Volume 201: November 3-December 31, 1716

Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 5, 1714-1719. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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'Volume 201: November 3-December 31, 1716', in Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 5, 1714-1719, ed. Joseph Redington (London, 1883), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-papers/vol5/pp239-247 [accessed 13 February 2025].

'Volume 201: November 3-December 31, 1716', in Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 5, 1714-1719. Edited by Joseph Redington (London, 1883), British History Online, accessed February 13, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-papers/vol5/pp239-247.

"Volume 201: November 3-December 31, 1716". Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 5, 1714-1719. Ed. Joseph Redington (London, 1883), British History Online. Web. 13 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-papers/vol5/pp239-247.


November 3–December 31, 1716

3 Nov. 1. W. Drummond to —. Received his letter and a copy of his Highness's instructions to Doctor Brandshagen and his assistant, James Hamilton, about the survey and trial of the Sir John Erskine's mine. The Doctor arrived about a fortnight ago, and has since been frequently with Lord Lauderdale and the writer, and has been preparing necessary materials for executing his instructions. Every thing is in readiness. Sir John Erskine has arrived, and offers immediately to go and show where the mine is, and Lord Lauderdale and himself are ready to set out. But the Doctor wants money. Mr Haldane of Gleaneges, by whom he expected to be supplied, has no orders to furnish the same. As the Doctor was absolutely in want, the writer advanced him 16l. Edinburgh, 3 Nov. 1716.
Minuted:—“12 Nov. 1716. To Sr Isaac Newton to be here tomorr. morn.”
In the Minute Book, Vol. 21, p. 43, 14 Nov. 1716, is:—“Sir Isaac Newton to write to Dr. Brandshagen and the two Hamiltons (persons sent to inquire into the mine in Scotland in the estate of Sir John Areskine) to draw a bill upon Dr. Fauquiere for 100li for their joynt subsistence, and he is likewise to prepare further instructions for them to be layd before their Lordships.” 2 pages.
6 Nov. 2. “A relation of the several branches of the publique revenues, in which the Governor and Company of the Bank of England have an interest, shewing what those revenues are, how much they severally produce yearly in clear money, what annuitys or other annual incumbrance are charged thereupon respectively for the Bank or others, and how they are severally redeemable. With proposic[i]ons for raysing more money thereupon towards the King's supply.
“A relation of the several branches of publique revenues, in which the Governor and Company trading to the South Seas have an interest, what those revenues are, how much they yearly produce in neat money by a medium of three years, ended at Micħas 1716, what incumbrances are charged thereupon for the fond of the said Company and otherwise, and how the fond of the South Sea Company is redeemable, with proposic[i]ons for raysing more money thereupon towards the King's supply.”
A similar “relation of the several branches of publique revenues, wherein the United Company of Merchants of England, trading to the East Indies, have an interest, &c.”
“An abstract of the Acts passed for the several lotterys now in being, shewing when they passed, what particular branches of revenue are thereby respectively appropriated, for what terms of years those grants were made, how much those particular branches do severally produce p[er] annũ, how farr they were loaded at first to the respective adventurers, how farr those incumbrances are now paid off, what remaynes thereupon, with proposic[i]ons of what may properly be done at present concerning the same or any of them.”
“An abstract of loans made at the Excheqr remayning unsatisfied, and the sum[m]es due thereupon on 6th Nov. 1716, with the ratesof interest.”
Docqueted:—“6 Novr 1716. States of ye fonds of the Bank and of the South Sea Company, and of the East India Company and of the seaven lottery fonds, and of unsatisfied loans at the Exchequer, with proposic[i]ons and opinions concerning the same respectively.” 25 pages.
[? About
8 Nov.]
3. Memorial of Anthony Cracherode to the Lords of the Treasury. Since their Lps' adjournment has expended 300l. of his own to carry on the public business. Several of the officers who have attended the special Commissions in Middlesex and Surrey are still unpaid, as are also the counsel and officers that attended that service at Preston in Sept. and Oct. last. Five of the judges and four of H.M. counsel, and three other counsel from Scotland, who are to be maintained at his Majesty's charge, are preparing to set out with their officers and attendants to execute the special Commissions of Oyer and Terminer and gaol deliveries at Carlisle, and expect some part of their pay before they set out. Prays an order for 3,000l.
Minuted:—“8 Novr 1716. A wt to be prepared.” 1 page.
9 Nov. 4. Report of Hugh Cholmley, Surveyor General, to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Anthony Nott, who prays to have a lease of seven houses in the Savoy, five whereof front the Strand and two the Savoy churchyard. When the same are all in repair they may be worth 150l. per ann. Is of opinion that a fine of 300l. may be a valuable consideration for granting a building lease thereof to the petitioner for 50 years, under a rent of 50l. per ann., which is a full third part of the yearly value. 9 Nov. 1716.
Minuted:—“11 July 1717. Approved.”
The petition and warrant for a particular to be sent to the Auditor in order to the grant of the new lease. 3 pages.
[? About
10 Nov.]
5. Several papers docqueted thus:—“These papers relate to the dispute between Coll. Rhet and Coll. Daniell, in Carolina.”
Minuted:—“10 Nov. 1716. Extract wt is materiall to be layd before my Lords.” [See also Vol. CC., 40.].
The papers relate to the proceedings of Col. Rhet, Surveyor and Controller of Customs in South Carolina, who complains that he was thwarted in his duty by Robert Daniel, Esq., the Deputy Governor of South Carolina, in allowing Matthew Mussen and his ship's company, who had taken by force from Benjamin Quelch goods of 1,500l. value, to depart from the port of Charlstown without any clearance from the officers of Customs. Several of the papers are depositions of persons who were present when Col. Rhet was fired on, and received a dangerous wound on the occasion of a seizure of the goods being made.
13 Nov. 6. P. Methuen to —. Sends the receipt of the Modena Envoy's secretary for 100l. paid to him to purchase a set of Rymer's Fœdera for the Duke of Modena, according to his Majesty's promise 13 Nov. 1716.
Minuted:—“13th November 1716. Prepare a warrt for this sum (including the fees).”
The receipt named. 2 parts of pages.
15 Nov. 7. Lord Lauderdale, Mr Haldane, and W. Drummond to the Lords of the Treasury. As to the survey and trial of the mine and mountain about it, called Sir John Erskin's mine, in the parish of Alva, and likewise as to a copper mine. Send the journal of their proceedings, which they have made as particular in every circumstance as they could. Will continue to acquaint their Lps with their further proceedings. Ask their Lps to order their warrant to some person to give Dr. Brandshagen and the Hamiltons money for subsistence, and for carrying on the work. Have advanced 67l. sterling. Stirling, Nov. 15, 1716.
Minuted:—“Read 26 Novr 1716.”
Accompanying the letter are:—
The journal referred to—
Letter from Justus Brandshagen and Thomas and James Hamilton to —. The three Comrs and themselves have viewed the copper mine, and agree that it is of so good a prospect (not only of its goodness, but also of its continuance) as can be seen in nature. It appears that “the mean veine is never touched but that they have wrought hitherto all uppon branches.”
A further letter from the three Comrs. Observe that Mr Dundas of Manner is the proprietor of the ground in which the copper mine is, and has an absolute right from the Crown vested in himself and his heirs, to this and other mines within his estate. Some time ago he set a lease of this particular mine to Mr Daniel Peck and partners, and soon after “he was unwarrily enlisted into the late unhappy Rebellion,” but notwithstanding, when they were at the copper mine, a gentleman of distinction made it known to them that Mr Dundas was willing to do the Government what service he could in these particulars.
There is also the letter which enclosed the above. 10 pages.
15 Nov. 8. Accounts of his Majesty's revenues, arising by fines of alienation, and the payments made therefrom, from Michaelmas Vacation, 1715 to Trinity 1716. The last dated 15 Nov. 1716. [Totals.] Also a rough draft. 8 pages.
16 Nov. 9. Memorial of John Anstis Esq., Garter Principal King-of-Arms, to the Lords of the Treasury. On the 19th of April last laid before their Lps (1) the patent granting the Office of Garter after the death of Sir Henry St. George to the petitioner, with the yearly salary of 100l.; and (2) a certificate of the burial of the latter, on which their Lordships minuted that they would give no directions till the law had determined the right. There has been no scire facias brought against his patent. He has recovered by actions his casual fees. Hopes orders will be given for payment of his salary to prevent him from applying to the Court of Exchequer for a writ of liberate. Herald's Office, Nov. 16, 1716.
Minuted:—“16th November 1716. Send copies of this to the Earl Marshall & to Sir John Vanbrugh for their answers.”
The memorial of 19 April and the certificate referred to. 1 page and two halves.
20 Nov. 10. Board of Ordnance to the Lords of the Treasury. Col. Kane, Lieut.-Governor of Minorca, has represented that the fact of new fortifications of St. Philip's Castle not being carried on according to the project, renders that castle much weaker than it was when taken by General Stanhope, and besides that the rest of the fortifications are in a decaying condition; he presses for the speedy departure of Brigadier Petit, who is appointed engineer for carrying on the works. Represent that the engineer is under arrest for debts for the fortifications already begun there, and that these are now depending before the Comrs of Account. His departure is absolutely necessary. 20 Nov. 1716.
Minuted:—“Read.” 1 page.
21 Nov. 11. Report of the Comrs of Revenue in Ireland to the Lords of the Treasury, on the case of Captain George Lee and Richard Martin, Esq., the former a collector of revenue in Ireland, and the latter his security. Lee was deficient in his cash in 1705, and was discharged. The petitioner Martin protected the persons and goods of a great many of his Protestant neighbours in the time of the late rebellion in Ireland, and furnished several companies of Sir Henry Bellasis's regiment with provisions and quarters at his own expense. These services recommend him to his Majesty's compassion. Mr Lee served with reputation in the army in Flanders and America after his dismissal. [The balance of the account due was 1,522l. 1s.d.] 21 Nov. 1716.
Minuted:—“24th March 1718. Make a copie of this report for the petitioners.”
Also the case referred to. 2½ pages.
21 Nov. 12. J. Burchett (Admiralty) to William Lowndes, Esq., on Mr Bridger's affairs, who had acted as Surveyor of Woods in New England. The Lords of the Admiralty think he has no right to the arrears of his wages. 21 9ber 1716.
In the Minute Book, Vol. 21, p. 49, 23 Nov. 1716, is:—
“A letter from Mr Burchett (by order of the Lords of the Admiralty) to Mr Lowndes, relating to Mr Brydger is read. My Lords agree with their Lops as to his demand for his salary from the time of his being discontinued as Surveyor of Woods in New England, both by a vote of the House of Commons and an Order of Council, till the date of his commission, signed by his present Majesty. My Lords also think it reasonable that as soon as he hath taken a survey of the woods, he should send a particular account of the said survey to one of his Maties Secrys of State, as also a yearly account or oftener to the principal officers of the navy, of what quantity of naval stores, and what species shall be sent from the plantations for the service of the navy, and that their Lops will please to cause to be prepared such further instructions for the said surveyor as may be necessary. My Lords also think that as his salary was stopt by an Order of Council, the growing salary upon the navy should be directed by a new one.” 3 pages.
23 Nov. 13. The Earl of Suffolk to the Lords of the Treasury. States his objections against Mr Anstis's petition for his salary as Garter King of Arms, viz., that Mr Anstis, without his knowledge or consent, procured from the late Queen a reversionary grant of that office, which passed the Great Seal before he (the Earl) heard of it. Opposes the same as illegal and unfairly obtained. To preserve the right of nomination, on the death of Sir Henry St. George, he (the Earl) nominated to the King, Sir John Vanbrugh, Knt., Clarencieux King of Arms, as being the next officer, to succeed. The King accepted the nomination, and by his warrant to him (the Earl) ordered him to signify his pleasure to the Attorney and late Solicitor-General, to prepare a Bill for the royal signature, containing the grant. Mr Anstis had entered a caveat against the Bill, and the Attorney and Solicitor-General refused to prepare the Bill, and this obstructed the trial. Has presented a petition that the Attorney or Solicitor-General may be ordered to prepare the Bill so that he (the Earl) may try his right of nomination by course of law. Until which time begs the suspension of the payment of the salary. Poland Street, 23 Nov. 1716.
Minuted:—“23 Novr 1716. Read.” 3 pages.
23 Nov. 14. Comrs of Ordnance to the Lords of the Treasury. A memorial from the corporation of Harwich represents that unless care be taken to repair the breaches already made by the sea in some lands there purchased by the Crown, not only the marshes purchased, but the town itself will be in danger of being drowned. Observe that during the long transaction of this affair, it was a general complaint that the proprietors, as well as tenants, everywhere neglected the necessary repairs, and particularly those of the “Shyes” and Keys of Harwich; and when Commissioners were appointed to inquire into and report the damages received, Mr Samuel Langley, one of the complainants, made oath that he had received damage to the value of 300l. Had given their opinion that in the other purchases at Portsmouth and Chatham, the frequent inspection of H.M. Engineers could alone prevent the prejudices which the present and intended fortifications might receive from the neglect of the tenants and for want of repairs. Represent other steps which they had taken. As to the deeds and muniments touching the lands purchased, have written to Mr John Hughes, secretary to the late Commissioners, for a schedule thereof. Cannot make an estimate of the charge of the repairs without sending down proper persons for that purpose. 23 Nov. 1716.
Copies of five other documents on the same subjects.
Minuted:—“23d November 1716. My Lords desire the officers of Ordnance to cause a survey to be made of the damages and consider what way will be most effectual to prevent the like for the future.” 6 pages.
26 Nov. 15. Report of H. Cholmley, Surveyor-General, to the Lords of the Treasury, on a letter and papers and an Order in Council relating to Harwich, and on some propositions in relation to lands at Portsmouth and Chatham. The mill at Portsmouth is under lease, at a rent of 50l. per ann., the rent being appropriated for the repair of the fortifications at Portsmouth. The mill at Chatham is gone to ruin. The charge to repair it would be 500l., and it would then let for 36l. per ann. It is let on lease to Sarles Goately, Esq. Mentions the houses desired by the Board of Ordnance for lodging their officers at Portsmouth and Chatham. Nov. 26, 1716.
Five other papers.
Minuted:—“21st December 1716. Read. Offrs Ordnance to attend. On Tuesday sennight Mr Survr is likewise to attend.” 7 pages.
28 Nov 16. J. Burchett (Admiralty) to William Lowndes, Esq. Had sent the papers received from Mr Lowndes to Captain Balchen, who, in answer thereto, has transmitted the annexed account and affidavits relating to what passed between him and Mr Bowen, Surveyor of Customs at Leigh. The Comrs of the Admiralty were surprised at the complaint, the captain being a sober man, of honest principles to the Government, and one who has always behaved himself so as not to give any grounds for exceptions. The same Comrs have long since given orders to the captains of H.M. ships to permit the officers of Customs to search them, and hope the Comrs of Customs have given directions to them to behave themselves mannerly and civilly to the commanders of H.M. ships, when doing their duty. Admiralty Office, 28 Nov. 1716.
Minuted:—“30th November 1716. Read.”
Five other papers relating thereto, including the captain's answer to the complaint. 10½ pages.
29 Nov. 17. Report of the [Barons of the Exchequer of Scotland] to the Lords of the Treasury in answer to their letter of the 21st instant, as to how far their warrant of 24th of Aug. had been complied with. Refer to the insufficiency of the duties of Customs and Excise preceding the year 1710, to answer the fees and salaries for keeping the Court of Session and Justiciary, and the Exchequer Court in Scotland. State their doubts as to the effect of the Act 10 Anne, a clause of which directed the payment of the year's interest to the public in Scotland, and their doubts as to the propriety of the issue of other moneys in the hands of the above Comrs. To obviate these difficulties they directed the payment of 3,200l. in the hands of the Receiver-General of Customs from duties on Scots salt, to the Comrs of the Equivalent; also the payment by the Comrs of Excise of 1,300l. to the same Comrs. The remainder of the unpaid half-year's interest, they have directed to be paid out of the duty on Scots salt. Hope to be empowered to satisfy the clamours of those on the Civil Establishment. Exchequer, Edinburgh, 29 Nov. 1716.
Minuted:—“7th Decr 1716. To Attorney and Solicitor-Genl to consider this l~re & come to my Lds wth their opinion.” 3 pages.
Oct. and
18. A collection of papers lettered on the back A to S, with some missing, relating to the conniving at smuggling tobacco, &c. by tidesmen in the port of London; also as to the drinking to a toast given by one Burton, a tidesman, the same being drunk to by waiters on board. The toast was a health to King James III., and the persons who drank it all immediately sung the tune called—“The King shall enjoy his own again.” Dated in October and November 1716. 36 pages or parts.
5 Dec. 19. John Anstis, Esq., to the Hon. William Lowndes, Esq. Hopes that his salary will not be denied to him, and that he may be allowed to reply to the answer of Lord Suffolk, that in case an order for payment of it be refused, he may make an application to the Exchequer for an Allocate and a Liberate. Concludes thus:—“I am unacquainted with any instance where a person supporting the right of the prerogative, as I am doing in this affair agt the Lord Suffolk, who would abridge it in this particular, hath been denyed to have his memoriall to be referred to the Attorney-General,” &c. Herald's Office, 5 Dec. 1716.
Minuted:—“Read 7th Dec. 1716. My Lords will consider of this.” 1 page.
6 Dec. 20. Report of the Barons of the Exchequer of Scotland to the Lords of the Treasury, on the memorial of the Earl of Hyndford. Have already reported that the pension due to the Earl's late father fell short 820l. 18s. 42/3d. and the “retoured dutys due to the Crown, for the taxtward nonentry relief and taxt marriage of the lands and Barony of Skirling, contained in the infeofment given to Mrs Margaret Douglas, deceased, as heir to the deceased Lieut.-Genl Douglas,” extend to 168l. 7s. 9d. which are not yet accounted for. The lands sought by the memorial to be granted in satisfaction of the above sums are liable to the yearly sums therein mentioned. Have already given an opinion that it would be inconvenient to dispose of the lands otherwise than his Majesty had appointed, being for the uses of the Civil Government. Exchequer, Edinburgh, 6 Dec. 1716.
“17th Dec. 1716. My Lords are of the same opinion with the Barons of Excheqr.” 2 pages and 2 halves.
20 Dec.
1715–6–Dec. 1716.
21. Letters from Admiral J. Baker, of H.M. Ship “Lion,” to his Excellency Capt. Geo. Paddon; also two letters to the Lords of the Treasury, touching presents designed for the Dey of Tunis and the Emperor of Morocco, during the time his Excellency was employed as Plenipotentiary to the Emperor of Morocco. There are also receipts for the presents, &c. One of the letters contains instructions from Admiral Baker to Capt Paddon, as well as the instructions he had left with Capt. Fletcher in respect to the same negotiations. In the last letter the captain protests that he is 1,150l. out of pocket by his first embassy to the Emperor, besides what he has expended in the last; which is more than half his salary. He adds, “so much for redemption of 69 captives.” 11 pages.
7 Dec. 22. Memorial of the Comrs for building fifty new churches in and about London, to the Lords of the Treasury, asking them to cause sums amounting to 2,475l. 16s. 7d. to be imprested to John Leacroft, Esq., their Treasurer. Palace Yard, Westmr. 7 Dec. 1716.
Minuted:—“Ordered.” 2 pages.
8 Dec. 23. “Charles Harison's report concerning lycences granted by the Court of Excheqr to compound upon penal laws, &c., from the 11o Octobr 1716, to the 8o Decembr following inclusive.” 3 double pages.
11 Dec. 24. Report of A. Cracherode to the Lords of the Treasury. Has attended his Majesty's Counsel, who have been consulted about the prosecution of the Auditors of the Imprests. They have ordered him to lay before their Lordships the annexed draft of a warrant to the Auditors for the production of their books and papers since 1707. Their opinion is that their Lps may sign any warrant to the Auditors, as the Auditors of Imprests are their officers in the auditing the accounts of the Paymasters of the Lotteries. 11 Dec. 1716.
Minuted:—“11th Decr 1716. Read and agreed to.”
The draft referred to. 2 pages.
13 Dec. 25. Establishment for Major-General Evans's regiment of dragoons. Dated 13 Dec. 1716. In duplicate, one for the Secretary-at-War, the other for the Treasury. 4 pages.
23 Dec. 26. “An account of payments made to Hugh Henry, Esq., out of the forfeited estate of James, late Duke of Ormond, from the second day of November to the 23rd of December 1716, the same being for one year and a halfe rent due att Micħmas, 1716.”
The names of the properties and the tenants, together with the rent are given. 12 pages.
28 Dec. 27. Mr Secretary Stanhope to the Rt Hon. Robert Walpole, Esq. Has written two letters to the Treasury by the King's order, (1) directing 1,000l. to be paid as a present to Mons. Bentenreider, the Emperor's Minister at Hanover; and (2) for 200l. to Mr St Saphorin, allowed by his Majesty for his journey to the same place from Vienna. Hanover, Jan. 8, 1716–17 N.S. [i.e. 28 Dec.] 1 page, quarto.
31 Dec. 28. Memorial of Thomas Moore, Esq., to the Lords of the Treasury, praying their Lordships' approbation of an allowance of 3l. per diem for John Blechynden, Esqre, Deputy-Paymaster in the Low Countries, as proposed by the Secretary-at-War. Dec. 31, 1716.
Minuted:—“Read 11th Janry 1716. My Lords, having determined this allowance already, do not think it reasonable to exceed 30sh a day.” 1 page.
31 Dec. 29. Representation of A. Cracherode to the Lords of the Treasury. Has attended his Majesty's Counsel, who have been consulted in the prosecutions against the Auditors of Imprests. Is ordered by his Majesty's Counsel to say that it is their advice to their Lps to send to each of the Auditors a peremptory order to produce their books and papers, and if they do not obey the Court of Exchequer should be moved for an order to them to produce the same. 31 Dec. 1716.
Minuted:—“2d January 1716. Prepare a peremptory order accordingly.” 1 page.
[The above representation was made in consequence of the following minute entered in the Minute Book, Vol. 21, p. 44, 15 Nov. 1716:—“My Lords to assist Mr Cracherode in supporting the informations that are to be exhibited against the Auditors of Imprest for taking illegal fees, by giving him an account of such assignees, executors, administrators, and letters-of-attorney-men coming to their knowledge as may have paid such illegal fees; and Mr Cracherode is to call upon them and collect wt evidence they or any of them shall be enabled to give him in this behalf.”]