Diary: 1552 (July - Dec)

The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1848.

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'Diary: 1552 (July - Dec)', in The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563, ed. J G Nichols( London, 1848), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol42/pp21-28 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Diary: 1552 (July - Dec)', in The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Edited by J G Nichols( London, 1848), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol42/pp21-28.

"Diary: 1552 (July - Dec)". The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Ed. J G Nichols(London, 1848), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol42/pp21-28.

1552 (July - Dec)

The furst day of July ther was a man and a woman on the pelere in Chepe-syd; the man sold potts of straberries, the whyche the pott was nott alff fulle, but fyllyd with forne; (fn. 1) the man nam ys Grege; sum-tyme he con[terfeited] ym selffe a profett, for he was taken for [it, and] sett by the pelere in Sowthwarke.

The xj day of July hangyd one James Ellys, the grett pykke purs that ever was, and cutt-purs, and vij more for theyfft, at Tyburne.

The xij day of July was bered ser Robartt Do[rmer] knyght, a grett shepe-master in Oxford-shyre, with standard and a penon of armes, and ys cot and target, and crest, and elmett, and mantylls, and vj dossen of skochyons.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the mornyng with-owt syngyng butt . . the clarke, and with-owtt any more serves done.

The xv day of July was wypyd (fn. 2) a yong man and ij women for vyssyones and synes; and the [woman] she was putt on the pelorie, for she wold [have] poysenyd her husband, for the same woman [permitted] her servand to com in to here.

The xvj day of July was bered master [Cowper's] wyff, behyng the shreyffe of London, with [as great funeral] as ever was on (fn. 3) a shreyff('s) wyff; doyctur Kyrkman dyd pryche there for her.

The xxij day of Julij was bered master . . porvear of wyne for the kyng, the wych was warden of the Fysmongers, and he fell in a . . at the berehyng of master Cowper('s) wyff, and cared unto hys brodur('s) howse hard by, and was cared [to the] paryche of saynt Marten organes, wher he . . .

The furst day of August was chossen the shreyffe of London, master (blank) Grymes, clothworker, dwellyng in saynt Laurans lane; and the vj day of August he was dysmyssyd of the shreyffshyp; and in ys sted was chossen Thomas Clayton, baker, the wyche master Grymes gayff for ys fyne ij C lb.

The x day of August was bered masters Basseley (fn. 4) Cowper, late the wyff of master Hontley, haburdassher, late shreyff of London, and after the wyff of master Towllys, lat alderman and shreyffe of thys nobull cete of London,—the vj kyng Edward the vjth.

[The same day were three dolphins taken up between Woolwich and Greenwich. One was sent] to the courte to the kynge, and the [others were sold in Fish] strette to them that wold by them.

The iij day of August was ther born [in Oxford] shyre, at a towne callyd Myddylltun Stonny [eleven miles] from Oxford, dwellynge at the syne of the Egyll, was the good wyff of the howsse deleverd of a chyld be-gotten of her late hosband of John [Kenner] of the towne of Myddylltun Stonny late dyssessed, . . . forme and shape as youe have sene and hard, and boyth the for parts and the hynder partes of the said . . . sam chylderyn havyng ij heds, ij bodys, iiij armes, [iiij] hands, with one bely, on navyll, one fondamentt at [which] they voyd both uryne and ordure; and then thay have [ij] leges with ij fett, one syd, and on the odur syd, on leg [with] ij fette havyng butt ix tooys—monstrus!

The xv day of August was dysmyssed of the shreyfshype master Thomas Clayton, baker, and for hym was chosen master John Browne, mercer, the wyche was the [son?] of sir Wylliam Browne, and late mere of London, the wych [sir] Wylliam Browne ded mer, (fn. 5) and for hym was chosen [to serve] owt ys tyme sir John Tate, behyng mayre by the tyme of kyng Henry the vij, and bered at saynt Antonys; he dyd byld be-syd Freres Augustynns; and for fyne master Clayton payd ij C lb.,—the vj king Edward vjth.

The xv day of August ded the nobull knyght ser [Anthony] Wynckfeld, comtroller of the kynges honorabull howsse, [and of] ys preve consell, and knyght of the honorabull order of the garter; the wyche he ded at Bednoll Grene, at yong sir John G[ates] plasse,—the vj king Edward vjth. And (in) ys sted master Cottun comtroller.

The xvj day of August was taken up a' Broke Warff iij grett fysses, and in odur plasys ij more, and sold in Fysh [strete] to them that wold by them.

. . . . . . . clothes or carsseys and wollencloythe . . butt onlly Blakewell-hall, a-pon forffett of all ther cloyth, but only Blakewell. . . .

The xviij day of August ded the dobull chelderyn, one, and the th'odur ded the xix day; I pray God have mersy!

The xix day of August ther was a mon on the [pillory] in Chepe for spykyng (fn. 6) agaynst the mayre and ys br[ethren.]

The sam day was dysmyssed of the shreyffe[ship] master Browne, and in ys sted was choyssen master . . Maynard, marser, the wyche master Browne payd for ys . . .

The xxj day of August was the monumentt of ser Anthony Wynckfeld knyght, and controller of the kynges h[owsse], bered at Stepnay with a grett compeny of mornars, [with] prestes and clarkes syngyng, and a harold ys ys (fn. 7) M. . . . and so cared from Bednoll Gren over Mylle End; with ys standdard and a grett baner of armes, and [his helmet] and ys targett of the garter, and ys sword, crest a [bull] gold and sabull; and at the communyon dyd pryche [the vicar] of Sordyche, a Skott; and after a grett dener for all that cam; and alle ys gayre (fn. 8) was offered, the elmett, and then the targett, (fn. 9) and then the sword, and the standard, and then ys baner of armes; and after dener yt was sett up over hym, the wyche a goodly shyth to (fn. 10), and alle was offered to the prest,—the vj king Edward the vjth.

The xxvjth day of August ded ser Clementt Smyth knyght, and unkull unto owre soverayn lord and kyng Edward the vjth, the wyche ser Clement mared qwyne Jane('s) syster; and he ded in Essex, at a plasse callyd Badow.

The v day of September was a proclamasyon that the bochers of London shuld selle beyffe and motun and velle, the best for 1 (fn. 9) fardyng the lb., and nekes and legs at iij fardynges the lb., and the best lam the [quarter] viijd. and yff thay wyll nott thay to loysse ther fredom for ever and ever.

The vij day of September ded ser John Jas . . . by-syd Hunsdon, in Essex, and bered (blank)

The viij day of Seytember was bered master Pagm . . of the grencloth onto owre soverayne lord kyng Edw [ard, the] wyche he gayff to evere clarke of ys xl shepe and odur . . . ij lb. and a good geldyng, and to ys maydes xx shepe a-pesse.

The x day of September ther wher iij grett [fishes] dryffyn up to London bryge with a grett nom[ber of] botts, (fn. 11) sum with netts, sum with bylls, and sum with m . . ; and then they retornyd downe a-gayne, and botts [after] them, be-tweyn iiij and v of the cloke at after-none; for that same day was thurnderyng, and after grett [rain?] and after that they wher sene.

Ther wher hangyd ix women and ij men for the . . . the xij day of September.

The xix day of September was had to the Towre master Wallay, authetur (fn. 12) and reseyver of Yorke-shyre.

The xxij day of September was bered in saynt Dennys parryche in Fanchyrche strett my lade Ley.

The xx day of September was browth to the Towre of London one of the north contrey.

The xxvj day of September was the lyttyll barke ager (fn. 13) goyng in too Spayne, and as sche was goyng ther mette with her ij great schypes of the Frensche kynges, and bere her down sore, and stroke her great mast a-sunder as sche was in fyght; the great barke ager followed her and rescwed her, and so over-came them bothe, and browght them in-too the havne of Portysmouthe, and ther they doo lye.

The xxx day of September the mayre and the aldermen, and the new shreyffes, took barges at iij Cranes in the Vyntre, and so to Westmynster hall, and ther they toke [their] hoyth (fn. 14) in the escheker, and then thay came to de[ner]. Ther was a grett dener as youe have sene; for ther wher mony gentyll men and women.

The ij day of October cam to London owte of Skottland ij (blank) sunnes, late of the kyng of [Scots?] and dyd lye at the iiij Swanes with-in Bysshope-gate, and ther they have ther coke (fn. 15) and ther cater, and dress . . . seylff.

The iiij and v day of October was the good bysshope of Dorham (fn. 16) whent unto Towre-hylle [to the] late monestery of whyt monkes, the wyche place ys gyffyn (fn. 17) unto ser Arthur Darcy knyght, and a-ffor the chyff justes (fn. 18) of England, Chamley, and master Gudderyke, and master Gosnolle and odur, master Coke and master Chydley.

The viij day of October was a proclamasyon that no man shuld not selle ther grett horssys.

The ix day of October was taken and brought thrugh and undur London bryge and so to Parys garden, and the next day up to Westmynster thes ij grett fysshes, the one the malle and the feymalle.

The xiiij day of October was depossyd of ys bysshope-pryke the good bysshope of Duram, and whent unto the Towre agayn, and so remanyth stylle.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . hangman . . . styll and . . . . owtt the mydylle of them bowth with . . . from one syd to the th'odur syd of the . . .

The xvij day of October was made vii serjants of the coyffe; at ix of the cloke they whent to Westmynster halle in ther gownes and hodes of morrey and russet, and ther servants in the sam colers, and ther was gyffyn a charge and othe by the kynges juges, and the old serjants. This done, they retornyd with the juges and the old serjants, and men of law, unto Gray-yn to dener, and mony of the . . . for ther was a grett fest, and my lord mayre and the [aldermen], and many a nobull man; and the new serjants gayf to [the judges], and the old serjants and men of the law, rynges of gold, every serjant gayff lyke ryngs; and after dener they whent unto Powlls, and so whent up the stepes, and so round the qwere and ther dyd they ther homage, and so [came unto] the north-syd of Powlles and stod a-pone the stepes ontil iiij old serjantes came to-gether and feythchyd iiij [new], and broght them unto serten pelers, and left them, and then dyd feyched (fn. 19) the resedue unto the pelers; and ther was an oration red unto them by the old sergants, and so done they whent unto Gray('s) in; and her be (fn. 20) ther names, master [Brook] recorder, master Gaude, master Stamford, master Dyer, master Carrell.

The xxj day of October was the feneralle of a gentyll knyght, ser Thomas Jarmyn, the best housekeper in the contey of Suffoke, with ys standard and ys penone of armes, cot-armur, target, and sword, and skochyons; and he kept a godly chapel of syngyng men, for the contray have a gret loss of ys deth, as any contrey in England.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . a grett bage off . . . and so ys here (fn. 21) was naylyd to the pelory . . by-syd syd of ym hangyd a bage of contu . . ys neke hangyd a-pone strynges a gret nombur . .

The xvj day of Dessember was stallyd at Wy[ndsor] therle of Westmerland and ser Andrew Dodley off the nobull order of the garter.

The xv day of Desember was (buried) good master Deyffenett, marchand-tayller of London, and . . warden of the Marchandtayllers, and he gayff . . . gowne for men and women of rat coller (fn. 22) of . . . yerde, and he gayffe as mony blake gownes . . . and he gayff iij prest (fn. 23) gownes of blake, master (blank), master Samsum, and ys curett; and ther was the master and ys compeny in ther leverer, (fn. 24) and the compeny of Clarkes a xxx, and Samsum dyd pryche at (the) berehyng . . on the morowe affter dyd (unfinished.)

The xix day of Desember was bered master John Semer, the eldest sune unto the duke of Somersett latt dyssesyd, and bered at the hospetall of Savoy, and ther was a dolle.

The xxj day of Desember rod to Tyborne to be hangyd for a robery done on Honsley heth, iij talmen and a lake. (fn. 25)

The xxiij day of Desember the Kynges grace removyd from Westmynster unto Grenwyche to kepe ys Crystymas, and so he begane to kepe Halle, and ys grasse had a lord of myss-rulle, keepyng goodly pastyme, for ys grace('s) plesur, and with alle passtyme as have bene sene.

. . . . . . . . . . . . chylderyn of hospetalle to . . . chylderyn men-kyns and women in fry[se, and the] boysse red cape skotys, (fn. 26) and every boy a pe . . ; and master Maynard the shreyff had a lord of [misrule, and] the mores dansse, with a good compeny.


  • 1. fern.
  • 2. whipped.
  • 3. i.e. for.
  • 4. i.e. mistress Basilia.
  • 5. died mayor.
  • 6. speaking.
  • 7. Sic MS.
  • 8. gear—his insignia.
  • 9. MS. gargett.
  • 10. sight too.
  • 11. boats.
  • 12. auditor.
  • 13. in side note, barke hager.
  • 14. oath.
  • 15. cook.
  • 16. Cuthbert Tonstall.
  • 17. given.
  • 18. justice.
  • 19. Sic MS.
  • 20. MS. by.
  • 21. ear.
  • 22. colour.
  • 23. priests.
  • 24. livery.
  • 25. lacquey.
  • 26. Scotch caps?