House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 04 January 1641

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 04 January 1641', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 23 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 04 January 1641', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 23, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 04 January 1641". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 23 October 2024.


In this section

Die Lunæ, 4° Jan. 1640.


Petitions referred.

ORDERED, That both the Petitions, concerning Sir Tho. Littleton, the High Sheriff of the County of Worcester, and Sir William Russell, now with the Com- mittee for Privileges, be referred to the Committee for Sir Lewis Dives his Petition.

Committees added.

Mr. Whittlock, Mr. Palmer, Sir Tho. Widrington, Mr. Maynard, Mr. Glyn, Mr. Dutton, Sir Edm. Mountford, are added to this Committee.

Shepheard's &c. Petition.

The Petition of T. Shepheard Esquire, and .. Under- hill, were delivered in, but not read; nor nothing done upon them.

Committees added.

Sir William Lewis, Mr. Whitehead, Mr. Valentine, Mr. Mountague, Mr. Kirton, Mr. Button, Mr. Lower, Mr. Lloyd, and the Knights and Burgesses for the County of Bucks, are added to the Committee for Mr. Borlacy and Mr. Hobby: And they are to meet on Thursday at Two of Clock, in the Exchequer-chamber.

Archbp. of Canterbury, &c.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee, ap- pointed to draw up the Charge against the Archbishop of Cant', and the Earl of Straford, to consider of the In- terest of the Parties complaining against them; and of some Way of Satisfaction to be made unto them.

Bailing Huesh, &c.

Ordered, That the Serjeant at Arms shall have Liberty to take good Bail of Mr. Huesh, and Mr. Erle, Clerks, sent for up, as Delinquents, by Order of this House, to attend, de die in diem, the farther Pleasure of the House.

Irish Army- E. of Straford.

Ordered, That a Conference be desired with the Lords, To-morrow Morning, concerning the State, the Disorders, and Danger, of the new-levied Irish Army; and to repre- sent them to their Lordships; and to desire them to join with this House, in a Petition to his Majesty, for the Disbanding of that Army.

The Committee, appointed for the Earl of Straford's Business, are to prepare the Heads of this Conference: And the Members of this House are required to bring in to this Committee, between this and To-morrow Morn- ing, such Informations as shall come to their hands, conducing to these Matters.

Sir W. Erle, and Sir Jo. Clotworthy, are to manage this Conference.

It was likewise moved, that, at this Conference, Consi- deration might be had of the great Resort daily made to the Earl of Straford.

Mr. Nath. Fines is to go up To-morrow Morning, with a Message to the Lords, to desire a Conference with their Lordships, concerning the Disorders and Incon- veniencies of the new-levied Irish Army.

* * * *

Cessation of Arms.

There were, by the Reporter, several Papers offered to be read; which were accordingly read; and are to be, with this Report, entered.

This Report ended;

It was Resolved, upon the Question, That a Cessation of Arms shall be continued, from the Sixteenth of January Instant, for a Month longer, if the Treaty so long continue.

Ordered, To desire a Conference with the Lords, con- cerning the Cessation of Arms for a Month longer, by a Committee of both Houses:

Lord Lieutenant-Abp. of Canterbury.

And to desire a free Conference, concerning those Declarations, presented by the Scotch Commissioners, against the Lord Lieutenant, and the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, as Incendiaries.

Sir Peter Hayman to go up with this Message.

The Subject of this Conference to be, to represent to the Lords, that it may be made known to the Lords Commissioners, that the Scotch Commissioners be desired to bring in their Proofs against the Lord Lieutenant, and the Lord Archbishop of Cant', to the End the Par- liament may proceed to Judgment.

Mr. Treasurer is to report the Conference, about the Cessation of Arms.

Mr. Pym, and Mr. Hampden, are to manage the free Conference.

Reflections on last Parliament.

There was an Information delivered in, by a Member of the House, against Mr. William Piers, Archdeacon of Bath, of very malicious and wicked Words by him spoken, against the last Parliament.

Tobias Coleman, to whom these Speeches were spoken, was called in; and did avow the Words laid down in the Information; and did offer Two other Witnesses, for far- ther Proof of the said Words; which were Gerrard Dick- ins, Gentleman, and Geo. Cary, Servant to the said Tobias Coleman: And hereupon an Order issued forth, to sum- mon the said Dickins and Cary to appear, as Witnesses in the said Cause, To-morrow Morning.

And it was further Ordered, That William Piers, Arch- deacon of Bath, be forthwith sent for, as a Delinquent, by the Serjeant at Arms attending on this House, to answer the said Complaint and Information against him.

Ordered, That Mr. Hollys shall presently go up to the Lords, with a Message, to acquaint their Lordships, that there was an Information here, of a very foul Nature, against Mr. William Piers, Archdeacon of Bath, and Son to the Bishop of Bathe and Welles; and to desire, that he may be forthcoming, to answer the said Information.

This was done, out of a tender Respect to the Privi- lege of the Lords; conceiving, that the said Mr. Piers was not only a Son, but of the Family, of the said Bishop of Bath and Welles.

Scandalous Ministers.

Ordered, That the Committee, appointed to inquire after scandalous Ministers (to whom Samuel de la Place his Petition against Mr. Bandinell, Dean of Jersey, is referred) do meet on Thursday next, at the Time and Place formerly appointed for that Committee; to take into Consideration That Cause presently; and to examine such Witnesses as shall be produced in it: And that the Serjeant shall have Liberty to take good Bail of the said Mr. Bandinell, to appear at the Committee, or the House, at such Times as either shall appoint.

Windows of the House.

Ordered, That the Serjeant have special Order, to take care, that the Windows of the House be so well mended and provided for, that they may keep forth the Wind and the Weather, which cause very great Inconvenience to the Members of this House.


Ordered, That the House meet To-morrow Morning presently after Seven of Clock; And that, Eight of Clock it be resolved into a Committee, to proceed in the Read- ing of the Bill of Subsidies.