House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 25 November 1642

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 25 November 1642', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643(London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 12 February 2025].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 25 November 1642', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643(London, 1802), British History Online, accessed February 12, 2025,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 25 November 1642". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. (London, 1802), British History Online. Web. 12 February 2025.


In this section

Die Veneris, 25 Novembris, 1642.

Hull Garison.

A LETTER from Sir Jo. Hotham, of * * * *. Resolved, That this House holds it fit, that Six thousand Pounds be immediately sent away to Sir Jo. Hotham, Governor of Hull, upon Account, to pay the Garison, and defray the other Charges.

Sir Tho. Barrington went to the Committee for the Safety of the Kingdom, to acquaint them with the Sense of the House, concerning this Six thousand Pounds; and to desire that they would take some Course for the present Advancing and Sending of it away.

Sir J. Hotham.

A Letter from Sir Jo. Hotham, concerning Mr. Pelham, was read; and ordered to be referred to the Committee for Dispatches.

Resolved, That Sir Jo. Hotham has performed his Duty with all Trust and Fidelity to the Commonwealth, both in his Proceedings in the Government of the Town of Hull, and in the other his Proceedings for the Safety and Defence of the County of Yorke.

Resolved, That the Matter of the Letter from John Piers, Mr. Pelham's Man, of the Second of November, is a Scandal both to the House, and Sir John Hotham.

Resolved, That Jo. Piers be forthwith sent for, as a Delinquent.

Ordered, That Sir Wm. Strickland do prepare a Letter to be sent from Mr. Speaker to Sir John Hotham.

Cholmeley's Horses.

Ordered, That the Two Horses belonging to Sir Hen. Cholmeley, stayed by Mr. Browne, and now in the Possession of Captain Boswell, be forthwith re-delivered to Sir H. Cholmeley: And that Sir H. Cholmeley be repaired the Four Horses he lost at Kyneton, out of the next Horses seized for the Commonwealth.

Defence of the Kingdom.

Mr. Browne, Mr. Solicitor, Mr. Millington, Mr. Constantine, Sir Tho. Dacres, Mr. Hill, are to prepare the Draught of an Order to pass both Houses, to enable and authorize the several Counties and Towns of this Kingdom, to stand upon their Defence; and oppose all such as come to plunder their Houses, or drive away their Cattle; and to have Power to kill, slay, &c.

Person to attend.

Ordered, That the Under Sheriff of Kent shall be forthwith summoned to attend this House.

London, &c. Assessment.

An Ordinance for Assessing of Monies to be raised within the Cities of London and Westminster, and the Suburbs.

Committee to Common Hall.

A Message from the Lords, by Dr. Aylett and Dr. *;

The Lords have appointed Five Lords to go to the Common Hall in London, this Afternoon at Three of Clock, according to an Order Yesterday agreed upon by both Houses: And do desire this House would appoint a proportionable Number.


Mr. Pym, Sir H. Vane, Sir Wm. Armyn, Sir H. Mildmay, Mr. Holles, Mr. Ashe, Sir Martin Lumley, Mr. Long, Sir Tho. Middleton, Mr. Vassall, are appointed to go with a proportionable Number of Lords, to go to the Common Hall, this Afternoon, at Three of Clock.

Answer returned by the same Messengers; That the House has considered their Lordships Message; and has appointed a proportionable Number to go to the Common Hall.

Ordinance of Supply.

The Ordinance for assessing Monies to be speedily raised, was read; and, by Vote upon the Question, assented unto; and ordered to be sent unto the Lords for their Concurrence.

Mr. Browne and Mr. Vassall, are to consider of the Names to be put into the said Ordinance: And to that Purpose the said Ordinance was delivered to Mr. Browne.

Succours to Sussex, &c.

Ordered, That Mr. Pym do, from the House, recommend unto my Lord General the Consideration of some present Supply and Succours to be sent into Sussex: And that he do likewise recommend unto my Lord General, to take into his Care and Wisdom some Course to prevent Plunderings in the several Counties, by the King's Army.

Leave of Absence.

Ordered, That Mr. Hebblethwayte have Leave to go into the Country: And that he have Mr. Speaker's Warrant to transport him with the better Security into the County of Yorke.

Peace of Buckingham.

Ordered, That Sir Peter Temple be injoined to go forthwith into the County of Bucks, to join with the rest of the Gentlemen of that County, for the Preservation of the Peace of that County.

Lord Dumfaerling.

Ordered, That the Consideration and Examination of the whole Business concerning the Lord Dumfaerling be referred to the Committee for Informations, where Mr. Corbett has the Chair, to represent the true State of this Business to the House: And Sir Jo. Dreyden, Mr. Tate, and Mr. Knightley, are added to this Committee, as to this Business: And are appointed to send forthwith to the Committee at Northampton, to desire them to send up the Examinations taken by them, concerning my Lord Dumfaerling; and likewise the Men that took him, and brought him up; that they may testify what they can in this Cause.

Seizing Horses.

Mr. Erle, Mr. Constantine, Lord Ruthen, Mr. Knightley, Mr. Prideaux, Mr. Jo. Goodwyn, Sir Jo. Bampfield, Mr. Bond, Mr. Rich. Moore, Sir Wm. Massam, Mr. Fountaine, Sir Tho. Middleton, are added to the Committee for Seizing and Discharging of Horses.

And the House doth Declare, That the Committee for raising a Body of Horse shall discharge such Horses as are seized, and not already employed in my Lord General's Army, and do belong to Persons that have contributed in a considerable Proportion to the Parliament.

And the House doth farther Declare, That no Horses that bring Provisions of Mens Meat, Horse Meat, Cloth or other Provisions, be seized; And, if they be seized, that they be forthwith discharged.

Defence of Exeter.

An Order concerning the Providing the City of Exon with Men and Ammunition, &c. was this Day read; and, by Vote upon the Question, assented unto; and ordered to be sent unto the Lords for their Concurrence.

Person committed.

Resolved, That Mr. Jo. Jacob of Dover, brought up from Dover, be forthwith committed Prisoner to the Gatehowse; there to remain a Prisoner during the Pleasure of the House.

Browne's Dragoons.

The Certificate from the Advocate of the Army, concerning the Dragoons under the Command of Colonel Browne, upon the Reference from his Excellency was this Day read.

The House doth Declare, That in respect that these Dragoons, since the Twenty-ninth of October, have absented themselves from their Colours, and have refused to be mustered, and have sold their Horses and their Arms, that nothing is due unto them: And that the House will allow them nothing from that Time: And concerning any thing pretended by them to be due unto them before that Time, the House doth refer it to my Lord General.

Prisoners discharged.

Upon the Report from the Committee for Informations, made by Mr. Constantine;

It is Resolved, That Mr. Tho. Philips, now in the Serjeant's Custody, be forthwith discharged.

Upon Mr. Glyn's Report;

It is Ordered, That Mr. Niclas, the Apothecary, be forthwith discharged from any farther Restraint.

King's Proclamation not to be published.

Ordered, That the Mayor of the City of Exon shall not publish the Proclamation from his Majesty, dated the Ninth of November: And that, for his yielding Obedience to this Order, he shall be saved harmless by Authority of Parliament.

Defence of Exeter.

UPON the humble Petition of the Mayor, Deputy Lieutenants, and Captains, of the City and County of Exon, shewing the great Importance of the Safety of that City to many of the Western Parts, and the imminent Danger the same is now in, by means of the present Insurrection in the County of Cornewall, and their threatening an Invasion of the County of Devon; and the said City complaining of an ill-affected and Malignant Party in and about the said City, who, being Men of great and wealthy Estates, do not only refuse to contribute to the publick Works of Fortification and Defence; but neglect to perform the ordinary Duties of Watching, which may be very dangerous to the Peace and Safety of that City, if some Means of Redress be not timely directed therein: And having made known likewise their present Need of a Garison, to be put into the Castle of Exon; and that some of the Citizens, and others of the Trained Bands, or Volunteers of the County of Devon, may be listed, and commanded on all Summons to repair thither for Defence of the said Castle and City: It is Ordered, by the Lords and Commons, now in Parliament assembled, That the said Mayor, and Deputy Lieutenants of the City of Exon, or any Two of them, shall be, and they are hereby authorized, and required to place a Garison of Soldiers in the said Castle of Exon, together with such Gunners, Engineers, and other Officers, as they shall think fit and necessary for Defence and Security of the said Castle and City; and to list and appoint such Number of the Trained Bands, or Volunteers of the said City, as shall be needful to attend that Service: And the Deputy Lieutenants of the County of Devon are hereby desired and required to design and appoint Two hundred of the ablest and best experienced Soldiers of the Trained Bands, or Volunteers of that County, and which live nigh, or not far distant from the said City, to be ready to give their Assistance for the Defence of the said Castle and City: And every of the said Soldiers or Volunteers, so to be listed and appointed, either in the said City of Exon, or County of Devon, are injoined and commanded by the Authority of both Houses of Parliament, upon all Alarms, or Summons from any Two of the Deputy Lieutenants of the said City, to repair into the said City; there to be employed and used, either for Defence or Security of the said Castle or City, as by any Two of the Deputy Lieutenants there shall be directed; and not to depart thence without their Licence. And the said Lords and Commons do farther Order, and appoint the said Mayor and Deputy Lieutenants, or any Two of them, to cause such strong Watches and Wards to be set and kept in all convenient Places in the said City, for the Peace and Safety thereof; and to design and appoint such Citizens, and other Inhabitants of the said City, to do and perform the same, as they in their Discretion shall think fitting and necessary: And, in case any Person that shall be required by Authority of this Ordinance of Parliament, to do or perform any of the Services above mentioned, do not really and effectually attend the same, or shall be wilfully negligent or amiss in performing the same, the Lords and Commons do Declare and Ordain, That such Person shall be committed into safe Custody, by the Mayor and Deputy Lieutenants of the said City, or any Two of them; there to remain until both Houses of Parliament shall give Direction concerning the same; to the end that some Course may be taken by them, for such further Punishment as to Law and Justice shall appertain. And forasmuch as in Times of common Danger, and when the Publick Peace and the Safety of each particular Man is equally threatened and concerned, the Charge and Expence for preventing and avoiding thereof ought to be defrayed and borne by All, since the Benefit of Preservation and Safety (which without timely Preparation for Defence, might probably be endangered) doth redound and come unto all; and being informed of a great Unwillingness and Refractoriness in many of the wealthiest and ablest in Estate of the Inhabitants of that City of Exon, to contribute to the publick Charge of Fortification, and other needful Expences, for Defence of themselves, and That Place, the Lords and Commons do, by the Authority of the High Court of Parliament, Declare, That, in this Time of imminent Danger, when their neighbour County is in actual Commotion, and many of the Inhabitants thereof, his Majesty's good and faithful Subjects, by open Force and Violence, expulsed and driven from their Dwellings, and Places of Habitation; it is, by the established Laws, and fundamental Constitution of this Kingdom, legal and just, and in these Times most necessary, that a publick and general Rate, Taxation, and Assessment, be made in the said City and County of Exon, by taxing and assessing every Citizen and Inhabitant within the same, to pay a certain Sum of Money, to be employed for the Uses aforesaid: And the Mayor and Deputy Lieutenants of that City are hereby required to cause the same to be speedily done; lest by such Neglect, and Want of Means to enable them to make Defence, That City may be surprised and possessed by the Malignants now in the County of Cornewall, or others ill affected to the Peace of the Kingdom: And although in case any Person shall refuse or neglect to make Payment of the Sum unto which he shall be assessed, by the ordinary Proceedings in the Course of Justice, sufficient Remedy is provided for Levying of the same; yet, in regard the publick Peace and Safety, not only of that City, but of many of the Western Counties, is herein concerned, which the Lords and Commons have been, and still are, desirous to preserve; they do Declare, That they shall esteem every such Person who shall not willingly and chearfully contribute and pay his Rate and Proportion, as malignant and ill affected to the Peace of this Kingdom; and, upon Certificate thereof, from any Two of the Deputy Lieutenants of That Place, shall accordingly proceed against him.

This Order was read; and, by Vote upon the Question, assented unto; and ordered to be sent unto the Lords for their Concurrence.