Addenda to Volume 1: Star Chamber Proceedings, 1534-58

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'Addenda to Volume 1: Star Chamber Proceedings, 1534-58', in Cardiff Records: Volume 4, ed. John Hobson Matthews( Cardiff, 1903), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Addenda to Volume 1: Star Chamber Proceedings, 1534-58', in Cardiff Records: Volume 4. Edited by John Hobson Matthews( Cardiff, 1903), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Addenda to Volume 1: Star Chamber Proceedings, 1534-58". Cardiff Records: Volume 4. Ed. John Hobson Matthews(Cardiff, 1903), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

In this section

Star Chamber Proceedings. H. 8. Bundle 27. No. 4. Glamorgan. (c. 1534.)

[Four pieces of paper.]


To the King or sowrain Lorde.

Pitusly complayneth vnto yor Highnes yor poor subgict and dailly Beadman Robert Lane of [Euisham] in yor Countie of Oxonforde, That Wher as the right Reurende ffadre in god Myles late Bysshop of Landaff, for the faithfull diligent and true sruice Whiche yor said subgict had of long contynuaunce doon hym, by hys letturs patents sealed wt the Seale of his dygnytie, beryng date the xxth daie of the Moneth of Aprill in the xvijth yere of the reigne of the late king yor fadre of famous memorye [1502] by the Hoole agrement and assent of the Chapiter of his Cathedrall churche of Landaff aforsaid gave to yor said subgict during his lyff a ffee or Annuelle rent of xls yerely to bee paied in the Revenues and prouffitts goying oute of the the landes of the said Bysshop apperteygnyng to his Castell or Manor of Mathern wtin his Dioces of Landaff afforsaid Wt a clause of distres to bee taken wt in any parte of the landes belonging to the said Manor for the non payment of the said annuell rent or any prcell therof, To the which graunte and l'res patents the Deane and Chapitre of the Cathederall churche afforsaide dyd put to their Chapitr Seale, And afterwarde that is to sey at the feste of saint Mychell tharchaungell next folowing the said Bysshop payd to [yor] said suppliaunte xs prcell of the said Annuell rent due at the said ffeste, by force wherof he was seased of the said rent according to the graunte afforsaide, And so contynued in peasible possession of the same by the space of xxvjti yeres next ensuyng or therabouts wtout lett or interupc'on of any prson Vnto aboute six yeres nowe past, he hath bee[n] interupted therof, By the Reurende fadre in god, the Bysshop of Landaff that nowe is, Vnto Whome yor poor Orator hath made right humble sute and intercession, for the payment of his said Annuetie, the payment wherof he hathe allwayes denyed contrarye to the graunte afforsaid, Wherupon yor Orator according to the purporte and tenor of the said graunte went vnto the said Manor of Mathern ther to haue taken a distresse for the payment of his said Annuetie and the arregs. of the same according to theordre of yor lawes Wher yor poor Orator was resysted by the sruaunts of the said Bysshop, contrary to yor Lawes righte and good conscience, Against whom yor poor Orator being but a poor man, And the said Bysshop agrete prelate of the churche ys not of habilite ne substaunce to pursue for his remedie herin afftr the due ordre and course of yor Comen Lawe, And for asmoche as he is dwelling here in yor Countie of Oxonforde whiche is farre distaunte oute and from the mrches of Wales wher he shulde haue remedie in yor Courte of yor Pryncipalitie, he being a straunger ther, and the said Bysshop of suche grete myght and power, ys lykely to bee wtout remedie in this behalf, Onles yor grace moeved wt pitie to hym be shewed in this behalf [sic.] In tendre considerac'on wherof it may please yor Highnes of yor moost noble and Habundaunte grace, to call the said Bysshop nowe being here present, befor your Highnes and yor moost honorable Counsaill, to make Aunswer vnto the prmysses, And yor said poor Orator during his lyff shall daylly pray for the long presruac'on of yor moost noble and Royall estate.


Robertus lane ursus Episcop? landaff Committit r Willmo Mathewe militi et ?pofero Mathewe Armig' ad certif in festa pasche prox. (fn. 1)


Henry R.

By the King.

Trusty and wellbeloued we grete you well And send vnto you herin enclosed a bille of complaint lately presented vnto vs and oure Counsaille by oure subgict Robert Lane. The contents wherof we woll and desire you to haue in your good and deliberate examynacions, And theruppon like as ye by your said examynacions shall of trouthe vndrestand and parceyue therin, to certiffie vs and our said Counsaille by the ffeest of Estr next com[m]yng, by your writings vndr your hands and seales Wtout any failling, as we trust you, And as ye tendr oure pleassr Geuen vndr our Signet at oure Manor of Wodestok the xiiijth day of Novembr

T. Englefild.
Tho. More, k.


To our trusty and welbiloued sr william Mathewe knight, and Cristofer mathewe squier.


Honorable masters my dwtye had this is the matter off my Wrytting yff I had byn[n] well att yese I would haue cum[m] up wt thys honest man[n] to testyfye yt my lord off lādaff dothe In gery nott paing to hym his A nwate off xls yerely whyche I was prvye off and on[n] off the Cannons off the churche the same tyme itt was grauntid mor over I payde hym my selff srten yeres when I was Ressever off the dwtye yt sr wylm[m] harbard off trowy did pay yerly to my lord myllis late de prttid whois soull god prdon I was his keynesmā his chapleyne & ovrsear off his byldeing att mathorn & att his deprting I was his executor & payde to my lord george yt now is byschup ccc marke in gould for delapydacyons wherefore I beseche your goodnes I am a prste and off my prsthode hit is a trwe geyfft wherefore att Instance off almyghty god remēber this honest man and thus Ihū pr s rue you wryttyn att staunntun synjones the xiij day of aprll.

Pr me prcyvall pety clericum.


To the Kings most honorable
counsell this lettr be delyurid.


Plesith it yor masterships to vnderstond that we haue Receuid the kings most honorble l'res & yours willinge & comaundinge vs by the same to examyn the contentz off a bill off complanct prsented vnto the kings highnes on the behalff off on[n] Roberte lane off Euisham wtin the Countie of oxonford against the bischop off landaff, & thervpon as we schuld off trouth vnderstond & prceve therin to certifie you. plesith it you that we haue deliberatly seyn the contents off the said bill with the graunt off the said annuyte spesified in the said bill, as to the Chaptr sealle that is put to thesaid graunt of thesaid Annuyte we vnderstond and prceve of a trouth that it is the verie True Chaptr sealle off thesaid Cathedrall Churche off landaff. how & in what manr the said sealle passed out we know not ffor the Canons whiche wer at that tyme off thesaid churche be non as now on live wherby we myght haue any ffurthe knowlege therin. And as to theother sealle put to thesaid graunt it is so prest & woren that we cannot prfightly prceve it, but as ferre as we do know or prceve it is thesaid late bischop his sealle. And whether thesaid Robert was seased or paid off thesaid Annuyte as it is in thesaid bill supposid we know not theroff & further than this we can[n] not certiifie yor mastrschips as knoweth god who prsrue you writen at landaff the vijth daie off marche

pr me Wyllm[m] Mathewe k.
pr me ?pofor? mathewe.


To the Right honrable sr Thomas
More knight & mastr highelfild
off the Kings most honrable

Star Chamber Proc. Hen. VIII. Bdle. 30. No. 50. Glam. (1543.)

[One membrane of parchment.]

Complaint of the "President" and Chapter of the Cathedral Church of Landaff in the county of Glamorgan. Richard Harry, of Canton in the parish of Landaff, by his Will desired that his body should be buried and laid within the holy grave of the cathedral church of Landaff aforesaid. After whose death his friends brought his body to the said cathedral to be buried. The body was brought in a bier and laid down in the said church, "ther to Stay during the tyme that crteyn devyne sruyces shulde be ther seid for his Soulle according to the olde vse tyme owt of mynde for suche leke prposis ther to be don." One Thomas Mathewe of Landaff, gentleman, "being a very wyllfull & wylde prson," William Dawkyn, priest, David Thomas ap Griffyth, William Traheron, Henry David, Nicholas David, Morgan ap leuan, Thomas Lewys alias Mawr, with divers other wild and misruled persons of their affinity, indefensibly arrayed like men of war—that is to say, with coats of defence and harness, bills, swords, bucklers and other unlawful weapons—the 30th day of August in the 35th year of your most noble reign (1543), entered the said church and forcibly bore away the body of the said Richard Harry, against your peace and "agenst the olde vse & custome ther alweys afore this tyme vsid." Which unruly conduct is like hereafter to be more and more to the

utter undoing and to the hindrance and decay of the divine service of God there hereafter to be celebrated and done.

Star Chamber Proc. Hen. VIII. Bdle. 32. No. 23. Glam.

[One membrane of parchment.]

Complaint of Katherine verch David, late the wife of John Watts, of Landaffe in Southwalez, yeoman, concerning the "enorme Iniuryes & exprsse wrongs" done unto her by George ap Morgan, Rosser Kemeys and Thomas Lewis, all of Wenllogg, gentlemen, and divers other persons. The said George, Rosser, Thomas and others, in manner of war arrayed— that is to say, in coats of defence, skulls of steel, and sleeves of mail, with bows and arrows, glaives, bills and other weapons defencible, —in riotous manner resorted to the town of Caerdiffe in South wales aforesaid, the 27th day of August last past, At which time came to the same town the said John Wattys (under God's peace and yours), and had knowledge of the lying of the said George in the said town; "which of shorte tyme before hadd taken vpp a spanyell of the same Watts, and then & there demaunded of the same George the delyuraunce of the saide spanyell; who denyed hym the same." And forthwith riotously he with the others made assault and affray upon the same Watts, "insomyche that they putt the same Watts to fflyght." And in fleeing into an house the said George, Rosser and Thomas "ffoyned" him with their daggers, and therewith feloniously slew and murdered the said Watts, and thereupon fled, and denied not the same. "Albeit the baileffs of the same towne (Crownrs there) beyng Ingnorant & nat lerned in the lawes, sworne a Jury vppon the view of the body of the same Watts; wherof were soundry of the Alys and kynsmen aswell of the same George, Rosser & Thomas, who for affeccyonacy hasse not founde the trouthe therof; by Color wherof the saide mysdoers as yett ben at librtie & Restes vnponysshed." Upon which murder so by them committed they were put under sureties of an 100l by the officers there, to your Highness' use, to appear at a day prefixed, to make answer in that behalf. At which day the said George, with these other riotous persons, came to the town gates of Caerdiffe foresaid with the number of an hundred persons or above, whereof were fifty bowmen, all in manner of war arrayed as is aforesaid; "and wolde nat in noo wysse make Awnswere vnlesse the saide Riotteouse prsons shulde com into the Towne forsaide wt hym." And the officers there, having good respect unto the weal of your Highness' said town, and also not knowing the intent of the same George, nor of his said riotous company, would not suffer him in such manner to come into the same town; but sent unto him sundry messengers, willing him to come to answer in his own person, with such others as were bounden to appear at the same day, in peaceable manner. Which to do he refused, and with his company [went] homewards again and made default; whereby they forfeited unto your Highness the said sum of 100l and your poor Oratrix is without her remedy. Being great with child she was compelled to return home again. She prays that the Earl of Worcettor, High Officer there commanding, may be directed to issue a Writ De melius inquirendo to the Bailiffs of Caerdiff, that they may impanel a new Jury of the best Aldermen and burgesses of the same town, further to enquire of the said murder; and also to call before them such witnesses, inhabitants in the said town, which did see the same affray and murder, to depose upon a book before the same Inquest; to the intent that the Inquest may have evidence where they shall or may pass by their Depositions to find the said "haynouse murdre"; and that the said misruled persons may be committed to ward without bail or mainprize.

Star Chamber Proc. Ed. VI. Bdle. 6. No. 54. Glam. (1546.)

[Three sheets of parchment.]


"To the Kinges moste prudente and
honorable Counsaill

"Lamentablie complayninge shewithe vnto yor most Honorable Lordshipps yor poor Orator Roberte Dauyes of Saint tathan in the countie of glamorgan Husbandman Wher in the statute made the xxvth yere of the raingne of the king of famous memorie Henrie theight late king of inglaund [1534] Emongest other thinges was ordeined and establishide that the Cleregie of this Realme of inglaunde nor any of them from thensforthe shuld presume tattempt alleadge claym or put in vse any constituc'ons or ordinnes provincialls or synodalls or any other Ca?ons nor shuld enacte promulge or put in execusion eny suche Ca?ons &c by what soever names thei maye be callide in their co[m]vocac'ons in tyme to cum[m] the whiche shalbe allwayes assemblid by aucthoritie of the Kinges Writt except thesame Cleregie haue the kings most royall assent and licence to make any such Ca?ons &c vppon peyne of everye of the said cleregie doing co[m]trarie to the said act to suffer imprysonment and to make fyne att the kinges pleasure": One William Ieuans, of Seint Tathan foresaid, being one of the said clergy and one to whom Anthony, Bishop of Landaffe that now is, (having then no jurisdiction nor authority himself of the King's Majesty, but therein very "temerouslie" usurping upon his grace and prerogative royal) granted a Commission for the execution of the jurisdiction ecclesiastical unto the maintenance of his presumptious folly of the said Ieuans; which, by the pretensed virtue of the same Commission, proceeding as Official unto the said Bishop, not regarding the said Statute, without any cause reasonable but of very malice and evil will, of his mere office supposed and feigned a cause to cite your poor Orator to appear before himself the 14th day of February last past at Newcastell in the county foresaid. And, forasmuch as it was then manifestly known that the foresaid King of famous memory, Henry the Eighth, was dead, it was shewn unto your poor Orator by divers men learned in the laws of this realm that he need not then to appear by the said Citation and "somonds." And after that, on the 20th day of the same February at Seint Thathanes foresaid, your Orator, as frowardly despising and contemning the ecclesiastical law, for his non-appearance, by censure of the Church was declared to be suspended. And afterwards, by the pretence thereof, the said William Ieuans, on the 13th day of March last past, in the parish church of Gilstoun in the county foresaid, declared your Orator as accursed and excommunicated, against the form of the said Statute. And further the said William Ieuans, being parson of the said church of Seint Tathane, the parish church of your Orator, would not suffer in any wise your said Orator to have there any divine service. For the said William Ieuans, on the feast of the Annunciation of our Lady last past, perceiving your Orator in the said church intending to hear God's word, departed out of the said church and would proceed no farther there that day. And after that, on Palm Sunday last past, because your Orator came to church as parishioner there, the said William Ieuans did procure certain wilful persons riotously to assault him in the church. And at Easter last past your Orator was expelled and put from his Communion there, to his great "sklaunder" and ignominy, and to the offence of his neighbours. Forasmuch as the said William Ieuans is now in London, it may please your Honourable Lordships to send for him to answer herein.


The Answer of William Ieuans, clerk.

The Complaint is feigned by the procurement of Sir Thomas Stradling, knight, who beareth no good will unto Defendant. As for the offence alleged, Defendant is in suit for the same before the King's Bench at his Majesty's suit, by the setting forth of the said Sir Thomas Stradling and the said Robert Davys, the Complainant. On the Palm Sunday referred to, Complainant made a gathering to assault Christopher Bassett; who, perceiving their intent, drew his sword against the assailing company to the number of 16 persons, whereof the most part were servants or tenants of Sir Thomas Stradling. The persons concerned went away without any harm done.


The Replication of Robert Davy.

The Information in the King's Bench was met by a Demurrer, Defendant affirming that it would not lie in the said Court because the matter was put in execution in Glamorgan Shere in Wales, being out of the jurisdiction of that Court. "And for as moche as the Counsell of the pl' vppon openyng of that poynte were lykewise moche in dowte whether hit wolde take effect & myght be dyscussed in that Courte, or no; and thought rather no than ye," the plaintiff put up his Bill to my Lord Protector's Grace, minding thereby to have the Defendant called before the King's Council. My said Lord, after that he had throughly read and perused the said bill, did direct the same into this honourable Court, with his sign set thereon, willing that the Defendant should be called upon to answer for having put in execution "foreyne lawes" to the contempt of our said Sovereign the King and contrary to the Statute. Process was awarded against Defendant out of this Court. Defendant perjures himself. He knew full well of the death of the late King, yet he did both suspend and excommunicate the said Plaintiff and enquire of "advoulterers & devorses." And moreover the said Defendant, "of very stobernes & prsumpteouse mynde desdayneng to be reformed by ony mon," did keep Chapter Courts at sunday times and places. It is untrue that any assault was intended upon Christopher Basset. He and Complainant "were then fryndes & lovers, & vsed to company & to game moche to gether," until the selfsame time that Defendant commanded Complainant to go out of the church or else he would say no Mass there that day. And because Complainant would not go, Defendant required Richard Grant, being Constable of that Hundred, that he would bring the Plaintiff out of the church. And the said Constable answered him that he would not, "for he knew no cause why so to do." And then Defendant required earnestly all the parishioners there present, that they would bring out of the church the said Plaintiff. "And all they aunswred that they wolde not, except Crystofer basset only & his ij men, the whiche Crystofer beyng moved ageinst the pl' by the request & prcurement of the def,' sayd that he wolde make the pl' avoyde the churche. And Wt that, the sayd Crystofer & dyo yoroth his srant & Thomas basset went home to the housse of the seid Crystofer, & fett ther ij swerdes (fn. 2) & a glayve; and so weponed cam inco[m]tinēt & talked wt the def' & from hym cam in to the churche; & ther the seyd Crystofer & dyo yorath assauted the pl' who had no wepon but his dager wyth the which he bare of dyvers strokes vntyll the paryshners dyd lepp betwyne them & conveyed the pl' owt of the churche, or els the pl' had been ther slayne."

Star Chamber Proc. Ed. VI. Bdle. 7. No. 40. Glam. (1547.)

[Same matter as the preceding. One membrane of parchment
containing Interrogatories, with the Answers on paper]


Extracts from Interrogatories
ministered to William Yevans,
clerk, on behalf of the King and
of Robert Davy, husbandman.

7. Whether the Sheriff's Bailiff, perceiving the folly of the said William Yevans in executing the premisses without authority and keeping his Chapter Court at Neth, did take from the said William Yevans his books touching his proceedings in the premisses.

8. Whether the Sheriff himself likewise at another time did take away from the said William Yevans his books at Cardyf.


Answer of William Yevans.

16 June, 1 Ed. VI. (1547.)

About a 3 weeks before Candlemas last past, this Deponent being parson of the parish church of St Tathan, did openly declare in the same church a Citation delivered unto him by Robert ap Hoel ap Richard, Apparitor to the Bishop of Landaffe; which Citation was awarded forth by Doctor Smith, then Chancellor to the same Bishop, against Complainant, to appear before him seu alio Judice in hac parte competente quocumque, at a certain day, which was 8 or 9 days after.

Before the same day Doctor Smith was by the Bishop of Landaffe discharged of his Chancellorship; and Deponent, by a Commission from the Bishop, was authorised in place of the Chancellor as Commissary to the Bishop. And so at the same day of appearance the aforenamed Apparitor amongst other persons was certified in before this Deponent sitting in judgment in the parish church of Newcastell, the same Citation to be by the same Apparitor executed accordingly. And so after preconisation had and the Plaintiff not appearing, this Deponent, at the petition of the friends of the maiden whom Plaintiff had conveyed away, did pronounce the Plaintiff contumax therein and so suspended him in writing.

He confesseth that 3 or 4 days after Candlemas, he then sitting in judgment in the parish church of St Tathan, did, upon the Certificate of the suspensions and preconisations of the Plaintiff for his non-appearance, denounce him excommunicate in writing, at the petition of the parties beforesaid.

After the death of the late King had come to his knowledge, Deponent did not proceed in any ecclesiastical matters, except that, at the Bishop's commandment, he enquired the number of Stipendiaries within this Deponent's circuit and jurisdiction, and also the names of such adulterers as were within the same and which had of long time continued in their adultery by the toleration and dispensation of the aforesaid Doctor Smith, then of late Chancellor; and also of sundry divorces made by Dr Smith.

He confesseth that this Deponent sitting as well at Nethe as at Cardiffe upon the enquiry of the said Stipendiaries, adulterers and divorces, the Sheriff of Glamorgan and his Bailiff did take from him his books, saying that the Bishop could not given Deponent any authority to sit there, because he had given a former commission unto Dr Smith durante bene placito ipsius Doctoris Smith.

On the feast of the Annunciation of Our Lady, between Matins (fn. 3) and Mass, Deponent being in the said church of Tathan and addressing him toward (fn. 4) Mass, the said Robert Davy with others came and told him that he was no friend to Sir Thomas Stradlynge; and that they would make Deponent conform himself to them, or else they would make him repent it, and so laid their hands on their daggers. Whereupon this Deponent, standing in fear of them, departed forth of the church, and durst not come thither again that day to say Mass.

He confesseth that on Palm Sunday he demanded of the Plaintiff, in the church of St Tathan, whether he would be confessed and absolved, or else this Deponent would not minister unto him any Sacrament or sacramental at Easter.

On the same Palm Sunday Christopher Basset and Complainant fell at words in the church aforesaid, and after much altercation the said Christopher went forth of the church. And then the friends of either side were at high words. Which Deponent perceiving, went forth of the church at the chancel door, (fn. 5) and espied the said Christopher Basset coming toward the church with a sword in his hand; whom Deponent would have stayed, but the said Christopher defied him. Whereupon Deponent departed home to his house. And then within a while word was brought to him that the parties were at a quietness, and so Deponent came to the church again and proceeded to his divine service and said Mass. (fn. 6) He heard say that the said Christopher strake a stroke upon the pew (fn. 7) door there with his sword, but no great harm was done. The said quarrel arose only because Plaintiff had taken away the said Bassett's daughter against his will.

Wyllyam Evans.

Star Chamber Proc. Ph. & M. Bdle. 4. No. 29. Glam. (1558.)

[Three sheets of parchment, with voluminous Depositions and the Certificate on paper.]


To the King and Queen's most
Honourable Privy Council.

Complaint of Thomas Stradlyng, knight. Last June there was a Commission for Musters in the County of Glamorgan, directed from the Right Honourable the Earl of Penbrok to William Herbert the elder of Coganpyll in the said county, esquire; which was of no other effect but to muster only the tenants and friends of the said Earl for their attendance upon him in the King and Queen's Maties' service in their wars, not giving the said William any authority or scope thereby to make any exaction of money upon their Majesties' subjects for the same. This notwithstanding, the said William, "beyng stryken wth couetese for his owne pryvat Lucre & gayne," of his own authority and extort power, "by color of furnyture of Harnes for one Hundred fotemen," did set a tax or tallage of 1000l or more upon the inhabitants there; and for the levying thereof made out warrants to the Constables of every township, straitly commanding them to levy and gather the same within their limits; and if any person did deny the payment thereof, they should immediately distrain them. By force whereof (besides the innumerable bribes that he received for licencing men to tarry at home) he made such an unreasonable collection of money, that the like was never seen in those parts, to the great impoverishment of the poor inhabitants there—not sparing either widow or orphan. And those that refused to pay were distrained by their chattels and household stuff until they made shift amongst their friends for money to redeem the same. Amongst whom were five of your Orator's servants, that is to wit, Jenkin Rys, Edmund ap Ieuan ap myrick, John Mathow, Thomas ap Morgan and John Strete. For remedy wherof these five, at the Great Sessions holden in that county on Saint Luke's day last past, sued Actions of Trespass against the said Constables. And forasmuch as the said William Herbert is nephew to my Lord of Penbrok, your Orator's servants could have nobody in that country that would be Attorney in Court for them nor of Counsel with them therein, lest my said Lord should be offended with them in so doing. It may please your Honours (the said William Herbert being now come home from the wars and at this time in London) to send for him to answer hereunto.


Writ directed to William Bassett and John Carne, esquires, and Roger Williams of Cardyff, gent.


Commissioners' Certificate.

Pleysithe yor Honors to be adurtysed that Vpon Recepte of the King and quenes Ma[jes]ties moste honrable Com[m]ission hervnto anexid and to vs directyd Wee have travellyd therein leke as by the same com[m]andyd and as vnto or most bonden diwtyes apperteynid. Howbit for as miche as sondrye of them that were appoyntyd by extrets to collecte and gather diurse prcells of the tallege in the bill herevnto anexid co[m]prised hadde either loste there seyde extrets by the w[hi]ch they hadde collectyed sondry prcells of the seyd moneys either ells of purpose wulde not shewe furthe before vs the same extrets for wante of the sighte whereof the true certente of the Som[m]es of moneys by them in many places collectyd cowlde not to vs appere onlesse wee shulde have callyd before vs holy thinh'itantes of eury of that places and them to have prtic'larly and seurally exa'id, the w[hi]ch hadd not only byn[n] agrete trouble to them being a no[m]ber butt also the shorte day of the Retrne of thaforeseyde moste Honourable Cm[m]ission togethere wth the grete Sessions of this Count' of Glamorgan' lekewyse in the meane tyme hap'ing wulde not, In Case wee hadde So determi'ed, have p'mittyd vs so to do, butt suche and so meny as dyd before vs by force of or prcepts to them in this behalf delyuryd appere wee dyd vpon the co[m]tents of the bill foreseyed & thenterrogatoryes herevnto Anexid them seu'ally swere and examen and their seyings and deposic'ons & therin have putt in writting and the Same togethere with the seyde Inter'gatories and moste hon'able Com[m]ission Wth this the certificat of oure hole prcedings therein Subscribyd wth oure names and Inclosed vnder or Seales do sende vnto youre Honors, at whose com[m]andemts as moste bonden wee alweys Reste from[m]e Cardif the xth of may Annis RRs. ph'i et marie regine quarto et qui'to.

Your Lordeshipes
Hum[m]ble orators

Willm[m] bassett
John carne
Roger Williams


To the King and quenes Ma[jes]ties moste Hon'able Counsayll attendant.


Extracts from the Examinations and Depositions.

These comprise statements by inhabitants of the Hundreds of Newcastell, Neathe, Ogmor, Cowbridge, Denispoes, Cardif, Carfylle and Lantrissent, engrossed on brief paper. Amongst the Deponents are the following:

William Avan of Lantwit [Major], gent., aged 44 years.
Thomas Raglan of Lyswurney, gent., aged 45 years.
Jenett Manxell of Lantwit [Major], widow, aged 32 years.
William Dyer, of Pennarthe, aged 31 years.
Richard Thomas, of Saint Fagan's, aged 60 years.
Edward Vaghan, of Landoghe [by Penarth], aged 22 years.
Thomas Edwards, of Leckwith, aged 21 years.

These all made short statements to the effect that the inhabitants of their several parishes had been wrongfully taxed by the Earl's Commissioners.

"Harry Edwards of the Towne of Cardif in the Honderd foreseyde aldermā of thage of xlvth yeres or thereabouts sworne and exa'i'd sayethe that he this depont then being on' of the bayliffs of the towne of Cardif foreseyde being Calde wth a no[m]ber of thinh'itants of the seyde towne before the foreseyde william herbert, edward lewes & James button' thre of the seyde com[m]issionrs to the firste musters where it was by the seyde cm[m]issionrs declaryd that the seyde erle shulde nede to have for the service foreseyde ccccc men owte of thaforeseyde shere and towards the furniture of xxiiijth men p'cell of that no[m]ber by them Caste vpon the seyde towne they chargyd the same towne wth xvjli howbit wthin a shorte tyme after the seyde Inh'itants being eftsones calde before the seyde cm[m]issionrs by whome it then was declaryed that it behovyd to have Som[m]e of the no[m]ber foreseyd armid wth corsletts & that the furniture of eury man there wth shulde drawe to iijli vjs. viijd. and therefore dyd augment thaforeseyde charge of the seyde towne from[m]e xvjli, to xlviijli and nevertheles of there owne mocions wthin a while after thinking that to be overmiche dyd remitte of that Som[m]e xijli and so chargyd the seyde towne wth xxvjli and for the devyding thereof vpon the seyde Inh'itants the towne appoyntyd sessors and that thereof was collectyd and gathryd xxxjli and the same xxxjlili was by this Depont by thappoyntmt of sr george herbert on' of thaforeseyde cm[m]issionrs payde to thands of thaforeseyde thom's grayell leke as by the seyde grayells acquitaunce thereof to this depon't made & by him at his exami'ac'on to vs shewed apperyd, and that the seyde Inh'itants dyd grudge at the paymt of thaforeseyde moneys & that this Depot dyd knowe for that the collectors thereof sondrye tymes Resortyd to this Depont declaring the same & that they shulde be Infored to distrayne a no[m]ber and that wth owte a warante from[m]e the seyde cm[m]issionrs to distrayne agrete pece of thaforeseyde xxxvjli cowlde not to be leveyde the w[hi]ch warant for the seyde collectors so to distrayn' this Depont cowlde not have of the foreseyde cm[m]issionrs for lacke whereof there Remaynyd vli of thaforeseyde xxxvjli vncollectyd and gathryd and more Can'not sey."

Ieuan John Yghan, of Llanissen, aged 52 years, saith that "the prishenrs foresed not w[i]th standing that they dyd not knowe wherevnto they were Ratyd . . . . dyd pay the Same w[i]th owte co[m]tradixc'on."

Ieuan Lewes, of Lysvaen, aged 40 years: "Ieuan grono on' of the seyde prishenrs for that he dyd denye the paymt of xvs. prcell of thaforeseyde iijli xjs. to this Depont was by thaforeseyde cm[m]missionrs cm[m]ittyd to warde where he remaynid vntill that he hadde payde the same."

Morgan ap Morgan, of Lanedern, aged 36 years.
William Yoman, of the town of Cardif, alderman, aged 66 years.
John Tanner, of the same, alderman, aged 42 years,
Nicholas Hawkins, of the same, alderman, aged 43 years, and
William Colchester, of the same, alderman, aged 44 years.

The above persons' statements are substantially the same as that of Alderman Edwards.

Harry Colye, of Rothe, aged 50 years.
Thomas John Jenkin, of Whitechirche, aged 60 years.
John Ap Ieuan, of Egloysilan, aged 36 years.
Thomas Hoell, one of the High Constables of the Hundred of Lantrissent, aged 36 years.

Stephen Tanner, of Cardif, aged 31 years. He was by the aforesaid Commissioners "appoyntyd to sarve in thaforeseyd viege to saint Winteyns and farder sayeth that he throghe mediac'on of his frinds to thaforeseyde William Herbert the same will'm herbert licensyd this Depont to tary at home and payde to thaforeseyd will'm herbert therefore xxxs."

John Robarts, of Cardif, alderman, aged 43 years. "Abouts the tyme that prparac'on was made towards the viege foreseyde on' hoell thom's Came to this Deponts shoppe enquering yf he hadde velette to selle and vpon answer made that he hadd then dyd the seyde hoell accompanid w[i]th on' Roger Robart pray the sighte thereof & that he mighte have the Same to shewe it to on', & shortly returning therewith dyd bye of this Depont vjth yardes of that velett or thereabouts, butt to whose vse the Same velet was applyede this Depont knowth not, otherwyse then by comen reporte that thaforeseyde will'm herbert shulde have the same."

Alexander Norres, of Cardif, aged 30 years.

John Nicholas Tiler, of Cardif, aged 46 years. "He was by thaforeseyde william herbert licensyd to tary at home & for that license dyd geve and delyver to thands of John ap Ieuan & Jenkyn robarts to the vse of the seyde will'm herbert as they seyde and as he this Depont dyd meane on' elle of yolo taffita for the ww[hi]chch this Depont hadde before that tyme refucyd xiijs. iiijd."

Lewis Frowde, of Cardif, aged 44 years. For licence to stay at home he delivered to Doctor Smithe 10s. in gold, the which the said Doctor Smithe did send by his servant to the said William Herbert. "Butt whether the seyde servaunt dyd paye the Same this Depont knowth not."

Morgan Ap Ieuan Ap G'lim, of Pen'tirche, aged 32 years, gave similar testimony.


  • 1. Robert Lane against the Bishop of Llandaff. It is committed unto William Mathewe and Christopher Mathewe, esquires, to certify it at the feast of Easter next.
  • 2. fetched their two swords
  • 3. Before the Reformation, the parochial Mass on Sundays and great feasts was preceded by the public chanting of Matins.
  • 4. i.e., vesting for Mass after Matins, by doffing his surplice and donning the alb.
  • 5. The small "priest's door," usually in the south wall of the chancel.
  • 6. Until the Prayer Book was brought into use on 9 June 1549, the ancient Latin Mass was continued in the churches. (See "The Reformation of the Church of England," by J. H. Blunt, London, 1882; Vol. II., p. 89.)
  • 7. The pew was the high seat in the chancel, used by the clerk, choristers or clerics.