House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 26 May 1643

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 26 May 1643', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 27 July 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 26 May 1643', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 26 May 1643". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024.


In this section

Die Veneris, 26 Maii, 1643.


Prisoner discharged.

UPON the Certificate from the Committee at Haberdashers Hall, that Mr. Trussel has paid the Monies, assessed upon him ;

It is Resolved, &c. That Mr. Edw. Trussell shall be forthwith discharged from any further Restraint or Imprisonment.

Protection to Hunt.

The humble Petition of Nicholas Hunt of Camberwell, in the County of Surrey, was read, informing this House of the many Services he is engaged in for the Parliament; and of his Contribution to the Parliament; and that, notwithstanding, one Captain Washborne doth threaten to take away his Two Coach Horses, without which he and his Wife are so infirm that they cannot go abroad.

It is therefore Ordered, That the said Mr. Hunt shall have the Protection of this House; and that no Commander, or Officer, or other Person, shall presume to seize any Horses of the said Mr. Hunt's without first acquainting this House therewith, and having the Order of this House for the same.

Intercepted Letter.

A Letter from my Lord Wilmott to his Son, the Lieutenant General of the Horse, in the King's Army, being a Letter of Intelligence, was this Day read: And

Prisoners of War, &c.

Ordered, That this Letter be communicated to the Lords, at a Conference; and that (upon the Occasion of this Letter) the Lords be pressed to pass the Ordinance concerning Prisoners; and to desire, that the Lord Willmott may be secured by streight Imprisonment; and that he may be examined upon Oath, upon such Interrogatories, as shall be prepared by, and in the Presence of, Members of this House; and that the Informations given from the Prisoners at Oxon may be communicated at this Conference; and that the Lords be desired, that those Prisoners, that go at large upon Bail, or upon Engagement of Honour, may be restrained; upon the Occasion of the Letter written from the General of the King's Forces, to the Governor of Bristoll.

Resolved, That these shall be the Heads of the Conference.

Sir H. Mildmay is appointed to desire a Conference concerning the Prisoners at Oxon; and, concerning an intercepted Letter from my Lord Willmott.

He likewise carried up an Ordinance for Monies to Sir Wm. Waller, and for the associating the County of Huntington with Cambridgeshire.

Mr. Pym, Sir Wm. Armyn, Serjeant Wilde, Sir Rob. Harley, are appointed Managers of this Conference.

Sir H. Mildmay brings Answer, that the Lords will give a present Meeting at a Conference by a Committee of the whole House, in the Painted Chamber : And as to the Two Ordinances, carried up by him, they will send Answer by Messengers of their own.

Raising Money.

Commissary Copley and Mr. Fleetewood, Two Officers of the Army under the Command of the Earl of Essex, informed the House of all the Proceedings of the Committee appointed by his Excellency to sit for the raising of Monies in and about Reading: Which was occasioned upon an Information given by one Mr. Starchey here publickly at the Bar; which reflected upon the Proceedings of that Committee:

It was thereupon Resolved, upon the Question, That this House doth approve of the Care of my Lord General, in providing for the Necessities of the Army, in the manner he hath done, in appointing a Committee for the levying of Monies in Berkshire, &c.

Mr. Pym is appointed to prepare a Letter to be sent to my Lord General; and to declare this unto him; and further, to let his Excellency know, that the House hath appointed Mr. Hobby to attend the House; and, when he has been heard, they will further inform his Excellency concerning that Business reported by him;-they have likewise summoned Mr. Starchey.

Person to attend.

Ordered, That Mr. Starchey be summoned forthwith to attend the House.

Newcastle Coal, &c.

The House being informed, that divers Aldermen, and other Citizens, of the City of London, were at the Door, who had some Propositions to offer from the Court of Aldermen and Common Council; they were called in; and did offer some Propositions, in Writing, concerning the furnishing these Parts with Newcastle Coal; and concerning the reducing of Newcastle.-

Message from Lords.

A Message from the Lords, by Sir Edw. Leech and Dr. Bennett;

The Lords do agree to the Ordinance for the County of Huntington to associate with Cambridgeshire : They have likewise commanded us to present the Petition of divers poor Men that have furnished the Parliament with Fewel.-

Newcastle Coal, &c.

The Propositions offered from the Common Council concerning the furnishing these Eastern Parts with Newcastle Coal, and reducing Newcastle, were read:

And it is Ordered, That Sir H. Vane senior, Mr. Cage, Mr. Rolle, Sir H. Anderson, Mr. Beddingfield, Mr. Vassall, Mr. Blakiston, Mr. Owner, Mr. Squire Bence, Mr. Reynolds, * Hoyle, * Green, Mr. Bond, * Onslowe, * Trenchard, * Rose, * Harley, * Asherst, * Jennour, * Wilde, * Soame, Lord Ruthen, Alex. Bence, Mr. Wasthall, Mr. Rigby, Sir Tho. Middleton: And all that will come, to have Voices : And the Care of this Business is especially recommended to the Care of Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Blakiston : And they have Power to send for Parties, and especially such of the City as they shall think fit to advise with : And are to meet this Afternoon at Two of Clock in the Star Chamber.

Answer to the City.

The Aldermen and other Gentlemen of the City were called in; and Mr. Speaker, by the Command of the House, told them, "that they had read their Propositions; and do find in them a great Care expressed of the Commonwealth; for which they return you Thanks; and desire you to do the like to the Body of the City: They have referred your Propositions to a Committee; and have appointed them to advise with some of the City about it."

He likewise recommended unto them, the Desire of the House to furnish my Lord General with what Forces they can, especially Horse.

Ordered, That Mr. Speaker shall, by the Command of the House, recommend unto the Aldermen and Citizens that presented the Propositions, from the Common Council, for reducing of Newcastle, the Desire of this House, that they represent unto the Common Council their Request, that they would employ their best Endeavours to furnish my Lord General, upon his advancing, with what Forces they can, especially Horse; that he may the better carry on that Work of great Importance, he is now upon.

Stepkin's Horses, &c.

Ordered, That Sir Arth. Haselrig shall keep the Horses he has seized of Mr. Stepkin's : And that it be referred to the Committee at Haberdashers Hall, to consider what Mr. Stepkin has done upon the Propositions; and to see that he be assessed.

London Assessments.

Ordered, That the Committee at Haberdashers Hall shall have Power, within the City of London and Twenty Miles Compass, to call such Persons before them, that have not contributed proportionably upon the Propositions; and that they do appoint Assessors to sess such of them, as have not so contributed according to the Ordinance of the Twentieth Part; and that they shall have Power to appoint Committees to have Power to ease such as shall be over-rated.

Ordered, That the Lords be moved to join herein,

Examining LordWilmot.

Message from the Lords, by Dr. Bennett, and Dr. Heath;

That the Lords have appointed a Committee to examine my Lord Wilmot : To meet this Afternoon, at Three a Clock, in the Lord Keeper's Lodgings.

Sir Hen. Mildmay, Mr. Prideaux, Mr. Rous, Mr. Hatcher, Mr. Young, Mr. Ashurst, Sir Pet. Wentworth, Mr. Gurdon;

This Committee is to consider of some Interrogatories to be prepared to examine the Lord Wilmott upon : And any Four of them are appointed to be present at the Examination.

Currans seized.

Ordered, That the Business concerning the Currans seized in Essex be referred to the Committee for the Navy.

Leave to visit a Prisoner.

Ordered, That Sir Hen. Crompton's Lady shall have Leave to come and visit her Husband in the Tower, and to reside with him there.


Ordered, That the Business of Excise, be reported To-morrow, the first Business.

Lord Renula's Petition.

Ordered, That Mr. Speaker do put the House in mind; when there is a fit Opportunity to move the House, to read my Lord Renula his Petition.

Army Appointment.

The Ordinance for Sir Thomas Middleton to be Serjeant Major General of Five Welsh Counties was read; and, upon the Question, assented unto

Re-payment of Money.

The Ordinance for securing the Re-payment of Five thousand Pounds, taken up by Sir Thomas Middleton, for the said Service, was read; and re-committed.

Sir G. Nappier.

A Letter from Sir Walter Earle and Mr. Browne, Two Members of this House, was read; informing the House of the Readiness in Sir Gerard Nappier Knight and Baronet, to contribute, in a large manner, to the Service of the Parliament, and to give his Assistance, or otherwise: Whereupon

It is Ordered, That the Attendance of Sir Gerard Nappier, on this House, shall be dispensed withal; to the end he may the better attend the Service in the Country.

Ordered, That Mr. Pym do write a Letter to Sir Walter Earle and Mr. Browne, to the Effect abovesaid.

Norris, &c. Petition.

Ordered, That the humble Petition of Hugh Norris, Caldwall Farrington, John Gregory, Joseph Brand, Francis Mantell Widow, and others, interested in the Currans, laden in the Nicholas, shall be referred to the Committee for the Navy, to report their Opinions thereof unto this House.

Pass Warrants granted.

Ordered, Upon the humble Petition of John Fountaine and Adam De Cardonnell, Merchants, that James De la Port shall have Mr. Speaker's Warrant to go to Oxford, about the getting of a Ship released, staid at Falmouth.

Ordered, That Francis Leech, of the University of Cambridge, shall have Mr. Speaker's Warrant to go beyond Sea, to the University of Leyden.


Ordered, That the Report for Ireland be made To-morrow Morning.


Ordered, That the Names of the Sequestrators be carried to the Lords To-morrow.

Preacher in Paul's Church Yard.

Ordered, That the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of the City of London shall have Power and Authority to nominate and appoint such Ministers, as shall hereafter preach in Paul's Church Yard upon the Lord's Day weekly; and that, in the Interim, until that Place be prepared and fitted for that Purpose, the Lord Mayor and Aldermen may appoint such convenient Place for such Ministers to preach, every Lord's Day weekly, before them, as they shall think convenient : And likewise, that the Lord Mayor, for the time, may dispose of the Allowance formerly given to the Preachers at Paul's, upon such Ministers as shall be so appointed to preach before the said Lord Mayor and Aldermen, at the Place by them to be assigned, as aforesaid: Which Disposition and Appointment shall not be accounted or reputed any Breach or Violation of the Gifts or Devises of any Donor, or Person deceased; notwithstanding any former Usage, Appointment, or Devise of any Bishop's, Donor's, or otherwise, to the contrary.

Removing Prisoners.

Ordered, That Captain Herriot Washborne shall receive, from the Keeper of London House, Lieutenant Green, Cornet Richard Tayler, Barnaby Bradford, and James Bradford; and, from the Keeper of Lambeth House, Mr. Thomas Nicholson, Mr. Richard Zouch, William Davis, and William Allen; and, from the Keeper of the Compter in Woodstreet, Captain Wm. Hudson, and Captain Henry Bradneux; and shall take care, that they be all safely brought to the City of Norwich, in the County of Norfolke; Six of them to be delivered to the High Sheriff of the County of Norfolke, or to his Under Sheriff; whom they are hereby required to receive, and safely to keep, in the Gaol of the said County; till this House shall otherwise direct; and Four of them to the Deputy Mayor and Sheriffs of the said City; who are hereby also required to receive them, and to keep them safely, in the Gaol of the said City; till this House shall otherwise direct.

And it is further Ordered, That Mr. Squire, Mr. Swadlyn, and * *, Prisoners in Gresham College, shall be likewise delivered to Captain Washborne, to be conveyed to the Prison of Norwich; there to be kept in safe Custody, until this House take further Order: And Sir Robert Harley is appointed to send his Warrants to the several Keepers of the Prisons, for the Delivery of them accordingly.

Raising Horses.

Whereas there is an Ordinance of Parliament passed, bearing Date the Tenth Day of this Instant May, concerning the taking of Horses for the Service of the Parliament: It is further Ordered and Declared, by the Lords and Commons, in Parliament assembled (as well in pursuance of the said Ordinance, as by way of Addition; that his Excellency's Occasions may be served, and yet with the greatest Ease to the Counties as may be); that the Deputy Lieutenants, or the Committees for the Propositions, or any Two of them, within the several Counties, when the Lord General shall require so many Horses out of any County, shall immediately levy such a Number upon every Division and Hundred, as in a Proportion the several Parts will afford; and shall cause the Horses so proportioned to be delivered accordingly: And in case the said Deputy Lieutenants, or Committee, shall not execute, according to the said Ordinance, and deliver such Horses as are fit for Service, now, in such time as the Lord General direct; or that the Lord General shall find, by reason of some great Exigency, that the said Circumstances cannot be observed without Danger to the Army; and insert the same in this Warrant; then such Officers, as his Excellency shall appoint, shall raise and take such Number of Horses as are required by his Excellency within the Places appointed, rendering an Account to his Excellency for the same; having a Regard always to those Persons, that have expressed their good Affections, by contributing upon the Propositions, and submitting to the Orders and Ordinances of Parliament: And in case that, upon any Exigency, the Horses of such Persons as have expressed their Affections to the Parliament, as aforesaid, shall be taken, that their Horses shall be valued by the Constables, and certified to the Commissary in London for valuing of Horses, Arms, &c.; and the Parties repaid for them, upon the publick Faith.