House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 25 November 1640

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 25 November 1640', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 23 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 25 November 1640', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 23, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 25 November 1640". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 23 October 2024.


In this section

Die Mercurii, 25 Nov. 1640.


Foxley's Petition.

MR. Foxley's Petition read, and referred to the Committee for Dr. Leighton's Petition: And to have the like Favour and Privileges of this House, as Dr. Leighton, &c. have: And Sir Wm. Brereton to be added to that Committee.

Manner of administering the Sacrament.

Mr. White reports from the Grand Committee for Religion, That the Petition against Dr. Lafeild was examined by the Committee, and fully proved. He hath set the Communion-table Altarwise; caused Rails, and Ten several Images upon those Rails, to be set at the Altar. He bowed Three times; 1. at his going to the Rails; 2. within the Rails; 3. at the Table; and so, in the Return: But since the Images were taken down, upon a Complaint made by the Parish, he hath bowed but Twice; and that is, within the Rails, and at the Table; which is an Argument, he bowed before to the Images. I. H. S. he hath caused to be set, in Gold Letters, upon the Table, and forty Places besides.-Said to the People, "Heretofore, we see Christ by Faith; but now, with our fleshly Eyes, we see him in the Sacrament."-When these Images were taken down, he charged them with Sacrilege.-He refused to give the Sacrament to his People, unless they come to Altar; though . . have offered, reverently kneeling, to receive the same, in the Body of the Church. He caused one Boulton to be excommunicated, for not coming up to the Rails to receive; and refused to read his Absolution. He said, he would not for a Hundred Pounds come from the Rails, to give the Sacrament; nay, he would rather lose his Living.-That they are black Toads, spotted Toads and venomous Toads, like Jack Straw and Watt Tyler, that speak against the Ceremonies of the Church; and that they were in the State of Damnation.-He tells them, they must confess their Sins, and He hath Power to absolve them; he is their Pastor, and they ought to do as he advises them; the Sin is His, and not Theirs : And hath spoken Blasphemy against our Christ, saying, He cast out the Devil, &c. * *

The Committee were of opinion, that though he were a Member of the Convocation-house, yet should be sent for, as a Delinquent.-

Further to report, That Wm. Coltman, (who was denied the Sacrament by Hugh Roberts, his Curate) he did indite him at the Sessions at Newgate; but Sir Hen. Spiller would by no means suffer him;-said he was a bold Fellow, and should be talked withal elsewhere: The other Day, meeting Sir H. Spiller, at the Door here, he said he was desirous he should have Justice done: And had sent to my Lord Bishop of Canterbury and London; for they would not suffer him to proceed.-

St. Gregorie's Church.

Further Reports, That the Church of St. Gregorie's, in London, was an ancient Church:-Three thousand Souls in that Parish:-Woollen-drapers of good Quality, Four Years since, bestowed One thousand Five hundred Pound, in the Beautifying of the Church: Shortly after, Lord Treasurer and Lord Cottington caused a great part of it to be pulled down, by Command from the King and Council, as they pretended: They petitioned the Lords of the Council, but could have no Redress.-

Committee are of Opinion, [That this] is a great Grievance, done without Law, and against Law, to strip the [People of] meeting in the Worship of God: That this be sent up [to the Lords,] amongst others of our great Grievances: That it may be re-edified by those, that called it to be pulled down.

Person sent for

Ordered, Dr. Lafield Vicar of Allhallows, Barking, to be forthwith sent for, as a Delinquent, by the Serjeant at Arms attending on this House, notwithstanding that he is a Member of the Convocation-house.

Charge against Spiller.

Ordered, The whole Business concerning Coltman's being denied Justice by Sir H. Spiller, at the Quarter Sessions, be referred to that Committee that is to prepare the Charge against Sir H. Spiller.

St. Gregorie's Church.

Ordered, That the Business concerning the pulling down of the Parish Church of St. Gregorie's by Paule's, by virtue of an Order from Council-board, be referred to the Committee of Twenty-four; and they are to report, unto this House, their Opinions of this particular business, which this Day was presented to this House, from the Grand Committee for Religion, as a great Grievance.

Mr. Selden, Mr. St. Johns, Mr. Perd, Mr. Whistler, Mr. Goodwin, Sir Tho. Widrington, Mr. Crew, Mr. Potts, Mr. Hampden, Mr. Glinne, Mr. Kirton, Sir Dudley North, Mr. White, Mr. Bagshaw;

This Committee is to take into Consideration the Parishioners Complaints of the Parish of St. Gregorie's by Paule's, concerning the pulling down of their Church, by Force of an Order from the Council-board: And are to think of some Way of Redress for them: And have Power to send for Inigo Jones, and any other Person, as they shall think fit: And are to meet To-morrow in the Afternoon, at Two of Clock, in the Exchequer-chamber.

Impeachment of E. of Straford.

Lord Digby went up with this Message to the Lords;

That this House desires a Conference with their Lordships, by a Committee of both Houses, concerning Articles to be exhibited against the Earl of Straford.

Delivering Messages.

Ordered, That, when any Message is to go up to the Lords, none shall go out of the [House] before the Messenger.

Answer from Lords.

Lord Digby brings [Answer, That their] Lordships have considered the Message; and desire to meet [a Committee of this House,] with a Committee of theirs, presently, in the Painted Chamber.

Impeachment of E. of Straford.

The ingrossed Articles were again openly read in the House; and agreed to be sent up to the Lords by Mr. Pimme, by Vote, upon the Question.

Mr. Pimme, before he went, made a short Declaration of the Substance of That he intended to deliver unto the Lords, both before and after the Delivery of the Articles:

"I must have the Articles ingrossed; and, by your Warrant, I shall crave Leave of the House, First, To speak of the Nature of the Charge and Offence, to the Lords;-of the great Prerogative of the King;-and that his legal Prerogative is more advantageous than his * * and, in Conclusion;-of the ordinary Proceedings and Witnesses:-That we may hear his Answer, give a Reply, and bring it to Sentence, as fast as may be."


Mr. Pym's Report of the Conference with the Lords, in delivering up the Articles against the Earl of Straford, "That he attended the great Committee of this House; and, in their Presence, delivered to the Committee of the Lords House, the Charge against the Earl of Straford, put into my hands: And if any thing passed me, through Weakness or Disability, I desire the Excuse of this House."

Moved, That Mr. Pymme might have Thanks for his well Delivery of the Charge against the Earl of Straford.

Loan from Harrison.

Upon Mr. Harrison's Offer, of furnishing Fifty thousand Pounds, upon Fifty of those One hundred Gentlemens several Securities, that voluntarily offered their Securities for a Hundred thousand Pounds; it was agreed, that he should have a note of their Names delivered unto him; that he might, out of the whole Hundred, make Choice of Fifty such, as whose Securities he would severally take for this Fifty thousand Pounds, until the Act of Parliament be passed, for Grant of the Hundred thousand Pounds: And then these several Securities are to stand no longer; but he, or whom he shall appoint, are to be made Treasurers for Fifty thousand Pounds of that Money.

Supply Bill.

Moved, That One of the Knights for every Shire do attend the Committee, that is to prepare the Bill for the Grant of the Hundred thousand Pounds.


Mr. Treasurer to move my Lord General, That those Commanders of the King's [Army, which are] not Members of this House, may presently . . sent down to [the Army, to] keep the Soldiers in better Order.

Supply Bill.

Mr. Solicitor reports from the Committee, that is to prepare the Bill for the Hundred thousand Pound, That, according to the Rate of the last Subsidy paid, that That Part that fell upon the Lords, according to that Rate, should be deducted out of this Sum, before we came to Distribution of the several Shires, to assess the Lords by themselves: the Question that arise in this Matter; that whether the Proportion, that now standeth on the Houshold, should stand according to the old Way.

This Committee, in forming this Bill, is to proceed according to the old Rate, as touching the King's Household: And the whole House did seem generally to be of Opinion, that in all other Particulars they should observe the old Way.