Two London Chronicles From the Collections of John Stow. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1910.
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'A London Chronicle: Mary', in Two London Chronicles From the Collections of John Stow, ed. Charles Lethbridge Kingsford (London, 1910), British History Online [accessed 12 February 2025].
'A London Chronicle: Mary', in Two London Chronicles From the Collections of John Stow. Edited by Charles Lethbridge Kingsford (London, 1910), British History Online, accessed February 12, 2025,
"A London Chronicle: Mary". Two London Chronicles From the Collections of John Stow. Ed. Charles Lethbridge Kingsford (London, 1910), British History Online. Web. 12 February 2025.
Neuerthelesse, thankes be to God, the Wednysday, beynge ye of Jully, at v. of ye clocke in ye afternone ye hole body of ye counsel, wh. were lefte behynd in ye Tower, assembled at Baynardes castell, & ther communed wt ye erle of Penbroke, & ymedyatly came into Chepesyde wt ye kynge of heraudes, wher they proclaymed ye vertuous lady Mary, doughter of quene Kateryn, quene of England, ffraunce &c., (fn. 1) in earth ye supreme heade: ye Joye wherof wonderfull, for some caste money abrod, & some made bonfyars thorowe ye whole cyte: ye prayses were geuen to God in ye churches wt te deum & orgaynes, belles ryngynge & euery wher ye tables spredd in ye stretes, meate & drynke plentye, wyne geuen ffrely of many men, and a greate peale of ordynaunce was shote of at ye Tower.
After thes thinges thus done, euen ye sellfe same daye of July at ix. of ye clocke in ye nyghte, ye erle of Arundell wt ye lord Patchet rode to ye quenes grace to fframyngham, (fn. 2) & as ye was sayd caryed wt them ye greate sealle of England, & then also ye counsell sent letters vnto ye duke of Northumberland wt his adherentes to retyre, & proclayme ye quene in his campe: ye wh. thynge done he returned homeward, & at Cambrydge was taken & commytted to warde. Ye 21 of July, beynge ffrydaye, ye byshope of London, who before prechyd so abhomynabillye, ye of July, rode erly ye same 21 day in ye morninge towardes her grace, to submyte hym vnto her gracious mercy.
And vpon Thursdaye, beinge ye 21 of Julii, ye duke of Northumberland havynge receyved ye sayd proclamacion from ye lordes, he returned ye same nyghte to Cambridge, & ther proclamed her grace quene of England; & ye same nyghte after he was layed in his bede ye garde came & seased vppon his weapons & his body & tooke hym in charge: & ye next day ye lord erle of Huntyngton, ye lorde Graye, & dyuers other, & ye capeteyne of ye gar[de] (fn. 3) also were arested by ye quenes commaundement.
And vppon Sonday, beinge ye 22 daye of Julye, as it was sayd, dyuerse of ye lordes of ye counsell here rode towardes her grace. Vppon Tewesdaye, beinge ye xxvth. day of July in ye feast of sainte James thapostell, aboute iiij. of ye clocke at afternone thes persons followynge were broughte as prysoners into ye Tower of London, yt is to saye ye duke of Northumberland, ye erle of Warwyke his sonne, sir Ambrose Dudleye his sonne, & Harry Dudley his sonne, therle of Huntyngton, & ye lorde Hastinges his sonne, one [ ] Sandes (fn. 4) a prest of Cambrydge, who had preched in Cambrydge in all condycions & rather worse than ye bishope of London, Sir John Gaates capteyne of ye garde, & Harry Gaates his brother, Sir Androwe Dudley, & sir Thomas Pallmer.
And ye morrow after, beynge Wednysdaye ye 26 of July, (fn. 5) ther were broughte into ye Towre the prisoners folowynge, The lord marques Northeampton, The byshope of London, Rydleye, sir Richard Corbyt knyt of Suffolke, & a serchar of Gravesende called Harmonde. Thes came in at Allgate. And ye same nyght ye two cheff Judgys of England, ye lord Mountagwe, cheff judge of ye comon place, & syr Rogar Cholmley, cheffe justice of ye kyngs benche were bothe comytted to ye Towre. And neverthelesse they were sone delyveryd, beyng fynyd at serten somes of money.
Vpon Fryday ye xxviij. day of Julii the duke of Suff., Mster. Cheeke, whiche was ye kynges schole-mastar, wt divers othar, were commytted to ye Tower.
Vpon Thursday, beynge ye thyrd of August, ye quenes grace, ladie Marie, came aboute vij. of ye cloke at nyght vnto ye Towre of London, & vpon her awayted a great nomber of soldyours, some in blewe, some in white & grene, & some in Redde cottes, & a ix. C. shott of ordynaunce was shott of ye Towre.
And at hyr entrynge into hir great chambar ye bishope of Wynchester, doctour Gardenar, ye duke of Northeffolke, & ye douches of Somersett, & myster Courtneye, sonn to ye marquess of Exceter, had theyr pardon grauntyd vnto them by hyr graces owne mouthe.
Vppon Sattarday, beynge ye v. of August, ye byshope of London, doctour Bonar, who hadd lyen in ye Marchallse aboute v. yeres, was delyveryd & set at lybertie. And doctour Tunstall, byshope of Duresme, was also delyveryd out of ye Towre.
Vppon Twesdaye, ye viij. of August, ye corps of kynge Edward ye vj. was buryed in ye churche of sent Petar at Westmyster. And ye nyght before ther was placebo & dyrige sayd in latyn before ye quene wt yn ye Towre: & this present Twesdaye ther was a messe of requyem songe in latin before ye quene by ye byshope of Wynchestar wt in ye Towre.
On Twesdaye beynge ye xxij. daye of Auguste, The Duke of Northumberland, sir John Gaates, & buskynned Palmer were all thre behedyd vppon ye skaffolde at ye Towr hyll.
The xxvij. of August, beynge Sondaye, ye bakesyde of ye highe altar of Powles churche beynge made up wt brike some what above an altar but not clearly fynyshed, ther was hyghe masse songe in lattyn wt bothe mattyns & evensonge lykewyse in lattyn. And dyvers churches in London had ye lyke servyce.
Vppon Satterday, beynge ye laste daye of September, ye quenes highnes rode through ye citie in moaste goodly manere. The pageauntes in all places accustomyd beynge moste gorgyously trymmyd: amongest all ye thre pagauntes made by ye straungers wer ye myghtyest, wher of thone made by ye Gennayes (fn. 6) at Fanchurche, the othar at Grasechurche made by ye Stilliardes, & ye third in ye myddes of Gracious streate made by ye Florentynes were all made wt gattes to passe throwghe, & ye buyldynges wer very highe statlye. And so hir grace passyd forthe vnto Westmyster, & as she passyd by Pawles a certayne duche man stode vpon ye wetharcoke wt a flagge in his hande, & ondar hym vpon ye crosse a skaffolde wt flaggs, & ondar yt vpon ye ball an othar skaffolde wt flaggs & streamers. (fn. 7)
Vpon Sonday, beynge ye fyrste day of October, ye quenes grace was crownyd at Westmystar, & before here went all ye byshoppes wt myters & croysers, & ye clerks syngynge ye servyce all in lattyn.
Vpon Thursdaye, beynge ye v. day of October, ye barge of Gravesend by greate mysfortune of a catche comynge vpon hir was ovarthrowne and aboute fortye persons drownyd (fn. 8) : our lord be merciful to them.
On Monday, beynge ye xxiij., on wednysday ye xxv., & Fryday, beynge ye xxvij. day of October, were certayne dysputacions in ye longe (fn. 9) chapell at ye northe doore of Paules concernynge ye transubstanciacion, but no thyng throughely determynyd. (fn. 10)
Thomas Whit, marchaunt tayloure, mayie, ye xxviij. of Octobar, 1553.
Vpon Fryday ye iij. day of Novembar, 1553, ye aforesaid doucheman, who stode vpon ye wethercoke at ye queens rydynge thrughe London, dyd set up ye wetharcoke of Poules agayne vpon ye crosse, whiche he had causyd to be amendyd wt a brode rownde vane set vpon ye tayle to thend yt she myght turne wt every wynde, & even ye same day he stroke downe both ye skafoldes, whiche he before had made agaynst ye queens comynge.
Vpon Wednysday ye viij. of Novembar an obyt was kept in Poules for doctour Dolman,& vpon Thursday ye ix. of Novembar ye byshope of London songe ye masse hymselfe.
Vpon Monday, beynge ye xiij. day of Novembar, The archebyshope of Cantourbery, the lord Robert Dudleye, the lord Guylforde Dudley, husbond of ye lady Jane pretendyd quene, the lord Henrie Dudley, youngest sone of ye sayd thre Dudleyes, and ye sayd lady Jane ye pretendyd queene, were all v. arreygnyd at ye Guylde hawll vpon highe treason, & so cast & adiudgyd to be drawne, hangyd, & quarteryd.
Vpon Satterday, beynge ye xxv. of Novembar. & ye yere of our lord 1553, Anno I. Regyne Marie, at vj. of ye cloke at night S. Katheryns lyghts were cryed aboute ye battylments of Paules steple, whiche had not ben many yeres before. (fn. 11)
Vpon Tewesdaye or Wednysdaye ye v. of Decembar, ye parlyament was dissolvyd, wherein was repeallyd ix. servall actes, viz. for mariage of priestes, ye legitimacion of prestis children, ye receyvynge of ye sacrament in bothe kyndes, ye makynge of deacons & pristes, the vniformytie of devyne prayer, the pluckynge downe of altars, Roods, & Images, the observacion of holydayes & fastynge dayes, wt ij. othar actes.
Vpon ye 14 day of Januarye, 1553, ye lord chauncelour wt othar of ye counsell declaryd openly vnto ye queens Maiestie howseholde yt ther was a mariage concludyd betwene hir grace & ye kynge of Spayne, (fn. 12) whiche was ye fyrst tyme it was certaynly knowne abrode.
Aboute ye xxv. day of Januarie, Anno 1553, anno primo Regine Marie, began ye comocion in Kent, ye cheffe captayns wherof was sir Thomas Wyat & one syr Henrie Illisleye (fn. 13) : but it was sayd yt lorde Cobham had taken parte wt ye queene: the cause of theyr comocion (as ye brute went) was because they woulde not be subiecte to ye kynge of Spayne: for thappesynge where of ther was a great nombar of men made out of ye citie of London, & all ye companyes chargyd ther wt.
And vppon Candelmas day, beynge Frydaye & ye ij. day of Februarie, all ye aldarmen of London & ye inhabytauntes of every warde were ye whole day in harnes for feare of ye aforesayde Rebells, who as it was sayd approchid: & my lord mayre was at Ledyn hall wt a great nomber of men in harnesse, whiche were apoyntyd forthe by ye companyes of ye citie, double so many as before, for wher ye marchaunt taylours at ye fyrst tyme armed xxx. at this tyme they armyd lx. &c.
Vppon Satterday, beynge ye iij. day of February, ye morow after Candelmas day, s. Thomas Wyatt, who had lyen at Grenewitche by ye space of ij. nyghts & a daye, cam sodeynly aboute one of ye cloke at aftar none into Sothewarke wt his band of men, whose sodayne comynge drave ye citizens into great feare so that they were fayne to close vp ye gatte on ye brydge, & cutt downe ye draw brydge & let it fawll in to ye watar, & all men ran to harneys for ye deffence of ye citie. How be it sir Thomas Wyatt made to (fn. 14) proffer of entrie, but went streyght wayes to worke & his men wt hym & trenchid Sothewarke at every end, and plantyd his ordenaunce for his deffence. The citizens in ye meane season preparynge great watche & warde. And thus lay syr Thomas Wyat from ye Satourday at noone vntyll shrove Tewesday in ye mornynge next folowynge. The queens maiestie durynge this tyme preparyd greate power to goo agaynst hyme. The aforesayd shrovetewesday, beynge ye vj. day of Februarie, early in ye mornynge ye sayd syr Thomas Wyate removyd all his people & theyr ordynaunce all save one pece, & went vnto Kyngston, & ther beyng sumwhat resysted at ye last he by entreatie passyd ye brydge, whiche brydge was by hyme & his foarcyd & made, for ye brydge yt before was ther was cutt downe or he cam: & then he marchyd to London wardes a bowght xij. of ye cloke at nyght. Vpon ye morow, beynge ashwednysdaye, aboute thre of ye cloke in ye mornynge a greate outcrye was made thrughe London yt every man shuld put on his harnysse, & as sone as it was day lyght ye wardars, whiche were apoyntyd to have wardyd at ye bridge, were for ye moast parte all sent to Ludgate & othar placis. The queenes armye in ye meane season encampyd them selves in ye fylde before ye place callyd saynt James beyonde Westmyster, whithar it was sayd ye rebells purposyd to come: and aboute two of ye cloke they came: the queens ordynaunce was schott of, & ye horsemen marchyd fortheward, & set vpon them: & sir Thomas Wyate perseyvynge his dystruction at hand devysyd wt hym selffe this pollicie: he wt a certayne nombar slyppyd bye, & havynge theyr swerds drawne cam in at ye Temple barre cryenge, God save quene Marie: ye people, knowynge hym not to be Wyatt, sufferyd hym wt his companye to entre, thynkynge them to have bene some of theyr frynds: & ymediatly pursuite was made aftar hym by ye quenes armye, and in Fletstrete he was taken & dyvers othar wt hym, as two of ye Knayvatis, (fn. 15) & two of ye Cobhams, Captayne Brett, (fn. 16) whiche went away wt ye Londoners at Rochestar. Thar was slayne aboute ye numbar of an hondred (fn. 17) of ye Rebells. And then ye quene of hir clemencie & pitie grauntyd pardon to all ye rest of theyr lyves: and aftar a day or two syr Henry Isley wt dyvers othar were brought vnto ye Towre.
Vpon Monday, beynge ye xij. day of Februarie, ye lorde Gylforde Dudley, forthe sonne to ye duke of Northumbarland, hosband to ye lady Jane, pretendyd quene, was behedyd at ye Towre hyll: and ye sayd day lady Jane, ye pretendyd queene, was behedyd ye same day wt in ye Towre. Abought two days afore ye duke of Suffolke wt one of his brythern, whiche before fledd to Lester, ther to rays ye people ther to ayd syr Thomas Wyat, was brought in to ye Towre of London.
Vpon ye sayd Monday, beynge ye xij. of Februarie, (fn. 18) ye lord Courtney, therle of Devonshire, who was delyveryd out of ye Towre at ye queens entrynge, as is afore sayde,was nowe agayne comytted vnto ye Towre. The same Monday ther were gallowes to ye nomber of xviij. payre sett vp in dyvers placis of London: as two in Chepesyde, wherof one was beyond ye cross towarde Poules, & thothar almoast at ye great conduyte: at dyuers of ye gates othar.
Vpon Wednysday folowynge, beynge ye xiiij. day of Februarie, ther were vj. persons hangyd in Chepe syde vpon ye two payr of galowes. And vpon thothar gallowes in othar placis of ye citie to ye nombar of fifftye (fn. 19) persons, whiche wer of ye Londoners yt were set out by ye citie and rane away from ye duke of Northfolke vnto Wyatt, & wer taken in ye fylde vpon ashewednesday.
Also ye Sonday before, (fn. 20) Captayn Bret wt xxv. more wer layd in a cart in Sothewarke by ser Robert Sothewell,shrive of Kent, ye whiche wer asygnyd to be executyd in dyver placis in Kent, but many of them were aftarward pardonyd.
Vpon Thursday, beynge ye xxj. (fn. 21) day of Februarie, ye remaynante of ye sayde rebells, whiche hadd bene emprisonyd, some in Newgate, some in the Countars, some in Sothewarke, & some in seynt Petars chirche at Westmystar in dyvers chapells ther, whiche wer to ye nomber of xij. score persons or more, were brought to ye crosse in Chepe, where ye quenes mercifull pardon was declaryd vnto them to theyr great comfortes. (fn. 22)
And vpon Fryday, beynge ye xxij. (fn. 23) of Februarie, the duke of Suffolke was beheaded at ye Towre hyll.
Vpon Thursday, beynge ye viij. day of Marche, tharchbisshope of Cantorbery, ye byshope of London, Nycholas Rydleye, & fathar Latymer were brought out of ye Towre, & sent vnto Oxforde, ther to remayne vntyll ye queens comyng thethar at ye parlyament, beynge appoyntyd to begyn vpon ye Monday aftar lowe Sonday, ye iij. (fn. 24) day of Aprill; & ye tearme also was apoynted to be kepte at Oxford lykewysse.
Vpon Saterday, beynge ye xvij. (fn. 25) of Marche, ye lady Elisabeth, doughter of quene Anne Bulleyne, was comyttyd vnto ye Towre.
Wheras ye parlyament & tearme were bothe appoyntyd to have bene kepte at Oxenforde, it was now reiournyd vnto London by proclaymacion, and began at Westmystar ye second day of Apryll, beynge Monday.
Vpon Wednysday, beynge ye xj. of Aprill, sir Thomas Wyat, capitayne & ryngledar of ye sayd Rebells, was behedyd at ye Towr hyll.
Vpon ye xxvij. day of Apryll one Nicholas Thokmorton, (fn. 26) a gentylman, was arraygnyd at ye Gyldhall as accessarye vnto Wyats conspiracie, & vpon his quest were chosen dyvers sytysyns, one was Whetstone, (fn. 27) haberdashar, Emanuell Lucas, (fn. 28) marchant taylor, Watur Yonge, Mst. Baskerfylde, Symon Lowe, Wyliam Bankes, Mstar. Poyntar, Mst. Martyn, and fowr othars, whiche dyd acquyt hym, and shortly aftar sent for before ye connsell, & ij. of them sent to ye Towre, ye rest were sent to ye Flete.
Vpon Fryday, beynge ye xviij. day of May, one Wylyam Thomas, a gentylman who had bene clarke of ye counsell, who had bene wt Wyat, and allso detarmynyd to have slayne ye quene wt a dagar, was drawne from ye Towre of London to Tyborne, & ther hangyd & quarteryd.
Vpon Satarday, beynge ye xix. day of May, ye lady Elizabeth was brought out of ye Towr, & so convayed by watar vnto Rychemonde, & from thence ye next day she went to Wyndsore, & so by my lord Wyllyams to Rycote in Oxenfordeshire, & from thens to Wodstoke, where as it was sayd she shuld remayne. (fn. 29)
The fyrste (fn. 30) day of June ye gallowsys in London were commandyd to be takyn downe, whiche thynge was done accordyngly.
And aboute ye sayd fyrst (fn. 31) day of June ther was grauntyd by acte of comon counsell a fyvtyne & a halfe to be levyed of ye citezens for ye gyldynge of ye crosse in Chepe, & for makynge of pagauntes agaynst ye comynge of ye prynce of Spayne; & ther vpon skaffolds were made aboute ye crosse, & werkemen set a werke for makynge of ye pagauntis.
Vpon Sonday, beynge ye xv. day of Jully, 1554, & anno Regine Marie secondo, a yonge wenche (fn. 32) of ye age of xvj. or xvij. yeres dyd open penaunce at Poules crosse, standynge vpon a skaffolde all ye sermon tyme, & confessyd hir falte openly: that she beynge intysed by lewde counsell had (fn. 33) counterfetyd certayne speaches in an house in Aldarsgate strete, about ye whiche matar ye people were wondarfully molestyd, some saynge yt it was a sprite that spake in a wall, some one thynge, some an othar: on this manor she vsed hir selffe, she lay in hir bed, & whistelyd in a strange whystell made for ye nones, then was ther (as she confessyd) vj. falce knaves, (fn. 34) whos names she ther declaryd, confederyd wt hir, whiche toke vpon them to entarprite what ye spryt spake, expressynge certayn sedycius (fn. 35) words agaynst ye queens hyghnes.
Vpon Satarday, beyng ye xxj. of Julii, ther was great Joye & tryoumpth made in London wt bonffyars & ryngynge for ye salffe landynge of ye prynce of Spayne, who came on land vpon Thursday at nyghte, ye xix. of Julii.
Vpon Wedenseday, beynge saynt James day ye xxv. day of Julii at Wynchestar ye prynce of Spayne was maried vnto ye queens maiestie.
Vpon Sonday, beynge ye xxix. day of Julii, one doctour Harpefeld (fn. 36) preachyd at Powles crosse, and after he had made his proposycion he exortyd all men to become newe men bothe in mynd & doyng, for so myche (sayd he) as I have newe thyngs to declare vnto you and therfore ye must become newe, for accordynge to Christis saynge no man puttythe newe wyne into olde vessyles etc.; and thervpon. he declaryd vnto ye people ye style in maner folowynge: fyrst I command vnto....... (fn. 37) Philipp and Marye by ye grace of God kynge & quene of England, Faunce, Napyles, Jerusalem and Irlande, defender of ye faythe, prynces of Hyspayne & Cicile, archedukes of Austrie, dukes of Mylayne, Burgoyne, & Brabant, countes of Ausborow, (fn. 38) Flaunders & Tiroll: & then procedyd forthe wt his prayer. (fn. 39)
Vpon Lamas day, beynge ye fyrst of August, ye proclamacion was made consernynge ye sayd style in ye forenone, and at aftar none ye same stylle pryntyd bothe in Englisshe & in lattyn, was set up in dyvers placis of the citie.
And vpon Satterdaye, beynge ye xviij. day of August, (fn. 40) ye kynge & ye quene bothe togethar wt ij. swerdes borne before them passed ovar London brydge from Suffolke place in Sothewarke, wher they had lyene ye nyght before, and so rode bothe togethar thrughe ye citie. And at Gracious strete ye house of ye Stylyard at theyr cost made a sumptious & a large pagaunte fowr square wt stones of dyvars sortis. And at ye Stokes (fn. 41) was a great pagaunte made at ye cities cost declarynge ye nobylytie of iiij. Philyppes, (fn. 42) whiche have excellyd in vertue,& praysynge ye kynge for ye fyfthe. At Iremongare lane (fn. 43) ende was an othar greate pageante of Orpheus syttynge on ye toppe, playenge on a harpe, and lytyll boyes dressyd lyke wylde beastis dawnsynge aboutes ye mownt wheron he satt. The crosse beynge newly gyldyde shone very fayre. At ye lytyll conduite was ye whole genelogie of ye quenes maiestie & ye kyngs, brought from Edward ye thyrde, fathar to John of Gaunte: and at ye weste ende of Poules ye kynge & ye quene bothe alyghtyd and entryd into ye churche, & so into ye qwyre, wher they entryd into ij. traversys made for them. And afftar rode forthe. And round abowte ye conduyte in Fletestrete was a large & a fayre greate pageaunte wt turretts & dyvers other thyngs, And at ye gatte at Temple barr was a longe declaracion of ye prayse of ye kynge, wt a bryffe rehearsall of all ye sayd pagauntis.
Not., (fn. 44) ye from ye 10 day of Octobar vntyll ye xvj. day a greate preparacion was made in Smythefylde for ye spanyards to bayte ye bull aftar ye maner of Spayne, called Juga de Tauro, vpon sainte Lukes day, & a great frame for an house newe sett vp ther; and vpon ye even of saynt Luke, beynge ye xvij. day of Octobar, it was knowen yt ye same pastyme shulde be put of, so yt all ye preparacion for this tyme was voyde.
Vpon sent Lukes day, beyng Thursday ye xviij. day of October, ye kynges maiestie come to Pawles, and herde masse, ye whiche was songe wt his awne chapell.
The xxix. of Octobar, 1554, & in ye first & second yeres &c.
John Lyon, grocar, mayre.
(fn. 45) Not., that aboute ij. or thre days past those viij. citesins, Wherstone, Emanuell Lucas, Walter Younge, Baskevyle, Wyllyam Bankes, Marten, Kyghlehe, & Calthrope, were broughte out of ye Flete before ye counsell in ye Starre chamber, wher as yt was sayd ye lordes, consydderynge the obstaclenes, detyrmyned yt ye sayd [Wherstone] (fn. 46) because he was forman should paye for his fyne a thousande markes, & euery of ye other syxe hondreth poundes apece: but yet was not thes fynes ymedyatly sett vppon ther heades, but they were all viij. remytted to ye Flette: & as for ye othar fowre, N. Poynter, who neuer came in by reason yt he was syke when thother was apprehended, Symon Lowe, merchuaunte tayllor, who had bene delyuered shortly after he was committed, one [ ] Oates, who lately vpon submyssyon was lett out, & one other, who [s] name I knowe not, were not appoynted to paye any fyne.
And vppon Satterdaye, beinge ye of Nouember, 1554, ye shrefe of London enteryd into ye houses of ye said viij. (fn. 47) men, & seased vppon all ye goodes in them for ye levyinge of a fyne of a thousand markes apece, sett vppon ther heades in thexcheqwyre, & processe directed vnto ye shreffes of London for ye levyinge of ye same.
Also vppon Mondaye, beinge ye 12 day of Nouember, cardynall Poole came vnto Lambeth by water & ther dyned.
(fn. 48) Vpon Sonday, beinge ye xxv. day of November, the spanyards made a pastyme before ye cowrte gate at Westmystar, callid Juga de Cane; for ye preparacyon wherof ther was a wall, & posts pallyd dyd enclose ye tourneyinge place ther, & ye way also was all pullyd vp before ye place. (fn. 49)
Aboute iij. dayes past ye viij. quest men, whose housys were seasyd by ye shreves, (as is afore sayd) were asygned to pay ye thyrd parte of a M. markes, & so had ther houssys delyveryd agayn into thandis of theyr wyves, all whiche thyngs was done (as it was sayd) by ye kynges meanes & procurement: but yet were not they delyveryd ont of pryson.
Vpon Sonday, beynge ye second day of Desembar, 1554, and in ye fyrste & second yeres of ye reygnes of our soverayne lorde & ladye Philipp & Marie, The lorde Chauncelour (fn. 50) made a sermon at Paules crosse, at the whiche sermon ye kynge & ye cardenall were present, stondynge above ovar the lorde mayres hedd: & in ye same sermon my lorde Chauncelor declaryd yt we had bene long in ignoraunce of derknesse, wherfore accordynge to ye wordes of saynt Paule in ye epystyll redd in ye chyrche ye sayd Sunday (fn. 51) he exhorted all men wt abiiciamus opera tenebrarum, (fn. 52) & there vpon shewyd yt we must nedes have ye pope to be our supreme heade, and yt ye lorde cardynall Poole was come from hym wt his blessynge vnto vs, who dyd persecute hym wt all maladyccion, and therin (sayd he) owr moaste holy fathar dothe fullfyll ye saynge of Christ, whiche is benedicite maledicentibus vobis, (fn. 53) wyllynge ye people to put all vayne fantasyes & ymaginacions ont of theyr heades of any dyscorde to ensewe: for (quod he) a domino factum est istud, (fn. 54) and therfore shall ther be gloria in excelsis deo et in terra pax homynybus, (fn. 55) and for because hec est dies quam fecit dominus, exultemus et letemus in ea, (fn. 56) receyvynge this his holynes benediccionem in one vnytie, (fn. 57) and confessyng our faultes be glad and joyfull to receyve remyssyon. In dede (quod he) this reverend father my lorde cardynall is come to rayse and awake vs all, wher in I exclude not my selffe, for I confesse I have fallyn and am therfore sory wt them that be sorye,but as for ye kynge & ye quene they stode stedfastly allways & nede not to be raysyd, but he is come to rayse and awake ye holl body of ye realme. And then comynge to his prayers he prayed for ye spiritualtye, ye temporalltye, & ye sowles departyd, prayenge for ye pope as ye supreme heade. Aftar this ye belles in Paules began to rynge, & in othar churchis, whiche made souche noyse that I coulde not vndarstond iij. wordes togethar, & by reason therof & allso yt ye day was furre spent (for it was past one of ye clocke) he made a shorte ende.
Vpon Tewesday, ye 11 of Decembar, 1554, Mst. Whetstone, Mst. Yonge, Mst.Bankes, Mst.Baskervyld, and Mst. Martyn were deliveryd ont of ye prison of ye. Flete by vertewe of ye quenes leter; & thothar thre, Emanuell Lucas, Kyghtley, & Caltrop, were lefte styll behynd in pryson, bycaus they had not payde there parte of ye fyne accordynge as thothar fyve had done.
The parlyament endyd aboute ye xxij. (fn. 58) day of Januarie.
Vpon Fryday, beynge ye xxv. day of Januarie, generall procession (fn. 59) was through Chepesyde downe ye one and vp thothar, ye byshope of London, wt many othar bysshopes, beynge mytryd, & ye byshope of London goynge vndar a canapie: and at nyght by ye comaundement of ye lord mayre & ye aldarmen bonefyars were made thrwghe out ye hole citie wt bells ryngynge solomly; all whiche thyngs wer done for Joye of ye restorynge of ye trewe & catholyke relygyon, and for ye abolysshment of schismes and heresyes.
Vpon Monday, beynge ye fowrthe of Februarie, one [John] (fn. 60) Rodgers, vycar of sent Sepulchres, was burnyd in Smythefelde.
Vpon Monday, beynge ye 18 of Februarie, ye byshope of Ely, callyd doctour Hethe, (fn. 61) wt ye vycounte Broune, (fn. 62) and dyvers othar well apparylyd rode forthe of ye citie towards Rome. (fn. 63)
Vpon Thursedaye in ye night, beynge ye xiiij. of Marche, ye Image of a byshope, (fn. 64) whiche was newly sett vp of late ovar ye dore of sent Thomas of Acars, was shamefully mangled, ye heade & ye ryght arme beynge cleane smyttyn of: ye whiche Image ones before this tyme had ye hede lykewyse stryken of, and was aftarwarde newly set vp, and nowe eft sones broken.
Vpon Saterday in ye mornynge, beynge ye xvj. day of Marche, a wevar whiche dwellyd in Shordyche was burned in Smythefylde for heresye. (fn. 65)
Vpon Eastarday, beynge ye xiiij. day of Aprill, 1555, a certayne desperate person wt a wood knyffe woundyd a priste, as he was mynestrynge the sacrament in sent Margaretes churche at Westmystar, vnto ye people: of whiche wounde ye pryest was in great daunger of deathe, the churche of sent Margaretis was imedyatly shut in, and no more servyce don. (fn. 66)
Vpon sent Marks even, beynge Wednysday & ye xxiiij. day of Aprell, ye sayd desperate persone, whiche hurte ye priest at Westmystar, was burnyd for heresy at Westmystar in sent Margaretes churche yarde.
Vpon Tewesdaye, beynge ye vij. day of Maye, a certayn lewd heretyke called Tolly, (fn. 67) a pultar, who aboute x. days past had bene hangyd for robberye, & had ben buryed betwen Charinge crosse & ye gallows ther, was taken vp agayn and burnyd for certayne sedycious & hereticall wordes by hym spoken at his deathe. (fn. 68)
Itm. in ye yere of our lorde 1555, ye 26 daye of August, ye kynge & quene vode thrughe ye citie of London, and toke barge at ye Towre wharffe, & so went to Grenewyche.
Itm. ye 29 day of August ye kynge departyd from Grenewiche & went in to Spayne.
Itm. in ye begynnynge of Octobre next folowynge ther was suche raygne yt sent Gorgis (fn. 69) felde was coveryd wt watar, & betwen sente Gorgis and Newynton, that for ye space of vj. dayes whyres myght go ther: and it cam into Westmystar hawle halffe a yarde depe, & in to ye palace of Westmynstar, & in to Lambythe churche, that men mowght rowe aboute ye churche wt a whyrey. (fn. 70)
About ye ix. (fn. 71) day of Nouember folowynge ye byshope of Wynchest. doctour Styvene Gardenar, departyd this mortall lyffe: and his body was buryed at Wynchestar. (fn. 72)