Diary: 1560 (July - Dec)

The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Originally published by Camden Society, London, 1848.

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'Diary: 1560 (July - Dec)', in The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563, ed. J G Nichols( London, 1848), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol42/pp239-247 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Diary: 1560 (July - Dec)', in The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Edited by J G Nichols( London, 1848), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol42/pp239-247.

"Diary: 1560 (July - Dec)". The Diary of Henry Machyn, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, 1550-1563. Ed. J G Nichols(London, 1848), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/camden-record-soc/vol42/pp239-247.

1560 (July - Dec)

The . . day of July be-twyn . . . in the mornyng with-in Crokyd lane ther . . by a gone (fn. 1) or ij, an(d) ther they shott a pese [which burst] in pesys by mysfortune yt thruw that ho . . . a v howses and a goodly chyrche goyn . . . . . yt laft never a glasse wyndow holle and . . . . goodly chyrche as any chyrche in London, . . . . . . . a grett pesse of the on syd downe and t . . viij men and on mayd slayne and hurtt dyvers . . and a-nodur ded (fn. 2) with-in a senett (fn. 3) after.

The xiiij day of July was bered the nob[le] erle of Hunting(don) knyght of the garter, with a st[andard] and mony morners, and then cam ys grett baner of [arms], and then cam mo morners, and then cam iij har[olds of arms] in ther cott armurs, on bare the helme and the [crest] and the mantylles, and a-nodur cared the targett with the g [arter] and the sword, and a-nodur ys cott armur, and then [came] the cors with viij goodly grett banar-rolles a-b [out] hym; and then mony mornars; and the chyrche and the [place] and the strett hangyd with blake and armes; and ther was a goodly hers, (fn. 4) and garnyshed with grett skochyons of armes, and a grett mageste (fn. 5) of taffata and the valans gyldyd, and a-pone hym a nuw pall of blake velvett, and iij haroldes, master Garter, master Clarenshux, and (blank)

The xiiij day of July was mared (fn. 6) in sant Ma[ry] Wolnars in Lumbard strett iij dowthers of master Atkynson the skrevener in ther here (fn. 7) and goodly pastes (fn. 8) with chenes and perle and stones; and they whent to the chyrche all iij on after a-nodur with iij goodly cupes garnysshes with lases gilt and goodly flowrs and rosmare, (fn. 9) commyng home after to hys howse, for ther was a grett denner, for all the iij dowthers dynyd in ys howse to-gether.
. . . . . . . . . . .

The . . day of July . . . . . . . . master Loves mercer; he gayff to . . . . . . . ther was the clothyng of ys compene . . . . . . blake gownes and the compene of the Clarkes sy[ngi]ng, [and there preached] master Alley the byshope of Exseter, and a goodly sermon.

The xxij day of July was a proclamacion by the mare (fn. 10) that no man shuld have no gone-powder in ther howses nor sellers, (fn. 11) and that men shuld take hed (fn. 12) for pyche and tere (fn. 13) and flax and wax, or elles hyre sum plase nere the townes endes.

The xxiij day of July was bered my good lade [Chester,] the wyff of ser Wylliam Chester knyght and draper and altherman and marchand of the stapull, and the howse and the cherche and the strette hangyd with blake and armes, and she gayff to xx pore women good rossett gownes, and he gayff unto iiij althermen blake gownes and odur men gownes and cottes to the nombur of a C. and to women gownes . . . and ther was ij harold(s) of armes; and then cam the corse and iiij morners beyryng of iiij pennon of armes abowtt, and cam morners a-for and after, and the clarkes syngyng; and master Beycon dyd pryche over nyght; and the morow after to the howse to dener; vj dosen of skochyons and a d' (fn. 14) of bokeram.

The xxv day of July saint James fayer by Westminster was so great that a man could not have a pygg for mony; and the beare (fn. 15) wiffes hadd nother meate nor drinck before iiij of cloke in the same day. And the chese went very well away for 1d. q. the pounde. Besides the great and mighti armie of beggares and bandes that ther were. (fn. 16)

The ij yere of the quen Elesabeth was alle the rod-loftes taken done in London, and wrytynges wrytyne in the sam plase.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . byshope of London at Powlles crosse by the . . sonday.

The xxix day of July the Quen('s) grace removyd from Grenwyche on her grace('s) progresse, and at Lambeth she dynyd with my lord of Canturbere and her consell; and after [took her] gorney (fn. 17) towhard Rychmond, and her grace lay ther v days; and after to Ottland, and ther So[nday and] Monday dener, and to Suttun to soper.

The furst day of August was Lammas day, and the lord mare and the masters the althermen and the commenars and all the craftes in ther leverey for to chus the shreyff, and ther serten althermen and serten commenars in the elecsyon to be shreyff for London, butt serten men callyd mygg . master Blakwell skrevener to be shreyff, butt after-ward [the more] vowys whent a-pon master Fokes clothworker and altherman was electyd shreyff, for at the mare('s) fest was chosen master altherman Draper and yrmonger was chosen the quen('s) shreyff.

The vij day of August was Suttun bornyd, wher the Quen('s) grase dyd ly iij nyghtes a-for, that was master Westun's plase.

The x day of August was bered within the Towre withowt a offeser of armes, and (with) master Alley the nuw byshope of Excetur, and the chyrch hangyd with blake and armes, my lade Warner, the wyff of ser Edward Warner.

The xij day of August was bered (fn. 18) at Powlles master May the nuw dene of Powlles, and my lord of Londun mad the sermon in ys rochett, bered hym.

The xiij day of August was a grett robere (fn. 19) done with-in Clementt('s) inn with-owt Tempulle bare, by on master Cutt and iij mo, and iij of them was taken, on (fn. 20) led into Nuwgatt and a-nodur in Wostrett contur, (fn. 21) and a-nodur in the contur in the Pultre.

. . . . . . . . . . .

The . . day [of August] . . . . . . lygthenyng and rayn vj owre[s] . . .

The xix day of August my lade Northe [was carried] from Charter howse toward Cambregshyre . . . with a C. men in blake rydyng, and master Clarenshus sett them in ordur, and a grett denur with venesun, wyne, and stronge bere.

The xxj day of August ryd a-bowt London in a care iij for baudre, a man and ys wyff and a woman the wyff of (blank) Brown dwellyng with-owtt Nuwgatt a talowchandeler.

The xxij day of August was bered in Cambregshyre my lade North, the wyff of my lord North, with ij haroldes of armes, master Clarenshus and master Somersett, and mony mornars in blake gownes; then cam a grett baner of armes borne; and then cam the corse kevered (fn. 22) with a pall of blake welvett and armes, and banars borne abowtt the corse; and then cam mony women mornars in blake; and the plase and the chyrche hangyd with blake and armes, and after to the plase to dener, for ther was myche a-doo; and thys was at Cateleg my lord('s) place; and (blank) dyd pryche at the bereall, and was mony pore men and women that had gownes and met (fn. 23) and drynke.

The xxviiij day of August at sant Towlys (fn. 24) in Sowthwarke the menyster (blank) Harold dyd cristenyd a chyld with-owtt a godfather, and the mydwyff haskyd hym how he cold do yt, and he hanswered her and sayd yt was butt a seremony.

The (blank) day of August was bered my lade Dudley the wyff of my lord Robart Dudley the master of the quen('s) horse, with a grett baner of armes and a vj baners-rolles of armes, and a viij dosen penselles and viij dosen skochyons, and iiij grett skochyons of armes, and iiij haroldes, master Garter, master Clarenshux, master Lanckostur, and (blank).

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . with ij harolds, master Clarenshux and Ruge-crosse, and a standard and a pennon of armes, a cot armur, helmett, and crest, and mantylles, and sword, and a viij dosen of skochyons of armes and vj of bokeram, and [many] mornars in blake, and ther was grett [dinner and] a dolle of mones (fn. 25) as many as cam.

The xx day of September was bered in (Kent) master Recherd Howllett of Sydnam sqwyre, in the parryche of Lussam, (fn. 26) with a pennon of armes and a cott armur and a ij dosen of skochyons of armes and a d' (fn. 27) of [buckram,] and master West dyd pryche, and after to Sydnam to dener, the wyche was a fyse (fn. 28) dener and the godlest dener that has bene in Kentt for all kyndes of fysse [both] fresse and salt, and ther was (unfinished)

The xxiij day of September was bered in Sussex ser John Pellam knyght, with a standard and a pennon of armes and a cott armur, elmett, crest, targett, mantylls, and sword, a iiij dosen of skochyons and d' (fn. 29), and master Somersett was the harold.

The xxv day of September was bered (fn. 30) my lord Montegul, with a herse and a mageste (fn. 31) and valans of sarsenett, and iiij grett skochyons of armes, and a vj dosen of skochyons and vj of bokeram, and a standard and a grett baner of armes, and iiij baner-rolles of dyvers armes, and a cott armur, targett and sword, elmett, mantylles, and [crest;] and master Norrey and Ruge-dragon the haroldes, and iiij dosen of . . .

The xxvij day of September was a proclamassyon that the best testons should goo for no more but iiijd. [a piece]; and the testons of the lyone, the flowre de lusse, and the harpe [but] for ij pens q.; and a penny iij fardynges; and ob hopene (fn. 32) and a fardyng.

The x day of October was mared (fn. 33) in the parryche of sant Alphes at Crepullgatt master Wylliam Drure unto lade Wylliams of Tame, and mared by master Frence on of the masters of Wyndsore, and after gohyng home to dener the trumpettes blohyng, and after the flutt and drum, and at the furst corse (fn. 34) servyng the trumpettes blohyng, for ther was a gret dener and gret museke ther.
. . . . . . . . . . .

The xv day of October was bered [the countess] of Shrowsbere, Frances, in Halumshyre, with [iij heralds] of armes, master Garter, master Chester, master Lankostur; . . . . with a standard, a grett baner of armes, [and baner-]rolles of mareges, (fn. 35) and a x dosen penselles, . . . . skochyons of armes, and a mageste (fn. 36) and valans . . . dosen of bokeram skochyons, and a thousand in . . . . . and cottes with the pore men and women, and a grett dolle of money, and of mett and drynke, for all that cam, and all the prestes and clarkes of . . . . cam, and had boyth money and mett and drynke.

The xiiij day of November was kyllyd in Powlles chyrche-yerde a hossear (fn. 37) by on Necolles a tayller.

The xxij day of November was bered in sant . . . . . . on master Bulthered (fn. 38) with a pennon of armes and cote [armur, and] vj skochyons of armes.

The xxiij day of November was bered in s[aint Stephen's] in Colmanstrett ser John Jermy knyght of Suff[olke be]yonde Epwyche (fn. 39) iiij mylles, the wyche was a goo[d man] of the age of iiijxx and ode, (fn. 40) the wyche he left iiij sunes (fn. 41) and iij dowthers, and he had a standard and a pennon of armes, and cott armur, elmett, targett, and sword, and mantyll, and a iij dosen of skochyons and alff a dosen of bokeram; and the chyrche was hangyd with blake, and with armes; and ther was mony morners; and gohyng to the chyrche a mornar beyryng the standard in blake, and anodur a pennon of armes, and then serten mornars; then cam master Somersett the harold bere the elme (fn. 42) and crest, and after cam master Clarenshux beyryng ys cote armur and the clarke(s) syngyng; and (then) cam the corse with a palle of blake velvett with skochyons on yt, and (then) cam the cheyff morners, and after ys servandes in blake; and master Mollens the archdeacon dyd pryche; and after all done hom to a fleccher('s) howse to dener.

The xxiiij day cam downe from my lord mare that sertten of craftes shuld walke in evere markett, with a whyt rod in ther handes, to loke that men shuld take testons of the ratt (fn. 43) as the quen has proclamyd in all markettes thrughe all London, that the markett folke take the money, be-cause the rumore rane that they shuld falle. (fn. 44)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . master Nuwwell, and Te Deum sung . . . . . . . . . . . with all the quer.

The xxix day of November ther was a man ryd [in a cart?] for bryngyng of messelle porke to selle.

The xxx day of November ther was iiij men sett on the pelere (fn. 45) for purjure, and a-for they wher sett on the pelere at Westmynster.

The last day of November, that was sant Andrews day, was a grett fray at the cowrt be-twyn my lord Robart [Dudley's] men and (blank) Harbard('s) (fn. 46) men; and that day was no water in [any] condyth (fn. 47) in London but in Lothbere.

The xix day of November was electyd the byshope of Wynchester at the cowrt, master Horne late dene of Durram.

The ix day of Desember was bered in sant Andrews undershaft mastores Lusun wedow, the wyff of master Lusun merser and stapoler and late shreyff of London, with a lx in blake gownes, and her plase and the chyrche hangyd with blake and armes, and a xxiiij clarkes syngyng; and she gayff xl gownes to men and women of brod cloth, and evere woman had nuw raylles, and ther was a sermon, and a iiij dosen of skochyons of armes; and after a gret dole, and after a grett dener.

The xiiij day (of) Desember was ij men wypyd for cuttyng of pypes of lede, the wyche lettyd (fn. 48) that w[e] had no water on sant Androwes day last.

The xv day of Desember was a proclamasyon that no fremen shuld were (fn. 49) no clokes in London.

The xxiij day of Desember was bered in sant Lenardes in Foster lane master Trapes gold-smyth; the howse, the stret, and the chyrche hangyd with blake and armes, and gayff mony gownes boyth to men and women. Master Beycun dyd pryche, and powre men had gownes, and a iij dosen skochyons; and after a grett dener.

The xvij day of Desember after mydnyth (fn. 50) wher sene in the element open, and as red and flames of fyre over London, and odur plases in reme, (fn. 51) and sene of M. men. (fn. 52)

. . . . . . . . . . . . Elesabeth in the mydes . . . . . . . and armes, and the over hend (fn. 53) was . . . ., and he had a standard and a pennon of armes, elmett, targett, and sword, mantylles and crest, and a vj [dozen scocheons] and alffe a dosen of bokeram; and ther was iij haroldes in ther cottes armurs, master Clarenshus, master Somersett . . . . . and mony mornars in blake, a iiijxx, and master Skam[bler the] byshope electyd of Peterborow mad the serm[on, and so] in-to the abbey ys plase to dener.

The xx day of Desember was a man . . . . was slayne and browth (fn. 54) in-to sant Margaret's Westmynster chyrche-yerde, and ther he was . . . . . brod, and he was repyd, and ys bowhelles taken owtt, and . . . . the wyche after-ward was knowne that he was slayne in . . . . .

The x day of Desember cam tydans to the quen('s) grace and to the consell that the Frenche kyng was ded—the yonge kyng. (fn. 55)

The xxix day of Desember at nyght be-twyn vj and vij of the cloke was slayn on (fn. 56) Wylliam Bettes, a master of fense, by one (blank) at Warwyke lane corner, and was frust (fn. 57) throwth-owt the body.

The xiij of Desember was stallyd at Wyndsor the duke of Wanholt, (fn. 58) knyght of the nobull order of the gartter, and the good erle of Ruttland was the quen('s) depute at that tyme.
