House of Commons Journal Volume 11: 5 February 1694

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 11, 1693-1697. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1803.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 11: 5 February 1694', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 11, 1693-1697( London, 1803), British History Online [accessed 23 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 11: 5 February 1694', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 11, 1693-1697( London, 1803), British History Online, accessed October 23, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 11: 5 February 1694". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 11, 1693-1697. (London, 1803), , British History Online. Web. 23 October 2024.


In this section

Lunæ, 5 die Februarii;

5° Gulielmi et Mariæ.


Woollen Manufactures.

A PETITION of the Sergemakers, Clothiers, Fullers, and others concerned in the Woollen Manufactures, in and about the Town of Taunton, in the County of Somerset, was presented to the House, and read; setting forth, That the Petitioners do, with all imaginable Gratitude, acknowlege the Benefit they have received by the Act made in the First Year of their Majesties Reign, intituled, An Act for the better preventing the Exportation of Wool, and encouraging the Woollen Manufactures of this Kingdom; whereby a free Trade was granted for Three Years; by means whereof, the Price of Wool was considerably advanced; and far greater Quantities of its Product were exported to Germany, Flanders, Hamburgh, and Holland, than when the Trade was confined: And praying a Continuance of the said free Trade to the said Places, in such manner as the House shall think fit.

Ordered, That the Examination and Consideration of the said Petition be referred to the Committee, to . . . . the Bill for reviving the Act made in the First Year of their Majesties Reign to prevent the Exportation of Wool, and encouraging the Woollen Manufactures of this Kingdom, is committed.


A Petition of divers Clothiers inhabiting within the County of Gloucester, was presented to the House, and read; setting forth, That the Petitioners are informed a Bill is now before this House for the reviving an Act made in the First Year of their Majesties Reign to prevent the Exportation of Wool, and for encouraging the Woollen Manufactures of this Kingdom; which Bill the Hamborough Company endeavour to hinder the Passing: That the Petitioners are fully satisfied the said Bill is for the general Good of the Clothing Trade, and will advance the Price of Wool: And praying, That the said Bill may pass into a Law.

Ordered, That the Examination and Consideration of the said Petition be referred to the Committee, to whom the Bill for reviving the Act made in the First Year of their Majesties Reign to prevent the Exportation of Wool, and encouraging the Woollen Manufactures of this Kingdom, is committed.

Registering Fishermen for the Navy.

A Bill for registering Fishermen, in order to the Furnishing their Majesties Fleet with Seamen, was read the Second time.

Resolved, That the Bill be committed to Mr. Travers, Mr. Campion, Mr. Arnold, Colonel Perry, Mr. Waller, Mr. Bickerstaffe, Mr. Vincent, Mr. Slater, Mr. Cooke, Sir Walt. Young, Sir John Guise, Mr. Hawtry, Sir Fra. Guibons, Mr. Pigot, Colonel Goldwell, Sir Ralph Carr, Mr. Christy, Mr. England, Sir Ra. Dutton, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Lutterell, Sir Jerv. Elwes, Mr. Hungerford, Mr. Gilbert, Sir Hen. Goff, Mr. Clerk, Mr. Bowyer, Mr. Cope, Sir Edward Hussey, Mr. Ryder, Sir Robert Eden, Mr. Gray, Mr. Chadwick, Mr. Hedger, Mr. How, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Blofield, Sir Wm. York, Mr. Pollen Sir Wm. Thomas, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Weld, Mr. Fenwick, Mr. Hutchinson; and all the Members that serve for the SeaPorts, and Cinque-Ports: And they are to meet this Afternoon at Four a Clock, in the Speaker's Chamber.

Boats for carrying Coals.

A Bill for measuring, by a dead Weight, the Keels and Boats, within the River of Newcastle upon Tyne, and the Ports adjacent, which carry Coals, was read the First time.

Resolved, That the Bill be read a Second time.

Importing Saltpetre.

Resolved, That this House will, upon Saturday Morning next, at Eleven a Clock, resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House, to consider of the Bill for the Importation of Saltpetre.

Fees in Law Courts.

Ordered, That the several Tables, or Lists of Fees, of the several Offices, which have been presented to the House, and have not yet been referred to be examined and considered, be referred to the Examination and Consideration of the Committee, to whom the Tables of Fees of the several Courts in Westminster-hall, Clerks of the Peace for the Counties of Middlesex, and Surrey, and Clerk of the Assize of the Home Circuit, are referred.

Wool-combers, &c. Trade.

Resolved, That the Report from the Committee, to whom the Examination and Consideration of the Petition of the Wool-combers, and Traders in the Woollen Manufactures in the Counties of Suffolk, Norfolk, Essex, Cambridge, and Isle of Ely, was referred, be made Tomorrow Morning at Eleven a Clock.

Land Bank.

Mr. Hungerford reported from the Committee, to whom the Examination and Consideration of the Petition and Proposals of Doctor Hugh Chamberlain was referred, That the Committee had examined and considered the same; and had come to a Resolution; which they had directed him to report to the House; and which he read in his Place; and afterwards delivered in at the Clerk's Table: Where the same was read; and is as followeth; viz.

Resolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Proposal made by Doctor Hugh Chamberlain is practicable, and will tend to the Benefit of the Nation.

Ways and Means.

The House, according to the Order of the Day, resolved itself into a Committee of the whole House, to consider further of Ways and Means for raising the Supplies to be granted to their Majesties, for Maintenance of the Fleet, and the Land-Forces, for the Service of the Year 1694.

Mr. Speaker left the Chair.
Sir Thomas Littleton took the Chair of the Committee.
Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair.

Sir Thomas Littleton reported from the said Committee, That they had considered the several Resolutions re-committed to them; and had come to several other Resolutions; which they had directed him to report to the House, when the House would please to receive the same.

Ordered, That the said Report be made To-morrow Morning.

Sir Thomas Littleton also acquainted the House, That he was directed by the Committee to move, That they may have Leave to sit again.

Resolved, That this House will, To-morrow Morning, after the said Report is over, resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House, to consider further of Ways and Means for raising the Supplies to be granted to their Majesties, for Maintenance of the Fleet, and LandForces, for the Service of the Year 1694.

Disfranchising Stockbridge Borough.

Ordered, That the Bill to disable the Borough of Stockbridge in the County of Southampton, to send Burgesses to serve in Parliament for the future, be read the Second time, upon Wednesday Morning next, at Ten a Clock.

And then the House adjourned till To-morrow Morning, Nine a Clock.