House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 4 July 1643

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 4 July 1643', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 23 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 4 July 1643', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 23, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 4 July 1643". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 23 October 2024.


In this section

Die Martis, 4 Julii, 1643.


Isle of Portland Minister.

AN Order for putting Mr. Henry Way, Master of Arts, a godly, learned, and orthodox Divine, into the Parsonage of the Isle of Portland, in the place and stead of Dr. Hinchman, who is gone to the Army against the Parliament; and for the said Henry Way to receive the Benefits and Profits thereof; who is hereby enjoined to officiate the Cure, and to preach diligently.

Hotham's Letters, &c.

Ordered, That the Letters, found in Mr. Durand Hotham's Chamber, be referred to the Committee for Examinations; and likewise that the Examination of Mr. Durand Hotham is referred to the Consideration of this Committee.

Message to Lords.

Ordered, That Sir Wm. Strickland do go to the Lords, to desire them to give their Answer, concerning a Great Seal; and to acquaint them, that this House is informed, that his Estate is granted away under the Great Seal: He is likewise to desire their Answer to the Points, delivered at a Conference with the Lords, concerning Hull.

Pettus' Ditto.

Ordered, That Mr. Serjeant Wilde, Mr. Prideaux, or either of them, do prepare an Ordinance to enable Mrs. Pettus to prosecute her Decree and Suits Chancery; and to receive the Fruit and Benefit of the Sequestration thereupon granted.

Waller to be brought up.

Ordered, That Mr. Morley and Mr. Bainton do presently repair to the House where Mr. Waller is in safe Custody; and see him safely conveyed hither, and back again.

Irish Rebellion.

A Declaration, relating and setting forth the Rise and Progress of the Rebellion in Ireland, was this Day read; and it is ordered to be committed unto Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Jephson, Sir Wm. Armyn, Sir Anth. Irby, Mr. Rob. Goodwyn, Mr. Tate, Mr. Rous, Mr. Holles: Who are appointed to meet this Afternoon, at Two of Clock, in the inner Court of Wards (they, or any Four of them); and have Power to send for Parties, Witnesses, Papers, Records.

Restoring Horses.

Ordered, That the Houses of Mr. Thurloe, Servant to Mr. Solicitor, a Member of this House, taken and seized by * * be forthwith restored, in whose Custody soever they now are; and that the Person or Persons that seized them, be forthwith sent for as Delinquents.

Answer from Lords.

Sir Wm. Strickland brings Answer, that the Lords will send a present Answer by Messengers of their *.

Mr. Waller.

Resolved, That Mr. Waller shall be brought to the Bar.

Governor of Dover Castle.

Resolved, &c. That Sir Edw. Boys, Governor of Dover Castle, by Order of the Committee for the Safety of the Kingdom, shall have the Pay of Colonel, for his Entertainment as Governor; this Pay to begin from the Date of his Commission.

Acton's Assessment.

Ordered, That the Committee do assess Mr. John Acton upon the Ordinance of the Twentieth Part, and the weekly Assessments; and that so much of his Plate shall be sold as shall satisfy the Assessments: It is further Ordered, that the Plate of other Men, brought into Guildhall, and there remaining, shall be melted down or sold, and the Proceed thereof employed for the Service of the Commonwealth.

Mr. Waller.

According to a former Order, Mr. Waller was brought to the Bar by the Serjeant, with his Mace; but kneeled not at the Bar, though he offered it; and, being there, by the Command of the House, all the Examinations and Confessions of Mr. Waller were shewed unto him; who did confess and acknowledge them to be his, and to be true; and that his Name, signed to the several Examinations, was of his own Hand-writing: And then being told, that if he had any thing farther to say, either in this Business, or for himself, that he had Liberty to speak; whereupon he spake nothing in Extenuation, or Justification of his Offence; but exprest his Sorrow for it; and desired, that he might receive his Life or Death from the Hand of this House, and not from a Council of War.

Message from Lords.

A Message from the Lords, by Sir Rob. Riche and Mr. Page;

The Lords do agree to the Two Letters to be sent into Ireland; the one to the Marquis of Ormond; and the Lords Justices: They do likewise agree to the Two Votes concerning Hull; and to the Addition of Sir Philip Stapilton, and Sir Wm. Constable, to be Committees for the Safety of Hull; and that a Letter be written to my Lord General, to desire his Excellency to grant a Commission to Sir Mathew Boynton, according to the Desire in the Vote: And as to the Business concerning the Great Seal, they do adhere to their former Opinions.--

Yorkshire Forces.

Resolved, That his Excellency my Lord General be desired to recommend Sir Wm. Constable to my Lord Fairefax, to have the Command in chief of the Forces of Horse and Foot, in the East Riding of the County of Yorke, by Commission from and under my Lord Fairfax.

Colonel Appleyard.

Resolved, &c. That Lieutenant Colonel Appleyard be required forthwith to repair to Hull, to take upon him his Charge which he formerly had.

Mr. Strode is appointed * * * * .-

Commission to Boynton.

Answer returned by the same Messengers; that this House has considered their Lordships Message; and doth agree to send a Letter to my Lord General, to desire his Excellency to grant a Commission to Sir Mathew Boynton.

Bills of Exchange.

A Letter from Sir Wm. Waller, of the First of July, was read.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee where Mr. Trenchard has the Chair, to take some good Care that the Bills of Exchange, drawn upon Mr. Ashe, for Monies imprested to Sir Wm. Waller, be carefully satisfied and corresponded with.

Examination of Waller.

Mr. Waller was again called in; and being required to inform, how this Business came to his Hands, as he said that he was not the Inventor, or Beginner of it, said, that it was brought unto him by several Addresses and Informations from Chaloner; and by Messages and Discourses, from and with Sir Hugh Pollard: He likewise related all the Passages between him and the Earl of Portland, both at their private Conference, and at their Examination and Confrontment before the Committee of Lords and Commons, on Thursday last.

Ordered, That this Business, concerning Mr. Waller, be taken into further Consideration To-morrow Morning: And likewise That Business concerning the Lords examining the Earl of Portland, charged of High Treason by one Witness, upon Oath, to disenable the said Witness; and likewise the examining of another Witness, upon Oath, to disable the said Witness.

Great Seal.

Ordered, That the Lords Answer, concerning a Great Seal, be taken into Consideration To-morrow Morning.

Noell's Imprisonment.

Ordered, That the Keeper of Peter House be enjoined to keep Mr. Noell Prisoner, according to the Orders of the House, in such a Manner as he may not go abroad with a Keeper, or otherwise.

Keepers of Prisons, &c.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee for the Tower, to examine and consider of the Miscarriages and Misdemeanours of the Keepers of the several Prisons; and of the Serjeant and his Men; and likewise to consider of the Bonds entered into for Prisoners Bails; and to give Order for their Appearance upon a Day certain; and to prepare an Ordinance for recovering the Penalties of such Bonds, as are or shall be forfeited: And Mr. Trenchard is added to this Committee.

Exchequer Court.

Whereas there were divers Process sealed in his Majesty's Court of Exchequer, after the End of Michaelmas Term and Hillary Term last, 1642, to be carried to the Sheriffs of the several Counties of this Kingdom; and by Command of this House, the Messengers of the said Court were restrained from carrying them forth; and that there are now likewise at the End of this Trinity Term, 1643, a great Quantity of the like Process sealed, to be carried to the Sheriffs of the several Counties of England and Wales: It is Ordered, by the Commons in Parliament, and the said Messengers are hereby commanded and required, that none of the said Process be carried or sent to any Sheriffs whatsoever, except to the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex: And the said Messengers, for their Obedience hereunto, and unto the said former Commands, shall be saved harmless by the Power and Authority of this House: And the Barons of the Exchequer are hereby enjoined and required to issue forth no more Process until the House take further Order.


Ordered, That Sir Rob. Harley do To-morrow Morning make Report of the Ordinance concerning Innovations.

Salop Forces.

Whereas, in pursuance of an Ordinance of both Houses of Parliament, the Lord General hath heretofore granted a Commission to Sir John Corbett Baronet, a Member of this House, to be Colonel General of all the Forces to be raised in the County of Salop; and although the House is very well satisfied of the Ability and Integrity of the said Sir John Corbett, as well to the Publick as to this particular Service; yet, in regard the Attendance of the said Sir John upon the Service of the House is very necessary for the present; It is therefore Ordered, that the said Sir John Corbett shall give his personal Attendance upon the House; and shall not proceed upon that Commission till further Order; and it is lastly Ordered, that Colonel Tho. Mitton, and the rest of the Gentlemen of the said County of Salop, that have undertaken the Employment, do forthwith proceed therein with Effect; and that the Arms formerly assigned to the said Sir John, for the Service of that County, shall be delivered over by those in whose Hands they shall be found, to the said Colonel Mitton, and the said Gentlemen of the County of Salop, they giving an Acquittance or Receipt to Sir John Corbett for the same; and that the Payment to be made to the Officers entertained by the said Sir John, and the Portage and Repair of the said Arms, shall be referred to that Committee for the County of Salop, to consider how Satisfaction may be made therefore.