House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 24 December 1640

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 24 December 1640', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 23 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 24 December 1640', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 23, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 24 December 1640". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 23 October 2024.


In this section

Die Jovis, 24 Decembr. 1640.


Wright's Nat.

1a vice lecta AN Act for the Naturalization of William Wright, of London, Merchant.

Abuses in Elections.

1a vice lecta, An Act for the Reformation of Abuses in Elections.

Stannary Courts.

1a vice lecta, An Act concerning the Stannary Courts and Tin-workers in the County of Devon.

Persons summoned.

Ordered, That Tho. Baites be inserted into the former Order for summoning of Baites, Faireside, and Greene, to be examined before the Committee for the unlawful Levying of Monies for Carriage of Ship-timber, &c.

Levying Money by Musqueteers, &c.

Sir A. Irby, Sir H. Milmay, Mr. Sutton, Mr. Owfield, Sir Edw. Aiskew, Sir Tho. Hutchinson, Sir Ch. Wray, Mr. Kirton, Mr. Millington, Mr. Martyn, the Knights and Burgesses of Yorkeshire, the Burgesses of Barwick and Newcastle.

This Committee is to take into Consideration the Levying of Monies by Musqueteers, complained of in this House; and the unlawful Levying of Monies, for the Carriage of Ship-timber, in the North Riding of the County of Yorke; and the Levying of Monies under Pretence of the Provision for the King's Magazine: And they have Power to send for Parties, Witnesses, Papers, Books, Records, or any thing else that may conduce to the Business; and are to meet on Thursday next, at Two of Clock, in the Exchequer-chamber.

Person to be kept in Custody.

Ordered, That Alderman Abell shall be kept in the Serjeant's Custody, with a strict Hand, till his Cause shall have received a full Hearing.


Ordered, That Directions be forthwith given to the Justices of Peace of all the several Counties, to make strict Inquiry after Recusants; and if any Man, upon such Inquiry, shall refuse to make known, either his own Name, or the Name of his Servants, or Lodgers, to send such Party, so refusing, forthwith to Prison, till he find Sureties for his good Behaviour.

And it is likewise Ordered, That if any man, upon any such Inquiry, shall pretend himself to be protected by the Privilege of Parliament, that then Certificate be returned hither, of his Name that so pretends, and of the Name of him by whom he claims this Privilege: And the Knights for the several Counties are to have Copies of this Order, and to send them to the Justices of Peace of the several Counties for which they serve.

Mr. Maynard's Report.

* * * *

East Greensteed Election.

Resolved, upon the Question, That the Election of Mr. Robert Goodwyn, for One of the Burgesses for the Borough of East Greensteed in the County of Sussex, is good: And thereupon he was called in.

Reports to be made, &c.

By Order, Wednesday Morning next is appointed for so many of the Reports to be made, from the several Committees, as the Time will then permit: And Mr. Pimme is ordered in the first Place, to make report immediately to the House, from the Sub-committee for Irish Affairs, of the Causes concerning the Lord Montnorris, the Lord Dillon, the late Chancellor of Ireland, and the Earl of Kildare: And those that are in the Chairs for the several Committees, shall consider what Petitions they have in their Hands, that may conduce to the Charges of the Earl of Straford, Lord Archbishop of Cant', Lord Keeper, the Judges, and the Bishops of Elye, and Bath and Welles; and to present them to the several Committees that are to draw up those Charges.

Irish Affairs.

Ordered, That the Sub-committee for Irish Affairs do meet on Tuesday next in the Afternoon, at Two of Clock, in the Exchequer-chamber.

Bp. of Bath and Welles.

Resolved, upon the Question, That, upon the several Informations and Complaints to this House, made against William Piers, Bishop of Bath and Welles, of divers heinous Crimes, tending to the Corruption and Subversion of the Religion in that Diocese, and other Misdemeanours of a high Nature, a Message shall be sent to the Lords, to desire them to take Security, by himself and others, to be forth coming, and to stand to, and abide, the Judgment of Parliament.

Sir H. Mildmay to go up with this Message.


Ordered, That Jo. Gawen, of Westbury, in the County of Wilteshire, Tanner, be forthwith sent for, as a Deiinquent, by the Serjeant at Arms attending on this House, to answer his Contempt, in serving or causing a Subpæna to be served upon Mr. Wheeler, a Member of this House; he well knowing, that the said Mr. Wheeler is a Member, he being present, and setting his Hand as a Witness to the Indenture of his Election.

Relief of Northern Counties.

It is Ordered, That the English Lord Commissioners, appointed to treat with the Scottish Commissioners, shall have Power, by virtue of this Order, to receive Twenty-five thousand Pounds from the City of London, and Five thousand Pounds from Sir William Uvedall, to be disposed of for the Relief of the Northern Counties: And it is farther ordered, That Sir William Uvedall, and the City of London respectively, shall be authorized hereby to make Payment of those several Sums; and, for their so doing, this shall be their Discharge.

Holding Parliaments.

1a vice lecta, An Act for Yearly Holding of Parliaments.


Ordered, That the House be resolved into a Committee to debate the Bill of Subsidies.

Mr. Speaker left the Chair.

Mr. Whistler took the Chair.

Mr. Speaker reassumed the Chair.

Army, &c.

1a vice lecta, An Act for the Relief of the King's Army, and the Northern Parts of this Realm.

Army Supply, &c.

It is Ordered, That of those Monies, that Sir William Uvedale hath received of Mr. Harrison, that he send down Sixteen thousand Pounds to the Army, to be disposed of by my Lord General's Order; and that he forthwith pay to the Paymaster of Barwick, or his Assigne, Three thousand Pounds; and to the Paymaster of Carlisle One thousand Pounds; whose Acquittances for the same shall be his sufficient Discharge.

Charge against Rateliffe.

Ordered, That the Committee appointed to draw up the Charge against the Earl of Straford, shall have Power to examine Witnesses concerning Sir Geo. Ratcliffe, and to prepare a Charge against him, and to present it to this House.

Charges against the Judges.

Ordered, That the Committees appointed to prepare the Charges against the Judges, and the Vote for the Ship-money, shall present the same to this House at their first Sitting, if they shall be then ready.

Salt Patents.

Ordered, That Tho. Horth, and all others, who, in the Custom-house of London, or any other Place or Port, do detain Salt, by Colour of Letters Patents granted to Tho. Horth, or others, Privy Seal, or any other Warrant for Impositions newly laid on Salt, do forthwith deliver the said Salt to the Owners thereof, without any Payment, till further Order be taken by this House: And that Tho. Horth, and others, Patentees, and their Agents, and all other Patentees for Salt, and their Agents, and the Officers of the Custom-house of London, and all others, that, in any Place or Port do demand the Imposition of Three Shillings and Four-pence for every Weigh of Salt employed in Fishery, Ten Shillings the Weigh for Land Vent, and Forty-eight Shillings the Weigh for foreign Salt imported, by Colour of Letters Patents, Privy Seal, or by any other Warrant or Authority whatsoever, do, from henceforth, forbear to take any of those Impositions, until farther Order be taken by this House.

Salt, &c. Patents.

Ordered, That the Committee for Salt, Soap, Wine, and Leather, shall take into Consideration, what Profit the several Projectors, and Patentees, for these several Monopolies, have made out of them; and what Profits have accrued to the King by them, and what Disadvantage to the Subject; and what Persons have been molested, and vexed, by reason of them; and to think of some Reparations and Redress to be made to the Parties so vexed and grieved.

Sir H. Mildmay * * * *


The House does adjourn itself till Tuesday Morning next at Seven of Clock; reserving to the Committees, Liberty of sitting, notwithstanding this Adjournment.