Minutes of the Cardiff Street Commission and Local Board of Health: 1774-1802

Cardiff Records: Volume 4. Originally published by Cardiff Records Committee, Cardiff, 1903.

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'Minutes of the Cardiff Street Commission and Local Board of Health: 1774-1802', in Cardiff Records: Volume 4, ed. John Hobson Matthews (Cardiff, 1903), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cardiff-records/vol4/pp518-529 [accessed 10 February 2025].

'Minutes of the Cardiff Street Commission and Local Board of Health: 1774-1802', in Cardiff Records: Volume 4. Edited by John Hobson Matthews (Cardiff, 1903), British History Online, accessed February 10, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cardiff-records/vol4/pp518-529.

"Minutes of the Cardiff Street Commission and Local Board of Health: 1774-1802". Cardiff Records: Volume 4. Ed. John Hobson Matthews (Cardiff, 1903), British History Online. Web. 10 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cardiff-records/vol4/pp518-529.

In this section

First Minute Book of the Cardiff Street Commissioners. 1774–1802.

Fonmon Muniments.

1774 May 2. (fn. 1)

AT the first Meeting of the Commissioners of an Act made in the fourteenth year of the Reign of his Majesty King George the Third intitled "An Act for better Paving Cleansing and Lighting the Streets Lanes and public Passages in the Town of Cardiff and Liberties thereof in the County of Glamorgan and for removing and preventing Nuisances and Annoyances therein " held in the Guildhall of the said Town of Cardiff on Monday the second day of May in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and seventy four, between the Hours of ten and twelve of the Clock in the forenoon of the same day in pursuance of the said Act the following Persons duly qualify'd themselves to Act as Commissioners in the Execution of the same.

Michael Richards Esqr
Thomas Edwards Esqr
John Richards Esqr
William Edwards Esqr
Henry Yeomans Esqr
Thomas Thomas Gent.
William Richards Gent.
John Richards Esqr
William Richards Powell Esqr
John Thomas Junr Gent.
Henry Williams Gent.
William Llewellin Clerk.
Bloom Williams Apothecary.
John Priest Gent.
Henry Lewis Gent.
William Richards Esqr
Robert Savours Gent.
Bartholomew Greenwood Esqr
William Hurst Esqr
Francis Minnitt Gent.
Herbt Mackworth Esqr
Thomas Mathews Esqr
The Revd Powell Edwards Clk.
Edmund Traherne Esqr
Thos French Esqr

The Commissioners Present do in pursuance and for the due Execution of the said Act Unanimously nominate and appoint Thomas Edwards of the Town of Cardiff aforesaid Esquire to be Treasurer for the year ensuing and until the next Meeting after the second of May next.

Also the said Commissioners do nominate and appoint Mr James Owen to be Clerk as also Collector of the Rates or Assessment to be raised in pursuance of this Act at the yearly Sallary of Ten Pounds to be paid Quarterly.

Also the said Commissioners do impower and Authorize William Cobb and the said James Owen immediately to make a due and just Admeasurement of the Street leading from the West or Mill Gate through Castle Street to the High Corner, Also from the West or Mill Gate to Homanby Street in the said Town of Cardiff specifying the several and respective Square Yards opposite and adjoyning to every respective House Building Yard Court Garden Land Tenements and Hereditaments situate in the said several Streets according to the whole Front or Fronts side or sides of the said Houses Buildings Yards Courts Gardens Lands Tenements and Hereditaments & to distinguish as far as possible the Number of Square Yards necessary for the Foot Ways from the Public Horse and Carriage way opposite to each respective House Building Yard Court Garden Lands Tenements and Hereditaments and to deliver the same to the Commissioners at their next Meeting for their further Consideration.

Also It is Ordered That Advertisements be incerted by the Clerk in the Glocester and Bristol Papers of the Commissioners intention to new Pave the Streets of the said Town in order that all persons inclined to become Contractors for the Paving the said Streets may deliver in to the Commissioners at their next Meeting proposals in Writing of the Mode and Price they are willing and ready to pave the said Streets Distinguishing the Price of Foot Ways from the Price of Horse and Carriage Way.

Also Ordered for the better Execution of the said Act That the sum of Three Hundred pounds be raised on the Credit and for the purposes of the same.

Also It is Ordered That the next Meeting for the Execution of this Act be adjourned to Monday the thirteenth day of June next at the Guildhall of the said Town of Cardiff at ten of the Clock in the forenoon of the same day. [Signed by the Clerk and 8 Commissioners.]

[June 13. Ordered, that the carriage ways be paved and pitched with pebble stones. (fn. 2)

Ordered, that the "girdlers," edgings or curbstones of the footways be made of Lavernock stones.

Ordered, that the footways be paved with washers from Lavernock (or Penarth.) (fn. 3)

Ordered, that public notice be given in the Bristol, Gloucester and Hereford papers of the above Resolutions.]

July 4. Ordered that the Clerk do write a Letter to Wm Watts at Ludlow, to Come Down to Cardiff and that in Case the Commissioners and he Can't agree he will be allowed one Guinea for his Journey to be here on Monday the 18th Inst.

Septr 27. Ordered that Notice be given by any five or more of the Commissioners to the Several Occupiers or Owners of the Several Houses within the sd Town, that unless they remove their signs, sign Irons and sign posts within Ten Days after such Notice in writing, That the same shall be Done by the said Commissioners, at the Costs and Charges of such Owner or Occupier.

Octr 11. Ordered that the Penthouses belonging to the several Houses in Castle street be removed by the Owners or Occupiers thereof within Ten Days after notice in writing shall be Given to them and also that the Cellar windows or Doors Going into Cellars be shut up or otherwise removed.

Octr 25. Ordered that the Clerk Do purchase a pair of scales and other Necessaries for weighing the stones, and that all stones be weighed by the same.

Ordered that the paver and Mason do go Down to Lavernock and raise the stones for paving and the Binders to make the footways at 1s. 6d. pr. Ton, and 1s. for Loading Every Vessel.

Novr 8. Ordered that as soon as the Broad Street is finished, then the Masons and paviours, are to begin to pave the street Leading from the sd Broad street by Captn John Richards house (fn. 4) to the Crockherbtown Gate On the north side of the old post house (fn. 5) and by mrs James's House at mr Richards House.

Ordered that the Clerk do send to mr Edward Stone for six Lamps as a pattern and that five of them be set up (viz) one at mrs Nooth's house by the west Gate, one by the wte Lyon Inn, one by Captn Richards Corner, one by Thomas David's house and one by William Stone's House.

Ordered that Notice be Given to the sevl Inhabitants in Angel street to remove all posts penthouses and other Encroachments & Nusances.

Novr 29. Ordered that the proprietors of the several Houses in that part of the Broad street Leading from the red house Gateway Down to the West Gate, Do Carry away the Earth and Rubbish which is Dugg up before their respective Houses at the Expence of the respective proprietors thereof.

It is ordered to give notice that if any person has a mind to take upon him to light the Lamps and to find the oil that they Do Bring in their proposals to the Commissioners at the next Meeting and that the sd notices be put up. And also that notice be given to the proprietors of the houses Leading from the red house Gateway Down to the west Gate, that they Do take Down their penthouses and remove their Encroachments and other nusances and that notice be given thereof and in other parts of Broad street.

Decr 6. Ordered that proposals be received for the making of Irons for Hanging the Lamps, at the next Meeting, and that notice be Given to the sevl Smiths by the Clerk.

20th Ordered that at the next Meeting of the sd Commissioners that notice be given to the sevl Inhabitants and Occupiers of Houses In the sd Town of Cardiff that they do appear at the sd Meeting in order to give in an Estimate of the rent of their respective Houses; and that notice be given to the several Inhabitants in Castle street and Broad street that they Do Sweep and Clean the footways before their respective Houses Every Day pursuant to the Directions In the act of parliament for that purpose and also that notice be given to the sd Inhabitants to take down their spouts and put up their shoots in the sd streets, and also that notice be given to the sevl Inhabitants in shoemaker's street to remove their Encroachments and remove the spouts and to put up shoots by their respective Houses.

1775 Jany 7. Ordered that the Clerk do immediately give Notice to Herbt Mackworth Esqr to remove the penthouse and all nusances belonging to his House in angell street.

Likewise to Mr Henry Williams Attorney at Law to remove the penthouse porch and Railing in angel street.

Likewise to Mr Thos Glascott to remove the Penthouse of his house in Broad Street.

Likewise to Mr William Cary to remove his penthouse and Window under neth of his house in Broad Street.

Likewise to Mr William Richards to remove his Penthouse or Incroachment before his House Together With the Celler Door and Window part whereof is situate in angel street and part in Castle street.

17th Ordered that the Men now Employed in raising Stones at Sylly (fn. 6) be Continued in that Employment.

Ordered that the Usual Rate of payment be Allowed for Halling the Stones to the Water Side where the Vessell lyes for taking them aboard.

Ordered that regular Notice be given to the Proprietors of the New Angel to remove the Rubbage and Other Nusances before that House.

Feby 28. Ordered that the Clerk Do affix notices on the Church Door of the parish church of St John the Baptists in Cardiff aforesd and also in the most publick places in the sd Town, to give notice to the sev1 Inhabitants and proprietors of Houses &c in the sd Town That the Com[m]missioners will at their next Meeting settle the rate of the sev1 Houses in the sd Town, that they the sd Inhabitants & proprietors may appear at the sd Meeting.

[Mr. Tyzzack Hodges is to fix shoots and trunks under the eaves of his house. Margaret Harry to take down the bow window projecting before her house.]

It is also Ordered that mr price officer of Excise Do fix the trunk ww[hi]chch is to Convey the rain water from falling on the pavement before his house at the pine End adjoining to Doctor Smith's House.

March 28. Ordered that the Clerk do Give publick notice to the several Inhabitants and to Occupiers of Houses in the said Town that they do sweep their pavements Every Day in the week between the Hours of 8 and 10 of the Clock in the Morning, Sundays Excepted, and that a person will attend every Monday Morning to take of their dirt, dung and ashes, and that no person do presume to Lay the same in the publick streets for the future, or otherwise they will be prosecuted for the same.

April 25. Ordered that Thomas Richards smith Do take up the grates by Mr Michael Brewer's, and Wm stone's and that he Do make the Barrs of the same Closer, to prevent the Dung &c. to go into the Gout.

also that the Clerk Do give publick notice, that if any person or persons have a mind to take on him or them the office of a scavenger that such person or persons May apply to the Commissioners at the next Meeting.

May 23. Robert Jones of Fonmon Esqre is proposed as a Candidate to succeed mr John Thomas Dece'd as a Commissioner, and the Clerk is ordered to affix a notice on the Guild Hall of the Town of Cardiff relating to the same.

It is ordered that in Case John Stone Doth not perform his Contract in fetching the paving stones and Binders for the paving the foot passages, that the Town clerk hath orders to prosecute him for the same.

It is ordered that as soon as the pavers and pitchers have finished the street Leading towards Crockherbtown Gate, that they are to begin to pitch and pave the street Called Highstreet from the [County Gaol] (fn. 7) High Corner to the Market house and then from the County Gaol to the Church.

[Various persons to have notice to take down their penthouses, remove their encroachments, nuisances and annoyances, and affix shoots and trunks under the eaves of their houses, to prevent the rain water from annoying the foot passengers.]

July 18. Ordered that In Case John stone's vessel cannot supply the people with Binders and Washers Sufficient to keep them at Constant work, that then the Treasurer may Employ other vessels as they shall think proper at the same rate.

Octr 17. Ordered that 6 Lamps be immediately putt up in the following places Vizt One By the Globe (fn. 8) Corner, one by William Stone's Corner, one by the Corner of the Markett House Opposite to Paul Price's, one by the North Corner of the Old Post House, one by the corner of Thomas David's House, and one near the Mill Gate.

That an Agreement be Entered into with John Whiting for lightening the Lamps at 30s. pr Lamp at the Rate of Six Months, Vizt from Michaelmas to Lady Day.

That the Irons be made by Thomas Richards smith at 3d½ pr lb. with a Crane and that they be placed 10 feet high from the foot path.

That the Lamps be lightened before Night & Continued 'till One in the morning.

That Notice be given by the Clerk to the several Inhabitants in High Street that leave out their Benches or Other Nuisances on the foot Way.

Octr 31. Ordered that six more Lamps be put up at the following places vizt one by the Church on Catherine Williams House. one at the Corner of the Unicorn. (fn. 9) one at the Eastern End of the Town Hall near the steps. one over the Gateway of Mr Thos Cottons House in Shoemaker Street. one at Mr Edwd Thomas (fn. 10) stable in Castle Street. one at Mr John Waters in Angel Street.

Decr 5. Ordered that the Clerk do employ a Couple of Men to sweep the Streets, & that David Lloy'd shall carry it away.

[At the next five Meetings no Commissioners appeared.]

1776 Jany 16. Ordered that a Book be bought by the Clerk to enter the Accounts of the Treasurer.

Ordered that the Lamp Irons be painted Red.

Ordered that a foot path be made in the street leading from Shoemaker's street by Gedrich's Corner to the Church.

March 5. Ordered that the empty Carts Do Carry away the Dirt on their Return Collected in the several streets or not be Employed; as well as all heaps of Dirt on the street.

Ordered that the Committee [for inspecting accounts] do meet for that purpose at the Angell Inn, in Cardiff.

May 7. Ordered that all Extraordinary Expenses attendg the removing and Carrying away the Earth from Womanby Street or in repairing the Gout there, be paid & discharged out of the General Fund.

1777 Augt 26. Whereas John Owen the present Collector to the Comrs hath this Day neglected to Attend with the Books and papers relative to this Meeting, to the Delay of the proceedings thereof [notice is to be put up on the Guild Hall that he will be removed from his office of Collector.]

Octr 14. Ordered That Written Notices be putt up By the Clerk to give notice to all persons that suffer Pigs or Other Nuisances on the streets that they will be punished According to Law.

1778 Feby 10. [Proceedings are to be forthwith instituted, to recover the Street Charge from the Widow Lewis, Messrs. Harford & C°, William Powell of the Tennis Court, and Doctor Bates.]

Ordered That Informations be made By the Clerk agt all persons who Suffer their Pigs to go about the Streets & proceeded on with the Utmost Expedition.

Also agt all persons who thro' Dirt or Ashes or Other Nuisances on the Streets or permitt Dunghills or heaps of stones to remain on their streets.

[June 23. James Owen the Clerk, and John Owen the Collector, are displaced. James died soon afterwards.

July 4. Michael Brewer appointed Clerk and Collector.]

1779 Novr 25. Whereas several of the Inhabitants dwelling in High Street & Shoemaker Street as far as the Markett Extends Do on fair Markett & Other Days place out and suffer to be continued divers standings Benches and other Nuisances to the great annoyance and Inconvenience of Travellers and the Inhabitants of the said Town, and by means whereof the said High Street and Shoemaker Street become very Dirty and inconvenient as Well on Sundays as on other Days: It is therefore Ordered That such persons who are permitted at sufferance By the said Commissioners to putt out on fair or Markett days such Standings or Benches Do on every Saturday or fair Evening or before Nine of the Clock on the following Morning, at their own Expence Sweep or Cause to be Swept and Cleaned the several foot and Carriage Ways Opposite to their respective Houses and Cause the same to be Carried away on the same Evening or before 9 of the Clock on the following Morning. And that they do also keep the said footways & Carriage Ways free and Clear from any Standings Benches low Stones & Straw as soon as they conveniently Can after the fair or Markett Day is over. So that the said Streets may be discharged from the great Nuisances and Inconveniences to which they have of late been Subject.

Decr 9. Ordered that William Harris of The Splott be appointed scavenger for sweeping and Cleaning & Carrying away the Dirt & Nuisances from the Streets within the said Town.

That the scavenger is to Sweep & Carry away the Dirt & Nuisances from the several Streets that have been pitched & paved, as also from the Street leading from the Old post house to the East Gate on the South Side thereof. That all Inhabitants within the said Streets may be at Liberty to Carry their Ashes into the scavengers Cart, who is to receive the same, and is to have a Bell to his Cart to Warn the Inhabitants.

[Hugh Whiting appointed Clerk and Collector.]

23rd Ordered that a Cask of the best Oil be purchased by the Clerk at Neath or Swansea, being part of the Cargoe of a Ship lately stranded there.

[1780 Decr 5. John Evan appointed Clerk and Collector.

1782 Jany. 18. Edward James, of Llandaff, appointed Clerk.]

Feby. 7. Ordered that the street Called Crockherbtown Street, leading from Crockherbtown Gate Eastward as far as the Blind Lane and opposite thereto, be paved on both sides of the Turnpike Road.

March 7. Ordered that Notices be served by the Clerk on the several Persons in Crockherbtown who have Incroachments or Nuisances before their Houses to pull down & remove the same. Vizt The Wall before Mr Nicholas Priest's Houses, the Rails & Porch before the House of Bartholomew Greenwood Esqr the Porch before the House in Occupation of Thos Gething. A Stone Bench before the House of Thos Lewis Mason and all other nuisances there.

[Thomas Edwards is now Mortgagee of the rates, and his clerk acts as Clerk to the Commissioners.]

1785 July 26. Mr Nicholas Priest having represented to the sd Commissioners of the said Act that he is now building a dwelling house Scituate in Northgate Street, and that he intends erecting a bow Window in the said building ww[hi]chch will be as well a Conveniency to himself as an ornament to the said Street: We the said Commissioners do allow thereof so that the said Bow Window do not exceed in projection more than two feet.

[New Commissioners added are:—]
Revd Gervase Powell, Clerk.
Edward Morgan, Esq.
Henry Hollier, Esq.
John Wood, Gent.
Mr Nicholas Priest.
Mr Wm Prichard.
Richard Griffiths.
S. M. Lowder.
Revd Wm Llewellin.
Peter Birt.
Wyndham Lewis.
Revd Henry Lewis.
Mr John Blannin.
Thos Brydges.
Edward Thomas.
David Prichard.
Samuel Sabine.

1788 Feby 5. Whereas it appears to this Meeting that no regular Act. Book has been kept by the Commissioners to shew the Expenditure of the several sums raised and Borrowed for the Purpose of Paving the Town: Resolved that the Clerk procure a proper Book for entering all receipts and payments.

Whereas for want of proper Meetings of the Commissioners no Rates were made for the year commencing 25 Decr 1785 and ending 25 Decr 1786, and for the year commencing 25 Decr 1786 and ending 25 Decr 1787, which ought to have been done, We Do so far as we are impowered so to do, Order and Direct that Rates and Assessments be made &c for the said two Years.

[Next entry:]

1794 July 8. Thomas Evans of Cardiff Labourer having on the 5th day of April 1794 been convicted by Henry Hollier Esq. in the Sum of Twenty Shillings for driving a Certain Waggon drawn by

Horses upon the footpaving near Church Street, one half of the said sum was paid to the Rate Collector, John Lewis.

Whereas the several Streets within the said Town are in a very ruinous situation and are now under Presentment by the Hon. George Hardinge Esq. and the Commissioners present doubting whether they have a right to make and collect Rates for the Arrears now due, Wishing to be advised on the legality thereof and as to the mode of Collecting such Arrears: Ordered that a Case be prepared for the Opinion of Counsel for the approbation of the Commissioners at their next Meeting and that Mr Wood prepare the same.

[1796 Jany. 26. Rate of 1s. in the £ ordered for the repairs of the streets. This Meeting was held at the Guildhall, as before.

Feby. 16. This Meeting was held at the Cardiff Arms inn, which continued to be their rendezvous for many years. From this time, the Clerk could but rarely obtain a quorum; and, even when sufficient Members attended, little business was done beyond the formal making of rates. Thomas Dalton was now among the Commissioners.

1797 Jany. 16. Crockherbtown and King Street to be paved.

Lamps to be placed at the Unicorn; opposite the corner of the old post office; at the Carreg Picka; at the corner of High Street; at the Globe corner; at the new Market House; near the Church; at the middle of Shoemaker Street; about Bird's Library; near the Red Cow; near Mr Waters' yard in Quay Street.

1800 March 24. Colonel Capper and Mr. Wood having offered to clean various parts of the Town, are appointed Scavengers for one year. Henceforward a quorum was not assembled until:—

1801 Novr 13. "The account of Wm Taitt Esqr was this day settled, and there appeared a Ballance of £146. 19. 6. due to him as Treasurer."

Ordered that a Rate of 1s. in the £ be immediately made and collected for the year 1801.

1802 Decr 10. The first Meeting since the one particularised above. Same business done.]


  • 1. The first Minutes are here given in extenso. Subsequent extracts are printed verbatim et litcralim, while mere notes are enclosed within square brackets.
  • 2. These pitchings still remain in a few secluded thoroughfares of the old town.
  • 3. Struck out.
  • 4. Corner House, before-mentioned.
  • 5. Afterwards the General Nott public house, at the west end of the Middle Row in Smith Street.
  • 6. Sully.
  • 7. Struck out.
  • 8. The Globe, a comfortable old inn, is still standing, at the corner of Castle Street and Womanby.
  • 9. The Unicorn inn stood on the west side of Crockherbtown lock. Next to it, on the west, was the Masons' Arms, a picturesque old inn which is still standing, though threatened. (See the tail piece on p. 98.) This and the Globe are the two last survivors of our ancient hostelries.
  • 10. Landlord of the Angel inn, or Red House.