House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 04 February 1641

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 04 February 1641', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 23 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 04 February 1641', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 23, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 04 February 1641". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 23 October 2024.


In this section

Die Jovis, 4 Feb. 1640.


Council in the Lords.

MR. Holborne has Leave to be of Counsel with the Lord Maltravers, before the Lords.

Coventry Election.

The humble Petition of Wm. Josson Alderman, and Fourteen other Citizens, of Coventry, his Witnesses, in the Behalf of themselves, and many other Citizens of Coventry.

Ordered, That this Cause concerning the Election at Coventry, shall take its Course at the Committee for Privileges.

Elias Beckz, who has a Bill to be naturalized, this Day took the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy.

Seaford Borough restored.

Resolved, upon the Question, That Seaford, a Town in the County of Sussex, that, to Three several Parliaments in former Times, sent Burgesses to Parliament, (as appeared by the Records produced at the Committee for Privileges) shall be restored to that its ancient Privilege of sending Burgesses to Parliament; and that a Warrant issue, under Mr. Speaker's Hand, to the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, for a Writ, for the Electing and Returning of Two Burgesses to serve in this Parliament for the said Town of Seaford aforesaid.

Privilege-Questioning Members for words spoken in the House.

Whereas the House of Commons was informed, That Francis Neville Esquire, a Member of the said House the last Parliament, presently after the Dissolution of the said Parliament, being sent for to the Council-board, was there demanded, whether, when Sir Wm. Saville, a Member likewise of this House, spake in the House something for the King's Service, Two Members of the said House did not rise up immediately after him, and contradict that which he had so said for the King's Service; the said Francis Nevill did there, before the Lords, aver, that those Two Members did rise up immediately after him, and did contradict him in Manner as aforesaid: And therefore, in regard the said Francis Nevill did testify against Members of the House Words spoken by them in Parliament, after the Parliament was broke, upon which Words, they the said Members were committed Prisoners; for this his great Offence, and Breach of Privilege of Parliaments, the said House of Commons sent for the said Francis Nevill, as a Delinquent, by the Serjeant at Arms attending on this House: And he appearing at the Bar of the said House, as a Delinquent, when Mr. Speaker had related unto him the Fact, for which he was sent for, and that he had made his Answer unto it; he was commanded to withdraw: And, after some Debate in the House, it was

Ordered, upon the Question, That the said Francis Nevill, for this his great Offence aforesaid, should be forthwith committed Prisoner to the Tower; and there remain a Prisoner during the Pleasure of the said House.

He was again called in to the Bar; and, kneeling there, Mr. Speaker pronounced this Sentence against him accordingly.

Resolved, upon the Question, That Sir Wm. Savile shall be forthwith sent for, as a Delinquent, by the Serjeant at Arms attending on this House, upon a Complaint made against him here, and avowed by Members of this House, that he, to the absolute Breach of the Privilege of this House, did, at the Council-board, testify against Members of this House Words spoken by them in this House, the last Parliament; for the which Words they the said Members were committed Prisoners to the Fleet.

Message from the Queen.

Mr. Comptroller delivers a Message from her Majesty; the which Message was, first by the Comptroller, and then by the Clerk, read: And then Mr. Comptroller was desired to return from this House humble Thanks to her Majesty, for her gracious Expressions in this her Message.

Committees joined.

Ordered, That the Committee concerning Mr. Mountague and Sir Kenelme Digby, and the Committee for the Earl of Worcester, be joined, and made One Committee; and proceed in the Examination of all the Matters committed to both the several Committees.


Ordered, That the Committee appointed to prepare some fit Way of transferring the Four Irish Causes to the Lords, and the Committee for the Lord Montnorris, be joined, and made One Committee; and proceed together in the Causes of both Committees.

Archbp. of Canterbury.

Ordered, That all those that sit in the several Chairs at Committees, that have any thing before them that may conduce to the Charge against the Lord of Cant', shall acquaint that Committee with it To-morrow in the Afternoon, at Two of Clock, in the Treasury-chamber.

Treaty with Scotland.

Ordered, That Sir Tho. Barrington go up with a Message to the Lords, to desire a Conference with their Lordships presently, if it may stand with their Lordships Occasions, by a Committee of both Houses, concerning the last Conference had with their Lordships, touching the Treaty between the Two Kingdoms.

Mr. Treasurer is to manage this Conference.

Counsel in the Lords.

Mr. Whistler has Leave to be of Counsel in a Cause before the Lords.

* * * *

Peterborough Election.

Upon Mr. Maynard's Report, of the Case of Peterborough, it was

Resolved, upon the Question, That Sir Robert Napier is well elected to serve in this Parliament, as a Burgess for the City of Peterborough in the County of Northampton; and ought to sit as a Member in this House.

Conference with Lords.

Mr. Treasurer acquaints the House, that, according to the Commands of this House, he had delivered to the Lords, at the Conference, the Vote of this House, concerning the friendly Assistance thought fit to be given to the Scots; and that, after the Vote was read, the Lords desired them to hear something, that the Earl of Bristoll had to say; but, because it was no free Conference, and that it was a Conference prayed by this House, to which this House conceived the Lords came only to hear, and not to propound any thing, and at which no Reporters were by this House appointed, it was thought, that, according to the ancient Course of Parliaments, Mr. Treasurer had no Authority, nor could report any thing that was at this Conference propounded by the Lords: And therefore no Report was made.

Complaint against Danby.

The humble Petition of Eden Langdale Widow, late Wife of Wm. Langdale, was read; and Matth. Langdale, that preferred the Petition, was called in; and did avow the Petition.

Ordered, That Sir Tho. Danby shall, To-morrow Morning, make Answer to such Matters as are charged upon him, by a Petition preferred to this House by Matth. Langdale; and that the Business concerning the Ministers Remonstrance, be then taken into farther Consideration; and likewise, that a Message be sent to the Lords, to desire a Conference, concerning the new Irish Army.