House of Commons Journal Volume 11: 10 February 1694

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 11, 1693-1697. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1803.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 11: 10 February 1694', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 11, 1693-1697( London, 1803), British History Online [accessed 23 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 11: 10 February 1694', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 11, 1693-1697( London, 1803), British History Online, accessed October 23, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 11: 10 February 1694". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 11, 1693-1697. (London, 1803), , British History Online. Web. 23 October 2024.


In this section

Sabbati, 10 die Februarii;

5° Gulielmi et Mariæ.


Frere's Estate.

AN Ingrossed Bill from the Lords, intituled, An Act for Sale of Part of the Estate of Henry Frere, an Infant, to raise Monies for Inning and recovering other Parts thereof, now under Water; and for Payment of Debts charged thereon; was read the First time.

Resolved, That the Bill be read a Second time.

Barrington's Estate.

An ingrossed Bill, from the Lords, intituled, An Act to enable Sir Charles Barrington to settle a Jointure on Dame Bridget his Wife; and to make Provision for their younger Children; was read the First time.

Resolved, That the Bill be read a Second time.

Punishing Mutiny and Desertion.

A Bill for the Continuance of the Act for punishing Officers and Soldiers who shall mutiny, or desert their Majesties Service; and for punishing false Musters; and for the Payment of Quarters for One Year longer; was read the First time.

Resolved, That the Bill be read a Second time.

Preventing Export of Wool, &c.

A Bill for the better preventing the Exportation of Wool, Fulling and Scouring Earth, by altering the Penalty; and for the better regulating of Factors in Blackwell-Hall; was read the First time.

Resolved, That the Bill be read a Second time.

Duchy of Cornwall Leasing.

Mr. Traverse reported from the Committee, to whom the Bill to enable their Majesties to make Grants, Leases, and Copies of Offices, Lands, and Hereditaments, Parcel of their Duchy of Cornwall, or annexed to the same; and for Confirmation of Leases and Grants already made; was committed; That they had made some Amendments to the Bill; which they had directed him to report to the House; and which he read in his Place, with the Coherence; and afterwards delivered in at the Clerk's Table: Where the same were once read throughout; and then a Second time, one by one; and, upon the Question severally put thereupon, agreed unto by the House.

Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be ingrossed.

Leave of Absence.

Ordered, That Sir John St. Aubin have Leave to go into the Country for a Month, upon extraordinary Occasions.

Ordered, That Mr. Hobby have Leave to go into the Country for a Fortnight, upon extraordinary Occasions.

Intelligence touching French Fleet.

Mr. Secretary Trenchard, according to Order, presented to the House an Account, in Writing, of the Letter and Intelligence mentioned in the Report of the Conference, with the Lords, on Thursday last: And the same was read; and is as followeth; viz.

That he believes the Earl of Nottingham did, on the 31st of May last, bring to a Committee of the Council a Letter dated from Paris, June 1st, N. S. and received May 30th, O. S. 1693.; an Extract of which Letter the Lords communicated to this House, at a Conference, the 16th Day of January last: That he does not remember the Letter was publickly read at the Committee, though several of the Lords might read it singly; but that it remained in the Hands of the Earl of Nottingham; there being no Resolution taken at the said Committee, That the said Letter should be communicated to the Admirals of the Fleet: That, to the best of his Remembrance, a Lift of the French Fleet, being Part of the said Letter, was the same Day sent to him from the Earl of Nottingham; a Copy of which List he sent to the Admirals, as does appear by comparing it with the Papers delivered by them in to this House.

That, the same Day, there likewise came a Letter from Scilly, dated May the 17th, with Advice, That the French Fleet was seen off that Island: Which Letter being publickly read at the Committee, a Copy thereof, together with the before-mentioned List, was immediately sent by Two Expresses to the Admirals of the Fleet; the one, by the Way of Portsmouth, and the other, of Plymouth; and were received by them.

Resolved, That the same be communicated to the Lords, at a Conference.

Ordered, That Mr. Secretary Trenchard do, on Monday Morning, present to this House the original List of the French Fleet, which he received from the Earl of Nottingham; and also a true Copy thereof.

Resolved, That a Conference be desired with the Lords, upon the Subject-matter of the last Conference.

Ways and Means.

The House, according to the Order of the Day, resolved itself into a Committee of the whole House, to consider further of Ways and Means for raising the Supplies to be granted to their Majesties, for the Maintenance of the Fleet, and Land-Forces, for the Service of the Year One thousand Six hundred Ninety-four.

Mr. Speaker left the Chair.
Sir Thomas Littleton took the Chair of the Committee.
Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair.

Sir Thomas Littleton reported from the said Committee, That they had made a further Progress in the Matter to them referred; and had directed him to move, That they may have Leave to sit again.

Resolved, That this House will, upon Tuesday Morning next, at Eleven a Clock, resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House, to consider further of Ways and Means for raising the Supplies to be granted to their Majesties, for the Maintenance of the Fleet, and Land-Forces, for the Service of the Year One thousand Six hundred Ninety-four.


Ordered, That all Committees be adjourned.

And then the House adjourned till Monday Morning, Nine a Clock.