Index - E

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'Index - E', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 23 October 2024].

'Index - E', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 23, 2024,

"Index - E". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 23 October 2024.

-, Nicols, 1643. Vide Privileges.

-, John, 1643, to be summoned to appear before the Assembly, 23 Oct.

-, James, 1643, Order for his making Farthings, and giving an Account of the Weekly Profits to the Committee at Haberdashers Hall, 17 Apr.

East India
-, Company, 1642, to be required to lend Ordnance to the City, upon Security, 24 Mar.
-, 1643, like Order; the Committee for Fortifications, upon Refusal, to take what they shall think necessary, 5 Apr. - To be enjoined not to pay Money due to Sir Peter Ricaut, 17 May - A Committee to prepare Ordinance for imdemnifying them for 1,500 £ in their Hands, 21 June. - Another Committee to prepare Ordinance for their Indemnity in paying in his Money, and Adventurers impowered to treat with them about advancing ready Monies upon the Sale of his Adventures, 22. Members to treat with them forthwith thereupon, 23. The Committee for Accounts to sell the Adventures, and reward Persons employed in the Service, 21. The Company to transfer their Interest to Purchasers, 29 - A Committee to prepare Ordinance for Sale thereof; Ordinance read, and agreed to, 1 July. Message to Lords, desiring their Answer, 3 & 8. - Order for the Company to pay the whole Customs upon Goods new-imported; Drawback to be allowed upon Exportation, 22 Aug. Order for their paying all Monies due upon Goods imported, notwithstanding any Pretence of Restraint, 24. - Petition of Governor, &c. referred to the Committee for the Navy, 26 - Order for selling all Malignants Adventures, 14 Sept. The Company to take out the Parts of all such as shall be named to them, 15. A Committee to attend them concerning it, 19. - A Committee to prepare Ordinance for keeping them indemnified against Sir Peter Ricaut - Company to be spared for Payment of Money upon Goods shipped for Transportation ; to pay forthwith all Customs due upon Goods imported; Speaker's Speech to them, 22 - Petition of the Governor, &c. referred to the Committee for the Navy, 12 Oct. - Order for their Meeting; all that come to have Voices, 2 Nov. - Ordinance for upholding the Trade, and settling the Government of the Company, read, 22. Order for Second Reading, 24 - Recommitted, 10 Feb. - Ordinance for securing 6,000 £ advanced by them, read twice, and agreed to; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 24 Jan. - Petition of Governor, &c. Liberty given to transport foreign Coin and Bullion of Silver to a certain Value, 21 Mar.

-, Term, 1643, King's Proclamation concerning the Adjournment of Part thereof; a Committee to prepare Declaration in Answer thereto, 14 Apr. - Ordinance concerning it read, and recommitted; Reported, and agreed to, 18.

-, Traders, 1642, Report concerning them to be made, 22 Mar. Made ; Resolution thereupon; another Committee to consider of procuring Licences from the King to trade thither, and of the Petition of the Governor, &c. with the King's Answer, and of the Commitment of some deputed by the Company to attend him, 24 - The whole Business and Petition referred to the Committee for the Navy, 10 Apr. - Petition of Governor, &c. referred, 9 Oct. Instructions for the Company agreed to by Lords, 22.
-, 1644, Petition of Governor, &c. referred to a Committee; Committee impowered to treat with them for the Loan of Monies, 23 May - Ordinance and Business concerning the Trade referred to the Committee for the Navy, 24 June.

-, Sir Gerard, 1644, to be sent up, or secured at Stafford. 7 Aug. To be sent up, 12.

-, Castle, 1643, Order for maintaining the Garison agreed to by Lords, 4 Mar.
-, 1644, the Committee at Strafford to consider of granting the Rents and Profits thereof for that Service, 24 May.

-, 1643, Order for sequestering the Living read, and agreed to, 9 Oct.

-, Dr. 1643, Examined upon a Report from the Committee for absent Members, 22 Jan.

-, Piers, 1643, voted incapable of sitting during this Parliament, 22 Jan.

-, Philip, 1643, Order against his being admitted Lecturer of Gray's Inn, 11 July.

-, a ship of Hartlepoole, 1644, Report concerning it ; Resolutions thereupon, 18 Sept.

-, Captain William, 1644, Ordinance for repaying Money advanced by him, read, and passed, 24 May. Sent to Lords, 25.

-, 1643, Order for sequestering the Living, read, and agreed to, 9 Oct.

-, Countess of, 1643, Message to be sent to her concerning her harbouring ill-affected Persons, and the frequent Resort of Papists to Mass in her House, 12 June.

-, 1643, the Committee revived, and impowered to alter the Time and Place of Meeting, 18 Nov. Committees added, 22. Petition referred, 25.
-, 1644, Order for their Meeting, 2 Sept,
-, controverted. Vide Tewkesbury, Monmouth Town, and Newport.

Elizabeth and Mary,
-, a Ship, 1643, Order for selling her and her Cargo, 15 Sept.

-, Captain, 1643, to be tried by a Council of War for false Musters, and embezzling his Soldiers Arms, 9 Dec.

-, John, 1643, Petition referred to the Commissioners for the Great Seal, 11 Nov. Order for their Meeting as a Committee, 28 - Committees added, 8 Jan.
-, 1644, Ordinance for Relief to him out of concealed Delinquents Estates; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 3 June.

-, 1643, Order for sequestering the Living read, and agreed to, 9 Oct.

-, Isle of, 1643, Letter from thence concerning scandalous Minister, and corrupted Trained Bands, referred to the Committee of the Association; Committee impowered to consider any Matter conducive to the Safety of the Isle, 3 July. - A Committee to prepare Letter to the Committee to send Forces; Mr. Jocelyn to take Charge of the Place and Forces, and to take what Forces he can get from Cambridge; a Committee to prepare Letter to Lord General to recommend this Business, 15. Mr. Jocelyn's Letter, and the Business concerning a Governor, referred to the Committee for the Association, 24. Report; Colonel Cromwell appointed Governor ; Order for completing and arming the Trained Bands, and tendering the Covenant to them, 28. - The Committee to consider of fortifying the Place, and maintaining the Forces, 17 Jan. - Business recommitted; Committee to prepare Ordinance for that purpose, 16 Feb.
-, 1644, Ordinance read twice, and committed, 29 Mar. - Reported, and recommitted; Question for allowing the Excise towards Maintenance of the Garison, Neg. 1 Apr. - A Committee to consider how it may be secured, 7 Oct. Security thereof specially recommended to the Committee of the Association, 9.
-, Bishop of, 1643, a Committee to prepare Proofs, and manage Proceedings against him, 3 May.

Emanuel College,
-, Cambridge, 1643, a Committee to consider the State thereof, and receive Informations concerning it, 10 June.

-, Agent, 1643, Order for discharging his Secretary, and delivering a Letter to him, 3 June.

-, Dr. 1643, Petition referred to the Committee for Irish Affairs, 23 Oct.

-, a Ship, 1643, Order for taking off the Restraint thereon, 10 Apr.

-, a Ship, 1643, taken by Captain William Hodges, to be detained and employed by him, 23 Sept.

-, Chace and Park, 1643, Business concerning killing Deer therein referred to the Committee for Examinations, 8 Sept.

-, New, 1643, Petition of Inhabitants of New Somersetshire referred to a Committee, 30 Mar. - Committee impowered to receive a Petition, 8 Apr.
-, 1644, Ordinance concerning the Customs there, sent to Lords, 26 Nov.

-, and Ireland, 1643, Conference desired with Lords touching Matters of Importance that concern them ; Letters and Narrative to be communicated thereat ; Managers appointed ; Conference agreed to, and held, 18 May.

-, Captain, 1643, committed to Southwark Compter, upon Suspicion of being a Priest, 24 Apr.
-, 1644, his Petition ; Order for his repairing forthwith to his Charge, 15 May.

-, 1643, Order for sequestering the Living read, and agreed to, 30 Oct.

-, Sir Walth. 1643, his Letter referred to a Committee, 7 Aug. - Order for him to acquaint the Committee at Haberdashers Hall of Money he informed the House of ; Part thereof to be allowed for recruiting his Troop, and paying Part of his Arrears, 8 Sept. - His Troop to join another, and march to Sir William Waller, 20 - Order appointing him Lieutenant of the Ordnance, 11 Dec. - Conference desired with Lords concerning it agreed to ; Managers appointed ; Conference held ; Lords Concurrence signified, 22 Feb.
-, 1644, his Petition referred to a Committee, 5 Aug.
-, Mr. 1643, Exceptions taken to his Words ; withdraws during a Debate ; acknowledges his Error, and is admonished, 23 Feb.

-, Sir Michael, 1643, to be sent up in safe Custody, 5 Mar.

-, Earl of. Vide Irving.

-, 1644, Ordinance impowering the Commissioners of the Great Seal to pass Patents of their several Offices, 1 May.

-, Duke de, 1643, Conference desired by Lords about Things that concern him agreed to ; Reporters appointed ; Conference held, and reported ; to have Warrant to transport Plate he brought with him, 11 Apr. - To have Warrant to transport 30 Horses, 18. Speaker to sign it, 29 - Sheriffs to admit no Supersedeas against his Bail, 21 June. - His Petition against James Pickering, 14 Sept. Vide Pickering.

-, County, 1642, Business concerning the Sheriff to be considered, 24 Mar.
-, 1643, Deputy Lieutenants to examine Persons brought up for neglecting to send their Horses at Musters, 31 Mar. - Their Letter concerning the State of the County ; Lord General to be acquainted therewith, 12 Apr. - A Committee to go down, and raise the Forces, 14. - Order for sending up Aulnage, 22 Apr. - 4 May. - List of Malignants to be delivered to Sir Arthur Haslerigg, 12. - Ordinance enabling Colonel Long to raise Monies, read, and agreed to, 23. Sent to Lords, 24. - Revoked, 1 June. Lords Concurrence signified, 2. - Committees added, 30 - Order for apprehending and punishing Mutineers, 5 June - Members to go down, and acquaint them with Lord General's Letters for raising Forces, 14 - Members, Deputy Lieutenants, to go down, and advance the Service for raising Horse, 27 July - Members to be thanked for their Care in raising them; a Committee to consider of disposing of them, 8 Aug. - Deputy Lieutenants added, 9 Aug. - 11 & 24 Oct. - Ordinance for raising Money for arming the Horse, read, and passed, 11 Aug. Agreed to by Lords, 12. - Deputy Lieutenants to go down, and further the raising of Forces - Order for speedy collecting and paying in the Assessment upon the 5th and 20th Part, 15 - A Committee to prepare Ordinance for assigning over the Weekly Assessments of Essex, Kent, and Norfolk, for buying Arms for Lord General, 1 Sept. Ordinance read, and agreed to, 4. Repealed; Ordinance for assigning them for providing Arms in another Manner, read, and agreed to, 6 - Order for releasing the Horses and Goods of Carriers from thence, 15. - Ordinance for the Trained Bands to march as Lord General shall direct, agreed to by Lords, 18 Oct. - High Sheriff appointed ; Commissioners of the Great Seal to pass the Patent; Lords Concurrence signified, 9 Dec. - Ordinance for a Weekly Assessment, and to abate the Officers of their full Pay, and to accept of the public Faith for the Residue, read twice, and committed, 30 - Reported, and to be ingrossed, 17 Jan.
-, 1644, Petition of Clothiers referred to a Committee, 9 May - The Committee for the Navy to prevent Abuses of Persons employed to fell Timber, and to sell small Trees not fit for the Navy, 28 June - Committees Letter concerning sending 3,000 Foot to Major Browne ; Member to prepare Letter of Thanks, and therein to desire them to offer Propositions for satisfying their extraordinary Charges, and to continue their Soldiers in Pay, 3 July - Propositions referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall, 18 Oct. Report; Propositions agreed to; Ordinance for that Purpose read twice, and committed, 23. Reported, and passed ; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 26. - Another Letter concerning Money lately discovered, referred to the Committee at Chelmsford, 24 July - Additional Committees to the several Committees, agreed to by Lords, 10 Aug. - Letter to be written for the Continuance of their Forces at Abingdon, 9 Nov. - High Sheriff appointed, 2 Dec.
-, Earl of, 1643, High Sheriff of Stafford's Warrant for seizing his Estates and Debts; Lord Capell's to be assigned to him towards Satisfaction ; a Committee to prepare Ordinance for that Purpose, 4 Apr. Ordinance sent to Lords, 10. Lords desired to hasten the passing it, 11 & 14. - Conference desired with them thereupon ; agreed to. Managers appointed; Conference held, 13 May. Another Conference desired by Lords, agreed to, 16 ; Managers appointed ; Conference held, and reported, 17 - His Letter concerning Monies referred to the Committee for the Navy, 17 Apr. - A Committee to repair to him, and inquire into the State of his Army, 19 - Letter to him concerning general Warrants for seizing Horses, 20. - Conference desired by Lords concerning a Letter from him, agreed to; Reporters appointed ; Conference held, and reported ; Letter to be communicated to the City - Another Conference to be desired with Lords concerning it ; Managers appointed ; the Committee for Safety to consider of sending additional Forces and Supplies, 25. - Conference desired ; Head thereof ; Conference agreed to ; held, and reported, 27. Vide London. - Member to write to him concerning Abuses of the general Warrants, 6 May. - Conference desired by Lords concerning a Declaration from him, agreed to; Reporters appointed ; Conference held, and reported ; Resolutions for a Supply to him - for giving him public Thanks; Lords to be desired they may be given by the Speakers of both Houses, 12 - Members to acquaint him with the Information that some of the King's Forces are advanced towards Malmesbury, and others into Cambridgeshire - Resolution for allowing him 10,000 £ a Year out of the Sequestration-monies; Member to prepare Ordinance for that Purpose, 17. Form thereof, 20. Sent to Lords - Draught of a Letter to him concerning levying Monies by Soldiers, by his Commission, 24. - A Committee to acquaint him with the Proceedings of the Marquis of Hertford's Forces in the West, and with the Course taken for furnishing him with Men, 25 - Letter read, and agreed to ; Speaker to sign it, 2 June. - Members to acquaint him with a Plot, and the Discovery thereof, 8. Report of Message delivered, 21. - To be moved for a Commission for listing Horses within Twelve Miles of London - His Letter concerning the Skirmish at Chinner read, and to be printed, 20. - Copies of the Covenant to be taken by the Army, sent to him, 21 - His Letter shewing the Inconvenience of the Ordinance concerning taking Horses, read; Member to write an Answer, 24. - Another Letter read ; a Committee to prepare Answer, 29 - Another, desiring a Committee of both Houses may be sent down to the Army ; Conference desired with Lords thereupon ; agreed to ; Message from them, desiring they may communicate his Letter touching a Fast, agreed to; Managers and Reporters appointed ; Conference held, and reported ; a Committee of both Houses to be sent down, 1 July. - His Letter for Horses for recruiting his Army ; the Committee for Safety to provide some, 8. Order for their Meeting - Another Letter read, and to be considered, 10. Considered ; Order for sending Horse and Commanders to him ; a Committee to prepare Answer, 11. Answer read; agreed to, and to be signed by Speaker - Another Committee to consider of Means for preventing Mischiefs which the Army cannot prevent, 13. - Order and Declaration for assisting him with Horse, Monies, &c. 15. Matter recommended to the Committee of the Militia in London, 17 - Resolution for desiring him to move with his Army as he thinks best for the Advantage of the Kingdom; Conference desired with Lords thereupon; agreed to; Managers appointed; Conference held, and reported - Letter concerning the Soldiers Want of Cloathing, &c. read; Resolution for cloathing them in convenient Time - Free Conference desired by Lords concerning a Letter from the Council of War, agreed to; Reporters appointed; free Conference held, and reported - A Committee to receive Informations of the State of his Army, and consider of Means for supplying them, 22. - Letter concerning the Exchange of Prisoners, and Letter from those at Oxford, to be sent to him - A Committee to consider of a Council of War, and prepare Instructions for them, 27 July. - Names and Instructions reported; Copies to be sent to the several Persons, 2 Aug. - Conference desired by Lords concerning his Propositions, agreed to; Reporters appointed; Conference held, and reported; Propositions, with Lords Observations thereupon, read, 31 July - Votes upon them to be drawn into Form, and delivered to Lord General, 2 Aug. - A Committee to deliver them, 29 Sept. - The Committee for Safety to provide Cloathing - Soldiers to return to their Colours within a limited Time, 31 July - Resolution for punishing Scandals laid upon him, 2 Aug. A Committee to assure him House will stand by him, 3. Letter to be written to that Purpose, 10. - Conference desired by Lords touching Letters and other Advertisements from him, agreed to; Reporters appointed; Conference held, and reported, 7. - A Committee to consider of sending a Committee to him, 18. Instructions reported, and agreed to; Conference desired with Lords thereupon, agreed to; Managers appointed; Conference held, and reported; a Committee appointed, 19. - His Answer to Propositions from both Houses; Lords to be desired that a Committee of both Houses may impart them to the City, 19. - Order for sending him Pikes - A Committee to prepare Ordinance for assigning the Arrears of the Weekly Assessments of Three Counties for furnishing him with Arms, 1 Sept. Ordinance read, and agreed to, 4. Repealed - Ordinance for assigning them for providing Arms in another Manner, read, and agreed to, 6. - House to wait on him, and congratulate him upon his Success, 26 - A Committee to acquaint him with the Proceedings concerning Horses assigned to Sir William Waller and Sir Arthur Haslerigg; his Answer reported, 5 Oct. - Message from him touching Winter Quarters; Thanks thereupon - Member to acquaint him that Sir William Waller has surrendered his Commission; Conference desired by Lords concerning him, agreed to; Reporters appointed; Conference held, and reported, 9 Oct. - To be desired to send Two Troops of Horse to Gloucester - To be acquainted with the Desires of the City touching the Disposal of Horse under Sir William Waller's Command, 11. - Message to him concerning trying Offenders by martial Law; his Answer reported. 12. - Order for recruiting Horses for his Army, 16. - A Committee of both Houses to treat with him about the speedy Advance of the Armies, and Inconveniencies to the Counties that support them, 17. - To have Notice that 2,000 Irish Soldiers are landed at Bristol, 30 - The Committee for Safety to consider the present State of his Army, 13 Nov. Ordinance for Recruiting read twice, 22 Nov. Committed, 22, 27, 28, & 30 Nov. - 2 & 5 Dec. Committee sits, 1, 6, 7, 11, & 12 Dec. Order for making Report, 12. Report of Resolutions for recruiting and paying his Army, 13 - Resolution for sending Horse from the Hamlets and Middlesex, 28 Nov. - Conference desired by Lords concerning the State of his Army, agreed to; Reporters appointed; Conference held, and reported, 6 Dec. - His Letter, with Letters inclosed, communicated by Lords, 11. - His Letter, and Letters to him from the Committee for Safety, with his Answers, read; their Advice approved; to be desired to pursue it; Conference desired with Lords thereupon, agreed to; Managers appointed; Conference held; a Committee of both Houses to prepare a Letter to him; Letter read, and agreed to; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 20. Letter from Lords to him, read, and agreed to, 30 - Lord General to be moved for a standing Commission for a President of the Council of War, 10 Jan. - Conference desired by Lords concerning the State of his Army, agreed to; Reporters appointed; Conference held, and reported; Resolution for raising 10,000 £ for present Supply thereof, 15. - A Committee to consider of some Way of mustering his Forces - Another Committee to consider of raising Money for recruiting them, 20. - Order for Repayment of Monies advanced by him, agreed to by Lords, 24. - The Committee of the Militia in London to chuse Four Persons to muster his Army; and see it paid, 29 - Names presented; Lord General to be moved for Commissions to them, 1 Feb. To be desired to take care of the Musters till they arrive, 3 - Conference desired by Lords concerning recruiting his Army, agreed to; Reporters appointed, 29 Jan. - Message from Lords, with a Pacquet from Lord General, which he received from a Trumpeter; a Committee of both Houses to peruse it; Report; Lord General to be desired to issue Declarations, &c. to the Earl of Forth, 30 - Ordinance for recruiting his Army read twice, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 1 Feb. - A Committee, out of the Lifts, to present Names of Officers for Foot, Horse, and Artillery, to be under his immediate Command; to make Protestation of Secrecy, 26. Order for making Report, 27. Propositions concerning the Reformation of his Army, and Allowance to the Officers, referred back to the Committee; to confer with Lord General about them, and to receive and confer with him about his List, 29. The Committee to conser with him concerning Officers and Reformadoes, 7 Mar. - List of Officers, and Lord General's Answer concerning it, presented by the Committee, 8. House concur with him in appointing several Officers, 8, 11, 12, & 18. - Member to prepare Ordinance concerning the Pay of his Officers; to be desired to send a List of them, 5. - A Committee to prepare Ordinance for recruiting the Army, 1 Feb. Ordinance reported; Names to be left out; Rules for mustering and paying the Army read, and agreed to; Resolution touching the Sum for their Monthly Pay; Commencement thereof, 19. - To be desired to communicate Lord Forth's Letter to the Committees of Scotland, 17 - The Committee at Haberdashers Hall to repay him 1,000 £ and send down 1,000 £ to pay Serjeants, &c. 27. - Lords Order concerning his Behaviour, when he shall receive Directions from the Committee of both Kingdoms, read; a Committee to prepare Reasons for declaring it void, 1 Mar. Reasons reported, and agreed to, 4. - Order for a Fortnight's Pay to his Army upon Muster; the Committee for Safety to consider of putting it in speedy Motion; Order touching Muster-masters, 16. A Committee to consider of some Way for taking the Musters, upon recruiting it, 18. Ordinance concerning his Army, reported, and passed; Clause added; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 20. A Committee to consider of the List of Horse Officers, General Officers, and Officers of his Train, and of the Train of Artillery, and to confer with him about them, 21.
-, 1644, Lord General to be desired to forbear the Muster for a Time - Ordinance concerning completing his Army returned from Lords, with a Proviso; Proviso agreed to, 25 Mar. Lord General to appoint Horse Officers, 26. - To be desired to be sparing in granting Passes to and from the King's Quarters, 30 - Report touching Draught Horses proportioned upon the Six associated Counties, agreed to, 15 Apr. The Committees to meet, and raise them; Order touching paying for them. - Petition of Officers to be considered, 17. - Read; the Committee for Accounts to forbear Proceedings in their Accounts, 2 May. - House to consider of repaying Money advanced, 22 Apr. - The Committee at Haberdashers Hall to consider of raising the Remainder of a Fortnight's Pay formerly ordered, 22 - To be desired to appoint a speedy Day for his March; his Answer reported, 27. Resolution of the Council of War concerning it; the Committee of both Kingdoms, and Lord General, to resolve upon a more speedy Day, 29. Day reported; Resolution for paying them 10,000 £, thereupon, 30. - To be desired to grant Warrants for paying Money by way of Imprest to such as are to receive Pay; his List to be considered; Report from the Committee for Establishment of his Army; Resolutions thereupon, 1, 6, 10, 17, 21, & 22 May. The Monthly Pay to them to be paid before any other Monies assigned upon Haberdashers Hall, 3. That Committee to pay for Twelve Ton of Bullet for them, 6. Order for providing Five Ton, 9. - Opinion of the Committee of both Kingdoms concerning their March, agreed to, 10. - His Letter relating the taking of Henley, and other Papers, referred to the Committee for the Navy, 13. - Another concerning Draught Horses and Shoes for the Soldiers; Order for providing 2,000 Pair; Lord General to be acquainted therewith - Letter to be written to him concerning the King's coming to his Parliament, 15 May. - Estimate of Supplies for his Army referred to the Committee at Haberdashers Hall, 16. - Mark-master and joint Commissary appointed, 17. - His Letter delivered by Lords at a Conference; a Committee to prepare Answer, 18. Answer reported, read, and agreed to; Lords Concurrence signified, with an Amendment; Amendment agreed to - His Letter desiring the Remainder of his First Month's Pay, read; Order for paying it within a limited Time, 20. - Another Letter concerning the King's having left Oxon, read; a Committee to communicate an Abstract to the City, and treat with them about a Loan, 28. - Abstract of another Letter, relating the good Condition of his Army, and desiring the Pay may be duly supplied, read; Order for paying in the Second Month's Pay within a Time limited - Clerk to examine the Establishment of his Army, and deliver a Copy to the Treasurer at War, 31. - Order for sending Powder, &c. to Aylesbury, to be stored up for his Use, 4 June. - His Letter, declaring his Resolution to relieve Lyme; a Committee to prepare Answer; Answer reported, and agreed to; Lords Concurrence
-, currence signified, 10. - Letter from the Committee of both Kingdoms to him concerning sending a Party, and staying himself, where the Letter finds him, approved; Order for calling him back into Oxfordshire; the Manner referred to the Committee, 12. - His Letter concerning his Hopes of writing next from Weymouth, read - Order touching sending Match and Bullet, 19. - Another from Weymouth concerning the taking it, with the Articles of Surrender; the Committee of both Kingdoms to write to the Commissioners, to quicken them, from time to time, to give an Account of the State of his Army - Business concerning Pay to his Army to be considered, 21. - Conference desired by Lords concerning Letter from him touching the taking Weymouth, Melcombe Regis, and Sandfoote Castle, agreed to; Reporters appointed; Conference held, and reported; Letter, with Lords Vote thereupon, read; Debate thereon to be resumed, 22. Resolution for sending an Answer; Heads agreed to; a Committee to prepare it; Report of Money ready to go to him - His Letter, with Letters and Papers inclosed, read, and sent to Lords, 25. - Another, desiring a Month's Pay, and the Shoes promised, &c. sent to Lords; Report of Delivery, 27 - Lords desired to expedite their Answer, 29 June - 3 July. Letter returned, with Amendments; Amendments in part difagreed to, 5. Conference desired thereupon agreed to; Managers appointed; Conference held, 6. - Officers Letter concerning Motives that induced them to go into the West, 3 July. - Order for sending Ammunition, 6. - Report concerning constant Pay and Supplies re-committed - His Letter, and another inclosed, concerning Mr. Hoye, read; a Committee to prepare Answer - Another, with Sir John Berkeley's Answer concerning his Belief of Prince Rupert's Victory in the North, read, 20. Answer agreed to, and to be signed by Speaker - Further Report concerning constant Pay; Resolution for Three Months Assessment to him out of the Four, 22 - Report from him touching the State of his Army, their Success, and Provisions necessary for them, 2 Aug. His Letter to the same Purpose read; Members for London, &c. to give Account of the State of Weekly Assessments for him, 3 - Conference desired by Lords concerning a Letter from him, touching a Letter from the King to him, agreed to; Reporters appointed; Conference held, and reported; Letters to be printed; a Committee to prepare a Letter of Thanks, 14. - Order for sending Oats, 16. - for issuing 2,000 £ for Victuals, 27. - 1,000 £ for Freight and Mills - His Letter to the Committee of both Kingdoms reported, and read, 29 - Another to them concerning the hard duty he is upon, and a Plot to blow up 60 Barrels of Powder, 2 Sept. - Order for sending down 100 Barrels, and 10 Ton of Match - Another Letter read; Order for sending down Pistols for his House - Letter to him read, and agreed to; Lords Concurrence signified, 3 - Letter relating that his Horse and Dragoons had joined Sir William Waller, and that his Foot were of this side Honiton - A Committee to consider how the Commissioners with his Army may be serviceable to the State, 10. - Estimate of Drums, &c. for Lord General's Army to be presented, 11. - His Letter read, and sent to Lords; Order for sending Arms and Cloaths to be communicated to him, 13. Order for paying the Freight of hem, 16. - for sending 800 Suits to clothe the Soldiers at Plymouth, 18. Explained, 30. His Letter acknowledging the Receipt of them - Letter and Propositions of divers Officers referred to the Committee of both Kingdoms, 26. Propositions reported; Resolution for providing 9,000 £ for the Train; Order for providing a Train, according to a List approved of by the Committee of both Kingdoms - Member to prepare Ordinance for raising 1,100 House for recruiting him, 27. Ordinance agreed to by Lords, with a Proviso; Proviso agreed to - Order for employing 2,000 £ for his Army, 28. - Report concerning supplying him with Necessaries; Resolution for sending 500 Saddles - for providing 240 £ for furnishing Surgeons. Chests - for issuing 3,000 £ towards furnishing a Train, 30 - Order for a Convoy for the Train and Money - for 20 £ to the Committee for Reformation of his Army, for defraying incident Charges; Power given them to examine Persons doing ill Offices between the Army and Parliament - His Letter reported, 3 Oct. - Order for a Month's Pay to the Waggon-master General, 5 - for advancing him 500 £ upon Account, 7 - for 500 £ to the Waggon-master General, 8. Agreed to by Lords, 9. - Petition of Physicians, Apothecaries, and Surgeons, read, and referred to Sir Gilbert Gerrard; Order for sending down the Surgeons Chests, 10 - for distributing Money amongst the Surgeons, and for Officers going down, 23 - Lord General to be desired to recruit his Forces out of well-affected Persons, 11 Oct. - His Letter concerning his March read, 17. - Waggoners Petition referred to the Committee for the Establishment, 21. - A Committee of both Houses to visit Lord General, and present their Respects to him, 26. - Instructions for Commissioners in his Army referred to the Committee for the Establishment, 31. - Failure of Surgeons to repair to the Army, referred to the Commissioners for Martial Law - Copy of his Letter communicated by Lords, read, 1 Nov. - The Committee of both Kingdoms to consider of sending Powder, &c. to him, 9. - Ordinance for Monies to him to be presented, 13. Ordinance for 500 £ to his Foot, agreed to by Lords, 14 - Commissioners Letter referred to the Committee of both Kingdoms, 30 - Order about paying his Forces - Ordinance for 2,000 £ to the Waggoners in his and Sir William Waller's Army, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 10 Dec. Signified, 12. - Order for 3,000 £ upon Account, towards the Pay of his Army - for 500 £ in lieu of Coats, 21.

-, Colonel Charles, 1643, Order for paying 500 £ to his Widow and Sister, 9 June.
-, Sir William, 1643, his Wife to have Warrant to visit him at Oxon, 21 Aug. - Her Petition referred to the Committee for Reformadoes - Order for paying her his Arrears; 2 Feb.

-, John and James, 1643, not to leave the Town till further Order, 28 Mar. Vide Farthing Tokens.

-, Stephen, 1643, Order for paying him 2,000 £ read, and agreed to; Lords Concurrence signified, 10 Aug. - Message from them concerning him; Answer thereto, 14.
-, 1644, Ordinance enabling him to provide Coats, &c. for the Garison of Gloucester, read, and agreed to; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 13 May.

-, College, 1643, Sequestration of the Provost's Estate, as Provost, referred to Sir H. Cholmeley; the Committee for Sequestrations to settle the Business accordingly, 2 Dec. - Order for putting in Execution the Ordinances for removing scandalous Pictures in the Chapel, 20. - Provost discharged; Order for taking off the Sequestration of the Estate belonging to him as Provost; another appointed; Member to prepare Ordinance for settling him in the Place, 29. Vide Rons.
-, 1644, the Committee for plundered Ministers to consider of able Men to fill up the vacant Fellowships, 11 Apr.

-, Mr. 1643, to have Warrant to go to Oxon, 14 Apr. - Business concerning Money sent him from thence referred to the Committee for Examinations, 26 Jan.

-, Constance, 1643, to have Warrant to pass beyond Sea, 15 Aug.

-, John, 1642, to have Warrant to pass into France, 16 Mar.
-, Mrs. 1643. a Committee to examine her concerning her Journey, and 400 £ taken in a Soap-barrel, 1 May. Money to be returned to her Husband, 13.
-, Sir John, of Wiltshire, 1643, his Letter to Sir John Evelyn of Godstone read; Order for sending him up in safe Custody; none to speak to him but in Keeper's Prefence, 24 Aug. A Committee to examine him, 26. To be sent to Lord Mayor; no Person to have Access to him; not to receive or write Letters, but what Lord Mayor shall see; Report; Resolution for continuing his Restraint; previous Question for committing him to the Tower, Neg. Ordered into Custody; none to have Access to him but in Keeper's Prefence; not to write or receive Letters but what shall be first seen by the Committee; his Letter to Lady Griffith referred; Committee impowered to send for him at any time; Order for him to defray the Soldiers Charges that brought him up, 28. - To have Leave to go abroad with his Keeper, 23 Sept. - Committee revived, and Order for Sitting; Committees added, 7 Feb. Order for making Report, 22 & 27 - Report; Matter recommitted, 2 Mar.
-, 1644, his Petition read; Order for admitting him into the House, 27 Sept.
-, Sir John, of Godstone, 1643, to be sent for by Serjeant; none to speak to him but in Keeper's Presence, 24 Aug. A Committee to examine him, 26 - Order for bailing him, 3 Nov. His Petition, with Physicians Certificate annexed; Liberty given him to go to his Country House, 15 - Respited, upon Report from the Committee for absent Members, 22 Jan. - To have Liberty to be assessed for his 5th and 20th Part; Committee revived, and Order for Sitting; Committees added, 7 Feb. Report to be made, 22 & 27. - Made; Matter recommitted, 2 Mar.
-, 1644, His Petition read; Order for admitting him into the House, 27 Sept.

-, Serjeant, 1643, to attend the Committee for sequestering absent Members Estates, 28 Sept. - Voted incapable of sitting during this Parliament, 22 Jan.

-, Sir Thomas, 1643, to attend the Service of the House within Ten Days, upon pain of forfeiting 200 £ 9 May - Order for levying the Money, 18 July - for sequestering his Estate, 28 Sept. - for assessing him his 20th Part, 25 Nov. - Voted incapable of sitting during this Parliament, 5 Feb.
-, 1644, Order for discharging his Sequestration, and vacating all Bargains concerning it, 21 June. To be forthwith punctually observed, 29.

-, 1643, Order for sequestering the Living read, and agreed to, 12 July.

-, 1643, a Committee to take what Monies are remaining in the Tellers Offices, 18 Sept.
-, 1644, Ordinance appointing Messengers to attend the Receipt thereof, read, and agreed to, 2 May.
-, Court of, 1643, Order for indemnifying Messengers for not delivering Processes to the Sheriffs, 4 July.

-, 1643. Vide Supply. - A Committee to put the Commissioners Propositions into the Form of an Ordinance, 16 Aug. - Ordinance for borrowing 23,000 £ of them, and reimbursing them the Monies, read, and agreed to; Lords Concurrence signified - A Committee to consider of the best Way for a Controul upon the Accounts of the Excise, 13 Nov. - Commissioners to be acquainted where they have not put the Ordinance for Excise in Execution, 18. - To demand the Money due upon former Ordinances for Tobaccoes; - Instructions for the Auditors to be debated; a Committee to prepare them, 25 - Instructions reported; Auditors to execute their Office; Commissioners to permit them; the Committee to present what Allowance is fit for them, 25 Dec. - Further Ordinance for securing the Excise read twice, and agreed to; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 27 Nov. Signified, 28. - Ordinance for reimbursing the Commissioners 1,000 £ advanced for Sir William Waller's Forces, read, and agreed to; Lords Concurrence signified, with Amendments; Amendments agreed to, 5 Dec. - Commissioners to be acquainted with the Abuses of their Officers in Kent - Auditors and Comptrollers appointed, 3 Jan. - Remonstrance and Petition of the Commissioners read; nothing done thereupon, 6 - Ordinance for reimbursing the Commissioners 500 £ advanced for Southampton - A Committee to consider of the whole Business of the Excise, 8. Instruction, 12. - Commissioners Answer to the Proposition of a Loan of 1,000 £ read; to be desired to advance the Money within a limited Time, 16. Ordinance for their Security read thrice, and agreed to; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 20. - The Committee to examine what is due for Goods intrusted with the Owners, 24 - Order for their Security for 200 £ advanced to Major General Skippon; Member to prepare Ordinance for that Purpose, 12 Feb. - A Committee to treat with them about advancing 20,000 £ for recruiting Lord General's Army, 26. Their Answer reported; Order for Payment thereof, 27.
-, 1644, Their Propositions to be considered, 29 Mar. Referred to a Committee; Committee to conser with the Commissioners and Auditors about the Manner of auditing the Accounts, and about their Proposition concerning landing Goods at sensonable Hours, and the reducing all the Offices under the Office in London; Consideration of the Salary and Lists of Officers referred; Governors of Forts not to feize upon the Receipts, or protect Persons from paying them - Ordinance for reimbursing them 9,000 £ advanced for Lord General's Army - Member to prepare Ordinance for continuing them, 30 - Ordinance for their paying 5,000 £ to Mr. Trenchard for the Service of the West, 1 Apr. - Ordinance for continuing them read twice, and committed; Reported, read, and agreed to; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 8. - The Committee for the Excise to present from the Commissioners of the Excise a Particular of Engagements thereupon, and of Cash in hand, 13 - To desire them to pay the Month's Pay for Lord General's Army, 16. A Committee to withdraw, and receive their Answer; Answer reported; Declaration that the House expects them forthwith to advance it, 17. Committee withdraw again to treat with them; their Answer in Writing presented; Member to acquaint them House expects Part to be paid within Three Days, 18. A Committee to desire them to advance the Whole forthwith, 20. - Ordinance for authorizing them to advance 20,000 £ sent to Lords, 22. - Commissioners to be pressed to pay in the Remainder within Two Days, 25. Their Answer reported, 27. - Explanatory Ordinance of the Ordinance concerning the Second 10,000 £ for Lord General's Army, sent to Lords, 4 May. The Committee for the Excise to take care the Money be duly paid, 17. To acquaint them House expects the Money to be ready in a Week, 18. That they expect it to be ready within Four Days, 20 & 21. - Order for their paying 12,700 £ the Remainder of the Second Month's Pay within Five Days, 6 June - Ordinance for securing to them 10,000 £ advanced for Lord General's Army, agreed to by Lords, 23 May - Ordinance for reimbursing them 12,300 £ advanced for the same Service, sent to Lords, 22 June - Ordinance for reimbursing them what they shall advance to make up 10,000 £ for that Service, 7 Aug. - Ordinance for securing 5,000 £ advanced for Sir William Waller's Brigade, read, agreed to, and sent to Lords, 4 May - Order for securing them for Monies advanced for Arms for the West, 8. - No more Monies to issue out till further Order; a Committee to inquire into the State of the Monies and the Cash in hand, and what they can spare within Two Days, 18 - Commissioners to be desired to advance 1,000 £ for the Reformadoes, 21 - A Committee to press the Commissioners to comply with the Order, 21 Aug. - Ordinance for them to issue 1,000 £ for English Reformadoes; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 30 Sept. - Commissioners to be pressed to fornish the Money, 26 & 29 Oct. - Their Answer reported, 1 Nov. - Report of Rules to be observed by the Commissioners and Auditors - The Committee for Excise to consider what Officers are employed in the several Counties, and their Salaries, 22 May. - Commissioners to be desired to pay Monies now ready for Sir William Waller's Brigade, 25. Their Answer and Petition read; Resolutions touching their Promise of 20,000 £ for the West; Order for paying the Money to Mr. Trenchard - Order for their paying 200 £ Weekly, assigned for the maimed Soldiers, 27 - for their immediate Compliance, 10 July - Ordinance for 200 £ Weekly out of the Excise for them, read, and passed; agreed to by Lords, 3 Aug. - Ordinance for securing and reimbursing them 20,000 £ advanced for the West, to be prepared, 27 May; Form thereof, 28 - Propositions from the Commissioners of Excise to be considered, 6, 8, & 20 July - 9 & 12 Aug. Considered; several agreed to, others laid aside, 19. - The Committee for Excise to treat with the Commissioners concerning the Forbearance of the Payment of 10,000 £ to the Merchant Adventurers, 20 July. - Ordinance for reimbursing them the Money, 20 Aug. Agreed to by Lords, with an Amendment; Amendment agreed to, 21. Commissioners to be hastened to pay it to Sir William Waller, 12. - The Committee to consider the Commissioners Accounts for the Time past, and of a Discharge to be given them - Auditors to be allowed 500 £ a Year each - List of Names and Salaries signed by the Committee to be a sufficient Warrant to the Auditors to pass them, 26 July - Ordinance appointing Receivers of the new Excise, read twice, and passed; agreed to by Lords. - A Committee to treat with the Commissioners about a Loan of 7,000 £ for Sir William Waller's and Lord General's Armies, 3 Aug. - A Committee to inquire of them what Monies they had from the West, 10 - Order for borrowing 1,200 £ of them for the Forces at Wareham; Member to prepare Ordinance for the Security and Repayment thereof, 14. - Commissioners to be pressed to comply with the Order, 21 & 30 Aug. - 4 & 7 Sept. - Ordinance for establishing Rules and Instructions for the Commissioners, &c. 19. - Ordinance for continuing it, read twice, and agreed to; Lord Concurrence to be desired, 27. Signified, 28. - The Title to the Commissioners Propositions and Instructions read; Lords Concurrence to be desired, 30 - Order for Commissioners advancing 3000 £ for the West, 27 Aug. - Sent to Lords, 9 Sept. - for their punctual complying with the Ordinance for advancing 2000 £ Monthly to the Lieutenant of the Ordnance, 2 Sept. - Order for their issuing 4,500 £ for Arms and Cloaths for Lord General's Foot; a Committee to treat with them about paying the Remainder, 11. They undertake to advance 1,500 £ Ordinance for Repayment thereof read, 21. Agreed to by Lords, 27 - Another for securing the Payment of 5,000 £ advanced by them, read; nothing done thereupon - Order for their immediate paying 5,000 £ 24. Declaration that the Residue is chargeable only upon the Receipts of Excise, 26 - Commissioners to be desired to expedite the Payment of 5,000 £ to Sir William Waller's Army, 24. Ordinance for reimbursing them, 28 - The Committee for Excise to treat with Commissioners for furnishing 10,000 £ for Lord General's Army, 30 - Ordinance for reimbursing them, 3 Oct. Sent to Lords, 4 - Order for their advancing 500 £ upon Account to the Waggon-master General, 7. Members to desire them to comply therewith, 18. Ordinance for reimbursing them, 19. - Ordinance for reimbursing them 500 £ advanced for Major General Skippon, 9. - A Committee to treat with them about advancing 2,000 £ for Soldiers Widows, 16 - Commissioners to be pressed to advance it, 24, 25, 26, & 29 - Their Answer reported, 1 Nov. - Ordinance for reimbursing them 2,000 £ advanced for Provisions for Lord General's Army, read, and passed; Lord's Concurrence to be desired, 23 Oct. - Ordinance for reimbursing them 6,000 £ advanced for the Navy, read, agreed to, and sent to Lords, 26 - Commissioners to be desired to advance 6,000 £ for the Armies, 4 Nov. - Ordinance for reimbursing them 5,000 £ advanced for Lord General's Army, 14 - A Committee to treat with them about advancing 5,000 £ for the Armies, 19. To press them to advance 3,000 £ the Residue thereof, for Sir William Waller's Army, 26 - Member to press them to advance 1,000 £ for the Garisons, 20 - Letter to be sent to the Committees and Deputy Lieutenants in the several Counties for better getting in the Excise, 21. - Read, and agreed to, 6 Dec. - Member to treat with Commissioners about advancing 500 £ for the Garison at Windsor Castle - To prepare Ordinance for reimbursing them, 23 Nov. - Form thereof, 6 Dec. - A Committee to press them to the speedy Advance of 2,000 £ for the West, and acquaint them nothing shall be done to the Prejudice of the Excise, 5 - Ordinance for reimbursing them the 2,000 £ agreed to by Lords - Delaration that the House will not divert the Course of Receipts in the associated Counties - A Committee to desire them to advance 3,000 £ to the Committee of both Kingdoms, 6. Order for their paying 2,000 £ now promised to Mr. Frost, 7 - Ordinance for reimbursing them the Money, and for assuring to them the Reimbursement of Monies they shall advance, read, and passed; Lords Concurrence to be desired - A Committee to press them to advance 7000 £ for the Armies, and 1,000 £ for the Reformadoes, 10.

-, 1642, Ordinance concerning it agreed to by Lords, 24 Mar.
-, 1643, Letter concerning Ministers neglecting their Cures; the Committee to inquire into it, 27 Mar. Persons sent down, 30 - Letter from a Committee; Committees added, 4 Apr. - Committees added to the Committee for Sequestrations, 14 - Order for disfranchising such Citizens as are in War against the Parliament, 15 May - A Committee to treat for the speedy 'Relief thereof, 3 Aug. Vide Western Parts. - Another Committee to consider of the Surrender of the Town, and of a Pamphlet, intituled, Articles of Agreement between his Excellency and the Earl of Stamford, 23 Sept.
-, Earl of, 1644, to have Pass to go beyond Sea, 28 Sept.
-, Countess of, 1643, her Servant to have Warrant to go to Oxon, 22 Feb.

-, Mr. 1643, to be summoned to attend the Service of the House, 1 & 13 Apr. To be admitted, upon Report from the Committee for absent Members, 19.