Volume 187: January 1-29, 1715

Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 5, 1714-1719. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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'Volume 187: January 1-29, 1715', in Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 5, 1714-1719, ed. Joseph Redington (London, 1883), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-papers/vol5/pp66-78 [accessed 13 February 2025].

'Volume 187: January 1-29, 1715', in Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 5, 1714-1719. Edited by Joseph Redington (London, 1883), British History Online, accessed February 13, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-papers/vol5/pp66-78.

"Volume 187: January 1-29, 1715". Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 5, 1714-1719. Ed. Joseph Redington (London, 1883), British History Online. Web. 13 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-papers/vol5/pp66-78.


January 1–29, 1715

[Jan.] 1. A list of New Year's gifts for the Secretaries of the Treasury, 1715. 1½ pages.
1 Jan. 2. Representation of the Comrs for disbanding the Marine regiments to the Lords of the Treasury, praying for consideration for a portion of their services, for which they have no allowance. Their commission will expire in six months from the demise of the Queen, and it will not be possible to settle their business within the time, besides which the accounts will have to be made up. Dated, Scotland Yard, Jan. 1, 1714–15.
Minuted:—“Read 10th Jan. 1714. My Lords think to continue two in a commission for this purpose.” 3 pages.
2 Jan. 3. Report of E. Harley, Auditor of Imprests, to the Lords of the Treasury, on the memorial of John Holbeche, gent., of the Treasurer of the Chamber's Office, praying that the extraordinary payments of his office may be allowed. Disallows 90l. for a wrong charge in the locksmith's bills, thereby reducing the amount to 1,937l. 5s. 5d. His Majesty's warrant, countersigned by their Lordships, will be necessary to authorise the payments. Dated 2 Jan. 1715.
The petition referred to, and another petition with annexed list of payments.
Minuted:—“Lect. 19 7br. Prepare a S.M. for allowing the particular[s] amting to 1,937l. 15s. 5d.” 9 pages.
3 Jan. 4. Wm Blathwayt to —. Has received an Account of the Public Revenues of the Massachusetts Bay, in New England, for one year, ending 31st May 1714, as also one year's accounts of his Majesty's Revenues of Quit Rents, and two shillings per hhd., arising in Virginia to 25th April 1714. Has prepared an abstract thereof, which he encloses, and desires that it may be laid before the Lords of the Treasury. Dated Whitehall, 3 Jan. 1714.
The two last enclosures referred to. 3½ pages.
4 Jan. 5. An account of money due to the Office of Ordnance from the South Sea Company and Trustees on account of stock transferred to them. Dated Office of Ordnance, January 4th 1714.
Minuted:—“Md when ye Trustees come to speak abt. ye proporc[i]oonble p[er]t for ye Ordn[anc]e.” Again:—“18 Janry 1714/1715, 12,000li out of S. Sea Subscripc[i]oons towards paying the purchase money for the Land[s].” Further. “L~re Signed.”
Also duplicate. 2 pages.
4 Jan. 6. Sir Chr Wren to Wm Lowndes, Esqre, concerning the Clerk of the Works at Windsor. Begs that their Lordships would not take from him the ancient right and privilege of his office in the nomination of his clerks, a right that had been granted him “in every Reign for these Fifty Years.” Has enclosed a copy of his answer last week to Mr Tilson, giving his reasons for not admitting Mr Bragg. Entreats him to lay them before their Lordships. Dated Office of Works, Whitehall, 4 Jan. 1715.
On the back is:—“The l~re to Mr Tilson was delivered Sr William St Quintin.”
The following is a description of the letter referred to:—
Sir Christopher Wren to Christopher Tilson, Esq. Asks him to represent to Sir William St Quintin, that he has enquired into the character of Mr Ralph Bragg, writing master at Eton. He is not qualified for the business in his (Sir Christopher's) office at Windsor, nor for any business of trust. The present clerk of the works at Windsor, Mr Charles Browne, is perfectly well qualified for his Majesty's service, and has been bred up in the business of his (Sir Christopher's) office from childhood. Constituted him clerk of the works there on the 13th inst., being sworn by a Baron of the Exchequer, conformably to the established rights and customs of the Office of Works. 31 Dec. 1714. (A copy.) 2½ pages.
5 Jan. 7. Order of Council referring the petition of Eleanor Conway, widow, to the Lords of the Treasury, to consider and report upon. Her father, Capt. Hewett Finch, had lent to the Crown, in the reign of Charles I., 3,000l. for the reduction of Ireland. For this petitioner had no recompense, although she had letters patent in her favour. Her late husband, Capt. Conway, had 800l. arrears due to him, besides an order for a pension for service in the Government, of which her late Majesty ordered payment, but petitioner only received a very small bounty for it. She prays his Majesty either to order her payment of the debt or an allowance in lieu thereof. Dated 5 Jan. 1714.
Minuted:—“6th August 1717. She has 20l. p[er] annum upon the Establishmt.”
Two copies of the above.
Petition annexed. 4½ pages.
5 Jan. 8. Order of Council referring the petition of Henry Smithson to the Lords of the Treasury to consider and report thereon. He had “Detected, aprehended & prosecuted several false Coyners or Counterfeiters of the currant coin of this Kingdome, as well as the utterers of the same at his owne Charge.” Had thus expended 95l. 17s. 6d. Prays payment of the same, as also “such further encouragemt towards carrying on the said services as shall be thought requisite.” Dated 5 Jan. 1714. 1 page.
5 Jan. 9. Copy of an Order in Council referring the petition of Elizabeth Salenave, widow, to the Lords Comrs for Trade and Plantations, to examine and report thereupon. Petitioner was widow of Jordan Salenave, late Deputy Governor of the French part of the Isle of St Christopher [and sister of Lieut.-General Labadie, Governor of the citadel of Lisle in Flanders]. The petition says that she had been dispossessed by the Treaty of Ryswick of her estate in the said island, and prays speedy restitution of the same. Dated 5 Jan. 1714.
Minuted:—“Read 23rd Febry 1714–15.”
Petition referred to. 3 pages.
6 Jan. 10. Comrs of Excise in Scotland to the Lords [of the Treasury]. As soon as they were informed “of the barbarous usage Mr McAllen, an Officer of Excise, had met with at Creiff, a village in Perthshire, they sent directions to the Collector of Excise. Have as yet been unable to discover “the Actors thereof or their Abettors. The best way of discovering them is by promising a reward to the first discoverers, with indemnity to their persons if concerned therein.” Dated Excise Office, Edinb[urgh]. 6 January 1714–15.
Minuted:—“A Proclamac[i]on was issued promising 200li reward to any one who wd discover the actors.” Again:—“4th August 1715. Warrt sign'd for a bounty of 50li.”
Enclosed:—Mr McAllen's representation, and the answer of the Collector of Excise in that shire to the orders sent him by the Comrs of Excise; also two copies of the London Gazette, Nos 5,301 and 5,312, which do not appear to have any connexion with the other papers. 5 pages (2 are print).
6 Jan. 11. Warrant of Lord Shrewsbury to the Rt Honble the Lord Guernsey, Master of his Majesty's Jewel Office, to deliver to Robert Lowther, Esq., Govr of Barbadoes, “two little flaggons, one chalice, a patent, and a receiver to take the offerings in, for the use of his Majesty's chappll there, not exceeding the value of eighty pounds.” Dated 6 Jan. 1714. 1 page.
7 Jan. 12. Robt Clayton to Mr Lowndes. Encloses by Lord Carnarvon's directions the state of the subsidy payable to the King of Portugal, and begs him to lay the same before the Lords of the Treasury. Dated Whitehall, 7 Janry 1714–15.
The enclosure not now with it. 1 page.
7 Jan.]
13. Report of the Comrs for Duties on Leather to the Lords of the Treasury, on the representation of Sr Isaac Shard, about duties on hides, etc. The reason for the duties on hides falling so short was not due to the ignorance or omission of the officers, as he alleges, but to the fact that the estimate for London and Scotland was placed much too high. They employed none but thoroughly qualified persons as officers, on whom a most efficient check is placed by the diaries which the collectors send up every six weeks. Answer the particular articles of Sir Isaac Shard's letter. In their answer to his fourth article, in which he asserts that the officers were unable to distinguish between a lamb or sheep skin, and a doe skin, they say: “There's this general rule (which officers are acquainted wth) that in all sheep and lamb skins the gashes of the knife will appear in the shanks, whereas in buck and doe skins the shanks are smooth by reason of their being cased, and not flayed as sheep and lamb is, and if the shanks should be cut off (which would give suspicion) there are other tokens which so far differences them that no carefull officer can err in making his charge.” The letter is minuted:—“Janry 1714/1715 Send this to Commrs of Leather to consider.”
The letter referred to, and a report stating that the estimate for London and Scotland was much too high. 6 pages.
7 Jan.]
14. South Sea Company to the Lords of the Treasury. Beg that their Lordships will be pleased to order the quarter's annuity due at Xmas. last in money.
Minuted:—“7 Janry 1714/1715. My Lords will consider this.”
Again:—“13do read againe. My Lords are of opinion they have nothing more in their power than the tallys on malt to make this qurs paymt with, to wch ye members acquiesce.” ½ page.
7 Jan. 15. John Anstis to the Lords of the Treasury. The coinages in Devon and in two of the issue towns in Cornwall were over before Christmas Day, and the tinners will, in a few days, be at liberty to dispose of their tin unless the King give orders for issuing money to pay for it. Dec. 7, 1714–15.—[“Dec” is evidently a mistake for January.]
Minuted:—“7 Janry 1714/1715. Read. To be considered at a full board.” 1 page.
8 and 10 Jan. 16. The Earl of Oxford to [the Vice-Chamberlain], with regard to a house at St James', which his Majesty wishes to purchase of him. The house is worth 8,000l. to himself. Will not sell it for less to any fellow subject, but will let his Majesty have it for 7,500l. Concludes,—“If I were to sel Bramton Castle or Wigmore, I know no other rule to value them by but the use they are to me, and what they are worth to me.” Dated Jan. 8, 1714–15, but a postscript is added:—“Janu. 10. When I had wrote half this letter I was taken so ill I could not finish it until this day.” 2 pages.
10 Jan. 17. “Observac[i]ons to the Auditor's Report upon Mr Baker's memll presented to the late Lord Treasurer (Oxford). Dated 18th March 1713/1714.” Signed Hen. Baker, January 10, 1714. Among other things, he denies that he was ever surveyor of the coasts of Kent and Sussex, being only surveyor of the riding officers appointed there. Annexed are copies of two warrants, appointing him as the only prosecutor of persons corresponding with France; on the back of one of which is “Capt. Baker's memorial, wth copies of two warrts relating to his office of surveyr of the coasts.” 3½ pages.
11 Jan. 18. Copy of a report made by the Lords of the Treasury, to his Majesty, on the clause in the late Queen's will, which related to 2,000l. to be distributed amongst poor people as her Majesty's alms. The draft in question, containing many blanks not filled up, cannot be construed to be her Maty's will; “nothing appearing to have been done by her said Maty towards executing the same, nor was there in respect of this charity any designation or direction about it, under her said Maty's Signe Manual before her demise.” If, however, his Maty see fit to order the payment of the said charity, according to the directions of the draft, they have no objection to offer. Dated Whitehall, Treasury Chambers, 11th January 1714/1715.
Enclosed is a letter from Lord Townshend, desiring them to make the above report.
Minuted:—“4 Janry 1714/1715. Ld. Townshend, with a draught of the late Q.'s will.” Again:—“7 Janry 1714/1715. That ye will was not executed, nor no Signe Manl, but if K. thinks fit Lds. have no objecc[i]on.”
Lord Townshend's letter. 2 pages.
11 Jan. 19. Richard Pryce, “Regr of Pampts” at the Stamp Office, to William Lowndes, Esqre. Encloses petition, which he begs him to lay before the Lords of the Treasury. Dated 11 Jan. 1714.
The petition, in which he says that Mr Martyn, one of the Comrs of the Stamp Duties, has, he is informed; persuaded the new Comrs of that revenue to displace him. Cannot imagine any reason for his removal “unless it be to give the sđ Mr Martyn an opportunity of getting money for yr petitionr's office, which yor petitioner has the more reason to suspect, because one Wm Holland, an officer attending the rolling press for stamp pampts put in by the said Mr Martyn, has often declar'd he gave fourscore guineas for his office, and yor petitionr knows the said Mr Martyn p[re]tended he put him in by the recommendation of the late Ld Tr[easur]er, and is well inform'd that such p[re]tention was false. That yor petitioner has heard of other removals intended, and of other money taken by the sđ Mr Martyn, while he was formerly a Comr.”
The petition is minuted:—“Jan. 1714/1715. Order Mr Martyn & Mr Price to be here tomorr morñ.” Again:—“12 do, Mr Martin & Mr Price appear. Upon hearing Mr Price upon this petic[i]on my Lords are of opinion that he hath not made out any of his allegations, but if he can bring any proofs their Lordps. will be ready to receive them.” 2 pages.
12 Jan. 20. Report of Sir Roger Mostyn to the Lords of the Treasury on Charles Lord Tyrawly's representation, which states that Mr Peter Potter, agent to the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, late under his Lordship's command, received from the Paymasters of the Forces and applied to his own use large sums upon account of the said regiment, while the regiment was in service in Spain. Since this he and his security are “broke.” As large sums are due to Potter from Lt.-Genl Wills' regiment of Marines, begs that the money due from Potter to the said regiment of Fusiliers may be detained out of the money thus due to him (Potter) from Lt.-Genl Wills' regiment. Acquiesces in Ld. Tyrawly's representation. Dated 12 Jan. 1714–15.
The representation referred to. 2 pages.
13 Jan. 21. Comrs of Stamp Duties to the Lords of the Treasury. Give a list of the officers of their establishment, and suggest various changes which might be made in the office. Their first observation is:—“that the Assistant to the London Inspector of Courts and Corporations has a higher salary allowed him than the inspector himself,” &c. “The reason whereof wee are strangers to, but think it neither just nor convenient, since the principall in every office may expect more than any person that is under him, and the giving a larger salary to inferior officers than to their superiors makes them insolent to them and less under command.” They beg also, that it may be an instruction to them “for the future to admit no person above forty years of age, nor any one that is not sound and perfect in their limbs,” into the number of their working officers, “several having been formerly brought in that by being aged and infirm have become in a few years a hindrance of business by their disability to discharge their duty, and a burthen instead of an assistance to their fellow officers.”
Enclosed are several schedules, lettered from A to I, and subordinate to the contents of the Comrs' letter. Date d Stamp Office, Lincolns Inn, January 13th 1714. 14 pages.
14 Jan.]
22. Report of Edward Northey, Knt, Attorney-General, and of Nicholas Lechmere, Esq., Solicitor-General, on the petition of Grace, Lady Dowager Carteret, and John, Lord Gower. The petitioners represent that King Charles II. granted to John, Earl of Bath, and to his heirs (in consideration of the great services done by him and his father, Sr Bevill Granville), a pension of 3,000l. per ann. to be paid out of the revenues of the Duchy of Cornwall, and in case of failure thereof (by there being a Duke of Cornwall) to be paid out of the hereditary excise of Cornwall, Devon, and the city of Exeter. This pension has descended to them as coheirs of the said John, late Earl of Bath, and (now that there is a Duke of Cornwall) ought to be paid out of the hereditary excise. The petitioners pray that the pension, which is in arrear from Lady-day last, may be paid with arrears. Are of opinion that they should be paid as they petition out of the hereditary excise.
The petition: minuted:—“14 Janry 1714/1715. Wts to be prepared pursut to the Grants.” 4½ pages.
14 Jan. 23. Representation of Sr William Ashhurst and Sr Thomas Abney to the Lords [of the Treasury], about the coal meters. The Comrs of Customs had reported on a memorial from the master coal meters of London, but their report was only grounded on the false statements of the master meters, who behave with great injustice and oppression towards their under meters. Beg that their Lordships will not make any order upon the Comrs' report, until they have heard what the under meters also have to say, by means of their counsel, on the subject. Dated London, Jan. 14th 1714–15. 3 pages.
14 Jan.]
24. “A state of the case relating to the debts of ye army.”
Memoranda on this subject. The last date occurring is 14 Janry 1714.
15 Jan. 25. The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland (Sunderland) to the Lords of the Treasury, about the poor Palatines. Has received the enclosed report [described more particularly below]. The Comrs for these Palatines desire that the surplus of 624l. per ann., as well as the 720l. stopped for fees, may be distributed among these 263 families, to enable them to maintain a minister and an agent, and to support other contingent charges. Dated London, Jan. 15, 1714–15.
Minuted:—“16 Feb. 1714/1715. To be considered when the establishmt comes to be made.” Again:—“4th June 1715. Order'd.”
Report of the Comrs for the Palatines to the Lords Justices of Ireland on the memorial of Daniel Hintz, agent and interpreter to the Palatines in Ireland, and on other papers (not now) enclosed. In 1709 her late Majesty sent into Ireland 821 families of Palatines, and allowed 24,000l. for their relief, which had all been applied to that use except 720l. which was stopped in the Treasury “for poundage and pells.” In Nov. 1711 the families were reduced to 312, and her Majesty, in 1712, allowed 40s. a family to them for seven years. The Comrs on 4 April 1713 represented that there only remained 263 families, numbering 979 persons, who were settled in farms, the rest having removed out of the kingdom. The Comrs now pray to be allowed the surplus of 624l. per ann. for seven years, and for the 720l. of Treasury fees to be applied to maintain a minister to read the Liturgy of the Church to them in their own language, and for an agent who understands their language. They further represent that the Palatines have all received the Sacrament according to the Liturgy, but are utterly ignorant that they should have taken the oath and been naturalised. The Act relating to the oaths having been repealed, the Palatines cannot now take the oath, and so are rendered incapable of enjoying their leases, which are set them by several Protestant gentlemen, except her late Majesty recommended their case to Parliament. The Comrs state that at the time of the present report there are 230 families, all settled on farms taken on lease, who are employing themselves very industriously in raising hemp and flax, and in other husbandry, except a few tradesmen that are settled in Dublin. In a little time they will be of great advantage to the kingdom, and a strength to the Protestant interest; but as they are not yet fully acquainted with the English laws and customs, nor perfect in the language, a minister to read the Liturgy in their own language is necessary, and an agent who understands their language, so that they shall not be wronged or abused in their dealing. The Comrs recommend that these poor people shall be capacitated by law to hold their leases and shall be allowed the 624l. and the 720l. above referred to. Dublin, 18 Nov. 1714.
Also an abstract of the report.
The other papers are not now with it. 5½ pages.
17 Jan. 26. Report of the Comrs of the Wine Licences to the Lords of the Treasury. Transmit the present establishment of their several officers and their respective salaries and duties. They give also the particulars of the contingent charges of the year 1713. These are heavier than those of preceding years, but the difference is due to the expense of prosecuting defaulters, which had not been done for some years before, and to the messengers being kept longer in their several circuits to detect persons selling wine without a licence. Dated “Wine Lycence Office,” the 17th of January 1714/1715.
The establishment referred to. 3 pages.
[? About
17 Jan.]
27. “The Earl of Oxford about his house at St. James's.” A paper docquetted thus, unsigned. 7,500l. is what he values the house at, and as he could have made more of it, he has reason to insist that the purchase-money be paid free from all charges whatsoever.
Minuted:—“17th Janry 1714/1715. A warrt for 7,500l. to be prepared, with the fees to be paid on receiving it.” 2 pages.
17 Jan. 28. Presentment of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury as to the damage done to the Custom House by the late dreadful fire near it. The Long Room and the east part of the Custom House have sustained no harm, but the Comrs' room at the west end of the house, their secry's office, and several other offices near there are very much damaged. The foundation of that part of the Custom House has been so much damaged by the blowing up of the adjoining houses that they have ordered it to be shored. Their officers have secured their books and papers. The usual ways to the “Keyes” near the Custom House being stopped by this accident, they have desired the Board of Ordnance to open a cartway out of the east end of Thames Street towards Tower Hill. Dated Custom House, London, 17th Janry 1714.
Minuted:—“18 Janry 1714/1715. Read.”
Enclose a copy of a survey of the west end of the Custom House, which they directed able builders to take.
The copy of the survey referred to. 3 pages.
17 Jan. 29. Petition of Thomas Hewett, Surveyor-Genl of His Majesty's Woods, &c., to the Lords of the Treasury. Edward Wilcox, Esq., then her Maty's Surveyor-Genl on the south side Trent, was, in 1707, authorised by her late Maty's warrant to fell a certain number of trees yearly, for the term of 40 years, in the New Forest, for the service of the navy. The warrant has become void by her late Maty's demise, begs therefore to know their Lordships' pleasure therein. Mr Wilcox, the late surveyor, refuses to deliver to him the ancient books, &c, or any information relating to the office; begs therefore for such directions as may be necessary. Dated 17 Jan. 1714.
Minuted:—“3 Janry [sic] 1714/1715. A wt to deliver all books, papers, writings, & muniments wtsoever belonging to the office of surveyr by schedule indented.” 1 page.
18 Jan. 30. Report of the Comrs of Stamps to the Lords of the Treasury, on a representation of Benjamin Robins and Richard Duke, certifying that Robins served the office of distributor of stamps, &c. for the city of Exeter for many years faithfully, but had been removed. Believed that Robins and Duke were well affected to the Government, and were fit to be employed as distributors for the city of Exeter. Dated Stamp Office, Lincoln's Inn, 18 Jan. 1714.
The representation.
Minuted:—“Agreed.” 2 pages.
18 Jan. 31. Memorial of the Rt Honble the Earl of Radnor, Treasurer of his Majesty's Chamber, to the Lords of the Treasury. Prays that certain payments may be replaced on the establishment of his office. Forwarded by J. Holbech. Dated 18 Jan. 1714. 2 pages.
21 Jan. 32. “An estimate of what remained due to the Publick Ministers at the time of her late Majesties demise, what hath been since paid to them on accot of the said arrear and remaines to clear the same.” Dated Jan. 21, 1714–15.
Two copies, one with several alterations in it. 2 pages.
22 Jan. 33. Opinion of Sir Edw. Northey, Attorney-General, on two queries founded on the petition of John Montagu, Esq., Registrar, Comptroller and Accomptant of the money paid on the apprentice duties. Is of opinion (1) that the money paid on apprentice duties is not within the patent of the Comptroller of the Stamp Duties, such money not being a duty charged on stamped vellum, &c., and (2) that the Comptroller of the money paid on the apprentice duty will properly be appointed by the Comrs for managing that duty with the direction or approbation of the Treasury; but his Maty may, if he think fit, appoint by letters patent, the office being one that relates to the revenue of the Crown. Dated Jan. 22, 1714–15.
The petition referred to; also a copy of the above, with a copy of the petition, enclosing the observation of the Comrs of the Stamp Duties. 9 pages.
22 Jan. 34. “A state of her late Maty's debts to the Civil Government as they stood at the time of her demise. And an accot of what was then in the Exchequer and farther expected to be paid in towards satisfying the said debts. Also, an account of the application thereof from 1st August to 21st Janry 1714 inclusive, etc.”
Two copies. 8 pages.
Jan. 22. 35. Report of the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland (Sunderland) to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Timothy, Lord Bishop of Kilmore and Ardagh, Nicholas, Lord Bishop; of Killaloe, and Edward, Lord Bishop of Raphoe, praying his Majesty to issue his Royal letters for granting, them the fruits of the said bishoprics for the intervening time between the vacancy of their respective sees, and the date of their letters patent. Have referred the same to the Lords Justices of Ireland, who, having consulted the Comrs of Revenue, are of opinion that the favour prayed for depends wholly on his Maty's royal pleasure, but that the same has been granted to others, in like cases. Concurs in their opinion, and thinks his Maty's bounty will be well bestowed on the petitioners. Dated London, Jan. 22, 1714–15.
The petition referred to.
Minuted:—“22 Novr 1714. Ref. to Lord Lieutenant.” Again: “14 June 1715. A warrt to be p[re]pared according to my Lord Sunderland's report. But my Lords will represent to ye King the inconvenience of granting such bounties in time coming, and propose that his Maty will establish a genll rule to be observed in relac[i]on to the temporalities of vacant bishopks in Ireland.”
Also the reference from the Lords of the Treasury, the letter from the Lords Justices of Ireland (the signatures torn away), the report of the Comrs of Revenue in Ireland, and the report of the Comrs of Revenue. 7 pages.
Jan. 22. 36. Memorial of Henry Baker to the Lords of the Treasury. Was appointed by King William Surveyr-General of the Riding Officers on the coasts of Kent and Sussex, and was also appointed to prosecute for all offences relating to trade and correspondence between those coasts and France. Thanks their Lordships for restoring him to the office of Surveyor-General, and prays them to renew the former warrants to him. Dated Jan. 22, 1714–15.
Minuted:—“March 9th, 1714. Agreed.”
Encloses copies of 3 warrants from the Lds. of the Treasury: (1.) Dated 30 July 1697, to the Comrs of Customs; (2.) Same date, to the Attorney General; (3.) Dated 27 Feb. 1696, to Comrs of Customs. 4 pages.
Jan. 22. 37. “A state of her late Majesty's debts to the Civil Government as they stood at the time of her demise; and an account of what was then in the Exchequer and farther expected to be paid in, towards satisfying the said debts. Also an account of the application thereof from the 1st August to 21st January 1714 inclusive, &c.” [Numbered 44, probably one of a series.] 4 pages.
Jan. 23. 38. Copy of Sir Basill Dixwell's memorial to the Lords of the Treasury. The late Auditor of the Malt Duty, Robert Davers, had been removed, and the late Deputy Auditor, George Bruere, was dead. Prays that the warrant to the late Auditor may be renewed in favour of himself, and that the late Deputy Auditor's warrant may be renewed in favour of Edward Lerpiniere, his present deputy. Dated, Excise Office, 23 Jan. 1714.
Copies of warrants to Comrs of Excise in favour of Robert Davers and George Bruere enclosed.
[? About
Jan. 24.]
39. Petition of Thomas, Earl of Limerick, to the King. Was bred a soldier, and became Colonel of the Irish regiment in France, worth 5,000l. per ann. In 1676, by command of the King and Parliament, left that employment and was banished from France. In 1677 King Charles II. gave him a pension of 500l. per ann. for life, and made him a general officer in the army designed for Flanders, but the peace of Nimeguen ensuing, he was appointed Deputy Governor of Tangier. In 1682 was appointed Governor of New York, and continued there about six years. Brought the “five nations” of Indians to make peace with and submit to England. In 1687 the French Canadians, making war on these five nations, petitioner prevented their revolting to the French. In this war took 500 prisoners, forced the rest into their garrisons, &c., and they must have quitted Canada if petitioner had continued the war, but he was dismissed in 1688. In this expedition disbursed above 10,000l. of his own. In 1691 returned into England and found his elder brother William, then Earl of Limerick, attainted of treason for the late rebellion in Ireland, and the estate was soon after granted to the Earl of Athlone, who sold it to several purchasers. Was legally entitled to the estate after the death of his brother in 1698, but the settlement could not be found. In 1700 the Parliament passed an Act of resumption of all grants of Irish forfeitures, but the settlement could not be found till the time for sending in the claim was expired, by which he was excluded from making the claim. In Dec. 1700 he found the settlement, and Parliament gave him liberty to claim his estate, &c., but by the loss of the settlement, he lost above 20,000l. Has not received his pension since 1688, &c. Prays compensation.
Referred to the Lords of the Treasury. 24 January 1714.
Minuted:—“This petition to be referred to ye Treasury.” 1 page.
27 Jan. 40. A. Spotswood to the Lords [of the Treasury.] Encloses an address from the General Assembly of Virginia to his Majesty, and a copy of the letter which they presented to him, with his own answer to it. The revenue of 2s. per hhd., appropriated to the payment of the charges of Government, has fallen so low, that the charges have exceeded the income by 1,070l. 9s. 11½d. Encloses the account of that revenue, and prays that the present deficiency may be supplied out of the revenue of quit rents. States the reforms he had introduced into the method of paying and collecting the quit rents, and encloses his new scheme with regard to that matter. These new regulations had been approved of by the majority of the Council. Had received objections to them in writing from none but the Receiver-General. Encloses these objections, with his own answer to them. It is a difficult matter for a Governor, who has no other assistance than his own hearty inclinations, to struggle against the general bent of a whole country. Two officers here, the Bishop of London's Commissary and the Attorney-General, have been paid during the last two reigns by particular command of the Sovereign out of the quit rents; hopes he shall not do amiss in continuing these payments until he receives further directions. Dated Virginia, Jan. 27, 1714.
The enclosures referred to, with the exception of the Assembly's address, the copy of the letter presented to him, and his reply.
Minuted:—“The address delivered to Collo Blakiston, 6 July 1714.” 7 pages.
27 Jan. 41. Report of the Attorney-General (Northey), and Solicitor-General (Lechmere) to the Comrs of the Treasury, upon the petition of Henry, Earl of Grantham. The late King William granted to Henry de Nassau, Seigneur d'Auverquerque, an annuity of 2,000l. for himself and his heirs for ever, to be paid out of the revenues of the Duchy of Cornwall. If, however, by reason of there being a Duke of Cornwall, or otherwise, the annuity could not be paid out of these revenues, it was to be charged upon the hereditary excise. The petitioner, who is heir to Henry de Nassau, Seigneur d'Auverquerque, prays that (as the present Prince of Wales is Duke of Cornwall), he may receive the annuity and all arrears thereof out of the hereditary excise. Are of opinion that the annuity should be so paid. Dated Jan. 27, 1714.
The petition referred to.
In the Minute Book, Vol. 20, p. 63, is “Dt warrt to be drawn for the Earl of Grantham's pension of 3,000l per ann., payable by the Recr of the Duchy of Cornwall, to be paid by the Comrs of Excise according to ye purport of his grant.” 4 pages.
28 Jan. 42. Memorial of Lancelot Burton, Samuel Edwards, and John Grainger, receivers of 807,000l., part of the Class Lottery, 1711, to the Comrs of his Maty's Exchequer. Have passed their accounts and obtained a “quietus est”; pray therefore that the bonds may be cancelled. Dated Exchequer, 28 Jan. 1714.
Minuted:—“Read 4th Feb. 1714, ordered that the bond be đđ up accordingly.” 1 page.
28 Jan. 43. Jno Colesworth to the Comrs of his Matys Customs, “or whom else it may concern,” on behalf of David Bell, who has been for some time a tide surveyor in the port of Newcastle, and who has been dismissed by the contrivance of the Collector, Deputy Collector, and other officers in that Custom House. Considers Bell the best officer there, and that he is calumniated by those whom he has made to suffer for defrauding Government. Dated 28 Jan. 1714.
At the foot is:—“N.B. Jno Colesworth ye oldest Justice in ye county.” 1 page.
29 Jan. 44. Lord Chamberlain (Shrewsbury) to the Comrs of the Treasury. The King having ordered an allowance of 15l. per week to the Envoy from Tripoly, begs them to pay 105l. to Clement Cotterell, Master of the Ceremonies, for seven weeks' allowance to the Envoy, viz., from Dec. 1, 1714 to Jan. 19 following. Also requests payment of 73l. 8s. 10d. for the expenses of the Envoy and his retinue from Plymouth to London, and for the charges of entering at the Custom House four horses which were presented to his Majesty. Dated Cockpit, 29 Jan., 1714–15. 1 page.
29 Jan. 45. Caleb Heathcote to —. Has for fourteen or fifteen years considered a scheme to supply the navy with stores cheaper than from Denmark, Sweden, Russia, or any foreign Kingdom. Proposes that his Majesty shall detach 28 men out of each established company in this province, whose labour he is to have, and that he be allowed to draw for 100l. a month to erect saw mills, other buildings, &c. If upon trial, the scheme shall be approved, proposes that the hands shall be transported in the vessels he shall build for packet boats, &c., and the men shall come over to North America as soldiers and servants, to be discharged after four years' service. Lays down various rules for their treatment, &c. Dated New York, 29 Jan. 1714–15. 3½ pages.
29 Jan. 46. A paper signed:—“Dom. Ma Viceti,” Secretary to the Republic of Genoa, in reply to a communication made to him on 11 November. Gives an account of all the circumstances in respect to Messrs. Corticelli and Como, London merchants, and their claims on one Luke Justiniano. Two Genoese vessels arrested had no connexion with these affairs. They were arrested because they were supposed to carry contraband goods. Dated London, 29 Jan. 1714–15. (French.)
Also the petition of Corticelli and Como, and three other enclosures. See also papers under date [About 26 Oct. 1714.] 12 pages.