House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 23 November 1640

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 23 November 1640', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 23 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 23 November 1640', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 23, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 23 November 1640". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 23 October 2024.


In this section

Die Lunæ, 23 Nov. 1640.


Dungennesse. &c. Lights.

THE Business concerning the Lights of Dungennesse and Winterton, is referred to the Committee for Trade; and the Parties, interested in those Lights, are to attend the said Committee.


By Order of this House, this Clause is to be added to the Committee for Monopolists; "That the Referees of all Patents, and Grants of Monopolies; and such as have advised and counselled the King touching them, be enquired of by this Committee."

It is further Ordered, That all Patents, and Grants of Monopolies, that have been complained of in this House, be forthwith brought into this House.

Member concerned in Monopolies.

The Case of Mr. Harrison, a Member of this House, who forbears to sit, by reason of an Order made in this House concerning Monopolists, is referred to the Committee for Monopolists.

Hide and Calve Skins Patents.

The Business concerning the Transporting of raw Hides, and Calve Skins, is referred to the Committee for Trade:

And it is Ordered, That those that have any Benefit by those Patents, or that licence any, by Authority of those Patents, to trade in the Commodities aforesaid, be required to attend the said Committee.

Petition, &c. against Grievances.

The Grocers Petition was read, and referred to the Committee for Grievances.

There was Part of a Remonstrance of Grievances also read, and referred to the said Committee.

A Petition from Grocers, Salters, and Dyers, was likewise referred to the same Committee.

High Constable and Earl-marshal's Court.

Mr. Selden, Mr. Hollys, Mr. Hide, Sir H. Mildmay, Sir Simonds D'Ewes, Ld. Falkland, Mr. Perpoint, Mr. H. Bellassis, Mr. Palmer, Sir Peter Hayman, Mr. Broxam, Sir Jo. Culpepper, Mr. Chadwell, Sir Tho. Bowyer, Dr. Eden, Dr. Parry, Mr. Capell, Mr. Solicitor, Sir Tho. Borrington, [Sir Fr.] Seymour, Sir Wm. Litton, Sir Edw. Deering, Sir Philip Stapleton, Mr. Maynard, Sir Wm. Uvedall, Sir Ra. Hopton, Mr. St. John, Mr. Bagshaw, Sir Guy Palmes, Mr. Bisse, Mr. Whistler, Sir Chr. Wray;

This Committee is to receive all Petitions, that are or shall be delivered, concerning the High Constable, and Earl-marshal's Court; and to inquire after the Fees of the High Constable, and Earl-marshal's Court, and the Herald's Fees; and to consider of the Proceedings and Power of the High Constable, and Earl-marshal's Court; and to report the State of the whole Matter to the House; And has Power to send for Writings, Books, Records, Papers, Officers, Parties, and Witnesses; and to assign and hear Counsel: And are to meet on Wednesday in the Afternoon, at Two of Clock, in the Star-chamber.

Message from the King-Mr. Haywood.

Mr. Speaker delivered a Message from his Majesty, to this Effect; That his Majesty takes notice of a foul and horrible Fact, committed on Saturday last, in his own Palace, upon Mr. Haywood while he was employed in the Service of the House of Commons: And doth recommend it to the Parliament, to take Course for a speedy and exemplary Punishment of it.

Sir Tho. Widerington, Mr. Glinne, Mr. Wheeler, Sir A. Ingram, Mr. Upton;

This Committee is to inquire after the Fact of John . ., committed upon Mr. Haywood; and has Power to search his Trunk, Boxes, or any other Thing; and to send for Parties, Witnesses, or any other Thing, that may conduce to this Business.

The honourable Persons near the Chair are desired, in the Name of this House, to return humble Thanks to his Majesty, for his gracious Message, and the great Care therein expressed for the Safety and Preservation of this Assembly.

Persons sent for.

Upon the Reading of a Note, this Day delivered in to this House, by a Member thereof, from one Sir Michael Livesay;

It is Ordered, That Clement Finch, Jo. Finch, and Charles Finch, be forthwith sent for to this House, as Delinquents, by the Serjeant at Arms attending on this House.


The Petitions from the City of London, concerning Recusants, and the Catalogue of Recusants Names, delivered in from Mr. Haywood, are referred to the Committee for Inquiry after [Papists, and] delivered unto them.

A Guard.

Resolved, upon the Question, That it is expedient for this House to accept of this Guard, so kindly offered by this House, for the safety of this House.

The Consideration of this Business, concerning a Guard, is referred to a further Debate till To-morrow Morning.

Earl of Straford.

Mr. Pimme to make Report of the Charge against the Larl of Straford, To-morrow Morning, at Nine of Clock.

Supply Bill.

The Committee for preparing the Bill for the Grant of One hundred thousand Pounds, now sinc die, is to meet this Afternoon, at Two of Clock, in the Exchequerchamber; and no other Committee is to take up that Place: And all that are of That Committee, are to attend that Committee, and no other, at that time.

State of the Army, &c.

Ordered, That so many of the Committee, that is appointed to consider of the State of the King's Army, as the Committee shall think fit, shall have Power to treat with some of those Lords Commissioners, that are appointed to treat with the Scotish Commissioners, con-cerning the Contributions in the Northern Parts.


A Petition, delivered in by a Member of this House, concerning Sheep and Lambs Skins, read; and referred to the Committee for Grievances.