House of Commons Journal Volume 11: 5 December 1693

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 11, 1693-1697. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1803.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 11: 5 December 1693', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 11, 1693-1697( London, 1803), British History Online [accessed 23 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 11: 5 December 1693', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 11, 1693-1697( London, 1803), British History Online, accessed October 23, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 11: 5 December 1693". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 11, 1693-1697. (London, 1803), , British History Online. Web. 23 October 2024.


In this section

Martis, 5 die Decembris;

5° Gulielmi et Mariæ.


Aulnage Duty.

A PETITION of the Inhabitants of the Town of Taunton, and County thereunto adjacent, who are occupied and employed in the Cloth and Serge Manufacture, was read; setting forth, That the Office of Aulnage was appointed for preventing Frands that might be imposed on the Dealers in Cloth; and, since the Constitution of that Office, several Statutes have been made for the better regulating of Cloth; whereby many Benefits, designed at first by that Office, are utterly taken away, and the same is now become useless and oppressive to the Petitioners, and all other Dealers in the Woollen Manufactory: That the Petitioners have formerly made their Applications to this House for Relief; and a Bill for that Purpose did, Three several Sessions successively, pass this House; but was opposed by the Farmers of the Aulnage, in the House of Lords, for their own private Interest, and there stopt; to the Prejudice and Oppression of the Petitioners: And praying the Consideration of the House therein.

Aulnage Duty.

A Petition of the Clothiers of the County of Gloucester was read; setting forth, That the Clothing Trade has been, and is, the most advantageous Manufacture of this Kingdom; but the Duty of Aulnage, as now collected, is a great Obstruction thereunto, and is become an intolerable Oppression to the Petitioners; for that the Farmers compelled them to pay a greater Duty than by Law was due: All which has been formerly made appear to the House; who, for the Petitioners Relief in the Three last Sessions of this Parliament, passed a Bill; but by the great Opposition, made by the said Farmers, in the House of Lords, the same hath been obstructed, and the Petitioners thereby unrelieved: And praying Relief in the Premises.

Ordered, That the Consideration of the said several Petitions be severally referred to the Committee, to whom the Consideration of the Petition of the Clothiers, Shopkeepers and others, Traders in the Woollen Manufactures, residing in the Counties of Worcester and Stafford, is referred.

Clitheroe Election.

A Petition of John Weddall Esquire, relating to the Election of a Burgess for the Borough of Clitheroe in the County of Lancaster, was presented to the House.

Ordered, That the said Petition do lie upon the Table.

Ordered, That Sir George Rook do attend this House To-morrow Morning.

Importing Saltpetre.

A Petition of divers Merchants, and others, trading in Saltpetre, was presented to the House, and read; setting forth, That the Petitioners are informed, that there is a Bill depending in this House, for the Importation of Saltpetre, notwitstanding the Act of Navigation: Which Bill, the petitioners conceive, doth vastly tend to the Prejudice of the Kingdom in general, and particularly to the Petitioners: And praying to be heard before the passing of the said Bill.

Ordered, That the Consideration of the said Petition be referred to the Committee of the whole House, to whom the Bill for Importation of Saltpetre is committed.

Justices of Peace in Wales.

Mr. Lloyd reported from the Committee, to whom the Bill for repealing a Clause in the Statute of 34° and 35° Hen. VIII. by which the Justices of Peace in Wales are limited to Eight in each County, was committed, That they had made some Amendments to the Bill, which they had directed him to report to the House; and which he read in his Place, with the Coherence; and afterwards delivered in at the Clerk's Table: Where the same were once read throughout, and then a Second time, one by one; and, upon the Question severally put thereupon, agreed unto by the House.

Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be ingrossed.

Importing thrown Silk.

Colonel Goldwell reported from the Committee, to whom the Consideration of the Petition of the Bailiffs, Wardens, and Assistants, of the Companies of Weavers of London, and Canterbury, was referred, That they had considered the said Petition; and conceived, that it would be a publick Good, for fine Italian, Sicilian, and Naples Thrown-Silk to be imported over Land, during the present War with France: And had agreed upon a Resolution, which they had directed him to report to the House; and which he read in his Place; and afterward delivered in at the Clerk's Table: Where the same was read; and is as followeth; viz.

Resolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the House be moved, that Leave be given to bring in a Bill for the Importing of fine Italian, Sicilian, and Naples Thrown-Silks over Land, into these Kingdoms, during the present War with France.

Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill for the Importing of fine Italian, Sicilian, and Naples ThrownSilks over Land, into these Kingdoms; with a Blank for the Time.

A Witness submits himself to Examination before Commissioners of Account.

The House being informed, That Mr. Francis Rainsford attended;

He was called in, and asked several Questions: Whereupon he declared, That he was willing to give in his Accounts in general; and also an Account of what Monies he had paid to Members of Parliament, upon Oath, before the Commissioners for taking the publick Accounts.

And then withdrew.

Land Forces.

The Earl of Ranelaugh acquainted the House, That his Majesty had been pleased to command him to lay before the House the State of the War, in relation to the LandForces, for the Service of the Year One thousand Six hundred Ninety-four.

And the same was read; and is as followeth; viz.

A List of the Land-Forces, which his Majesty thinks necessary to be maintained in England, Scotland, and beyond Seas, for the Service of the Year 1694.

HORSE. Troops and Companies. Commissioned Officers, &c. Non-commissioned Officers. Private Men. Together. Pay per Annum. Servants allowed.
£. s. d.
First Troop of Guards 1 18 13 260 291 21,985 3 4 16
Second Troop of Guards 1 18 13 260 291 21,985 3 4 16
Third Troop of Guards 1 18 13 260 291 21,985 3 4 16
Troop of Scots Guards 1 11 5 118 134 9,687 14 2 13
Royal Regiment 9 40 45 531 616 33,829 8 4 75
Queen's Regiment 9 41 45 531 617 34,094 0 10 75
Colonel Villiers's 6 29 30 354 413 23,098 8 4 51
Lord Berklye's 6 29 30 354 413 23,098 8 4 51
Colonel Langstonne's, late Godfreye's 6 29 30 354 413 23,098 8 4 51
Colonel Coye's 6 29 30 354 413 23,098 8 4 51
Colonel Wyndham's 6 29 30 354 413 23,098 8 4 51
Duke of Leinster's 6 29 30 354 413 23,098 8 4 51
Lord Gallwaye's 9 114 45 531 690 44,952 15 10 75
DANES. Prince of Wirtembergh's 6 32 36 306 374 12,912 7 9
Late Marquis La Forrest's 6 32 36 306 374 12,912 7 9
Colonel Schested's 6 32 36 306 374 12,912 7 9
DUTCH. Troop of Guards 1 15 5 200 220 18,389 18 4 12
Regiment of Guards 6 28 36 402 466 25,206 5 10 51
Stinboch's, late Reiddessell's 3 16 15 198 229 12,650 5 10
Reighteven's 3 16 15 198 229 12,650 5 10
Monpouillan's 3 17 18 165 200 6,901 13 6
Athlone's 3 17 18 165 200 6,901 13 6
Sgravenmore's 3 17 18 165 200 6,901 13 6
Zuylestein's 3 17 18 165 200 6,901 13 6
Schack's 3 17 18 165 200 6,901 13 6
Vittenhoff's late Nicvenhuise's 3 17 18 165 200 6,901 13 6
Bonconus 3 17 18 165 200 6,901 13 6
Total of Horse now in Pay 119 724 664 7,686 9,074 483,055 12 9 655
To be added, Eight Regiments of Horse, each of the same Numbers, and at the same Pay, as the Queen's Regiment before-said 72 328 360 4,248 4,936 272,752 6 8 600
Total of Horse, including the said Addition 191 1,052 1,024 11,934 14,010 755,807 19 5 1,255
Royal Regiment, 8 38 72 480 590 20,926 13 4 67
Colonel Leveson's 6 30 54 360 444 15,999 3 4 51
Earl of Essex's late Lord Fitzharding's 6 30 54 360 444 15,999 3 4 51
Sir Tho. Levingston's 6 30 54 360 444 15,999 3 4 51
Colonel Eppinger's 10 45 90 800 935 31,329 3 4 83
Total Dragoons now in Pay 36 173 324 2,360 2,857 100,253 6 8 303
To be added, Four Regiments of Dragoons, each of the same Numbers, and at the same Pay, as the Royal Regiment before-mentioned 32 152 288 1,920 2,360 83,706 13 4 268
Total of the said Dragoons, including the said Addition 68 325 612 4,280 5,217 183,960 571
First Regiment of Guards 28 99 224 2,240 2,563 54,016 19 2 145
Second Regiment of Guards 14 51 112 1,120 1,283 27,511 17 6 74
Regiment of Scots Guards 14 51 112 1,120 1,283 20,966 4 2 74
Royal Regiment 26 88 208 1,560 1,856 31,712 8 4 135
Regiment of Fuzileers 13 46 104 780 930 16,455 8 4 69
Colonel Selwyn's 13 44 104 780 928 16,145 3 4 69
Colonel Churchill's 13 44 104 780 928 16,145 3 4 69
Colonel Trelawny's 13 44 104 780 928 16,145 3 4 69
Colonel Beaumont's 13 44 104 780 928 16,145 3 4 69
Earl of Bath's 13 44 104 780 928 16,145 3 4 69
Colonel Brewer's 13 44 104 780 928 16,145 3 4 69
Colonel Hasting's 13 44 104 780 928 16,145 3 4 69
Colonel Tidcomb's, late Beveridge's 13 44 104 780 928 16,145 3 4 69
Sir David Collier's 13 44 104 780 928 16,145 3 4 69
Sir James Lesly's 13 44 104 780 928 16,145 3 4 69
Late Colonel Goodwyn's 13 44 104 780 928 16,145 3 4 69
Sir Geo. St. George's 13 44 104 780 928 16,145 3 4 69
Colonel Collingwood's 13 44 104 780 928 16,145 3 4 69
Colonel Stanly's 13 44 104 780 928 16,145 3 4 69
Colonel D'O'Farrell's 13 44 104 780 928 16,145 3 4 69
Late Colonel Foulkes's 13 44 104 780 928 16,145 3 4 69
Colonel Earl's, formerly Luttrell's 13 44 104 780 928 16,145 3 4 69
Colonel Earl's from Ireland 13 44 104 780 928 16,145 3 4 69
Earl of Monmouth's 13 44 104 780 928 16,145 3 4 69
Duke of Bolton's 13 44 104 780 928 16,145 3 4 69
Late Colonel Godfrey Lloyd's 13 44 104 780 928 16,145 3 4 69
Lord Castleton's 13 44 104 780 928 16,145 3 4 69
Colonel Venners's 13 44 104 780 928 16,145 3 4 69
Colonel Engoldsby's, late Sir John Morgan's 13 44 104 780 928 16,145 3 4 69
Earl of Leven's (fn. 1) 13 44 104 780 928 16,145 3 4 69
Colonel Ferguson's, late Angusse's 13 44 104 780 928 16,145 3 4 69
Earl of Arguile's 13 44 104 780 928 16,145 3 4 69
Colonel Tiffin's 13 44 104 780 928 16,145 3 4 69
Colonel Eneas Mackay's 13 44 104 780 928 16,145 3 4 69
Sir Charles Grayham's 13 44 104 780 928 16,145 3 4 69
Colonel Lander's 13 44 104 780 928 16,145 3 4 69
Late Prince of Hesse's 13 44 104 780 928 16,145 3 4 69
Lord Cuttz's 13 44 104 780 928 16,145 3 4 69
Colonel Edward Lloyd's 13 44 104 780 928 16,145 3 4 69
Company at Windsor 1 4 14 150 168 1,727 9 8
Company of Miners 1 2 6 50 58 1,733 15 4
Company at Upnor 1 2 6 50 58 863 16 8
New York Companies 2 6 16 120 142 2,354 5 10
Company at the Leeward Islands 1 3 8 60 71 1,177 2 6 5
DANES. Battalion of Guards 7 42 91 728 861 14,224 5 2 28
Queen's Battalion 7 36 91 714 841 11,060 14 6 28
Prince Frederick's Battalion 6 32 78 612 722 9,516 1 3 24
Prince Christian's Battalion 6 32 78 612 722 9,602 19 4 24
Prince George's Battalion 6 31 78 612 721 9,152 18 2 24
The Zealand Battalion 6 32 78 612 722 9,602 19 4 24
The Jutland Battalion 6 32 78 612 722 9,494 6 8 24
The Funish Battalion 6 31 78 612 721 9,152 18 2 24
DUTCH. Regiment of Guards 26 90 209 2,381 2,680 54,068 13 4 125
Count de Nassaw's 12 40 120 684 844 11,231 4 6 36
Colonel Anver's, late Groben's 12 40 120 684 844 11,231 4 6 36
Prince Brandenburgh's 12 40 120 684 844 11,231 4 6 36
Total of Foot now in Pay 655 2,326 5,565 43,317 51,208 877,024 9 1 3,297
To be added, Twenty-five Regiments of Foot, each of the same Numbers, and at the same Pay, as Colonel Selwyn's Regiment before mentioned 325 1,100 2,600 19,500 23,200 403,629 3 4 1,725
Total of Foot, including the said Addition 980 3,426 8,165 62,817 74,408 1,280,653 12 5 5,022
Total of Horse, Dragoons, and Foot 1,239 4,803 9,801 79,031 93,635 2,220,421 11 10 6,848

Memorandum. The 6,848 Servants are included in the said 93,635, the Total as to Numbers, of the foregoing List: But the said Servants being deducted, the said Total will be reduced to 86,787.

£. s. d.
Memorandum also; That over and above the Total of the Charge of the foregoing List, being 2,220,421 11 10
There will be wanting for the Train 210,773 4 5
And for General Officers, Levy-Money, Transports, Subsidies, Hospitals, and Contingencies, upon a moderate Computation 450,000
And so the Total of the foregoing List, and the aforesaid Particulars, will be £. 2,881,194 16 3

By his Majesty's Command,

William Blathwayt.

Treaties of Alliance.

Resolved, That an humble Address be presented to his Majesty, by such Members as are of his Majesty's most Honourable Privy Council, That his Majesty will be pleased to command, that such offensive Treaties, and Alliances, as his Majesty is now under with the Consederates, and the Proportions of Forces that the Consederates are obliged to make, for the carrying on of this War, may be laid before this House.

London Orphans Fund.

Resolved, That this House will, To-morrow Sevennight, at Ten a Clock in the Morning, resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House, to consider of the Petition of the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common-Council, of the City of London, relating to the Orphans.


Ordered, That all Committees be revived.

And then the House adjourned till To-morrow Morning, Nine a Clock.


  • 1. This Line of Figure is omitted in the Journal, and is supplied from the Account which was presented to the House.