House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 10 February 1641

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 10 February 1641', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 23 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 10 February 1641', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 23, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 10 February 1641". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 23 October 2024.


In this section

Die Mercurii, 10 Feb. 1640.


Abuses of Deputy Lieutenants.

ORDERED., That those Particulars, in the Petition from the County of Somersett, that do concern the Abuses of the Deputy Lieutenants, be referred to that Committee; and that those other Particulars, that concern the rigorous Levying of Ship-money, be referred to the Committee for the rigorous Levying of Ship-money.

Counsel in the Lords.

Mr. Solicitor, Mr. White, Mr. Perd, have Leave to be of Counsel in the House of the Lords.


Ordered, That Sir Gamaliell Capell be forthwith sent for, as a Delinquent, by the Serjeant at Arms attending on this House, for causing Mr. Arundell, a Member of this House, to be served with a Process out of the King's bench now lately, sitting the Parliament, contrary to the Privileges of this House.

It is likewise Ordered, That William Aylett be also sent for, as a Delinquent, for serving the said Mr. Arundell with the Process aforesaid.

Abuses of Post-masters, &c.

Ordered, That the Sub-committee, formerly appointed by the Committee for Grievances, to consider of the Complaints of the Inland Posts, Foreign Couriers, Carriers, and Foot Posts, be made a Committee from the House; with Power to send for Parties, Witnesses, Papers, Records: And they are likewise to take into Consideration the Rates and Prices for Carrying of Packets and Letters; and the several Abuses of Mr. Witherings, and the rest of the Postmasters: And have Power to prepare a Bill for the Preventing and Remedying of the like Inconveniences and Abuses for the future; and are to meet To-morrow in the Afternoon, at Two of Clock, in the Court of Wards: And, by Order, these following are added to this Committee:

Mr. Treasurer, Mr. Whitehead, Mr. Rolles, Mr. Ash, Mr. Kirton, Mr. Spurstow, Sir Tho. Barrington, Sir Jo. Jennings, Sir Wm. Penyman, Sir Jo. Holland, Mr. Hoyle, Sir Geo. Dallston, Sir Wm. Carnaby, Sir Guy Palmes, Ld. Fairefax, Sir Edm. Vowell, Mr. H. Bellassis, Sir Nevill Poole, Sir Ro. Pye, Mr. Shuttleworth, Sir Edm. Mountfort, Mr. Catalyn, Mr. Kirby, Mr. Jo. Moore, Mr. Mathewes, Mr. Cradock, Sir Wm. Massam, Sir Wm. Allinson, Mr. Varney, Mr. Bond, Mr. Green, Alderman Pennington, Mr. Grimston, Mr. Cromwell, Sir Fr. Popham, Mr. Reignolds, Mr. Potter, Sir Gilbert Gerard, Mr. Crue, Mr. Walton, Sir Sydney Mountague, Mr. Walton, Sir Hugh Cholmely, Alderman Soames, Sir Jo. Hotham, Sir H. Anderson.

Salisbury Election.

Ordered, That on Monday next the Report be made concerning the Election for Salisbury.

Dover Writ.

Ordered, That a Warrant issue forth, under Mr. Speaker's Hand, directed to the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, for a new Writ for Electing of another Baron to serve for the Port of Dover, in the Room and Stead of Sir Peter Hayman, Knight, who was chosen and returned to serve for that Port this Parliament, and is since deceased.

Ward's Petition.

The Petition of * Ward, of Salop, against the Mayor, read; and Nath. Pagett, and Wm. Platts, who subscribed the Petition, were called in; and did avow the Particulars of the Petition.

Ordered, That if the Mayor of Salop do not appear here on this Day Three Weeks, that then he shall be sent for, as a Delinquent, by the Serjeant at Arms attending on this House: And the Burgesses for the Town of Shrewsbury do promise to write to the Mayor, that Ward the Petitioner be forthwith discharged from his Imprisonment.

Archbp. of Canterbury.

Ordered, That the Committee for the Lord of Cant' do meet this Afternoon, in the usual Time and Place: And the Lawyers, that are of that Committee, are desired to attend it.

Privilege-Leave to proceed in a Suit.

The House does order and declare That Mr. Hollys may demand Publication, and proceed in his Suit in the Court of Wards, against Sir Anthony Ashley Cowper, until this House shall take further Order in it.

Irish Army.

Ordered That the Report concerning the new-levied Irish Army, he made To-morrow Morning, at Nine of Clock: And Mr. Speaker is to put the House in mind of it.

Prisoner discharged.

Mr. Fr. Nevill, who, by Sentence of this House, was committed a Prisoner to the Tower, was called in; and, kneeling at the Bar, Mr. Speaker told him, that the House had considered of his Petition and Submission; and that they were pleased, that he should be forthwith discharged from any farther Restraint or Imprisonment.

* * * *


Upon Sir Jo. Hotham's Report from the Committee for the King's Army, it was Ordered, that the House be forthwith resolved into a Committee, to take into Consideration, First, the Matter of the Report now made from the Committee for the King's Army; then, the Way of providing Money for Satisfaction of the King's Army, and for Relief of the Northern Counties; and also the Business of his Majesty's Revenue, together with his Navy; and to consider of the general Supply for the general Occasion of Monies.

Hereupon the House was resolved into a Committee.

Mr. Speaker left the Chair: And,

Mr. Hide was called to the Chair.

Mr. Speaker reassumes the Chair.

Relief of the Army.

Mr. Whistler reports from the Committee for the Amendments to the Bill, returned from the Lords, for Relief of the King's Army and the Northern Counties, that the Committee had perused and considered of those Amendments, and did assent unto them:

The said Amendments were read; and then

It was Resolved, upon the Question, That the Amendments, returned from the Lords, to the Bill for Relief of the King's Army and the Northern Parts, upon their second Reading committed, and now returned from the Committee, shall be ingrossed.


Mr. Speaker left the Chair.

Mr. Hide reassumes the Chair.

Mr. Speaker reassumes the Chair.

Upon Mr. Hide's Report from the Grand Committee, it was Ordered, and Resolved, upon the Question, First, That, out of the Sixty thousand Pounds, to be provided by the City of London, the first Fifty thousand Pounds thereof be disposed upon Account for the Use of the King's Army and Garisons: Secondly, That the Lord General be moved to give Order to the Commanders in the King's Army, before this Sum of Fifty thousand Pounds go out of their Hands, that they take Course, the Country be paid according to this Proportion, for a Month's Billet towards their Arrears; that which was first due to be first paid, and the Soldiers the rest: Thirdly, That the next Twenty-five thousand Pounds, that shall be raised after the Fifty thousand Pounds, shall be disposed of towards Supply of the Northern Counties.

Business to be resumed.

Ordered, That To-morrow Morning, after the Report concerning the Irish Army be made, the House be resolved into a Committee, to resume the Remainder of that Business, for which it was this Day resolved into a Committee.

Charge against Coesens.

Ordered, That the Committee for Mr. Smart's Business do meet To-morrow in the Afternoon, at Two of Clock, in the Court of Wards to prepare the Charge against Doctor Coesens.