Cardiff Records: Volume 4. Originally published by Cardiff Records Committee, Cardiff, 1903.
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'Council Minutes: Extracts from Town Book, 1771-77 and addenda', in Cardiff Records: Volume 4, ed. John Hobson Matthews (Cardiff, 1903), British History Online [accessed 12 February 2025].
'Council Minutes: Extracts from Town Book, 1771-77 and addenda', in Cardiff Records: Volume 4. Edited by John Hobson Matthews (Cardiff, 1903), British History Online, accessed February 12, 2025,
"Council Minutes: Extracts from Town Book, 1771-77 and addenda". Cardiff Records: Volume 4. Ed. John Hobson Matthews (Cardiff, 1903), British History Online. Web. 12 February 2025.
Extracts from Town Book, 1771-77
1773 August 28. Henry Yeomans and David Prichard, esquires, were sworn Bailiffs; and Lionel Stibbs, innkeeper, and John Hussey, cordwainer, were sworn Serjeants at Mace, at Cardiff Castle, by the Constable, Mr. Mackworth. And on the 16th of September the following Constables were sworn by the Bailiff's:—
East Ward. | Edward Thomas and John Richard. |
High Street Ward. | William Atwood and William Watkins. |
South Ward. | William Thomas and William Scurfield. |
West Ward. | Thomas Leyson and Arthur Tanner Kyrle. |
On the 30th of December Bartholomew Greenwood, esquire, the Revd. Powell Edwards, clerk, and Henry Lewis, mercer, were made Aldermen in the room of George Watkins, Arthur Tanner and Thomas Mathews, deceased. They were sworn before the Constable of the Castle, as appears from the following record:—
Cardiff Town to Witt. Tuesday the 11th Day of January 1774. Bartholomew Greenwood Esqr The Reverend Powell Edwards Clerk and Henry Lewis Mercer Assistants and Capital Burgesses of the Said Town were Sworn Aldermen of the Said Town Before Herbert Mackworth Esqr Constable of the Castle of Cardiff According to the Antient Custom of the said Town.
1773 Deer. 30. Minutes of Council:—
Town Property.
Whereas a Lease lately held by Mr Minnitt of the Town Ditch from Crockerbtown Gate or East-Gate to the South Gate whereon were lately Built two Stables and a Court are fallen into the Bayliffs Aldermen & Burgesses of the said Town Now we do hereby unanimously Consent and agree that a Lease for twenty one years be granted thereon to Bartholomew Greenwood Esqr at the yearly rent of forty shillings payable at Mich'as yearly and that Mr Greenwood do appropriate part of the prem'es to Mr Minnit for the laying of Dung he having offered at the last Council to take a Lease of the same.
Whereas a Lease lately held by Mr Henry Lewis and formerly granted to John James on a field at the Dobbin Pitts and certain trees there planted is expired Now We do hereby consent and agree to Grant a Lease unto the said Henry Lewis for twenty one years on All the Wast lands there as well those w[hi]ch were inclosed by the said John James or any assignee of his as also the Inclosure granted heretofore to Griffith Popkins and lately held by John Powell and also the wast lands there adjoining to Catt hay fields with Liberty of Inclosing the same Yielding & paying yearly the sum of thirty shillings at Mich'as yearly with a Convenant therein that the said Henry Lewis and his Exors & Admors may Cutt fall & take away any of the trees there standing or growing he & they planting for every tree he shall Cutt a good Young Elm tree and leaving on the preme's the same Number of trees as are now standing there.
Whereas a Lease lately held by Mr Robert Davies on two Cottages and land at the Dobbin Pitts is expired Now we do hereby Consent and agree to grant a Lease for twenty one years on the same to Mr Francis Minnit at the rent of three pounds payable at Mich'as yearly.
Proposed by Mr Minnit to take a Lease on A House in Barry Lane and the Hays for 21 years at the rent of fifteen shillings w[hi]ch is agreed to.
Whereas Mr Jenkin Williams one of the Assistants and Capital Burgesses of this town do reside in North America and therefore incapable of being any ways Assistant to the good Government of the said Town We do therefore disfranchise the said Jenkin Williams from being Capital Burgess of the said Town.
10 signatures.
1774 March 24. William Edwards, of Cardiff, gentleman, was admitted a Burgess.
October 4. Thomas Edwards and Francis Minnitt, esquires, were sworn Bailiffs; and John Lewis and Edward James were sworn Serjeants at Mace, in like manner as before.
Deer. 6. Constables sworn by the Bailiffs:—
East Ward. |
William Thomas, mason Edmund Rowland. |
High Street Ward. |
John Whiteing . Andrew Powell. |
South Ward. |
David John, tiler Thomas Robert. |
West Ward. |
Edward Monger Lewis Lewis, breeches maker. |
Decr 6. Minutes of Council, in a new hand.
William Edwards, of Llandaff, esquire, and Hezekiah Hopkin, of Cardiff, were nominated Assistants and Capital Burgesses, in the room of Bartholomew Greenwood and powell Edwards, sworn Aldermen.
Town Property.
It is Ordered By the Council Assembled That the Leases Agreed upon at the last Common Council be Granted and Confirmed, And That Power be given to Mr Francis Minnitt to Cutt down any Tree or Trees growing on the prem'es demised to him, provided the same be Applyed for the Use and Benefitt of the premisses.
Also, It is Ordered That in Case the Several and respective Tenants now in poss'ion of the Several premisses Agreed upon at the last Council to be demised to the Tenants therein named Do not quitt the premisses and Deliver up poss'ion of their respective Tenures at Candlemas next to the persons to whom the Same are demised and ordered at this Common Council to be Confirmed, That the Town Clerk of the said Town Do immediately prosecute Ejectments against such Tenants who shall so refuse in order to gain possession thereof for the Several Tenants to whom the same are agreed to be demised.
9 signatures.
1774 Decr. 6. William Edwards, of Llandaff, esquire, sworn Capital Burgess by the Bailiffs.
At a Court of the Bailiffs and Aldermen, held at the Guildhall on this day, William Edwards, gentleman, was elected an Alderman; and the following Minute occurs:—
We the said Bayliffs and Aldermen of the said Town taking into consideration that Cradock Nowell Gentt. one of the Aldermen of the said Town hath quitted and left the said Town and now lives at some place distant therefrom and therefore cannot be aiding and assisting to the Bayliffs and Aldermen of the said Town in such manner as Aldermen of the said Town ought & time immemorial hath done Do hereby disfranchise the said Cradock Nowell from the said office & place of Alderman and do hereby in his room and place Elect and appoint Richard Jenkins Esqr assistant & Capital Burgess to be one of the Aldermen of the said Town.
7 signatures.
1775 June 29. William Llewellin, of Cefn Mably, gentleman, was sworn Burgess.
1776 Decr. 17. Henry Yeomans, esquire, and the Revd. Powell Edwards, clerk, were sworn Bailiffs; and John Waters and Thomas Stibbs were sworn Serjeants at Mace, in like manner as before.
26th. Constables sworn:—
East Ward. |
John Evan Edward Evans. |
High Street Ward. |
Charles Lewis . Edward Thomas. |
South Ward. |
Evan Gedrich Thomas Evan. |
West Ward. |
Nicholas Gwynn Thomas Lewis. |
James Howells, of Cardiff, cooper, was sworn Burgess or Freeman, by the Bailiffs.
1777 April 17. William Olds, of Cardiff, grocer, the like.
May 1. Nicholas Price of Pontypandy, esquire, the like.
John Richards senior, of Cardiff, esquire, the like.
The Honourable Frederick Archibald Stuart, esquire, the like.
Cardiff School.
Cardiff Town To Wit.
At a Court of Bailiffs and Aldermen held for the Town of Cardiff aforesaid in the Guildhall of the said Town on Thursday the Nineteenth day of June one Thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven, duly summoned and assembled it was orderd agreed upon & ordained in manner following that is to say
Whereas at a Court of Common Council held for the Town of Cardiff in the Council Chamber of the said Town the sixth day of December one Thousand seven hundred and seventy it was orderd and agreed that proper means should be taken by the Bailiffs of the said Town of Cardiff for the time being to enforce the due execution of the Trust directed by the Will of Mrs Jane Herbert for the endowment of a school for the education of poor Children in the said Town of Cardiff as also a decree made in pursuance thereof, and whereas Thomas Edwards & Alexander Purcel Esqrs late Bailiffs of the said Town did pursuant to the said order Cause an Information to be fyled in his Majestys High Court of Chancery, in the name of his Majestys Atty General, agst Wm Llewellin Clk and others, for the due establishment of said Charity. And Whereas the said Alexander Purcel is since dead, and Powell Edwards Clk one of the Present Bailiffs of the said Town was Nominated a relator in the said Information, in the Room and stead of the said Alexander Purcel, & Whereas a Commission for Examination of Witnesses hath Issued out in the said Cause, and the same is expected to come on soon to a Hearing. And Whereas Cradock Wells late one of the Aldermen of the said Town of Cardiff did by his last Will & Testament Give and devise to the Aldermen of Cardiff and Their successors Certain Tenements and Lands in the Parish of St John the Baptist in the Town of Cardiff amounting to abt the yearly Value of Thirty Pounds, for the Education of Poor Boys & Girls of the said Town: We the Bailiffs and Aldermen of the said Town have taken the same into due Consideration and it appears to us that it would be verry Beneficial and advantageous to the poor of the said Town, that the said two free Charity schools should if possible be united and Consolidated so that the salary of the Master might be encreased and that one proper school House might be errected or appointed for said Charity. And Whereas a part of the Building called the Workhouse, situate in the Town of Cardiff aforesaid, given by the late Right Honble Lord Viscount Windsor to the use of the poor of the said Town, might at a small expence be appropriated for that purpose: We the said Bailiffs and Aldermen of the said Town, The Trustees of the Charity of the said Cradock Wells do hereby unanimously Consent agree and Impower the said Thomas Edwards & Powell Edwards, the Relators in the said Information, to propose, and for and on our part to consent & Consolidate the said two free Charity Schools under such orders rules and Regulations as shall be made and approved of by his Majestys Court of Chancery convenient and agreeable to the Intention of the said several Donors hereby declaring our Readiness, to Confirm the same by any future Act which shall be thought proper or necessary to be done or executed for that Purpose.
Also we do hereby Nominate Constitute and appoint Thomas Thomas Gentln one of the Capital Burgesses of the said Town to be Alderman of the said Town in the Room of Alexander Purcel Aldn Deceased.
8 signatures.
1777 June 19 Thursday. Minutes of Common Council.
Francis Davies and William Olds, of Cardiff, were elected Assistants or Capital Burgesses in the room of William Edwards and Richard Jenkins, lately chosen Aldermen.
Recites the beforementioned facts concerning the Herbert free Charity School, the death of Alexander Purcel, esquire, and the nomination of the Revd. Powell Edwards, one of the then present Bailiffs, as a Relator in the said Information, in his stead; and empowers the said Thomas Edwards and Powell Edwards, the late and present Bailiffs, to demand and receive all arrears of rent from the tenants of the Corporation.
Town Property. Market House.
Also Whereas Peter Birt Esqr hath Apply'd to the Bailiffs Aldermen and Capital Burgesses of the said Town for a Lease of the Lands and Buildings situate and adjoining to a House lately purchased by him of Sr Edmund Thomas BarBar[one]t Calld the Red House and lately held by Lease by the said Sr Edmund Thomas for 99 Years at the Rent of 3s. 4d. now we the said Bailiffs Aldermen and Burgesses in Consideration of the said Peter Birts having erected Certain Buildings on the said Premises do consent and agree to Grant a Lease to the said Peter Birt on the same for the Term of 21 years to Commence at Candl'as last at the Rent of Three Pound three Shillings payable Mich'as Day yearly, & do hereby Impower and direct the Bailiffs of the said Town to put our Common seal to a a Lease for that purpose.
After a short resolution to extend Mr. Francis Minitt's Lease.
It is ordered and agreed that five feet of the Markett House on the North End be pulled down and diminished so as to widen the Highway there and that the said Markett house be new paved & repaired.
It is ordered and agreed that Mrs Elizabeth Purcel shall have a Lease on the House and garden called Little Troy for the term of 21 years at the rent of two shillings & six pence.
Whereas Sundry persons have refused to deliver up poss'ion of their lands & tenements to the Lessees pursuant to the former order of Council We do hereby order Mr Thomas Thomas our Town Clerk to bring an Ejectment agt such persons as shall refuse from henceforth to deliver up such lands & tenements and we do desire and impower the Bayliffs of the said Town to putt our Corporation Seal to such power or warrant of attorney as may be necessary to impower him the said Thomas Thomas to sue or prosecute such person or persons so refusing or to any Lease necessary to be executed on prem'es for bringing such Ejectment.
Hen. Yeomans
Powell Edwards
Robt Savours
Thos Edwards
Francis Minnitt
Barth. Greenwood
Hen. Lewis
Wm Edwards
Thos Thomas
Hen. Hopkins
Burgesses admitted:—
1777 June 26. William Prichard, of Cardiff, joiner.
Hugh Whiteing, of Cardiff, tallow chandler.
Cardiff Town to wit. Thursday the 26th of June 1777. In Open Court at the Court of our Lord the King held for the said Town William George of the said Town of Cardiff Glazier was Admitted and Sworn Burgess Freeman of the said Town by Henry Yeomans Esqr and Powell Edwards Clerk Bailiffs of the said Town.
Cardiff Town to Wit. Thursday the 26th of June 1777. In Open Court at the Court of our Lord the King held for the said Town Hezekiah Hopkins of the Said Town Yeoman and Francis Davies of the said Town Shopkeeper were Sworn Assistants or Capital Burgesses of the said Town by Henry Yeomans Esqr and Powell Edwards Clk Bailiffs of the said Town.
Cardiff Town to Wit. Thursday the 26th of June 1777. In Open Court at the Court of our Lord the King held for the said Town William Olds of the said Town Grocer was Sworn Assistant or Capital Burgess of the said Town by Henry Yeomans Esqr and Powell Edwards Clerk Bailiffs of the said Town.
Cardiff Town to Wit. Thursday the 26th of June 1777. In Open Court at the Court of our Lord the King held for the said Town William Prichard of the said Town of Cardiff Joiner was Sworn one of the Commons Attorneys of the said Town by Henry Yeomans Esqr and Powell Edwards Clerk Bailiffs of the said Town.
Cardiff Town to Wit. Thursday the 26th of June 1777. Thomas Thomas Gentleman Assistant and Capital Burgess of the said Town was Sworn Alderman of the said Town before Sir Herbert Mackworth Baronet Constable of the Castle of Cardiff according to the Antient Custom of the said Town.
A number of blank pages follow. At the end of the volume are some pages of writing as follows. On the flyleaf are these memoranda:—
1766. Jo. Thos To. Clk
Town Book. 1742.
The New hall was Begun to be built in the Month of May 1700 and fforty two George Watkins and John Okey Esquires then Bailiffs of the said Town.
To this memorandum is added the signature Edmund Lloyd Esqr then . . . . . the words Town Clerk having apparently been erased at a subsequent date. Beneath is added, in a recent hand:—
The following pages run from A to R.
Query whether there should not be 4 earlier Books in the possession of the Corporation ? (See "N° 5" marked on cover. J. H. M.)
Then comes a Rent Roll of Corporation properties, in columns under the headings Tennants Names, present Rent, Date of Leases, The premisses Lett, and Terme of years. It appears to have been drawn up about the year 1715, and is headed An Account of the Towne Rents. The following are the particulars:—
Rent Roll.
1. Catherine Mayo, 15 acres of heathland, for 21 years from 1704, at 3li. 6s. 8d.
2. Late Mary Sweet, a cottage and garden in Worton Street, for 99 years from 1698. (Now Mr. Wm. Richards) at 1s.
3. Late William Thomas, now Thomas Edwards, two cottages with 1½ a. of land near the Dawpin pitts, for 94 years from 1675, at 11s. 8d. and a heriot of 5s. (fn. 6)
4. Late William Thomas, now Thomas Edwards, a house in Barry Lane, for 99 years (or lives) from 1700, at 1s.
5. Late Cradock Wells, esq., "A Shopp and Shooemakrs Hall," for 99 years from 1662, at 6d.
6. Late Cradock Wells, esq., waste ground by the church, for 99 years from 1674, at 6d.
7. Late Cradock Wells, esq., a cottage and garden in Worton Street, 99 years from 1679, at 3d.
8. Joan Jones, late William Jones grocer, an incroachment by his house, for 21 years from 1699, at 6d.
9. Joan Jones, now Alexander Purcell, an incroachment by his salt-house, 99 years (or 3 lives) from 1690, at 6d.
10. John Robotham. a house by the North Gate, for 99 years (or 3 lives) from 1701, at 6d.
11. John Sheers, now Pethuel Sheers, waste ground by the Council Chamber, for 99 years from 1701, at 6d.
12. Late Thomas Hart, waste ground by the tan river, for 21 years from 1698, at 6d.
13. Late William Williams, waste ground by the tan river, for 21 years from 1698, at 6d.
14. Nicholas Scudamore, now William Lambert, a house by Blunch Gate, for 99 years from 1670, at 6s. 8d.
15. John Sweet, late Henry Draper, "Part of ye New Angell," for 99 years (or 3 lives), from 1669, at 6d.
16. Edward Henson, now John Hammonds, "The Towne Ditch," for 99 years from 1671, at 3s. 4d.
17. Mr. William Richards, a stable and garden in "Home & by," for the life of Thomasin Davies, from 1673, at 12s.
18. Mr. William Richards, a curtilage near the Blunch Gate, for 99 years from 1708, at 6s. 8d.
19. Michael Richards, ¼a. by the George, for 21 years from 1710, at 2s.
20. John Dukes, a house in West Street, for 21 years from 1709, at 10s.
21. John Jones, a shop house and "Centry house," for 21 years from 1704, at 6s. 8d.
22. John Jones, a stable by East Gate, for 21 years from 1704, at 6d.
23. Thomas Jenkin, a "Centry house" over North Gate, at 4s. (No term or date is mentioned, and the tenure is said to be "expired.")
24. Griffith Popkin, a house, garden and ¼ a of land, for 99 years from 1701, at 1s.
25. Morgan Price, now Alexander Purcell, the houses by Stone Bridge, for 99 years from 1671, at 3s.
26. Late Sarah Hodges, "Centry house" by West Gate, for 99 years from 1653, at 5s.
27. Wenlian Stradford, "A Cott by Black Wears," for 2 lives from 1670, at 1s.
28. Late Joseph Cheltenham, now John Hamonds, a curtilage in East Street, for 21 years from 1712, at 6d.
29. Joan Edward, "A Cott & Gardn out of West Gate," for 21 years from 1704, at 1s.
30. Edward Deacon, now Emanuell Miles, one acre on the Heath, for 21 years from 1699, at 8s.
31. Late Phillip Dennis, a cot and garden in Barry Lane; expired.
32. Thomas Nowell, a house and ½ a. of land, for 21 years from 1669, at 10s.
33. John James, the Dobbin pitts land, for 99 years from 1674, at 2s. 6d.
34. John Thomas, a cot and garden in Catt Hays, for 21 years from 1699, at 1s.
35. John Thomas, waste ground by his house, for 21 years from 1699, at 1s.
36. John Thomas, late Lewis John, a cottage and garden near the Tucking Mill in Cardiff, for 99 years (or 3 lives) from 1669, at 1s.
37. Mr. Edward Thomas, two shops under the Hall, at 15s.
38. John Jones, "The Hays," for 21 years from 1708, at 4s.
39. Emanuell Miles, alderman, "the Lime Kill," at 2s. Expired.
40. John Goyder alias Thomas, a house by the Gallhouse, at 3s. 4d.
41. Mary Mathew, a house on the Heath, at 3s. 4d.
42. Late Thomasin Davies, a shop under the Town Hall, for 21 years from 1703, at 1li. 5s.
43. William Williams, a shop under the Town Hall, for 21 years from 1710, at 1l. 15s.
44. William Mathews, waste ground near Lastelabt for 60 years from 1713, at 6d.
45. Sir Edmund Thomas, waste ground behind the Red-house, for 61 years from 1710, at 3s. 4d.
46. Sibill Poughnell, waste ground in Broad Street, for 21 years from 1709, at 6d.
47. Mary Lewis, a shop under the Town Hall, for 21 years from 1712, at 12s.
48. Thomas Mathews, a shop under the Town Hall, for 21 years from 1714, at 1l.
49. Felix Howell, a house att Catt Hays, for 21 years from 1713, at 1l.
50. John Brewer, a house by Castle Wall, for 99 years (or 3 lives) from 1713, at 1l.
51. William Phillips, 3 shops under the Hall, for 21 years from 1713, at 1l. 5s.
52. Maurice Morgan, a shop under the Hall, for 21 years from 1714, at 15s.
53. Mr. James Williams, waste ground by Castle Gate, for 21 years from 1715, at 6d.
54. Mrs. Mayo, the New Market House, for 21 years from 1715, at 1l.
55. Mrs. Mayo, a "Lime Kill," for 21 years from 1715, at 6s. 8d. (This kiln appears to be the same as No. 39.)
56. William Phillip, a cottage and garden leading from Mitchell Heath to Long Cross, for 3 lives from 1694, at 2s.
57. Mr. Colerick, the waste ground by his house, for his own life only, from 1721, at 6d.
(58. William Thomas, for waste ground by Mill Pond, for 21 years from 1699, at 1s. This is struck out.)
Next comes a record of the places of origin of certain paupers, as follows:—
17th of Feb. 1718. Catharine Dunn vpon her Oath is settled to be a parishionr in the parish of St Johns, her Husband haveing pd rates & taxes there.
Catharine Thomas a parishionr in St Marys & acknowledged soe by a Certificatt.
Wenlian Lewellin adjudged a p'ishionr in St Marys.
A Rentall of the Lands belonging To the Twon of Cardiffe made the 18th Day of May 1738 by Order of a Common Councell duly Summoned and held on Thursday the 18th of May 1738 David Owen and Edmund Lloyd Esquires Then Bayliffes of the Said Town.
This is a similar Rent Roll to the former; but there is a column for remarks, filled in by a somewhat later hand.
1. John James, mason, a ruined limekiln at Golate, for 99 years from 1726, at 6d.
2. Thomas Mathews, alderman, a tenement in St. Johns and a garden by the Hays, for 99 years from 1730, at 2l. "For the use of the Alms ho:"
3. John Griffiths, 3 shops under the Hall, for 21 years from 1729, at 1l. 5s. Now Richard ap Evan, successor to Elenor Griffiths, the widow. Given up.
4. William Richards, esq., a curtilage and store house, for 99 years from 1731, at 6s. 8d.
5. William Richards, esq., a house in Womanby Street, for 99 years from 1731, at 12s.
6. William Richards, esq., a "sloap house" in High Street, for 99 years from 1731, at 6d. Given up.
7. Thomas Meredith, two shops under the Hall, for 21 years from 1722, at 15s. Now his widow Joan. Given up.
8. Mr. Treharne & Jones in Trust for John Corry's wife; now John Kerry; a house by the North Gate, for 99 years (or 3 lives) from 1734, at 7s. Q. What is become of this Lease.
9. John David, a cot and garden at Cathays, for 99 years (or 3 lives) from 1725 at 1s. This Lease is surrendered for No. 26.
10. Gabriel Lewis, an acre of ground, "Kaebuddur," for 21 years from 1721, at 8s. Expired. Mr. Savours.
11. John Oakey, two acres, "Cutthroats & pul halock," for 99 years from 1737, at 5s. 6d. Mr. Savours.
12. John Whiteing, a shop in Broad Street, for 99 years from 1737, at 1s.
13. Edward Thomas, 2 shops under the Council Room, for 21 years from 1737, at 2l. 5s. Expired.
14. Nicholas Brewer, now his widow Dorothy, a piece of ground, for 21 years from 1721, at 6d. Expired. Mr. John Priest.
15. Margaret Rees, a shop under the Hall, for 21 years from 1728, at 1l. 5s. Expired.
16. William Richards, officer, some Heath lands, for 61 years from 1731, at 3l. 6s. 8d.
17. Evan Watkins, a messuage and shop in Broad Street, for 99 years from 1734 (if Evan Watkin, Catherine his wife and William their son shall so long live) at 1l. "Mem'dum Evan Watkins lease belongs to the poor of the Alms house and must be deducted out of the Town rents." The later hand adds:—"John Kerry has this Lease and belongs to the poor."
18. Margaret Thomas, a house and orchard, for 21 years from 1728, at 2s. 6d. "Expired; now Thos. Mathews Carpenter, 15s., No. 40."
19. Cradock Nowell, a piece of ground, "lyslabont," for 41 years from 1721, at 6d. Now Mr. George Watkins.
20. Thomas Colerick, clerk, "39 foot of Ground length & 10 broad, "during his life, from 1721, at 6d.
21. John Thomas, a curtilage and stable, for 26 years from 1728, at 6d. Expired. Mr. Minnitt, 3s. 4d.
22. Anne Nowell, widow, now Mr. George Watkins, a curtilage and garden on the Heath, for 99 years from 1721, at 1s. This has been altered to 21 years from 1740 at 12s.
23. Jane Mathew, a house and garden, for 21 years from 1721 (altered to 1742) at 3s. 4d. Mary David.
24. Catherine Mayo, a house by the Market House, for 30 years from 1701, at 1l. Expired; vide No. 49.
25. Mary Farmer, a house by the Mill Pond, for 99 years from 1729 (if Dorothy and Florence Brewer, daughters of Nicholas Brewer, so long live) at 7s.
26. John David, a cot and garden at Cathays, for 99 years from 1734 (if John David, Mary his now wife and John Thomas, eldest son of William Thomas, maltster so long live) at 2s. Fallen into hand and now rented to George Lewis at 15s.
27. Sir Edmund Thomas, a piece of ground by Redhouse, for 61 years from 1710, at 3s. 4d.
28. Morgan Price, now Mr. Lewis, late widow Brewer, a messuage or decayed house, for 99 years from 1671, at 3s. Thomas Williams, millwright.
29. John Brewer, now his widow Florence Brewer, a house in West Street, for 99 years from 1713, at 1l. (if the said John and Florence and Mary their daughter shall so long live.) Expired.
30. Cradock Wells, now Mr. Purcell, a shop under Shoemakers' Hall, for 99 years from 1664, at 6d. Mr. William Powell.
31. William Thomas, now Robert Davies, two cottages and land at Dawbin pitts, for 94 years from 1675, at 11s. 8d. "A Herriott of 5s. for every Tent. Dying in possession."
32. James Williams, esq., some ground before his house, for 21 years from 1715, at 6d. Expired.
33. Edward Henson, Town Ditch from East to South Gate, for 99 years from 1671, at 3s. 4d. Afterwards John Thomas, maltster, and Mr. Minnitt.
34. Nicholas Kidnor, now Mr. & Mrs. Lambert, a house by the Blunch Gate, for 99 years from 1671, at 6s. 8d.
35. Cradock Wells, a house and 3 gardens in Waste Street, for 99 years from 1681, at 1s. 3d. Now Mr. Purcell; Little Troy.
36. Cradock Wells, a piece of ground, for 99 years from 1674, at 6d. Mr. Purcell's little store-house.
36 2 No. 14. Ground by the house, 6d. Mr. William Powell.
36 3 John Jones, a stable without East Gate, for 21 years from 1725, at 6d. Expired.
36 4 Letice Thomas, now Phillip William, a cottage and garden at Cathays, for 21 years from 1728, at 1s. Expired. Richard Mullineux. Vide No. 38.
37. Mary Waters, now Mr. Seabrook, "Centry Ho:, "for 99 years from 1752,
at 5s.
Lewis David, a shop under the Hall, at 12s. Expired.
Thomas Mathews, a shop under the Hall, at 1l. Expired.
Mr. George Watkins, the Park, at 2s. Included in the Lease 22.
Widow Sweet, a cot and garden in Warton Street, at 1s. Lease expired.
The property is now in possession of Francis Morris.
John Jones, a "Centry ho: & shop, " at 6s. Q. What is become of this
John Powell, house and garden at Daubin Pitts, at 1s. Entered 48.
Gabriel Lewis, esq., Grace's house, 1s. Q. What is become of this Lease.
Late Edward Thomas, esq., a house in Barry Lane, 1s. Q. What is
become of this Lease. Now Aldn. Mathews.
42. Hugh Jones, now George Williams, an encroachment by his house, for 41
years from 1742, at 6d.
John James, now Elizabeth James, part of Daubin pitts, for 99 years from
1674, at 2s. 6d., payable at Michaelmas. No Counterpart to be found.
Mr. Thomas, the Town Clerk, mistakes. Tell him to look at No. 47.
William Mathews, alderman, a waste ground by Little Bridewell, at 6d. Q.
Where is this Lease. Now Mr. Llewellin, clerk.
Widow Fox, a house at Cathays, 1l. Lease found; but Mr. Williams has a
Mrs. Mayo, a lime kiln, at 6s. Q. Where is this Lease.
Mr. Thomas Mathews, Hayes, at 4s.
Henry Draper, now Joseph Sweet, the New Angel, from 1669, at 6d
"Mem'dum all the Leases from Number one to forty were putt up in a bundle together in the Chest the fourth of August one thousand Seven hundred and Thirty Eight."
Overleaf a continuation of the Rental is added in the later handwriting of the above annotations:—
38. Richard Mullineux, 1750. Cot and garden by "the Kate Hays," 15s. For lives.
39. Howell Davies, 1751. A piece of waste ground near the North Gate, for 71 years, at 2s.
40. Thomas Mathews, carpenter, a house and orchard near "the Black Wears," for 99 years, or lives (from 1750), at 15s.
41. John Bowen, 1740. A house in West Street, for the lives of Cradock Nowel, Thomas Nowel, and Henry son of Hugh Lewis. Rent 1l.
42. This number does not occur in the original.
43. Ann and Mary Okey. "Kae Puddwr," for 99 years from 1750, at 8s.
44. Lord Windsor. 500 yards of waste ground outside the West Gate. 1751. Rent 1s.
45. Ann Thomas. Two rooms under the Hall, for lives, from 1743; at 6d.
46. Richard Jenkins, now Arthur Tanner. House and Lands out of West Gate; for lives, from 1752, at 2s.
47. John James, now Henry Lewis senior. Land and trees at the Dobbin Pitts; 99 years from 1674, at 2s. 6d.
48. Alice Thomas, now John Powell. Land at Dobbin Pits: 99 years from 1671, at 1s.
49. John Minnitt, now Mary Jones. "End of Markett Ho:" 99 years from 1754, at one guinea.
Certificates Brought into the Town of Cardiffc.
1. John David of Lantrissent Mason & his family.
2 John Evan of Egglwsiland and his family.
3. Henry Williams of Lanwono and his family
4. William Thomas of Lanedern Labourer.
5. John Joseph of Ewenny.
6. William Jenkin and his family of Welch St Donats.
7. John Thomas of Carmarthen and his family.
8. Jenkin Davies of Swansey and his family.
9. William Thomas of Landaffe and his family.
10. Marvill Cooke of Saint Phillip and Jacobs Bristoll
11. Joseph Farmer of Burrington in Herefordsh: & his family.
12. Daniel Rees of Ranthogsaint in Carmrthensh. & his family.
13. James Thomas of Peterstone Supr Ely.
14. David Jones of Newport Com. Monmouth & his family.
15. Evan Henry of Lantwitt Vaerdre & his family.
16. Anne Joseph of Lanederne & her Children.
17. John Thomas of St Brides Supr Ely and his family.
18. Edmund Thomas of St Andrews Taylor & his family.
19. William Edwards of Bedwes in Com. Monmouth & his
20. David Jenkin of St ffagans & his family.
21. John Edward of Llanelly in Carmarthenshire.
22. Mary Abraham of the Castle Precincts in the City of
23. William Williams Weaver of Landough near Penarth.
24. George Reason of Stokeunderham.
25. William Morgan of Rumney in Com. Monmouth.
26. William John of St Nicholas Cordwayner.
27. Rees Edward of Landevodock labourer.
28. Evan Gibbon of Bedwas.
29. John Thomas Ewenny Staymaker.
30. Edward John of Roath Labourer.
31. Lewis William of Merthir BlackSmith.
32. John William of Roath Labourer.
33. Daniel Price Egglwsylan Labourer.
34. William Thomas of Coity Shoemaker.
May the fourth 1738 John Owen was Examined before David Owen and Edmund Lloyd Esqrs Two of the Justices of the Said Town and was found to be a legall parishoner of Saint Johns the Baptist in the Town of Cardiffe.
The fourth of May 1739 Ralph Bowen and Walter Rosser two Substantiall householders of the parish of Saint Johns in Cardiffe were Appointed Overseers of the Poor of the Said parish for the Ensueing Year by David Owen and Edmund Lloyd Esqrs the Bailiffs and Two of his Majesties Justices of the Peace for the Said Town.
And John Howell and William Brewer for the Parish of Saint Marys in the Said Town.
Bailiffs' Account.
The Account of Edmund Lloyd Esqr one of the Bailiffs of the Town of Cardiffe of all the Rents rece'd for the use of the Bailiffs Aldermen and Burgesses of the Said Town from the 17th of November 1737 being the Day Mr David Owen and he were Sworn into the Office of Bailiffs of the Said Town till the Thirteenth Day of December 1739.
The Rentall of Lands belonging to the Said Town.
This list shews the tenants' names, and the sums owing and received. It is divided into Wards, and agrees with the Rent Roll of the same year. There is a similar list for the year 1739. Note that all the remaining entries are in the handwriting of Mr. John Thomas.
The Account of Richard Price and Joan Meredith (fn. 7) Common Attorneys and Collectors of the Town Pitching Accountants to the Said Bailiffs to one years Rent due the twenty Second day of January 1737 at 18l. pr ann. for the use of the Bailiffs Aldermen and Burgesses of the Said Town—18l.
To A years rent due the Twenty Second of January1738 | 18 | ||||||
To three quarrs of a Year's rent due the 22nd of October 1739 | 13. | 10s. | |||||
Totall to be Accounted for by the Said Attorneys | 49 | 10. |
E Contra Credr
R.P. By Cash paid Mr Owen in part of his Bill N° 31. 16s.
No. 1. Paid Joseph Sweet as by Order from Mr Arthur
Williams 1l. 8s.
2. Allowed by Mr Arthur Williams for Towling the Bell
30th Novr 173–6s.
3. by Postage of a Letter 8d.
4. By Cash paid a Person that was robbed 6d.
5. Paid the Steward 1l. 1s.
6. D° Mr Arthur Williams 1l. 1s.
10. D° to Seven ffrench Men 1s.
13. By D° for Washing the Bull rope 4d.
15. D° to the Clks of the Markett a quartrs Sallary due at
March 1737–8s.
16. D° at Mid Sum[m]er 1737–8s.
17. D° to Mich'as 1737–8s. [recurs]
18. D° to Willm Thomas who rece'd a Loss by ffire 1s.
19. D° to two ffrench Men that Were Cast away 1s.
20. D° to William Jones Gardiner 2l.
23. D° for Ringing for the Judges 6s.
24. D° for ringing at xmas. 1l.
25. D° to John Hugh 3d.
26. D° for Towling the Bell 30th Janry 1737–6s.
27. D° to two Distressed Sailors 1s.
29. D° to the Ringers for the Judges 6s.
32. Paid Mr Bird the Painter 7s.
35. D° to Poor People 5s.
40. D° to Mr Thomas Town Clk 13s. 4d.
41. D° to poor Sailors 1s.
44. D° pr Order for Whiping two Vagrants 3s. 9d.
R.P. 45. D° Mr William Williams for a Bull Rope 5s.
46. D° to John King 3s.
47. D° for Ringing the Bells at Christmas 1738–1l.
48. D° for Towling the Bell 30th January 1738–6s.
50. D° to Poor Swedes Shipwrecked 2s. 6d.
J.M. 52. D° to Llewellin Williams Esqr Steward 1l. 1s.
52. paid the Judges Porter 2s. 6d.
53. Do for Leather for the Pump 4s. 1d.
53. Gave poor ffrench Men 1s.
R.P. 56. Paid Jas Owen Serjt for Serving precepts on the Out
Burroughs (fn. 8) agt the Town Election 1l. 10s.
58. Paid for Ringing the Bells ye 7th of April 1739 being
the Day the Judges came 6s.
59. Paid to Severall Sailors 1s. 6d.
D° to one Sampson Lloyd as pr order 5s. 6d.
R.P. 61. D° as pr Accounts for the Two last quarters 9s. 6d.
62. D° to the Ringers Septr 13th when the Judges Came
in 6s.
64. Paid for Ringing the 5th of November 1739–3s.
J.M. D° to Poor people by Mr Ball. Owens Order 2s.
D° to Do by Mr Ball. Lloyds Order 1s.
Disbursed as pr particulars 49. 10. 6
Bailiffs' Account.
David Owen Esqr late Bailiff of the Town from the 17th November 1737 till the 13th December 1739 to the Said Town D E
To Cash rece'd of Richard Price as by his first Article in the foregoing Account 16s.
So on for other articles in the account.
To Cash rece'd of Phillip Howell for takeing up his ffreedom 1l.
On the other side are particulars of bills from the Bailiffs to the Town, for small amounts.
This Account was past and allowed the 24 day of April 1740 by us the Majority of the Corporation (duely Summoned) then present.
9 signatures.
Edmund Lloyd Esqr Dr to the Said Town during the Time of
his Bailiffe Ship with David Owen Esqr from the 17th of November
1737 to the thirteenth of Decr 1739
To Cash rece'd of Richard Price one of the Common Attorneys
as by Article between 48 and 49 of ye Common attorneys
Account 11s.
To a Note of hand rece'd of Mrs Meredith the other Common
attorney as by the 51st Ar'cle 1l. 14s. 6d.
To Cash rece'd of Mr Robert Priest and John Phillips for
6c. 3qr. 27l. Lead 4l. 4s.
To Cash rece'd of Severall persons for Cleaning the pump well
as by the list of their Names appears 17s. 11d.
To Arrears of Town rents Due before the Year 1738 Rece'd as
by the rentall appears 15l. 3s. 10d.
.To rent rece'd for the Year 1738– | 9l. | 13s. | 1d. |
To rent rece'd for the Year 1739– | 8l. | 9s. | 7d. |
44. | 2. | 0. |
E Contra Credr
N° receipts
1. To Cash paid John Brewer for Work Stuff and Nails to the use of the Said Town as pr Bill and receipt 3l. 2s. 6d.
2. Paid Henry Jones Tyler for Working upon ye Town hall as pr receipt 2l. 5s. 10d.
3. Paid Mr George Watkins for Tile as pr receipt 1l. 18s. 6d.
4. for Lime delivered to ye use of the Town hall & pump as by my own receipt 1l. 12s. 4d.
5. Paid Mr Robert Priest for ye Carriage of Lead to Bristoll as pr receipt 1s. 6d.
After this the items are not numbered.
Paid for 73 yds & ½ fflanning for the Poor of the Alms house
2l. 6s.
Paid Mrs Smith for makeing Shifts for ye sd poor as pr receipt 6s.
Paid Ld Windsor a years rent as pr receipt dated 8th Decr
1738–5l. 13s. 7½d.
Paid by allowance to Mr John Thomas Malster for Laths when
Mr Arthur Williams was Bailiff 10s. 6d.
Paid William Morgan Esqr for timber towards makeing the
Pump 2l. 12s. 6d.
Paid Mr Thos Morgan Killoynidd (fn. 9) for a piece of Timber for the
Same use 2l. 10s.
Paid John William Millwright for Makeing the Pump as pr
receipt 4l. 15s. 6d.
Paid John William Smith as pr receipt to his Bill annexed
1l. 14s. 6d.
Paid Mr John Phillips for a Chamber & washer for ye Pump as
pr receipt 13s. 9d.
Paid John Brewer for Nails to the Pump 7s.
Paid Marma: Watkin for Carrying Tyle to the Hall and Carrying
away ye rubbell from the Pump 4s.
Paid Mr Bird for painting the Pump 6s. 6d.
Paid Eliz: James for a peice of Elm being 23 feet 11s. 6d.
Paid Evan [blank] for halling the Said peice to ye Castle 1s. 6d.
Paid John James for a Sack of Lime to the Stocks 6d.
Paid Ld Windsors Stewart a years rent 5l. 13s. 7½d.
Paid Hezekiah Hopkin & others for drawing out the Water and
pumps out of ye Well and for Ale for them 12s.
Paid the poor of the alms house being with the Money I paid
for fflannen as by N° 7 & 8 two years Interest of 40l. left by
Mr Thomas formerly Town Clk 1l. 8s.
Paid the Thatcher ye remaindr Due to him for Thatching at Bess
ye Brenins (fn. 10) ho: 2s.
for an Act of Parliamm[en]tt for laying a Duty on Spirituous
Liquors 6d.
for D° Intituled an Act for relief of Insolvent Debtors 6d.
paid John King for repairing the Stocks 1s. 2d.
Paid William Morgan for 500l. & ½ of Thatching Straw and
Carring the Same to Eliz: Thomas's House 1l. 10s. 3d.
Paid William Stephens for 300l. & ½ D° 19s. 3d.
Rece'd for the use of the Said Town by the Said Mr Lloyd as
appears by the foregoing Account 44l. 2s.
Expended by the Said Mr Lloyd to the use of the Said Town as
appears above the Sume of 43l. 2s. 6d.
Due to the use of the Said Town from the Said Mr Lloyd as
appears by the Said Accounts 19s. 6d.
Memorandum that this Account was allowed And past the 24th day of April 1740 by the Majority of the Corporation in Councell then held and the Ballance thereof paid by the said Mr Lloyd that is to Say the Sume of Six Shillings and Eight pence to the Town Clerk for Entering this Account and the remainder being twelve and Tenpence to George Watkins Esqr Senr Bailiff for this present year 1740 to ye use of the Ball: Aldermen and Burgesses of the Said Town.
Geo. Watkins
John Okey
Will. Mathew
David Owen
Arth. Williams
Gabriel Lewis
Jas Owen
Jon Thomas Jnr
D. E. C.