House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 15 March 1643

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 15 March 1643', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 22 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 15 March 1643', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 22, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 15 March 1643". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 22 October 2024.


In this section

Die Mercurii, 15 Martii, 1642.


Countess of Devon's Trunks.

THAT the Countess of Devon's Trunks and Beds, and other Things, stayed by Order of this House, be forthwith discharged from any further Stay or Restraint, having been examined and searched; and that then the said Goods be permitted to pass to Oxforde, without Lett or Interruption.

Isle of Wight Petition.

The Petition of the Knights, Gentlemen, and other the Inhabitants of the Isle of Wight, was this Day read; and it is Ordered, That it be referred to the Consideration of Sir Wm. Lewes, Mr. Cage, Mr. Soncitor, Mr. Bond, Sir Peter Wentworth, Mr. Seldon, Sir Tho. Barrington, Mr. Lisle, Sir Nevile Poole, Mr. Wallop, Mr. Whitehead, Mr. Millington, Mr. Button, Mr. Trenchard; and are to meet this Afternoon, at Two of Clock, in the Court of Wards: And are to report their Opinions upon the whole Matter of the Petition.

Acton's Petition.

The humble Petition of Jane Acton, Wife of Sir Wm. Acton Knight and Baronet, was this Day read; wherein she desired, that she might not be turned out of her House; but nothing done upon it.

Prisoner discharged.

Resolved, &c. That Mr. Nicholas Denton, of the County of Bedford, Collector, named in the Bill of Four hundred thousand Pounds, who was sent for up and apprehended as a Delinquent, for not paying in his Collections, and hath since paid in what Monies he had in his Hands, be forthwith discharged from any further Restraint.

Army Affairs, &c.

A Letter from the Lord Fairefax of the 13th of March, desiring, once more, Supplies for this Army; and relating the Answer he received from the Queen; and likewise a Letter directed to Mr. White, his Agent, relating the good Success Sir Hugh Cholmeley had against a Quarter of the Earl of Newcastle's; were all read.

Dep. Lieut. of Cumberland.

Resolved, &c. That Colonel Wm. Huddleston be forthwith discharged from being any longer a Deputy Lieutenant of the County of Cumberland; and that the Lords Concurrence be desired herein.

Money for Army.

Ordered, That the Treasurers at Guildhall, London, do forthwith pay Three thousand Pounds out of the first Monies that shall come in, unto Mr. White, Agent for my Lord Fairefax, for Relief of the Army under the Command of the Lord Fairefax: And that it be referred to the Committee for regulating the Payments, to take care, that this Order be complied with.

Treaty with the King.

Mr. Marten is appointed to go to the Lords, to desire their Lordships to speed their Answer to the Articles of Cessation, in regard of the Importance of the Business.

Dep. Lieut. of Sommersett.

Resolved, &c. That this House doth nominate and appoint Edw. Popham Esquire, to be one of the Deputy Lieutenants; and one of the Committees for the County of Sommersett; and that the Lords Concurrence be desired herein.

Papists, &c Estates

The Ordinance for seizing and sequestring the Estates of Papists, Bishops, Delinquents, and notorious Malignants, and the Names of the Sequestrators, were all this Day read; and, by Vote, upon the Question, assented unto; and ordered to be sent unto the Lords for their Concurrence.

Collectors sent for.

Ordered, That such Collectors, as have Collections in their Hands, and have not paid them in, or have not collected such Monies as they ought to have done, shall be sent for as Delinquents, for their Neglect.

Information against Sir P. Curwen, &c.

Information being given unto the House, that Sir Patricius Curwen is very active in the Commission of Array, in the County of Cumberland; and that Sir Geo. Dalston hath sent some Horses for the Aid and Assistance of the said Commissioners; and that Sir Philip Musgrave, likewise, puts the Commission of Array in Execution, in the County of Westmerland; and gives Assistance to the Popish Army, under Command of the Earl of Newcastle: Whereupon it was

Disabled to sit.

Resolved, &c. That Sir Patricius Curwen, Sir Philip Musgrave, and Sir Geo. Dallston, be forthwith disabled for continuing or sitting any longer as a Member of this House, during this Parliament.

Warrants by King's Adherents.

One Warrant, dated 4 Martii, 1642, was read, being signed by Edward Heron, pretended High Sheriff of the County of Lincolne, Sir Jo. Brooke, Sir Edward Hussey, Sir Wm. Therold, Charles Hussey, Wm. Quadringe, Charles Dallison, Robert Tredway, Thomas Harrington, Stephen Anderson, Edward Tierney, and Edward Middlemore, and sealed with the Seal of the County, requiring the People to give no Aid or Assistance to the unlawful and rebellious Assemblies gathered together at Lincolne, and other Places, calling themselves a Committee of Parliament; and requiring certain Towns to pay certain Sums of Money to the Aid of the said Persons at Newarke.

Another Warrant of the same Date, under the Hands of the said Persons, and their Seals, was read, being to the like Effect: Whereupon it was

Proceedings against Sir J. Brooke, &c.

Resolved, &c. That Sir Jo. Brooke shall be disabled for sitting or continuing any longer a Member of this House, during this Parliament.

Ordered, That Mr. Glyn and Sir Wm. Armyn do prepare an Ordinance for the Seizing of the Estates, Fines, Rents, and Debts, of the said Persons; and Sequestring the same for the Maintenance of the Army in the County of Lincolne, under Command of the Lord Willoughby.

Answer from Lords.

Mr. Martyn brings Answer;

That the Lords will send an Answer speedily, by Messengers of their own.

Treaty with the King.

A Message from the Lords by Serjeant Whittfield, and Serjeant Glanvile.

The Lords desire a present Conference, by Committees of both Houses, in the Painted Chamber, if it may stand with the Conveniency of this House, touching the late Alterations to the Articles of Cessation.

Answer returned by the same Messengers;

That this House has consulted their Lordships Message; and will give a present Meeting, as is desired.

Mr. Pym, Sir Wm. Lemyn, Mr. Hollis, Mr. Marten, are appointed Reporters of this Conference.

Mr. Pym reports, the Earl of Manchester desired to excuse the Lords; and said, that they did not give any Delay to this great Business of the Cessation; but they have sent the Third Article to my Lord General, according to the Desire of this House, and did expect his Answer, which as yet they have not received. They do agree to all the Votes delivered at the last Conference, (They do now agree to the Vote concerning the Ships, for these Reasons; 1. For that many of the Ships are ready, which the Lords understood not. 2. There would be a Loss in Wages of Men and Victuals. 3. Otherwise there would be Danger by Enemies. 4. In relation to the Safety of Ireland, and the Guard of those Coasts, there being Store of Ammunition and other Provisions to be sent thither. 6. For the Encouragement and Security of Merchants in their Trading, which, till the Fleet be forth, will forbear to send out any of their Ships, or adventure any Commodities,) excepting the seventh: And then at the Conference the Vote sent from hence, and the Alteration made by the Lords, were read; and then the Earl of Manchester said, that the Lords did adhere to the Alteration sent down by them, for these Reasons; because it would seem very hard in the Apprehension of the Subjects, and be very prejudicial to our Designs, if the King should desire, that the Subject should not be imprisoned, but by the known Laws of the Land, and that no Violence should be offered unto them; and that we should still keep them under the Burden, and liable to Restraints.

Lords Assessment.

A Message from the Lords, by Dr. Aylett and Dr. Heath;

That whereas this House had sent to the Lords, to desire them to assess themselves, according to the Ordinance for the weekly Assessments, the Lords have now made an Order for them to be assessed as formerly; that is, in the several Places where they do dwell; which Order they have sent to the Lord Mayor.


Ordered, That Mr. Pym and Mr. Lisle do bring in an Ordinance, of some Additions to be made to the Ordinance for Assessments.

Powder, &c.

Ordered, That the Lord Mayor, and Committee for the Militia of London, do take care, that Mr. Cordell do convey no Powder or Salt-petre from London to his Mills in Surrey, but in the Presence of a careful Man of their Appointment; nor from thence hither, but in the Presence of another careful Man; lest any of it be conveyed to other Places, to the Disservice of the Kingdom.

Treaty with the King.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee formerly appointed to consider of the Articles of the Cessation, to compare the seventh Article, that came from the Lords, and that which was sent from this House; and to reconcile them in the best way that may be (a Care being particularly had for the maintaining of the Armies raised by the Parliament): And they have likewise Power to consider of bringing in a new Article, if they shall see Cause.

Declaration of Parliament.

It is further Ordered, That it be referred to the same Committee, to prepare a Declaration in Answer to the Proclamation, intituled, A Proclamation, forbidding all assessing, collecting, and paying of the twentieth Part, and of all weekly Taxes, by colour of Orders or Ordinances; and all entering into Protestations and Associations against his Majesty: And are to meet, at the Rising of the House, in the Inner Court of Wards.

Duke of Vendosme's Wines.

Resolved, &c. That the Duke of Vendosme shall be discharged from the Payment of the one per Cent. having paid the Customs of such Wines as he brought into the Kingdom; and that the Bonds entered into by divers Merchants, for the payment of the said one per Cent. be delivered to be cancelled and made void.

Commissioners of Customs, &c.

Whereas Thomas Andrews, John Fouke, and Richard Chambers, Aldermen of the City of London, William Barkely, Morrice Tomson, Francis Allen, James Russell, and Stephen Estwick, Merchants, are by an Ordinance of both Houses of Parliament, ordained and constituted to be Collectors, or Commissioners, enabled to receive all such Sums of Money, as shall at any time hereafter be paid for Customs, or advanced by way of Loan, or otherwise, for and in respect of Goods and Merchandizes exported out of and imported into the Port of London, and all other Ports within the Realm of England, Dominion of Wales, and Town of Berwick, and have advanced, by way of Loan, for Supply of the pressing Occasions of the Navy, the Sum of Twenty thousand Pounds, lawful Money: And whereas the said Commissioners are to supply a further Sum of Twenty thousand Pounds, according to Propositions made unto them by the Committee of the Navy, and approved of by the House of Commons:

It is Ordained by the Commons in Parliament, That the said Commissioners shall repay themselves, by way of Defalcation, out of the Receipt of the Customs, as well the Sum of Twenty thousand Pounds formerly advanced, as the Twenty thousand Pounds now to be advanced, in such Manner as is declared in the said Propositions; with Interest for the several Sums, after the Rate of Eight Pounds per Cent. per Annum.

It is likewise Ordained by the said Commons, That the said Commissioners shall continue in their said Employments until the Four-and-twentieth Day of March, 1643, and shall not be displaced nor dismissed from the said Employment, until they be reimbursed the said Twenty thousand Pounds; advanced and lent as aforesaid, and all other Sum and Sums of Money, which they shall at any time or times hereafter further advance or disburse, with Interest, after the Rate of Eight Pounds per Cent. per Annum for the same; and be likewise paid all such Allowances and Salary for the said Service, as shall be in Arrear, and unpaid, at the Time of such their Dismission and Discharge: And that the said Commissioners shall Quarterly defalk the Sum of Two thousand five hundred Pounds, and all such other Allowances, as the former Commissioners have had, out of the said Collections and Receipts, for their Performance of the Service aforesaid, during the whole Time of their said Employment; and shall be allowed the same upon their Accounts. And as for all Payments to be from time to time made by the said Commissioners, or their Deputies, as well to Merchants and others, for Customs of Goods exported, which formerly were imported, according to the Order annexed to the last Book of Rates, as also to Clerks, and to every other Person, which they shall find necessary to be employed in this Service, under them, the said Commissioners or their Deputy or Deputies by their Appointment and Order shall issue the said Payments out of the Receipts aforesaid, and be likewise allowed the same in their Accounts.

And it is further Ordained, That the said Commissioners shall have full Power, and are hereby authorized, to place and displace their Deputy Collectors, Receivers, Secretary, and Clerks; as also shall have Power to displace any Searchers, Storehouse or Warehouse Keepers, Waiters, Tidesmen, Noon-tenders, Watchmen, and other their Deputy Officers from time to time, as they shall find just Cause; and shall have Power to nominate and appoint such others in their Places, as shall be approved of by the Committee of the Navy of the Commons House of Parliament.