63.

-, Sir James; lxxxiv. 57.

Funds appropriated for the civil government, estimate of; lxxxi. 15.

-, for 1702, account of; lxxix. 80.

-, for land service for 1702, abstract of; lxxxiv. 1.

-, for 1705, apportionment of the; xcvi. 113.

-, public; xcii. 28, 36.

Funeral, His late Majesty's, expenses of; lxxix. 95, 100.

“Furneis,” monastery of, in Lancashire; lxxx. 21.

Furnese (spelt various ways), Henry, Mr. or Sir; xcix. 103; c. 14; cii. 10.

-, -, bills drawn by; lxxxix. 132; xcix. 144.

-, -, foreign coins bought; xcviii. 118; xcix. 25.

-, -, remittance of money; lxxxv. 155; lxxxvii. 62; xci. 76; xcv. 37; xcvi. 116; c. 104; civ. 5.

-, -, Sheriff of London and Middlesex, for disbursements made for conviction of highwaymen, &c.; lxxx. 146.

Furzer, one, an under officer of the surveyor [of woods], conviction of, for selling H.M. timber; xci. 134.

Fusileers, royal regiment of, memorial on behalf of captains of, ordered to Portugal; xciii. 42.

-, the regiment of, respites on; xcvii. 34.

Futter, Mr. Robert, bounty paid to, on behalf of Mr. Townsend; ci. 22.

Fuzer, one, Mr. Wilcox's deputy, complaints against, answered, &c.; xcii. 44.