House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 16 August 1644

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 16 August 1644', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644( London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 23 October 2024].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 16 August 1644', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644( London, 1802), British History Online, accessed October 23, 2024,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 16 August 1644". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644. (London, 1802), , British History Online. Web. 23 October 2024.


In this section

Die Veneris, Augusti 16, 1644.


Lands over- flowed for Defence of Hull.

THE humble Petition of Tho. Grantham Esquire, a Member of this House, was this Day read; de- siring a Discharge for the Payment of some Rent to the Revenue, for some Lands he holds, which were drowned, near Hull, to preserve the Town from the King's Forces; and committed unto Mr. Ellis, Sir Hen. Vane, Mr. Hatcher, Sir Anth. Irby, Sir H. Mildmy, Mr. Broxolme, Sir Rob. Pye, Mr. Crue, Colonel Long, Sir Simon D'Ewes, Sir Martin Lister; or any Four of them: . . . are to consider of the Petition and of the Declaration made by both Houses, for Reparation of such Persons as received Prejudice by drowning of their Grounds to preserve the Town of Hull; and upon the whole Matter, to present their Opinions to this House: And a Letter to be sent to the Committee of Parliament, residing in the North, to acquaint them with the Sense of this House upon that Declaration, of Consideration to be had of such as have suffered by the said Overflowing: And are to meet this Afternoon, Two Clock, Exchequer Chamber.

Arundell's Petition.

The humble Petition of Tho. Arundell Esquire, one of the Members of this House, was this Day read; and ordered to be referred to the Examination of the Com- mittee for Gloucester: And that Mr. Christo. Worthyvale, who informed against him, be forthwith summoned up to make good his Information: And that the Letter, now with the Committee of both Kingdoms, concerning him, be sent unto this Committee. They have likewise Power to examine the Passages and Carriages of placing and displacing Officers in the Fort of Plymouth, for the Space of a Year passed: And have Power to send for Parties, Witnesses, Papers, Records, &c.

Oats for Army.

Ordered, That Four hundred Quarter of the Oats provided for the King's Stores, now at Saint Catharine's, be forthwith delivered to Mr. Vassall, Mr. Alexander Bence, and Mr. Rolle, to take care to put on Shipboard, to be forthwith sent unto my Lord General's Army: And Mr. Manly, Mr. Crosse, and all others that are con- cerned therein, are hereby required to deliver the same accordingly.

Free Quarter.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of both Kingdoms, to take some speedy Order, that the Officers and Soldiers billetted upon free Quarter in the Counties and Villages near upon this Town, may be removed fur- ther, to lie upon the King's Quarters.

Papists, &c. Estates.

Ordered, That the Information given in from Captain Jo. Jesop, concerning the Value of Ten thousand Pounds to be discovered out of Papists and Malignants' Estates, be referred to the Committee for Examinations; and, that if he shall give them any particular Information where the said Monies, to such a considerable Value, may be had, that they shall send trusty Messengers with him to the particular Places discovered by him; and that, out of such Monies so discovered by him, he shall have the Conditions demanded.

Tenures by Knights Service.

Mr. Ellis, Mr. Strode, Mr. Maynard, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Jo. Curson, Sir Rob. Pye, Sir Tho. Walsingham, Mr. Rigby, Mr. White, Serjeant Wilde, Mr. Tate, Sir Anth. Irby, Mr. Recorder, Mr. Selden, Mr. Hill, Sir Tho. Widdrington, Sir Sam. Rolle, Sir Rob. Harley, Mr. Trenchard, Mr. Niclas;

This Committee or any Four, is appointed to consider of the best Way of taking away of all Tenures by Knights Service, and of raising Monies thereby: And are to meet this Afternoon at Two of Clock, in the Star Chamber; and so, from time to time, when and where they please: And have Power to call for Parties, Witnesses, Papers, Records, &c.: And the Care of this Business in parti- cular is referred to Mr. Strode.

Leicester Militia Com- mittee, &c.

Mr. Crew presented from the Committee of both Kingdoms, certain Informations given in by the Lord Grey to the Committee of both Kingdoms, concerning certain Passages betwixt him and the Committee for the Militia of the County of Leicester: The which were read; and, upon the Question, ordered to be referred to a Committee to consider of the Informations, Examina- tions, and Letters; and to hear the Witnesses, and to state the Matter upon the Whole; and to consider what is fit to be done for the best Advantage of the Publick; and to present their Opinions to the House.

Mr. Recorder, Mr. Rigby, Sir Martin Lister, Sir Jo. Curson, Mr. Hodges, Mr. Stevens, Sir Christ. Wray, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Cage, Mr. Holland, Sir Sam. Rolle, Sir Walt. Erle, Sir Nevile Poole, Lord Wemnan, Mr. Jo. Ashe, Mr. Gourdon, Mr. Blakiston, Mr. Buller, Sir Anth. Irby, Mr. Purefoy, Sir Christ. Yelverton, Mr. Maynard, Sir Hen. Cholmeley: And are to meet this Afternoon, at Two of Clock, in the Exchequer Chamber: And have Power to send for Parties, Witnesses, Papers, Records.

Intercepted Letter.

A Letter from the Lord Inchiquin, Lord Broghill, and other chief Officers and Commanders of the Province of Munster, was this Day read, directed to his Majesty, (intercepted) relating the Grounds and Reasons that no Peace ought to be had with the Rebels of Ireland; and, thereupon, their putting themselves in Arms against the Rebels: And

It is Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of both Kingdoms, to find out a speedy and safe Way of sending this Letter to his Majesty.

State of the Navy.

Ordered, That the Committee of the Navy do, To- morrow, report the State of the Navy, in relation both to the Summer's Fleet now out, and the Winter Guard speedily to be set forth.

Irish Affairs.

Mr. Maynard reports the Opinions of the Committee concerning the Propositions and Demands of the Commis- sioners from the British Forces in Ulster, for the vigorous carrying on of the War against the Rebels in Ireland.

Ordination of Ministers.

The House being informed, that divers of the Assem- bly were at the Door; and desire to present something to the House;

They were called in: And acquainted the House, that they had received a Copy, from this House, of the whole Business concerning Ordination of Ministers; and, with it, an Order to present the Names of Twenty-three to be appointed to ordain: They are ordered, from the As- sembly, to desire Liberty to consider of the whole Busi- ness, before they presented Names.

They withdrew.

And the House fell into Debate of the Business; and thereupon Ordered, That the Assembly of Divines should have Liberty to consider of the Whole, before they pre- sented the Names of the Twenty-three to be appointed to ordain Ministers.

The Divines were again called in: And Mr. Speaker, by Command of the House, acquainted them, That they had Liberty to consider of the Whole, before they pre- sented the Names, as is desired; and they should acquaint the Assembly with so much.

Message from Lords.

A Message from the Lords, by Sir Edw. Leech and Mr. Page;

The Lords have sent down an Order to enable the Committees of both Houses to treat with the States Am- bassadors; in which they desire the Concurrence of this House; and that they would take it into speedy Con- sideration, in regard that this Day the Post goes into Holland. They have likewise received a Petition; and upon it made an Order for the King's Taylor to go with some Particulars to Oxon.

States Am- bassadors.

The Order to enable the Committees of both Houses, formerly appointed to treat with the States Ambassadors, was read; and, by Vote upon the Question, assented unto.

Answer to Lords.

Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House has considered their Lordships Message; and do agree to the Order for enabling the Committee to treat with the States Ambassadors: And, as to the Petition and Order concerning the Prince's Taylor, they will send Answer by Messengers of their own.

Martial Law.

A Message from the Lords, by Serjeant Finch and Serjeant Whitfeild;

The Lords do agree, That the Clause in the Ordinance for Martial Law, concerning the Respiting of Execution after Judgment, till the Houses be acquainted, should be left out: And do hold it fit, that the Sheriffs of Lon- don, and all the Sheriffs of the several Counties under the Power of the Parliament, be required to take Order, That this Ordinance may be speedily published: And desire that this House would concur therein.

Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House has considered their Lordships Message; and do agree, that the Sheriffs of London, and all the Sheriffs of the Counties and Places under the Parliament's Power, be required forthwith to publish this Ordinance in all the Counties, Cities, Towns Corporate, and Places, under the Power of the Parliament.

Ordered, That the Commissioners of the Great Seal be required forthwith to issue their Writs to the Sheriffs of London, and to the several and respective Sheriffs of all the Counties, Cities, Towns Corporate, and other Places, under the Power of the Parliament; requiring them forth- with to publish the Ordinance of Lords and Commons, concerning Martial Law, in all the Counties, Cities, Towns Corporate, and other Places, respectively, within their respective Jurisdictions.

The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.

Irish Affairs.

Ordered, That the Business concerning Munster and Ulster, be taken into Consideration, on Monday Morning: And that the Committee of this House, for the Affairs of Ireland, do meet this Afternoon, and call unto them the Gentlemen of Munster and Ulster; and, after Con- ference with them, present to the House the best and readiest Means for the Preservation of those Provinces, and for providing of Monies to that Purpose.

The Assembly.

Ordered, That Sir Gilb. Gerard do, To-morrow, make Report of the Papers concerning the Assembly.


Ordered, That Mr. Peirpoint do, To-morrow, at Nine of Clock, peremptorily, make Report of the Propositions.

Transactions with Holland.

Ordered, by the Lords and Commons, assembled in Parliament, That the Earl of Northumberland, Earl of Kent, Earl of Lincoln, Earl of Stamford, Lord Viscount Say and Seale, Lord North, Lord Grey, Mr. Green, Dr. Eden, Mr. Selden, Mr. Prideaux, Mr. Vassall, Sir Benja- min Rudyard, Sir Dudly North, Sir Christopher Yelverton, Sir Symonds D'Ewes, Mr. Roll, Sir Henry Vane sen. Mr. Cage, and Sir Walter Erle, be appointed a Committee to treat with the Lords Ambassadors of the States of the United Provinces, touching their Complaints of Damages done unto their Subjects, in their Ships and Merchandize, by the Ships set forth by the Parliament; and to receive the Complaints of the Subjects of this Kingdom, of In- juries and Damages done them by the Subjects of the States: And that Notice be given unto their Lordships of this Order, accordingly, by the Clerk of the Lords House.