House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 18 December 1640

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 18 December 1640', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 23 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 18 December 1640', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 23, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 18 December 1640". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 23 October 2024.


In this section

Die Veneris, 18 Decembr. 1640.


Goubard's Nat.

1a vice lecta, AN Act for the Naturalization of David Goubard, Merchant.


1a vice lecta, An Act concerning Needle-makers.

Fountaine's Nat.

1a vice lecta, An Act for the Naturalization of Peter Fountaine, Merchant.

Leave to attend Lords.

There being a Bill in the House of the Lords, that does reflect upon Dr. Eden; he moved, that he might have Leave to appear unto it; which was granted him.

Hobart's, &c. Decree.

1a vice lecta, An Act for the Confirmation of a Decree, lately made in his Majesty's Court of Whitehall in West-minster, between James Hobart, Esquire, Plaintiff, and Henry Humberston and Mary his Wife, Defendants.

Bedford Petition.

The humble Petition of the Inhabitants of the County of Bedford, read; and referred to the Consideration of the Committee for Privileges, to be presently taken into Consideration.


Ordered, That the Letters of Administration, granted Yesterday against Mr. Cambell, a Member of this House, at the Suit of Sir Edward Savage, Knight, be forthwith brought in hither; and that the said Sir Edward Savage, and the Register of the Prerogative Court, be sent for, to give an Account of the Breach of the Privilege of this House, in this Point.


Ordered, That, by Order of this House, a Warrant issue forth, under Mr. Speaker's Hand, to cause the Stay and Surcease of all Proceedings upon an extrajudicial Decree, made by the Lord Deputy and Council of Ireland, in a Suit, depending there before them, between Sir Fred. Hamilton, Knight, and Evelyn Linch, Widow, during the Agitation of his Causes and Complaints here; and that the Monies levied by virtue of that Decree, upon the Lands of the said Sir Fred. Hamilton, shall be stayed and detained in the Sheriff's Hands, till this House shall give further Order in it: And that Sir Fred. Hamilton shall have the Privilege of this House, to go and come freely, between the Two Kingdoms of England and Ireland, while his Causes and Complaints depend here; and that the Warrants, under Mr. Speaker's Hand, shall be directed to such Officers, as may make them most effectual.

Breaches of Privilege of Parliament.

Mr. St. Johns, Sir Wm. Litton, Mr. Rolles, Mr. Cage, Mr. Nath. Fines, Mr. Kirton, Sir Philip Stapleton, Sir Oliver Luke, Mr. Glyn, Mr. Palmer, Mr. Rigby, Sir Francis Seymour, Sir A. Ingram, Mr. Mallory, Sir Wm. Brereton, Sir Jo. Strangewayes, Sir Edw. Aiskew, Mr. White, Mr. Maynard, Sir Edw. Mountfort, Mr. Peard, Sir Tho. Barrington, Sir Anth. Irby, Mr. Ashburneham, Sir Ed. Hungerford, Sir Gilbert Gerrard, Mr. Kirby, Sir Christopher Wray, Mr. Grimston;

This Committee is to take into Consideration the Breaches of the Privileges of Parliament, both the last Parliament, and the Parliament 3° Caroli; and specially, the Proceedings against Mr. Hollys, Sir Peter Hayman, Mr. Strode, Mr. Valentine, Mr. Selden, Mr. Walther Long, Sir Jo. Elliott, Sir Miles Hobart, Mr. Crew, Mr. Bellasis, Sir Jo. Hotham, Mr. Hampden, Mr. Pimme, and Sir Walther Erle, Members of either the last Parliament, or the Parliament of tertio Caroli; and to take into Consideration the Two Declarations made upon the Dissolution of the last Parliament, and the Parliament of tertio Caroli: And they are likewise to consider, what Reparations are fit to be granted to the Parties grieved; and to think of some Course, to prevent the like hereafter: But the Committee is first to inquire after, and to consider of, the Breaches of the Parliament of 3° Caroli, and to report them to the House: And they have Power to send for Parties, Witnesses, Papers, Records, and to do any other Act, as they, in their Judgments, shall think may best conduce to the Business; and are to meet on Monday in the Afternoon, at Two of Clock, in the Exchequer-court.

Harrison's Loan.

Ordered, That Mr. Harrison shall pay unto Sir Wm. Uvedall, Knight, Twenty-five thousand Pounds, the Residue of the Fifty thousand Pounds, which he, by way of Loan, voluntarily furnisheth, towards the Payment of the King's Army, and the Relief of the Northern Counties, to be repaid unto him, as by the Act of Subsidies shall be expressed; and shall take Sir William Uvedall's Acquittance, for the Receipt thereof; which Acquittance shall be his Discharge, for the Payment of the said Twenty-five thousand Pounds: And Sir William Uvedall is hereby ordered to receive the same; and to dispose thereof, according to Order of this House, to the Use aforesaid.

Impeachment of Archbp. Laud.

Resolved, upon the Question, That a Message shall be sent from this House to the Lords, to accuse William Laud, Archbishop of Cant'. of High Treason, in the Name of this House, and of all the Commons of England; and to desire, that he may be forthwith sequestred from Parliament, and be committed: And that, within some convenient Time, this House will resort to their Lordships, with particular Accusations and Articles against him.

Mr. Hollys is appointed to go up to the Lords, with this Message.

Mr. Hollys reported, that, according to the Command of this House, he had delivered to their Lordships the Message; and that my Lord Keeper said, their Lordships had considered of the Message, and accordingly they had sequestred the Lord Archbishop of Cant' from Parliament, and had committed him in safe Custody to the Gentleman Usher of their House.

Virginia Planters.

The Petition of the Adventurers and Planters of Virginia, was read.

Mr. Treasurer, Mr. Pimme, Mr. Hampden, Sir Jo. Colpepper, Sir Walther Erle, Mr. Vassall, Mr. Wheeler, Sir William Massam, Sir Hugh Cholmeley, Sir Tho. Roe, Ld. Fairefax, Sir Ro. Pye, Sir Edw. Hungerford, Sir Henry Rainsford, Sir Jo. Brooke, Mr. Whistler, Mr. Ash, Mr. Grimston, Sir Ro. Parkhurst, Mr. Maynard, Sir H. Mildmay, Mr. Purefrey, Mr. Bond, Mr. White, Sir Tho. Cheeke, Capt. Rainsborough, the Barons and Burgesses of all the Ports;

This Committee is to take into Consideration the Petition of the Adventurers and Planters of Virginia, and the Petition exhibited here by Cleyborne and Clobery; and to report their Opinions of them to the House; and has Power to send for Parties, Witnesses, Papers, Records, or any thing else, that may conduce to the Business; and are to meet on Tuesday next, at Two of Clock, in the Exchequer-court.

Army Supply, &c.

Resolved, upon the Question, That the Fifty thousand Pounds, now to be paid, shall be thus proportioned, that is to say, Twenty thousand Pounds, to the King's Army; and Thirty Thousand Pounds, to the Relief of the Northern Counties, in point of Contribution.

King's Revenue, &c.

Moved, That, on Wednesday Morning, the House would enter into the Debate of his Majesty's Revenue and Expences.