A Short English Chronicle: The succession of kings from the earliest times to the Norman Conquest

Three Fifteenth-Century Chronicles with Historical Memoranda by John Stowe. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1880.

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'A Short English Chronicle: The succession of kings from the earliest times to the Norman Conquest', in Three Fifteenth-Century Chronicles with Historical Memoranda by John Stowe, ed. James Gairdner (London, 1880), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol28/pp1-17 [accessed 18 February 2025].

'A Short English Chronicle: The succession of kings from the earliest times to the Norman Conquest', in Three Fifteenth-Century Chronicles with Historical Memoranda by John Stowe. Edited by James Gairdner (London, 1880), British History Online, accessed February 18, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol28/pp1-17.

"A Short English Chronicle: The succession of kings from the earliest times to the Norman Conquest". Three Fifteenth-Century Chronicles with Historical Memoranda by John Stowe. Ed. James Gairdner (London, 1880), British History Online. Web. 18 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol28/pp1-17.

In this section

A Short English Chronicle, From Lambeth Ms. 306.

Cronycullys of Englonde.

In the noble londe of Surrye (fn. 1) was some tyme a greate kynge and a myghty that was named Dioclesyan, and he was the moste worthiest kynge than levinge on erthe, as the story seythe. And this brevelye to procede, he had by dyverse wiffes xxxiijti doughteres, the whiche were geven in to maryage to xxxiijti kynges of dyverse contres. And all the kynges were under Dioclesyan, and obedient unto hym. And after it be fell so that thes wiffes wexen so proude and sterne toward ther husbondes by one assent compleyned upon hem to Dioclesyan the grete kynge; and so ther fader were gretly amevid of ther governaunce; and so he gave his daughtres a grete rebuke in presens of all her husbondes. And so the nexte nyght folowynge for male talent and greate ire that they were so foule blamed of ther fader through grete complaynte of ther husbondes, they toke their counselle togeder, and thought to be avenged. And so the nexte nyght by one assent thei cut her husbondis throtes, and violensely they were slayne alle. And tho were all the xxxiijti false women that were quenes of diverse londis exiled oute of all the londe of Surrye, and put into a shippe withouten helpe of any man. And toke hem vitaile for halfe a yere or more, and be toke hem to Mahonde and Appolyne to kepe. And so thei were in the see longe and mony a daye. Till at the last thei were drevyn in to this londe, that tho was all disserte and wildernesse and full of wilde bestis. And than they come alande wher they fonde no creature þerin. Tho saide Albyne, the eldest sister, I se well by reyson that we ben the fyrst creatures that ever came here; wherefor I will have this lond called after my name, Albyon londe. Tho levid they here in this londe as bestis by erbis and rotis, and ete rawe flesshe and dranke wilde bestis blode, and so they wex coragious and ranke, and desired gretely the feleshippe of men. And tho came sprytes of the ayre and wonderly delid with hem, and so they brought forthe giantes as the story reherseth, as Gogge, Ma gogge and other; and so levid forthe the geauntes un till the cominge of Brute.

Fro the begynnynge of the worlde unto the distruccion of the grete cyte of (fn. 2) Troye was iiijmliiijxx and iiij yere. That is for to sey, afor the Carnacion of Crist mlcxv yere. [Fro þe begynnynge of the worlde unto the destruccion of the grete cite of Troye was mliiijxx and iiij yere.] (fn. 3) And fro that tyme in to the comynge of Brute fyrst into this londe was lxxiiij yere. And that was by for the Incarnacion mlxlj yere, &c.

Brute was a Trojane.

The fyrst kynge that ever was in this londe was Brutus, the whiche was come of the gentill blode of Troye, as the storye telleth. And he began first London, and named hit at that tyme Newe Troye, because he was com of the lynage of the Troye. And also he lette call this lande Brutayne after his name, and the people that he brought with hym he named Brutones, and he yave his men grete yeftis, and gaffe hem londe to lyve upon, and they bilded howses and bilded many townes through helpe of ther kynge Brute. And when Brute had regned xxv yere than he dyed, and licth at Newe Troye that nowe is called London. And ther he was worthely entered, and he was xxxti yere of age or he was crowned kynge of Brutayne. The some of his age or he dyed was lv yere, and that was be for the Incarnacion of Criste mlxvj yere.


Afftyr kynge Brutus regned his sonne Locryne, a gode knyght and a myghty, and he regned but vj yere.

Guendolyne; Madahan.

Aftir kynge Locryne regned his wiffe Guendolyn, the whiche that hade a sonne that hight Madahan, þat was kynge Locrynes' sonne. And the quene kepte him in hir governaunce till that he was xxti wynter olde. And than he was made kynge, and so the quene regned xvj yere after Locryn dyed. And so regned Madahan, that was Locrynes sonne, xxxij yere, and lythe at Newe Troye.


After him regned his sonne Memprice xxviij yere.

Eborank. (fn. 4)

After hym regned his sonne Ebornake, (fn. 4) the which was a gode knyght and a myghty, for he conquered all the londe of Fraunce, and gate grete umbre of gode. That whane he come home a yene he lete make a fayre cite and lete called after his name Eborawyke, (fn. 4) that nowe men clepeth Yorke. And he hade by dyverse women xxti sonnes and xxiijti doughtres; and his sonnes were grete lordys, and conqured many contres. And this kynge Eboranke (fn. 4) regned lxj yere; he dyed and lieth at Yorke.

Brute Grenesh [yld]; Lyell. Lud Ludibras.; Bladued.

After hym regned his sonne Brute Greneshyld, the whiche was a gode knyght and a worthy, and whan that he had regned xxxij yere he died, and lithe at Yorke. After regned his sonne Lyell;. he made the towne of Carlyll, he regned the full of xxiij yere, and lyeth at Karleyll; and that time regned Kynge Salamonde in Jerusalem. After that regned Lud Ludebras, Lyell is sonne, ix yere. After hym regned Bladud, his sonne, the whiche was a grete negremancer, and he made the hote bathe be his sotill crafte of nigromancye; he regned xxij yere.


After him regned Kynge Leyre, a gode kynge and a worthie, and he made the towne of Leyseter; he regned xliiij yere.


Than regned Cordell, that was Leyres doughter, þe whiche was Quene of Fraunce; she regned v yere.


After that regned Cordell sonne, that right Morgane and his brother Conadage; thei departed the londe be twene hem, and regned bothe to geder in pese xij yere. And after that fell a disy taunce, and Conadage slough Morgan. And after that Conadage regned in rest and pece full xxx yere.


After hym regned his sonne Regnolde, a gode knyght and an hardye, and in his tyme hit reyned blode durynge iij dayes; and he regnid xxij yere, and lithe at Yorke.

Gorbodyan.; Doneband.; The fyrst kyng that ever ware crowne of golde in Englonde.; Beleyne.

After hym regned Corbodian in rest and pese xvij yere. Than stode this londe dissolate withowten kynge xvj yere. Than was ther an erle in Gornewale that hight Gloton; and he hade a sonne that hght Doneband, and he was right eyre of this lande. And he was the fyrst kynge þat ever wered crowne of golde in this londe; and he hade ij sonnes, Beleyn and Bren; he regned durynge xlj yere. Aftir hym regned Kynge Beleyn, and he made Beleynges gate, with a castell and a fayre towre, upon Temmesside; he was a noble knyght, for he conquerd Romayn and Lombardye; and whan he had regned xij yere he dyed, and lieth at Newe Troye.


After hym regned his sonne Cornebatrus, a gode kny[gh]t and a worthye; and he regned xxvj yere, and lieth at Newe Troye.


Aftyr hym regned his sonne Gwentholyn xxvj yere.


After him regned his sonne that heght Kynnore, (fn. 5) and he regned xix yere.


After hym regned his sonne Howayne þe fers xj yere.


After him regned his sonne Morwyth þe wekkyd ix yere.


After hym regned his sonne Seysell xvj yere.


After him regned his sonne Grandobodian, and he made the toure of Grantam and Cambryge; and he had iiij sonnes, Artogayll, Hesydere, Hygamus, and Petiture, and whan Grandobodyan had regnyd xij yere he dyed, and lithe at Newe Troye.


After him regned his eldeste sonne Arthogayle v yere, and for his wekidnes the Bretons pute him downe and made his brother Hesydere kynge, and he regned v yere; and than Artogale put downe Hesydere, and so he regned a yene vj yere, and than he died, and lieth at Grantham.

Higamus and Petytur bypartyted the lond betwene them.

After that Higamus and Petiture departed the londe by twene hem both, and so they regnyd togeder vij yere; tho dyed Higamus, and a none after died Peiture at the vij yere ende.


And after that the Bretons crownyde Hesydere kynge a yene, and tho he regned here in pees xvij yere, and lieth at Newe Troye Some of the regne of thes xxiiij kynges vjc and ix yere.

After that regned xxxiij kynges in rest and pese everyche after other, as the story telleth, and how long tyme they regned.


Fyrst regned Grandabodian Rouse xiij yere and a halfe; item, Morgan regned vij yere; item, Eyghanas regned vj yere; item, Edwarlyn regned viij yere; item, Rohngo Regina xj yere and di.; item, Voghem regned xiij yere; item, Katyll regned xv yere; item, Porrex regnid vj yere; item, Cheryne regnid xvij yere; item, Coysell regnide xij yere; item, Surgeus regned xiij yere; item, Andragie regnid xviij yere; item, Uryan regnid vj yere; item, Elyaud regnid vij yere; item, Eldaux regnid v yere; item, Cornegund regnid vij yere; item, Caphe regnid ij yere and di.; item, Morthan regnid vj yere; item, Bladagh regnid vj yere; item, Geen regnid vj yere; item, Seysell blod regnid xxj yere; item, Grabreth regned xxij yere; item, Archynall regnid xiiij yere; item, Hertyer regnid vj yere; item, Rodyngum regind xxj yere; item, Carpoire regned vj yere; item, Dyngneyld regnid vij yere; item, Regan regned xxij yere; item, Samoell regnid xiiij yere; item, Rede regned vj yere; item, Kynge Elye reind but halfe a yere. Summa of the regnie of xxxiij kynges, ccclxxix yere. And this was a for the Incarnacion of Crist.


Fro the begynnyng of the worlde un to the regne fo Kynge Lud vmlcxlvij, &c.

After the dethe of Kynge Ely regnid his sone Lud the whiche turned the name of newe Troye to London, and he lete make a fayre gate and called hit Ludgate after his name; he regned in pees xj yere and lithe in Ludgate.

Cassibalaun; Julius Cesar

After him regnid his brother Cassibalaun, and in his tyme came Julyus Cesar into the londe and werred upon him longe tyme durynge vj yere, and after they were accorded. And Julyus Cesar made the towre of London.


After that regnid Cassibalaun in pees xvij yere. After him regned his brothers sonne Anddroughenne, whiche was Erle of Cornewayle viij yere, and lieth at London.

Kymbelyne. Tempore hujus natus est Cristus.

After him regnid his sonne Kynge Kymbelyne, the whiche was a gode man and right wele belovyde of the comon people, and in the vj yere of hsi regne was our lord Jhesu Crist borne of the Virgyn Marye. And he regnid after that xvj yere, and he had ij sonnes Gynder and Armyger, and when he had regned full xxvj yere than he dyed, and lithe at London, &c.


After hym regnid his sonne Gyndere, a gode man and a trewe to alle the comone people, and his tyme came the Emperour Glaudius in to his londe and made greate werre for a trewage the whiche he chalanged of this londe. And the forsaide Kynge Gynder was slayne in his place by tresoun of Hamond,the Emperour styward; he regned xij yere.

Armyger.; Hic passus est Christus.

After hym regned Armynger, Gyngere broþer,and he made his pese with Glaudyus, and he made the towne of Glowseter. And after that Glaudyus went to Rome ayene. And then regned Armyger in rest and pese all his lyfe tyme; and int he vj yere of his regne, as the story telleth, our lorde Jhesu Crist suffred dethe for redempcioun of manes soule; and whan he hade regned xxvj yere he dyed at London.

Westmere.; Coyle. Goran.

After hym regnid his sonne Westmere, a gode knyght and an hardy, and bilded in the northe partye of Brettayne, and called all that contre after his name, Westmerland; and he regned xxvij yere, and lith at Karlhill. After hym regnid his sonne Coyle, a gode man and welbelovyd a monge all the people of Bretayne, and well governed the londe in pese, and he regnid xxj yere. After hym regned Goran the grete, in trouble and debate with his people durynge xxij yere.

Lueye.; Anno Domini c[1]xij°crat prim[us] Christianiaaimus Re[x] Augliae, nomine Lacium (fn. 6)

After hym regned his sonne Lucye, that was a gode kynge and a trewe, and welbelovyd with all the comyne peple of the londe, and he sent to Rome to Pope Eleuthie and desired to be a Cristenman; and so the pope was joyfull therof and sentt heder ij leggates that highte Pagan and Olybane for to baptice Kynge Lucye and his peple, and so he was the first cristen kynge þat ever was in this longe. And fro Brute unto Lucye is mlclxv yere. Tho was Kynge Lucye crowned and regned kynge xxiij yere or he was cristened aftyr that he regned liiij yere. Summa of his regne lxxvij yere; than he dyed and lithe enterred att London.

The yere of oure Lorde Jhesu Crist ccj, A°; —

After the dethe of Lucye this longe stode dissolate with outen kynge and governour in grete werre amonges hem selfe for defaute of a kynge and governour durynge lxij yere.

The yere of our Lord cclxiij.

And that tyme were the Romayns governers of this longe, and they chase amonge hem a kynge a pat hight Asclepades, the whiche regned in grete trouble vj yere.

Coyl.; Seynt Elyn.

After him regned Coyll, the whiche made the towne of Colchester and the castell of Dover. And in his tyme come a noble prince from Rome that hight Constance, and he chalanged the trewage that the kynge oughte to pay to Rome. And Kynge Coyll grawnte him for to paye all that he ought to done of right. And so they were acorded that this noble prince spowsed Kynge Coyll is doughter that high Elyn, the whiche was right eyre to the londe, and she was a gode holy woman and a grete clerke. And whan Kynge Coyle had regned xiiij yere he dyed, and lieth at Colchester.


After him regned Constaunce of Rome, for he had spoused Eleyn that was Coylls doughter, and by hir he had a son that hight Constantyne that was Seint Eleyns sonne, and this gode Kynge Constance regned xv yere and lieth at Yorke.

Constantyne.; Martirizasio Sancte Katerine.

After that regnid his sonne Constantyne (fn. 7) that was Seint Elyns sonne, and in the ij yere of his regne come tidingis to the kynge that a wode tyrawnte Maxence was come to Rome for to distroye the cite, and he distroyed all the Cristen folke that he myght come by; and that same tyme was Seint Kateryne martered, the yere of our Lorde cccx. And when Constantyne herde tell ther of, he gedered a grete nombre of peple, and toke his moder with him, and wente to Rome, and gate the cite, and slowe the Sarsynes, and distroyed all that were in mys beleve, and after he was Emperour of Rome and kynge of the londe. Tho was Octavyan, Erle of Cornwayle, warden of the londe and keper under the emperour and kynge, and the x yere of his regne he died at Rome the yere of our Lorde cccxvije.


After that was Octavyan, wardeyn of this londe, crownyd kynge, and he regned durynge xvij yere.

Maxymyan.; Ursula, a Erles dou[ghter] of Cornwale.; Gawhan;.Martirizacio Sancti Albani.; Grayne.; Gracyan.

After him regnid Maximean, that was Costantinges cosyne, and he wedded Octavians doughter; and he went over the see in to the londe of Morycon (fn. 8) and conquerd the londe and called hit Litell Brettayn; and tho he made Canon Meredok kyng of that londe, And aftir this was done Maximian went to Rome and was made emperour the xj yere of his regne. And the same yere Seint Ursula, the Erles doughter of Cornwale, was sent over the see with xj ml maydenes in to Lytell Bretayne, and tho pei were drevyn with tempest in to Holonde; and ther was a Saresyn kynge of that londe that hight Gawhan, and he brought all the forsaide maydenes to Coleyne, and ther they were martered the yere of our Lord cccxlvj. A none after came Gawhan into this londe and warred upon Cristen peple many a yere; and the lordis of this londe were at grete de bate within hem selfe, and perfore were the Saresynes myche the more the bolder, and at that tyme was no kynge ne governor in this londe, wher for the Brutis made grete mone and sorowe. And at that tyme was Seint Albone marterd, the yere of our Lorde ccclxxviij. Tho sent the Bretones to Rome for socoure and helpe for to dryve oute the Sarasynes of this londe and save the Cristen people. After that came a worthi prince from Rome that was called Grayne, and brought with him xxiiij thousande of fyghting men, and came in to this londe, and chasid oute the Sarsynes, and Gowhan fled home into his owne contre. And this trouble dured in this londe xlj yere. And than Gracyan was crownyd kynge of this londe. After he wax so stoute and stere a yens the Bretens that thei lovid him nought, and the thred yere of his regine he was slayne, the yere of our Lorde lxxxxe.


After that came Gouhan ayene in to this londe and werred and distroyed the Cristen peple all that ever he myght durynage vij yere.

Than came a worthi knyght oute of Litell Bretayne that hight Constanyne, the which was the kynges cosyne, and he came with a grete oste and yave the Sarseyns a batayle, and ther was the tirawnte slayne and all the Saresynes discomfited.

Constance, Aurilam bos, Uter, iij filii Constantini.; Constance.; Urtager.; Engest Rex Cancie.; Terra divisa in octo regna.; Merlion tunc crat xiiij annorum.

And tho came Costantyne, of London, and ther he was crowned kynge of Grawnte Brettayne, and after he regnid well and worthely xxvj ye., the yere of our Lord ccccxxiije yere. And he hade iij sonnes; the eldest heght Custance, and he was made a monke at Wynchester by his faders leve. And Aurylambos and Uter were but yonge children when her fader dyed, and none of them bothe were not of age to her the crowne, for ther was so grete wer and stryffe in this londe. Tho was Urtager, Erle of Esex, he consayled Counstance that was a monke for to forsake his abitt and to ber the crowne, and Urtager to be governour of the londe, so under that forme he myght be made kynge,for Constaunce was innocent and cowthe no skyll of wer. And so Constaunce was crowned kynge, and he made Urtager his governour of his londe, and whan he had regned iij yere he was slayne. Anone after that was Urtager made kynge, and the Bishop of London, hight Coslyn, and he, sent the ij brethren Aurylambros and Uter into Litell Brettayne to norysshe and fede till they came of age. Sone after came Engest of Saxonye, of the londe of Germayn, with a grete noumbre of people whiche were fayre folke, but they were not cristned; and at the last they encresid so faste in this londe that they over come the Bretones, for they slewe in one daye with treyson xxxml. lxij of gode knightes and chevaleres of the best that were in this londe. And tho Engest seysed all this londe in to his honde and hade Urtager in prison; and than he changed the name of this londe of Brettayne in to Englonde and called the peple Englishe men, and the peple of the londe that were Bretones fled into Wales and into Cornwayle. And Engest devided this londe in viij parties, ande made him sylfe kynge of Kente and lord of londe; and at that tyme was Merlyon xiiij yere of age. And this werre duryd in this londe xxij yere, the yer of of our Lorde ccccxlviij. And whan Engest had departid the londe aftir his owne device in viiij kyngdomes, tha is to sey, Kent, (fn. 9) Esex, Mydangle, Westex, Estangle, Morchelond, Derham, and Ebrusam that nowe is called Yorkeshire. And this Engest was kynge aboven hem all, and he regened xij yere.


Tho came Aurylambos and Uter hsi brother oute of Litell Brettayne with a grete noumbre of peple, and all the Brettones that were in Cornwayle and in oþer parties of this londe that durst not be seyne for drede of Engest, they came to Aurylambros and his broþere to helpe hem dryve oute the Saxons. Fyrst he went in to Walis, and there he slowe Urtager, and after Engest and his peple were overe come and discomfid all the paynymes. And the Saresynes sawe the people þat were converted to God; and than Aurylambros had regnid viij yer; and he was enpoysoned with a drynke and died slepynge, the eyre fo our lord cccclxviij.

[U]ter Pendragon.

After him regned his brother Uter Pendragon, þe whiche was a gode knyght and a worthi; and he weddid a faire lady the whiche was called Ingrene, that was the Erlys wife of Cornewayle, and she came of the lynage of Cornebyus of Troye; and at that tyme was a grete abbicion for the londis name. Some did call hit Brettayne, and some called hit Engelonde; and for the love that Uter had to his wyfe, and for the gentill blode that she came of, he named this londe after hir name Ingerne, Englond; and upon hir he gate the doughty kynge Arthure. And whan Uter hade regned wele worthely xlvij year, the yere of our Lorde vcxvje.


After that regned the gode Kynge Arthur, the worthy conquerour that conquered many a region. Fyrst he began at Irlande, Skotlond, Norwey and Denmarke, Fraunce, Burgoyne, Gascoyne, Gyan, Lombardy, and Almayne, and Romayne; and after he came home ayene into Englonde and regned well and worthely xxvj yere, the yere of our Lorde vcxlije; but where he is beryed the story make no mencion.

After the dethe of Brute unto the regne of Kynge Arthur regnid in Englande diverse kynges, that is for to sey an C, of the whiche was xvj Cristen.


After Arthur regned Constantyne, Erle of Cornwayle, in peese viij yere; and after fell grete stryfe a monge the lordes of the londe, that every lord werred upon oþer in dyverse partyes of Englond duryng vj yere, the yere of our Lorde vclvje.


Aftir him regned Kyng Cordyff, and in his tyme fell so grete wer and stryfe with in this londe sylffe thatt this londe was all moste loste throwe werre, &c. And than came the Saxsones in to this londe that called hem selfe Englisshemen for the name of the name of the Engest, for to conquer the londe, and werred sore upon the Bretons and drove hem oute of this londe in to Walis and Cornwayle, and some in to Litell Brettayne; and þat tyme fell the greate myschefe in this londe, that Cristendome was distroyed through the Saxsones that were paynymes and hethen folke, for they keste downe houses and chirches of religeoun, and quelled all the Cristen folke that they myght come by; and whan the Saxsones had conquered the londe of the Bretones tho they departed the lond a monge hem like as it was in Egestes tyme; and this grete trowbie and sorowe dured in this londe xiij yere, the yere of our Lord vclxx.

Athylbryght, Kyng o Kent.

And at that tyme regned Athelbryght, Kynge of Kent, and he was a gode man and loved well rest and pece; and he had a cosyne that was called Sygeberde, (fn. 10) that was Kynge of Westsex, and a noþer cosyne, that hight Elfride, the whiche was Kynge of Northehomberlond; and thes thre kynges loved wele peese; mo other kynges ther were, but they were noþinge of theire condicion; and Athilbryght was chefe kynge a bouen hem all. All in the xxv yere of his regne Seint Augustyne came in to Engelonde for to cristen the Englisshe men that were come of the Saxones. And therfor Seint Austyne is called postill of Englond, for he brought fyrst Cristedome to Englisshe folke. But the Bretons that were dwellinge in this londe were Cristen peple many yeres afore. And whan Athilbright was cristen and all his people sone after he lete make in the honour of God and Seynte Poule the churche of Poules at london.

Fundacio ecclesie Sancti Pauli, A° Do 598.; Sygebert, Kyng of Westsex

Anno of our Lorde vc. iijxxxvii was the fondacion of the chirche of Poules by Altherbryght. And when this gode Kynge Altherbryght had regnyd after he was cristened xxj yere, and so he regnydin all xlvj yere, and than dyed, the yere of our Lord vjc.xvj. And in Athilbryghtes tyme Sygebert (fn. 10) was Kyng of Westsex, and he was founder of Westminstre, anno of our Lorde vjc. xv.

Edwyne, Kynge of Nothehumberlond.

After that regned Kynge Edwyne of Northehomberlond above all the kynges of Engelond, and he regnid xj yere, the yere of our Lorde vjc.xxviije

Oswalde, Kyng [of] Northehumberlond.; Oswyne.

After him regened Seint Oswalde, Kynge of Northehomberlonde, and he regned above all the Kynges of Engelond; and in the ix yere of his regne he was martred, the yere of oure lord vic.xxxvje. Aftir hym regtned Oswyne, his brother,Kynge of Northehumberlonde, and whan he hade regned xviij yere he dyed, and lythe at Tynmothe, the yere of our Lorde vjc.liiije.

Cadwalader.; Alanus Rex.

Afte hym regnid Cadwaladere of Lyeyceter for chefe Kynge of Englonde, and he was a Breton; and when he hade regned xij yere ther fell grete stryfe in this londe be twene the Bretones and the Englisshemen, that every kynge werred upon oþer. And the same tyme fell so grete derthe of skarssyte that men myght neþer gete mete nor drynke to by for no money, for almaner cornes and frutes fayled; and all maner of bestis, bothe wilde and tame, both foules and fysshes, dyed in all maner partes of Engelonde, that men myght no vitayle gett, so grete skarssete ther was; and at that tyme fell the grete mortalite of pestilence, that peple dyed sodeynly goynge in the stretes, with gronyng, fuesynge, and coughynge, slepynge and wakynge, and in all maner weyes peple dyed. Than Kyng Cadwalader, seynge this grete vengeaunce, he toke a serteyne meyne with him and went him to shippe and forsoke his owne kyngdome, and went in to Lytell Brettayne to his cosyne, Kynge Aleyne, and after went to Rome and þere dyed, the yere of our Lorde vjc.lxxvj.

Sexburga.; Offa.; [Ki]ng Offa founder of Seynt [Al]bons.

After that Cadwaladre had forsake his owne londe and was in Litell Brettayne, came the noble Quene Sexburga, with a grete nombre of people oute of Saxony, and they toke up all the londe of Northehomberlande to West Walis; and at that tyme were many kyngis in this londe in dyverse parties, and thei werred everyche upon other, and the strengest parti be nome the feblest partyes londes; and so this wer endured many yerys be twene the Bretons and the Englissh. And so, at the laste, Kynge Offa regnid as for cheffe Kynge of Englonde; and he lete make the Abbaye of Seint Albonys, and he regnid xxvij yere, the yere of our Lord vijc and iije.


After him regned his broþer sonne, Kynge Alffryde, a gode man and a welbelovyd off all his people, and he regnid xxvj yere.


After him regnid Kynge Osbryght of Northhomberlond, the whiche was slayne in playne bataile; he regned xxvj yere.


After him regnid Kynge Godeyne of Denmarke, and he made werr in this londe durynge many yers, and he regnid xxvij yere.


After him regnid Kynge Albryght of Laycester, the whiche was a gode man and a trewe, and loved well peese, and in the viij yere of his regne he was martred, and lith at Hertforde.


After him regnid Kynge Elle of Northehomberlonde, in grete weire and stryffe, durynge xxx yere.


Aftir hym regned Kynge Kenelme, a gode man and an holy, and loved well God and Holy Chirche, and in the ve yere of his regne he was martred, and lithe at Wynchecombe, the yere of our Lord viijc. xxv yere.

Danys cam yn to Englonde.

Anone after came Danys in to Engelonde for to conquer the londe, and made grete werr, and distroyed Cristen peple, and gate all the contrey off Northehomberlonde and Estangle. This wer duryd in this londe xxx yere by the kynge him selffe and his successores, the yere of our Lorde viijc. lv.

Edmonde Kyng [of] Estangle that n[ow] is callyd Northfol[k] and Southfolke.; Arurcde was th[e] fyrst anoynted Kyng of Englond, and he was anoynt[ed] at Rome by Pope Leo the iiijth and h[e] was Kyng of Southesex.; Edwardus [j] ante Conque[stum].

After him regned Edmond, Kynge of Northefolke, and of all the contre of Southefolke; and tho came the Danys off Northehomberlonde and werred upon Englissh men many yeris. After that Hubla and Hungar, that were princes of the Danes, came to Bury, and ther the gode Kynge Edmonde was take, and they bounde him to a tre and shotte him with brode arowes, and after smote of his hede; and so was Seint Edmond, the gode kynge, martred, the xv yere of his regne, the yere of our Lord viijc. lxxje. After that regned Kynge Aluerde of Southesex, and he werred upon the Danys, and at the last discomfied them and toke the kynge prisoner, and brought him to London; and than he besought the kynge of grace, and seyde he wolde become Cristen for his love, and never to make were a yenes him; and ther Kynge Alurede brought him to Westminster, and ther he was baptysed and called Athelstone. And than were all the Danys cristened that were in Engelonde; and for grete joye that Knge Alured had for the Danys were converted to God he lete make a grete feste and after levid in pees; and Kynge Adelston went home in to Denmarke ayen. And whan Kynge Alurede had regned al most xxx yere he dyed, and lieth worthely enterred at Wynchester, the yere of our Lord ixc primo. After him regnid his sonne that was called the first Edward; he was a gode mand and a trewe, and lovyd well pees. And whan he had regned xxiiij yere he dyed, and lithe at London. And the seyde Kynge Edwarde hade iiij sonnes, Athelston, Edmond, Eldred, and Edwyn. And that tyme regned the gode knyght Gy of Warwyke, &c.

Adelstone.; Edmonde.

After Edwarde regned his eldest sonne Athelstone. And in his tyme was Seint Donstone borne; he regned xvj yerc, and lieth at Malmesburye. (fn. 11) Aftyr hym reyned hys brother Edmonde, and he reyned vj yere, and lyeth at Glastynbery.


After him renge his broþer Eddrede; he regned ix yere, and lythe at Wynchestre.


After him regned his broþer Edwyn, crowned at Kyngeston; and whan he hade regned iiij yere he died, and lieth at Wynchester, the yere of our Lorde ixc.lxj.


After Edwyne regnid his sonne Edgare, and crowned at Kyngeston, the wheche was a gode kynge and a worthi; and in his tyme regned the doughti knyght Beves of Hampton. And whan this gode kyng had regned xvj yere he dyed, and lieth at Glastonburye.

Edwardus ijus ante Conquestum.; Iste erat martiratus (sic.)

After Edgar regnid his sonne Edward the Secounde, and gode kynge and an holy; and in the iiij yere of his regne his step moder lete him be marterd, and lieth at Shaftisberye, the yere of our Lord ixc.iiijxx primo.

Etheldrede.; This Edward is the holy Kyng and Confessour.

After hym regned his broþer Etheldrede, crowned at Kyngeston, and he had a sonne that hight Edmonde Irenside. And in his tyme come Kynge Sweyne of Denmarke in to þe londe for to conquer this londe. And Kynge Etherldred fled into Normandye, and ther he wedded the Dukes doughter, and begate on hir ij sonnes, Alured and Edwarde, and after came a yene in to Engelonde with his iij sonnes and conquered the lond a yene of the Danes, and afterward levid in pees; and so he regned al most xxxv yere, and lith at London at Poules.

Edmond Irensyde, iijus Edmundus Anglie.

Aftir him regned his sonne Edmonde Irensyde, the therd Edmond of Engelonde, and he regned after his fader all moste ij yere. And after that he was slayne, sone after that his fader was dede, through a false Dane that hight Edryght of Stratton; and than he was beryed at Glastonburye, the yere of our Lorde mlxvije.

Knotte Edmond Irensydes sones

After hym regned Kynge Knotte, the whiche was a Dane, and he sent over the see to Denmarke þe twoo brothers Edward and Edwyne, the whiche were right eyres of Engelonde ther to be distroyed. And Edward went him in to Hungerye, and ther he wedded the kynges doughter; and for he was exiled oute of Englonde, he was called Edward the Outwlawe. And whan that Kynge Knought had regend xix yere he dyed, and lithe at Wynchester.

The yere of our Lorede ml quatragesimo secundo tunc erat a Nativitate Jesu Christi usque ad regnum Sancti Eddwardi regis et confessoris.

Fluxerunt disvisum (fn. 12) in Anglia centum et septaginta (fn. 12) quinque reges, de quibus Oswynus, Oswaldus, Ethelbristes, (fn. 12) Kenelmus, Edmundus, Edwardus, martinizati; (fn. 12) Constans, Edwaldus, Seburtus, Wynfridus, Etheldredus, Edbertus, Offa and (fn. 12) Offa and (fn. 12) Kynredus, monachatum sepulti, anno mlxl

Sanctus Edwardns et Confessor fuit primus unctus rex in Ang[lia], et fuit iijus rex Edwardus ante Conquestum. Tamen Rex Alver[edus] fuit unctus ante h[ac] per papam Leonem iiijum in Roma.

After the dethe of Kynege Knoght the Englisshe men wolde not suffre the Danes no more to regne in Engelonde, but drove hem oute fo this londe. And than was the gode holy man Seint Edward the Confessoure crowned Kynge of Engelonde; and in the ij yere of this regne he was crowned at Wynchester, the yere of our Lord mlxlije. And he was the fyrst anoynted kynge that ever was in Engclande, and he regned well nd worthely; and he did make many gode statutes and lawes, the whiche ben used yette in this londe; and he wedded a wyfe and levyde in clennes and virginite all his lyffe, and so he dyed, and lith at Westmester shryned. The forsaide gode Kynge Edwarde regned here xxv yere, the yere of Lorde mllxve.

Rex Haraldus.

After the dethe of Seint Edward, Harolde, Duke of Westsex, that was Godewynes sonne, a Dane, has sesed al Englonde in to his honde a yene the right. And therfore he regned but a while for his untrouthe, for he was sworne upon a boke that he shulde have wedded Duke Williams bastared doughter of Normandye, and Harolde shulde have kepte the realme of Engelond to Duke Williams be hove, but Harolde seised alle in his owne hondis, and therfore Duke William conquered the londe of him and slowe him in bataille in the seconde yere of his regne in a felde beside Tonbrygge. And Kynge Haroll lithe buryed in athe abbaye of Waltham, the yere of our Lord mllxij. And the bataill was done upon Seynt Kalixtes daye, &[c].


  • 1. Syria.
  • 2. the grete cyte of. These words are interlined by a second hand, by which most of the side-notes have been supplied.
  • 3. Erased in the MS.
  • 4. In the names Eborank and Eborawyke, the "o" is inserted between b and r by the second hand, both in the text and in the margin.
  • 5. The "o" in this name is altered by another hand into "a".
  • 6. Lueium. So in MS. This marginal note is mutilated, the edge of the paper having been cut by the binder, so that it is uncertain what the date assigned to the conversion of Lucius was. But it was most probably 163 (CLXIII), the L being now lost.
  • 7. Over the name " Constantyne" in the text is written by the annotator "Emperowre."
  • 8. Armorica.
  • 9. The names of the eight kingsdoms are repeated in a marginal note.
  • 10. The "ge " in this name,in both places, alike in the text and in the margin, is an interlineation by another hand.
  • 11. This sentence is added in by the hand of the marginal annotator.
  • 12. Sic in MS.