The Historical Collections of a Citizen of London in the Fifteenth Century. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1876.
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'Gregory's Chronicle: 1420-1426', in The Historical Collections of a Citizen of London in the Fifteenth Century, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1876), British History Online [accessed 25 January 2025].
'Gregory's Chronicle: 1420-1426', in The Historical Collections of a Citizen of London in the Fifteenth Century. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1876), British History Online, accessed January 25, 2025,
"Gregory's Chronicle: 1420-1426". The Historical Collections of a Citizen of London in the Fifteenth Century. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1876), , British History Online. Web. 25 January 2025.
1420 – 1426
Ande in that yere, the xx day of May, the yere of oure Lorde Ml cccc xx, the kyng come unto Troys, in Chaunpeyne, and there he was worthely ressayvyde of alle the lordys spyrytualle and temporalle [th]at were there whithe the Kynge of Fraunce. And on the morne the Kyng and Quene of Fraunce, and Dame Katerynne, and the Duke of Burgayne, mette to gedyr in Synt Petrys chyrche in Troys; whiche metyng was in the body of the chyrche. Ande thenne they went upe to the hyghe auter, and there were the artyculys of the pes redde, and the othys made on aythyr partye. And thenne was the kyng and Dame Katerynne swryde to-gedyr. And on the morne aftyr was Trenyte Sonday, that was the iij day of June, the yere of oure Lorde Ml cccc xx, in the chyrche of Troys, the kyng spowsyd Dame Kateryne, Kyng Charlys doughter of Fraunce; and thenne he was made Regent of Fraunce, and the convencyons of the whiche acordyd folowynge here aftyr, that ys for to saye:—
Harry, by the grace of God, Kyng of Inglond, heyre and Regent of Fraunce, and Lorde of Yrlonde, to perpetualle mynde to alle Crystyn pepylle, ande to alle that ben undyr owre obeysaunce, we notefy and declare that thoughe (fn. 1) here before dyvers tretes have ben be twyne the moste excellente Prynce Charlis, owre fadyr of Fraunce, and hys progenytours, for the pes to ben hadde be twyne ij realmys of Fraunce and of Inglonde, the whiche here by forne have borne no (fn. 2) frwte, we, consyderynge the grette harmys that have ben, not oonly by twyne ij realmys for the grette devysyon [th]at hathe ben be-twyne hem, but to alle hooly Chyrche, we have take a trete whythe oure sayde fadyr and us, that for as moche as be the bonde of matrymonye, i-made for the goode of the pes be-twyne us and oure moste dyre modyr Isabelle hys wyffe, the same Charlis and Isabelle ben made fadyr and modyr, and there fore take hem as for owre fadyr and modyr, we shalle have and worschippe as hyt syttythe and semy[th]e so worthy a prynce and a pryncesse too ben i-worschippyde, pryncypally before alle othyr temporalle personys of the worlde.
Alle so we shalle nought dystroble, nor dyssesyn, nor lette oure sayde fadyr, but that he holde and procede (fn. 3) as longe as he levythe, and holdythe, ande he possedythe at thys tyme, the crowne and dygnyte of the ryalte of Fraunce, and rentys and profytys of the same, to the sustenaunce of hys estate and chargys of the realme of Fraunce, and owr modir al so holdyng as long as she levythe the estate and dygnyte of the quene, aftyr the maner of the same realme, whythe convenable and convenyante parte of the sayde rentys and profytys.
Alle so that the fore sayde Kateryne shalle take and have dwer in oure realme of Inglond, as [quenes of England] (fn. 4) here a-forne were wonte to have and take, that ys for to saye, to the summa of xl Ml scwtys yerely, of the whyche (fn. 5) ij shalle be worthe a nobylle Englysche. Alle so the maners, weyis, and menys that we may, whythe owte transgressyon or offensys ofte (fn. 6) i-made by us for to kepe the lawys, customys, usagys, and ryghtys of owre said realme (fn. 7) of Inglonde, [we] (fn. 8) shalle done owre labur and pursewe that the sayde Katerynne, alsone as hyt may be done and be made sure, for to take and for to have in owre sayde realme of Inglonde fro tyme of oure dethe, the sayde xl Ml scutys yerly, of the whyche twyne shalle alle way be worthe (fn. 9) a nobylle of Englysche mony.
Alleso yf hyt happe the sayde Kateryn to ovyr levyn us, she shalle take and have in the realme of Fraunce, immediatly fro the tyme of oure dethe, dower to the som of xx Ml frankys, [of] (fn. 10) and up the londys, placys, and lordeschippys that helde and hadde Dame Blaunche, sum tyme wyf of Phylyppe, befnelle (fn. 11) to oure sayde fadyr.
Also that a-non aftyr the dethe of oure sayde fadyr, and fro thens forwarde, the crowne of the realme of Fraunce, with alle the ryghtes and the aportenaunce, shalle remayne and a byde to us and ben of us and of oure ayrys for evyrmore. Ande for as moche as oure sayde fadyr ys holdyn with dyvers sekenys in syche maner as he may nought entende in hys owne person for to dyspose the nedys of the fore sayde realme of Fraunce: therefore, durynge the lyffe of oure sayde fadyr, the facultes and the excresisse of the governaunce and disposyscyon of the goode publique and comyn profyte of the sayde realme of Fraunce, [withe] (fn. 12) counselle of nobylle and wyse men of the same realme of Fraunce, shalle be and a byde to us soo that fro hens forwarde we may governe the same realme of Fraunce be us, [and] (fn. 13) also by othyr that whythe yn the consayle of the sayde nobylle, that we lyste or lykyn for to depute; the whyche faculteys and excressisse of governaunce, thys beyng towarde us, we shalle labur and purpose us spedefully, diligently, and trewly to that that be and ought to be to the worschyppys of God and of oure sayde fadyr and modyr, ande also to the comyn goode of the same realme, with the conselle of the worthy, grete, and nobylle of the same realme for to be defendyd, pesyde, and governyde after the (fn. 14) ryght and equyte wylle.
Also that we to oure power shalle do that the corte of the parlyment of Fraunce be kepte and observyd in hys auctoryte and superioryte, and in alle that ys dewe there to, in alle maner of placys that nowe or in tyme to comyn ys or shalle be subjecte to oure sayde fadyr.
Also we to oure power shalle defende and kepyn every chone and alle the perys, noblys, cytteys, and townys, comynalteys, and synguler personys nowe or in any tyme to comyng subjectys to oure fadyr and to us, in owre (fn. 15) ryghtys, customys, pryvelegys, fredams, and franches longynge dewe unto us, in alle maner of placys nowe or in tyme comyng subjectys to oure fadyr and to us. Also that we delygently and trewly shalle travayle unto oure power and to that justyse be admynystryde and done in the same realme of Fraunce, and aftyr the lawys, customys, and ryghtys of the same realme of Fraunce, whytheowtyn personalle exepsyon, and that we shalle ke[pe] and holdynne the subjectys of the same realme in tranquyllyte and pes, and to owre pouer we shalle defendyn hem (fn. 16) ayens alle maner of violens and oppressyon.
Also to oure pouer we shalle purpose and do that able (fn. 17) personys and profytable be takyn yn to offys as welle of justys of the Parlyment, as of baylyagys, senescallis, provestys, and othyr offycys longyng to the governaunce of demaynes (fn. 18) and of othyr officis in the sayde realme of Fraunce for the goode, ryght, and pesyble [rule] (fn. 19) in the same realme, and for admynystracyon that shalle be commyttyd unto hem, and that they be syche personys that aftyr the lawys and ryghtys of the same realme, and for the utilyte and profyte of oure sayde fadyr, and at (fn. 20) the fore sayde realme, ought to be take and depudyd unto the same offysys.
Also that we to oure pouer, and as sone as hytt may compen dyusly be done, we shalle travayle [for to] (fn. 21) put in obedyens of oure sayde fadyr alle maner of citteys, townys, castellys, placys, cuntreys, and personys whythe yn the realme of Fraunce ennobedient and rebellys to oure sayde fadyr, holdyng with the party that ben callyd Dolfyn or Armanak.
Also that we may the more comodyusly, seurly, and frely exersisse and fulle fylle thes thynges afore sayde, hit ys also accordyd that worthy grete nobylles and astates of the same realme of Fraunce, as welle spyrytualle as temporalle, and also cytteys, notablys, and comynalteys, cytezyns, and burgeys of townys of the realme of Fraunce, that be obesyaunt at thys tyme to oure sayde fadyr, shalle make thes othys that folowyn:—
Fyrste, to us, beryng the faculte and exersisse of disposission and governaunce of the sayde comyn profyte, and to oure hyestes and commaundementys that (fn. 22) shalle mekely and obedyently [obeie] (fn. 23) and entende in alle maner of thyng consernynge the excersise of governaunce of the same realme.
Also that the worthy grete noblys and astatys of the sayde realme of Fraunce, as welle spyrytualle as temporalle, and also citteys and townys, and notabylle comynalteys, and cyttesyns and burgeys of the sayde realme, in alle maner of thyngys, welle and trewly shalle kepe and to oure pouer shalle do kepe of alle as moche as to them longythe or to any of hem, alle the thyngys that bene a-poyntynde or accordyde by twyxt oure sayde fadyr and modyr and us with the counselle of hem whome (fn. 24) we lyste to calle to.
Also that contynually fro the dethe, and aftyr the dethe, of oure sayde fady[r] Charlys, they shalle be oure trewe lyge men and owre ayrys, and they shalle ressayve and admyt us for hyr lyge and hyr soverayne lorde and verry Kyng of Fraunce, and for suche us (fn. 25) obeye with owte opposicyon, contradicyon, or deficulte; and, but hit bene to owre fadyr duryng hys lyf, nevyr aftyr thys day they shalle obeye to man as Kynge or Regaunte of Fraunce, but to us and to owre ayrys.
Also that they shalle not bene in conselle, helpe, or assente that we lese lyffe or lym, or ben takyn with any takyng, that we suffer harme or dyvysyon in persone, astate, worschippe, or goodys, but yf they knowe any suche thyng for to bene done, caste, or imagyd agayne us, they shalle let hit to hyr power, ande they do us to wyte ther of as hastely as they may, by hem selfe, or by message, or by letters.
Also that alle maner of conquestys that shalle be made be us of Fraunce up on the same inobedyentes (fn. 26) owte of the duche of Normandy shalle be done to the profytys of oure sayde fadyr; and that to owre power we shalle do alle the maner of landys and lordschippys that ben in the placys so to be conqueryd longyng to personys obeynge to oure sayde fadyr, whyche shalle swere for to kepe thys present accorde, and shalle be restoryd to the same personys to wham they longe to.
Also that alle maner of personys of Holy Chyrche benefysyd in the duchye of Normandy, or in any othyr place in the realme of Fraunce, subjectys to us, [which] (fn. 27) ben obedyent to owre sayde fadyr, and faveryng the party of the Duke of Burgayne, to the whyche shalle swere to kepe thys present a corde shalle rejoyse pesabylly hyr benefysys of Hooly Chyrche in the duchye of Normandye, or in any othyr placys nexte above sayde.
Also lyke wyse al maner of personys of Hooly Chyrche obedyente unto us and benefysyd in the realme of Fraunce, in placys subjette to owre fadyr, [the which] (fn. 28) shalle swere for too kepe thys present acorde, shalle rejoyse pesabylly hyr benefysys of Hooly Chyrche in placys nexte a-bove sayde.
Also that alle maner chyrchys, unyversyteys, and studyys generalle, also collegys of studyers, and othyr collegys of Holy Chyrche, beyng in placys nowe or in time to come subjecte to owre sayde fadyr, or in the duchye of Normandye or othyr placys of the realme of Fraunce subjecte to us, shalle ressayve hyr ryghtys, hyr possessyons, rentys, prerogatyvys, liberteys, and fraunchessys longyng or dewe to hem in any maner wyse in the sayde realme of Fraunce, [savyng the right of the crowne of Fraunce] (fn. 29) and of ayther (fn. 30) othyr person.
Also by Goddys helpe, whenne hit happythe us to come to the crowne of Fraunce, the duchye of Normandy, and also othyr placys conqueryd by us in the realme of Fraunce, shalle bowe undyr the commaundement, obeysaunce, and monarchye of the crowne of Fraunce.
Also that we shalle enforce us and done for oure power that recompence be made by oure sayde fadyr, with owt dymycyon (fn. 31) of the crowne of Fraunce, to personys obeynge to hym and faverynge to the party, that ys to say, to [th] (fn. 33) Duke of Burgayne, to whom longythe landys, lordeschippys, rentys, and othyr possessyons in the same Duchye of Normandye or othyr placys in the realme of Fraunce conqueryd by us [hidertoward given by us], (fn. 32) in placys and londys gotyn or to be gotyn and ovyrcome in the name (fn. 33) of oure sayde fadyr up on rebellys and inobedyente to hym; and yf hyt so be that lyke maner recompence be nought made to the sayde personys by the lyfe of owre sayde fadyr, we shalle make that recompe in suche maner, placys, and goodys, whanne hit happythe us, by Goddys helpe, to come to the crowne of Fraunce. And yf hyt so happe that the londys, lordeschippys, rentys, possessyons, that longythe to suche maner personys in the same duchye and placys [that] (fn. 34) ben nought genyfe (fn. 35) by us, the same personys shalle be restoryde to hem with owte any delay. Also that duryng the lyfe of oure sayde fadyr, in alle placys nowe or in tyme comyng subjectys to hym, lettyrs of comyn justyse, and also grauntys of offys, gyftys, pardonys, or remyssyons, shalle be wrete and procede undyr the name ande the sealle of oure sayde fadyr. And for as moche as sum synguler cas may be-falle that may nought be forne sene by mannys wytte, in the whyche hit myght be necessary and honustefulle that we doo wrytte oure letters in suche maner cas, yf any happe, for the goode surete of oure sayde fadyr, and for the governaunce that longythe unto us, [as] (fn. 36) hyt ys be-fore sayde, and for to eschewe perellys that other (fn. 37) wyse myght falle in [places] (fn. 38) subjecte to oure sayde fadyr, to wrytte oure letters, by the whyche we shalle commaunde, carge, and defende aftyr the nature and qualyte of the nedys in oure fadyrs be halfe, ande of owrys as Regente of Fraunce.
And also durynge oure fadyrs lyfe we shalle nought nempne nor wrytte us Kyng of Fraunce, but utterly we shalle abstayne us fro that name as longe as oure fadyr lyvythe.
Also that oure sayde fadyr duryng hys lyfe shalle nempne, calle, and wrytte us yn Frenche on thys maner: Nostre treschere fytz, Henry, Roy d'Englyterre heyter de Fraunce; and in Latyn in thys wyse: Precarissimus filius noster Henricus Rex Anglie et heres Francie.
Also we shalle nowe put in possessyons (fn. 39) or exaccyons, or do put, to the subjectys of owre fadyr, with owte cause resonable and necessary, non (fn. 40) othyr wyse thanne for comyn goode of the sayde realme of Fraunce, and aftyr teseyng (fn. 41) and axkyng of the lawys ande customys, resonabylle and aprovyde, of the same realme.
Also that we shalle travayle for owre power, to the effecte and to the avyse and a-sent of three (fn. 42) estatys of eythyr othyr (fn. 43) realmys of Fraunce and of Inglonde, al maner obstaculys done a-way in thys party, that bene (fn. 44) ordaynyde and provyde, that frome (fn. 45) the tyme that we or any of owre eyrys come to the croune of Fraunce, bothe crounys, that ys to say, of Fraunce and of Inglonde, perpetually to bene togedyr in one and in the same person, that ys to say, fro oure fadyrs lyfe, (fn. 46) and fro thens terme of oure lyfe; and fro thens forwarde, yn the personys of oure ayrys that shalle bene, one aftyr a nothyr. And that bothe realmys shalle be governyd, fro that we or any of oure ayrys comyn to the same, nought severally (fn. 47) undyr dyvers kyngys in any tyme, but undyr one and that same [person] (fn. 48) whiche the tyme shalle be kynge of bothe realmys and soverayne lorde as hyt ys above fore sayde; kepyng, nevyrtheles, in alle maner of eythyr (fn. 49) thyngys and lawys, nought makyng subjecte in any maner of wyse one of the same realmys on to the othyr, or puttyng (fn. 50) or submyttyng the ryght, lawys or usagys of [oon of the seid realmes to the rightes, lawes, custumes, and usages of] (fn. 51) that othyr of the same.
Also that same (fn. 52) forwarde perpetually shalle be stylle yn reste; and in alle maner of wyse shall cese alle maner of dyssencyons, hatys, and rancoure, envyes, and warrys, bytwyne the same realmys of Fraunce and of Inglond and pepylle of the same realmys, drawing to a-corde of the same pes. And there shalle be fro hens forthe and evyrmore and shalle folowe pes and tranquyllyte and goode acorde and comyn affeccyon and stabylle frendeschyppe be-twyne the same realmys and hyr subjectys be-fore sayde; and the same realmys shalle helpe hem selfe with hyr consellys, helpys, and comyn assentys ayenste alle maner of men that enforce hem for to done or for to be ymagenyd wrongys, harmys, dyssesys, or grevaunce to hem or aythyr of hem to othyr, and they shalle be conversaunt, and marchauntyse to-gedyr frely and sewrely, payng the custome and devoyrys dewe and customyde.
And also that alle tho confyderyd (fn. 53) ande aleyde to oure sayde fadyr and the realme of Fraunce be-fore sayde, and also oure confyderatys of the realme of Inglonde be-fore sayde, the whyche in viij monythys fro (fn. 54) the tyme of thys accorde of pes notefyed to hem we (fn. 55) wylle declare by oure letters to hem that wylle (fn. 55) drawe unto thys accorde, and that wylle be comprehendyd undyr thys tretys and accorde of thys pes, ys, (fn. 56) savynge, nethertheles othyr of the same crownys, and alle so alle maner accyons, ryghtys, and remedyes that longyn to oure sayde fadyr and hys subjectys, and to us and to oure subjectis a-gayne suche maner alyes and confyderatys.
Also that nayther oure fadyr, neythyr oure brothyr the Duke of Burgayne, shalle be-gyn to make whythe Charlys cheryng hym selfe for the Dolfyn of Venys (fn. 57) any trety or pes accorde, but of counsellys and assent [of] alle and (fn. 58) eche of us thre, or of othyr (fn. 59) astatys of aythyr of the same realmys.
Also that we [with the] (fn. 60) assent of oure brothyr of Burgayne and othyr of the nobylle a-perys of the realme of Fraunce, the whyche there to owyn to be callyd, shalle ordayne for hyr governaunce of the persone of oure sayde fadyr, sykerly, lyvyngly, and honestely, aftyr the askynge of hys ryalle astate and dygnyte, by the maner that shalle be to the worschyppe of God, and of owre fadyr, and of oure realme of Fraunce. And alle maner of personys that shalle be a boute owre sayde fadyr to done hym personalle servyse, nought only in offyse, but in alle othyr servyse, as welle [to] (fn. 61) nobyllys as [to] (fn. 61) othyr, shalle ben suche as hathe bene borne in the same realme of Fraunce, or yn place that ben lanyage of Fraunce, good, wyse, trewe, and able (fn. 62) to the fore sayde servyse.
And owre sayde fadyr shalle dwelle in notabylle placys of hys obedyens, and no where ellys.
Where-fore we charge and commaunde owre sayde legys and subjectys, and othyr beyng undyr oure obedyens, that they kepyn and do kepyn in alle that longythe to hem thys accorde and pes, aftyr the forme and maner as hyt ys accordyd; and they attempte in no maner wyse thyng that may be peegydyse or contrarye to the same accorde and pes, be payne of lyfe, and alle that [thei] (fn. 63) may forfete agayne us.
And thenne, aftyr the feste and solempnyte was done of that maryage, the kyng conqueryd many townys and castellys in Normandy. And thenne the kynge layde sege to Myleu sur-Sen; and duryng the sege the mayre and the sherevys of London were chosyn. And at that syge laye the Kynge of Fraunce, the Kynge of Inglonde, and the Kynge of Scottys, and the Quene of Fraunce, and the Quene of Inglonde, with hyr mayny, &c.
Ande that same yere, on Candylmasday yn the mornynge, the kyng com in to Inglonde and the quene with hym and they londyd at Dovyr; ande the xiiij day of Fevery the kyng com to London, and the xxj day of the same monythe was crownyde at Westemyster; and the solempnyte was done in chyrche of Synt Petyr, and she was brought fulle worthely towarde [th]e palys into the grete halle, &c.
Nowe of the statys and of the coronacyon of Quene Kateryn and of othyr manyr of servyse. Fyiste the quene sette in hyr astate, and the Archebyschope of Cantyrbury and the Byschoppe of Wynchester sate on the ryght syde of the quene, and they were servyd nexte unto the quene every cours coveryde as the quene; and on the lyfte syde was the Kyng of Schottys sette in hys a-state uppon the lyfte syde of the quene, that was servyd alle wey nexte the quene and the byschoppys a-fore sayde; the Duchyes of Yorke and the Countas of Huntyngdone satte in the same syde, and the Duke of Gloucester was ovyr seer, the Erle of Marche knelyng on the hye deys on the ryght syde of the quene and held a cepture in hys hond of the quenys, and the Erle Marchelle knelyng on the lyfte syde at the dyes and helde anothyr cepture of the quenys; and the Countasse of Kentt was syttyng at hyr ryght fote of the quene undyr the tabylle, and the Counteys Marchalle sate on the lyfte syde of the quene undyr the tabylle; Syr Rycharde Nevyle kervyr before the quene, the Erle of Sowthefolke (fn. 64) cuppe berer, Syr John Stywarde sewer unto the quene, the Lord Clyfforde panter in the stede of the Erle of Warwyke, the Lorde Wylleby butler in stede of the Erle of Arundelle, the Lorde Gray Ryffyn naperer, the Lorde of Audely amyner (fn. 65) in stede of the Erle of Cambryge, the Duke of Bedforde Constabylle of Inglond, the Erle of Warwyke Stywarde of Inglond in stede of the Duke of Clarence, the Erle of Worceter Marchalle of Inglonde in the stede of the Erle Marchelle, &c.
The maner of syttyng of the astatys (fn. 66) yn the halle at Wystemyster.
Fyrste, the baronys of v Portys be-ganne the tabylle in the halle on the ryght honde of the quene, and by nethe hem at the same tabylle the bowgerys of the chauncery; and the mayre of London and hys aldyrman be-ganne the borde on the lyfte syde of the quene in the halle with othyr worthy comyners of the same cytte, and othyr men benethe hem at the same tabylle. The byschoppys beganne the tabylle in the myddys of the halle on the ryght honde nexte the v Portys, the Byschoppe of London withyn the tabylle, the Byschoppe of Dereham nexte hym whythe yn the tabylle, and the Byschoppe of Bathe and the Byschoppe of Exceter be-fore hem; the Byschoppe of Norwyche, and the Byschoppe of Saulysbury, the Byschoppe of Syn Davys, and the Byschoppe of Bangar, the Byschoppe of Lyncolle, the Byschoppe of Carlylle, and the Abbott of Waltham with hem. And thenne aftyr them sate the justyse, and worthy knyghtys and squeyers. And thenne the ladys be-ganne the tabylle in myddys of the halle on the lyfte honde of the quene, nexte the mayre of London. The Countasse of Stafforde, (fn. 67) sum tyme doughter of the Duke of Gloucester; the Countesse of Marche (fn. 68) hyr doughter; the Countasse of Arundelle; the Countesse of Westemerlonde; the Countasse of Northehormerlond; the Countasse of Oxforde; the Lady Nevyle, (fn. 69) sum tyme the lordys wyffe Nevyle that was sone to the Erle of Westemerlonde, and doughter to the Erle of Somersette; Dame Margarete (fn. 70) the dukys doughter of Northefolke and suster to the Erle Marchalle; the yonger doughter (fn. 71) to the Erle of Somersett; the Lady Ros; the Lady Clyfforde, suster to Harry the Erle of Northehumberlond; the Lady Bergeveny; the Lady Talbat; the Lady Wylby; the Lady Mawley; the wyffe of Rycharde Nevyle, doughter to the Erle of Salusbury, (fn. 72) and noo moo ladys of state. And thenne forthe with jentylle wemmen thys tabylle was occupyde and a quarter of the byschoppe ys tabylle ther to. Thes lordys sewyng were asygnyd for to do servyse ryallys before the quene; the Erle of Northehumberlond and the Erle of Westemorelond, the Lorde Fehewe, the Lorde Furnevale, the Lorde Gray of Wylton, the Lorde Ferrys of Groby, the Lorde of Ponyngys, the Lorde Haryngton, the Lorde Darsy, and the Lorde Della ware, &c.
The servyse of the fyrste cours.
Braune with mustarde, elys in burneus, furmenty with bakyn, pyke, lampray powderyd whythe elys, pouderyde trought, coddelyng, plays with merlyng fryde, grette crabbys, lesche lumbarde, a bake mete in paste, tartys, and a sotylte i-callyd pellycane, etc.
The secunde cours in the halle.
Jely, blandesoure, bremme, congur, solys with myllott, chevyn, barbylle, roche, samon fresche, halybutte, gurnarde rostyd, roget (fn. 73) boylyde, smelte fryde, lopstere, cranys, lesche damaske, lampray in paste, flampayne. A sotelte, a panter & a mayde before hym, &c.
The servyse of iij cours in the halle.
Datys in composte, creyme motley, and poudrid welkys, porpys rostyd, meneuse fryde, crevys of douce, (fn. 74) datys, pranys, rede schry[m]ppys, grette elys and lamprays rostyd, a lesche callyd whythe leysche, a bake mete in paste with iiij angelys. A sotelte, a tygyr and Syntt Gorge ledyng hyt. (fn. 75)
And uppon Ester eve, that was the xxij day of Marche, and the raygne of the kynge [th]e ix, the Duke of Clarans with many othyr lordys were slayne in Fraunce and many lordys takyn presoners. (fn. 76) And the same yere the kyng helde a Parlymentt at Westemyster aftyr Estyr in monythe of May, in the whyche Parlyment was axyde no talege, wherefore the Byschoppe of Wynchester lentte the kynge xx Ml pounde. And in thys Parlymentt was ordaynyde, by cause that golde was gretely a payryde by clyppyng and waschynge, that no man shulde aftyr Crystysmas nexte aftyr put forthe no enpayryd golde in no paymente uppon payne of furfeture there of; where fore every man for the moste party ordaynyd hym balans. And the same yere, a non aftyr Wytson tyde, the kyng saylyd in to Fraunce a-yenne and the Duke of Bedforde was made Lewtenaunte of Inglonde. Ande the same yere came the Duchyes of Holonde in to Inglond.
Ande that same yere the Duke of Bedforde held a Parlyment at Wystemyster, and that be gan the iij day of Decembir; in the whyche Parlyment was grauntyd a quyndesyn and a dyme to the kynge, that tyme beyng at the sege of Mewys in Brye, in Fraunce, and the halfe quyndesym and dyme to be payde antt Candelmasse nexte folowynge, and that the kyng shuld ressayve soche payment as went that tyme: that ys to say, yf a nobylle were worth v s. and viij d. the kyng shulde take hyt for a fulle nobylle of vjs. & viijd.; and yf the nobylle soo appayryde were better thenne vs. viijd., the kyng too paye the ovyr plus of vs. viij d. Also that yere was grette scarsyte of whyte mony that men myght unnethe have any golde changyd, thoughe hit were nevyr soo good and of fulle whyghte. Also that yere, on Syn Nicholas day in Decembyr, the yere of oure Lorde Ml cccc and xxj, Harry, the fyrste begotyn sone of Kyng Harry the v, was borne in the castelle of Wyndesore; to whom was god fadyrs at the fonte Harry Byschoppe of Wynchester, John Duke of Bedforde, and the Duchyes of Holond, Jacomyne, was the godmodyr; and at the confirmacyon the Archebyschoppe of Cantyrbury, Harry Chycheley, was godfadyr. Also the same yere, in the monythe of May, the yere of oure Lorde Mlccccxxij, and of the raygne of the kynge the x, the cytte in Mewys in Bry, whyche long tyme hadde be besegyd [was yolden] (fn. 77) in the maner as folowythe aftyr:—
Thys ys the plesynge and the wylle of the Kyng of Fraunce, and of the Kyng of Inglond, hys beuefys, (fn. 78) heyre, and regant of the realme of Fraunce, that the market place of Mewys in Bry, and they that benne with ynne, be yoldyn and delyveryd in the maner as sewythe aftyr:
Fyrste, alle tho that be with ynne the fore sayde markett, of what a-state that they bene, shalle yoldyn uppe the sayde markett place of Mewys in Bry and hyr bodys prisonerys to the sayde kyngys of Inglond and of Fraunce with yn the x day of thys presentt monythe of May, the yere of oure Lorde a-bove sayde Ml cccc xxij.
Also that the sayde kyngys, at [th]e reverens of God and eschewyng of Crystyn mannys blode, shall ressayve [hem] (fn. 79) as hit folowythe after, that ys to wetyn, Syr Lewys Gaste, Guycharde of Cisse, Mayster Robert Guesene, Phylyppe Gamcelys, (fn. 80) Peron de Lupe, John Damoy, (fn. 81) le Bastard de Varru, Denys de Varru, Maystyr John de Romys Termagyn, (fn. 82) Barnarde Domerville, (fn. 83) and John de la Motte; (fn. 84) one that blewe and sownyd an horne duryng the sege, that men say ys namyd Grasse; and alle the gunners the consentaunte and compabyle of the dethe of the Duke of Burgayne that was; they that othyr tyme have made othe of the fynalle pes; they that have townys, or strenghtys, or governaunce by othyr for hem; the Englysche, Yrysche, Schottys, and alle o[th]er that have bene obedyens of the kynge or the regaunte, yf any there bene yn the sayde markett place dwellyng;—that all (fn. 85) they shalle a-byde and dwelle to the wylle of the forsayde kyngys. Also the sayde kyngys shall ressayve alle the othyr in the sayde markett place beyng, in to hyr goode grace and mercy for to dwelle presoners, hyr lyvys savyde.
Also for as moche as hyt towchyd the sayde kyngys, Syr Lewys Gaste, the bastarde of Barru, Denys (fn. 86) de Barru, and Mayster John de Raynys, (fn. 87) they shalle be putt to hyr dome, and justise shalle be done and mynystryde to hem.
Also as touchynge the forsayde Guycharde de Cysse, Peryn de Luppe, Mayster Robert de Groysyne, Phylyppe of Chancellerys, (fn. 88) and John Damoy, the forsayd kyngys declaryn that they shalle dwelle and abyde to hyr wylle as be fore sayde, unto the tyme that the townys of strengythe that by hem, or be any of hem, or othyr on hyr be-halfe, or by o[th]er that any thynge shulde be or may be don for hem, be holdyn, be (fn. 89) yoldyn and delyveryd to the sayde kyngys, or to hyr comyssoures and deputes, and aftyr hyr ordynaunce, the whyche thynge they shalle done with alle hyr dylygence possyble, with owte fraude or malyngne; aftyr the whyche yeldynge uppe and delyveraunce the sayde kyngys shalle holdyn or do be holdyn the above sayde Guycharde, Peryn, Mayster Robertt, Philippe, and John Dawney in surete of her lyvys, so that they or any of hem shalle nought be dewly founde coupabyle of the dethe of Duke of Burgayne. And as towche the othyr exceptyde, they shalle a-byde the wylle of the fore sayde kyngys, as hyt ys contaynyd in the secunde artycule.
Also the Erle of Brienne (fn. 90) shalle [be] (fn. 91) quytte a yenne the fore sayde Peron of alle that in whyche he ys bounde or holdyn for cause of hys ransom or othyr wyse, and the sayde Peron shalle playnly quyte hym in takyng hys letters or quytaunce to the sayde erle, and he shalle yelde to hym alle the letters that he hathe of hym or of any othyr uppon that.
Also the [fore] (fn. 92) sayde, beyng in the foresayde markett of Mewys in Bry, hangynge the sayde tyme, and that a none, shalle putt or shalle done to putt by inventary alle the cornys, wynys, and othyr vytayle beynge in the sayde markett, and aftyr the placys where they shalle bene, for to benne takynne and delyveryd to the comyssours and deputes of the sayde kyngys. And in lyke wyse shalle benne in hors beyng in the sayde markett.
Also they shalle putt or done putt in any certayne place with yn the sayde markett alle the abyllymentys of werre that benne there ynne, as welle pouders, gounnys, and arblastys, schott, or othyr artylers, with owtyn any fraccyon, brekyng, wastyng, or a-payryng.
(fn. 93) Also the a-boven sayde of the sayde markett shalle puttyn or do puttyn alle hyr harneys of werre in a certayne place.
Also the same wyse they shalle putt or do putt in certayne place alle the jewellys and reliquys, bokys, ornamentys, and othyr goodys mevabil, beyng in the sayde markett, longyng unto the chyrchys, abbayys, mynstyrs, pryours, or hospytalys what soo evyr they bene, levyng to hem to be restoryde in hyr placys of othyr (fn. 94) chyrchys of the sayde markett, and whythe owte fraude or malynge.
Also (fn. 95) they shalle putt or do putt in a place or two alle the golde, sylvyr, vesselle, jewellys of golde and sylvyr, bokys, robys, lynnyn clothe, and also wollyn clothe of alle maner, beyng in the sayde markett, and that longythe to othyr thanne the sayde chyrchys, abbeys, mynysters, pryorys, hospytallys, and that with owte fraude or malyng.
Also, for to fullefylle that they have sayde, they shalle brekynne and undo and make oppyn alle that bene hydde or [withdrawen in the thinges and goodes aboveseid, or any of hem, where that thei ben hidde or] (fn. 96) dystryde (fn. 97) in the same markett, with owtynne with drawyng or to hylyn anythyng what hyt so be; and that may not be done nor executyde with yn the fore sayde day, they shalle declarynne and denounsyn with owte fraude, faynyng, or malynge, unto the comyssourys and deputes of the sayde kyngys, uppon payne that [th]ey [that] (fn. 98) shalle done the contrarye, and the consentauntes, (fn. 99) and the coupabyle (fn. 100) there-of, shalle lese the grace of the fore sayde kyngys and the effecte of thys presentt apoyntmentt.
Also uppon the sayde payne the (fn. 101) above sayde beyng yn sayde markett shalle be holdyn [and] (fn. 102) to take and delyvyr, shewyn and declare, with owte fraude or malynge, to the comyssourys or deputes of the sayde kyngys [al the goodes and thinges] (fn. 96) above sayde, with owtyn any thynge to hem hylyn or withdrawyn or i-borne awaye or othyr, for hem or any of hem.
Also they a-bove sayde, beyng in the sayde markett place of Mewys in Bry, shalle delyvery playnely and shalle yeldyn quyte alle the presoners that they have and with holdyn of our subjectys and obeysaunce, and othyr of the sayde servys of the sayde kyngys, as welle alle that benne in the sayde markett as in othyr places where that they bene; ande with that they shalle playnly quyte alle othyr subjectys [obeisaunces] (fn. 96) and othyr of the sayde servyse of the above sayde kyngys [th]at to hem have made any be-heste or faythe or othe.
Also, hangynge the tyme above sayde, they of the sayde markett shalle nought ressayvyn nor sufferne to entre, any preson (fn. 103) what so evyr he be, in to the sayde markett; nor they shalle not suffer any maner of person to passyn or go owte there of for to bere owte any of the sayde goodys beyng there ynne, with owte lyscence of the sayde kyngys; nor they shalle not purchesse, nor suffer to be pur chessyd, any thyng that may be predyjusse (fn. 104) of the sayde kyngys, nor non othyr of hyr subjectys, or ellys for to inpechyn the fullefyllyng of thys presentt apoyntment, uppon payne to losse by hem, or hem that shalle done the contrarye, and hyr consentamentys and compabylys there of the grace of the marcy of the sayde kyngys.
Also uppon the payne and othe alle tho fore sayde beynge in the sayde markett, ande eche of hem, shalle holde and kepe and fullefylle alle the poyntementys and artyculys a-bove sayde and eche of hem, with owte hem or any of hem for to brekyn ne (fn. 105) any wyse to done there a-gayne.
Also that thei shul make (fn. 106) othe and thei shul take (fn. 106) hyr letters selyd with hyr selys for the surete to bene holdynne by twyne the kyngys a-bove sayde, and of othe[r] of hem, in to the nombyr of a C personnys, as welle of captaynys as of othyr notabylle personnys, beyng in the sayde markette, and they thatt have non sealys and canne wrytte [thei shul signe the lettres] (fn. 107) with hyr owne hondys [and] (fn. 107) they shalle passyn byfore the kyngys tabyllyon of Mewys in Bry. And the same weyse they that have non sealys, nor canne nott wryte, shalle also passe by the kyngys tabyllyon to benne regysterde.
Also ande fro (fn. 108) the day of thys present poyntementt shalle be done and fullefyllyde, and into that day encludydde, at the whyche day they shalle be holdyn to take and delyvery the sayde markett, as hyt ys sayde, in alle maner alle wey dede of werre shalle sessyn on owre party and of othyr.
Also the a-bove sayde of the same markett a noon shalle take and delyvery to the comyssours and deputes of the sayde kyngys, Syr Lowys Gaste, Roberte de Guesseny, Phylyppe Gamochys, John Damoy, le Bastarde de Barrowe, (fn. 109) Denys de Barowe, (fn. 109) Mayster John de Raynys, and othyr of the nombyr of xxiiij personys, wherof (fn. 110) the comyssours of on party and of an othyr be accordyd.
The whiche artyculys a-bove sayde and (fn. 111) declaryd were concludyd, apoyntyd, and accordyde by the Duke of Exceter, the Erle of Warwyke ande of Bryenne, and Syr Watyr of Hungerforde, comyssours and deputes of the sayde kyngys be-halfe in the one partye, and Peron de Luppe, John Damoy, Mayster Phylyppe Malete, (fn. 112) and Wylliam Frosche, (fn. 113) for hem selfe and for alle [th]e othyr of the sayde markette, of the othyr party, the secunde day of the monythe of May, the yere of oure Lorde Ml cccc xxij. And soo the x day of the same monythe the sayde markett of Mewys in Bry and alle the towne was yoldyn in maner and forme as hyt ys a-bove sayde.
The same yere the xiij day of Auguste a newe wedyrcoke was sette at Powlys stypylle in London.
Also the same yere, the laste day of Auguste, the yere of oure Lorde Ml cccc xxij, the good and nobylle Kyng, Harry the v aftyr the Conqueste of Inglonde, floure of chevalrye of Crystyn men, endyd hys lyffe in Fraunce, at Boys in Vincent, be syde Parys, the x yere of hys raygne, to whom God graunte mercy. Amen.
Ande that same yere, the xx day of Auguste, deyde the Byschoppe of London, Clyfforde, and thenne was made byschoppe Mayster John Kempe, whos bonys, the viij day of Novembyr next folowyng, worthely at Westmynyster were interyde.
Here foloweythe namys of the townys and castellys, abbeys, pylys, and pylettys, in Normandy, that oure fulle excellent lorde the Kyng Harry the v. wanne and conqueryde in Normandy and in Fraunce, to hym and to hys ayrys, in maner and forme as hit ys bove sayde.
Fyrste the towne of Hareflewe and the castelle of the same, the castelle of Toke, the castelle and towne of Cane, the towne and the castelle of Argentyne, the towne and the castelle of Fallex, the towne and the castelle of Mewys in Bry, the towne and the cytte and the castelle of Rone, and many moo, the nombyr of an c townys and castellys, abbeys, and strong-holdys.
Here benne the namys of Mayrys and Sherevys in the tyme of Kynge Harry the vj, the fyrste begotyn sone of Kyng Harry the v., the whyche yere of hys raygne be ganne the fyrste daye of Septembyr, the yere of oure Lorde Ml cccc xxij, and the age of the Kyng Harry the vj nought fully xij monythys whenne he beganne hys raygne.
Ande that same yere, the xxj day of October, in the mornynge by twyne vij and viij of the belle, Kyng Carlys of Fraunce dyde, whos body ys worthely enteryde at Syn Denys.
Also the same yere the kyngys Parlyment was holde at Westemyster, and that be-ganne the ix day of November, in the whyche Parlyment was ordaynyde the governaunce of the kynge, howe he shulde be governyd in hys tendyr age.
Also in that Parlyment was grauntyd unto the kyng v. noblys of every sacke wolle duryng the terme of the (fn. 114) yere. Also the same yere, the secunde (fn. 115) day of Marche, was Syr Wylliam Tayloure, preste, brende in Smethefylde for heresye. And the for sayde secunde (fn. 115) day of Marche wasse made the trety of the delyveraunce of Pounte Mylanke, that was take and longe tyme holdyn by the party callyde the Armonackys, and delyveryd as hyt in maner aftyr folowy[th]e:—
Here folowythe the appoyntment and yeldyng uppe and delyveraunce of the stronge holde of the brygge of Pount Mylancke, by twyne the Erle of Sawlysbury, Syr John Fastolfe, Stywarde of Howsholde, Syr Perys of Founteneye, Lorde of Raynys, Stywarde of the Howsholde of the Regaunt of Fraunce, Duke of Bedforde, Syr John de Pullyngley, Lord of the Mote de Tylly, knyghtys, and Rycharde Woodevyle Lorde of Preaus, Nycholas Burdete, Chyffe Butteler of Normandy, Perys Baret Lorde of Cirone, squyers, comyssourys, and deputes therto of the be-halfe of my lorde the Regaunt of Fraunce on the one party, and Syr John Gravylle Lorde of Mountayne, and Syr Lewes Marchelle, Syr Adam of Stonys, (fn. 116) John de Chaunler, John of Myrayle, Roger of Versy, and othyr mo othyr dyvers (fn. 117) of the party of hem that nowe presentt occupyen the sayde Pounte.
Fyrste the above said beynge in the sayde Pounte [or fortresse of Melank, shul yelden the same Pount] (fn. 118) and strengythe to the hondys of my sayde lorde the Regaunt of Fraunce, or of the (fn. 119) commyssourys or deputes, so areryd, strengythe (fn. 120) and abylyde of gonnys, poudrys, arowblastys, schotte, harneys, and othyr abylymentys of werre, as hyt ys at thys tyme, with owte fraude, desepsyon, and malynge, and with owte to done to the same abylymentys of werre and othyr thyngys defensabylle for the sayde strenghthe any waste or any brekyng, nor non inpayrement of vytayle or of any othyr thynge for mannys body, the whyche strengh[th]e and brygge they shalle yeldyn and delyveryde as hyt ys sayde on the morowe, the secunde day of thys presentt monythe of Marche, at the hour of terce, &c.
Also hit ys accordyd and poyntyde that alle they nowe beynge at thys tyme in the same Poynte or strengythe of Melancke, of what a-state or condyscyon that he be, they shalle yeldyn hym and putt hem in alle thynge to the wylle of my sayde lorde [th]e Regaunt, of multe (fn. 121) and grete humylyte and obeysaunce that they may or shalle, by cause of whyche humylyte and obeysaunce the sayde comyssourys and deputys of my sayde lorde the Regaunt [have promysid that hym self my lord the Regent], (fn. 122) of hys hye grace, in usyng of marcy and in honowr and reverens of God and thys hooly tyme of Lentt that nowe ys, shalle ressayve hym to grace and lete hem have hyr lyvys: excepte tho that certayne tyme have benne in obeysauns of the kynge that was of Inglonde, heyre and Regaunt of Fraunce, to whom God pardon, they thatt have made the othe of the fynalle pes of the realmys of Fraunce and of Inglonde, and they that have bene consentaunte of the dethe of Duke of Burgayne that was laste dede; and also Englysche men, Walysche men, and Yrysche men, and Schottys, yf anny there be there yn; ande excepte with John Duras, or callyd ellys Scarbrey, (fn. 123) Ferrande of Bone beaute, (fn. 124) Olyver de Lawny, (fn. 125) and the gonners, and tho that were fyrste in the buschementt that fyrste enteryd the Pounte, the whyche alle shalle be leven sympylly to the wylle of my lorde the Regaunt.
Also hyt ys a poyntyd, yf any gentylman, or any othyr of the bove sayde, nought exceptyde, wylle yelde hym and putt hym in to the obeysauns of the kyng our soverayne lorde the Kyng of Fraunce and of Inglonde, and of my sayde lorde the Regaunt, and make the othe in suche cas and (fn. 126) customyd, serve the kyng and my sayde lorde the Regaunt, as hyr verry lege men, and to werre a gayne the partyes callyd Armenackys as they dyde a gayne the kyngys and oure sayde lorde the Regaunt, (fn. 127) hym sylfe shalle ressayve hem of hys grace withowte anny [of] (fn. 128) fynaunce makynge or ramsom, provyded alle way to done and fullefylle (fn. 129) they shalle delyvery caucion (fn. 130) and goode suffycyaunt pleggys.
Also thys tyme alle tho that benne in the same strenghthe or brygge of Mylanke, that have or holdyn, or that othyr holdyn in hyr be-halfe, any towne, place, or strengythe, dysobeysauns to oure lorde the Kyng and my sayde lorde the Regaunt, delyvyr and yelde hem up unto my sayde lorde or to hys deputys. And with that they shalle doo alle hyr myght and trewe devyr an gayne hyr parentes and frendys, yf any there bene, that holde any suche strengythe or towne dysobeysauns, that they shulle yeldyin hem up to my sayde lorde, &c. Ande unto the tyme that they have done ande i-fullefyllyde the thyngys above sayde, they shalle dwelle in the wylle of my lorde the Regaunt, the whiche thyng above sayde and done and fullefylle dewly, he shalle ressayve hem as hyt ys above sayde.
Also yf any be in the same sayde brygge or strengythe of Melancke, havyn and holdyn, in what [place] (fn. 131) that they bene, any presoners, be they Fraynysche, Englysche, Burgonys, or othyr, of the oboysauns or servyse of owre lorde the Kyng and of my lorde the Regaunt, they shalle yoldyn hem and delyvery hem frely and quytly, with owte takyng of the sayde personys or of hyr pleggys any fynaunce or ramsomys.
Also hyt ys apoyntyde that they that bene in the strengytheys of Pounte Melanke, withynne the day of the morne at the howre of terce, shalle putt or do putt, in a certayne place or two of the sayde strengythe, alle hyr harnys of werre, with owte any thynge brokyn or a-payryng. Also they shalle do putt in anothyr certayn place alle the golde and sylvyr, and sylvyr vesselle and jewellys, with othyr goodys beyng in the foresayde strengythe, with owtyn any thynge to holdyn or hydyn, in what place or maner that hyt be, they shalle delyvery hem to the comyssourys of oure lorde the Regaunt, uppon payne to lese the benefycys of thys present poyntement and the grace of my sayde lorde the Regaunt.
Also they shalle put in the sayde strengythe in oo place or ij alle the hors beyng there yn, and alle hyr harneys, for to be delyveryd on the state and plyghte that they benne nowe at thys tyme, whythe alle othyr thyngys a-bove sayde, unto the comissurys and deputes of my sayde lorde the Regaunte, uppon the payne above sayde.
Also uppon the same payne ys tretyd and appoyntyde that durynge the sayde trete they shalle nought lette or suffer any maner person to partyn owte of the sayde strengthe of Melanke, nor noo person to entyr, with owte leve and lyssens of my sayde lorde the Regaunt; and uppon the same payne they shalle denounsyn, seale, (fn. 132) and delyvery to hym or to hys comyssurys the for sayde (fn. 133) personys except, where-of they have any knowynge.
And to that ende that the thinges (fn. 134) above sayde ben holly fullefyllyde fyrmely and worthely, the above sayde comyssourys and deputys, in [th]at one party and of that othyr, of thys present appoyntement, have sette hyr sealys, in the fyrste day of Marche, the yere of oure Lorde Ml cccc xxij.
And in the monythe of Apprylle was made the allyaunce by twyne the Regaunt of Fraunce, the Duke of Bedforde, the Duke of Burgayne, and the Duke of Bretayne, in maner and forme aftyr folowynge:— (fn. 135)
To alle tho that thys present letters shalle see or hyre, Robert le Jone, lorde of the Foreste, caunseler of oure lorde the kynge, and hys bayly of Amyas, sendythe gretynge. We do you to wete that thys day before us have bene brought, coveryd, (fn. 136) and dylygently beholdyn, a letter yevyng of ryght excellent pryncys my Lorde Regaunt of Fraunce, Duke of Bedforde, my Lorde Duke of Burgayne, and my lorde the Duke of Bretayne, [have] (fn. 137) selyde with hyr manuelle sygnettys, and enselyd with dowbylle queue of hyr sealys in redde wex, sygnyde and inselyde also why[th]e emanuelle sygnys of Mayster John Rynelle, secretary of oure lorde the kynge, Mayster Quyntyne Menarde, secretary of my lorde the Duke of Burgayne, and Mayster John Browne, (fn. 138) secretary of my lorde the Duke of Bretayne, hoole and saufe in sealys and in wrytynge, as by the specefyynge of the same letters hyt ys shewyd, of whyche letters the tenoure folowythe:
John Regaunt of Fraunce, Duke of Bedford, &c., Phylyppe Duke of Burgayne, &c., the Duke of Bretayne, &c. To alle thot [th]at thys presentt letters shall see we sende gretyng. [We] (fn. 139) do you to wetyn that for the consyderacyon of the grette frendeschyppys and nygheyng of lynagys that nowe ar by twyne us, and also mevynge the maryagys concludyd, acordyd, and conservyde by-twyxte us, John Regaunt of Fraunce and Duke of Bedford and othyr (fn. 140) dyre welle belovyde suster a (fn. 140) cosyn Anne of Burgayne, on that one party, and of dyre and welle belovyd brothyr Arture Duke (fn. 141) of Turreyne, Erle of Monforte and of Ivery, and of oure dyre and welbelovyd sustyr and cosyn Margarete of Burgayne, on that othyr party, ande for the goode governaylle of oure lorde the kynge and of realmys of Fraunce and Inglond, of us and of oure lordeschyppys, landys, contreys, and subjectys, we and every one of us sweryn, behotynne, and promysyn to benne and dwellyng, as longe as we shalle lyve, in goode and verry love, fraternyte and unyon, that one whythe that othyr, that welle shalle love and cherysche and holdyn to gedyr as bretherynne ar kynnys men, or parentes and goode frendys, we shalle kepe and defende the honowre [th]at one of that othyr as welle prevely as a-pertely, with-owte any fraude and dyssymylacyon in any wyse; we shalle do wetyn one of that othyr of alle that we shalle knowyn and undyr-stonde that may turne and be to profyte or damage, honour or dyshonoure, or one of that othyr, and of oure lordeschippys, landys, and contreys, and subjectys; and yf any persone telle or make any wronge reporte to us or to any of us one of that othyr, we shalle geve there to noo credens nor faythe, but we shalle whytheholdyn smartely agayne us, and eche of us in ryght any suche that have made that wrongfully reporte, and by goode love and verry charyte a-none we shalle do to knowe of hym of whom suche reporte was made, and thereyn for to done that shalle long to be done be resone.
Also, yf we or any of us have to done or nede for oure worschyppe or oure contrayes, londys, [and] (fn. 142) lordschyppys to kepe or to defende a-gayne any that wolde grevyn or damagynne us or any of us, we and eche of us shalle be holdynne to helpyn and servynne hym amonge us that so shalle have nede, whenne we be there to requyryd, with summys of v c men of armys or of folke of schotte, (fn. 143) whettyr that may a-vayle or plese or lykyng to hem that so shalle have nede. And he that shalle be requyryd shalle be holdyn to sende at hys owne dysposyssyon hys men or forke (fn. 144) for the fyrst monythe; and for the surplus of the tyme that the saudyers shalle serve, the requyrant shalle ben holdyn to sendyn hem at hys propyr dysposycyon. And yf any of us wylle have grete (fn. 145) power, he that shalle be requyryd shalle be holdyn to helpe at the costys and dyspens of the requyrant as farforthe as he goodely shalle, as he may, hys contrayes [and] (fn. 142) lordeschippis resonabely a-fore warnyde.
Also whythe alle oure (fn. 146) myghte, and by (fn. 147) alle the beste maner that we canne or may devyse for (fn. 148) relevynge of the pore pepylle of the realme that hathe sufferd and sufferythe hyt (fn. 149) so moche myschief; and for that we shalle spedyn us to doo away the warre of the realme, and so sette hyt in pes and reste and tranquyllyte, to that ende that God there-yn be servyde and worschippyd, and that marchaundyse there may have the cours: Alle thys thyngys we and eche of us promyse and hotyn to fullefylle and trewly kepe as longe as we shalle lyve, by the maner above sayde, whythe any wyse for any contrarynys shalle not offende, (fn. 150) undyr the oblygacyon of alle oure goodys mevabylle and unmevabylle nowe beynge presente and tho that bene to come.
In wytnes here of we have done sette oure selys to thys present lettyrs, and we have sygnyd hem whythe oure owne honde, and undyr wryte oure propyr namys. Gevyn at Amyens the xvij day of Aprylle, and the yere of oure Lorde Ml cccc xxiij. Also sygnyd by my foresayde Lorde the Regaunte of Fraunce, Syr John Duke of Bedforde, and by my Lorde Duke of Burgayne, by my Lorde Duke of Bretayne. And uppon the foldyng of the same letters ys wryttyn: "Par (fn. 151) mone Senowre le Regaunt de le realme de Fraunce, Deuke de Bedeford, John Rynylle. [Par Monsieur le Duc de Burgoigne, Q. de Menart.] (fn. 152) Par (fn. 151) mone Senowrys Duke de Bretayne, J. le Breune. In wytnysse whereof to thys present letters we have sette to oure sealys of the baylyage of Amyes. Gevyn at Amyes, the xviij day of the monythe of Aprylle, and the yere of oure Lorde Ml cccc xxiij.
Also the same yere Newgate was be gon to be made a Newgate by the executourys of that famos marchant and merser, Rycharde Whytyngdone.
Ande that same yere there was a Parlyment at Westemyster, and that be-ganne the xxj day of October; and in that yere, the xxj day of Feveryr, was Syr Thomas (fn. 153) Mortymere drawe, hangyd, and quarteryde, and hys hede smete of at Tyborne, and hys body was buryd at Syn Johnys at Clerkyn-welle and hys herte at Fryer Menowrys be syde Newgate. And that yere was the batylle in Verney, in Perche, the xxvij day of Auguste, by my lorde the Regaunte of Fraunce, John Duke of Bedforde, with othyr lordys with hym of Englysche lordys; and in that batayle was slayne the Erle Dugelas, the Erle of Bogham, the Erle of Marre, and alle the Scottys that durste a-byde in the fylde were slayne and take. And there was take on the Fraynysche syde the Duke of Launsun and the Erle of Almarre, and many mo othyr knyghtes an squyers were takyn and slayne, the nombyr of v ml Scottys and Armonackys, &c.
And that same yere, in the monythe of Feverer, the Stywarde of (fn. 154) the Kyngys of Scottys, whas name was Jamys, weddyd the Erlys doughter of Somersett at Synt Mary Overes.
Ande that yere there was a Parlyment att Westemyster; and that Parlyment beganne the laste day of Aprylle. And at that Parlyment the Erle Marchalle was made Duke of Northefolke; and in that Parlyment was moche altercacyon by-twyne [th]e lordys and the comyns for tonage and poundage. And at that Parlyment was grauntyd that alle maner of alyentys shulde be put to hoste as Englysche men benne in othyr londys, and ovyr that condyscyon was the tonage grauntyd; the whyche condyscyon was brokyn in the same yere by the Byschoppe of Wynchester, as the moste pepylle sayde, he beyng Chaunseler the same tyme, and there-fore there was moche hevynesse and trowbylle in thys londe. And that yere, the xiij day of Feverer at nyght, were caste many byllys in the cytte and in the subbarbys a-gayne the Flemyngys, and sum were set in the byschoppe ys gate of Wynchester, and in othyr bischoppys gatys. And in the morowe the Byschoppe of Wynchester sent Richarde Woodevyle, squyer, to kepe the Towre of London with men of armys as thoughe hyt hadde bene in the londe of warre, and so induryd tylle the feste of Symon and Jude nexte aftyr folowynge. And that yere there were many worthy men of London apechyde of treson by a false boy Peloure by excytacyon of the Byschoppe of Wynchester, as many men noysyde and sayde; yf were trewe or no I remytte me to Gode. And of many moo othyr townys, as Cauntyrbury, Exceter, and Brystowe, Covyntre, Yorke, Chester, &c.
Ande that yere the Duke of Gloucester with hys wyffe wentte into Ennowde; and she was Duches of Holand. And there he lefte hyr byhynd hym.
Ande the same yere the Byschoppe of Wynchester sende to Wyndesore for certayne men of the kyngys howsholde, and lefte the kyng but with a fewe men, and for alle the prentys (fn. 155) of Courte, unto Westemyster; and there they come in there beste a-raye; and thenne he sende for the Mayre of London and hys aldermen. And there he restyde many worthy men of the cytte. And that yere dyde the Erle of Marche in Irlonde, the xviij day of Janyver, in the castelle of Trynne.
And that yere come the kyngys sone of Portyng-gale in to Englonde; and on Mychelle-mas evyn he com to London, and was loggyd in the byschoppe ys place of London.
Ande in that yere there was a Perlyment at Westemyster, and that Parlyment be-ganne the laste daye of Aprylle. And that Parlyment hadde an evylle faryng ende, to shamefully for to be namy[d] of any welavysyd man.
And that same yere that the mayre rode to Westmyster on the same daye for to take hys othe, that ys, was the xxix daye of Septembyr, (fn. 156) whenne that he come home to hys mete with hys aldyrmen and with hys goode comyners, or that they hadde fully ete, the Duke of Glouceter sende for the mayre and hys aldyrmen that they shulde come speke with hym; and whenne they come he cargyd the mayre that he shulde (fn. 157) kepe welle the cytte that nyght and make goode wache; and so there was, alle that nyghte, for my Lorde of Glouceter and the Byschoppe of Wynchester were not goode frendys as in that tyme. And on the morowe certayne men kepte the gatys of the brygge of London by the commaundement of the Lorde of Glouceter and of the mayre. And by-twyne ix and x of the belle [th]er come certayne men of the Byschoppys of Wynchester and drewe the chaynys of the stulpys at the brygge ende in Southeworke ys syde, the whiche were bothe knyghtys and squyers, with a grete mayny of archerys, and they enbaytaylyd them, and made defens of wyndowys and pypys as hyt hadde bene in the londe of warre, as thowe they wolde have fought agayne the kyngys pepylle and brekyng of the pes. And thenne the pepylle of the cytte hyrde there of, and they in haste schytte in ther shoppys and come downe to the gatys of the brygge in kepyng of the cytte ande savacyon of the cytte a-gayns the kyngys enmys, for alle the shoppys in London were schytte in one howr. And thenne come my Lorde of Cauntyrbury ande the Prynce of Portynggale, and tretyd by twyne my Lorde of Glouceter and the Byschoppe of Wynchester, for they rode viij tymes by twyne the duke and the byschoppe that day. And thonkyd be God, thoroughe goode governaunce of the mayre and hys aldyrmen, alle the pepylle was sessyde and wentte home ayenne every mann, and none harme done thorough ealle the cytte, thonkyd be God.
Ande the v day of Novembyr aftyr that, the kynge came fro Eltam to London; ande with hym come the Duke of Glouceter and the Prynce of Portynggale, and alle the lordys that were a-boute London that tyme, with the mayre and alle his aldyrmen, and with alle the trewe and goode comyners of the cytte of London; and that was with a gode araye. And the x day of Janyver came the Duke of Bedforde to London, and my lady hys wyffe with hym, and they come to the Byschoppe of Wynchester; and the mayre and alle the cytte fette hym and mette whythe hym at Merton, and broughte hym to Westemyster. And in the kyngys palys he was loggyd, and my lady hys wyffe and the Byschoppe of Wynchester in the abbay faste by hym. And the mayre with the cytte gaf my lorde of Bedforde a payre of basonnys of sylvyr over gylte, and Ml marke in them to hys welcome. And yet they hadde but lytylle thanke.
Ande the xxj day of Feverer be ganne the counsel at Synt Albonys, but there hyt was enjornyd unto Northehampton. And the xxv day of Marche nexte aftyr be-ganne the Parlyment at Layceter, and that induryd unto the fyrste day of June, and every man was warnyd and i-cryde thoroughe the towne that they shulde leve hyr wepyn yn hyr ynnys, that ys to saye, hyr swerdys and bokelers, bowys and arowys. And thenne the pepylle toke grete battys in hyr neckys and so they wentte. The nexte day they were chargyde that they shulde leve hyr battys at hyr ynnys, and thenne they toke grete stonys yn hyr bosomys and hyr slyvys, and so they wennte to the Parlyment with hyr lordys. Ande thys Parlyment sum men callyd the Parlyment of Battys. And at thys Parlyment was the kyng made knyght, and xxxv moo whythe hym of lordys and lordys sonys. Fryste my Lorde of Yorke, the Erle of Oxynforde, and hys brother, the sone and the eyre of the Duke of Northefolke, the sone and the ayre of the Erle of Urmounde, the sone of the Lorde Hungerford, and Syr John Chaynye, Chyffe Justysse of the Kyngys Benche, Syr Wylliam Babyngton, Chyffe Justys of the Comyn Place, and Syr John June, the Chyffe Baron of the Kyngys Chekyr, and many mo, to the nombyr above sayde. And the fyrste day of Juylle be-ganne the counselle at London at Westemyster, ande duryd fully iij wekys.
Ande the same yere, the xxviij day of Novembyr, deyde the Countasse of Huntyngdon at the Colde Herborowe, in London, and she ys buryd at the Fryer Prechowrys at Ludgate.