House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 3 June 1643

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 3 June 1643', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 23 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 3 June 1643', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 23, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 3 June 1643". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 23 October 2024.


In this section

Die Sabbati, 3 Junii, 1643.


Derby Committee.

A LETTER to be sent from Mr. Speaker to the Committee at Derby, was this Day read; and assented unto; and ordered to be signed by Mr. Speaker: And signed accordingly.

Money seized.

Upon a Report from the Committee, to whom the Petition of Mr. Wm. Rosse was referred, concerning One thousand and Ninety-seven Pounds, endeavoured by him to be transported into Scotland, and seized by the Searchers at Gracesend; whereof Six hundred Pounds was, by Order of this House, paid in to the Treasurers at Guildhall, London:

Resolved, That Robinson and Dighton, Searchers at Gravesend, do forthwith pay unto Mr. Wm. Rosse Three hundred and Ninety-seven Pounds of the Thousand Ninety and Seven Pounds, or thereabouts, belonging to the said Mr. Rosse, and intended by him to be transported into Scotland, and seized by the said Searchers: And, for the Encouragement of the said Searchers, it is Ordered, that they detain One hundred Pounds of the said Monies in their Hands: And for their so doing the said Searchers shall be saved harmless.

Resolved, That Mr. Wm. Rosse shall have the publick Faith of the Kingdom for Repayment of the Six hundred Pounds, Remainder of the One thousand and Ninety-seven Pounds, seized as aforesaid, and paid into Guildhall, and employed for the Service of the State.

Obstructions of Justice.

Ordered, That these Persons following be added to the Committee for giving Remedies to Obstructions of Justice; Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Lisle, Mr. Hill, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Serjeant Wilde, Mr. Millington, Mr. Whittlock, * Anth. Irby, Mr. Young, * Hippesley, * Tate, * Wheler: And that Mr. Prideaux, Mr. Reynolds, * Lisle, Mr. Serjeant Wilde, and Mr. Millington, do attend constantly the Committee appointed to give Remedies to the Obstructions of Justice, in the Exchequer Chamber, on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.

Norton's Case.

Upon the Report from the Committee appointed to consider of the Obstructions by Absence of the Great Seal, of the Case between Mr. Norton, Tenant to the Company of Drapers, and Sir Geo. Whitmore; it is Resolved, That Mr. Norton shall be restored to his Possession; upon giving good Security, that if the former Judgement shall be affirmed, that he shall render the Possession, and the mean Profits: And the Committee is to allow the Security, and to see this Order put in Execution.

Message to Lords.

Sir Anth. Irby is appointed to go to the Lords, to desire them, that they would be pleased to send for my Lord Grey of Werke, whom they have designed Commissioner for Scotland; the Time of their meeting there drawing on so fast: That they would likewise take some Course, that the Treaty, concerning the Scotts Forces in Ireland; and likewise the Two Commissions for Conservation of Peace, and concerning Trade: And also to desire the Lords to pass the Ordinances concerning Sir Tho. Middleton; the Town of Newcastle; the Names additional for the Twentieth Part; and the Ordinance for Saltpetre.

Listing Horses.

An Ordinance for listing and exercising of all the Horses in the City of London, the Suburbs, and Twelve Miles Compass, was this Day read; and, by Vote, upon the Question, assented unto; and ordered to be sent unto the Lords, for their Concurrence, by Mr. Bainton.

Ordered, That Sir Tho. Barrington, Sir H. Mildmay, Sir Tho. Walsingham, Mr. Skinner, and Mr. Drake, be added to the Committee for listing Horses in the City of London, and Parts adjacent, within Twelve Miles Compass of the same.

Conference with Lords;

A Message from the Lords, by Dr. Aylett and Dr. Heath;

The Lords desire a present Conference by Committees of both Houses, in the Painted Chamber, if it may stand with the Conveniency of this House, concerning the Ordinances, touching Newcastle; the Prisoners at Oxon; and Saltpetre.

agreed to.

Answer returned by the same Messengers; that this House has considered their Lordships Message; and will give a present Meeting, as is desired.

Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Lisle, Mr. Cage, Sir Wm. Armyn, Mr. Serjeant Wilde, Mr. Whittlock, are appointed Reporters.

Answer from Lords.

Sir Anth. Irby brings Answer: that the Lords do agree to send for the Lord Gray of Warke; and, as to the general Treaty, concerning the Scotts Forces in Ireland; the Two Commissions for Conservation of Peace, and concerning Trade; they will take Order to send them to his Majesty for his Assent, and to be sealed: And, as to the Messages, concerning the several Ordinances, they will send Answer by Messengers of their own.

Money for Ireland.

Ordered, That the Committee for Accounts, where Mr. Trenckard has the Chair, do take Course, and give Order, that the particular Sums in Arrear, of those Sums promised to be lent by the particular Companies of London, for the Service of Ireland, be forthwith brought in, and paid unto Mr. Henley and Mr. Hawkeridge, upon Account, to pay for the Arms delivered unto the Use of our Brethren in Scotland; and that the said Committee do send their Warrants to the particular Companies, that have not brought in their Monies, to bring them in forthwith.

Payment of Tythes.

Ordered, That all the Tenants and Occupiers of Sutton Marsh in Holland in Lincolneshire, and of Lands elsewhere, within the said Parish of Sutton; and the Receivers and Gatherers of the Rents or Profits of the said Lands; shall set forth, satisfy, and pay, unto Dr. Thomson, and his Assignees, or Deputies, all their Tythes, both great and small, which shall henceforward arise, and renew, within the said Marshes, and Lands elsewhere within the said Parish; together with the Arrearages, or Tythes, detained by them, from the said Dr. Thomson, ever since the Order of this House for Sequestration of them; and that the Deputy Lieutenants and Committees of the County of Lincolne, Captains, and all other Officers of the Trained Bands, and Voluntiers, be aiding and assisting unto him the said Dr. Thompson, his Assignees, and Deputies, in the quiet and peaceable Gathering, Receiving, and Carrying away the said Tythes.

Emperor's Agent's Secretary.

Ordered, That the Secretary to the Emperor's Agent be discharged; and the Letter, addressed unto the Lord Courtiois Vice Chancellor of the Sacred Empire, be delivered unto him.

Wright's Horse, &c.

Ordered, That the Horse of Mr. Wright, standing at the Black Bell in Fleet-street, and the Pistols and Bosses, be delivered unto Sir Arth. Heselrig.

Listing Horses.

Mr. Bainton brings Answer, that he has delivered unto the Lords the Ordinance for listing Horses; and that they will send Answer by Messengers of their own.


Upon the humble Petition of the Keeper of Lambeth-house, it is Ordered, That the said Keeper shall have the Custody of the Grounds near adjoining and belonging to Lambeth-house, until the Committee for Sequestrations shall take other Order herein.

Plate, &c. seized.

Ordered, That Colonel Haroy do forthwith carry the Plate and Jewels, seized by one Quarter Master Gregson, in the House of Mrs. Crosse, to Guildhall; that the Proceed thereof may be disposed of, according to the Order of the Second of this Instant June.

Payment for Army.

Ordered, That Mr. Baker, who has Seven hundred Pounds in his Hands, of the Monies raised upon the Ordinance of the weekly Assessments in the County of Sussex, do forthwith pay the said Monies unto Sir Gilb. Gerard, Treasurer at Wars; to be by him forthwith paid unto Sir Arth. Heselrig, for the Service of the Forces under the Command of Sir Wm. Waller.

Message from Lords.

A Message from the Lords, by Dr. Aylett and Dr. Heath;

The Lords have commanded us to bring down unto you a Safe Conduct for the Earl of Cressy, a French Count, to go to the King and Queen; the which they incline to assent unto, and desire the Concurrence of this House: They have agreed to the Ordinance concerning the Welsh Counties, with one small Amendment: That, in the Letter which they sent to this House, concerning the Earl of Mulgrace, there was mention made of the Lord Sheffield; that this House has taken Consideration of the said Earl's Cause, the Lords desire you would do the like for the Lord Sheffield, who is under the like Suffering, and has deserved very well of the Parliament.

Earl of Cressy.

Resolved, &c. That, as to the Safe Conduct sent from the Lords to the Earl of Cressy, the Answer to the Messengers shall be, that the . . will send Answer by Messengers of their own.

Allowance to Lord Sheffield.

Resolved, &c. That Ten Pounds per Week shall be allowed to the Lord Sheffield, out of the Monies that come in upon the Ordinance for Sequestrations; and that it be referred to the Committee for Sequestrations, to take Order herein.

Sir T. Middleton.

The Lords Amendment to the Ordinance concerning Sir Tho. Middleton, was this; "excepting the Members of both Houses. . . Parliament;" to be added in that Clause, where Sir Tho. Middleton is authorized to seize and sequester the Estates, real and personal, of Delinquents, &c.

Resolved, &c. That the Answer to the Messengers, as to the Amendment sent from the Lords, that Answer shall be sent by Messengers of their own:

Conference to be desired.

And that a Conference shall be desired with the Lords, on Monday Morning next:

Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Marten, Mr. Cage, are appointed to prepare Heads for this Conference.

Answer to Lords.

Answer returned by the same Messengers; that this House has considered their Lordships Message; and that, as to the Pass to the Earl of Cressy; and to the Amendments in the Ordinance, concerning the Welsh Counties; they will send Answer by Messengers of their own: They have taken the Lord Sheffield into their Consideration.


Ordered, That the Business of the Excise shall be proceeded in on Monday Morning, the first Business peremptorily, and no other Business to intervene: And Mr. Speaker to put the House in mind hereof.

The Regalia.

The Question being put, whether the Locks of the Doors, where the Regalia are kept, in Westminster Abbey, shall be opened, notwithstanding any former Order made, and Search made there; and an Inventory taken, of what Things are there, and presented to the House; and new Locks set upon the Door; and nothing removed, till the House take further Order.

The House was divided.

The Yeas went forth.

Sir Peter Wentworth, Sir Christ. Yelverton, Tellers for the Yea: With the Yea, 42.
Mr. Holles, Sir Jo. Holland, Tellers for the Noe: with the Noe, 41.

Resolved, &c. That the Locks of the Doors where the Regalia are kept, in Westminster Abbey, shall be opened, notwithstanding any former Order made, and Search made there; and an Inventory taken of what Things are ...; and presented to the House; and new Locks set upon the Doors, and nothing removed till the House take further Order: And that Sir Rob. Pye be there present, with that Inventory of the Regalia, that is kept in the Chamberlain's Office of the Exchequer, whether all Things be there, mentioned in that Inventory.

Sir Jo. Holland, Mr. Gurdon, Sir H. Mildmay, Mr. Marten, are to take the Inventory, and to execute this Order accordingly.