Diary: 1559 (July - Dec)

The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1848.

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'Diary: 1559 (July - Dec)', in The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563, ed. J G Nichols( London, 1848), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol42/pp202-221 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Diary: 1559 (July - Dec)', in The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Edited by J G Nichols( London, 1848), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol42/pp202-221.

"Diary: 1559 (July - Dec)". The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Ed. J G Nichols(London, 1848), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol42/pp202-221.

1559 (July - Dec)

The furst day of July all the craftes of London send (fn. 1) owt a (blank) men of armes, as well be-sene as ever was when owt of London, boyth waffelers (fn. 2) in cott of velvet and cheynes, with gunes, mores-pykes, and halbardes, and flages, and in-to the duke of Suffoke('s) parke in Sowthwarke, and ther they mustered a-for my lord mayre; and ther was a howsse for bred and dryng, (fn. 3) to gyffe the sawgyars (fn. 4) to ett and drynke, and they then after thay lay and mustered in sant Gorges ffeld tyll x of the cloke. [The next morning they removed towards Greenwich to the court there, and thence into Greenwich park, where they tarried] tyll viij of the cloke, and then thay [marched] to the lawne, and ther thay mustered in harnes, [and the gunners] in shurttes of maylle, and at v of the cloke at nyght the Quen [came] in to the galere of the parke gatt, and the inbassadurs and lordes [and ladies, to a] grett nombur, and my lord marques, and my lord admerall, and my [lord Robert Dudley, and] dyvers mo lordes and knyghtes, and they rod to and fro [to view them, and] to sett the ij batelles in a-ray; and after cam trumpeters bluwing [on] boyth partes, and the drumes and fluttes; and iij ansettes (fn. 5) in evere bat[elle]; so thay marchyd forward, and so the gunes shott and the morespykes [en]contered to-gether with gratt larum, and after reculyd bake [again]; after the towne army lost ther pykes and ther gunes and bylle . . rely, and contenent (fn. 6) they wher sturyd with a-larum; and so evere man toke to ther weypons agayne; by and by the trumpetes and the drumes and gones playd, and shott, and so they whent to-gether as fast as they could. Al thys wyll the Quen('s) grace and the inbasadurs and the lordes and lades be-held the skymychsyng; (fn. 7) and after they reculyd bake agayn; and after master chamburlayn and dyvers of the commenars (fn. 8) and the wyffelers cam to the Quen, and ther the Quen('s) grace thankyd them hartely, and all the cette; (fn. 9) and contenent (fn. 10) ther was the grettest showtt that ever was hard, and hurlyng up of capes, (fn. 11) that her grace was so mere, (fn. 12) for ther was a-buyff (fn. 13) lyk M pepull besyd the men that mustered; and after ther was runyng at the tyltt, and after evere [man] home to London and odur plasses.

The iij day of July was cared to be bered unto (blank) on master Sadler, latt altherman and draper, and the chyrche hangyd with blake, and with ys armes, and a sarmon, and a iij dosen of skochyons.

The iij day of July (the) Quene('s) grace toke her barge at Grenwyche unto Wolwyche to her nuw shype, and ther yt was namyd Elesabeth Jon[as,] and after here grace had a goodly bankett, and ther was grett shutyng (fn. 14) of gunes and castyng of fyre a-bowt mad (fn. 15) for plesur.

The v day of July was deposyd of ther byshopeprykes the archebyshope of Yorke doctur Heth, and the bysshope of Ely docthur Thurlbe, at my lord treysorer('s) plasse at Frers Augustyne.

The vij day of July, was sant Thomas of Cantebere day, my good lord of Wynchastur doctur Whytt came owt of the Towre, with the leyftenantt ser Edward Warner, by vj in mornyng, and so to my lord keper of the brod selle, and from thens unto master Whyt, John, (fn. 16) altherman, and ther he lys.

[The x day of July was set up in Greenwich park a goodly] bankett[ing-house made with fir] powlles, and deckyd with byrche and all maner [of flowers] of the feld and gardennes, as roses, gelevors, (fn. 17) [lavender, marygolds,] and all maner of strowhyng erbes (fn. 18) and flowrs. [There were also] tentes for kechens and for all offesers agaynst [the morrow,] with wyne, alle, and bere.

The xj day of July ther was mad a plasse [for the queen's] pensyoners to rune with-owt (fn. 19) a tyltt with spayrers. (fn. 20) [There were three] chalengers, my lord of Urmon, (fn. 21) and ser John Paratt, and master [North], and ther wher (blank) deffenders boyth with spares (fn. 22) and sw[ords.] Abowt v of the cloke at after-non the Quen('s) grace [came,] and the inbassadurs, and dyver lordes and lades stode [over the] gatt for to se; and after thay rane one chassy[ng the other], and after the Quen('s) grace cam down in-to the parke [and] toke her horse, and rod up to the bankett howse, [with] the inbassadurs and the lordes and lades, and so to soper [and] a maske, and after a grett bankett, and after grett castyng [of fire] and shutyng of gunes tyll xij at nyght.

The xij day of June (sic) the frers of Grenwyche whent away.

The xiij (fn. 23) day of July whent the frers blake in Smythfeld went a-way.

The iiij day of July, the Thursday, the prests and nuns of Syon whent a-way, and the Charter-howsse.

The abbott of Westmynster and the monkes was reprevyd. (fn. 24)

The xx day of July kyng Phelype was mared (fn. 25) unto the Frenche kyng('s) dowthur, and grett justes mad ther, and the Frenche kyng dyd just, and ther he had on of ys ees stryken owtt with a spyld (fn. 26) of a spayre, that he ded of the stroke, by one (blank).

. . . . . . .

The xvj day dyd pryche at Powlles crosse (blank)

The xviij day of July the vesetars (fn. 27) satt at the [bishop] of London palles.

The xvij day of July the Quen('s) grace removyd from Grenwyche of her prograsse unto Darford in Kent; so the next day removyd unto Cobham, my lord Cobham('s) plasse, and ther her grace had grett chere.

The xx day of July the good old the bysshope of D[urham (fn. 28) ] cam rydyng to London with iijxx hors, and so to Sowth[wark] unto master Dolman('s) howsse, a talowchandler, and ther he lys aganst the chene gatte. (fn. 29)

The (blank) day of July a haburdassher, dwellyng a-ganst sant John('s) hed at Ludgatt, dyd kyll hym-seylff.

The sam day a mayd dwellyng in Colmanstrett dyd cutt her thrott a-pesse, (fn. 30) and after she lepyd in-to a welle and drownyd yr seyllff.

The xxv day of July, was sant James day, the warden of Wynchaster and odur docturs and prestes wher delevered owt of the towre, and masselsay, (fn. 31) and odur.

The sam nyght was the Mersers' super, and ther supyd my lord mare and my lord treysorer and dyvers of the consell and dyvers althermen, and ther was chossen the shreyff for the quen master Logee, (fn. 32) altherman and groser, for the yere to cume and nowe.

The xxvj day of July cam tydynges in-to London the yonge Frenche kyng has proclamyd ym-seyllff kyng of Skottland and England and Franse and (unfinished) . . . . . . . . . . . . . and the morow a grett dener . . . chylderyn of the hospetalle, and a-for and after . . . . . . unyalles, and ther was a goodly compene of . . . . .

The xxviij day of July cam home [sir Thomas Chamber] from Whytchyrche and be-syd Wynchaster at nyght [parson of the Trinity at] Quen-heyff, (fn. 33) and agaynst the Blake Bull [he met] a yonge man servand unto the woman that owr [parson] delt nowghtly (fn. 34) with ys masteres the Fryday a[forc, and the] sayd yonge man haskyd ym (fn. 35) why that he dyd or . . . . . so evyll, and so thay changyd a blow or ij, [and by] chanse ser Thomas Chambur hyt ym on . . with a botell that he browth (fn. 36) from Wy[nchester,] and the sam nyght the parsun was had to the [counter,] and ther lay fryday at nyght, saterday, so[nday, and] monday tyll iiij at after-none, and ther wher serten of the offesers of Brydwell feychyd [him] from the conter in Wodstrett, and so cared hym [to Bride] well a-for master Grafton, master Hakworth, and master Sy[monds, and] mony mo masturs of Brydwell, and ther was . . . and dyvers men of Trenete parryche and women; and he sayd that he wold not tare (fn. 37) longe, and desyred them to gett a-nodur prest to serff ys turne, for he wold nott tarre, for he wold gett a-nodur serves as sune as he cold gette, but or he whent h . .

The v day of August the Quen('s) grace removyd from Eltham unto Non-shyche, my lord of Arundell('s), and ther her grace had as gret cher evere (fn. 38) nyght, and bankettes; but the sonday at nyght my lord of Arundell('s) howse (fn. 39) mad her a grett bankett at ys cost, the wyche kyng Henry the viij byldyd, (fn. 40) as ever was sene, for soper, bankett, and maske, with drumes and flutes, and all the mysyke that cold be, tyll mydnyght; and as for chere has nott bene sene nor hard. [On monday] the Quen('s) grace stod at her standyng [in the further park,] and ther was corse (fn. 41) after; and at nyght the Quen . . . . and a play of the chylderyn of Powlles and ther master Se[bastian], master Phelypes, and master Haywod, and after a grett bankett as [ever was s[ene, with drumes and flutes, and the goodly banketts [of dishes] costely as ever was sene and gyldyd, tyll iij in mornyng; and ther was skallyng (fn. 42) of yonge lordes and knyghtes of the . . . . .

My lord of Arundell gayffe to the Quen('s) grace a cubard of platt.

The x day of August, the wyche was sant Laurans day, the Quen('s) grace removyd from Non-shyche unto Hamtun cowrte.

The sam day was browth (fn. 43) to the Towre Sthrangwys, the rover of the see, and serten odur.

The xj day of August the vesetars (fn. 44) satt at Powlles, master docthur Horne, and master (blank) and master (blank), apon master Harpfeld, and master Harpfeld (fn. 45) and dyvers odur.

The xiij day of August dyd pryche at Powlles crosse the bysshope of Harford, Skore. (fn. 46)

The xiiij day of August landyd at the Bryghowsse a iiijxx rovers and mareners that was taken with Strangwys, and send (fn. 47) unto the masselsay (fn. 48) and to the kynges bynche, and ther trumpeter, and as sone as thay cold make hast put on fetters on ther leges for ther offensys.

. . . . . . . . . . . pesse over chargyd at master Hyksun . . . . . and one of ys servand dyd fyre yt that was . . . and yt hytt brust in pesses, and on pesse yt . . . and smott on of ys leg a-way by the . . . smott a pesse of the calff of ys lege a-way . . . of the pesse fluw over Temes a-pon the . . and in dyvers plases.

The xv day of August the Quen('s) grace returned from Hamtun cowrte unto ( . . . ) my lord [admiral's] place; and ther her (fn. 49) had grett cher, for my lord [admiral] byldyd a goodly banketthowsse for her grace; [it was] gyldyd rychely and pentyd, for he kept a gret [many] of penters (fn. 50) a grett wylle in the contrey.

The xx day of August, was sonday, ther was sarmon at Powlles crosse; ys name was (blank); and ther was a menester dyd penans for the marehyng (fn. 51) of a sertenn cupulle that was mared a-fore tyme.

The xxj day of August dyd the veseturs (fn. 52) sat at sant Brydes, doctur Horne and ij more, for ij churche-wardens and ij more wher sworne to bryng a truw envetore (fn. 53) of the chyrche.

The xxij day of August the vesaturs sat at sant Larens in the Jure, docthur Horne and mo veseturs.

The xxiij day of August the veseturs sat at santt Myghell in Cornell (fn. 54) lyke-wysse for the chyrche gudes. (fn. 55)

[The xxiiij day of August, the lord] mare and the althermen and the [sheriffs? w]her at the wrastelyng at Clarke-in-w[ell, and it was the] fayre day of thynges kept in Smyth-feld, [being] sant Bathellmuw (day), and the same day my lord [mayor] came home thrugh Chepe, and a-gaynst Yrmonger [lane] and a-gaynst sant Thomas of Acurs ij gret [bonfires] of rodes (fn. 56) and of Mares and Johns and odur emages, ther thay wher bornyd with gret wondur.

The xxvij day of August ther was a tentt sett up at Fynsbere for my lord mare and the enbassadurs and the masters the althermen, and mony commenars, and ther was the shutyng of the standard for the best gune, and dyvers odur dyd shut (fn. 57) for odur games, after the wyche was . . to be wrastelyng—Bathellmuw day and iij sondays after.

The xxix day of August was the Marchand-tayller(s') fest, for thay had a xxx bukes, (fn. 58) be-syd al odur mettes. (fn. 59)

The xxx day of August was bered, in sant Thomas apostylle, captayn Matsun, with xx clarkes syngyng, and armes a-bowtt hym, and bered in the qwyre.

The sam tym afterward was bered in the body of the chyrche master Allen, nuw electyd bysshope of Rochaster, with a fuw clarkes syngyng, and ther dyd pryche for hym master Huntyngtun the prycher—the wyche he had a wyf and viij chylderyn.

The xx .. day of August ded at Non-shyche ser Thomas Carden knyght, devyser of all bankettes and bankett-howses, and the master of reyvelles (fn. 60) and serjant of the tenttes.

The tyme afor Bathellmuwtyd and after was all the rodes (fn. 61) and Mares (and) John, and mony odur of the chyrche gudes, (fn. 62) bowth (fn. 63) copes, crosses, sensors, (fn. 64) alter-clothes, rod clothes, bokes, (fn. 65) baners, bokes, and baner-stays, waynskott, with myche odur gayre, (fn. 66) abowt, London . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [and the xxv day of August, at saint Botulph's] with-owt Bysshyope-gatt the rod, Mare and John [patron of that] chyrche, and bokes (fn. 67); and ther was a felow within the chyrche [wall] mad a sermon at the bornyng of the chyrche goodes . . . thruw in serten bokes in-to the fyre, and ther thay [took away the] crosse of wod that stod in the chyrche-yerde, of master . . . cost, a tawhear (fn. 68) of skynnes.

The iij day of September dyd pryche at Powlles on Makebray, a Skott.

The v day of September was bered at [Bletchingley] ser Thomas Karden knyght, with a standard and . . . . of armes and a cot of armes, a helmet, targat, . . . . with the mantylls and crest, and a iij dosen of skochyons of armes, the wyche he had mony goodly offeses in . . . . .

The sam day at non (fn. 69) was shytt a thornderyng (fn. 70) [as] was never hard a-for the tyme, for with a clap at Alalowes in Bred strett yt kyld a water span[iel] at the chyrche syde, and fellyd a man on of the bedman (fn. 71) of the Salters, ys nam ys Hare (fn. 72) (blank), and sexten of the sam chyrche, and more-over yt crakyd the stepull a-boyfe the batelment all of stone, that sum of (it) fluw owtt in pesses, that mony pepull resortyd theder to se that marvels thrugh-owt London. I pray God help! Thys was done be(tween) xij and on (fn. 73) the v day of September. At myd-day at non at Tottenam-he (fn. 74) -crosse was ij . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The vj day of September the nuwe bysshope of London and dyver odur (unfinished)

The xvj day of September was (the) rod (fn. 75) and Mare and John and sant Mangnus bornyd at the corner of Fystreet, and other thynges.

[The v day of September was a frame set up for the French king deceased, in] Powlles qwyre, of ix storys, and [with a] valens of sarsenetes and blake fyne fryng, [and pensils, and] rond a-bowt the hers a pesse of welvett; [all the] viij pellers and all the quer hangyd with blake and [arms; and] the herse garnyshed with xxx dosen penselles and xv dosen [of arms].

The viij day of September at after-none [was] the obseque of Henry the Frenche kyng, the herse garnyshed with grett skochyons of armes bosted (fn. 76) with grett crownes, and all under ther fett (fn. 77) with blake, and a grett palle of cloth of gold, and ys helmett and mantyll of cloth of gold and cott armur, targett and sworde, and crest, and angy[d (fn. 78) all] the quer with blake and armes, and my lord tresorer the cheyff [mourner], and next my lord chamburlen, my lord of Burgany, my lord of Hunsdon, and my lord Cobam, my lord Dacurs of the Sowth, and my lord Pallett, ser Recherd Sakefeld, (fn. 79) and ser Edward Warner, and mony mo morners all in blake; and contenent (fn. 80) songe durge, and a xiiij haroldes of armes in ther cott armur afor the lordes, and after to the bysshope('s) palles to drynke.

The ix day (of September) a-fore none thay cam to the chyrche from the byshope palles, the haroldes a-for them, master Garter, master Clarenshux, master Norrey, master Somersett, master Chaster, master Rechmond, master Yorke, master Wyndsor, master Lanckostur, and Ruge-crosse, Ruge-dragon, Bluw-mantyll, Perkullys, and ther thay had serves; my lord of Canturbere the meny[ster ?], the bysshope Harford, Skore, (fn. 81) dyd pryche, and the bysshope Barlow, thes iij had blake gownes and grett hodes lynyd with sylke, and drestes' capes; (fn. 82) and after all done to (the bishop's) plasse to dener, for ther was offesers of the quen('s) howsse, of evere offes (fn. 83) sum, for ther was grett chere.

The vj day of September was bered in sant Edmondes in Lumberdstrett on master Day, the cheyffe chaffer of wax unto my lord chanseler of England.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . master . . . . . . . . a xxiiij clarkes syngyng to the chyrche; [the mourners] ser Wylliam Chastur, draper and altherman, and master (blank) and master (blank) serjant of the coyffe, and master Berre draper [with] odur in blake to the nomber of xl gownes . . . he gayffe to xij men and xij women xxiiij gownes . . . dyd pryche bysshop Barlow; all the chyrche and the [street] was hangyd with blake with armes; and master Clarenshux sett them in order, and the morrow after a grett . . . with iij dosen of skochyons and d' (fn. 84) of bokeram.

The x day of September dyd pryche at Powlles [cross] Torner, and ther was my lord mayre and the [aldermen], and grett audyens of pepull boyth of the cowrt, [city, and country.]

The xij day of September was bered at sant Martens [at] the welles with ij bokettes (fn. 85) (blank) a barber-surgan, with clarkes syngyng and a lx chylderyn, xxx boys and xxx wemen[-children], and evere chyld had ij d. a pesse.

The xv day of September ther was a car-man that cared wod unto serten men, and he sold sum by the way, and when that he cam to tell the bellets he told them that he wold a savyd (fn. 86) the nombur of the belettes, but he was spyed, and so the bellets was told over agane, and so he was cared to the contur tyll fryday the market day, and then he was fechyd owt and sett on hors-bake, ys fasse to the hors taylle, with ij belettes a-for hym and ij behynd ys (back) rond abowtt London (to) ys dwellyng.

The sam day was the Frenche kyng('s) herse taken downe at Powlles by the haroldes, and so they had al thyng that was a-bowt yt, boyth cloth, velvet, banars, skochyons of armes, and penselles, and sarsenet, and tymber that mad the raylles of viij-sqware, and the baner stayffes.

The (blank) day of September was a fyre in Holborn by neclygens, and bornyd (unfinished)

[The xvij day of September did preach at Paul's cross master Veron a new] prycher, and ther was my lord mare and . . grett audyense, and ther he sayd, Wher ar the bysshopes [and] old prechers? now they hyd ther hedes.

The xix day of September was bered in . . Laurans lane one mastores Longe wedow, with . . dosen of skochyons, and prestes and clarkes, and mony [mourners] in blake, and a sermon.

The sam day was bered in sant Fosters on Oswold See, goldsmyth, with a dosen of skochyons of armes, and prestes and clarkes syngyng.

The xx day of September was bered at sant Katheryn crechyrche ser John Raynford knyght, of Essex, with ij haroldes of armes, and a standard, pennon of armes, and a cott armur, targett, sword, helmet, mantylls, and the crest; and a v dosen of skochyons of armes; and all the cowrt hangyd with blake and armes; and the qwer hangyd and the raylles with blake and armes; and parson Veron dyd pryche, and after the haroldes tok the mornars, and thay whent and offered ys helmet, and after the cot, and odur morners offered the targett, and after the sword, and after the standard and the pennon of armes; all that wyll (fn. 87) the clarkes sang Te Deum in Englys, and contenent (fn. 88) vj of ys men putt ym in-to the graff; and when all was done all the mornars whent to the plasse to dener, for ther was boyth fles and fysse (fn. 89) at the dener, but my lade (fn. 90) was shott (fn. 91) up all the dener wylle, tyll all was done and the pepull gone; then my lade cam, and she had iiij eges (fn. 92) and a dysse (fn. 93) of butter to her dener.

The (blank) day of September be-gane the nuw mornyng prayer at sant Antholyns in Boge-row, after Geneve fassyon,—be-gyne to rynge at v in the mornyng; men and women all do syng, and boys.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . clothworker of London . . master . . . . . . Harstrang, cloth-worker.

The xxij day of September was raynyd (fn. 94) [at Southwark] master Strangwys, the grett roffer (fn. 95) of the see, and a . . . marenars and odur men, and cast all to suffer.

The xxx day of September be-gane the mornyng [service] at Powlles at that owr (fn. 96) as the postylles masse.

The xxiiij day of September dyd pryche at Powlles crosse (blank) Huntyngtun the prycher, and ther was my lord mare and my masters the althermen, and grett [audience] of pepull.

The xxv day of September ded my yonge lade Cobham in Kent, the wyff of lord Cobham, and the [lord] warden of the Synke Porttes in Kentt.

The xxvij day of September tydynges cam to London that the prynche of Swaythen he was landyd at Harwyche in (Essex).

The xxviij day of September ther was preparyd for the berehyng of yonge lade Cobham, ix baners of sondre armes, and a viij dosen of skochyons of armes, and a x dosen penselles for her herse at Cobham, the wyche was never shyche (fn. 97) sene with lyke fassyon.

The xxxj day of September the nuw shreyffes of London toke ther barge to Westmynster to take ther howth, (fn. 98) master Loge and master Marten, althermen, in the cheker, and after home to dener with ther craftes.

. . . . . . . . . . .

The ij day of October master Strangwys and v [of his men were] lad from the Towre unto the Masselsay.

The xxx day of September, was Myghelmas day, the [lord] mare was chosen at the yeld-hall, good master Huett, clo[thworker,] the wyche was ther never mare of that ocquwpassyon a-for; ther wher iij (aldermen), but when that ther turne [came] they ded, (fn. 99) master Towllys and master Hynd and master Machyll, clothworker.

The iij day of October was sett up ij nuw payre of galows, one at sant Thomas of wattrynges, and the thodur at the low-water marke at Wapyng.

The iiij day of October master Strangwys and all ys men shuld have suffered dethe, but ther came tydynges that they shuld stay tyll yt plessed the quen('s) grace and her consell.

The iiij day of October whent to here (fn. 100) from Cobbam hall my yonge lade Cobbam, the wyff of my lord Cobbam, latte mad lord Warden of the v portes, with prestes and clarkes syngyng, and ij haroldes of armes, master Clarenshux and Ruges-Dragon, with lx baners of armes of hys and hers petegree (fn. 101); one was a grett baner of ys harmes (fn. 102) and hers; and mony morners in blake a C., and a lx women in rosett cassokes of brod cloth, be-syd men in mantyll frys-gownes, and the women had nuw raylles; and ther was a goodly hers (fn. 103) with-owtt wax, and garnyshed with grett baners and velvett, and xx dosen penselles, and vij dosen skochyons of armes; and the chyrche and the plasse hangyd with blake and armes, and a bony . . the velvett a goodly bordur mad and gyldyd, and with ther armes; and so the dene of Rochastur and all the colege both prest and clarke dyd syng, and the qweresters; and Torner the precher dyd pryche; and after all done, they whent to the plasse to dener, for ther was a gret dener, and ther was a ij M. pepull that had ij d. apesse, and after dener pore pepull had boyth mett and drynke; all thys done in Kent.

The xxviij day of September, was Myghellmas-evyn, was the old bysshope of Durram doctur Dunstall (fn. 104) was deposyd of hys bysshope-pryke of Durram, be-cause he shuld not reseyff the rentes for that quarter.

. . . . . . . . . . .

[The] v day of October cam to [London by Ald]gatt the prynse of Sweythen, (fn. 105) and [so to Leadenhall], and done (fn. 106) Gracyous-strett corner in a howse stod [the lord] marques of Northamtun and my lord Ambros Dudley [and other gentlemen and] lades; and my lord of Oxford browth (fn. 107) (him) from Col[chester] and my lord Robart Dudley, the master of the quen('s) horse; and trumpettes bloyng in dyvers places; and thay had [a great] nombur of gentyllmen ryd with cheynes a-for them, and after them a ij C. of yomen rydyng, and so rydyng over the bryge unto the bysshope of Wynchastur('s) plasse, for [it] was rychely hangyd with ryche cloth of arres, (fn. 108) wrought with gold and sylver and sylke, and ther he remanyth.

The viij day of October dyd pryche with-in the [queen's] chapell at Whyt-hall parson Veron, the Frenche[-man], and he leyd thynges that the nuw bysshopes electyd [should] have landes as the old byshopes had, or elles [they] wher not abull (fn. 109) to mantayne and kepe good howse.

The x day of October was bered Bluw-mantyll the harold, (fn. 110) the wyche latt was Rysbanke, in sant Brydes in Fletstrett, with (unfinished)

The ix day of October was master Row altherman('s) dowthur mared in santt Martens with well with ij bokettes, (fn. 111) to a marchand, and ther wher mony worshype-full men and women ther; and ther was a sermon, and after to ys plasse to dener; and he gayff ij C. payre of glovys, and at nyght ther cam ij goodly maskes as has bene.

The xij day of October whent by water unto the court the kyng of Sweythen('s) sune, and ys gard, and ther he was honorabull (fn. 112) reseyvyd with mony honorabull men at the hall-dore, wher the gard stod in ther ryche cottes, unto the quen('s) chambur, and ther he was reseyvyd of the Quen('s) grace, and after he had grett chere as cold be had.

The xiij day of October at nyght ded (fn. 113) the good lade the contes of Ruttland at Halewell, (fn. 114) sum-tyme yt was a nunre, (fn. 115) that ser Thomas Lovell dyd beld (fn. 116) yt for hym.

The xv day of October did pryche [at Paul's] crosse Crolley sum-tyme a prynter.

The xij day of October they be-gane to [erect a] skaffold, to take downe the tope of the stepull, that was brosyd (fn. 117) with a thondurbolt with that tem[pest].

The xvj day of October was bered at Wy . . ser Wylliam FuwWylliam (fn. 118) knyght, with a standard and pennon of armes, cott armur, targett, sword, helmett and a iiij dosen of skochyons, with a harold of armes, that was master Clareshux, kyng of armes; [and] grett mon mad (fn. 119) for ym, for he kept a [good] howse for the pore.

The xix day of October the prynche of Swaythen whent to the court agayn, for my lord Robart [Dudley gave] ym a grett bankett.

The xx day of October they begane to make a herse for my lade the contes of Rutland at Sordyche; yt was garnysshed with armes and penselles, and all the chyrche hangyd with blake and armes.

The xxj day of October was cared from Halewell unto Sordyche chyrche my lade the contes of Rutland, with xxx clarkes and prestes syngyng, and mony pore men and powre women in blake gownes a lx and mo, morners to the nomber of a C. and ij haroldes of armes, master Garter and master Yorke; then cam the corsse; a-for a grett baner of armes, and a-bowt her iiij goodly banerrolles of dyvers armes; and master Beycon mad the sermon; and after a grett dolle of money, ij d. a-pesse (fn. 120); and so to dener, and yt was wryten a-bowt the valans Sic transit gloria mundi, and ther was vj dosen penselles and vj dosen skochyons.

. . . . . . . . . . .

The xxiij day of October [the visitors sat at saint Paul's, when] master Harpfeld the archedecon of London . . . . was deposyd, and dyvers prebendarys and vecurs.

The xxv day of October was proclamyd in the . . . and Westmynster of aperell of all kyndes, and the morow in London.

The xxvij day of October was cristened at sant Benettes at Powlles warff ser Thomas Chamburlayn['s son], and the chyrche hangyd with cloth of arres, the godfathers names the prynche of Swaynthen one and my lord Robart Dudley, and the godmoder was my lade of Northamtun; after the cristenyng waffers, spysbred, comfettes, and dyver odur bankettes, dysses (fn. 121), and epocras and muskadyll [in great] plente; the lade was the wyff of master Machyll, altherman and clothworker.

The iiij day of November was a prest mared (fn. 122) with a prest('s) wedow of Ware in Hardforshyre at sant Botulfe with-owt Bysshopegatt; and ther was one West, a nuw doctur, and he raylyd of the rod-loft, and that whe owght to helpe them that fled for the word of God, and to gyff them a lyffyng.

The v day of November ther was grett justes at the quen('s) palles (fn. 123), and ther was my lord Robartt Dudley and my lord of Hunsdon wher (fn. 124) the chalengers, and all they wher (fn. 124) (in) skarffes of whyt and blake, boyth haroldes and trumpeters; and deffenders my lord Ambros (fn. 125) with odur; and the haroldes and trumpeters and the fotmen with skarffes of red and yelow sarsenett.

The vj day was bered in sant Androsse in Holborn master Mortun sqwyre, with a harold of armes, a penon of armes, and a cott armur, with a dosen of skochyons.

The vij day of November was bered in Westmynster abbay master Recherd Knevett sqwyre, with a dosen skochyons.

[The viij day of November was buried in Kent] ser Robartt Sowthwell knyght, sum-tyme master of the rolles, with a harold of armes, and a standard, a penon of armes, a cot armur, a target, a elmett, and a viij dosen skochyons of armes.

The ix day of November was a hers mad for my lord Wylliam of Tame, and the chyrche and the [place] hangyd with blake and armes and a x dosen penselles.

The xv day of November was bered at Tame my lord Wylliam of Tame, with a iij harold of armes, master Clarenshux, master Chester, and Ruge-dragon, with a standard, a grett baner of armes, and viij baner-rolles of armes, and a xij dosen skochyons, and a C. morners, and a lx gownes for pore men, and grett dolle of money, and after a grett dener.

The v day (of) Dessember was bered in Westmynster abbay my lade Frances the wyff of Hare (fn. 126) duke of Suffolke, with a gret baner of armes and viij banar-rolles, and a hersse and a viij dosen penselles, and a viij dosen skockyons, and ij haroldes of armes, master Garter and master Clarenshux, and mony morners.

The vj day of Dessember was bered in sant Dennys parryche in Fanchyrche stret, the chyrche and the qwyre hangyd with blake and armes, and the plasse and the strett, ser Thomas Cortes (fn. 127) knyght and latt mare of London, and Fysmonger and Puterer; ther was iij haroldes of armes, and ther had my lord mare and the sword-bayrer and dyvers althermen had blake, and the residuw in vyolett; and ther was a C. in blake gownes and cottes; and he had a standard and a v penon of armes, and a x dosen skochyons; and ther dyd pryche master Recherdson the Skott; and after to the plasse, and the mare and the althermen to dener, for ther was a grett dener, and pore men in gownes and the clarkes of London syngyng; a grett denner for all men that wold come.

[The xij day of November preached at Paul's cross] Coverdall the (unfinished)

The xix day of November dyd pryche at P[aul's cross] master Bentun. (fn. 128)

The xix day of November was bered at Lambeth the old byshope of Durram doctur Donstalle, (fn. 129) sum-tyme byshope of London, with (unfinished)

The xxiij day of November was bered in sant [Olave's] in Hart strett master Watsun the quen('s) marchand.

The sam day was bered in sant Sythe parryche John Lyons' sune and here, with armes, and xij pore [men] had xij nuw gownes, and they bare xij gret stayffe torchys bornyng, and ther was a sarmon.

The xxvj day of November dyd pryche at Pow[l's cross] master Juell, byshope of Salyshere, and ther was my lord mare and the althermen and mony of the courte, and ther was grett audyense as (has ever) bene at Powlles crosse.

The xx day of November was bered master (blank) sqwyre with a penon and a cott armur and a dosen of skochyons.

The furst day of Desember was raynyd at the Yeld-hall master Grymston captayn.

The sam day was ij men of the contre was sett on the pelere for pergure, (fn. 130) a-for non.

The sam day was a woman ryd a-bowt London on horse-bake a-bowt London with a paper on her hed for (blank)

The ij day of Desember was a penon and a cot-armur (fn. 131) for master Brune sqwyre in the contre.

. . . . . . . . . . .

. . mared . . . . . . Holle marchand unto . . . the dowthur of master James Suttun sqwyre (who) ded (fn. 132) [clerk of the] grencloth by keng Henre the viij. and kyng Edward the vj. [and] quen Mare('s) days; and they gayff a C. payre of glovys, and ther was a grett dener and soper, and next day went h[ome.]

The viij day of Desember, was the day of the Conseption of owre Lade, was a grett fyre at the Gorge in Bredstret; yt begane at vj of the cloke at nyght, and dyd grett h[arm] to dyvers howses.

The xj day of Desember was bered in Warwyke-shyre ser Foke Gryffylle (fn. 133) knyght; and he had a herse of wax and penselles, and with armes; and he had a harold of armes, and a standard and a pennon of armes, and a cott armur, and a helmett, targett, and sword, mantylles of velvett, and a vj dosen skochyons; and mony morners; and pore men had gownes; and a grette dolle; and after a grett dener, for the ryche and pore; and the best howse-keper in that contre.

The ix day of Desember was a proclamassyon mad for folles (fn. 133) and capuns and conys and gesse and all maner (of) fulles (fn. 134) and the pryse; and eges, with odur thynges.

The xiij day of Desember in the mornyng was by mysefortune in sant Dunstones in est a nold (fn. 135) man on (fn. 136) master Cottelle a talowchandler, he fell downe in a trape dore and pechyd hys hed a-pone a pesse of tymbur, and brust owtt ys braynes, for he was beldyng, so the trape dore was left opyn.

The sam day cam serten fellous unto the Gorge in Bredstret, wher the fyre was, and gatt in-to the howse, and brake up a chest of a clothear, and toke owtt xl lb. and after cryd fyre, fyre, so that ther cam ij C. pepull; and so they toke one.

The xvj day of Desember was the sam man bered in sant Don stones in the est, master Cottell, that was slayne with (the) falle, and he had a sarmon, and all ys compene in ther clothyng, and a grett dener, for ther was mad mon (fn. 137) for hym, and a dolle.

. . . . . . . . . . . . Park]er electyd byshope of Canturbere.

The xvij day of Desember was the nuw byshope of [Canterbury,] doctur Parker, was mad (fn. 138) ther at Lambeth.

The xviij day of Desember dyd a woman ryd a-pone [horseback] with a paper on her hed, for bawdere, with a basen ryngyng.

The xij day tydans cam to London that ther was marchandes and shypes lost, boyth Englys and Frenche, and many good masters of shypes, and mony good marenars, and odur shypes in dyvers plasses that wher lost.

The xix day of Desember was slayne with-owt the weste dore of Powlles on master Wynborne gentyllman (of) Suffoke, by Wylliam North and ys man, he dwellyng at sant Ane chyrche-yerd, with a foyne slayne.

The xx day of Desember a-for non, was sant Thomas evyn, my lord of Canturbere whent to Bow chyrche and ther wher v nuw byshopes mad. (fn. 138)

The sam day was raynyd at the Yeld-hall master Hodylston and master Chamburlayn, captayn of the castyll in Calles, and cast boyth to suffer deth.

The sam day dyd ryd in a cart a-bowt Lundun the wyff of Hare Glyn, (fn. 139) gold-smyth, for behyng bowd to her owne dowther.

The xxix day of December was bered at sant Martens at Ludgatt Luste Strange (fn. 140) sqwyre, with the clarkes syngyng, and he had a harod of armes, master Somerset, with a pennon and a cott armur, and a vj skochyons, and a sermon.

The xxxj in the mornyng and the last ded (fn. 141) my lade Darce the wyff of ser Arthur Darce knyght, dwellyng in the nwe abbay on the Towre-hylle.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . in Sowth-warke unto sant Towlys (fn. 142) in Sowthw[ark to be] bered my lade Copley wedow, with xx grett stayffe torchys bornyng, with prestes and clarkes syngyng, with a harold of armes, and a pennon of armes, and mony morners; and the chyrche hangyd with blake, and the quer; and ther was a sermon, and communyon; and after to her plasse to dener and a dolle . . . of skochyons.

The sam day at nyght at the quen('s) court ther was a play a-for her grace, the wyche the plaers plad shuche matter that they wher commondyd to leyff off, and contenent (fn. 143) the maske cam in dansyng.